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    1. 10-21-10 dreams - just commentary

      by , 10-22-2010 at 08:23 AM (Delenn's dream journal)
      I remember 2 dreams from last night.

      The first wasn't particularly memorable, though I did manage to wake up and write it down. It was still dark at the time.

      The second was a lengthy "frustration" dream. I have started classifying certain dreams as "frustration dreams" because that's what they're about.. situations in which I can't do whatever I'm trying to do. I try and try and try, and get thwarted no matter what I do. Well, this dream was extra lengthy and varied in the ways it frustrated my dream self, and it was a pretty lousy way to wake up. I must have been dreaming for the last hour of an 8-hour period. Luckily I was able to go back to sleep for another 2 hours and sleep off the crappy mood.

      I believe the frustration dreams echo the deep frustration I have experienced during the past year (in my waking life).

      Anyway, on the plus side, I did wake up and write down both dreams, so that was good paper-dream-journal practice.

      I was on the edge of lucidity during the first dream, but wasn't quite there. Maybe tonight.
      Tags: frustration
    2. through there eyes

      by , 10-22-2010 at 05:49 AM
      i was running me and him noone could see us we were invisible to the outside world. we didnt look back at our lives we were just looking forward on how we were going to handle what we were about to face, cause deep in my stomach i could feel that i was going to leave everything, nothing to keep nothing to call mine, we slowed down to a stop and bent over panting gasping for air. then i saw it the biggest monster in the world you couldnt do anything but stop and stare. i could see my reflection in his eyes, i could see all his pain and suffering, and i thought to myself about how could someone be that mean, then i glanced over at him, the boy i was running with, he had the same pained look in his eye, who could be that mean, me. then i jolted awake sweating.
    3. Army of Evil Dolls!

      by , 10-22-2010 at 05:41 AM
      I am in a colorful, brightly lit house with winding hallways and lots of old furniture. I am looking for a checkers board that the kid from The Sixth Sense left behind when he was at this house earlier. For some reason it is very important for both me and the kid that I retrieve the checkers board and give it back to him. I walk into this circular bedroom with several entrances to it, and I look under the bed and see the checkers board with checkers pieces scattered around it. I gather up the checker board and pieces, and when I turn towards an entrance, I see about ten, foot-tall evil dolls that are standing in the doorway and staring at me. I am obviously terrified because I know that they are bent on my destruction, but I gather my courage and run through them. They claw my legs as I do so, but I make it past them and exit through a backdoor of the house. I am now in a beautiful, expansive garden behind the house, and my fear disappears. I start walking down random dirt trails through this humungous garden. I notice that in the bottom right corner of my vision, there is a GPS screen that shows a triangle for me and the various paths of the garden. I go down a path that branches out from the main path and it leads me to this small, colorful house the size of a shed. I remember growing up in this house at one point in my life, so I want to revisit my memories and see the inside of it. I open the door, and then I see a three-foot tall, grotesque clown doll emerge from behind the curtains from which it was hiding. It gives a menacing laugh. I bolt away from this house and don't stop running until I reach the parking lot where I parked my car. I get in it, peel out of the parking lot, and speed down the highway. On either side of the highway, there are cornfields and tree lines that separate the fields and run perpendicular to the highway. Three police cars come zooming up from behind me, and I notice that they are being driven by the evil dolls (somehow). Two of them accelerate and get in front of my car in order to box me in. I ram into the side of the police car to my front left, and it loses control and drives into a ditch on the side of the road. I swiftly do the same thing to the remaining two evil dolls, and I think to myself, "That was easy". But suddenly, an evil doll driving a massive combine emerges from a cornfield on the right side of the highway. Although it is a combine, it maintains the same speed that I am driving as it chases me (I am driving about 70 mph). In an attempt to lose my pursuer, I veer left and into the cornfield, but the evil doll in the combine follows me into the field. I drive towards the tree line, in hopes that I will drive through the trees while the combine will just crash into the trees because of its size. I make it through the tree line, and when the combine hits the tree line, it simply knocks down the trees in its path and continues to pursue me in the next field. I hear the evil doll shout at me, "I'll kill you eventually! It's only a matter of time!". The combine accelerates and gets in front of me, and is about to turn so that I crash into the side of it. However, I turn sharply to the right and drive around it. Since the combine takes awhile to turn, I am able to lose my pursuer and I get back onto the highway without the evil doll chasing me anymore.
    4. Oct 21

      by , 10-22-2010 at 05:03 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      I Wanna Be Forever Young

