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    1. Fragmented dreams April 23

      by , 04-23-2011 at 01:29 PM (Through the Looking Glass ...as Experienced by Aeona)
      semi-lucid and fragments due to allergy medicine?

      Fragment 1

      An elementary school had been converted into a community of sorts. It was a large rectangular formation of buildings linked with covered walkways. In every classroom, now lived a family, or grouping of people of 'like mind'.
      I saw someone I did not think I would ever see again. I asked him if he wanted to take a walk since one of the people that lived with me was sick (now finally sleeping!) and I did not want our 'catching up' to disturb their rest.
      As we walked, I noticed it was early evening and many people gathered outside. They sat in the common areas between buildings on the covered walkways. All in the grass and crawling over some of the people were long worms; I had no intention on getting one of those on me! Prudence dictated getting back inside. We went back inside and sat in a dark room and talked for a while.
      As light came through the window at dawn, I stood there a moment enjoying the gold light on my face; I had been cooking us breakfast.

      Fragment 2

      I was talking to a good friend of mine that was having problems lately. Whereas I knew him ~knew him energetically completely~ (as well as his his values, and ideals) ,others who he thought of as friends had openly trying to discredit everything he said. He asked me "Does anyone really SEE me at all?" I replied "They see only a small part of your face, then twist what they see in their minds until it reflects their darkest thoughts hidden deep in their perspective microcosms." I felt his sense of betrayal and dismay but even more than that.... his love for those that 'wronged' him.
      He was many things.. telepathic, had direct cognition, is an empath, and more. He spoke often about understandings he got from the higher dimensions. His symbol was a stylized image of man's head (kind of like Dr Steele's) with a lightning bolt directed at his third eye.

      Updated 04-23-2011 at 04:28 PM by 44913

    2. 6th LD (I'm getting them consistently every other day now!)

      by , 04-23-2011 at 01:04 PM
      As a side note, the dream started out lucid, even though this was a DILD. I remember wondering in the dream how I had become lucid. Oh, and this was the first time I flew well in an LD!
      Lucid Non-lucid

      I was in the dining room of my house. I decided to go into the backyard and attempt to fly. First, though, I would get a trinket out of my pocket to "help" me fly. I checked my first pocket. Nothing. I checked my second, and found a fabric pizza. It would have to do. So I went into the backyard and leapt off a tree I had climbed, and, with a shock, I realized I was staying in the air! So, I began moving around, and I zoomed back into the house, back into the dining room, and back into the backyard. I landed and walked through a gate into the front yard. I was about to start walking when my mom caught hold of me and dragged me back inside. I asked if I could go outside. Reluctantly, she let me go. I began to walk, and I came to a street I had never seen before. I jumped off a tree and tried to fly again, but my mom caught me again. It was Easter dinner, and my dad had made oatmeal and couscous with tomato sauce (???). I lost lucidity as I gaped at the food. At that point, I woke up.
    3. Crazy Mother and The Sad Kitty

      by , 04-23-2011 at 11:54 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      All I remember from my first dream is stretching my real body at the end of it and waking up actually stretching.


      I was in some dark woods. My mom was trying to kill me. Not just me, but a lot of people. I was trying to avoid her.

      I then remember being in a dark creek bed with little water in it. My mom came from the distance, and looked over the creek at me. She told me she was going to kill me. I stuck my face in the small amount of water in he creek and pretended like I was drowning myself. I actually thought about really drowning myself while I was down there. I let out my breath. My mom saw what I was doing.
      "Good.", she said.

      As soon as I knew she was gone, I got up out of the water. I walked a little ways down the drying out creek bed. I saw guards behind me, searching for people. I knew that they shouldn't see me.

      I also remember seeing my mom again, but it was like we were in my house now, which was still pretty dark. My mom now knew that I was alive, so I decided to tell her how I felt. I told her that I was upset with her because of what she was doing. She denied it, saying that she hadn't been doing that at all.

