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    1. Snow Crab Island

      by , 12-25-2014 at 07:29 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was on some kind of island, just walking around and exploring. The entire island was made of sand and of course alot of plant life. It appeared to be in the middle of an ocean. I looked up into the sky and it was all clear and perfectly blue. Focusing my attention then on my surroundings, I noticed that there were all kinds of creatures that I had never seen before. These creatures were all kinds of colors, and they could all speak english and talk like normal humans. I remember talking to a few of them, asking about the island, but not much else.
      Suddenly my dad appears on the island with me, and we look around the whole thing together. We notice that there is another island directly next to the one we are on, but there are no creatures on it, and it appears to be flooded. We ask the creatures why no one is on it, and they tell us that it looks unsafe. We look around some more and find yet another island. This one is smaller and has lots of palm trees, its like a palm tree forest. The main thing we noticed about this island was that it was filled with ALOT of snow crabs. There were so many different colors of these crabs, some red, some blue, some yellow, some green, and all the other colors.
      Me and my dad thought we could get a better look at the unsafe island if we went on the snow crab island, so I went to the snow crab island and at the last second my dad decided to go onto the unsafe island by himself. I walked onto the snow crab island, and everything got hectic. As soon as I stepped foot on it, an entire army of really small crabs, the size of hermit crabs, started sprinting towards me. "Ahh they can't hurt that bad" I thought to myself. I stood there as they continued approaching me. When the entire army of crabs got up to me they started crawling on me and crawling up my pants. I was wrong.
      The crabs started destroying my pants and pinching my skin. I started grabbing my pants and crushing all the crabs inside, but by that time my pants were basically destroyed. What a great island. That wasn't the end of the crab army either, I could see another HUGE wave of them coming towards me fast. I decided I had had enough, and I didn't want to be stripped of anymore clothes so I ran off the island as fast as I could. Once I got onto the other island, the safe one with all the creatures, I looked for my dad. I went up to the highest point on the island where there was a small mountain and stood on the cliff.
      I saw my dad on the unsafe island, and he yelled over to me, "Cory, it's not what you think it is. It's not even an island at all." Suddenly I see the entire island start to move and rise up, and it turns out that the "unsafe island" was actually a giant elephant that lived underwater and it just happened that he was floating and was covered with sand and water. You would never be able to tell that it was an elephant though, it looked like a genuine island, and there was even some plant life on it. My dad walked over to the elephants head, and he found out that the reason it wasn't getting up and leaving was because it was stuck. He started letting it free, but as he did we all realized just how gigantic this elephant was, so my dad decided not to let him free.
      The elephant was so big though, it really was an amazing sight. The creatures of the safe island were basically watching us and just talking the entire time.
    2. Morphing Mottled Houdans

      by , 12-25-2014 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2014. Thursday.

      This was a typical “one animal becomes another” dream (which is possibly one of the oldest dream types in my memory - going back to my toddler years) and it was fairly short and uneventful. However, there were other sections which were not very clear or well-rendered.

      In the first part of my dream, it is established that we are “still” living on Duffy Street. I am only vaguely aware of the holiday season. I believe we seem to have some sort of business of selling or giving away pets.

      I go into an area of the kitchen where there is some sort of wooden platform with several small trap doors and which is built into the larger kitchen counter and part of the stove top. Over time, I notice that we have a large collection of Mottled Houdans, a type of exotic chicken (supposedly a French breed, but looking quite similar to certain Polish breeds). There are at least twenty of them if not more. They are probably about three-fourths their final adult size.

      After a time, I realize that we actually have black and white cats, not Mottled Houdans (this may be based on absentminded in-dream questioning of why there would be chickens inside the apartment). I am not that coherent at any point. I think we are going to try to sell some. At any rate, I am aware that both cats and chickens “roost” in higher locations, just sort of standing there. We have more (younger) animals in another room in cardboard boxes under the bed, but I am not fully clear on anything or whether they are cats, chickens, or something else (such as Guinea pigs).

