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    1. Trapped in Fear

      by , 09-08-2013 at 06:12 PM
      Sleep paralysis decided to made its attack on me today. I'm inside my lonely, dark room. At around 5 AM, I'm laying in bed facing the wall next to me. A second later, I feel a strong sense of drowsiness. My eyes are forcibly closing themselves on me. This was a bad sign for me as I know what it means...I make attempts to keep my eyes open for as long as I can but my power is to weak here. I could only guess that I was already in sleep paralysis.

      I begin struggling to get myself out of it and as I am doing so, I feel some force growing around me. My left ear gets numb and by that time I have already heard something standing behind me...

      I'm going to assume it's an entity for now. It's putting its weight on the bed. I kept my eyes closed the entire time. The demon bends over and licks my neck. It tickles me inside but I remain calm. This demon licks me a few more times, then finally says something. "Uncle?", the demon says. I would believe it to be one of my nieces at the time but I knew it could not be because she would never lick my neck.

      Calmness filled the room. My niece kept saying those words for a while. I started making my way out of this mode, seeing how I always freak out whenever I enter sleep paralysis. I wiggled my fingers and toes and slowly worked my way up until I had enough force to escape. The demon started to say a few other things. There was one other and it would sound something like this, "I am sitting next to a twitcher."

      After a short while, I was finally free and woke up making sure there wasn't anything hiding around the bed.
    2. Dream Log ??? Geralt of Rivia and a topless woman

      by , 09-08-2013 at 06:01 PM
      Once again this dream log is composed of too many fragments to accurately recall.

      In one part of my dream I saw this topless blonde woman; her breast are small, probably an A cup. The next sequence had to do with one Geralt of Rivia from Andrzej Sapkowski's The Witcher series. Geralt did not look like his normal self. When I say "normal" I don't mean his portrayal from the novels, for I have never read them. I'm talking about his game appearance. He seem to have different root-like growths around his face and did not appear altogether. At the end of the dream I saw king Foltest of Temeria in his royal garb.

      This episode seem to be related to a botched "incubation list" (unintentional) in which I continuously imagine Geralt and other Witcher characters. I also tried to commit Yuppie's DEILD technique around 5:30 but to no effect.
    3. Pool; Truck; Invasion

      , 09-08-2013 at 05:09 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday 9/8/13

      Last night bed 11pm - 8:17am

      DR 3:30
      DV; running up the hill;
      Going downstairs to get a meal from cafeteria with different stations. I pick thai food. I'm thinking of taking a pinapple and eating it in my room. There is also someone else.

      DR 8:17am
      I'm in a city swimming pool. (This time is acctually filled with nice, swimmingpooly water. Normally in my dreams it's not so.) There is a small boy with me. I know from being there before, that attendant can bring you a small semi-submersible furnace and a pile of wood we can burn and make hot water. So I pay the guy to bring the furnace. This little boy gets out of the water, standing there all shivering, wanting to go outside to collect fire wood. I tell him he must be crazy, he will catch a cold or something. So I pay the attendant for wood. He shows us how to pour water in one opening and how how water will come through other opening. (As I was waking up, I noticed I'm cold, but I kicked my sheet of my bed few month ago whe it got so hot at night. So now I was a bit cold, hence the hot water dream, which is common for me) Another family came to the pool, but I only see the woman. We hit it off right away and we joke about something.

      DR - also remembered when I woke up
      I'm walking down a street in my home town. I'm crossing the street to where the old grocery store used to be. Streets are empty. As I cross the street, not sure if I stumble, but I stay standing just a step from the curb, still on the street. Suddenly a huge construction equipment comes barreling down the street from direction I came from. It's dark yellow/orange color. The trailer is low, with some construction machinery. He is going straigh for the spot I'm at. At the last moment he turns the truck, I move my legs painfully slow and the trucks trailer misses me by width of a hair. I'm petrified. Then I watch him how he turned to the street on the left.

      I walk into a tiny grocery store, that used to be there IWL. I walk around and look for candy I used to go there to buy as a child. I ask the lady at the cashiers, but they don't have it.

