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    1. Get out

      by , 07-16-2011 at 11:41 PM
      ok, so the last dream i remember was a couple of days ago, i have been having some serious relationship problems and in this dream i was driving along and i came to a junction, i went to stop the car and he put his foot across mine so i couldnt break. we went over and it was a near miss but i managed to keep control. i pulled the car over and screamed at him to get out. this is where i awoke, knowing i had actually shouted that out loud.
    2. Messed up Hand 07/16/2011

      by , 07-16-2011 at 11:04 PM
      Time? fragment
      Palm became infected. It hurt and was being eaten away. I used H2-O2 .. it stung.. someone was watching me do this. Infection kept growing in a circular shape until it took up most of my palm. Looking at palm there was like looking into a shallow can. the sides were pink and jelly like, no actual muscle or bone mass.
    3. 5th Shared Dreaming Attempt-Nepahnim's Dream

      by , 07-16-2011 at 10:18 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Nephanim's Dream

      I was lying in bed on top of Chichen Itza. A glowing, yellow orb floated in the sky above me. Instantly, I recognized where I was. I was dreaming! I climbed out of bed and walked over to the edge of the top platform. From my height, I could see a number of shadow figures walking around at the base of the pyramid. Some of them looked up at me, but most were oblivious to my presence. Something woke me up immediately after.
    4. Summer Camp

      by , 07-16-2011 at 09:22 PM
      Just before bed I was watching a youtube video, so of course the guys from it were in my dream! Haha. (Huge Smosh fan, btw!)
      So.... I can't quite remember but I kept having to ride my bike and drive cars back and forth between my house and a cabin (which was filled the kids my age so I assumed I was at summer camp). So that was wierd... And I remember at the cabin I was changing clothes and of course I ended up naked in front of a crowd of people! =P
      Then when I got back to the cabin people were sitting around in the dining hall, and I was worn out from riding a bike all over the place so I went to the kitchen too look in the fridge. While I was looking around in the fridge I felt my stomach muscles contract all of a sudden and I looked down and didn't see anything. Then this kid (who I know in RL, Jared), who was standing behind me, saw what happened and said, "Woah, that's wierd! I was just thinking about poking you in the stomach!" So it was like I knew what was going to happen before it did, like some kind of psychic thing. Haha.
      Then in the dining hall some kids invited me to squish onto their bench with them and chat. So I went and sat next to a really cute guy (who is from the youtube video, haha). Then he started holding my hand and we kinda cuddled while we talked to everyone (but it wasn't obvious because it was so crowded anyway =P ).
      Then I had to get up to go to the kitchen and he followed me in and kissed me goodbye. I don't remember what happened after this, but I don't think I woke up quite just yet. I was probably going on another bike ride for something! Haha.
      So it was a pleasant dream! Even though there were random odd tihngs. Haha. It's weird though because I just broke up with my kind of-boyfriend. Haha. We decided we were just more like friends. Soo.... I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the romance in my dream. But I enjoyed it. =P

      Updated 07-21-2011 at 08:23 PM by 25044

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    5. Tiger Swimming a non lucid 7/16/11

      by , 07-16-2011 at 07:55 PM (Mancon's Wild and Crazy Adventures in the Dream World)
      Didn't have any lucids last night, sadly but I did have some pretty interesting non lucids. Here's one of them:

      I was watching a tiger slowly walking in a wet forest. The tiger started running extremely fast when it jumped off a cliff, into a lake.

      The lake water was a vibrant blue and the tiger was a pro at swimming. It was like a dolphin. It could dive down and come shooting back up.

      I watched it go underwater and into this underwater cave. The cave was full of crystals and diamonds and the tiger seemed like it could breath underwater. It kept going deeper into the cave when it literally melted into the wall. It left a hieroglyph imprinted into the wall.

      I might go try to find the same cave when I become lucid again. I'll add it to my goals.
    6. Strangeness

      by , 07-16-2011 at 07:25 PM
      It first started out with me being dropped off by a friend/relative to my grandma's house. However, once I arrived, two people looking like they were part of a 90's action flick began to fight in front of me. One of them was male, and the other female. My grandma's house also became an industrial/futuristic bunker that could seal of every entrance and exit in case of an apocalypse. The man was a thief and the woman was trying to get all her stuff back. Everything gets foggy, but I think the man was finally killed and everything returned to normal.