      I was pretty much director of music at a musical performance that we had going. We were in a giant white circus tent and in between scenes, the pep band would play different songs. I had transcribed a song that I wanted them to play, "Black and Gold to the Superbowl" and was waiting for the OK to play that. I snuck around so that I could watch a little bit of the play and when I could see on stage there was a fat ugly lady who was blue and had a horrible chin. I remember the chin was especially bad. Someone behind me said they couldn't wait til the scene with the lesbian knife fight. Apparently this was a popular musical in the World. I hope that the fat lady is in make up because of her chin and I agree with the anticipation for the cat fight. I walk out of the tent and make my way back to the band stand when parents stop me and tell me that they enjoy the job I'm doing. I thank them. Almost back, Adam runs up to me and at the same time a loud blaring alarm goes off. He says that something electric had exploded and caused a fire in the tent. Suddenly everything I see bursts into flames and I watch the sky go red. We ran through the flames trying to get to a clear place but the giant circus tent was surrounded by a high chain link fence. We find at one of the fences, a small kids play ground I say that we can climb on this and then use it to jump to the other side. I show an example by jumping off the side but not jumping over the fence. He tries it and hurts his leg. I climb back on top of the playground and find a place where the fence is bent so that we could crawl through but it was in a small gap in the playground. We're crawling through and we both sorta have a hard time to it. He starts crying and the sky gets a little less red and acoustic guitar music is in the background. He started bawling about how life was easier when we were younger. A singer accompanies the music in the background that was sorta a rip of Forever Young. I start crying too and we lay there probably soon to be dead.
    5. Dream Challenge, Day 5

      by , 10-22-2010 at 04:53 AM (Mindscape of Xaqaria)
      Well, I thought I was going to be able to write something when I woke up; but whatever it was, it wasn't interesting enough to remember long enough to write it down. I am popping over to the plus side though with this one point entry...

    6. lots of fragments.

      by , 10-22-2010 at 02:04 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Kaomea 1

      Something about me and Asuka doing something funny and silly in a dream for kaomea. Can't remember what it was except for the fact that Kaomea was very pleased.

      Kaomea 2

      I wasin bed or something. and Kaomea changed into a big black woman. and tens he said "There, Now it's easier for me to move around with you." doesn't leave much to the imagination does it?

      Fuckin drunks

      i'm walkin in a town somewhere and some kids hand me a bottle of Captain Morgan. They start yelling "Chug." I think I hate getting drunk so I take a swig just to shut them up. I keep walking.


      I remember being with Jaas and Haley at some water slides. When I was going down one I was afraid of crashing so I held my hands on the sides to slow me down. didn't work I went super fast anyway. It was fun.


      i'm walking around in some house while Playing som dude's gibson guitar. I was only supposed to play it for a few minutes but i kept playing for longer.

      Walking around town.

      another dream of walking around in a familiar dream town. Remember going to some bar for a meal and karaoke. Someone was suggesting that I check out the other bar which had better karaoke. This was a really long dream.. but i guess most of the other details are lost since it was really boring.
    7. First Experience with SP

      by , 10-22-2010 at 01:03 AM
      So I was in this forest. It was all gray and gloomy looking. In a clearing in the forest were a bunch of stone huts. They were tall enough to walk in but you would have had to slouch to fit. It was spacious.
      I was talking to a friend, I'll call him Spencer for privacy's sake. He was the leader of a Clan or Tribe. I was in it. We all lived in the huts. Well, we were talking and he gave me a direct order. I forgot what he wanted me to do. But I refused. You see, in this dream Spencer was cold and cruel (in real life he's sweet and charming) and he didn't like being opposed.
      I guess either he wasn't one to risk an open fight or I wasn't worth his time. Either way, Spencer waited until I was turned to attack from behind. He had claws for some reason, and he pressed them against my throat. I guess he was meaning to kill me, or scare me into obedience. I woke up then, but I still felt his claws, and I could feel his arm pinning me to the bed. He was breathing against my neck, and a feeling of intense icy fear swept over me. I couldn't move for what seemed like ages. Finally I came to consciousness.
      Later I learned this was Sleep Paralysis.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    8. sorry for the irregular posting!

      by , 10-22-2010 at 12:53 AM (a teahouse inside my head.)
      I have been really busy but I recalled a long-ish dream yesterday and a fragment this morning.