      I'm going on a sidewald up a slight hill, to the righ of the store. Suddenly I'm in some kind of an armed conflict and concrete pieces of nearby tall building start to come down all around me. I may get hit by one of them.

      Now I'm at the place, where my class had gathered. I lay down to rest, because I think I got hurt by that debree. I'm looking down through the hole in the ground into the classroom. I'm thinking my roomteacher is not there yet so I'm ok, but then someone whispers to me that she was there already all along. But she is ok with me laying down.

      Now I'm with group of people. We are refugees from a war. Walking on the side of a building, looking for a way inside. I'm talking with someone, when I see the skies ahead of us turned orange in 2 spots. I start running and the person I was talking with thinks I'm being rude. I come to the railing and I see that the orange glow was from detonation of some large ordinance.

      I'm thinking those were chaff bombs, and small, orbs of light start flying towards us and envelope us. I'm trying to make it to the door, but too late.

      Now we are all inside. It's an abandoned residential highrise building. We settle in and try to make the best of our situation. Then another group of people approches and their leaders walk inside to talk to us, if they can take refuge there as well. I know there is probably enough space, but I'm worried about resources. So I stop their leader and tell him not to proceed, we need to discuss it first. But he is pushy and that makes me worried.
    4. 2nd Lucid Dream

      by , 09-08-2013 at 04:36 PM (One Up Seeker)
      I only remember fragments of this dream so here it is.

      Me and my sister Kayla were just walking around in this super fancy mall and she was following me around. We walked into the bakery area and I noticed a container full of chocolate chip cookies. I decided that i was going to steal one because they looked good. I then as I went to get one I lost my focus on it and I started thinking of this gorgeous red head in my school named Riley. She then appeared in an area that was really open and crowded. At this point my sister kayla had disappeared. I then went up to Riley and we kissed. As we kissed an icon popped up and showed how i was kissing, it was like an app. I ignored that app icon and continued kissing Riley. She was wearing a purple dress. After we finished kissing I woke up because of how awesome it was. It was one of the best experiences Ive had in my life considering dimes like her dont come around that much.
      lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    5. 9/8/2012: fragments

      by , 09-08-2013 at 03:41 PM
      Can't remember dreams from yesterday (the 7th) at all, just making note of it here. I woke up in bad shape that morning so it probably killed any recall I had. All I have from last night is fragments and impressions.

      I was in some nice coffee shop and my little dog Rat was there too, nuzzling into a doggie bed on the floor by my table.

      Something about Disney World Mario???

      I was making cheese-filled manicotti on the floor. It had some strange ingredient but I can't remember it.

      I was looking at a Tumblr blog for Homestuck but all the images on it were disturbing, and there was an autoplayer on it playing creepy music.

      Some kind of foursome relationship going on between Karkat, Gamzee, Kanaya and Dave (Homestuck). They were all lying together in this big bed holding hands. Not sure what quadrant Kanaya was in there but she was between Gamzee and Dave.

      I was trying out some game with a Skyrim flavor but it had Varric (Dragon Age) narrating the opening scene and the last thing he says is, "This...is my story." I don't know what was going on but hell yeah, I'd like to play a game all about Varric!!

      Can't remember this one too clearly but Keitorin and I were in some club at a not-school along with Fili and Kili, and we were...ahem, 'taking turns' with the guys for some reason. No really, there was an actual reason, we had pamphlets and everything but I can't remember!! It was real fun though, we were all joking and laughing, treating it like some goofy science experiment. Then the dream kinda changes after I look out a window onto this area just outside some castle walls and we're all out there and in some run-down buildings being attacked by dudes on the wall and I'm trying to keep these two kids inside so they don't get hurt.

      notes: *big shrug!* I dunno, but I'm glad there was so much fandom in there. One of these days, I WILL have a chat with Dave, mark my words!

      Updated 09-08-2013 at 05:38 PM by 22511

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. Kingly Chase

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:53 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Chase. We are being chased in an unknown place. A squatters area in an Asian city. I separated from the rest and thought I lost them.