      Then, I remember being outside in the creek bed again. I was sitting on a rock. Next to me was a small white cat. Her fur was all tattered and you could see that she had a lot of fleas; they were crawling around under her fur. I then knew that her father had gone missing, and she was very sad because there was a good chance that he was dead. I started to talk to her, trying to ask her if I could help her find her father. She just looked away from me. Then I asked her something, I don't remember what, but she said
      "Because you're stupid."
      I replied
      "Oh? Where did you hear that from?"
      "The newspaper.", she replied.
      "I don't care about that.", I said.
      I then started trying to talk to her about herself, trying to distract her from her sadness. I asked her what she was interested in, and she started talking about "partitioning", which, in the dream, meant hunting for very large diamonds. She started telling me about a famous "partitioner" in Argentina. She started getting very excited. I looked at her again, and she was now a girl, not a cat.

      Then, I remember feeling my permanent bottom retainer in my mouth with my tongue. It then fell out in two pieces. It had never fallen out before. I spit it out into my hand. I thought about going to the orthodontist, but it was Saturday, so they were closed. Someone next to me told me they were easy to put back in. I tried to put it back in, but wasn't sure if I did it right. I felt it back in my mouth with my tongue.

      Updated 04-23-2011 at 11:58 AM by 32059

      Tags: cat, death
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 23/04/11 - Flamethrowin' my dad's face

      by , 04-23-2011 at 11:48 AM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning! Intended to get lucid this morning with a short WBTB. Didn't even get up and I fell back asleep. Next time I woke up it was way too late to bother. Had a few cool dreams which makes up for it.

      23.30: Sleep

      10.00: Damn bees
      I'm with my friend G in a forest. I have no idea what we're going to do, but apparently collecting honey from bees is something we need to do. I guess it's survival time. We spot a big nest on a fallen log and get to work. I watch as G tries to dig the honey out and he's covered in bees. They don't seem to hurt him really, but soon I can't take it. My arm hurts and I run away. I look down at my arm and it's completely covered in ants. They're huge and glistening black. I spot a single bee on my finger stinging me. I flick the bee away and try to find another way around the nest.

      I start climbing a cliff next to a lake. It's got spots of ice on it and the ice is brown and yellow. A narrator voice starts talking. "It's over a hundred years old, and hard as rock". I carefully position my feet to not slip, but I soon realise it's impossible to pass here. I head back and start walking back towards G. I spot him up ahead, lying down. Oh shit he's unconscious. I jump over the fallen log and shake G awake. "We gotta go!" I tell him and pick him up and drag him away. Soon he's walking on his own. We arrive at a camp with a small fire going. "We need to put him down by the fire" I tell everyone and we start stacking tiny pieces of wood to make a bed or something. What were you supposed to do when someone got stung by a bee? Oh well. "We will not choose this island next time" G tells me.

      10.00: Fighting dad with heavy weapons
      I'm on a big stage at a consert. There are people everywhere and I know one of the guys playing in the band. He tells me to follow him and I do. We exit the stage through the covers and when I reach the end of the backstage, I see tons of people in a line. It's probably ten people wide, and I can see a line going through it where no one is standing. I spot the guy I was with at the end of the broad line and I jump down and follow him. Halfway through the crowd, someone starts yelling. "It's him!". Everyone goes crazy and starts running towards the star. He runs towards a large field and I get semi-lucid, imagining myself running in huge leaps. I quickly reach the front of the crowd and we run towards a grove of tree's.

      I need to hide the key I'm holding. I climb up some rocks and jump through some bushes. I hide the key cleverly and look around. There are long and thin trees all around me, like bamboo. I climb one of them and scout. The dream gets kinda fuzzy from here. I see small miniature monkeys climbing the trees from outside and I bend the trees to smack down on them, killing them. A war breaks out and I fight several people at once, at last the key is stolen and a girl asks me something. I light a lighter and hold it up to the board I hung it on, inspecting it.

      I feel like I have to find the key again. I start running towards the middle of the grove and all of a sudden my dad shows up. Oh shit, he's got two of the arms that we were supposed to hide (apparently the key was a robotic arm with huge weapons on it). My dad picks up one of the arms and mounts it on his regular arm. I run upstairs (now at my parents house) and enter my brother's room. There's a guy in terminator armor there and I blast away with my lasercannon. Not much happens until I supercharge it and shove it up under his chin. I fire away and he collapses. My dad enters the room. "You think that will do anything against me?" he asks and starts walking towards me slowly.