      I desperately need to work on recall. xD
      Other than that, this was in interesting dream nonetheless.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Chichen Itza

      by , 07-16-2011 at 06:52 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      I was lying in bed on top of Chichen Itza. A glowing, yellow orb floated in the sky above me. Instantly, I recognized where I was. I was dreaming! I climbed out of bed and walked over to the edge of the top platform. From my height, I could see a number of shadow figures walking around at the base of the pyramid. Some of them looked up at me, but most were oblivious to my presence. Something woke me up immediately after.
    8. Atrocities of the Organization

      by , 07-16-2011 at 06:51 PM (Nocturn Core (Abridged))
      Nicole and I were staying with my parents in Texas. Austin was sick, but my parents couldn’t take him to the hospital because the health care infrastructure had been taken over by a group calling themselves (simply enough) the Organization. My mom did her best to take care of him, and his situation seemed stable. We assumed he would be able to wait a few weeks for a military action to sort out this mess with the Organization. As the days wore on, the news reported that the Organization’s reach was spreading. They captured residential lots for use as barracks and weapon storage. What they didn’t capture, they ransacked. All of the food, water, and valuables were stolen from countless homes in the vicinity of the hospitals. It was a terrorist attack on a level the country had never seen. We decided to build a secret basement beneath our home. Although building codes prohibited the construction of basements in Houston, the area beneath our house was suited to that, so we didn’t have to worry about any serious health issues – at least, that’s what my dad thought. I wasn’t so sure. He finished digging it out in two days, and we moved a good portion of our food down there. We left enough food upstairs that the Organization would just take it and ignore the possibility of people hiding under the kitchen tiles. It wasn’t long before the Organization made their rounds… We could only get the news by radio now, and many of the standard broadcast stations had been knocked out, so much of what we listened to came from other people like us living in secret in their own homes. The airports were under the Organization’s control now. Everything seemed to be getting worse, and Austin’s condition wasn’t getting any better.

      A few days after the Organization stopped running in and out of our house, my dad and I went outside to check out the area. It was spooky how normal everything looked. The streets were empty, of course, but the houses all looked fine on the outside. We went door to door trying to find anyone who had hidden themselves properly. We found a couple of corpses, but I tried not to dwell on it. I didn’t know any of these people, anyway… We found one family that did the same thing as us. Their basement area was a little larger, so they invited us to come stay with them. My dad wasn’t sure it was a good idea, but we agreed to attend a party. When we got back, we told the rest of the family all about it. We went back to the larger hideout the next evening to try to enjoy ourselves for the first time in a while. Unfortunately, a passing truck under the control of the Organization stopped in front of the house. The driver picked up the music playing in the basement from his vehicle. Before we knew this had happened, the driver called a couple of loading trucks to the scene. They infiltrated the house, broke up the party, and captured everyone as prisoners.

      We were loaded one by one onto the trucks with our mouths gagged and our wrists bound. I thought it was dumb of them to leave our ankles untied, but when they closed the back of my truck and locked the door, I realized there wasn’t much we could do to escape. I had to sit in pitch black darkness for the whole ride. I wasn’t even sure where we were going… After the first few turns, I was lost. Maybe in Illinois, I could’ve followed the trail better, but I wasn’t familiar with this area. I knew Nicole wasn’t on the same truck as me… It didn’t seem like they were shipping women anywhere different from the men, so I was relieved at least by that much. I had even less of an idea where she had been sent, though. The truck stopped at another house, and they loaded some more people onto the truck. It was becoming crowded in the cargo area, but they didn’t care. We were just merchandise to them. I supposed we would probably end up doing slave labor for the rest of our lives.

      By the time we reached the next stop, I realized the knot binding my wrists was loose enough to wriggle out of. I freed myself and cautiously undid the knots binding the men on my left and right. We left our gags in so the Organization wouldn’t notice we had untied our wrists. It worked like a charm. We could undo the knots just as well in pure darkness as in blinding light, so it didn’t matter that we had to work on them en route. We had most of the prisoners free by the third stop – and that was way more people than they were ready to deal with. We had to leave some of them bound, but we were able to rush the soldiers in charge of the loading process and take their guns from them. Only a few people died. Someone else killed the driver of the truck. We were the only truck on this street, so there was no one else to challenge us. Everyone scattered, and so began my long journey across the country.

