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    1. ***

      by , 10-14-2011 at 02:15 AM (Somewhere Over The Rainbow)
      scarves...my mom? ...
    2. Missed it!

      by , 10-14-2011 at 01:29 AM (function OnLucidDream () {)
      Just two nights after my last LD, i had another one this morning. Exact same, where i could breathe through my nose. This time though, a dream character came up to me and told me that i wasnt asleep enough to be really lucid.
      I believed him.
    3. Visit to a Girl's House...10/12/11

      by , 10-14-2011 at 01:01 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      This dream was basically what the title says. Nothing of much interest happened. I call it a wasted dream.
    4. Rape Protection...10/11/11

      by , 10-14-2011 at 01:00 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I am at a party with ass-tons of people I know. My friend Zaine has received rumor he's going to get raped by this girl we all know. Well that's not good. I decide to volunteer for the job of protecting Zaine from getting raped. I scan the area, looking for the girl. I spot her with her friends at a table not too far away. Zaine decides he wants to leave before something bad happens. Unfortunately, he has to go past the girl no matter what. Damn, we're in quite a fix here. I now come up with a plan. I have Zaine begin to walk out, and I go to a different side of the room. I crawl under the tables and head towards the girl. I reach her, and I touch her feet. She is startled, and Zaine wanders past unnoticed. I now awake.
      Tags: protection, rape
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Failed Indiana Jones TOTY...10/4/11

      by , 10-14-2011 at 12:53 AM (INeverWakeUp's Super Dream Journal)
      I am at school. I'm with this one girl that I know. I'm also with a few other friends who I can't recall who they were. We're talking about these two really hot girls at the school(real girls actually, but the conversation here is false).
      "She has sex with her boyfriend, then masturbates, then has sex with the other girl." The girl I know said(Weird dream). Soon, our conversation dies and we all go. It is time to go home. So, I begin to walk out, and a group of kids are following closely behind me. I can hear them saying things about me, but I'm not sure what. I soon get outside, the group of kids surround me. Oh shit. This will not end well. Now they get closer and closer to me. Man I'm fucked now. But suddenly, some big person scares them off. they back away a little, with looks of hate on their faces. I now become
      lucid! Awesome! Time to go do the Indiana Jones TOTY. So, I now go into the school parking lot, and I stop. I use the turn-around method to summon a classic white Ford Mustang. For some reason I can't fathom, there's two TVs on top of the car. Weird. So, I now get in, and I begin to drive. I'll arrive real soon. Then, after a few minutes of driving, something hits me: How the hell do you open the Ark of the Covenant?! I stop and get out, pissed that I don't know how. I could pry it open, but I'm not sure if ninja will except that or not(I know how to now though, I looked it up). So, I go into a house, where my friend Zaine is at. I hopelessly ask him if he knows how to open the Ark. He gives me a pointless and clueless explanation. I leave frustrated. Soon, I see Grunts from Halo running around the place shooting. So, I summon a pistol and I kill them all. Then, those weird flying bug things from Halo are flying towards me. I dash to the Mustang, and I grab one of TVs to use as a shield. Oddly enough, the TV sucks all of the creatures into it. That's fucking awesome. I go back and tell Zaine, who seems amused, and then I soon awake.
    6. Vodka Again: Picking Up A Lady at the Bar

      by , 10-13-2011 at 07:32 PM

      I find myself in a bar almost identical to the college commons. I overhear two guys talking about how they'd like to get dates for the night. They're clearly nervous at the thought of talking to a woman, and I tactfully let them know as I pass by: "Sorry to tell you guys this but you're beta as fuck!"

      I give them a little peptalk and offer to show them how it's done. There's a lady in a blue and white dress standing somewhere nearby. I call out to the bartender to get a drink for her, and two for me. The bar suddenly appears populated, and the bartender (also a lady in a blue/white dress) brings me a tall glass, filling it in front of me. I thank her and join the others at the bar.

      When I sit myself down I find Chelsea is seated next to me with a drink of vodka, and she appears to be enjoying it/my company. I am surprised to find that my own drink tastes really good, and I find myself successful in showing the others how a gentleman handles himself.
      Her wonderful smile stays with me as I wake up from the dream, and put me in a great mood to start the day with.

      I don't know what it is with Chelsea and vodka, and she doesn't know either! XD BTW In case it wasn't clear, my dream-self didn't determine if the girl I'd bought the drink for was actually Chelsea, but it seems to make sense since she isn't a drinker and would be unlikely to have one in her hand had I not ordered it for her.

