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    1. Thurs July 29

      by , 07-29-2010 at 03:12 PM (Lucid Dreaming.)
      Airport - I was being checked at the airport going through some place. Felt like it was an arab place. I was with my mum and someone else? The guy checked me fast and asked the arab behind me to remove his head dress and take out his wallet. Someone called me by Suby and I waved behind me. I then put on my socks. I think there was a kid there, like Faizal maybe. I commented about his hair that a haircut was supposed to cut hair, not put more on.

      Animals on freeway - There was one part where these creatures were moving down a freeway. They were connected together and there were baby creatures being created along the way. Small turtles or something. They reached a river and bridge and dropped them in

      fountain lightning - There was a backyard with a fence around. Then lightning started and we had to bend some of the top corners of the fences down to avoid it getting struck by lightning. Then lightning struck very close by about 3 times. I went to the place and it was a pool of water and then there were 2 guys in it, or they feel in or stepped in. They got sucked under some place and then they pushed out again and swam around weirdly. Finally one of them came out but didn't say anything but a few words. I had to carry him away and he curled up like a baby so I dropped him on a chair next to the place.

      chocolate - I dreamed about a store and there was a chocolate section and I found cadbury chocolate from Germany and some other place I thought. I checked the package and was opening it and there was a store lady there and I told her how I had made mistakes buying chocolate before so I was checking if everything was correct. I then was telling someone else I found chocolate there and they said they didn't believe I found any from Holland and we went back and checked and there wasn't any.

      There was a part where the scene was like the army grenade range. We had to practice throwing our own shit. The place in front was obviously dirty and stank. We had to walk barefoot too, we were told.
    2. 02/01/09

      by , 07-23-2010 at 06:39 PM

      1.) In an airport. At the check-in counter. I think I was a spy. I was trying to re route my trip through 23 different cities so that the people following me couldn't find me. Then I walked out and found my mom and dad in a chauffeured car and we went to a copy shop. I said I needed a notepad for my planner.

      2.) At my parents' house. In the kitchen. Danielle, Jen, and Jen's girlfriend Heather are there. Danielle's phone's T9 isn't working so she hands it to me to fix. Then I get mad and throw her phone at Jen and tell her she needs to get out of the house, I don't even know why she's there. So I go to punch her and she dodges it. So I put her in a headlock and bring her to the front door and tell her to leave. She and Heather go to the car and Jen's just generally bitching. It's pitch black outside. Then everyone from Jamie's house across the street come outside and start heckling Jen and Heather. I look down the road and see a horse drawn carriage pull into someone's garage and some kids on a swing set. Then a mack truck comes down the street. The front says "Richmond Times-Dispatch." On the side, it says www.bearbackers.com. Then Jen comes up to the front porch and sets off fireworks. A cop driving down the street does a u-turn and chases after her. I turned to Danielle and asked her, "Is this really happening??" It just seemed like it was too much going on. I feel like I was lucid for just a moment because I figured out that I was dreaming.

      whatever you do, don't go to that website!!!
      Tags: airport
      lucid , non-lucid
    3. June 13, 2010

      by , 06-15-2010 at 02:57 AM (Whirlwind of Dreams)
      Piloting a Helicopter:
      I was in some city at night, possibly New York since that's what I thought it was. There was a large skyscraper which stood out since there were no other really large buildings nearby. It was silver covered all over with windows. The middle of this building was caved in, so, that the two remaining sides were standing out. The city especially the streets surrounding this building were very foggy which made it difficult to see around. I found myself flying a helicopter above a building which I assumed was the hotel that I was staying in with some of my family members. There were a lot of cars on the roof and my family members were also with me. We planned to evacuate the helicopter, even though there didn't seem to be any problems at all. My sister decided to jump first and ran towards the open door. I told her to get a parachute first but she showed me that she has one and jumped out. She opened her parachute halfway or so and landed in what looks like a tire yard surrounded by a fence, but, she's ok. My mother goes next and after she jumped, she opened the parachute a bit too late and ended up landing in a small patch of water near the tire yard. I only knew this because I saw the splash. My little brother was next. I don't think he had his parachute on and I couldn't help him out. As I recall, both my mother and sister were on the roof top pointing for us to land the helicopter. I tried to land it on the roof of the building and came close where in some cases, it was touching, but, for whatever reason, I couldn't maintain it. Pretty soon, I seemed to be losing control since it started moving towards the edge of the building(tried to keep it over the building). It went over the edge and I can't recall the rest.

      Airport Stealing:
      I put something like bags away. I think I was at an airport. I decided to go around and steal some stuff. Since there were people waiting to be called for their flights, they were sitting on some chairs with their bags and stuff on the shelves behind them making it the perfect opportunity. I just walked by and started to steal them. In some cases, I decided not to, one case involving 6 or 7 wooden pencils. I can't recall what happens after.