      I found out they had taken me over the border into Oklahoma. I figured it would be fastest to make my way back to my parents’ house from there. I didn’t have a car, and besides, the roads were dangerous with the Organization about. It seemed they were no longer content with just taking supplies. They needed an army of slaves for something. I didn’t intend to trust my fate to chance again. I walked from Oklahoma back to Houston, sneaking into restaurants when necessary to supply myself with water and food. I kept away from the major roads when I could and made short work of crossing them when I couldn’t. I don’t know how long it took me, but I made it back to my parents’ house. I was a little disappointed to find that I was the only one who made it back… None of my family members were in the same truck as me, so I hadn’t been able to free any of them. I didn’t check the other house to see if those people had made it back. Their hideout had been compromised. Although ours was empty, at least I figured it was secure. I stayed there for about a week to give Nicole time to find me. When she didn’t show up, I put a backpack of supplies together and took to the wilderness again. This time, I headed for Illinois.

      Traveling during the summer was rough, so I was grateful when things began to cool down. It meant that I had taken a long time to cross the country, but I hadn’t been counting the days, anyway. I was too worried about what might’ve happened to Nicole and my family to think about something as abstract as time. Eventually, I made it to the edge of Chicago. A big storm blew in from the west, and the whole area quickly flooded. I jumped on the back of an Organization truck when the driver wasn’t looking and rode it into the suburbs so I wouldn’t have to spend so much time in the pouring rain. It pulled off into someone’s backyard, so I took the chance to hop off the truck and continue on foot. As I passed a house, I saw a television on inside. I wondered how long it had been playing… There didn’t seem to be anyone in the room. The TV played an episode of the Fairly Oddparents in which Timmy Turner gained the power of invisibility. He tried to save a girl on a motorcycle from the Organization, but he was unable to do anything. They threw her on a train and took her away. I couldn’t help noticing I was in a similar situation…

      I had to wade through three feet of water to get across Nicole’s street. Her house was empty. Her garage was empty. All of the canned food was gone, and it basically looked like no one had been there in ages. I noticed that Cleo was also gone… I figured she had decided to fend for herself if she was still alive. Since there was nothing for me to find in Chicago, I decided I might as well go back home and prepare the house for my family’s return – if they ever returned. The trip back took even longer than the trip there; I had lost much of my motivation. The winter months weren’t so bad since I made it far enough south to avoid most of the snow. The new year arrived, then spring, then summer, and I finally made it back to my parents’ house. When I went inside, my heart sank. There were people everywhere. I immediately assumed they were with the Organization and threw up my hands in surrender. It wasn’t worth fighting anymore, I decided. If they were going to kill me, whatever… I didn’t want to live in fear like this anymore. Then my eyes narrowed. Nomad was with them. Nomad wouldn’t join the Organization. I noticed many of them had weapons strapped to their bodies. Some of them – including Nomad – had war paint on their faces. These were rebels preparing to stand up to the Organization. They laughed at my surrender and pointed me to my mom and sister. I was shocked by how similar Chelsea looked to my mom. It had been a year since I saw them, and Chelsea changed quite a bit. I hugged each of them several times. By this point, I was already in tears. Just finding one of them would’ve been enough to make the past year of running worth it.

      I headed straight for the secret room, hoping to find my dad and Austin. My mom grabbed my hand before I could reveal the entrance. She hadn’t told the rebels about it yet, and in case one of them really was working with the Organization, she didn’t want them to know. She said she didn’t know if my dad was awake right now, but he would come talk to me soon. I sat down with them in the kitchen to wait. My mom explained that she and Chelsea had been separated from my dad and Austin early on, but they were reunited at the start of winter when they made it back to the house. She spared few details of their experiences… The Organization was trying to construct something to control the minds of the human race, but the details of this weren’t exactly clear. I made a mental note to ask Nomad about this later. Within half an hour or so, my dad walked into the room. He had a pistol on each side and wore a bulletproof vest. I felt small compared to him. It was obvious he’d been through a lot in the past year. I hugged him several times, too.