      I was at a party for some kind of holiday at one of my friend's houses. It wasn't like house party but rather a family and friends gettogether. All of the kids ended up sleeping over after. The room we were sleeping in was the room we use for dance gym classes at my school but it was upstairs instead of downstairs where it usually is and it was part of someone's house. There was a giant stack of pillows in one corner. My friends Chloe, Madison, Cora, Jacob and the same Maxx were all there and we were all sitting on one long couch in the middle of the room. We were watching a movie. Chloe grabbed a pillow and walked into another room. Then all of a sudden the dream was in third person and I was watching Chloe in the other room. The adults were still awake and continuing the party but she took a ton of alcohol and poured it into the pillow. It turned out to be a mix between one of those hot water bottles and a camelback drinking sack. None of the parents noticed or cared. Then she came back. We didn't drink any of it. All of a sudden I was driving Maxx home (again, I can't drive yet) along with this boy Adam who wasn't at the party to begin with.

      I was with a couple of friends (a completely different group, 5 different people than above) and we were waiting to get picked up to go to a party. We were in a hot tub and it felt like it was about 6 PM. We were trying to fill up these two sign up sheets with people who wanted rides and then we could leave.
    9. Little girls are in fact EVIL

      by , 10-21-2010 at 10:48 PM (Dreaming on my feet)
      Type: Non-lucid, vivid, memorable
      Lucidity: [1/10]
      Vividness: [9/10]

      A family reunion at a resort settled on the side of a gorgeous beach, rock faced cliff leading down to the beach, huge glass doors, the whole shibang. It's a beautiful sunny summer day, dark green foliage and healthy trees everywhere, white sand. All is well, children playing, until one of the Aunts of the family notice the youngest child of the family is missing, a little girl. The whole family searches around the house, no girl - spreads the search outside around the house toward the beach, everyone is calling for her. As more time passes without finding her, the girl's mother becomes more and more frantic and paranoid [as any mother would in the situation]. Since these huge rocks [like Red Rocks in Denver, except normal looking with green moss] are right behind the house, the mother is convinced she's fallen off and everyone heads down to the beach below and recruit the beach goers for a search party. A bell sounds in the distance and everybody gathers around - a man sees something in the near distance floating in to shore.

      The scene skips to flashes of some pictures of the little girl laughing and playing with a guy in his early thirties probably, pretty normal looking, that somebody must have taken earlier that day, showing that she must have been abducted by this man and killed. The family finds the work-place of the guy since he is nowhere to be found, a video rental/convenience store, and go there late at night after they hold the girl's funeral on the side of the hill near the place she died.. The father of the girl walks behind the counter and register and holds him up against the wall by his throat, acusing him of what he did and getting angry, not shouting angry but more of a morbid/calm/sad anger instead of hysterics. The whole family files in behind him, takes pictures of this happening, and proceeds to walk around the store like tourists, beach clothes, big glasses and all, checking out the movies available and eating food off the shelves [evidently terrorizing the guy]. Some of them go outside to smoke periodically. They leave after a bit , silently staring at the clerk [stealing lots of stuff from the store as they go], push him over and say "This isn't over."

      Focus switches to the clerk ,sitting on the ground behind the counter with a kind of confused, thoughts burning through his head - he never abducted any girl. He was spending his break on the beach, and happened to walk past a little girl with a sunhat and dress on. She looked up and smiled at him, and as if the rug was pulled out from under his feet, the world turns hellish - black stormy sky, the girl has become a nude red demon with distorted and malicious looking features, and the ocean has morphed into a swirling vortex of fire and lava. The demon grabs his leg and starts hauling at his leg, pulling him into the ocean of fire. He loses conciousness, and comes to his senses lying on the beach, alone. He looks into his lap, where the family threw the pictures of him playing with the girl happily, hauntedly.