      I blast his face with my flamethrower and my lasercannon. I aim at his right eye, but he seems to be unaffected. Soon I'm cornered but I dodge under his arms and run down the stairs. I pick up the other arm and it's also got a flamethrower on. My dad shows up and I hold out both my arms, blasting his face with fire and laser. I back away slowly as he's coming at me. I can tell it's working now, his face starts getting sun tanned and some of his skin is coming off, like you get when you've been in the sun for too long. A neighbour shows up and asks my dad something. We stop fighting and he tells him that I was a great boxer back in the days. A blonde girl shows up and picks up my dad's weapons. I start blasting her face with fire and her hair is making it more effective. She gets tanned quickly.

      10.00: Amsterdam
      I'm on a bus with a few friends and Monica. We're in Amsterdam and I recognise the street as one of the fancier ones. I remember staying at a hotel nearby, and I can see alot of neon signs of casino's and big hotels. We get off at the next stop. We're going to a club and go through a park. I feel safe as I know it's a nice part of town. I hear a plane and look up. It's a steam roller/crane flying on mini wings which are flapping away. "It can do that because it's balanced out" my coworker Snusknicke tells me. It seems logical. I watch it for a while, flying away. Soon we arrive at a club entrance. "New Club" I read on the sign out front, we all enter.

      I spot a poster with something like, "We see, you see" on. I figure it's telling us to behave because they're watching us. We arrive in a room with alot of sofa's. My friends have already taken a seat and is talking to eachother and a few other people. The club hasn't opened yet. "Where can I turn in my jacket and these bags?" I ask. I've bought something, no idea what. "Shhhhh!" Eric tells me. "Unless you want to pay alot, just put them behind these sofa's" No way I'm doing that.

      10.00: Fragments
      *I'm talking to a girl I used to talk to on the phone. Suddenly she's by my side.

      *I'm in a grocery store, digging a hole in the floor. Apparently it's turned into soft mud and I am clearing it up. The hole is man-sized and water starts seeping up from the ground. I keep on clearing it, ice chunks floating around. The chef of the place shows up. "Hey, I'll work for you instead, I went to chef's school" I tell him. We laugh and he walks away. I clear the hole up, soon it's only filled with clear water.

      10.00: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 10½ hours

      Supplements: Nothing

      That's it! I'll do a G+C combo tomorrow. IF I can get my fat ass out of bed.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!
    5. (W.I.L.D.): Dream LCD + Surface Flying

      by , 04-23-2011 at 09:31 AM
      I woke up from an intense dream in the 2nd REM stage that is completely forgotten. The only element I remember was some kind of monster, like a griffin, or a giant blue rooster. I couldn't fall back to sleep for an hour but there was no fear or uneasiness. I tossed and turned.

      When I finally fell back to sleep I unintentionally had a W.I.L.D.

      I remember thinking that visualizing certain shapes was causing dream quality images to run through my mind. I decided (logically or illogically) that thinking of curved lines was very dream inducing. I was seeing something like parchment with black inked looking curved lines. This gave way into a realistic view from my bed with my eyes open.

      Floating in space in front of me was a hand-held flat screen LCD TV. It was flashing various scenes as if flipping through channels. The device looked real and more elegant than any pictures of such devices I've found on Google. My room was dark, true to life, except for the floating LCD.

      A slightly cartoon-ish scene. A birds-eye view came on that featured a Rocket Ranger flying through a city full with skyscrapers. I thought cool, I want to enter this scene. I moved slightly closer to screen but then eased back into bed. Instead of entering the scence, several more Rocket Ranger type figures joined the first one and as a group were flying through a modern looking city via jet pack.

      My view seemed fixed, with only a slight range of motion. A new scene appeared on the small screen, it was of an old house with a darkened stair case. I thought "this looks interesting" and managed to move my view all the way up to the scene and merged into it.

      Now I was standing in a strange old, poorly light house I have never seen before. I was nearby a window and the view was very similar to the one from my grandmothers old attic window. Next to the window was a dresser covered in dust. I looked out and could see green grass and another building with no windows. For some reason I felt I couldn't go outside. I took a close look at the dusty dresser to test the detail level of the dream. It looked extremely real.

