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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Tense meeting, bad service and weird subway

      by , 09-08-2010 at 12:39 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hello everyone! I was supposed to try out the CANWILD method, in which you set an alarm, don't move a muscle and slip back to sleep. I was way too tired this morning to be bothered hah! If I don't have to get up, I won't. Anyways I did have a nice night, three long dreams and two fragments, in one which I had an LD! It was the shortest one I've had but still. Here they are:

      D1 Night: I'm sitting at a table with my grandpa infront of me. He's about to have a very important business meeting and I'm there as his consult or whatever. I take out my cellphone and turn on the record function. I barely have time to put it in my pocket before a man enters the room. He greets us and they start talking business. I can tell he's really nervous and is sweating like a pig. Instead of talking to eachother, they start drawing pictures with crayons. Just random colors on the paper like a three-year old would do. I can see that there's text hidden in those symbols. Just as if there were cameras in the room, recording everything. After ages of drawing, the meeting is finally over. I go to the bathroom and take out my cellphone. The record had stuck at two hours. "Damn that was a long meeting" I say to myself.

      D2 Night: I'm at McDonalds with my friend G. The girl serving me is a complete bitch, and as we are about to walk out of there, I tell her that her performance sucks. Apparently she is going home with us. G gets angry at me and starts whining. I really don't feel like taking his crap so I tell him and his new girlfriend to walk ahead of me. He agrees and I ask for the keys to the appartment. He throws them at me and starts running. After a few seconds he comes running back panting. "I forgot, I don't even have the key" I give him the keys back and he runs off again. I'm left all alone in the middle of the night and walks slowly home. After a steep hill I can hear some weird noises coming from a barn on the side of the road. I can tell it's children doing something bad, like drugs! I start thinking of going in there to scare them a little.

      D3 Night: I'm on a cool boat with my girlfriend Monica. We're cruising down the river here in my hometown and Monica is hyped up. "We should put down crayfish traps all the way to the end!" I try to turn the boat around but it's too narrow! Somehow I manage to do it anyways but the boat almost turns over in the process. I can hear glasses shattering under deck in the cabin.

      D4 10.30: I don't remember much but I'm with a girl dressed in black. Suddenly I get lucid after remembering the girl in the bathtub. The girl in black lay down and I position myself ontop of her. Instead of getting that nice feeling, I'm starting to feel my body. "No, no, no!" I think for myself. "Someone told me to concentrate real hard on the dream, it might work!" I try concentrating and the dream doesn't vanish! I'm once again in the dream and I try to move a little, it feels nice but the dream is too fuzzy for it to be exciting. I black out a few seconds later.

      D5 11.30:I'm in a cab with my friend G. We're going to Mörby and I'm wearing a thin jacket. The cab stops and we get out and starts walking towards the subway entrance. The guy in the booth is sleeping so I tell G to just walk on without paying. On the very slim escalator I see alot of people, wearing ghetto-clothes. "Hmm this must be the new ghetto in Sweden" I think for myself and we enter the subway station. Apparently there's a new track being opened today. It includes 10 new stations and the old track is closed for repairs. I don't recognise any of the names on the board and I don't really know where I'm going. A train enters the station and we are about to get on, only if they hadn't occupied the entire thing. We end up standing on the platform, watching the train leave the station. But wait? We're the ones moving, not them! I point this out to my friend Felix and he agrees with me. "This is awesome!" I say and fall down. I feel really drunk and can't stand up properly. The tickets on this new train, are wooden sticks of some kind. I'm holding two and I notice that I'm wearing my winter-jacket. "Wasn't I wearing my autumn-jacket?" I ask. "And where's G?" I figure he must have left on the platform or something. Suddenly I want to get off the train, and ask if Felix or Eric wants to come with me. They don't and I walk out all by myself. I'm in my home city again and in the middle of a roundabout. I run to the other side of the road and cars have to stop. My shoes are now some kind of flip-flops and I'm greeted by two alcoholics with no front teeth.

      Amount of sleep: 9 hours

      I just signed up for a MILD class. I really hope I get in, since I'm not really a newb. But I do need the motivation and some tips on how to achieve lucidity. I just think about it alot and hope for the best.