      After this I'm on the hill where the girl is buried, digging through her coffin, which is like a shell of a coffin around hers, so she's not lying there dead or anything. It's dark out, waning moon and lots of stars, it seems that the hill is near the backyard of the supposed abductor. I'm looking through this bag and I find a comic, which shows the entire dream I just had, and at the end it shows this place 2,000 years later, and the place where the girl pulled him into the fire, there is a swirling rock formation that resembles the vortex that had appeared. This adds to the creepiness of the whole thing, and I run down to the water to investigate. I'm wearing beach clothes, feel the cool sand under my feet. Incredibly clarity. Well, there's nothing there, just an ordinary beach, and I run back up to the coffin to fetch the comic book to show my friends, but when I look it is no longer there! I don't feel compelled to open the casket, nor fearful of it particularly, but close the coffin and start heading to my car. As I do my black cat Tori runs past me and meows, I chase and pet her a bit [ADHD LOL] then dash to my car to drive off quickly since I'm trespassing on this guy's property. I get in, foot on the break, try to quickly search for my keys where I usually stash them - find it! - fumble a bit and stick it into the ignition, lights on, turn the key and the car won't start and I wake up.

      This reinforces, yet again, that driving a car is one of my most frequent dream activities, for whatever reason. I've been in a car in several dreams just in this past week. I've resolved to do an RC every single time I get into a car from now on . If I'm in a car and realized I haven't RC'd yet, then I missed the target but RC anways. This way I'll have it in my head "did I RC when I got in the car?", and if I didn't I might think to myself "Well how and when did I get in this car? Who is with me?" and might impel me to examine my situation more intently and BAM LUCIDITY.

      well.. that's the plan at least.
    10. Amaranth Street

      by , 10-21-2010 at 05:23 PM (The Lab Notebook)
      [This started out as a regular dream, but it was after my alarm had gone off and I was only partially asleep and partially awake, so I think I was actively using my imagination to keep this sequence of events going, and it felt like I was doing so from outside it, as if my imagination were a video game controller. Hence the shift from teal and present tense, representing a regular dream, to green and past tense, which is what I use for those times when I'm not sure if what I experienced was a really low-quality lucid dream, or just me imagining stuff, or what.]

      I'm in the brown car with P. We're both sitting in the back seat, but I'm still controlling the car. [I honestly don't know if I'm just reaching forward and grabbing the wheel every so often, or I'm just telekinetic.] I remember that we've driven this way in dreams before. I say to P., “Thanks again for the ride.” Apparently, she brought the car to pick me up from somewhere and take me home. We're driving up a major street in the area where we grew up.

      At some point, we shifted from riding in the car to riding on bicycles. She was on a little pink bicycle that one or the other of us had when we were little. We continued our journey back toward the house on bicycles. I realized that on the route we were going, we would eventually get to a street named Amaranth, where I would get hit by a car and killed. I knew this because I remembered dreaming about it before. [Now that I'm fully awake and writing this, though, I don't remember dreaming about it before. More false memories, I think.] As we got closer to Amaranth Street, I felt a cold chill of fear of my impending death for a moment, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I was also aware that none of this was real. We reached the corner where we could turn to get onto Amaranth Street, or take a different route. I said, “Do you believe in fate? I don't.” P. decided to take the different route, the one that wouldn't take us onto Amaranth Street at all, and we continued riding.

      Updated 10-25-2010 at 05:47 PM by 37356 (should be in a category)

    11. 20th / 21st October- Third lucid (if a little short)

      by , 10-21-2010 at 05:17 PM
      This was in one of the shorter REM periods, so it wasn't very long.

      I was standing in front of my school with one of my best friends when I realised that I was dreaming.
      "Oh...My...God," I say to him, "IT'S A DREAM!!!!!!!!"
      He disappears and I think 'Ok, I've got to keep this lucidity, I can't loose it. Do something special!'
      I decide to fly, but not upwards, as I heard that I gets people out of lucidity, so I just fly about 4 feet off the ground but crash back down, my hands grazing on the pavement, I struggle to contain my excitement. I bump in and out of the air until the end of the driveway, where I fly to 20 feet in the air. The dream ends, or I forgot the rest.