      Next I decided I wanted to fly along the surface of the walls. I was bodiless (again). I zoomed onto the wall as if from the point of view of an ant. I flew around the walls of this house and hopped across walls and doors. --Things get hazy at this point.

      Supplements: Liquid Gel multivitamin and 500mg of vitamin B5

      Updated 04-24-2011 at 08:21 PM by 32174

      side notes , lucid , memorable
    6. Meaningful, Memorable, Strange.

      by , 04-23-2011 at 07:16 AM
      This dream makes no sense without the context, so here it is.

      Throughout middle school i had a few friends, but only one best friend, we will call him J. One day early in high school J decided he hated me? er something? anyway, i was kind of rattled up by this. So here's the dream...

      I was standing in front of my computer, behind the chair like i was about to shut it down, but then i got a message from my old friend via the messaging service we used. I then sat down, i was immediately teleported to a road that is very near the street on which i live, and for some reason i was in the military, and my unit was with me, we walked down the street till we got to my house, i went to the front door "Youre going in there?" one man from my unit said "Yeah theyll be happy to see me" i replied in reference to my parents "I screwed up with my parents too bad before i left" another man said "I screwed up too but theyll still be happy to see me". I then went inside my house, there was an easel on the table with a peice of paper that showed the first line of my favorite song at the time (Aeriels- System of a down) "Life is a water fall, were one in the river and one again after the fall" my father recited these words as my mom came over with a tooth pick and stuck it into a hardly healing bullet wound i had on my leg. I awoke screaming.

      I have 2 interpretations of this dream, one is that if i go back to talking with him i will just wind up getting hurt. the second is in reference to the quote, Life is a waterfall, we're one in the river and one again after the fall, what if this was the fall? and we would be friends again after it? Tell me what you think in the comments! thanks for reading!

      (The issue has been resolved, we are now good friends once more, the dream however still puzzles me)
    7. Black Ops

      by , 04-23-2011 at 05:35 AM (Way of the Lizard)
      Well, that was a weird, dark dream. I was part of an intelligence unit raiding a Native American trailer park that housed a dope-growing operation. We went in there in suits, chucked bottles of accelerant at all the trailers except for two, the guy who tipped us off and the HQ, then lit it up and either rounded people up or gunned them down as they ran around in confusion. My boss in the operation was this 'spooky calm' kind of Tommy Lee Jones-ish guy, who gave a very rational defense of the whole operation when I declared it monstrous. He wandered around the trailer collecting tree branch specimens that were hanging around, and since we were doing it, I called dibs on an industrial juicer we found
    8. Sarcasm & Hero

      by , 04-23-2011 at 03:54 AM

      I was aware this was a dream but did not have the awesome clarity and mental plasticity as a full LD.

      I was also aware, on some level, of my dream goal of wanting to be a hero or helper and was expecting for this to show up during the dream.