      Any suggestions? Are RCs really THAT important? This is what the paintings looked like in the first dream:

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 09-08-2010 at 12:43 PM by 36346

      Tags: boat, drunk, subway
      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Tarzan and the operating table

      by , 09-08-2010 at 09:34 AM
      Ignored markers - new territory.

      My cousin... helped me ... in a school setting? But all worked out because I accomplished the goal and was able to plug into society properly.

      I was in the upper crust of society. Well off, very. It was a carry over from a previous phase in the dream, so I guess this is a fragment.

      I had duties to perform. There was a car that my father helped me with. I couldn't figure it out on my own, but he didn't have enough time himself. The battery was full of acid though, you can tell because the liquid was low and the red indicator was exposed. When they get like this they could explode, my father said. I took the acid bomb out of my vehicle and placed it on the floor of the back seat. It was uncomfortable.


      I needed something further, and my father obliged. He was a gorilla, and he sacrificed his large, majestic form for my needs: parts of his skull and his forearms were given to me. The procedure was done instantly, and I was whole, the mirror revealed. Father couldn't close his face. He stood there looking as if he was waiting to die, or perhaps I hoped he would die for the cruelty my need imposed on him. His large gorilla hands were crudely shoved into the ends of his arms, and he stood there unable to close his face, looking at me. The horror he suffered. The sacrifice he made.

      Sceneflash... he's no longer a gorilla, but well dressed. The head trauma is no longer there, he is able to speak, but his human hands are still crudely pushed into the ends of his shortened human arms. They are covered by his nice pullover sweater, but when he extends his arms to hug me his hands spin downwards.

      We agree to go somewhere but something isn't right. I understand his body language to reveal his dark intention, and I parallel his foot movements, aware of a computer controlled sniper rifle behind me, watching me, awating his whispered command. He won't dare fire it as long as I am behind him. When we get out of range I let him know that I was aware as I stand up next to him.

      Awaken - the horror on his face from the previous surgery still fresh in my mind.
    3. Chasing an Ex, quite pathetic - Seriously missing dream signs

      by , 09-08-2010 at 09:19 AM
      non-dream - non-lucid - lucid

      08-09-10 Many dreams involving Sisse and the grand scheme to win her back. I cannot recall the first encounter. I remember there being an episode where I seeing her at a party one night, I speak with her, quite opposite to the way I normally approach girls as my intentions are clear and I go for her. Actually the first situation I just approach her and tell her I would like to see her one of the days. In another situation I am on the phone with her asking when we were supposed to see each other and she tells me it was on that very day. She is not too disappointed and agrees to another time. I think I meet her at a party and flirt with her, there is definitely chemistry, but I do not pursue it that given night.

      Something about Ruppert from EIMS is willing to give me a lift, I drive off on my own, remember I don't know where I am going turn around quickly and find Ruppert waiting at a restaurant, he sort of gestures that it is about time I turn up.

      I am trying to remember the name of a bar or restaurant I am supposed to meet Sisse...

      Something about my mum telling me that yesterday I said I wanted to go to a particular restaurant the following morning, but I tell my mum that it was only a dream (not realising that then of course so must this be if my mum knows about it ). I think there is about 3 dreams where I arrange to go somewhere to meet her, but never does. I am sitting at a diner looking through the window across the road into the restaurant my mum mentioned, just in case I actually did arrange for her to be there, she is not. I am recalling to myself the previous 3 dreams in which I arranged to meet her (not thinking the slightest about doing a reality check >.<).

      Jes Dorph is on the news explaining how the media tends to utilise fearmongering as a way of creating news that are interesting. Then he switch the scene to a place where snow is still on the roof although the temperature outside is 28 degrees. I am all of a sudden at the place and I am telling (my dad I think) that it isn't really snow, but more of a foam like substance.

      Something about violence in Danish football either a newsflash shows or I am there to see it happen by the corner flag.
    4. 09/06/10 Death Bed

      by , 09-08-2010 at 08:55 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was in a bedroom that wasn't actually mine, but my waterbed was there along with a few other beds crammed into the room. There were a total of four other people in the room, four beds other than my own, there were two men and two women there, I knew them all as friends. It was larger bedroom than my room IWL, but it was still very crowded with five beds crammed in there. I was lying on my waterbed, fading in and out of sleep, when someone got my attention. It was one of the guys, he was boasting and bragging on how he pwned some mugger that had gone after him, he said he had pulled out his knife and gutted the guy, that sounded a bit violent to me… the worst part was that when he stated he had knifed the mugger in the gut, he drove his knife down into my waterbed, tearing a big hole in the mattress! I was pissed off at him, I told him he was paying for the new mattress, he said the leak was small and could be fixed. I got the leak repair kit out and tried to put a patch on the leak, but it was too big for that. I repeated to the guy that he would be paying for my new mattress.

