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    1. Sonho em Silent Hill??

      by , 12-20-2011 at 04:25 AM
      Estava correndo por uma rua deserta de Silent Hill sendo perseguido por inúmeros monstros, depois de correr um pouco, vi uma lanchonete com luzes acessas e com cerca de 3 ou 4 pessoas dentro.Corri o mais rápido que pude e entrei no exato momento em que os monstros iam me pegar e por algum motivo os monstro não podiam entrar nessas lanchonetes.Observei os monstros irem embora e depois me virei para as pessoas que ali se encontravam, estes começaram a falar sobre a cidade e sobre os monstros, discutimos por fim como poderíamos sair dessa cidade macabra. Eu disse á eles que as ruas que levavam até a saída haviam virado um enorme precipício impedindo nossa passagem, então um homem que estava sentado perto da janela da lanchonete disse para nós que se nós quiséssemos, os precipícios poderiam desaparecer usando a nossa mente imaginado que no lugar destes haviam as ruas normalmente. Depois de discutirmos isso, fomos para fora e começamos a subir uma rua logo em frente , mas quando olhamos para trás, onde havia um precipício, percebemos que havia virado uma rua novamente e os monstro que estavam do outro lado corriam em nossa direção. Corremos na direção da lanchonete segura novamente, porém os monstros estavam muito perto dela,não tivemos escolha á não ser tentar combater os monstros.Nesse momento eu não conseguia me mexer e só podia observar aquela batalha de longe por um tempo antes de despertar.
    2. Sonho Lúcido Voador!!

      by , 12-20-2011 at 04:04 AM
      Estava de pé numa estrada de terra ao lado da casa de uma tia observando o cenário até que meu personagem resolve começar a voar, nesse momento percebo que era tudo um sonho e mesmo sem fazer nenhum reality check começo a controlar o meu personagem durante o voo pela cidade observando outros personagens no caminho. Ia subindo cada vez mais até que cheguei numa rodovia e nesse momento comecei a tentar modificar o cenário para um de minha escolha, mas aparentemente eu acabei concentrando muito nisso e por fim despertei.
    3. 1 Lucid, 3 Dreams (December 18, 2011)

      by , 12-20-2011 at 03:48 AM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      I had a dream character appear as a buddy in all my dreams. I don't think he ever said his name, but I named him Chris and he responded to it.

      Nightmare Tunnel

      I was running through some place we called a "nightmare tunnel" with a dream buddy. The walls of the tunnel were odd swirling shades of yellow. We were running along a bridge/platform from zombies. A trap door then opened in our path and I fell in. I was in a dark room now and I walked down the hall towards the light.

      Now I was in an arena like room with high walls that prevented me from getting back to Chris. Suddenly vents opened and thousands of spiders poured out of them.
      As they surrounded me I suddenly realized that if it was a "nightmare tunnel" then that means I'm in a dream. I slowed down time and did a high jump before they could start crawling on me. While I was in the air a few of them tried jumping at me from the walls. I teleported out of the way to a wall with out spiders and then leaped over the arena to get out.

      I found myself alongside Chris again and now running from zombies, ghosts, swordsmen, and spiders. The bridge suddenly ended and below was just a bottomless pit. Chris turned around to face the monsters and prepared to fight them. I decided to take the easy way out and push him off the bridge. I then jumped down into the pit myself.

      I saw a bright flash of light and I found myself laying in a field. I got up off the ground and found Chris. I explained to him that it was a dream and we could do anything. So we both got the idea to play around with the low gravity. We did a few jumps and flips before quickly becoming bored with that.

      "There's nothing to do in this field." Chris said.
      "Sure there is!" I said as I summoned a slinky.
      "What are you going to do with that?" He asked.
      "You'll see."

      I placed it between my hands and then magically expanded it to the size of a house. We then jumped on top of the slinky and I made it fly high in the air. I then added some spins and spirals to the flight to make it fun. Once we got past the clouds I decided to let the slinky fall and jump off. I was now happily free falling through the sky. I completely forgot about the landing part though and I hit the ground hard. I immediately got right back up full of energy.

      "Ouch, that hurt a little." I said with my hand over my side.
      "You just fell 1000 feet and you're okay with that?" Chris asked me surprised.
      "Ha ha, if this was real life that would be a broken rib." I said laughing.