      I could have set the school on fire
      But still, it was one of the longest times I've been lucid
    12. Butterflies, Old Friends, and Bukowski

      by , 10-21-2010 at 03:20 PM
      Someone is projecting a cartoon of a giant butterfly onto pavement parking lot. A small crowd is gathered, I am there with my dog. She happens to stand right on top of the projection, and it makes it look as though she has butterfly wings. I grab my camera to take a video.

      I am with old elementary school friends(female) and we meet D(old friend, male) and he is happy to see everyone but me. (D and I have a history, and he hurt me very much by suddenly dropping out of my life) He agrees to take everyone upstairs to his luxurious loft to meet his wife, but looks at me and asks (demands) that I stay outside. I agree at first, but then feel left out and want to be included, so I follow behind everyone. D's accent has gained a slight southern twang, and his wife is a rich snob. Shes hows off her gaudy jewelry and I am unimpressed. I make fun of D's accent and ask him when he got it. He says he can't believe I just said that. I am getting angry- "You can't believe I said that? I can't believe you treated me the way you did. He is getting angry. Ignores me. We are all then walking out and he turns to me and says he doesn't want to hear anything from me. He grabs my nose hard and looks at me violently. When he lets go I say I just want to know why. Before I see anything but an angry reaction, I wake up.


      I am inline for a movie with my Mom, brother and her ex-husband and 2 kids. I agree to go find seats with the youngest girl and I ask my mom to get me some chocolate and popcorn. S and I grab some seats. A small white poodle runs down the aisle and people try to capture it. It runs by me and I am able to grab it. I move to hand it off to a man who seemed to be trying to get it, but it wasn't his. I carried it out to the lobby, where a young girl tried to help me find the owner, then I remembered seeing a woman with a larger dog, so I took the poodle over to her. It was Charles Bukowski and his wife (fake wife-some tall blond woman) and she had a lab-type dog in a a baby carrier. (ha!) I asked if she could watch this dog, and because in the dream they both knew and liked me, she agreed. I went back to the theater and sat with my family. The movie seemed to be projected onto tiles of glass, and it looked like an accident. It was a movie about Bukowski, and I thought about how I had just seen him and we were friends and wondered why I didn't tell him I was watching his movie. I decided it was for the best. The movie stopped, someone said over a loud speaker that they were going to fix it. While leaving I briefly thought I lost my purse but found it attached to my waist like a belt. We rode a strange vehicle that went directly through chain-linked fences without harming the vehicle, the fence, or us, and the vehicle was open-topped, so we were magically going through the fence without being sliced into little diamond shapes. I decided it must have to do with the precise speed we were traveling. I got home, and in my room I changed into my new shoes and thought about how I had just bought these at the mall but I had previously ordered them online and now I would have to cancel the online order. I put on a long skirt, and decided I was going to roam around town, looking into bars like I used to. It was raining, but I remembered walking in the rain before. I used to meet up with Bukowski and others and hang out in bars. I thought I would look for Bukowski tonight. As I changed shirts, I began pulling out medium-sized nails that were in 3 long columns along my chest and abdomen. As I easily pulled each one out with my hand, I saw that there was just a dry clean hole left. As I put on another shirt, I decided I would leave the nails out tonight, people like Bukowski would understand, He probably had holes in his chest too.
    13. The Night Into October 21st.