      I thought for a bit, trying to think of the name of the place I went to last time I needed a new waterbed mattress. I was annoyed at the fact I couldn't think of it since it hasn't been that long since I have gotten a new one. I couldn't think of the name, but I opened the phone book to the right spot to find the bed stores. I finally thought of the name… A Bedder Bed… and then I went straight to the phone number for the place. I picked up the phone beside my bed and was going to dial, but there was no dial tone on the phone… I immediately figured someone had forgotten to pay the phone bill. Well, I knew where the place was, so I would just go out and get the mattress. I pointed at the guy who had stabbed my bed, repeating one more time that he would be paying for my new mattress, which would probably be $70 to $90 dollars, so he had better have it ready. With that I got in my car and left the house, which was a place I didn't recognize at all, and headed to the main road.

      As I left the house, I reminded myself that the house I had been staying at is downtown, so I would have to drive out from town to get to A Bedder Bed instead of in towards town. I drove along a couple of the roads, was force to take a detour by road construction, and then I proceeded to get completely lost in a really confusing neighborhood before I finally found my way back to the main road. I went to the shopping area where I knew A Bedder Bed was, pulled in to the parking area, and went to park in front of the store… but it was gone! It was seriously closed, there were boards over all of the windows, there were signs on the boarded windows and door that said the place was closed for good. Shit! Where was I supposed to get my waterbed mattress now? I saw what looked like a yard sale in the parking lot, so I went to check it out. There was a man selling off the remaining inventory of A Bedder Bed, so I looked for my mattress. Unfortunately I didn't find one… crap. The man said the stuff in questionable condition was in the trash dumpster out back, so I went there next. I was literally digging through the trash until I found a waterbed mattress that said Super Single, the size of my bed, and was still sealed in its packaging. I just hoped it would be ok.

      So I got back in my car and drove back to the house, this time I managed to avoid getting lost. I was thinking I might just go ahead and tell the jerk who had stabbed my bed that he owed me some money, but maybe drop it to a round $50 and said it was a going out of business sale. I was debating as to if that would be an acceptable thing to do or if that would make me an asshole. I parked in front of the house and went in through the carport. There was a guy, not one of the ones from the bedroom earlier, sitting in a car with the engine running. I immediately noticed there was a hose going from the exhaust into the cabin of the car, he was in the process of killing himself! I went to the driver's door and I was going to do something when I realized the window was wide open. Actually, all of the windows were open. I asked the guy what was going on, he said life wasn't worth living so he was putting an end to it. I told him the windows were all open… he said yeah, he'd tried it with the windows closed, but the exhaust had smelled bad, so he opened them so his dying moments wouldn't stink. I figured that obviously he would never successfully kill himself like that. I told him that he was, however, wasting gas and putting off unnecessary air pollution for those of us left behind to deal with… so he should turn off the engine while waiting to die. He said I had a good point, no reason to ruin the environment for those of us left behind, so he turned the engine off. He leaned back in the driver's seat and continued waiting for his suicide attempt to work. I didn't bother telling him his attempt at killing himself was destined to be an epic fail.

      I went into the house and looked for my waterbed, I found it was still filled with water. The asshole who had stabbed it was putting one final piece of duct tape on the mattress, which was practically entirely covered with duct tape. It looked like the entire mattress was made from duct tape. The guy looked at me and said my mattress was as good as new, so he wouldn't have to pay for my new one. I told him I didn't think that would hold, but if it did, then I would agree to that. He seemed happy and drank down a beer in one gulp, following it up with a loud burp. I didn't really want to hang out with these people right now, so I went to leave the house again. The guy who had been killing himself met me at the door and said he had decided against suicide. He said it just takes too long, and it's so damn boring! That completed his epic fail at committing suicide. I just shook my head as I walked out the door and woke up.
    5. Meeting Mosh at the Moon! Possible dream Share.

      by , 09-08-2010 at 07:27 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Meeting Mosh at the Moon! Possible dream Share. (DILD)


      Well, finally I'm getting back in shape. Three dreams yesterday (one lucid) and seven dreams today (five fragments, one long dream and one lucid) I am going late tonight to bed, so this night won't be as awesome I think!