      I also recall having a short lucid dream earlier in the morning, but it is of an embarrassing nature, so I'll simply say it happened and leave it at that. To protect the innocent, shall we say.

      Updated 10-13-2011 at 07:44 PM by 29957 (Titlechange.)

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    7. Vodka Fries

      by , 10-13-2011 at 07:20 PM

      I'm on a field trip with Chelsea. We're at some outdoor event, like a carnival but with shops. Chelsea is sitting at a table much like an outdoor cafeteria and says she would like some vodka fries. Yes, vodka fries. I disappear from the group to peruse the shops and after several weird reactions from shop owners, I found a shop selling a bag of vodka fries. When I brough it back to her, I wouldn't let her have any, prompting her to chase me around before getting any.

      She didn't get any vodka fries before I woke up. =P

      Updated 10-13-2011 at 07:28 PM by 29957 (Added formatting and date.)

    8. 10/13/11

      by , 10-13-2011 at 07:15 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Was at some hotel in Vegas with dina and Leo. Dina wanted Vip and Leo and I were going to sneak in. The guards let dina in and we went to them and said we were with her. Leo forgot his id and had to go back. They asked me for the Vip stamp but I said I just wanted to look inside. I went in with Dina and we waited for Leo at the club. It was your typical club with people dancing. We went through a weird portal that ended up in a really long game of survival. I forgot most of the levels except a feel one level we had to control space ships and destroy the opposing forces. We blasted through that with ease. The next level was some speed raceway where we drove through some obsticals. The last one I remember was weird. We were in some stonehedge looking place. There was shade and darkness. The sun would drastically burn you and if you were in it too long you would die. We couldn't find Leo and were scared he ended. We had togo get to the middle. I got burned several times but ended up in some safe zone. I found Leo. We were both burned very badly. We looked in the mirror and saw that we were burned in the exact same places and we got scratched in the same place too. We wondered what that meant. A lady burst out of nowhere and gave us a task that would finish this mission. I forget the rest.

      Was the owner of gnc. I had two emplyees one guy and one woman. The woman looked about 20 and so did the guy. I really took care of the store and noticed the difference between working there and owning it. I cared a lot more. A guy asked me if we had a cool center piece for his game room and i showed him a giant budda fountian. I wanted to keep it. My woman employee came back and went to the bathroom. I followed her in and picked her up. made out a bit and I told her to wait I wanted to wake back to bed. The woman turned into kara. Kara wouldn't shut up and kept making jokes. I finally burst out laughing and finally gave up and thought well this is good enough. I told kara to wait a sec while I stabilized and we walked through the door out of gnc into some supper sunny house. We walked together talking and laughing about random stuff. I t was super bright and sunny. Almost blinding. There was a swimming pool outside and I told kara about how this had to he a shared. The only problem was that I remembered that kara was already at work. I started thinking alot and this took me out of the dream. I had a false awakening in my room. I drank some water and it tasted weird. I was writing the dream down and I realized it was a fa. I woke up so I could write it down without forgetting.

      Updated 10-14-2011 at 06:42 AM by 20284

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    9. Cynical's Dreams

      by , 10-13-2011 at 06:25 PM
      October 13, 2011

      Some of my friends and I were watching movies on my basement tv. These weren't movies I could make out.

      Eventually, we decided to order out for two pizzas. But everyone had to eat dinner. So, they all gave me money, totaling $20, and told me to order two large pizzas. I dial up Pizza Hut, and call them, ordering three larges because there's a special.

      Once the pizza gets here, a kid from my Boy Scout troop is knocking on my door with them. Apparently they're using child labor now. (Should've realized this was a damn dream!) He opens my door without my permission, but he has pizza so it's all good.

      He starts wandering around asking stupid questions and breaking everything. I take the pizza upstairs and wait for everyone to come back.

      I hear chewing upstairs, and have this sinking feeling. I run upstairs, and see my father and brother finishing up the last box of Pizza Hut Pizza. We have a civil discussion.

      "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" I ask politely.

      "Eating the pizza you bought for us," my father replies.

      "Why on earth would I buy you pizza?!"

      "It's Father's Day or my birthday or something."

      "No, it's not. Even if it was, I'd just buy you a damn special occasion card from the dollar store."

      "Hah! You can't even afford a dollar. I ate 17 pizza slices to show you how it feels."