      Thoughts: The first dream was definitely interesting. It was pretty dark but the overall ambience was great. I got to pilot a helicopter, too bad I wasn't lucid. However, I think I was starting to fear the outcome of the situation had I crashed it and since I was having a hard time controlling it, that would have happened eventually. If fear is my dreamsign, I would have probably became lucid before it happened which would have been great, so, I guess I came close to lucidity As for the second dream, it was pretty hard to remember much from it even as I tried to remember the details
    4. Spiders

      by , 07-17-2008 at 12:12 AM
      Original entry dated July 16, 2008:

      Had a dream that I was in an airport (?) discussing something with an acquaintance of a friend. I was explaining that I thought the friend had been trying to get ahold of me, but thought that the guy would think I was crazy for some reason.

      Had a dream that I had a small plot of land, and was charged with growing award-winning tomato plants. All I needed to do was water them twice a day. I also considered growing petunias.

      Had a dream that I was wandering through a cave with a dark-haired companion, a man in his early 40s. We were fighting giant spiders, and I was armed with nothing but a bow and arrow (he was unarmed, and also afraid of spiders).
    5. Dead Rabbits

      by , 07-06-2008 at 12:09 AM
      Original dream dated July 04, 2008:
      Dreamed that Reese and I were trying to get home from an airport called Mariana airport, and we couldn't. Mom was supposed to pick us up, but never showed up, so we took the bus instead. Somewhere along the line, it turned into Reese driving her jeep, and we got stuck in traffic on the Interstate. It turned out that Mom had never planned on picking us up and there had been a miscommunication. For some reason, we lived in a 2-story white house.

      I had a dream that my pet rabbit had a heart attack and was dying, so I wrapped her up in a purple towel and cried while she groomed my head.

      Original dream dated July 05, 2008:
      I had a dream that I was working on rules for a D20 game, and they turned into rules for the world...

      Somewhere along the way, we got invaded by alien wasps that climbed up your nose and replaced your brain, stealing your soul. It happened to me, and I wasn't technically supposed to get another 'chance' at working things out in the world, but for some reason, I was given one. I had to abide by the rules I'd written, though, which stated that if you lost then it would rain forever and everything would be covered by 500 feet of soil over the next few thousand years. I escaped from the original area (which was quite dangerous) with some friends of mine, including a tall brown-haired man. We got to a coffee shop and tried to figure out what to do. We were sort of stuck in there, at least one of us was covered in blood, and I realized that we were all doomed unless I recovered the book I'd been working on and revised the rule set. The brown haired guy offered to run through the rain for several miles to get it, but it was very dangerous out there and there were zombies, and I argued that if he died it was permanent but I could revive myself... the dream left off there.
    6. Airport, bar and angry monkeys.

      by , 04-25-2008 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off in some sort of airport terminal. Everything is white and shiny and it looks very futuristic. The place is virtually empty, save for a few darkly dressed individuals wandering here and there. I cannot remember why I there but at some point I wander over to a row of arcade games situated against a white brick wall. As I am looking at the machines a robot approaches me. It is designed like an anime style woman in a lavander coloured maid's outfit. The robots face is vapidly blank and the eyes stare straight ahead in a fixed and unnatural way. I think it keeps asking me if I need something but it is malfunctioning because it keeps trying to say the same thing, before stopping suddenly, twitching and buzzing, and attempting to try again. I am disturbed by the machines inability to function, and it's unrealistic, inhuman looking face. I turn from the robot and walk away.

      The scene behind me changes to a dimly lit bar and I can hear the sound of pool balls cracking together, bottles of alcoholic beverages clinking, and I can smell stale cigarette smoke. The din of people talking quietly surrounds me and it is only broken by random outbursts of loud, boisterous laughter. There are still arcade games around but they seems brighter and more flashier in this dimly lit bar than in the bright and sterile airport. I can hear a whurring sound behind me and I turn around to see the same robot I saw in the airport. It it still stuck in place and malfuntioning, though the face and breast plate have been removed, exposing the gears and wires underneath, and it's arms and legs are glowing softly like dim blue florescent lights.

      There is a group of four men dressed in black jackets and sunglasses at one table and they are all looking at me. They look like cops or federal agents and I try to ignore them and walk over to an arcade game but the men get up from their seats and come over to me. One of them asks me to come and look at something and I follow him to the otherside of the bar where it there is better lighting and less people. There is a group of about eight monkeys, some sitting on table tops, some on the floor, one hanging from a ceiling light, and they are all causing trouble. All of the monkeys are completely white, except for a ring of black fur around their faces and black beady eyes. I am not sure exactly what type of monkeys they are, but in the dream they are refered to as gibbons. Several of them have upturned chairs and smashed glasses and lights, and the biggest gibbon of the group has ripped wires out of the wall from a nearby electrical socket.