      I was at the Artifex store playing and looking for cards. The store was very packed and I wanted to take a look over the dollar bin rare cards. Jim (the owner) told me to grab the cards and find a seat where I could. He trusted me and he knew I was going to steal nothing.

      I sat in a corner and started to look for cards. I saw two foil promo Damnation. I was surprised because each one was worth $30. I felt tempted to sneak them in the pile of cards, but I felt bad. I was going to tell Jim to place them were they belong and hopefully, to get a better price on one of them.

      I browsed for more cards and walked towards the counter. I realized I had a huge pile of cards and it was going to be a lot of money. I reviewed the pile and I found several crappy penny cards. I was wondering why I did grab those. I sat in another table. I saw a few students from junior school doing some homework. I was now with Earl, a friend. I told him about the damnation and the crappy cards that got into my hand. I could not find the damnations in the pile. I found several odd cards, some of them, were worth around $400. I was super confused about how come those cards got there. I looked at the cards once more, and I found some of the most expensive cards from the entire collection. I got mad and did a RC.

      I had one of my fingers smaller that usual and realized I was dreaming. I woke up and said, "I love playing cards, but not in my lucids. Bye." I kissed my wife and left.

      The store lead to a country instead to its regular parking lot. The dream was very blurry and not stable. I decided to fly as usual to make it stable. I only could see a little bit of bright light, so I kept flying. I did not want to focus on the light as I was afraid I could wake up. After a while, the imaginary was back. It was night and I saw the moon. I decided to fly to it.

      For some reason, I had a little difficulty flying. My dream was not a 100% clear so I decided to slow down. I saw a wall and I decided to jump to it to get closer to the moon. I did and I saw another wall. I did this four times and I saw the moon bigger, but not more walls. The dream quality was perfect now so I planned to fly. My wife spawned from no where and wanted to go to the moon. I told her to just fly, but she was not able.

      I saw coming from my right a giant metallic platform. I knew it would take us to the Moon. I jumped into the platform and helped my wife to climb it. We gained speed and height until the dream turned black. I still felt myself in the dream but I could not see a thing. It was darkness from space but I saw no stars. I told my wife to keep focused in the dream, to move her eyes to keep REM active and to be in the dream. I moved my head fast to the left and the right maintaining my eyes wide open. After a while, darkness vanished and I saw a bright sunlight. My wife was asleep, but I could wake her up. She started to act dumb, but she started to be herself again after a while.

      I was now in the moon and I saw several DC. I could see half earth:

      I was happy and I approached a few DC. I told my wife I was going to look for someone. I asked the DCs, "Do you guys know were WakingNomad is?" They told me he was not at the moon today. I cursed and asked, "How about MoSh from Dreamviews?" They all moved away and pointed at him.

      Mosh wore a gray t-shirt and told me, "Hey Percy! Welcome to the Moon!" I told him about WakingNomad and he told me he was not there today.

      I looked at the "sky" of the moon and I saw once more the Earth and the Sun. The sun looked different, more like fire and lava (space view) I though it could be fun to fly now to the Sun. I wondered how it could feel. The dream vanished and I woke up.

      Missed dream signs:
      - None.

      Spotted dream signs:
      - The funny situation with the cards.

      Reality Check Performed:
      - Hand check (failed. turned lucid)
      lucid , non-lucid
    6. After the damnation.

      by , 09-08-2010 at 07:26 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      After the damnation. (Non-lucid)


      Well, finally I'm getting back in shape. Three dreams yesterday (one lucid) and seven dreams today (five fragments, one long dream and one lucid) I am going late tonight to bed, so this night won't be as awesome I think!


      Most humans were wiped out due a catastrophe. I was almost alone, however, my dad (jerk dad) and his wife survived. We had two dogs who also survived and they were my friends. These were big rotwailler dogs and my jerk dad feared them.