      Dream 1: Sarcasm

      I was in a building that opened its doors into a dirty dusty courtyard. I thought ‘what a pathetic place.’ Unimpressed with this dream already, I still had to explore so I walked out into the dusty lot of a yard and walked toward a group of people I saw in a far corner. I then saw a boy (about 5 years old) at the opposite end, he was dirty and had raggy clothes. He was looking at a little blond girl his same age with mud on her face and on her torn clothes. Now I was angry at this dream giving me this out an infinity of interesting things I could be seeing. “Oh this is great.” “Oh its Mr. Little. And oh look, its Misses Little Ugg Lay.” I decided to walk in-between them and see what was up with them.
      Before I got there a woman (white in her 60’s with obviously artificial brown hair) stopped me “Wait I need to take your blood pressure!” It was harmless and you never know it could become interesting. She put the cuff on my wrist then realized that was not the right place for it and put in on my bicep and pumped it up and started to count.
      After she was finished I started to walk to the business men talking in the corner but the oldest one with gray hair said “Don’t.” So I walked a bit and thought about using telekinesis to rip the whole surrounding buildings down for kicks. Then this guy came towards me from that corner, now a little ways away, and said “Now if you don’t behave I will have to throw you out.” “Oh I wish you could throw me out” I said knowing he was no match for me. He then walks up on the wall defying gravity toward me and down on the ground closer to me shocks my arm a tiny bit with a bolt of electricity. I am unfazed. He then shoots a laser at my arm and cuts it open to the muscles inside which would be horrifying if this was not a dream and I was not the indestructible being that I am. Still it is a cool power I suppose. He stormed off.
      A couple came out to me and threw down a picnic blanket. I felt their expectation that I was supposed to join them so I sat down and waited for the woman, who looked a lot like Dharma from the TV show Greg and Dharma
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      (the short haired girl in blond?), put everything in place. Sitting down I didn’t feel like myself any more, it felt a lot like when you wear a mask and you feel the difference of what you are supposed to be. “Wow this is great ain’t it?” I said sarcastically. I didn’t like what I had said but fortunately it was taken as me joking around. The woman put out the food which was the tiniest amounts of food amounting to 3 gray pees and a thumb sized spot of gravy. I then yelled “DON’T TOUCH! I DON’T WANT ANYBODY TO HAVE TOO MUCH!” I was shocked and thought ‘where did that come from?!’ The woman was sitting there in disappointed shock and the guy with us was like with his mouth hanging open. “I didn’t mean that” I muttered, “it’s perfect, it’s just a taste. Just a taste…” Embarrassed and unsure at what just happened I got up and walked off.

      Dream 2: First Aid Hero

      I was in a large parking lot like out front of a Lowes or WalMart and so I walked into the garden center area these kinds of stores have and someone behind me asked for help. It was a woman about 23 needing to get up high on to the shelved plants up high. She felt like I worked there and I felt that maybe I did in the real world and this was my dream from that life. I helped hook her up to some pipe on the ceiling so she could use it like a zip line but it didn’t work. A female manager came to us and criticized how I attached her to the pipe which made me hate the idea that I may work at a place like this. I thought about several ways to blow the store up but realized that chemical reactions don’t work in this dream world so no real explosion would happen.
      ‘Screw this’ I thought and headed for the outer fence of the garden center “where you going?” a female voice called out to me from behind, I completely ignored it.
      At the fence I flew up a bit and passed through the chain link fence and flew over the parking lot to the woods. I tried to get some more height but could only get as high as the trees which I ran into. Then I saw a very large and pointed hill of dirt and thought ‘well this flat city really does have a “mountain” after all’ I chuckled to myself. I let myself float onto this hill but then saw a lot of ants on the hill, and was for a moment scared that they’d bite me, but remembered they can’t bite me in a dream.
      I drifted toward the highway where there were cars and 18-wheelers speeding by. I floated into the traffic but was too high for the cars. Then in another lane 18-wheeler tipped over on its side and skidded my way. I couldn’t get enough height and the truck hit me but I felt no pain it just bumped me up into the air more. Seeing the truck on the side of the road on its side, I flew over and opened the door and went inside to see the driver had a lot of scrapes and a bloody wound on his chest. I spun into hero mode, at least from my certification in First Aid, and dressed his wounds in record time. Then I knew the last instruction is to wait for the emergency crews ‘I did enough here, this was successful, I can go now’ I thought and woke up to record this dream.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Motorbike ride with Yuya

      , 04-23-2011 at 12:41 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I was taking a break from all the work I've had recently.
      Just chilling out, watching some random episodes and movies. (Game of Thrones pilot, Dr. No)
      Then I got tired and decided to take an afternoon nap.
      I put my rather comfortable chair all the way back and listened to some ambient music with my eyes closed.
      For some reason there was some Daft Punk in my playlist, I remember it because I was getting into SP whilst listening to:

      The music slowly becomes muffled (I don't know if this is the right term), like if I was under water.
      I know I'm about to enter a dream when I'm startled by the feeling of arms embracing me from behind.
      Assuming that this is caused by SP I try to ignore the feeling, but when I notice a breeze of air on my face, I decide to open my eyes.
      My vision is extremely blurry. I can only distinguish between different intensities of light, but I cannot see any shapes.