      Immediately, I asked him about Austin. I hadn’t seen him in the building anywhere. I assumed he had just been in the basement or something. My dad put a hand on my back and led me outside. Because of his silence, I already knew what had happened. The tears started flowing. He took me to a little garden beside the house. The plants were artificial, and they had words written on their leaves. There was a little piano in the back for some reason with certain keys marked. It was a memorial for Austin. I knelt in front of it, wondering what I should do. Praying didn’t seem right, but what else was I supposed to do in this situation? My dad read the memorial leaf by leaf, but I couldn’t understand any of it. The whole thing seemed ridiculous, like he would tell me at any moment that Austin was actually just sleeping in the basement. That was just a hopeless wish, however.

      “How long has it been…?” I asked, covering my eyes.

      “Since November,” he replied. “We couldn’t get him the help he needed. The winter was too much for him, even here.” I could hardly breathe. My only brother was dead, and I never got to say goodbye. I knew how my dad felt about his brother’s death. Was this normal, I wondered? My thoughts raced out of control. I wondered if I would ever see Austin again… Probably not, I decided. There was nothing left of him. I knelt there for several minutes in grief before I could even move. I knew the Organization could come by at any moment, though, and if they saw us here, they would want to search the house. For the sake of everyone inside, I sucked up my tears and went back inside. I sat down on a bench in the basement to be alone while I tried to grasp everything that had happened. All the time lost, all the families torn apart… It was all because of the Organization. My immediate family gathered in the basement to try to cheer me up.

      “When I saw Josh was here, I thought he was going to tell me he brought Nicole and two kids,” my dad joked. Clearly, this didn’t help much.

      “I haven’t seen Nicole since the party,” I choked. It took me a few times to get this out. I went through my whole trip in summary, stopping whenever the horror of Austin’s death or the year without Nicole gripped me. When I finished telling the story, everyone seemed to agree that I should try going back to Chicago and finding Phil. He might be doing secret work for someone in the city, my dad suggested. I couldn’t imagine anyone having a stable job with the country in its current state, but it seemed remotely possible that he could be working in secret. In that case, he might have a place for Nicole and her family to hide. Knowing Nicole had to turn up somewhere, I agreed to give their idea a try. They probably wouldn’t see me again… I could come back and find all of them dead. We went outside for some reason and sat in the backyard. The sun was already setting, so it was too late for me to leave. I would have to stay for the night. After I finished talking to my family, I turned back to the house. A number of the rebels were staring at me. As Apheri appeared at my side, I put my hand on her black hilt.

      “The Organization will pay,” I whispered.
    9. Fragments for July 15 2011

      by , 07-16-2011 at 06:46 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm at the movies with my friends K.G. and C.W. My brother and his friends are there as well, and we start talking about a new sport called "sniper golf." It's pretty much self-explanatory; one team plays scramble golf as the other tries to pick them off with sniper paintball guns, then the teams switch.

      2. I'm playing a Survivor challenge game that the host introduces as "capture the bag." The arena is set up in a cross shape, with four sloped paths leading to a high plateau in the center. Two teams of three try to throw bags at a dinosaur statue in the first round, with the most hits winning the round. In the second round, the goal is to get all six bags by any means necessary, and a fracas ensues.

      3. I'm at my old grade school when I'm called to the principal's office to see government agents. I'm a little scared, but when I arrive they just want to say hi and give me some candy. I start walking back through the halls, boasting to everyone I meet, when a teacher rolls her eyes and tells me to go home.

      4. I'm playing Drummania in an arcade, a game like Rock Band. Towards the end of the song I'm playing, the standard notes turn into a series of walls, which my sticks break down.
    10. The mirror, the saloon, an 8-ball and fragments

      by , 07-16-2011 at 06:28 PM
      Bed @ 2am
      Wake @ 7:45am

      200mcg Huperzine-a
      4mg nicotine gum

      Dream 1 -
      I was in a room that looked like a dressing room, rustic-style, wood. I walked out and approached a full length mirror.
      I saw my features shift and blur and I knew that I was dreaming (for a moment).
      I thought or said, "I want to see how beautiful I *really* am."
      My hair was dark and thick and straight and started to stand on end, it freaked me out a little and then I turned and walked into another space. It was like a saloon, I may have walked through swinging doors. The room was full of men playing pool. All of them looked at me as I entered, and they seemed to all be looking at me with hostility.