      My dad wanted to start something to become the leader of the world. I had a Manchego cheese but my dad took it from my hands. That cheese was going to help him archive his goal. My jerk dad's wife told me that I had to take more care of my self. She told me, "Microsoft word and excel is working fine. I need you to program PowerPoint and launch it." I felt bad because my jerk dad was going to take it all.

      They went to see the TV and I started to write code in the computer. I could hear an ad from Toys R Us at the TV and I found that odd.
      I logged in my account from Ikariam as a player (not as a Super Operator) to see what and who got destroyed there.

      I was bugged because my jerk dad was going to be the richest guy in the world. I was now outside with the dogs. They were on guard and they attacked each one who tried to harm me. I felt happy with my dogs and I wondered how the years to come would be.

      Missed dream signs:
      - The humanity was almost entirely obliterated.
      - I was with my jerk dad (I do not see him in waking)
      - I had TWO dogs (pair is a major dream sign)

      What I would have done if lucid:
      - Ask questions to my jerk dad and to the dogs.
    7. Satan as Gordon Ramsey

      by , 09-08-2010 at 05:15 AM
      I was in hell, and I had a team of cooks with me. We were in the kitchen ("hell's kitchen" is a recurring theme for me) and all my cooks were busy. The place was pristine, everything was in its place, all surfaces were clean, all was well...

      ...until Satan came in. He was extremely upset. He had hooves and horns, but all features beyond his silhouette were indistinguishable: he seemed to be completely made of molten lava. He stormed through the kitchen with such blazing heat that the surfaces melted, and in his wrath he destroyed my cooks, one by one.

      I stood near a counter, shocked and stunned. Such raw power, such extreme violence, such anger... and I was powerless to appease or defend. He took his time destroying the kitchen and my staff, and I had the feeling that I was an observer of the situation, until he stomped towards me, curses coming from his lava mouth. I laid down on the floor in complete submission and humility, because I felt any form of defiance would have been ludicrous. His crotch began to glow bright yellow, then white hot, and he urinated right over my prone form. The bright hot lava stream splashed near my body but I wasn't touched.

      When he finished he stalked away, still hot, still glowing, still angry, still frighteningly powerful. I woke up with the lingering feelings of fear accompanied by an adrenaline rush and a small bit of relief. The rest of the dream faded in the face of this event.
    8. Another good night of dreams.

      by , 09-08-2010 at 04:07 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Good nights beget good nights, maybe? This is my 51st entry into this DJ and I can say, proudly, that I've had over 100+ dreams recalled since starting it up. That's pretty wild. No LDs yet--not liking that ratio :/. My wife is leaving for a vacation with her family for a week so I'll have the bed to myself. I'm going to go all out in trying different techniques I normally wouldn't be able to try, then. Til then here were my dreams from last night.

      I'm at some sort of rest stop and I seem to be staking out some guy. I'm in the bathroom and I see his clothing hanging on the knob. He has a pair or black pants and a fell phone inside of them. As I'm in there the phone loudly goes off with a rock n roll ring tone.

      Now we are in the parking lot to some business. It looks kind of like the shogun lot. An Asian man comes out of the building being tailed by police and reporters and me as well. The Asian man, Randy, had just used his inside information to lock away someone I believe is innocent. So I catch up with the man in the lot and demand to know how he came to his conclusion. In a broken American accent he tells menus refuses to answer.

      We reach his car and at this point I get angry and throw the man against if and get in his face. He finally tells me what I need to know and then two men, who had been hiding in a car and watching Randy, open fire on the two of us. I sprint off and Randy tries to as well. The men get out of the car and mutter something about how they can't believe be thought they'd let him live. As Randy is almost free he gets hit in the hand and in the back. I wake up.
      I'm watching this guy as he's pulled over. He has a beard and glasses. He's on the phone with his lawyer and in the background i see people going through his car. He tells his lawyer that the people that pulled him over found out that his new song has stolen rhythms in it. The lawyer is telling the guy angrily to cooperate in anyway possible.
      I'm talking to Phil about his curfew when he lived with his friends and how he had to be home by 10 if he expected any phone calls. We also talk about this other song that I had been working on prior.
    9. *9/4/10 Old Portables

