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    1. AME; Graveyard Seance; Vote

      by , 11-03-2012 at 03:23 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      Two nights ago I dreamed of AME. She had on shiny, thin-framed, black-rimmed glasses which she did not wear IWL. She also had on another...something, that had the same type of frame as the glasses, but it was worn below her glasses. It was clearly a dream apparatus.

      Her hair was just as I remember it--silky, short, and black. She was beautiful.

      Graveyard Seance

      OK, so it was a false memory, but I was looking at a plot in a graveyard and remembering that I had done some kind of seance there.

      I don't think that I really conjured anything, but it was odd that I was then asleep, woke to hear someone come in the house, and I couldn't open my eyes because I was...sleeping. I used my dream hands to open my eyes.

      As I opened my eyes, they were extremely open. It was like a cartoon. They were SUPER open. I was afraid of what the person was doing there because nobody was supposed to be able to get in.

      It was then actually, that I woke up to see the grave site that I remembered doing something in. Time kind of wrapped around itself. Very odd.


      I dreamed that I missed my opportunity to vote. Someone told me they had voted for Gary Johnson and I started thinking about if I could still vote or not.

      BTW, yes, I am voting Gary Johnson IWL.
    2. 66th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dreams

      by , 02-06-2012 at 05:11 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      BiscuitHappyz's Dreams

      These are possibly the most vague fragments I've ever recorded.

      Fragment 1:
      Something about setting up colonies and running up spiral staircases.

      Fragment 2:
      I was with somebody who I can remember no details of, and we were in a graveyard. We couldn't step on anything but the stone path or zombies would get us.
    3. Black Cat Carcass

      by , 05-08-2011 at 05:38 PM
      Dreamed on May 07, 2011
      For some reason, I had this dead black cat (I seem to remember something about obtaining it in a grocery store?) & there was an evil spirit trying to inhabit it. So, I kept the carcass in my room until I figured out what to do with it. I remember seeing it on my nightstand rotting. I had to keep banishing the evil spirit from the cat's body but it wouldn't give up. After a while, I had my brother go downstairs to distract my mom so that we could get out of the house without her seeing the dead cat. Our plan was to go bury it. So, while he was doing that, I wrapped up the body in an AC/DC shirt & then went downstairs. When I got to the landing, there was this little boy waiting for me & my brother was gone. It was Halloween, so my mother told me to give him some candy, which I did even though I knew the real reason the boy was here--the evil spirit was inside of him & he temporarily inhabited the boy's body to get to the cat. I remember tickling him, acting like everything was okay. After I gave him the candy, he tried to run up the stairs to the cat (he didn't know I had the body with me) but I caught him & put him outside the front door. I then proceeded to go for a "walk", but I actually rode my bike to a graveyard, with my boyfriend (the little boy was gone when I left). When we got to the graveyard, the whole scene was really spooky & it was kind of dark out. There were open graves everywhere, & I remember seeing these big, fake eyeballs on the ground as well. When we went inside the gate, I realized that there were cat carcasses everywhere. I felt disgusted & scared & started to cry--I think I was barefoot at this point--so I just set the cat down instead of burying it as planned. My boyfriend & I got out of there as soon as possible & all of a sudden, we're at the top of my staircase & it starts to snow. The snowflakes looked like little yogurt clusters. My boyfriend said that he had a bad feeling about going downstairs & that he didn't want to, but my reasoning was that we were gonna have to face it sooner or later. He then decided to leave & ran down the stairs & then disappeared when he reached the bottom. He left me there to face whatever it was alone. So, I go downstairs & there's a creepy, sinister, ghostly, aristocratic man sitting in the recliner waiting for me. He orders me to get dog treats for him to feed to my chihuahua, Candy. I think I feared that he would hurt her. Anyway, I got the treats for him, which were in a tiny bag, so consequently, the treats were tiny as well. He acted like the treats were really important for some reason. Then I showed him that Candy could do tricks, & he seemed in total disbelief that she could beg. He wasted the whole bag in a matter of minutes, throwing handfuls of the treats at her. When he ran out, he demanded for more & I explained that we didn't have any more & would have to buy some at the store. I didn't really realize this while I was dreaming, but at some point, he turned into a woman. She had this piercing, scary beauty about her & she made me feel more uncomfortable than the man did. She made me sit on her lap & she showed me how she killed herself by touching my temporal lobes with her hands. The vision that came to me when she did this was her staring back at me in a crouched position with big, beautiful, frightening eyes & I asked her, "How can you be so beautiful & frightening at the same time?" She replied, "It depends on how far you're willing to be corrupted." She then stabbed herself in the eyes with what I think were golden-colored flats, which were, apparently, my shoes.
    4. The Black Eyed Beings

      by , 09-11-2010 at 01:15 AM (Zukin's Dream Journal! <3)
      I was in a graveyard. It was daytime, and in the graveyard were remnants of the Pantheon. I had to knock over the pillars. When they came crumbling down, I discovered that they were hollow! Inside of the hollow pillars I found a small wooden artifact, in the shape of a cube. It was made of soft light wood, and on the top there was a painted picture of a purple flower. I opened the artifact, which looked like a very simple cube shaped jewelry box. Inside there were 6 rings.

