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    1. In a Gay Relationship

      by , 12-26-2014 at 05:40 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      This is my fourth night of remembering dreams in a row! hip hip hooray
      -I wrote in my daily Waking Journal last night. I don't know if that's what's helping me or if I'm just naturally getting better at recalling dreams.

      I was in a gay relationship with an old friend, S. We only went out once and I don't think we ever kissed or anything. Before that, I told AP I was gay and she was very accepting. But I wasn't actually gay, I was just pretending to be in a relationship with this girl because I couldn't find the right guy. S was actually really nice and I think she really liked me.

      It had been quite awhile since we first went out and I hadn't really talked to her since. I felt kind of bad about that. We both had these mini journals that we would write in. I found a pencil in my closet that looked like it was from kindergarten. But then I looked at the date and it said 1998 and I thought no, I was older than that back then(but now that I think about it, I was actually 6 years old back then, kindergarten age). Anyways, I sneaked a peek at S;s journal and it mentioned how she was feeling lonely, probably because I wasn't talking to her. So I took the pencil and wrote something in my journal, like that I did care about her, and drew flowers by it.

      Sometime in between this dream, I was with my sister and it was Christmas Day(it IS Christmas Day!) in the morning. The parents had gone for a bike ride and we were waiting to open presents so we went to Starbucks. It was an outdoor Starbucks and it was very crowded. While waiting in line, Steph said she was going to get a chocolate frapp with double chocolate syrup and whip cream(or something like that). She told me that she ordered a book on ebay with all the secret Starbucks recipes you could order.

      Then it went back to the S dream. I was meeting S for a date and I have my drink in hand, which was some kind of frapp. We were walking towards each other on each side of these benches that had overgrown grass and flowers by them. It was kind of a pretty scene. I woke up before I could sit down.

      I woke up with the song "Holland Road" by Mumford and Sons playing in my head. The "ahh ahh ah ahhh... if you believe in me I'll still believe" part was playing.

      Merry Christmas!
      Tags: relationship
    2. Odd, Marcus

      by , 12-26-2014 at 05:14 AM (Lucid Time!)
      I had a very odd dream about Marcus, a persistent DC who I haven't seen in awhile. He told me that he had been practicing martial arts and wanted to spar with me to test his ability.

      We were fighting in what felt like a mix between a school and an office building. And we were on a very high floor as well. I don't recall the setting all that well, but I do recall seeing Marcus very clearly. His head looked a little too big for his body though. He was fighting pretty well, but he was doing so in business attire, and that was a little weird. The whole thing was pretty weird now that I think about it, a 50-something man who had shown no athletic ability prior to now was demonstrating proficiency in martial arts.

      I can recall he threw a lot of kicks, and I was having a hard time keeping up with him and blocking/dodging all of his attacks. He kept asking me if he was fighting correctly. I told him that it was taking all of my concentration to keep up with him.

      The scene shifted to my taekwondo studio at one point or another.
    3. Bass is Low DA + DILD

      by , 12-26-2014 at 04:24 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I found myself place in the garage with the lights off, trying to get the music on there to work properly. However it wouldn't work. then out of no where the lights turn on by themselves and I began to get this strange feeling like I was not the only one in the garage. Then the chair started flashing frequently, while I began to feel weightless. The sensation got stronger till I was beginning to float up from the ground and felt as if there was some force. That's when I became lucid due to the circumstances and realize I was floating.

      I had some degree of control over it now and made myself stay in mid air. I then roared similar to dragon ball z to see the extent of how much control I had over it. I could hear my screaming echo from the house in till I lost the force that was holding me up and quickly drop to the floor. Hitting my head first knock the poor amount of lucidity I had. I then got up and tried to make the music come on again, to where it finally work. Not long after that I have an FA. Lucidity Time: 6 seconds.
    4. Wrong Guide/The Huge Pool/House Invasion

      by , 12-26-2014 at 12:14 AM
      Wrong Guide

      I was with my nephew and another small child in my room. They were a lot smaller in the dream though. As I was trying to get the video game started I looked back at the kids and saw the other kid was on top of my nephew. I told him he was squishing my nephew and moved him. My nephew was trying to breathe when suddenly my nephews head fell off.