      Updated 03-22-2018 at 12:27 PM by 1390

      Tags: cats, chickens
    3. Christmas Parrots

      by , 12-25-2014 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2014. Thursday.

      I “wake” within my dream (while still in bed) and the television is on. I am only vaguely aware that it is Christmas morning.

      I am not that annoyed by the television being on (at least at first), but I do not think anyone is watching it. After a time, I see it is some sort of “important” news report or bulletin. It turns out to be my mother-in-law and her youngest daughter. They are showing their Christmas gifts on live television for some reason and are standing in a public area outside somewhere (not sure of location). During the broadcast, though, one of their Christmas gifts, a parrot, dies as the daughter is speaking and holding it. She becomes only slightly upset, and the broadcast keeps going on about them and their experiences. I get the impression that the other parrot will also die on live television. In fact, it “feels” as if the parrots have met their fate simply by being given to these people though possibly it is also relative to the special news bulletin itself.

      I am not all that surprised as they continue to talk and lie about their experiences and how the news broadcasts it…and to continue to relate false information about other people in the region.

      This is based on reality. There have been several known occasions where entirely false stories and details were published in the mainstream news relative to these people, which is why I have a tendency to believe little of what is reported in the media. The parrot symbolism on one level, may be related to mainstream news itself and the fact that they will quote and print anything these days whether or not it has any connection to real events. For example, there was a news story about a man whose daughter was killed locally and my mother-in-law (and her youngest daughter) met him at the airport; the newspaper printing her false statement that she had lost a daughter in the same way (as she was there to meet him and give him flowers and pretended to understand his situation). Another news story was completely false and related to an adult daughter (Judy) “running away from home”, when in fact it was attempted escape from her abuse.

      Still, the native meaning of this dream relates to the waking transition as most final dream segments do. A dying parrot certainly qualifies as a “failed flight” waking transition. Television is the “downsizing” of the dream state (and the “distancing” of the dream self from the energies of the dream state). A parrot represents a form of the dreamer, on more than one level. It flies (dreaming is “flying”). It also mimics speech as analogous to the dream self not being as skilled in communication as the whole conscious self.

      Updated 04-08-2016 at 07:29 PM by 1390

    4. Helicopter and Seagulls

      by , 12-25-2014 at 06:25 PM
      Morning of December 25, 2014. Thursday.

      I am on a helicopter seemingly in early evening, though before sunset, with unfamiliar people (including the pilot), apparently all adult males of around thirty (though I have no focus on my own age). We are flying over the ocean. I notice several girls swimming in the ocean far below. Without paying much attention to my present circumstances, a young girl is soon seen hanging in the doorway of the helicopter, to my right but only half inside, somehow having come from the ocean far below, apparently by flying. Her facial expression is cheerfully mischievous though friendly. At this point, I notice there is no pilot (of whom had originally been on my right), yet I feel only mild concern. However, two seagulls ahead, one on each side, somehow seem to be guiding the helicopter back to land by their presence alone. I assume the girl is a shape shifter whose natural form is a seagull.

      Water Induction - Vestibular System Personification, female (subliminal summoning of young version of Zsuzsanna) - Parallel Autosymbolism; RFWS (Return Flight Waking Symbolism) with WEWS (Water Emergence Waking Symbolism) - RAS truncation (pilot vanishing) - Vestibular System Mediation (soft waking) - Emergent Consciousness Factor as flight symbol - right-sided waking symbolism while sleeping on my left side.

      Updated 03-22-2018 at 11:58 AM by 1390

    5. Clear water; OpheliaBlue;

      , 12-25-2014 at 05:39 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Thursday 12.25.14

      DR from Wednesday

      Woke up to a random skype boop at 3:30am and remembered these dreams:

      We are skyping with Ophelia. Then I'm at her place. Her son is at the front door waiting to be let in. Bf is walking towards the bedroom to take a nap. Ophelia is in the kitchen getting ready to go shopping.