      I came upon a playground surrounded sparsely by trees. I hid on the slide. A kid saw me. From nearby, I saw one of our pursuers, a guy who was wearing a kingly red-and-white robe and a crown, pretending not to see me. He was waiting for the right moment to catch me.

      CR. Korean. Eyes. Question..
    7. 8th Sep 2013 Flying around and through and through... - Day 29

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:46 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1:

      I am at home and i am trying to nap, suddenly dad comes into room and decides to fall sleep here, then a blanket randomly gets thrown onto me and it transforms into some other person, so i realize that i am dreaming. I go to balcony door and shift into quadruped stance and then phase through balcony door. I fly and feel wings, streets are snowy and there are some buildings, i fly around and search for that black dragon. Soon i find him, flying in the distance. I fly towards him, avoiding a dragonfly that randomly gets into the way(Icwutudidthar, dream). But as i about to get close i suddenly get teleported somewhere else onto the ground, i start flight again. Now here everything goes weird and i start phasing through stuff, walls, houses and teleported around randomly. Then i am back at home again, i fly through balcony door again and then sky turns into ceiling and i phase through it into different room? Then there's another sky and another ceiling and it turns into mess. Another i phase 'outside' the area like if i was using noclip in video game. Suddenly i fly into a my room again and then into different room? Then again through window and more random phasing, then i wake up.

      Dream 2:

      I try to nap but suddenly somebody starts trying to put plastic bag onto my head, i take it off and i see 'attacker' DC, he disappears and i go to balcony, this time i decide to avoid phasing through and just open door. Once outside i fly and feel wings, my house and balcony disappears and i am in some foresty place now, or rather, above it. I notice stronger feeling of wings and then there's suddenly strong wind all around, which at first gets me almost to the ground but then i manage to use it for gliding/flight for a bit but shortly i wake up.

      Updated 10-03-2013 at 03:40 PM by 59854

      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable , lucid
    8. Hotel OBE

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:40 PM
      This is the second lucid from the morning of September 3, 2013.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #142: Hotel OBE

      During my mantra, I find myself staring at the ceiling of the hotel room we're staying in. I know that I'm wearing my sleep mask, though, so I'm positive that this is a dream. I will myself to roll away from my sleeping body, and now I'm on my feet.

      Rather than walking, I'm just sliding around the room. The scene is dark and a little hazy, but everything looks just like I remember it. I don't look back at Wife or the spot where I was sleeping, although I wonder whether I've left a sleeping dream body behind in bed.

      I slide into the adjacent room where the kids are sleeping. Now more things are different. My two kids R and E are each lying in separate cribs, both about two years younger than they are in waking life. R is now almost a newborn and E looks like he's about two. They're both sleeping blissfully on their backs, and I drift past them toward the front door.

      When I phase through the hotel room door, I find myself in a darkened hallway that doesn't look very much like our hotel. I note how realistic the dream began and how quickly it diverged from reality. I want to turn on the lights and check out my environment. I give a grandiose shout of "Let there be light!"

      The hallway is now better lit, but it's still fairly dim. From out of nowhere, I hear Wife's from behind me: "And there waaaaas light!" She follows this up with a mocking trumpet sound like "doo doo doo DOOOOOOO!!"

      I look back, and yep, she's standing there behind me. "Whatcha doing?" she asks.

      "I'm having a lucid dream. This one is an OBE." I'm preparing to explain what that is when I remember that there's no need to explain anything to Wife's DC.

      I jump-phase through the ceiling, my head going right through into the void for a moment. I try this again, and get the same void result. Okay, next time I'll imagine a new scene... too late,
      the dream ends.
    9. Smartphone in a bucket

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:35 PM
      I dreamt that I had bought a smartphone from a friend. I went to his place to pick it up. When I arrived he pointed to a bucket of water in on the floor. In it was the phone. I picked it up and it miraculously worked, which I thought was strange because phones and water don´t really mix. When I asked him why he had put it in a bucket of water he said it was in order to clean it.

      Later I went to a mall, and to a shop called Game that sells computer games. I browsed for a while until settling for a superman game. The owner did ask me if I needed help at some point, but I said I was all right.