      Sadly the dream started to fade away at this point. More things may have happened, but I can't remember.

      A Grim Future

      I was inside an old rundown building. It was abandoned and looked like no one had lived there in years. Chris from the last dream was by my side again and was exploring with me. As we moved around the house I started to notice that it looked a lot like my home. We were on the second floor but didn't find anything interesting. I fallowed Chris down the stairs and into one of the larger rooms. I recognized it as my living room and realized that it was my home. I then shined my flash light near the couch. In the light I saw the two dead bodies of my parents.

      "What the hell is happening here?" I thought out loud.
      "You time traveled, remember?" Chris answered.
      "How far did I go?" I asked him.
      "About a few years I think." He said.

      Through out the house I found more dead bodies of family members. I also found several animal bodies of pets I've had through my life. I woke up shortly after.

      The Honor Code

      I was in the living room of a very nice house. That's all I can really it say, it was fancified. I found Chris sleeping on the floor.

      "Chris, get off the floor." I said.
      "I was sleeping" He said annoyed.
      "Look outside." I said while pointing to the window.

      We walked to the window and looked outside. The ground was covered in a thick layer of snow and there were gray clouds covering the sky. We looked to see a caravan sinking into a pond and a many people drowning. Medieval soldiers soon arrived and worked hard to get them out of the water.

      "Shouldn't we go help them?" I asked.
      "Not unless we're in the army." He said.
      "Seriously? We can't help people unless we're soldiers?" I asked in disappointment.
      "I heard they're offering a 3 day trial period. That should be long enough for us." He said.
      "Well then let's go!" I said excitedly.

      I turned away from the window and saw a man of about my age in the living room. Looking at his clothes I could tell he was associated with the military but only a squire. He was messing with a few statues and antiques in the room.

      "Can I help you?" I asked him.

      I startled him and he dropped the small vase he was holding. We both looked at it as it fell to the ground and shattered. He looked up and smiled sheepishly.

      "It's not mine but you're paying for it." I told the squire.
      "I was sent to help you find the barracks." He said.
      "Okay..." I said expecting him to explain more.
      "We must go there for you to sign the honor code." Chris explained.
      "Lead the way." I said.

      We walked outside into the snowy weather and the squire pulled out a map. I tried reading it, but I couldn't make sense out of it. He pointed down the road leading to the village and we followed him. Unfortunately the dream kind of skipped straight past the village and into the barracks.

      The squire pulled a golden tablet out from a desk drawer. He motioned me forward and handed me a quill. He started rambling a bunch of nonsense that I kind of ignored until he mentioned magic.

      "This golden tablet is the honor code. It is magical device that will decide if you're with or with out honor. Just sign right here." He instructed me.

      I took the quill and signed the tablet, but it was more like random scribbles. I then stepped aside so Chris could sign. Neither of us blew up or anything so I figured we passed. The squire then scribbled something on a scroll and said we passed.

      The next thing I know I'm at a fair with rides and stuff in chainmail armor. I knew my job was to watch for crime and keep peace at the event. Despite this, I walked up and down the street trying to find Chris.

      "Chris! Where are you?!" I shouted into the crowd of people.
      "Right here." He said as he walked up to me.
      "Where the hell did you go?" I asked.
      "Rollercoaster." He replied.
      "I see you also got cotton candy..." I said staring at the bag of pink fluff strapped to his side.
      "Want some?" He asked.
      "Yup!" I said happily.

      So we spent the rest of the dream just sitting on a bench and eating cotton candy. As with all cotton candy, it was tasty.


      It was a bright sunny day and I was riding a rubber raft in the ocean. My sister and a weasel were also in the raft with me. I saw Chris in the water working hard to push the raft.

      "Why did we bring a weasel?" I asked Chris.
      "New dream law." He said.
      "And it's a law because...?" I asked confused.
      "There's been a lot of dragon sightings around here lately. Everyone is now ordered to have a weasel at sea. It will protect us from the dragon." He explained to me.

      I then saw a large white dragon leap out of the water nearby. It wasn't aggressive and it swam away. I noticed that me and my sister were wearing colorful electronic knee and elbow pads. I read the screen on my elbow pad (impossible in real life) and it showed 1000 points. I figured this referred to power points and could be used for defensive abilities and magical attacks. I placed my elbow on my sister's knee and gave her half of my points to add to her defenses. Thanks to our training from the last dream, me and Chris knew much more about fighting dragons than her and I was worried that the dragon could still attack. It appeared a few times, but luckily we never got in a fight.