      by , 10-21-2010 at 02:21 PM
      I left work for the day and decided to get some DQ on the way home. I took the drive through to be fast but wouldn't you know it, it took longer because they were so busy because it was lunch time.
      I must have been pre-occupied with something when they swiped my bank card because after I got my food I waited for them to swipe it and they finally after a few minutes told me they swiped it already.
      So I was annoyed and got in my car and drove off.
      As I drove I got lost and ended up in some part of town I didn't recognize. As I got even more frustrated, I decided to take what I thought might be a short cut which was a tunnel-like thing. But as I drove through it, I began to regret the decision because the floor was all slippery and my car was swerving slightly and the walls were narrow and covered with construction signage and blue chalk.
      So I finally decided to turn around and go back the way I came. As I did so, I noticed that the tunnel was a bit narrower coming back so I slowed down which made me swerve a bit more.
      As I tried to control the car, I ended up hitting the back of it ever so slightly on the wall. So I stopped to assess the damage.
      The back-right-hand top-side of the car had been scraped and I couldn't fathom how it was so bad when all that I could tell from inside was that it was slightly bumped. (Which should have given away the dream but it didn't for some reason.)
      So the paint had been scraped off and replaced with the blue chalk and I pondered the cost of fixing it, plus the fact that it had just been fixed by my grandpa and I wondered if he'd be willing to fix it again.
      I went round to the front of the car and saw the chocolate sundae on the ground (even though I had ordered a cherry one) and as I looked a truck came barrelling down the tunnel and I felt embarrassed.
      When I came back around the car it was on it's right side in a ditch and I was wondering how the day could get any worse. But when I went to the back and looked at the scrape I thought that perhaps it wasn't so bad. Then I woke up.
    14. Fragments for October 20 2010

      by , 10-21-2010 at 01:53 PM (Sailing the Noosphere)
      1. I'm walking through the Grand Canyon with a school trip. Everything is ridiculously clear and vivid; the sky is the bluest I've ever seen and the rocks are towering above. We go to climb some of the cliffs and the texture of the rocks is rough beneath my fingers.

      2. All I remember is shaving, and shaving poorly. Whenever I draw the razor across my face, I nick it and draw blood. Once I even pull a sheet of skin off instead of hair. I'm hurt and frustrated.
    15. night of 10/20 - Confusing school dream

      by , 10-21-2010 at 12:00 PM (Grischkaja's world of dreams and mysteries)
      last night was a bit weird. I dreamed about my old school, but it had a new style.

      Hours of sleep: 6.3h
      Vividness: 3/5
      Recall: 3/5

      In front of me there is a huge shopping mall. It looks like a mall, but it isn't one. Let me explain: The buuilding was huge and quadratic, like a mall, but in front of it was a little wall with bushes, a bus stop and a lot of students are in front of it. Some of them are 14, but the majority are 18/19.
      I walk to a guy with glasses and start a conversation:
      -Why are we waiting here outsides?
      - Hug...
      - What?
      - The door is closed.
      - Did you try open it?
      - Nope
      - How can you be sure that's closed?
      I get no answer and I walk alone to the door and *surprise* it's opened. I don't pay attention and I simply keep walking.

      I don't know what happened exactly next, but it turns out that it's my old school. I'm in a class, but I'm really tired. My eyelids shutt down several times. I don't know if I'm a student or if I'm here for my practical training as teacher. I stand up and get out of the classroom.
      I go to the cafeteria. It looks a bit weird and not the way as I have it in memory (I spent nearly my half life there and know every little corner of it). I sit somewhere down and start eating a meal composed with beans and bacon. Suddenly I see that in front of me is a friend. He starts speaking:
      - You look really exhausted today. Have you got a girlfriend or just more work?
      I don't answer him, because I know he's jocking.
      - Well, do you know what happened during the class? There were some chicks who made fun of you, because you nearly fell asleep.

      He imitates the situation by closing his eyes and let sink down his head, lifted it immediately and open his eyes. He repeats it.

      - That's what they did all the time! But I just told them to STFU and stop making fun of you. I'm glad to help.
      - Wow, you did that really for me? Your a real bro!
      - Yes you know my motto: Bros before Ho's

      We start laughing. A few girls show up. They ask me what I'm eating. I tell them and ask them if they want to taste. One of them takes a fork out of her handbag (that's what I call organisation ) and tastes it. She doesn't like it and they walk away.

      I'm suddenly in the big auditorium of my old school. A lot of students are there. A play is performed. It's about a guy who always falls asleep while sitting on a chair. I know that it's an allusion on my behaviour in class and to show my protest I cough as loud and as artificial as possible. everyone looks at me.

      That's it. I hope I soon get a lucid