      When I later played it I was actually inside the game, playing as one of the main characters. It was apparently a strategy game, where two sides fought a war. I was a super soldier and was running around killing enemy soldiers.
    10. Sept 7 2013

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:34 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      Sept. 7, 2013

      Dragon. Kael. Ipod. I ??? the horde. Storm. Mushroom island. Godzilla. Japan. Map. Cthulhu. TV. pig. Room. Pink. Kid. Sauce. Music. TV. Boy band.

      NOTE: This is what happens when I just use tag words and delay writing the details.
      dream fragment
    11. City on a Hill

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:27 PM
      This lucid is from the morning of September 3, 2013.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #141: The City on a Hill

      I'm walking alone through the downtown area of some city when two guys in racing bibs run past me. This strikes me as odd, so I nose pinch reality check to become lucid.

      I'm walking by a construction site with workers milling around in hard hats. I wonder how I might be able to change it into the Colosseum. This feels like a tough thing to try so I give it up and fly into the air.

      The flight works well, although I tend to keep slowly losing altitude, almost like I'm hang-gliding. My feet touch the roof of a building and I leap up again. Now I can see the edge of the city where it meets grassland that slopes smoothly downward. It looks like this city was built on a hilltop.

      I touch down at the edge of the grassland and leap again. It's a beautiful day and I enjoy the tranquility of gliding over the hillside. There are few buildings apart from the occasional fenced area and, interestingly, several humble little churches which dot the grassland. Every time I touch down and then leap again, I see one or two of these tiny stone-built churches with a cross at the top.

      I continue my downward glide and pattern of leaping along. I see a Greek temple off to my right and I think about exploring it. I'm really looking for the Colosseum, though, so I stay focused on that instead. I set my expectation to see sand, thinking that I can use this to transition to a Colosseum scene.

      The next thing that comes into view is a beach with crashing waves. I land at the edge of the cold water. The day is cloudy now. I focus on the sand, wanting to use this sand as my transition into the Colosseum. I reach down into the sand, willing the water to clear away and leave me with a dry patch to use. But after a few seconds, the water keeps rolling back in. I can't figure out how to keep my spot dry.

      I look over my left shoulder and see a towering cliffside. I'm exciting by the idea of climbing it, so I try. The rock feels wet and slick in my hands, but my dream body is so light that it's easy work. The slickness seems to get worse as I climb and now I'm climbing up a huge piece of green plastic. The dream starts to feel wobbly to me, so I focus on how the plastic feels, trying to bring everything back to stability.

      Okay, it feels better now, although still not great. I keep climbing, approaching the top. I hear the cry of seagulls, and soon
      I'm awake.
    12. Rooftop Surfing

      by , 09-08-2013 at 02:09 PM
      I'm back from vacation and I've got some catching up to do! Hope everyone's been well and I'll be checking what I missed in everyone's dream journals soon!

      This dream is from the morning of September 2, 2013.

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #140: Rooftop Surfing

      I'm attempting a WILD and get some fast hypnagogic imagery of standing near the wall outside of my childhood home. I reach out to touch the house's wall and it's real. Climbing up to the roof feels natural and easy, so I clamber up to the top and look out over the old neighborhood.

      The roof of my house seems to go on forever, somehow connecting with the roof of the neighbors' houses. Off in the distance I see what look likes breaks in this ocean of roofing shingles, and as I focus on them, my feet start to slide smoothly along like I'm surfing. I go with it, imagining that this is taking me toward the Colosseum for Europe Task of the Year.

      The rooftops have a smooth rise and fall as I skate over them, moving me up and down. There's a big, fancy house in the distance that I'm steering toward, and I insist that it's right next to my goal. The house acts sort of like a mirage, though, fading out of existence when I get anywhere near it. I'm left with just that endless sea of rooftops. Eventually another house appears in the distance, and I move toward it now.

      After a while, the rooftop starts sloping downward and my speed picks up. Now it's not a rooftop anymore but just a blue plastic slide. I try to slow down a bit. This seems to work but these doubts keep popping into my head and then I'm careening downward again.