      I knew that this couldn't really be happening after that happened. There wasn't even blood. It just looked like a dolls head rolling off it's body. It than reappeared in my room that was now very small. My dad was nearby talking to someone and just for fun I told him that we were in a dream. He was like "Oh, than that would mean were sharing a dream. That's nice." I went to sit on my bed when suddenly I was flipped over and couldn't move on my bed. All I saw was the ceiling.

      I heard a deep voice near me of a guy asking "do you remember who I'am? Do you recognize my voice?" I told him it sounded familiar but I can't remember who he was. I tried so hard to look and saw a tall girl and a tall guy.I didn't know what they wanted but I broke loose and ran out the room. I appeared to be in another house now and there was a small child who was drawing.I don't remember if I drew with him/her but I left the room afterwards.

      I felt like my goal was to look for Dawn so i was going to look for him. When I ran and jumped on the window sill a little boy came out of a room behind me and held out a coloring pencil and papers with writing on them.I took it than started calling for Dawn. But I lost my voice after trying to call him too loudly. I waited than ask a girl that came in if she could call for Dawn for me. She didn't seem interested so I ran and jumped through the window. I was now in a suburban type of area that was different from where I live.

      I ran to look for Dawn but I flew to the top of apart of the building and got stuck to it. I wasn't going to give up so I broke free and started looking around outside a huge grey church building. I saw lots of guys in suits around but no Dawn. I was dissapointed at my searching skills.
      The dream scene changed after that and I was now in a table with my family. I was eating soup with them when I noticed something black coming out of the soup." Dad...What's this black thing in my soup?" I asked him." Oh, I must have let my watch slip in there." I kept eating the soup until I found another watch but silver and smaller in the soup.

      "Dad!How do you drop in two of your watches in my soup by mistake!?"I asked him. 'Wait...What's this?" I said pointing to something in the soup. ' Looks like some of my hair got in the soup" my dad said to me. I was ready to throw up. The scene changed again and I was now eating at a different table. I felt like Dawn was near me but he wasn't paying attention to me. On my plate was raw meat and white flower. I was eating it but in a disgusted way. I had a feeling that I wanted to run away from this place. Than I woke up.

      My original goal was to find Kiro. But I forgot. Maybe the guy with the deep voice was kiro. : P

      The Huge Pool

      I was inside my house and my dad asked me if I wanted to go to family dollar with him. I said yeah and soon we walked into a store. I was looking at chocolate cookies that looked like bears. I wanted to eat them so badly. But I decided to go look for my dad instead of getting the cookies. As I was walking a lady with a cart almost bumped into me. Stuff fell down from its place but I didn't feel like picking it up.

      My dad eventually found me and told me to wait for him at the door spot. As I waited I saw a lady opening a door for a girl in a wheel chair. When the door was opened I could see a huge pool and a huge,wide slide where water came down and people could slide from it into the pool. My cousin was swimming in it and I asked her how she could swim in a pool during winter. She said that the water was warm enough to be in it.

      I felt a cool breeze pass by, than put my hand in the water. It felt like underneath there was a heating system that kept the water hot/warm. I layed down in the water and started to relax. I noticed I was wearing a swimsuit now but my top part was off. I was confused at when this happened but just lay in the water slowly falling asleep.

      After relaxing a bit I walked away, with different clothes on, and saw a boy jump from a high place. He landed flat on his face. I thought about how stupid it was that the boy did that and told him he shouldn't be doing that. But he ignored me than ran away. I kept walking and stopped in front of two shirtless guys sitting down and asked them what they thought about kids jumping from high places. I don't think they cared about it though.

      I asked how old they were and one of them said 15. I stared at them and noticed that they looked like real people with anime kind of stuff and hair. Than all of a sudden the lights went off and all i saw glowing was the guys face staring at me.
      Than i felt someone jump on my back and start writing on the back of my neck. The guy got away from me but i chased him around the corner and grabbed the guy. Behind me there was another guy who appeared to be a teacher. He was being jumped by a couple of guys and told them he didn't know for sure if there was a secret hidden within one of the math problems on the test.

      House Invasion

      I was in my house waiting for my sister to come inside the house. She came in and told me to babysit my nephew since she had to go somewhere. I said okay and was watching my nephew play and run around the house. But as i was following my nephew I noticed the house was slowly becoming different.

      I didn't want to stay in the house anymore. I felt like someone or something scary would pop up. When i was walking around I saw a girl near a sink and thought she looked a bit creepy.I don't remember how but at some point I ended up inside a park with my nephew. We were walking around the place and I stumbled upon the actor Jaleel White. Except he was holding a cane for some reason and looked older.