      Next thing I know, I am being chased by the authorities. They want their artifact back. I am running with Zboy, and the cops are cornering us in the graveyard. I had a legitimate reason not to give it back to them.

      Seconds before the cops take a swing at us, out of thin air comes a girl with flowing long blonde hair on a trendy red motorcycle. She is flying downwards and her front tire hits the top of cop's helmet and he is knocked unconscious. She continues in the air before dissolving. Before she is completely vanished, she drops Zboy a pair of black binoculars.

      "She's a time traveler...Like me." Zboy says.

      "I didn't know you were a time traveler."

      "I am. Using these binoculars, we can also see who are time travelers."

      Later, we go to eat lunch at a crowded restaurant. It is similar in style to a cafeteria. We sat at a large, circular table with a few other girls sitting across from us. One of them in particular had brown hair full of tangles. I didn't pay much attention to her, but I could still tell that she was mean-spirited. She had black eyes. This part of the dream was extremely vivid. Her eyes were not 100% black, but had a bit of reflective gray in them. It was certainly not her iris though.

      I didn't pay much attention to her, however. Zboy was looking through his binoculars while he waited for me to finish eating. I looked over at him for a minute and saw that he had gone pale in the face.

      "What's wrong?" He handed me the binoculars and told me to look at the creepy girl in front of me. I brought the binoculars to my eyes. Suddenly, the girl went from mildly creepy to beyond-flash-horror DISTURBING. One of her eyes was slanted extremely upwards, while the other downwards. Suddenly, I could FEEL the evil reeking off of her. It was revolting. Words cannot describe how long and vividly that image was burned into my head after I woke up.

      She realized that we were looking at her, and got up from the table. She went to the bar, and when one of the bartenders refused to give her a drink, she controlled their minds to do so. Using her mind she was able to manipulate others around her. Zboy and I decided that she was a malevolent telepath.

      We ate dinner at a different restaurant, and devoured pizza. My friends were joking about how I was getting it all over my face. My mom woke me up and asked if I wanted pizza for breakfast.

      That's the 2nd time I've dreamed of those freaky people with the black eyes. Both times they have been very...condescending/destructive.

      Updated 09-11-2010 at 01:26 AM by 25781

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Graveyard and chips.

      , 07-22-2010 at 03:42 AM
      There was some house and it seemed to be haunted somehow.
      I remember specifically this one character in my dream. He was some sort of indiekid/artfag/hipster type, wearing black skinny-leg jeans, scarf, jacket, long shirt, arty hat, shoulder bag, sunglasses, etc., as one of those types would do. Anyway, he would visit a room in this house and that indicated whether or not there were lollies in the fridge, or something like that. It didn't make any real logical sense so it is hard to explain it in my dream. My vision would always zoom into this room and see whether it was vacant or not.

      We were kind of in a graveyard and digging some food out of somewhere. But at the same time, we were cooking or something... haha idk.
      Hmm. I think that at first there was some food and lollies and we were cooking. But then the aforementioned hipster guy went into that room/fridge and got some chips out but didn't put them back properly. My aunties and I had to spend ages digging up all these chips because they all fell out as we opened the fridge door and putting them back into the crisper part of the fridge (wtf).
      Then my aunty heard some weird noises and saw some lights or something and it was the spirit of my grandfather or grandmother. She told my uncle and he heard them too, and also saw the spirits.
      After that part, I was talking to my aunty, but at this point she didn't seem to be my aunty anymore, but rather some random person. Although she still kinda had half the vibe of my aunty.
      I was talking to her about my philosophy on life, and how I believed that all we really needed in life was love, and all else would follow. After discussing it a bit, my conclusion came down to not just love, but love and food, lol. I think I said love and ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the molecule that provides energy in the human body, hahaha biology nerd). But this isn't true, because you need more than just ATP in cells .

      But anyway...

      There was a tennis match on and I was watching when suddenly the ball hit a pothole in the court and so it bounced back the other way and the referee called it wrong so the players were getting really angry and worked up and then a plane fell out of the sky and split into four pieces, with one piece landing in the sea (the main bit) and a smaller bit landing on the tennis court. The tail, wings and cockpit landed somewhere else.
      Mr T (the guy off the A-Team) was in the crowd, pretending to hit back all the balls somehow. He got onto the big screen that is broadcasted on TV.
    6. My Anti-Social Dream Guide

      by , 06-17-2010 at 01:24 PM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Sometimes, my dream guide really irks me. But yay, lucidity!

      1- Scary Lucidity
      I am listening to a song on my mp3 player that was written by someone on MM. It's very creepy... Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland. Eventually I get tired and turn it off, intending to go to bed. As soon as I lay down, the song starts playing. Ugh, not THIS song again. Wait, didn't I take my earbuds out already? I sit up and RC. Lucid!