      "How what feels? And who ate the other 7 slices? There were 7 people! ..I think."

      My brother pipes in, "I ate them."

      "Ok, look. My friends gave me $20 to buy these damn pizzas. Once they find out what's happened, I'm toast, you jackass."

      My father snickers, "Oh well. I think I hear knocking downstairs. You better go check!"

      Indeed, there was loud knocking, a telltale sign of when Jane is knocking for you.

      "Have fun," my dad says in a fatherly way.

      "You too, guys."

      I run to the basement, and open the door. The gang is there, waiting to come in.

      "Hey, I'm hungry!"

      Everyone says this simultaneously. I look at each of them, with their endearing expressions. I take a deep breath, but almost choke.

      "Guys. My dad ate them all."

      These words hung in the air, literally. Everyone looks at them in dead silence. I fear for my life. Then, they line up side to side. They each say a number at a time. I realize they are counting down. I start laughing, thinking that they can't hurt me because I'm dreaming. As they close in, my mother skips down the steps somehow, telling me my brother and father had heart attacks.

      Updated 02-11-2012 at 03:49 AM by 50452

    10. the letter A

      by , 10-13-2011 at 04:10 PM

      I was walking past a stone wall and saw a word sitting on top of the wall. I was walking with someone ; i could not remember who but i turned to the person and said

      : that is odd i must being dreaming :
      I pulled the letter A out of the word and showed it to my friend. I then made the letter bigger and smaller; i changed the color of it from black to orange
    11. 10/13

      by , 10-13-2011 at 04:01 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      Breaking into an apartment

      I was a regular male. I felt starring a movie character in a movie...thats why I had changes in point of view.
      I was living in a small room of concrete apartment. it was technically not a room; it almost looked like refuge of some kind of Holocaust. the door that slides is made up of concrete also. I think it had a small window. since I'm a movie character, I think was a criminal or someone like that.
      I had this superpower of flying, so I tried to leave the town. but I failed so I crushed on my room door. then I tried again, and eventually left the town. while I was flying I saw a small forest? and felt like that there was NY City near me....
      then I found some apartments; thought the apartment town was in Sweden or other European country. just being curious (or the feeling I had similar to having lucid dream..this was semi-LD.), I wanted to break in a house in the apartment. so I jumped to the veranda and tried to get in the locked window. I even thought of transforming into a small insect to get in! but when I just looked closely to the window I somehow got into the house. lol
      at this moment my point of view was split into 3rd person. this man, or I, was wearing a black criminal mask and suit. I was really a criminal. I opened a room door and there was 4-8 yrs young girl sleeping on the bed. then suddenly I was caught by her 'mom', and the girl caught me to, and they started to beat me. the 'dad' was still sleeping in the room, having a girl/ boy baby beside him, and the mom shouted 'wake up honey!!! you gotta help me!!!' I think the dad slowly woke up.

      Time Travel to 80's

      (finally I was 'me') I was flying with someone(felt like my teacher?) over the apartments. there was nothing but blue sky above the apartments so I got scared. I landed on the top of the building, and went down on the ground.
      this dream felt like that it was in the 80's, maybe '85. suddenly I felt like I had a talent in music, then this old man came to me and said: "you're very talented. I will buy you a headphone." so I thought it must be really old and cheapy bc its 80s.... but the old man said, it's an American headphone.
      I was chatting with people sitting in circle. I saw some Asians and Caucasians. this one man said to me:
      "you should thank to that old man. that American headphone is like, what, 300,000 wons here(Koera) and maybe 600 dollar in america? you're so lucky!"
      ....so what? I thought. anyway on the left of me my friend who time traveld to 80s also was sitting next to me, and on the right there was a Native American or Indian woman. we sang the 80s beat song together, and I almost freaking throw up from its disgusting-old-song.

      Art Class SpongeBob

      I was in the art class at high school. I tried to do watercolor piece but I forgot to bring my watercolors so I was puzzled. so I tried to draw something another. these 2 students were playing computer game, and the substitue teacher yelled at them. idk why, I was playing Sonic game on ipad secretly.
      then I threw ipad away and started to draw SpongeBob. my R was infront of me, saying "dude, you dont miss any detail from SpongeBob face. haha look at his eyelids!"
      I was drawing 3 eyelids on SpongeBob's eyes. then I'm like "oh! I gotta draw his dimples lool" then I drew his sponge holes too.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. Time with a Chinese Woman

      by , 10-13-2011 at 03:39 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      I was with a beautiful Chines woman. We were looking at something...information on a piece of paper or something. I was very surprised when she "by chance" touched my hand with hers. Then her leg happened to rest comfortably over mine. It was really nice.