      We started to approach an island with slides and swing sets. It looked exactly like the playground I usually visit in dreams except it was surrounded by water and sandy. We got off the raft and stepped onto the beach. Unfortunately Chris said he had more rafts to deliver. The whole island was essentially the playing field of a game. There were many children there wearing colored knee and elbow pads like us. I noticed many of my family members sitting on the beach, but I didn't bother to greet them. I kid then ran by me at a super speed and smacked my elbow with his elbow.

      "Ha Ha!" he taunted.
      "Fricking pointjacker!" I yelled at him.

      He had taken 35 points or so from me. I couldn't ask my sister for any of my points back because I felt that would be dishonorable. I also knew she would need them more because these guys were hardcore. I wasn't interested in taking power points from other kids either as that was like stealing money to me. I just wanted to play around like I usually do on the playground.

      I saw a wooden toy intended for climbing on past the swing sets. As I walked over there I stayed close to the swing sets where these gamers were too busy swinging. I got too close though and took a foot to the face and fell to the ground. I turned onto my back and saw a fat kid get off the swing in front of me. I stood up to face him eye to eye (sadly I was a foot shorter in this dream). It was the kid that accidentally kicked me in the face.

      "You tryin' to steal my points?" He said in an attempt to intimidate me.
      "No." I said firmly.
      "I thinks you are." He said smugly.
      "Just passing by." I said.

      I had already started walking towards the wooden toy again before he could get out another word. I wasn't in the mood for dealing people like him. So I started climbing multiple platforms and layers inside the structure. I stopped when I heard footsteps coming from the ground below me. I snuck to a position where I could remain hidden and observe. I saw the same kid from before wandering around below trying to find me. I jumped down and tackled him to the ground. I held him down until I had absorbed all of his power points.

      "Please go away now." I said irritated.
      "Mommy!!!" He cried and ran off.
      "Finally." I said to myself.

      I walked over to my family sitting on the beach and just looked out into the ocean. The dream faded away after this.


      Chris seems to be a much better dream character than most. He just makes things more fun. Unfortunately I didn't take his hints that I was dreaming. I hope to see him in more of my dreams.
    4. Elastic Walls? My second Lucid Dream

      by , 12-20-2011 at 02:54 AM
      I was at home about to sleep when my cousin Sharif and his family arrived unexpectedly. I got up and greeted Hana first and then went to greet Sharif. I then saw something bizarre; I found my younger cousin Suzanne(11yrs old) lying on the floor with a mullet crying. At this point I realized I was dreaming and everyone other then my self just disappeared. I then decided I wanted to run through a wall at full force. When I tried I found all the walls were elastic like a rubber band but I could pass through it like a bubble. So I grabbed the wall and pulled it as far back as I could and then allowed it to fling me through the wall. When I finally got on the other side I found a strange combination of ocean and space. I had the sensation of being underwater but the view of planets and stars. When I didn't think the dream could become stranger I saw a large spherical object in the distance with blue and white lights on its band. It was spinning and moving rapidly to my location, as it approached me my brother sleeping in the same room as me sneezed very loudly and "woke" me up ending the lucid dream.

      This was my second lucid dream and it was awesome all until my brother ruined it.
    5. I should do something about this sex drive

      by , 12-20-2011 at 02:29 AM
      I was on Chatroulette with a girl who seemed to be in the corner of my neighbors front yard. She flashed me her underwear, and I asked "can I have a closer look?", so she smiled and lifted up the skirt again. She looked into my eyes, and moved the panties to the left, exposing a shaved vag.
      It was as if I was there with her. I was about to finger her, but she was too tight for me to get my fingers in, so I asked her to give me a show. After that, I wanted to penetrate her.
      I asked her "do you have a condom?", to which she replied "ew no, I'm not gay" and disconnected, as if I implied I wanted anal sex by this. I sat there for 3 seconds, thinking "what the hell" before the dream ended.
      non-lucid , memorable
    6. elevator

      by , 12-20-2011 at 01:40 AM
      I was in an elevator with a classmate at uni. I suddenly became lucid and my classmate turned into a really ugly girl. I realized this was NOT COOL so I took a second to compose myself and try and get the dream under control. I had a few seconds of heightened sense, I could see heaps of details and everything felt very textured. The girl turned back into my classmate again, only now he had tattoos all over his body, and so did I. Then I got bored, so I tried to spin myself back to my house. I started spinning and the dream went black. I could make out some shelves, way up high, but they faded and the dream ended.
    7. Entry #4 - The Nightmare Film

      by , 12-20-2011 at 01:23 AM
      I took a nap today from 2pm - 4pm.