      by , 09-08-2010 at 04:06 AM
      Me, a friend and his drug dealer are in a small, Las Vegas type town. We head to the dealer's place, which is a one floor building with a tower with neon signs on it. As we head up the tower, it feels a bit creepy and it has a green hue from the neon lights outside. We use a ladder to go up, passing by a bunch of circular rooms. I see smoke swirls and get worried that I will get high if I breathe them in, only because it is late.
      We are then at a movie theatre in a white room that looks sort of like a small unviversity classroom. There is a door beside the screen that leads to the small office that controls the movies. We pick up the person who is running the movies and leave. On our way out I think about how the people will be pissed when the movie ends and no more are playing because the operator is with us.

      I had a few dream fragments I remembered that were vivid, but I could remember hardly anything from them.
      One takes place in a Galaxy movie theatre that seems more like a huge indoor amusement park. The other is a birds eye view off my old elementary school, where the portable classrooms used to be.

      All in all not a very good night for dream recall, wish I could have remembered a lot more, but I will make up for it when I post the ones I had the past two nights. They were pretty damn epic.

      Updated 09-14-2010 at 03:35 AM by 35309

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. *9/3/10 Fantasy World

      by , 09-08-2010 at 03:52 AM
      So I was away from the internet for about a week but still wrote down my DJs, I'll post a few tonight and a few tomorrow so I don't spam the page

      I am standing near a tree on grassy rolling hills. When I do certain actions a bunch of stars are other designs fly at me from above, in one color. The color and shapes change every time I do an action. Eventually a unicorn also pops up with the colors, and he always seems angry and tries to attack me.

      I am on another planet with a group up other people, trying to find a spaceship to leave. It is a desert planet, and we are inside open sand colored stone structures. I can see large ships jutting up above the walls a few rooms away. They are in a large open area that looks like it could be used for a scrapyard if needed. My expedition is in an arena-type room behind me, and I am standing in a hallway lined with pillars. From a view up ahead I get a closeup on shark people walking down the hall towards me. I figure that they must be the planet's inhabitants. They are large, awkward looking, dress in purple cult robes and move pretty slowly. I climb up a pillar that is right next to the arena and suspend myself in the air by pushing against the pillar and the room-dividing wall. The shark people seem to be hostile and slowly walk beneath me and confront the expedition. They are asking for some kind of code. I realize that along this hallway there are small storage rooms numbered from 1 to about 20, and that they are asking for the correct room number. I know the code and am also hiding at the pillar next to it, room 16. In an effort to distract them from my people, I call out that it is room 16. The shark people see me and slowly walk towards me and the room, but I jump over to another pillar. I have also changed the code from 16 to 4 using just my mind. Without finding out what they need it for, the dream ends.
    11. i found my picks!

      by , 09-08-2010 at 03:38 AM
      I have lost my guitar picks... until last night! all i remember from my dreams is finding them and becoming super excited. not until i woke up did i realize that they were still lost :'(
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. 09/05/10 Cursed Tower

      by , 09-08-2010 at 02:48 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      My mother and I were moving the last of our moving boxes into the new house, which was much larger than the old one. Comparatively, we were moving from a shack to a mansion practically. There were many rooms, so many that I thought I might get lost in there somewhere, and there were two bedrooms that I particularly liked. The entire house was furnished, and all of the furniture was very nice, but the beds in those two bedrooms were particularly nice and comfortable. I was thinking I might not move my waterbed right in, I might try sleeping on a standard bed for a while, and one of those would be just the bed to try it on. So I chose the larger of the two rooms, both of them had their own bathroom, and I moved my boxes in there.

      My mother came in to see the room I had selected, and she said it was very nice. I was going to take a shower or a bath, not sure which, maybe a bath because the tub was so big I could swim in it… but when I turned the water on there was a lot of disgusting brown stuff coming out that I certainly didn't want to bathe in, the stuff smelled like raw sewage… yuck… so much for the bath or shower. I went into the bedroom and was going to get ready for bed, I sat down on the bed to see how it felt… and the bed collapsed. Now I know there is no way I am that fat! I might be a bit over weight, but not enough to break a bed! I turned on one of the lights so I could get a better look under the bed at what might have broken, but as soon as I flipped the switch there was a spark and the light went out, not only that, but the spark set the bed sheets on fire… My mom came in with a fire extinguisher and put out the flames.