      I felt a little unnerved, and tried not to show it and to appear confident. I passed a pool table where two men were playing a game of pool, all of the balls were 8-balls, there were a lot of them, more than a usual game, and some of them were sitting perched on plastic cups, my impression was they were filled with jack and coke and maybe water.

      I picked up one of the 8-balls, and walked outside. I saw an area to the left and thought that I could go there if I imagined a bridge. I rolled the 8-ball on the ground like a bowling ball, flew up in the air, and asked, "what's beyond this dream?" and woke up.

      **I wrote in my scribbles "Who are you really?" and I vaguely remember asking that in the dream

      Dream 2 - At a place that was related to work in some way. I was sitting on a wooden porch, and there was a trapdoor that I had put a lot of stuff in. Colorful blankets, a clear plastic box of stuff. I pulled it all out and tried to put it back in neatly, and realized it wouldn't all fit back in. It all fit before because I had just tossed it in carelessly, and now that I was trying to organize it, there wasn't enough room.
      I dug through the stuff in the plastic box, and there were two items that are hard to explain.
      They were silver nickels, but they had silver tabs attached to them, it was like the tabs had to be removed before the nickels were valid. I pulled one off, and noticed the weight and the design of it, then pulled the other one and noticed that the design of it had changed and was now more scroll-like, more delicate, and the weight of it had changed to thinner and lighter.

      I tucked a blanket in around the top of the stack, and chose the plastic box to take out while I closed the trap door. I was explaining all of this to someone standing to my right, possibly C.

      Fragments - in a room with Teri, images or thoughts of a room full of women, of goddesses.
      An image of staring at a drawing hanging on a wall of St. Christopher. It was sepia-toned.
      Teri was sitting on the floor in front of me and I sat behind her and pressed myself against her, cuddling her from behind.
      In a room talking to two guys, a contemporary couch like an Ikea couch, a scenic view from the apartment.
      Talking to a couple of people in a modern kitchen, leaning over the bar facing them (they are in the kitchen). There are a couple of coinpurses on the counter and I look through each one to see what's inside.
      I feel a little self-conscious, and explain that I just like to look through the change.
      Something about noticing that all of the people in the room or in my life or something all had been abandoned or had abandoment issues.
      non-lucid , dream fragment , lucid
    11. Useless Origami & Documentary

      by , 07-16-2011 at 05:54 PM
      - I was in my grandmother's house with some guy (forget who) and he was cooking something and talking about how someone he was with (my aunt..?) bought all this origami stuff. As he was talking I was playing with an intricate paper doll she had made that was sitting on the table. He was saying something like, "She was on a ______ of buying useless things..." but he couldn't remember the word, and I said "Phase? or binge, rather..." and he was like "Yeah, phase".

      - I was in a documentary about the rave scene. It sort of switched between me being in it and me watching myself in it from a third person POV. Everyone was waiting in line and a man's voice was narrating everything that was happening. The narrator said, "As you can see, it is acceptable to dress ironically here", and it focused on a guy in a dress. The dress looked a bit like this shirt:
      with that logo about that colour, but the dress was bright purple, sleeveless, and just barely long enough to be considered a dress. I was in line with a friend and two couples who were clinging to each other, so I hugged him lol. I knew we were all rolling as well, but I was sort of just watching the scene at that point, so I didn't feel what it felt like.

      - Also just a small fragment in which I owned blue tea party shoes.

      Updated 09-06-2011 at 10:46 PM by 13525

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. First Recorded Night

      by , 07-16-2011 at 05:16 PM
      Last nights dream is as of now completely vague to me, its to the point where i cannot remember much details. Although what I do remember is that evidently at some sort of public facility (maybe a school...or a grocery store) with one of my friends....and that too I cannot elaborate on because I have no clue what friend I was with. For now that is all I can write down about the dream, hopefully throughout the day I can remember more and more although I find that highly doubtful.