      I'm standing on some kind of a long berm. On the left side there are some single story, village type houses. Instead of the yard, they are surrounded by clear water lakes or lagoons. I can clearly see to the bottom, where there is a lots of fallen leaves, tree roots and such. I want to swim in that so bad.

      There is a large trash container on the berm. It's one of those they give to apartment buildings. Big metal thing. It starts to roll. It's heading to the end of the berm, which ends in a clif over seaside resort's beach and people on it.

      A truck catches up with the trashcontainer and nudges it to the left. Container rolls down the berm into that clear water.

      I'm screaming my head off calling my dad. Same as I used to when I woke up from a nightmare as a child. I'm screaming, but quietly.
    6. Very small fragment

      by , 12-25-2014 at 05:06 PM
      All I remember in this dream is a tiny fragment that had Justin, Alex and Max Russo from Wizards of Waverly Place. I might have been one of them in the dream.

      Edit: I just remembered another part of the dream. I was at the mall I usually go to, and we went to Starbucks. Also, some time after or before that part I was at home and my mom wouldn't let me go to a sleepover because she was too stressed. I got sad and mad and told her she wouldn't let me go to the last one either, and just because there's so much going on it doesn't mean that I shouldn't have fun with my friends. (I'm home schooled so I don't see my friends every day.)

      Updated 12-25-2014 at 08:27 PM by 72455

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    7. Working in school

      by , 12-25-2014 at 04:51 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in my school. First I was at maths lesson, and then I went to forestry lesson. Teacher told me that there is important job to do, and I was chosen to do it. He told me to go to the warehouses behind the school building. Other workers would tell me what to do then. When I was going there, I saw that other students also had to go to the warehouses.

      *I recall only brief moments of two more dreams.*
      Tags: school
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Another Supplement driven (but short) LD

      by , 12-25-2014 at 03:41 PM

      December 25, 2014: Megavitamin, 5-HTP, 8mg Galantamine + 500mg Choline: WILD #2: I am at a desk in an office or a classroom type setting. There is a dream character, an overweight, middle-aged caucasian man in a dark sweater sitting in a chair at the left corner of my desk facing to my right as I face him from my chair behind the desk. He seems not particularly intelligent and is essentially non-responsive when I try and engage him in conversation. He ignores me even when I throw a pencil at him and hit him in the chest. I direct my attention further into the room. There is a woman who looks like a teacher. She is standing to the left of a large, square “blackboard” which is really an LCD television. She holds a wood pointer in her right hand, but the screen, although illuminated, is blank. I wake. One of my shortest and least eventful LD's ever.

      December 25, 2014: Non-Lucid: I am in the operating room with L. C. I am on the assistant’s side of the table. The disinterested surgeon is sitting in a chair in the room as we obtain hemostasis in anticipation of closing the mammoth chest (the size of an oil tank!) of the patient. There are lap pads stuffed everywhere inside the patient, maybe 20 - 30 or more. There are numerous arterial and venous bleeders on the chest wall, and the surgeon does not want us to use Weck clips on them. Despite this, upon discussion with L., I start applying Weck clips to some medium and large venous bleeders and one weak arterial bleeder by picking them up with a forceps. One of the exposed veins I pick up is very long, about 3 cm, white and sclerotic in appearance. I advise the circulating nurse that there are a shit-ton of laps in the patient, so she had better start counting early. I wake.
      lucid , non-lucid
    9. Don't Rock The Boat, Don't Rock The Boat Baby

      by , 12-25-2014 at 05:30 AM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      3rd night in a row remembering my dreams! I'm on a roll!
      wrote in waking journal & drank apple juice last night

      -I was in math class. Danielle missed the first days of class so she wanted me to teach her. I was trying to learn up to chapter 3 in the math book.
      -I saw two famous youtubers outside the library. Also saw an old man, not dressed for winter, rollerblading on the path even though there was snow on the ground.