      He followed my nephew and I in the park as we walked. While we walked i started singing a song from tarzan called "you'll be in my heart" than asked him if he knew it. He said yeah and someone in the background started to sing too. After that Jaleel started talking about how he did something terrible. He said that he raped a girl once and felt terrible for what he did. There was a screen around of a anime girl running away from him too. I thought this was weird and didn't comment about it.

      I decided to walk back and found packs of gums on the ground of different flavors. I stuffed the strawberry and melon flavors into my mouth and chewed it happily. Than I followed my nephew who was still around back into my house. In the house everything seemed normal until the house started changing like it was a transforming house. Lots of dream characters burst through the door saying it was their territory now.

      I grabbed my nephew and ran downstairs with him. When we were walking past the bathroom someone called to me. I walked up to the invisible person and I think we followed him.
      The house was still changing and according to a dream character that walked up to me whoever got to the last top floor of the house that was now somewhat a apartment building would win the place back.The dream character gave me a pencil and piece of paper and told me to write the secret word that would get me to the top.(Forgot the word)

      I tried writing it but the letters seemed to change form. After struggling I managed to write it but nothing much happened. The house only changed a little bit and didn't take me to the very top.
      So I gave up, flew on a small platform and tried doing a hand stand on it. But than I got bored and jumped off it. Under me I could see Japanese emoticons on a screen. On the wall behind me was a HD T.V showing a little girl's toy commercial about glittery clay dolls that could move. It seemed stupid to me. Woke up after that.
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. "Battle with Death Eaters"

      by , 12-25-2014 at 11:19 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Harry Potter dream. I am in some sort of dining hall with friends. All of a sudden, Death Eaters appear at the dinner. A black pair of tennis shoes, somehow symbolic, appear first, and then Death Eaters begin showing up. A lot of negotiations are going on. I finally decide that there has been enough talk. I signal to one of our guys to attack.

      He releases a spell and zaps a Death Eater's toe. Someone else zaps back, and slowly the entire dining hall descends into chaos. I cast a protective spell on myself and hunker down to hide. One of my friends in the dream (don't know her in WL) is distraught, and says that now she will have to find another job. I tell her that the Death Eaters would have just turned on us anyway.

      Afterwards, my friend is trying to gather components for a spell, but needs to call someone to get a special ingredient. I spend the rest of the dream trying to figure out how to make a collect call in my state. I finally
      wake up.
    6. Backlog, 12/24: "Dezz Asks a Question," "Making Kitten T (not) Fly"

      by , 12-25-2014 at 11:09 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      6:30 AM: SinisterDezz has a question about LDing. He posts in the forum, and uses a box of black tiles with his question written on it as an accompanying picture. The forum warns him that this picture is creepy, and not to post it, but he does anyway. NyxCC answers his question. Dreamer shows up as well, but can't remember much else.

      In this same dream sequence, there is a machine that can cause a person to both LD and AP. I reason in the dream that the machine really does not need to send a soul anywhere to WILD (odd meta moment). During the AP, the soul bounces around in a triangular part of the machine (I drew a cryptic picture in my DJ, posting it would really not help much). Seth Rogan also shows up in this dream as the Green Hornet (a movie I have never seen). I
      wake up, feeling close to an LD. I MILD and then return to sleep.

      I am in bed. I pretty blonde girl is asking me all sorts of questions about how she looks. As she asks these questions, she is showing more and more skin--pulling up her shirt, putting a foot on the bed so I can see her legs, and finally spreading her legs above me. I suddenly begin to wonder if this is a dream. I close my eyes and nose pinch. Hmm. I lie here breathing, and thinking of goals. Ah yes, wanted to play with kitten T. Now I am in darkness., even after opening my eyes. I sweep the "hair" out of my eyes and the scenery returns. The blonde girl is gone now, and I head downstairs.

      I find kitten by the sliding glass doors, watching outside. I scoop her up and try phasing through the wall. I am going through easily but kitten is getting stuck. I duck down, see the opening in the wall, and tunnel out.