      The men in black jackets ask me if I can fix this problem and tell me to look out a window near where the gibbons are. When I do so, I am not longer in the dimly lit bar, but looking out of my parent's bedroom window at the monkeys, who in turn are now sitting on a wooden fence in my backyard. It is daytime and sunny and there is a breeze blowing because I can see the tree branches swaying softly. I am home alone but I have a great desire to go outside to the front yard to see if my van is okay. I cannot explain it, but I just know that the gibbons are a threat to my vehicle. Sure enough, when I go out to the driveway, the monkeys are there and attempting to damage my 1986 Wesfalia van. One has successfully pulled a strip of rubber off one side and the others pound and jump on it while screeching angrily.

      I pick up a large branch that has fallen from a tree in the yard and take a swing at the nearest gibbon. The branch is heavy and too large for me to handle with any decent dexterity and the creature easily dodges the sluggish maneuver. It jumps down onto the grass, runs in a few angry circles before charging me. I anticipate it's attack and swing again, this time making contact and knocking it back across the lawn. The monkey lays motionless, face down in the grass, but I have not killed it because I can still see it breathing. The rest of the gibbons, who had stopped destroying my van to watch the fight, become enraged and all attack me at once. I remember bracing myself and swing the branch but I cannot rememeber the end of this dream.
    7. Library airport seems “Chitty”?

      by , 10-23-1974 at 04:23 PM
      Night of October 23, 1974. Wednesday.

      I am in my middle school library, in eighth grade, the middle area of the first aisle, and it seems an atypical time for being there, perhaps even at night. There are two girls together at another large table, south of me, facing me (though I originally seemed to be seated facing north; my dream apparently “jumping” into a different orientation). I ignore their presence for a time (one being Patty A, which is not feasible, as she would have been in high school this year). I get the strong impression that the very large boa constrictor (which was killed in real life during a break-in with much other damage to my school, by continuously being struck against the wall) is in a vivarium about halfway up on a long bookcase, between rows of books. There is a sort of vague dream within a dream (more like a daydream within my dream) that I somehow indirectly protect the girls from the escaped snake and also an impression that it crawled near their feet without them realizing it. This also seems like some sort of brief “reset” in a typical dream “replay” at one level. (Regarding the antique car in the next paragraph - “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” - there is an odd association with Patty’s friend Olga, regarding the sound of the name being similar to the car horn sound “ooga”.) Nevertheless, I could not imagine what kind of person or persons would indulge in such activity regarding the real-life events concerning the break-in, especially in thoughtlessly killing the pet snake. There were also bomb scares in real life (especially in May of 1974), and evacuations that year.

      From to my left on the shelf, midway up, I pull out a very large, heavily annotated edition of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” which also oddly seems to be Bible-like (possibly because of the serpent association). I get the impression that the library is also an airport - in that there is a larger airport within the library rather than the other way around. I contemplate the possible likelihood of “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” actually being one of the vehicles used in flight to and form the supposed airport. Not much else happens, although I sense I am supposed to be in a classroom at the time but am not due to stubbornness and disinterest (and I am also somewhat concerned about not being dressed appropriately and seemingly wearing light blue and white vertically striped pajamas at one point).

      There seems to be a lot of strange criticism of the book in the annotations (with various notes on how unlikely or ambiguous each paragraph’s events are), and implying the author (Ian Fleming) was in a psychiatric hospital at the time he wrote it as well as unable to walk or move much. I also wonder if any of the airplanes from this place would be safe to travel on, also contemplating my leave of school with no plan to come back because of the possible lack of safety, as I falsely recall that flying in a poorly maintained aircraft is how I get to and from school. I do not question any of the various errors in my dream scene perspective (such as school-library-airport composites). Supposedly “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” in-dream is considered the worst book ever written according to critics, also wrongfully implying it being solely for ages four and under. In reality, I really liked the movie (and the book was not bad in my opinion, either) though never took critics seriously in any way as it is, though as can be expected the name “Chitty” was altered to its expletive form by classmates and even kids from the elementary school.

      Updated 09-05-2015 at 02:19 PM by 1390

    8. Biplane Directive

      by , 01-02-1972 at 07:02 AM
      Morning of January 2, 1972. Sunday.

      I am apparently a member of a group of detectives. I seem much older and I do not seem implied to be my conscious self. I am riding in the front seat on the right and I am not the driver. The driver is an unknown male with a celebrity essence, though unfamiliar. We are in what may be a police car, but from the 1920s or 1930s.

      We are supposed to prevent a biplane from taking off from the runway of a small airport. Soon, it is headed right for us. Oddly, we are also copied into a scene in front of us at somewhat of a distance. That is, we are watching “our” car on the runway ahead, with another us (yet somehow still us). I am thinking “we” might be struck by the biplane if we keep going but it is not that fearful. (The sense of anticipation is not that vivid.) The biplane lifts from the runway a few times, but only just a little, and is back down.

      Eventually stopping, and the other us no longer present, it turns out that the biplane is only a painted mural (or perhaps a low-set billboard) so it was never really a threat. We get out of the car. The biplane is now facing the left side of the car and it seems we may be on a normal city street. I feel like saying something but I do not.

      Updated 09-11-2019 at 07:17 PM by 1390

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