      Adeeleo -
    13. [New Start] Lucid Dream #2

      by , 07-16-2011 at 05:08 PM
      School Transformation (DILD)


      I walk into my school. I turn left. Suddenly the school has transformed into the middle school just down the road. I look behind me, instead of the main office being there, now there's a white steel door that is missing it'sdoor knob.

      I was able to catch this pretty quick as it has happened before in one of my non-lucid dreams. . .

      I shout "THIS IS A DREAM!" about 3 times then do the "plug nose breath in" reality check to varify I am dreaming. It proved true.

      I walk to the foyer and decide to try to 'pop' the first person I see..unfortunately it didn't work, so I tried to move them across the room in a Jedi sorta way. By now, my heart was racing because, unlike my other LD, in this one, my level of awareness was really high.

      I tried to calm myself down by breathing deeply and by focusing on my surroundings, I even tried to spin myself around..but having never really attempted dream stabilization methods, my dream faded.

      Still being in that 'full awareness' state, I decided to try a DEILD and dream-chain another lucid dream.. but then I thought "It must be getting later, I need to go to work xD"
    14. Five Non-Lucids

      by , 07-16-2011 at 05:01 PM
      Recording these by hand in my dream journal has become a task.. so hopefully typing them will be a lot faster.

      Dream One- Bacon Bits

      The dream begins in my room. It looks exactly as my room normally does, blue. I know my parents are preparing dinner, and I realize that I have a bowl of salad that I didn't get to bring to another house. I look into the sealed bowl- The salad is slightly wilted with flecks of brown but I consider it okay. I go into my movie/bookcase, pull out the drawer I store things in, and see the remanents of the salad kit bag. The leaves in the bag are way more browned, But my main concern is the cheese and the bacon bits. I pull out a legit baggy of shreded cheese, and a baggy of real bacon strips. I set the bowl on my night stand, and began mixing the cheese and some of the bacon in, when I think, "Will dad even EAT it with bacon in it?"
      I grab the bowl and the baggies and head downstairs, where I peer into the kitchen through the dinning room. I wonder what dad has put on the grill, as he is standing beneath the bright kitchen light, food propped on the counter above the candy drawer, when he sees me out of the corner of his eyes from the counter, and says "Paige, I made you some string beans!" I say thank you and take it as a cue to walk in and set my salad down on the table. My mom is sitting in 'my spot' at the table, and I sit next to her in 'her spot', and they begin talking about bacon bits in a salad. Everything looks normal- From the kitchen lighting, to the table, to the blinds on the window. Mom, Dad, and Alex both say that they prefer really tiny bits, and I hold up my bag and say "What about these, do you want me to put these in?" They look at the bag and say a half-hearted yes, and I offer to chop them up for the salad.

      Dream Two- Airport with Kate

      I'm at the airport, except for the fact that it looks nothing like the airport near my house. My mom and I are outside, in a covered drop off area of the airport, headed down a ramp to a lower part of the airport. We start to come back up it when I happen to look up to a ledge and railing that blocks people from falling into the ramp into oncoming traffic and spot Kate, who was sporting the new haircut I saw in her facebook picture. We wave to each other, when I say "I like your haircut" and she shouts "Hey, I got a new haircut!" at the same time. In a way, I want to brush her off, but suddenly we're in a room.. I don't know if it's at the airport or her house, or what. The carpet is white, as well as the room and the door, and it seems like i'm in any suburb home. But we're sitting down with another girl, with a piece of paper between us. On the paper is pictures, and they begin crafting a 'True Blood' trivia board game. I think that my mom may enjoy this game, and say "Yep, I'm probably going to lose." As I look at the pictures, I realize that I've never seen the show, so I help by putting a 'Free Space' on the board, laughing. I get up to go somewhere (I don't know where), and return as they start the game by picking up the pictures and reading the questions written in the spaces. The pictures are colorful, and I can tell they are characters despite having not seen the show. On the board, I write in the space, '(MyName's) Space' and laugh. Then I pick a trivia piece and guess, while they get some of the right answer. We stop the game within seconds to do something else, and the dream fades.