      Ok, maybe this room wasn't the best choice… did we actually dare stay the night in any of these rooms? My mother said her room was fine, so I went to the room that was my second choice and checked that one out. I was able to run water in the tub and found out it looked clean, the bed supported my weight, and there were no sparks when I turned on the light. That was a good start, so I sat down on the bed and looked around at the furnished room. There was a strange book there, it looked pretty old, so I decided to take a look at it. I opened the book up and found it was about the history of the house I was in right now, and it was a strange history indeed. About 250 years ago the house wasn't a house at all, it was a tower, a tall tower where strange rituals took place. The people performing the rituals had disappeared long ago, and then the tower was transformed. There were three main segments of the house because someone had segmented the tower into three parts vertically and then placed the upper two parts on the ground near the base of the tower, and had then built the three parts together as a house… weird… and I got the idea that the house might be cursed, which was why everything there seemed to be failing…
    13. 9/4/10 Ripoff Jewelry!

      by , 09-08-2010 at 12:37 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      I was standing in a line with some other people. We were in a dark room I think. There was a table beside me with all sorts of jewelry on it. A middle aged man sitting in a chair was selling them for dirt cheap. While I was waiting, I picked up a pair of earrings that were in the shape of a beautiful Bible. The words "Holy saviour" were engraved in them. One guy in front of me got a pair of earrings (haha) for only 10 cents! Then it was my turn. The first thing on the jewelry rack was the thing you got. It was a beautiful diamond pattern necklace. I looked at the price tag, 20 bucks!

      I complained to the man, but he said nothing. So I slowly started counting the money up, and he told me to hurry up. I reached into my wallet to get the last five dollar bill, but I pulle dotu a 50 dollar check on accident and he grabbed it from me. I told him, "W-wait that's not five dollars!" But he didn't listen and threw it over his shoulder. Then he leaned forward and gave me a little pep talk.

      I can't remember what he said, but afterwards he handed me my check back and I took the jewelry.
    14. 8/31/10 No Name

      by , 09-08-2010 at 12:29 AM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Couldn't think of a name for this one

      The dream started out where I was in Mrs. B (my old homeroom teacher)'s room, sort of. Apparently we were told to meet at a gym for some academics thing. My friend (let's call her Ginger for security reasons) was standing on the other side of the room, and I was doing homework or something. A little girl (let's call her Anne) came up to me. She looked at what I was doing. Apparently seeking attention, I looked up at the girl and she told me the ceremony was to start soon. By now Ginger was already at the door waiting for us.

      I got up and Anne excitedly walked beside me.

      - - - - (No recall)

      I remember driving a Model T or Jeep (I couldn't tell which) in the parking lot outside the building (where the ceremony was held) and I kept going too fast and I couldn't find the brake on the car. All I felt was the gas pedal. With Ginger and Anne in the car, I was trying to be careful.

      I finally tied to park but almost hit the car nearest me. I backed up and tried again, this time my car went a little too far and almost fell over the small cliff in front of me. By now, Anne and Ginger were already out of the car, and Ginger was running towards the gym. Anne was waiting on me.

      I walked towards the front of the car and tried my best to not fall off. I was trying to push the car away from the drop off. Nothing to grab, I lost my balance and jumped to the nearest cliff rock in my panic. After this I looked around and saw my sketchbook on the rock beside me.

      In my effort to not let it fall (l0l) I grabbed and threw it to the top of the cliff by the car. After this I realized that I wasn't able to jump to where I originally was. So I prayed to myself that a boat might come along. A few minutes later, one did, to my amazement. But it looked sort of like a crane. I think I jumped down to it, and they hoisted me back up the cliff to my car.

      - - - - (no recall)

      I finally found Ginger and Anne in the main lobby of the building. We went into the gym but we only saw a few people. I guess I was walking towards a locker room and a British lady with a thick accent started talking to me from behind. I started mimicking her for some reason. l0l.
      The next little part of the dream is just to weird for me to say
    15. 6 Sep: conference, college, failed sex fantasy and chasing thieves

      by , 09-07-2010 at 10:59 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)

      A shitty night. I was very tired but still I tried so hard to set my mind to the elevator task (task of the month). I did dream about elevators a lot, but unfortunately it wasn’t good enough to accomplish the task.