      In the dream I was someone else. According to Jung's theory it was my persona. I was part of the cast of a horror movie, except everything seemed so real, it might have been just me thinking "wow, this is just like a movie." I was with three others in a white, crappy car heading for a lakehouse.

      In waking life I had read a creepypasta (a scary short story) about a woman staying with her grandmother in her basement. Her mother died and soon she began to see her mother in her basement, so she boarded it up, afraid.
      In the dream this woman needed our help. I don't know what significance we had, but we went to her house on a lake.
      Her home was on an island, surrounded by fir tree. Everything was more vivid than usual.
      There was a rotting old boardwalk that crossed the lake to her island .This boardwalk branched out. At the end of one branch was a few boys playing. at another end the boardwalk rotted and there were alligators. For some reason I chose to head that way instead of onward to the house.
      At this point I think I realized I was dreaming. Things were weird - I felt as though it was a video game and I was looking over my boyfriend's shoulder, telling him how to beat the level.
      I woke up.

      But I wasn't awake - it was sleep paralysis. I have SP often, but never this severe. It was hard to breathe, and I could feel the struggle for air. I was frightened of the strange, loud rumbling sound. My HH are usually whispers. I had fallen asleep on my right side, in my boyfriend's house, on his bed. At the foot of his bed are three large construction signs - one specifically reading 'DO NOT ENTER' in traditional black and white pattern. I remember it being reversed, the colors flipped. I could only open one eye, and could read it very vividly on the sign. My vision was shaking, so it was hard to read. I looked over, and I could see who my boyfriend was talking to on Skype - read their names clearly. I thought, "Perhaps this is a false awakening." I couldn't move to check reality, so I felt it was just SP. So I went back to sleep.

      My boyfriend - someone who I felt was my real boyfriend, but didn't look like him - and I were circling the house alone. there was a pair of basement doors against the white-sidled, Victorian - era house on the island. My boyfriend didn't see them and was standing on them. I shouted to him just before I slipped out of the dream.

      I was in SP again. I looked at the digital clock on the wall - 3 pm. I was terrified. I'd never had two bouts of SP like this, same time, one right after the other before. I tried to fight it - something that usually works for me. The rumbling and my usual HH were there, though the hands crept up the side of the bed because I couldn't see the door. it was very hard to breathe, and the same words kept rattling in my head as if someone was saying them to me - "If you keep speaking I'll make that creepy smile." I tried to talk - I could open my mouth, and say "Aah!" softly. My boyfriend's name is Austin. I was trying to call out to him, afraid, but I was so quiet and he had headphones on, talking to people on skype. I tried again, but after "aah" I couldn't form the 'st' part. My tongue was thick and breathing was a struggle. I think I almost passed out. I fought my SP as hard as I could - I usually can break from it without too much trouble.

      I was in SP today for an hour and a half.
      when I snapped out of it I gasped for air, which caused Austin to turn around and come to me. I know it was SP because he says he heard my going "Aah!" softly, but didn't think much of it. I was so scared and weak and lightheaded. My mind is still a little dizzy. I was very thirsty. My body still feels suppressed.
    8. Mystical World of Dreams

      by , 12-20-2011 at 12:51 AM (Mystical World of Dreams)

      Welcome to my DJ. This is where I'll get track of all my dreams (non-lucids and hopefully lucid ones too). Because english is not my main language, I will firstly write in portuguese and then I'll re-write in english.

      I choose this banner because what I think it was a lucid experience was a dream about a blue beach. I was there during the night when I realized that I was dreaming. The feeling was great but at the same time a bit weird. That's why I call this Journal "Mystical World of Dreams".
    9. Mystical World of Dreams

      by , 12-20-2011 at 12:49 AM (Mystical World of Dreams)

      Welcome to my DJ. This is where I'll get track of all my dreams (non-lucids and hopefully lucid ones too). Because english is not my main language, I will firstly write in portuguese and then I'll re-write in english.