      But then I feel the presence of Yuya. She's holding me from behind, these are her arms, and suddenly I feel very much at ease.
      My vision sharpens and I notice I am riding a motorbike with Yuya.
      We're on some sort of red planet. At first I think that we're riding in a red sand desert, but the bike has too much grip for the surface to be sand.
      It must be some sort of stone with a sandy texture or something along those lines.

      I don't really care much about my surroundings though, I'm very much focused on Yuya.
      For some reason, even though I can't see her because she's sitting behind me, she feels even more real than usual.
      I can feel her chest expand against my back as she breathes, for some reason this really overwhelms me.
      She's resting her face on my left shoulder, and I can feel her breath against my neck.
      I can even feel her heart pound very lightly.
      I feel extremely good, ecstatic even.

      I take a short look of my surroundings.
      Besides the red planet surface, I see a red sky covered by some white clouds.
      I'm a bit surprised, because my dreams usually feature cold colors. Blue, Green, Yellow are common colors in my dreams, but not Red, at least not so much of it.
      There are weird animals flying in the sky. They look a bit like jellyfish, except they are waaaaay bigger, and well, float in the sky.
      The bike I'm riding is futuristic, and definitely not of human design.
      The dashboard is in an alien language, it consists of combinations of different geometric shapes.
      I spot many triangles and circles.
      The engine has much more torque than one would expect from a bike engine.
      It's sound is also very deep and bassy. It's definitely a combustion engine.

      I accelerate a bit, but not really by much. Testing out the bike doesn't really tempt me.
      I just want to enjoy being so close to Yuya.
      We keep driving like that for about a minute, sharing our thoughts.
      But none of us really think of anything, our minds are blank and at peace.
      Sharing this feeling is very refreshing.

      Then I wake up.
      The transition out of the dream is very smooth.
      I regret that these WILDs during afternoon naps don't last very long at all.
      Nevertheless I feel very happy and refreshed.

      Updated 04-23-2011 at 12:44 AM by 37117

      lucid , memorable , side notes
    10. April 22, 2011

      by , 04-22-2011 at 10:58 PM (Requiem's DJ)
      Recovery Week
      rebuild recall

      Mon 04/18/11: minimal recall. dreams of work and old friends.
      Tue 04/19/11: strange. had my dreams the first half of the morning. had a lucid but don't remember much but having a beard. too early and groggy to write notes...didn't sleep well after that
      Wed 04/20/11: the dreams vanish as soon as wake up. and damn it, i know i took some notes...
      Thu + Fri: i wrestled an alligator at the zoo to save my brother. smoked ham and swiss sandwich i ate

      Updated 04-23-2011 at 06:06 AM by 29419

    11. Aeona the White Hat #1

      by , 04-22-2011 at 10:34 PM (Through the Looking Glass ...as Experienced by Aeona)
      ~taken from my dream spirals from earlier this year that I am slowing adding here~

      I was called to investigate when what appeared to be an ~angel~ incarnate was killed.
      I asked to talk to the witnesses. Two of witnesses were women (blondes) and were psychic They saw the victim as an angelic form superimposed over a 'kinda super normal but cute anyways" guy. The killer was described as a short man, dark shifty eyes, dark hair and real pale skin. He wore a orange hoodie and dark blue jeans. Both looked between 21 and 30.

      To the other witnesses (male muggles LOL)who just saw regular people they said but could nor remember anything about what they looked like or what either were wearing; all they recalled was 'a regular bar fight that got out of hand.'

      When I got to the scene, I walked across the dance floor and over by where the body had been. This was an area with two pool tables and small circular tables with bar stools. My partner and I noticed there was way too much energy of differing types. First the *normal* feel of death and fear and then a whole LOT of something else.
      Feeling woozy, I reached down to support myself by leaning against the nearest table and,by chance, touched a salt shaker with my finger tips.

      -Then I saw
      Two very bright beings whose light shone through their coperal bodies fighting.. then what looked like a shock-wave of white light with the dying man at the center.

      At the same time I saw a field of energy (like a bubble) surrounding the two beings with a different scenario (could have been called Typical Bar Fight) playing out in a 3d 'movie' on the surface of this 'bubble' of energy. What was even MORE freaky was the dark guy tuned and looked at me.