      Outside, I want kitten to fly so I throw her into the air. She definitely falls on the pavement, and pretty hard (her legs splay out from the impact). I have a twinge of discomfort, as I would not want to hurt my real life cat this way, but reason that this is just a dream, and throw her into the air again. Same result, except this time, after standing up, she turns into a tiny black beetle and flies away. I decide to do some flying myself. I try a couple of times (no success) and
      wake up.
    7. The Sage's visit

      by , 12-25-2014 at 11:01 PM (GDreamer's spaghetti)
      I was walking home while my friends were fooling around on the street
      I walk through the way from the bustop.
      But then an old guy , grey hair, grey-white suit, appeared and flew up in the air.
      At this part the dream became foggy , the next I remember from now I'm in a big building.
      Actually an infinite building. The old man , lets call him the sage.
      He was full of wisdom he telled me big things about humans
      but I do not remember any of those.
      Then I continued my journey in this infinite house
      I was facing with different memories of my life , sometimes just conversations, I had.
      Then I entered a museum where there were no lamps ,but there were light.
      And the paintings were surreal as hell. It scared me a bit
      then I continued my way in the museum.
      I met with my friend in a sector where were vintage sofas and chairs
      we sat down ,He asked what do I'm doing here I answered that I'm on a journey.
      He said that he's on a trip.
      I was aware at this point that the museum was meshed up with this world I'm in for a purpose, and that he doesn't know this .
      Then he gave me a red tie "for the special events" and I put iit in my pocket.
      then he leaved , the sage showed up again.
      We spoke again I tried to find out why is he do this to me , he said he want me to learn something , or thats all I found out from his speech.
      Then a scene started on a vintage bed. In anime style.
      A girl tried to wake up his boy, but then it turned out it was not his brother but her dead self , blood all over her face ,eyes open stare stiff, horrifying.
      Then I seen another girls face in negative vision , anger was on her face , then my vision normalised and at this point I said "this is bullshit, I'M OUT" And I woke up.

      I think it was some kind of trial , but I aborted it.
      I never met with a dream character having this big power.

      Now I want to meet the sage , but now in lucid state.

      Updated 12-25-2014 at 11:03 PM by 72503

    8. Backlog, 12/22: "Lucid in the Mall #2"

      by , 12-25-2014 at 10:29 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      A vivid NLD of me playing an arcade game with my wife (similar to something like Double Dragon, back in the day, but with a Golden Axe flair). The joysticks are old-fashioned (plastic and stiff). The game screen slowly becomes more panoramic and immersive, so that I seem to be right on top of my character, watching fight an enemy. I wake up from this, and then DEILD. The transition rolls me over several times. Unfortunately, I do not remember what happened in this dream but I wake up, and DEILD again. The transition is once again the same (rolling across the mat) except this time I fall out of anonexistent bed and onto the floor. I sit for a moment. Am I asleep? I nose pinch.With lucidity comes a raging hard-on. I imagine some beautiful woman appearing in the bedroom. She does not show up, so I go in search of her. The doors to the bedroom are folding closet doors. I phase through them. I pass through the wood, but my body doesn't want to go through the metal hinges. Now I am dragging a set of closet doors with me as I walk through what looks like a dark, empty shopping mall. I break the metal joints apart, and more continue to form (there end up being like seven hinges) but I finally break all of them and get the doors off of me. Now where would a beautiful be? I walk down the thoroughfare for a bit, and then turn and head back the way I came. On my left is a store with closet doors as the outside walls. I walk a ways, thinking I will find the entrance. Just more closet door-walls. I think to myself that these doors could go on forever when I wake up.

      Updated 12-26-2014 at 08:17 PM by 69552

      Tags: deild, mall, tangled
      lucid , false awakening
    9. Merry Christmas Lucid Style!

      by , 12-25-2014 at 10:24 PM
      Mantras during WBTB (Wake Back To Bed), “I will realize when I’m dreaming, and I will wish my Daughter and mother in-law, Merry Christmas!” I actually typed this out 24 times at 5:00 Am, so it would be embedded in my mind for when I became lucid this morning. I also worked on body awareness exercises. Unfortunately I didn’t get to wish them Merry Christmas while lucid this morning, but I came pretty close, and there was an interesting synchronicity at the end. Here’s what happened:

      I was sitting at my computer trying to do a Google search, but it wasn’t working. Every time I hit the enter key, nothing would happen, no virus, no nothing. One of my co-workers came up to me and said, “Hey buddy, you should use Firefox instead.” I just ignored him because I tried Firefox once many years ago and it was crap. He then pushed me off my seat and I landed in my bed. Normally I would have complained, but my bed felt so comfy. I sat there and watched him try to install Firefox. I then realized I was dreaming, because my bed isn’t in my office (at work). As soon as I became Lucid, he left my room, and I tried to call him back, but he didn’t come. I knew I had to do something while lucid, but I couldn’t remember. I tried to get up out of bed, but the dream ended.