      I choose this banner because what I think it was a lucid experience was a dream about a blue beach. I was there during the night when I realized that I was dreaming. The feeling was great but at the same time a bit weird. That's why I call this Journal "Mystical World of Dreams".
    10. Fluffy Food Warehouse

      by , 12-20-2011 at 12:44 AM
      I was at my old job, working in the wareshouse. I was driving the fork truck and carrying out my duties. Then a stack of pallets fell over, people were scrambling around and it just felt weird. I pinched my nose and breathed in and out, at first it didn't work, then it did, but only in 1 nostril which was weird. So anyway, I know it's a dream now and i'm lucid, although not 100% in control, I begin to climb up the racking and for some reason, the racking is not metal anymore, its made of those cotton buds you're not supposed to clean your ears with, huge cotton thingys. All the contents of the racking is food goods, lots of sweets and chocolates etc, it's amazing. I knock something off the racking, I am very high up at this point, I see DC's running to pick it up, I find this funny so I do it more and throw chocolate bars at them, i'm so childish lol. Anyway, I am able to climb more and more for some reason, there are other DC's up there too. I guess this is where I lose lucidity as the last thing I remember is DC's chasing me. I am alsmost sure there was more to this dream however I just wanted it typed before I forget completely.

      Thanks for reading
    11. Frags

      , 12-20-2011 at 12:28 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Sunday, Dec.18, 2011.

      Some twins were mentally ill. I was carrying my stuff in a laundry basket.

      Neighbors kid, who is all grown up now, got out of jail and pulled a gun on someone at the corner grocery store. We got away from there and called cops. We took refuge in and abandoned building nearby. Watched it all happen from there.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. To Do List

      , 12-20-2011 at 12:25 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      - another long LD (over 5 min)
      - talk to DCs
      - ask my subconciousness to show/tell me/teach me something I should know (how to be a better person,
      how to LD anytime I want, ...)
      - find a beautifull place
      - go to space and check out those space ships in orbit I saw last time
      - go to the moon
      - fly to another galaxy
      - have adventure on Starship Voyager
      - swim in tropical sea
      - be a modern day freedom fighter
      - ask a DC to get me lucid
      - find my DG
      - visit Bikini Bottom and play riding the fishing hooks with Sponge Bob

      Updated 01-05-2012 at 11:59 PM by 50242

      side notes
    13. 45th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Thebeastofold's Dream

      by , 12-20-2011 at 12:08 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Thebeastofold's Dream

      basement meeting, military museam, little piglet?

      Started out, i was walking out of some basement, up some stairs with my dad, felt like we were coming out of one ofmy radio club meetings, and dad says to me "hows your clubs military room coming along?" and i said what military room? so he walks out of the front door and i turn right and walk down an old looking hallway and through a door to the left, and i see a folding electric chair...looks like an electric chair from some prison but it was made to fold and lean ont he wall, or go in a closet etc..weird...there was some older guy standing there that just smiled at me as i looked at him..i alked through another door and went left again, and i saw a piglet and a small dog running around the room, through the door on the other side of the room i could see pictures of misc military personnel covering the walls...i noticed a bathroom to my right and i picke dup the piglet and dog and went into the bathroom and closed the door..i putthe animals down, peed, then i layed on the floor and started playing witht eh piglet, then the dog, then both...i got up, carrying the piglet with me and went through the door into the military looking room, and a voice in my head suddenly said, "the museum isnt quite open yet" i looked through the door and saw all kinds of military stuff on display, the room was packed! i walked through the door and all of a sudden i was rummaging through a big chest of misc mickey mouse and disney buttons and pins etc...woke up...
    14. Inside my AP Human Geography Class, Environment changes, back in same class

      by , 12-19-2011 at 10:36 PM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      12/19/11 AFTERNOON NAP


      I decided to take a nap in the afternoon and managed to get a few dreams in.

      Dream 1:

      I'm in a restaurant, this lady who looks Hispanic eventually offers her seat to me. I asked her if she was sure, and she said "Yes" with a smile on her face. I sat down and this random DC takes the other empty seat and gives me an overview on a slideshow presentation on people that were in my place of birth. I just went with the flow and agreed to everything he said. I think I was eating something while he was talking.