      It was Christmas Eve(it is Christmas Eve!). My mom wanted me to go to the store to get frosting for some reason. So I went to Pick N Save and picked up some vanilla frosting. When I got to the checkout, the checkout lady acted like I was applying for a job there and told me I would have to take a quiz and have good social skills. She was wearing a Winter Park t-shirt and I was wondering why since we were in my hometown, not up north. A man dressed in all black came up to me and said he wanted to come over. I'd never met him before and I just wanted to get away from him. I told him we were having family over for dinner at 6(also true in RL). It was currently 5:30. My mom showed up and it seemed like she didn't mind him coming over, although he ended up not following us home. Now it was my mom, Aunt MJ, grandma, and some other people and they were all walking home from the store. We were going the wrong way. "Where are we going?" I asked. A few of them just raised their hand in the air instead of answering me. I thought that was rude. I asked again, annoyed. My mom told me we were going a different way that was less slippery for grandma. OKay then.

      Then I appeared on a small wooden boat. Someone there was telling me to play violin, even though I've never played before. I began setting it up and my friends appeared(Allie P. and someone else). We all started rocking the boat and it wouuld flip over and then flip back. One time it flipped over and we were all trapped underwater, but we were all still laughing and having fun. But this time the boat didn't flip back over and instead started sinking. We made it to the surface. I tried to swim back down to get my purse but it sank down too deep.

      I woke up with the some "Weaknesses" By Blue October playing in my head.
    10. Closed Shop on the Second Floor

      by , 12-25-2014 at 01:55 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in a place jeep station of sort. I rode the jeep to go somewhere. There were other options/directions. I arrived in a different area with stores/shops. Someone suggested to me not to rent a store on the second floor because the location isn't good. I was on the ground floor with other people. Atheists? We were waiting for the store on the second floor to open. Or rather, the wood staircase was taken down because they were still closed.


      - Only had around 5 hours of sleep
      - I've been waking up around 15 minutes before the alarm the last few days.
    11. The Babadook

      by , 12-25-2014 at 01:49 AM
      [If anyone has seen "The Babadook" then you will know that "The Babadook" is the physical representation of one woman's grief after her husband died whilst taking her to hospital to deliver her child. My mother recently died, which is why the Babadook is involved in this dream]

      The Babadook is about... we realise the only way to defeat it is to show it no fear - to scream threats at it, to attack it with all the ferocity we can muster and not hold back. No sooner have we defeated it than my Dad succumbs to it. He is pinned halfway up a wall, the Babadook is whipping his left arm incredibly hard, until I find I am the one controlling the whip, and putting all my strength into it. A way to counter the Babadook is to do a tennis back-hand serve in the same direction as the whip, which I do.
      Dad wakes up in the morning with a scar on his wrist which circles all the way around and joined itself. Dad's friends are laughing because Dad doesn't remember anything of the happenings last night because, as he says: "Haha, I must've been pissed!" and everybody laughs because that's what Dad says when he's been drinking the night before.
    12. Wishing My Mother In-Law Happy Birthday (Nov 28, 2014)

      by , 12-24-2014 at 09:56 PM
      My dear mother in-law passed away in Nov 28, 2001, and her Birthday is Nov 29. I really wanted to wish my mother in-law ‘Happy Birthday’, in a lucid dream, the morning of Nov 29, 2014. I went through all my lucid dream preparations, mantras, and WBTB. My mantra was, “I will realize when I’m dreaming, and I will be with my mother in-law. Pull me out please! Hug time!” Here’s what happened.

      In this dream I was driving my snowmobile across thin ice, and soon all the ice disappeared, and then I was driving on top of the water. I use to do this in my younger days, so I didn’t panic during the dream when the ice disappeared. I drove the machine up onto the shore near the canoe docks, and stepped off. Suddenly three sleeping bags appeared on the ground right beside me, the snowmobile disappeared, and then I was standing inside a room. I instantly became lucid, but there was one problem, I could only see out one eye! In an effort to improve clarity, I ripped a piece of carpet off the floor and rubbed it with my hands. My vision came back to my blind eye, and the clarity was decent.