      Immediately after the lucid dream described above, I was lying in bed consciously aware, but my body was asleep. I then felt a vibration go through my body momentarily, then stop. I waited about 5 to 10 seconds, and then another one happened. These usually don’t last too long, so I needed to quickly lower my consciousness level, and tried to stay calm, preparing myself for when the vibrations peak with intensity. About a minute later there was a powerful vibration and I tried to leap from body into an OBE. I made it half way out, and I was pushing with my arms against my bed to try and pull myself out of my body. I could see my bedroom clearly, and I tried even harder to escape, but then I was sucked back in. Darn! I continued to lie in bed consciously aware. About 10 minutes later I heard my bedroom door slam close, and then it felt like I was floating on my bed, as if I was lightly hovering in and out of my body. I tried to OBE exit again, but no luck and I fell consciously asleep.

      A short time later, I found myself in another dream. This time I was being snuggled between my wife and my sister in my mother’s dining room. It was like I was floating in the air, and they were holding me. My poodle was also floating right in front of me, and she was changing colors back and forth between white and black. There were ribbons floating in the air, and I was grabbing them as they floated past me. I decided to do a reality check, because this all seemed a little bit odd. To my surprise I was able to push my point finger right through my other hand! Yes, I’m lucid! I remembered my plan to wish my daughter and mother in-law Merry Christmas. My sister said, “He gets it!” (That I’m dreaming). I sprung to my feet and called for my daughter, mother in-law, and my great mother in-law to come and visit. BTW, my great, mother in-laws birthday is on Christmas day, so I figured I would also wish her a Merry Christmas and a Happy Birthday. I could feel the dream fading, so I immediately started to swirl, but I was too slow at reacting, and I woke. I tried to stay perfectly still and get back into the dream, but no luck. So I wished them all Merry Christmas, and my great, mother in-law Happy Birthday when I woke up this morning.

      As a synchronicity to these excellent dream adventures, my wife received a text message this morning from a psychic medium we visit couple times a year. We’ve never had this happen before, where a psychic medium has sought us out. She said my daughter has been asking her all morning to send us a message from Heaven. She wanted to wish us a Merry Christmas, and to thank us for involving her in all that we do. Also to tell dad (me) that she hears me, and thanks me for connecting with her. She also said she sees some sparkly red shoes down here like something from the Wizard of Oz. Well this is amazing, because my wife just received some ‘over the wall’ flashy red tassel slippers from a co-worker as a fun present, and she was wearing them when she got the text message. These slippers truly are ‘Wizard of Oz’, and this text message really made our Christmas day feel extra special.

      Merry Christmas Everybody!
    10. Dream

      by , 12-25-2014 at 07:52 PM

      Dream 12/22/2014

      I was in my room and decided to go out the house through the window. I went through it and flew around the house and landed on the street in front of my house. I could see that on the sidewalk there was huge plants from a forest on a part of the sidewalk. As I was looking at it a black raven with red eyes appeared. Than two guys, one taller than the other, appeared. They told me I wasn't going to go anywhere because I had to listen to them now. I just went with it and let them take me to their secret spot.

      It seemed like we were at a small restaurant though. There was a girl there drinking a shake who was apart of their group. I looked up at the sky and thought about how I wanted to fly up there. I started flying but still was pretty close to the ground. The guys started laughing at me. I let the thought of there being a flying barrier blow away from my mind and started flying higher into the sky. But stopped when I spotted a small cute store. I went inside with a guy dream character and looked at his yummy Icecream and cookie snack,

      I sat down at a seat and a girl near me said she didn't want her Icecream anymore. I was like yaayyy~ than put my whole face in the Icecream and started eating it. Than I started eating another next to me. It tasted like vanilla, orange and lemon flavors. The guy next to me pointed out how excited I got around the food. I said it tastes really good than suddenly freezer from DBZ came through the door. Freezer told me it was going to take revenge because I defeated Vageta in the dream the day before this dream. I was okay with it so I went outside.