      It looked like cake but when I cut it, it was like jello. I can't remember the taste, but it probably tasted good because I kept eating it. While the guy informs me more of these random people, I could recognize a few names, but I don't recall ever knowing them in waking life.

      That's all I remember for that one.

      Dream 2:

      I was in my AP Human Geography class, and we were going to watch a movie that looked like Star Wars. It looked like it because apparently Anakin Skywalker was going through some drawing lesson in making swirls. The guy before him did a horrible job doing so, and Anakin did a better job. Our teacher said we can watch the movie and draw on the other screen while watching it, or we could do something else.

      I decided to ignore the movie because I had a piece of paper in front of me with very small glass square within each square that was drawn. And if you could fill them all up, the teacher would give us extra credit. I counted how many I needed, and 6 or so were empty, so I asked the teacher and he ended up giving me 7.

      After I finally filled the rest, I just sat there for some reason instead of asking the teacher.

      This is when the dream starts to change to where I'm outdoors. I believe I was standing on light gray-black bricks and was holding on to the side of some medium that was layered in brick as well that had grass on top of it. I couldn't remember exactly, but I knew there was something on top.

      I was looking around a little bit and saw random DCs, but couldn't recognize any familiar faces. I'm back in my AP Human Geography class I had in High School again, and I asked a student if it was too late to turn in the paper with glass squares stuck to them to the teacher. The DC said that you can, but he doesn't know if he'll change my grade on time.

      So I go to the teacher who is a few feet away from us. I give him the sheet and asked him if I can still give it to him, and I also added that I wouldn't mind if he couldn't, and hoped he would still take it anyway.

      He looked a bit worried at first, but he said I'll would be given points, but not as much as I would if I turned it in earlier. I thanked him and went back to sit. While I was sitting I turn to my right and I see a person who was on the Cypress Lakes Tennis team, but he moved to another school I believe. He was #1 I think for varsity, and his right left was amputated, and the casting was pink and black.

      It didn't surprise me he had that kind of color for the leg, since he was a bit silly in waking life and would act immature, and I think it's because he has wealthy parents, so it made him a bit spoiled, but I won't assume anything else from him.

      We waited for a while, and I was listening to the guy talk to another guy about something, and then someone said it was time to leave class, we all got up, and that's all I remember.

      Updated 12-19-2011 at 10:44 PM by 47756

    15. Inception, many re-enteries and false awakenins

      by , 12-19-2011 at 10:25 PM
      The dream seemed to start at a random location. I figured out that I was dreaming just because of the wierdness of the location. I Found a metal fence in the dream, and did a backflip off from it, which surprisingly felt exactly how mybackflips feel in real life. I tried getting my cousin to do it, and she failed. Then there were some kids and i tried proving to them that this was a dream. Now after this, there were many moments where the dream seemingly ended, and I came back and became lucid once again in a similar fashion.

      I remember another side chain of events where I was with some friends from church, and i tried proving that we were dreaming the whole time. I remember flying around and calling out to them, I also oddly remember smokin weed before going into one of their parents houses, which felt pretty awkward and I felt a little high. I was flying really fast around a parking lot that we went to afterwards.

      This cycle of falseawakenings into the same location over and over seemed to trigger lucidity really fast. Inception was one of the things I was thinking about before sleeping. I remember walking through a hallway, with my partner, some random kid from my school who i don't remember. We brought a few girls with us in this hallway, and we were all rolling shoppping carts. Apparently, the shopping carts were our transport into the dream, and on the front of them was written our status ( Hazard: Drowsy levels increasing, losing wakefullness) or something to that extent was written on them.

      As we walked through the hallways with more people appearing, my partner and i started telling the girls about dreams and the difference between reality and awakening. The girls seemed intrigued but my partner and I knew that that was about to increase tenfold. Once we passed the green line and got outside, the mark on the shopping carts said something along the lines of unconscious or something that indicated we were no longer awake, as we had passed the portal to a dream. We asked the girls if they felt any different right now, and they didnt notice, then we went on to tell them that we are all dreaming and started to prove it in really wierd ways.

      We were close to a burger king and my partner said, "look, if we want potato salad at burger king, we're gonna get it!" At this point I jumped onto one of the cars in the drivethrough, punched a hole throug the windshield and took the guys sandwich and started eating it. I looked at the girls and said "see?", then I jumped and flew onto a building and made it topple down as i fell along with it and the dream ended.