      0:20 GMT – Sleep

      Can’t recall any dream, just thoughts come to my mind, but I doubt they are related to what I was dreaming.

      3:30 GMT

      Participating at a conference
      Remember vaguely a train travel (recurrent), being in a palace-like house (another recurrent) and taking an elevator (could have been the elevator task of the month, don’t know).
      Then I remember a bit better being with my mom at some conference room. We arrived late and were going to sit on the floor on the aisle, as we couldn’t find any available seats, but someone just arranged us two seats, lateral, but close enough to the front. No idea what the conference was about, but there was some person speaking and it was something political.
      Then I also remember being with my mom at some snack-bar or small dinner (maybe cafeteria of this conference place) and the menu was all around pasta dishes. I had a big fattening pasta dish wish cream sauce and I still had to eat part of my mothers dish because she didn’t want to eat it all and I always feel bad about leaving food on the plate.

      6:40 GMT

      College residences
      I’m staying with colleagues at what seems to be a college residence. From the main hallway, there were stairs leading to some kind of inner courts – shared rooms for groups of students – then leading to individual rooms. These common rooms were quite colourful and artistic, leaving me the impression that some of these students were art or fashion students.
      We are all departing the next day to someplace all together. Some already departed today. I just realise that I was supposed to go with today’s group and I’m pissed that now I have to spend money changing my ticket for the next day.
      When going from one group common room to my own, I have to go to the floor upstairs and on my way I encounter this little baby from this couple that is staying on their own separate double room with direct access to the hallway. The baby is lovely but too small to be playing alone in the hallway, so I stop and play with him, waiting for his parents to appear. I tickle him and he laughs like crazy. Then his parents do appear but they don’t seem so happy with what I’m doing. I try to break the ice saying I was just looking over the baby so he was safe and offer to babysit him whenever they need – “just knock on my door.”.

      Not my sexual fantasy, sorry
      I’m on the shower with my boyfriend when some other couple I never saw in my life join us on the opposite side of the shower. Thank god the bathtub was long and we didn’t even need to be close. I felt a bit uncomfortable, but hey, it’s just a shower, everyone’s naked, no reason to feel so embarrassed. I’m just curious where they came from and why. But then they start having sex, more specifically, the guy starts doing oral sex on the girl.
      I am shocked. They didn’t even say a word to us but then feel free to do that in front of us? But my boyfriend is getting horny and wants to play along. I am doubly shocked! I mean, I’m not extremely puritan, but I can’t do certain things with people I never saw before, there needs to be some emotional connection. So I just grab a towel and leave. But when I open the bathroom door, it goes directly to the street. I don’t care. I am wet, barefoot and half-naked but I just want to go away from that dream and do something else. Then I’m walking the streets, semi-lucid, enjoying being half-naked in a fancy neighbourhood, and guys in jaguars pass by and look totally surprised at me.

      Chasing thieves
      I’m coming out of a supermarket with my mom, carrying a trolley full of groceries. The supermarket is on a upper floor of some building and the parking lot is underground or ground level and with the trolley we need to take the elevator to get there.
      We are approached by a begging couple who offers to carry the trolley in exchange for some coins. We are not very willing to do so, but we agree. Then they enter the elevator with the trolley and there’s not enough space for us all. They tell us to go next that they’ll be waiting for us, but it smells fishy to me. I immediately sense that it’s a scheme just to rob us. I tell my mother to stay there and I basically jump all those floors – maybe 10 – through the centre of the stairways. I manage to arrive at the door of the elevator when they have just come out of it. The problem is they have an accomplice waiting and one manages to stall me while the other runs with the trolley. But not for long. I kick his ass, capture the other guy and also kick his ass and recover my trolley. Then I go back to the elevator to go up. But strangely enough, now it is too small, only has space for myself (I guess the trolley is now bye-bye from this dream) and I can’t even move. Once again I feel claustrophobic, so I decide to close my eyes until it stops. But it starts moving slower, I feel upset with that and I wake up. (Another lost opportunity for the task of the month).

      8:15 GMT – Wake up

      Updated 09-07-2010 at 11:07 PM by 34880

      non-lucid , dream fragment