      I flew in the air and tried using flying kicks with my feet but my control was off. A DC pointed out my bad control and told the others I wasn't worth it. I was OK with that and flew to the ground. I squashed a DC as I hit the ground and tried to find his body under me but decided to stop because it was pointless. After that I recall listening to Lmrhone talking to someone about a old RPG anime game that was still fun to play on the dream views forum. I could see the characters looked like chibi anime characters. Woke up after that.

    11. Snow Crab Island

      by , 12-25-2014 at 07:29 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was on some kind of island, just walking around and exploring. The entire island was made of sand and of course alot of plant life. It appeared to be in the middle of an ocean. I looked up into the sky and it was all clear and perfectly blue. Focusing my attention then on my surroundings, I noticed that there were all kinds of creatures that I had never seen before. These creatures were all kinds of colors, and they could all speak english and talk like normal humans. I remember talking to a few of them, asking about the island, but not much else.
      Suddenly my dad appears on the island with me, and we look around the whole thing together. We notice that there is another island directly next to the one we are on, but there are no creatures on it, and it appears to be flooded. We ask the creatures why no one is on it, and they tell us that it looks unsafe. We look around some more and find yet another island. This one is smaller and has lots of palm trees, its like a palm tree forest. The main thing we noticed about this island was that it was filled with ALOT of snow crabs. There were so many different colors of these crabs, some red, some blue, some yellow, some green, and all the other colors.
      Me and my dad thought we could get a better look at the unsafe island if we went on the snow crab island, so I went to the snow crab island and at the last second my dad decided to go onto the unsafe island by himself. I walked onto the snow crab island, and everything got hectic. As soon as I stepped foot on it, an entire army of really small crabs, the size of hermit crabs, started sprinting towards me. "Ahh they can't hurt that bad" I thought to myself. I stood there as they continued approaching me. When the entire army of crabs got up to me they started crawling on me and crawling up my pants. I was wrong.
      The crabs started destroying my pants and pinching my skin. I started grabbing my pants and crushing all the crabs inside, but by that time my pants were basically destroyed. What a great island. That wasn't the end of the crab army either, I could see another HUGE wave of them coming towards me fast. I decided I had had enough, and I didn't want to be stripped of anymore clothes so I ran off the island as fast as I could. Once I got onto the other island, the safe one with all the creatures, I looked for my dad. I went up to the highest point on the island where there was a small mountain and stood on the cliff.
      I saw my dad on the unsafe island, and he yelled over to me, "Cory, it's not what you think it is. It's not even an island at all." Suddenly I see the entire island start to move and rise up, and it turns out that the "unsafe island" was actually a giant elephant that lived underwater and it just happened that he was floating and was covered with sand and water. You would never be able to tell that it was an elephant though, it looked like a genuine island, and there was even some plant life on it. My dad walked over to the elephants head, and he found out that the reason it wasn't getting up and leaving was because it was stuck. He started letting it free, but as he did we all realized just how gigantic this elephant was, so my dad decided not to let him free.
      The elephant was so big though, it really was an amazing sight. The creatures of the safe island were basically watching us and just talking the entire time.
    12. Morphing Mottled Houdans

      by , 12-25-2014 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2014. Thursday.

      This was a typical “one animal becomes another” dream (which is possibly one of the oldest dream types in my memory - going back to my toddler years) and it was fairly short and uneventful. However, there were other sections which were not very clear or well-rendered.

      In the first part of my dream, it is established that we are “still” living on Duffy Street. I am only vaguely aware of the holiday season. I believe we seem to have some sort of business of selling or giving away pets.

      I go into an area of the kitchen where there is some sort of wooden platform with several small trap doors and which is built into the larger kitchen counter and part of the stove top. Over time, I notice that we have a large collection of Mottled Houdans, a type of exotic chicken (supposedly a French breed, but looking quite similar to certain Polish breeds). There are at least twenty of them if not more. They are probably about three-fourths their final adult size.

      After a time, I realize that we actually have black and white cats, not Mottled Houdans (this may be based on absentminded in-dream questioning of why there would be chickens inside the apartment). I am not that coherent at any point. I think we are going to try to sell some. At any rate, I am aware that both cats and chickens “roost” in higher locations, just sort of standing there. We have more (younger) animals in another room in cardboard boxes under the bed, but I am not fully clear on anything or whether they are cats, chickens, or something else (such as Guinea pigs).

      Updated 03-22-2018 at 12:27 PM by 1390

      Tags: cats, chickens
    13. Christmas Parrots

      by , 12-25-2014 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2014. Thursday.