      Now the blue plastic slide is slick and wet like a water slide, heading almost straight down. I splash into a shallow, watery pool in some kind of indoor amusement facility. There's a teenage girl here in a yellow shirt and tan slacks who looks like she works here. Before I can say anything to her, a little girl who's about 6 years old runs up and pushes a button that's just outside the pool of water.

      "That means you have to wait here," says the teenage girl.

      "Sorry, I'm not doing that," I respond, getting out of the pool. I check her expression to see whether she cares about my rule-breaking. It looks like she couldn't care less.

      I walk down a little foam ramp. This place looks like some kind of cross between a gymnastics studio and a water park. There's another girl who works here at the bottom of the ramp, dressed in the same yellow shirt and tan slacks.

      "Which way to the Colosseum?" I ask her. She immediately points to my left, where I see a pit of foam blocks and two more girls in this worker outfit. I'm walking toward the foam pit when
      the dream ends.
    13. Sept 8, Teleport Misses ABCs and Wall Walking, Among Other Things.

      by , 09-08-2013 at 01:56 PM
      Green = Dream
      Blue = Lucid

      The furthest back I can remember, I was doing a science demonstration with Bill Nye about the effects of CO2. We filled up a chamber with the gas but instead of using a camera to see through the stuff, we blasted an infra red laser through it which sort of just seemed to fade.

      After that I suppose it was time to clock out and leave, but I couldn't get the time card software to work. I got frustrated and decided to just leave but I couldn't find my shoes. I went through the whole office building trying to find them but couldn't. At one point I was looking through a bag of food from both Chik-fil-A and McDonald's. It all looked disgusting, but I stole some fries.

      At one point a butler type person suggested that a pair of sandals were mine. I yelled at him because that was stupid, then realized that based on what I was wearing, sandals made sense, after which I apologized profusely.

      The next bit is a little odd. There was an office war going on, Will Ferrel was the boss... and naked. People were running in large armies through the halls, there was a ghost of a dead girl the boss had killed. It was kind of hectic.

      I just wanted to leave, so I went out to a balcony and decided to jump down to the ground before taking the bus. It was rather odd that I remember both knowing that I can fly, and also being afraid of heights. When I realized how strange that was,
      I became lucid... but that was interrupted by dream characters who wanted me to help them flip the bosses car. I told them that would be property damage, so it might be better to simply fill his in-car hot tub with jello. Somehow, instead of doing that, we ended up flooding the first floor, which awoke an elder demon sealed in the basement. That's when I became lucid again, and ran out to the balcony, jumped out into what was now pour rain and fell. I closed my eyes, and tried to teleport to the Colosseum in Rome for the task of the year.

      Unfortunately, I missed and landed in an auditorium within that same building I had just escaped. I had to break down the door to get out as this was "reeducation" for deviants. I ran back out into the halls to find the war still raging. One man was dressed in gladiator armor, which reminded me of the task of the year again. I ran outside, jumped from the same balcony, closed my eyes, and teleported again.

      And again I missed. I was in the countryside which was mostly just deserts and sparse trees. I could see a city in the distance, so I started to fly there but the trees got in my way.

      Eventually I came to a river which I attempted to cross but a massive number of kunai (Japanese ninja throwing knives) came shooting out of the opposing bank, which I deflected with my own kunai. It seemed other people were also trying to get into this city. I told them I was trying to get to the Colosseum, and asked them if this was even Rome. They didn't respond. So I assumed THIS wasn't Rome, but on the other side of the river WAS Rome. I also realized that the kunai wouldn't hurt me, since I was dreaming, and decided to just walk in, ignoring them.

      But this time, no knives came flying out, and I went right across. But now alarms were going off so I began sliding quickly down different rock formations to move faster. They looked sort of like green glass, or perhaps jade. Then this stuff transformed into somewhat of a huge complicated glass track that looped and curved all over the place. I sort of surfed this track at ridiculous speeds for a while before I realized this was so totally not Rome. I jumped off the track, closed my eyes, concentrated on the Colosseum, and teleported... and missed again.