      Dream Three- School

      I'm back in school, where I'm forced to take a bunch of tests. School begins in a normal class room, but by the end of the day, it seems like class is in my driveway. We all had to take some sort of a test, and we're getting the results back. I'm sitting by a girl named Maddie on the driveway, facing out into the road, who I don't like, but used to be my friend. When I get my results back, I change the way I was sitting to shield them, and read over the scores. The first packet of scores are about a 90%. I flip through to the other ones, and notice a 35 in red ink on a multiple choice. I knew this was a test we couldn't study for, and knew 35 was the bare minimum acceptable. I flip through and notice red circles in front of some answers.
      I casually look over to see Maddie has the same score as me, and I feel better. As we start to go over the test, we are now facing the direction of my front lawn. Maddie morphs into Hannah, who doesn't like me. She's upset that she recieved a 35, and going through the answers, there was one that she is convinced is wrong. The question, following a crime question says "This makes them a. Bonnie and Clyde, or b. Coco and Bono" the answer was apparently b, but we all chose a.), because.. Who are Coco and Bono?
      Later on, I recall telling my father that the test was hard, and I only made a 35 on it.

      Dream Four- Phish Food

      It is cheat day, and finally time for my Phish Food! Despite the fact that it's early, I decide to go to my freezer and try some of the Phish Food now. I pull out the pint, and it's smaller than usual.. But I think this is fine, since there are three servings left, and the one serving was rather big. I take a spoon and go into the living room, where I peer into the carton. As I begin to scoop the ice cream, I realize there isn't much in there, even though it fills the serving cup. I eat some of it and realize that most of it is gone. I look back at the light purple carton, unsatisfied, and realize that the pint is actually one cup, and the four servings are divided from one cup! I begin to think that it is a gyp and a total waste.. Begin rationalizing that my mom must have ate some or bought a new, smaller container.. And realized that I measured out a 1/2 cup the day before, so I had overeaten the tub.

      Dream Five- Teen Mom

      This was one of my first dreams, and I remember bits of it. I remember a teen mom and her boyfriend, at a hospital that looks more like the fancy upstairs of the house. The mom is planning to give her child up for adoption, yet the nurses hand her the baby and tell her to wash him. I start to think that this is not a good idea and that she might bond with the baby, when the father says the same thing. The mother seems to think it's okay, and they head into a room to wash the baby.

      Updated 07-16-2011 at 05:15 PM by 20253

    15. Getting back in the habit

      by , 07-16-2011 at 04:40 PM
      At my parents' house for the weekend. Dreamt I woke up in the camper, and the camper was larger than it normally was. I'm impressed by this. I go into the house, and my sister and mom are around the table chatting about plans for the day. My sister interrupts with, "Hey Abra, watch this!" and tosses a half-dollar sized bit of plastic in the air. It's the bumper from Super Smash Bros., and just like in the game it stays in the air when thrown. I'm astounded by this feat, and try and find out if it's hanging by anything. It's free-floating.

      "Is this a dream?" I wonder, pausing for a reality check. I feel control over my surroundings as my sister and mom both look to me. "This is a dream." I wait for them to show some emotion, but they don't. I stabilize by focusing on the wood grain feel of the back of the chair I'm leaning on. I hadn't planned anything. "I guess I'll go outside and fly. You're part of the dream. . . So don't worry about anything bad happening." Mom tells me to have fun, and out I go.

      Flying is easy. I can do it by willing myself to float. I get higher by pretending the air is water-like. The sky swirls in neon orange and pink and I can see a dream-version of Lake Michigan; many tendrils of hilly land and road creep from its edges. Cars with headlights glinting weave through the roads. I fly across and the sky changes as if the clouds were only a few stories away. I land somewhere in Illinois (I guess) where a tribe of seventeen-year-old men in the woods are hunting for wives. I get out of there and into a gas station, where two women in their 20's are aware of the dream. I ask them how to fly like Superman, and they tell me to fall and expect to hover. I do and it works. I hover an inch from the concrete, and tilt my body upward to start moving. By titling, my shoe touches the ground, and gravity grabs it. One of the women tries to lift my leg to help, but that surprises me. I'm jarred into a false awakening.

      My sister pokes at my foot and I start telling her I was in the middle of a lucid dream. I turn over and actually wake up, sister not even awake.