      I “wake” within my dream (while still in bed) and the television is on. I am only vaguely aware that it is Christmas morning.

      I am not that annoyed by the television being on (at least at first), but I do not think anyone is watching it. After a time, I see it is some sort of “important” news report or bulletin. It turns out to be my mother-in-law and her youngest daughter. They are showing their Christmas gifts on live television for some reason and are standing in a public area outside somewhere (not sure of location). During the broadcast, though, one of their Christmas gifts, a parrot, dies as the daughter is speaking and holding it. She becomes only slightly upset, and the broadcast keeps going on about them and their experiences. I get the impression that the other parrot will also die on live television. In fact, it “feels” as if the parrots have met their fate simply by being given to these people though possibly it is also relative to the special news bulletin itself.

      I am not all that surprised as they continue to talk and lie about their experiences and how the news broadcasts it…and to continue to relate false information about other people in the region.

      This is based on reality. There have been several known occasions where entirely false stories and details were published in the mainstream news relative to these people, which is why I have a tendency to believe little of what is reported in the media. The parrot symbolism on one level, may be related to mainstream news itself and the fact that they will quote and print anything these days whether or not it has any connection to real events. For example, there was a news story about a man whose daughter was killed locally and my mother-in-law (and her youngest daughter) met him at the airport; the newspaper printing her false statement that she had lost a daughter in the same way (as she was there to meet him and give him flowers and pretended to understand his situation). Another news story was completely false and related to an adult daughter (Judy) “running away from home”, when in fact it was attempted escape from her abuse.

      Still, the native meaning of this dream relates to the waking transition as most final dream segments do. A dying parrot certainly qualifies as a “failed flight” waking transition. Television is the “downsizing” of the dream state (and the “distancing” of the dream self from the energies of the dream state). A parrot represents a form of the dreamer, on more than one level. It flies (dreaming is “flying”). It also mimics speech as analogous to the dream self not being as skilled in communication as the whole conscious self.

      Updated 04-08-2016 at 07:29 PM by 1390

    14. Helicopter and Seagulls

      by , 12-25-2014 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2014. Thursday.

      I am on a helicopter seemingly in early evening, though before sunset, with unfamiliar people (including the pilot), apparently all adult males of around thirty (though I have no focus on my own age). We are flying over the ocean. I notice several girls swimming in the ocean far below. Without paying much attention to my present circumstances, a young girl is soon seen hanging in the doorway of the helicopter, to my right but only half inside, somehow having come from the ocean far below, apparently by flying. Her facial expression is cheerfully mischievous though friendly. At this point, I notice there is no pilot (of whom had originally been on my right), yet I feel only mild concern. However, two seagulls ahead, one on each side, somehow seem to be guiding the helicopter back to land by their presence alone. I assume the girl is a shape shifter whose natural form is a seagull.

      Water Induction - Vestibular System Personification, female (subliminal summoning of young version of Zsuzsanna) - Parallel Autosymbolism; RFWS (Return Flight Waking Symbolism) with WEWS (Water Emergence Waking Symbolism) - RAS truncation (pilot vanishing) - Vestibular System Mediation (soft waking) - Emergent Consciousness Factor as flight symbol - right-sided waking symbolism while sleeping on my left side.

      Updated 03-22-2018 at 11:58 AM by 1390

    15. Clear water; OpheliaBlue;

      , 12-25-2014 at 05:39 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Thursday 12.25.14

      DR from Wednesday

      Woke up to a random skype boop at 3:30am and remembered these dreams:

      We are skyping with Ophelia. Then I'm at her place. Her son is at the front door waiting to be let in. Bf is walking towards the bedroom to take a nap. Ophelia is in the kitchen getting ready to go shopping.

      I'm standing on some kind of a long berm. On the left side there are some single story, village type houses. Instead of the yard, they are surrounded by clear water lakes or lagoons. I can clearly see to the bottom, where there is a lots of fallen leaves, tree roots and such. I want to swim in that so bad.

      There is a large trash container on the berm. It's one of those they give to apartment buildings. Big metal thing. It starts to roll. It's heading to the end of the berm, which ends in a clif over seaside resort's beach and people on it.

      A truck catches up with the trashcontainer and nudges it to the left. Container rolls down the berm into that clear water.

      I'm screaming my head off calling my dad. Same as I used to when I woke up from a nightmare as a child. I'm screaming, but quietly.