      These two conflicting scenes one normal/one abnormal had made the witnesses see something completely different than what HAD occurred, though the woman saw through this a bit. But It became clear that the One who had done this..crime.. had the ability to not only shield the fight completely but also to change his appearance to the point the two women were confused by what they saw.

      I also realized I had known the one who had been killed.

      Updated 04-22-2011 at 10:43 PM by 44913 (grammer as usual)

    12. Uncertain

      by , 04-22-2011 at 10:09 PM
      Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid

      April 19, 2011: I am in my old bedroom. I have a chair that is also a fish tank, full of water and some soil and plants. I see triops swimming around in the water. I am surprised and happy to see them still alive.

      Then I become suspicious and suspect that I could be dreaming, because this sort of thing happens in dreams, and I usually wake up disappointed. I nose pinch but can't tell if I am dreaming or awake.
      Eddie is in my room, looking for something. I ask him if this is a dream. He babbles about something I don't understand.

      I conclude that I must because of the situation. Then I remember that I want to meditate in a dream. I sit on the floor, in meditation position and shut my eyes.
      I feel like I am floating, and then I wake up.
    13. Attempt to face my nightmares

      by , 04-22-2011 at 09:39 PM
      Nonlucid, Lucid, Partially lucid

      April 17, 2011: I consciously enter a dream. I get up out of bed. Everything is dark, grainy and black and white. Things clear up a bit and I find my girlfriend lying in a bed. Then the dream fades and I begin to wake up.

      I get up. I'm not sure if I am awake or not, so I pinch my nose. I can still breath through it, so I know I am in a dream.
      I comment on how bright, colorful, and realistic this dream is, unlike the previous one. I call out my intention to face my nightmares and fears and confront them.
      I see a creepy hooded guy upstairs. I approach him and I demand that the nightmares stop being a nuisance. Lots of other people and things appear. I tell all of them to leave me alone and that I want to explore and grow, and learn without them hindering me, or being in the way.

      I tell this to a mirror and to a dark place. I tell them all to go away!
      There is something like a flash, everyone vanishes, and I wake up.
    14. Freefall

      by , 04-22-2011 at 08:56 PM
      [color=blue]I got the quest to break into a really tall glass and steel house. Inside there are to Women which got pistols, but I got one too. Because they shoot, I run REALLY fast so I can't steer well, I need a few tries to exactly get where I want to. Also I often do a "RADSCHLAG" (German word :( ) which makes it harder to see what happens.
      I am on a building near the one o broke into with my Sis'. We both are got "grappling hooks" to pull ourselves upon the huge building. The building is got like a few balcons whe get onto one after each other. From the top we jump down ( without parachutes of course :) ) and fly down. I can easily slow down he fall by stretching out my arms. On the other side of the building there is a valley which we land in.[/color][/center]

      Updated 05-25-2011 at 01:45 PM by 47031

    15. Laser Tag with Spears

      by , 04-22-2011 at 08:38 PM
      I'll refer to my irl friends by one letter (or two, if needed). I'll refer to DCs by their name. Things I'm not sure about will be in [square brackets]. I'll never quote anyone unless I'm absolutely sure of what they said.

      Main Characters: Me, J

      J and his friends invited me to a game. It was a bit like tag; we were all in a big maze-like open ceilinged gray stone room with doorways (no doors) and openings all over the place. We all had these uniforms on that were a bit Nazi-like with colored armbands and stripes in places. There were two teams. I was on the [green] team. J was on the [blue] (other) team. In order to get people out we had to "stab" them with our weapon. I had a spear.
      I was in a "room" adjacent to the center "room" when I saw an enemy. I walked up and "stabbed" him with my spear. He turned and saw me, then left for the center room to "respawn."
      We played this game for a while, and we had "fun," but then J invited some more people to play. We started again, this time with many more people. I was on J's team (blue) this time. There was a huge crowd of non-players congesting the main "lobby" area, and when I got C out, he started to whine about something not being fair and refused to go out. I went and talked to J about these new people. He was in the lobby [signing up for something or filling out a form]. I started to tell him that this sucked and he told me he knew and he was annoyed too.