      There were about 10 people sitting chairs, all huddled together alongside a wall. They all had rain ponchos on with the hoods up over their heads, and I couldn’t see their faces. Nobody was looking at me, and then one fellow turned his head and looked at me, and when I looked back at him, he quickly looked away. Thinking back, he looked a lot like my mother in-law’s dad. Then I remembered my plan to meet with my mother in-law, so I called out her name loud and clear. To my surprise, one of the people sitting alongside the wall jumped up, pulled her poncho hood down, and ran over to me. It was my dear mother in-law! I haven’t seen my mother in-law in 13 years, and I was really taken back. I can’t even begin to describe what I saw and felt. My jaw dropped, she looked exactly the same, except she was about 50 years old (she passed at 60). I said, “You were sitting right there the whole time?” She gave me a pleasant smile, but didn’t say anything. I immediately hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, and told her, “I love you!” After that, I immediately woke up, but I was really wanted to stay and talk to her, and wish her Happy Birthday!
    13. Leftovers in the desert

      by , 12-24-2014 at 08:46 PM
      My brother's killed and drained a number of people in some public building in the desert, a rest stop or similar, but he has no memory of doing so. In fact when he saw the bodies he assumed they were my work - which would normally be a reasonable assumption, but since it's not true in this case, and since it seems there's something wrong with him, we've been having a very frustrating conversation. We left in a hurry and now he's assuring me that there's no need for me to make excuses, he's always understood that occasional lapses in self-control are an unavoidable part of my nature, none of them blame me for it. Thanks for that note, but that's really not the issue here.

      Meanwhile, back in that building in the desert, my brother's leftovers have woken up and managed to find their way outside. They're huddled together, not really aware of their surroundings, barely able to move - more like zombies really. Torn clothes, bloodstains, visibly dead. There was a woman just outside the building when they found their way out the door, and the one in front managed to grab her and drink her despite her struggles, and once he's had his fill he passes her back over his head, one-handed, to the next.

      He walks into the desert, away from the little horde, looking slightly more aware now, and he walks straight up to the mangled body of another vampire lying in the dirt, trying to pull himself together and looking rather pitiful. This one actually is my work. Leftover asks mangled body what he (leftover) is. Mangled body informs him he's a vampire.

      The leftover says, "I'm a what? Oh, fuck." Utter disgust at the ridiculousness of this. Disembodied, I'm thinking how much I love the modern reaction.

      Updated 12-24-2014 at 08:49 PM by 64691

    14. No a lot

      by , 12-24-2014 at 08:18 PM
      Non lucid drips & drabs...

      two nights ago - looking through fleeces at the shop.

      last night.

      I went out the fire door at the shop , I stood there for whatever reason and then I noticed that the entire close was covered in dogs jobbies. One of them was about three foot long - disgusting! I stepped back into the shop and was a bit worried I had stood in the stuff.

      I was waiitng for my sister inlaw to turn up at the shop. She eventually arrived. Her hair looked greasy. I put something into a bag for her and she said 'Will I need to give you petrol money?' I told her no tae be so daft...
    15. Bucks got loose

      by , 12-24-2014 at 07:32 PM
      *Important Background Information*

      I have lots of goats. Does are girl goats and bucks are boy goats. Only two of the does are supposed to be pregnant right now. The bucks are separated from the does. Three goats especially are not supposed to get pregnant: Luna, because her health is too frail; Lily, because she's too small; and Bella, because she's too young (and too small.) It wouldn't be a disaster if the other does got pregnant, but it would if these three did.

      *Actual Dream*

      We let the bucks into the does' yard to breed Foo-Fee, one of the does who's supposed to get pregnant. I guess we really weren't thinking, because Luna was in heat (capable of being bred at that time) and we hadn't locked her up! Or Annabeth, either -- Annabeth can be bred without problems but we don't want to breed her this year. I guess we really weren't thinking, and then we realized we weren't thinking and tried to catch Luna but it was too late, so we just hoped all of our does didn't get pregnant. It was really weird because, why would we let the bucks in with the does if we didn't want them all pregnant?

      Updated 12-24-2014 at 07:50 PM by 72455