      She had a little, blue, rubber fish. It had a slit in the top where you could fill it with Noxema, and hers was full. It was about the size of a woman's thumb. It was so cute, I wanted one.


      I saw a strange hallway with two doors that opened like Star Trek doors. It was a cheap Star Trek type scene too. I thought it was really strange to see the doors like that. Then I was in my mom's old apartment, but my grandmother lived there. It was very dark as though everyone was going to sleep. I think my cousins and maybe my brother were there too.

      There was some kind of granule on the floors. I collect sand, so I asked someone for a plastic bag to put some in. I got some from the hall. The living room had a more course grain material, and it was darker. I wanted to collect some of this too, but I didn't want to seem greedy, so I thought I would wait a while.

      The hallway was soon carpeted. I knew I needed to hurry and get some of the material from the living-room, but when I went in there, it had been carpeted too. Damn!

      Then I was at a job. It was a stressful office job. I forget what was happening in that part of the dream.

      Awake now, I still want a little, blue, rubber fish.
    13. Night #2

      by , 10-13-2011 at 03:31 PM
      My first Lucid dream! (:
      i remeber that i was in this type of school hall way, and i remeber rubbing my hands alot so i didnt wake up or lose it.
      i was in this school hallway and there were zombies everywhere, upstairs, walking on the sides of me, and down the hall walking towards me. i just walked stright looking around but i felt a little bit scared, but i knew i was dreaming. i tried thinking of somthing else but nothing else came to mind at that exact moment. I dont remeber the rest but i wish i knew how to change what i was dreaming of.
      dream fragment , lucid , nightmare
    14. Flying a dirt bike is pretty awesome (lucid)

      by , 10-13-2011 at 03:05 PM (My journeys into the Dream World.)
      So this dream had some really low low awareness spots that I will just count as a non-lucid

      I remember this dream starting out in the truck with my mom and me. There was this gate thing and it was supposed to be a portal to terra nova. So my mom drove through and when we got to the other side there was just another part of town and my mom was lost. At this point I think I was lucid but at really low awareness. We ended up going back through the portal and then I asked if I could drive through because I am an oneironaut and I know how the dream world works. I got out of the car and started visualizing this portal, now the portal gate was this rectangular tall structure. So I visualized this gate and then the colors started swirling inside the gate. I leaped through and then slowly opened my eyes and saw these like hologram computer screens. So I guess I was in Terra Nova now.

      Now I remember the other part of this dream, I can remember that it had a bit of stuff before this, but I don't want to go into that because I barely remember it. So I remember being in the truck with my brother as he drove away from our street and I said that it would be awesome if we were still dreaming (we had some lucid experiences earlier in the dream) So I did an RC and BAM I was lucid. I now remember being at an intersection in the car with my brother and I was saying that we should go to mars or something cool and he didn't really seem that interested. So I got out of the car and looked to my right and there was a kickass dirtbike there. I shouted, "Hell yeah!". So I ran up to it and thought that I wanted to fly this thing. So I pulled out of the parking lot and into the street, I tried slamming the throttle and leaning back but it didn't work! So I tried it again and still no luck! Then I put on like half throttle and imagined my dirtbike floating up into the sky. So then the dirtbike started lifting up and up and then I leaned back and pointed my nose toward the sky and slammed the throttle and flew through the air. I then got bored or something and jumped off the dirtbike and pulled my parachute close to the ground. ( Now just to mention that in this lucid dream I wasn't very aware and I just seemed to be going through the motions a bit.) Then I remember coming down and my brother being all happy and saying how cool that was.

      Now the rest of this "lucid" was pretty stupid and I really don't have a lot of time so I wont DJ it for now.
    15. Updates

      by , 10-13-2011 at 02:56 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      Sorry about the lack of updates, I have been sleeping with my computer turned off. It's great for increasing the vividness of dreams, but I've only been dreaming of sex for the last 3 days. As a personal rule I don't post sex dreams. Just wanted to update anyone who happened to follow my dream journal, thanks.

      My current dream goal is: Draw the symbol on the ground and see what it does, I have a hunch it has something do do with either a portal, my dream guide, or both.

      Wish me luck
      side notes