      This time I was in a small room with Ren and Stimpy. I remember that there was a conversation, but not the content of the conversation.

      Seeing as how I was in a small room, I decided to try the advanced task of the month of walking on the wall again, only this time using telekinesis to pull myself towards the wall. It didn't work too well. Gravity was still an issue so I had to get pretty complex with what I was reaching out and pulling with my mind to get it to work. It also had a side effect of making the room become slowly smaller. Once I was able to reach across to the other side of the room and brace myself between two opposing walls or the cieling and floor, I decided that was cheating and left.

      As I walked outside, I figured that my teleportation was obviously in need of some calibration, and gave up on the Colosseum for the night. Walking down the street I decided to sing the ABC song, to complete out the basic task. For some reason I found myself also counting on my fingers... which seemed odd then, but now I realize that's actually pretty common for me as I try to figure out what number corresponds to a letter's position in the alphabet. I had some trouble remembering the last verse of the song, so I just sang the whole song again and got it on the second try.

      At this point I'm walking down the street and I can feel that I'm probably going to wake up soon. I know the Colosseum is a wash for tonight, so instead I decide I'll just go nuts on the task of the month and call someone.

      I really just opened up my phone and hit send twice, because that's an easy way to call the previous person and doesn't require that I go through lists of contacts which I probably wouldn't able to access. The person on the other end answers "Moshi moshi" which is the way the Japanese answer phones. What followed was a conversation in Japanese that I doubt I could reproduce (I'm still learning). The basics of it was that I told the girl on the other end that I had found two people just like her, one who looked just like her, and one who had the same attitude/mannerisms. There was quite a bit of back and forth, but that's really all I've got. The dream would slowly fade as I became more aware of the bed beneath me, and I woke up.


      If this dream has taught me one thing, it's that I need to find a quicker and more consistent teleportation technique. This technique has worked for me very well in the past for both teleportation and time travel. It's a little fuzzy, and requires that I be able to accurately visualize where/when I want to be, but I've got to sort this out. Perhaps I'll use this technique to get me to a hall of doors, and then use the doors to rapidly teleport. That is, open one, visually verify if it's the right place, if not, close it and open the next, repeating the process until I get the result I'm looking for.
    14. biology

      by , 09-08-2013 at 01:45 PM
      i was taking biology notes for some chapter and at the end were a bunch of thing that i needed to find answers for, like titles and subtitles without anything under them and terms without definitions or pictures.
      i was in spanish class and my entire field of view as comprised of plessica sitting in her regular seat in that class with her left elbow down and head resting on her left hand, her classes on, and her medium length black hair down. I tapped her on the shoulder and said something like "so now you know how crazy my life is at my job"

      before I went to sleep this night, i had been doing my notes for ap biology chapters 3 and 4, aaand that chick tapped on my shoulder while I was bagging and said hi, so this makes sense

      Updated 09-09-2013 at 02:32 AM by 63768 (remembered somethin)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. The cubic prison

      by , 09-08-2013 at 01:31 PM
      I was in prison. Why or where, I do not remember.

      The prison was made of rooms that contained small cells, 2*2 meter I guess. They were arranged in a honeycomb pattern, with only thin walls between each cell. The cells didn't quite reach the floor and had a meter gap to the ceiling, still to tall to just jump over though.

      I was there with a friend who was in the cell next to me. Due to the design of the cell talking to your neighbouring prison mates were no problem. But the design also meant that they could poke my feet with sticks through the gap beneath the walls, I guess it was the only entertainment they had. It was extremely annoying! We were only let out once every two months, so the prisoners did get very bored.

      Thankfully my cell was in a corner, which means I only had neighbours on two sides that could annoy me.

      We could somehow see into the prison corridor. We saw a man walking there, and we presumed he was a new arrival. My friend told him to escape while he could, for when he was in the cell then escape would be impossible. He just smiled and said he was not going to prison, he was just here to meet a friend of his.

      I eventually managed to escape by climbing the cell wall and reaching the gap above the cell. The other prisoners were nice enough to keep quiet while I climbed above their heads to freedom.
      non-lucid , memorable