      Suddenly it is very dark in my room. I vaguely think about lights, but I cannot focus enough to make the darkness go away. An aura of fear, of pure terror, weighs down the air, making it somewhat difficult to breathe.

      Annoyed, I walk to the center of my room and stand perfectly still. I picture what I will do to any attacker, even Leroy (who I know is behind this), for coming to me in such darkness with the obvious intent to scare me. But it's just so freaking dark, I can't hold the dream together.

      ((Note: I know it was Leroy, because fear is his "energy signature." Why he has to be so anti-social, I don't know.))

      2- A Dream of Wakefulness
      I am in MM chat, telling everyone about the lucid dream I just had. Moonbeam tells me that the person who wrote that song is banned from MM, because he stole our "void game." I am appalled. How dare he!?

      Later, I am a guy wandering around a college campus. I hear a "Hey, you," behind me and turn around. A girl is standing in the doorway, looking at me. "The manager told me to look for a Junior, and you're the only Junior around here. Even though you look more like 17 than 20. If you want to join our ranks, go meet Nelson by the band house."
      ((This is pretty much an exact quote of what she said, as I woke up afterwards and wrote it down as quickly as possible.))

      3- Alice in Dreamland
      I am cleaning out my grandmother's house; apparently she's moving. We fight all sorts of strange things in there, my favorite being some type of primitive war machine. It is a cart, with a catapult attached to one side, a removable spiky club attached to the other side, and spikes in the front. Useful for both long ranged attacks and ramming into enemies.

      Later, I am no longer myself, but a girl named Alice. I am standing in a graveyard with friends, sanctifying the grave of our deceased friend, Whisper. I say a spell which animates the concrete Angel used as her gravemarker. It now has her spirit. She thanks me, and offers to help in times of need.

      I am following some weird storyline as I wander further into the graveyard, away from my friends. A narrator says I will get attacked by the thugs who are after me, and my friends won't be able to hear my cries for help. The rational part of me realizes that I could leave now before the thugs find me, but this Alice part of me isn't aware of my future predicament.

      I see my (Alice's) father walk around the side of the church.

      Rational me: *gasp* My father has something to do with those thugs!

      Alice: Hm, I wonder where he's going?

      As I sneak closer, I spot the thugs loading some things into a car. Too late to hide: the short fat one has spotted me! I run, and he give chase. How can he run so fast!? I see my friends over the hill, leaving the cemetery. As predicted, they cannot hear me calling to them.

      Suddenly another of the thugs is standing in my path. This one, however, I know to be friendly. "Alice!" he cries out as I collide into him. He catches me and holds me with my back against his chest.

      "Being... chased..." I pant. Shorty walks up to us.

      "Neil! Good, you got 'er! Let's take 'er to the boss!"

      Neil doesn't move; I can tell he's debating with himself about what to do. Set me free, or follow orders? Right now, I don't really care which one he decides. I know that he'll save me eventually, if not now. Besides, I'm feeling very comfortable in his arms... "Neil, what are you waiting for?" Shorty growls impatiently.

      Neil suddenly lets me go and puts himself between me and the other thug. "Go! Run!" I don't want to leave him, but I must follow the storyline.

      "Thank you," I say, taking off down the sidewalk. I think I am going to get away, but at the intersection I am intercepted by another thug, who looks like Fabio. Damn it! Neil got in trouble for nothing!
      ((At this point, my mom's phone goes off, waking me. No fair... I was going to end up having a romance with Neil...))
    7. Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (DV version)

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:10 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Quote Originally Posted by Hazel View Post
      I try to forget, yet SHE is constantly reminding me... *sigh*

      1- A Kinship with the Queen
      I am standing in front of a cemetery, talking to the Queen. Some of the graves are walking around, talking to the other graves. One of them looks like a small, long-necked dinosaur. The Queen warns me not to get too close, because some of the graves aren't yet resigned to their fate and may be aggressive.

      Next to us is an enormous shelf filled with countless cards. On each card is a name. The Queen explains that this is an index of everyone in the entire kingdom. She says she must draw six cards for execution. "Wait a minute," I say, "how many people did you execute last time?"

      "Six," she replies. "And six before that, too." ((I didn't realize the number reference until I woke up.))

      "So you're just executing six RANDOM people for your own pleasure!?"

      "Yeah... That's how we choose people for jury duty, too."

      A bit later, I come back to find that the card system is gone. She... got rid of it because of me?

      *lapse in memory*

      I return to the kingdom a while later, confused about how long I've been gone. Also, this seems to be a computer game... I get a picture from my friend Goldenwolf of a purple T-Rex. It's cute, but definitely not up to par with her real talent. We meet up and explore the world together. To start with, we're on a beach, and I find some cool looking coins in the sand. One of them has a unicorn on it, which is Goldy's familiar in the game. She says that her unicorn was the one who minted this coin.

      After coming out of a toy store, I tell her that I have to pay a visit to the castle. "Okay," she says, "see you later."

      At the castle, the Queen is waiting to greet me. "Sarah!" she exclaims in delight, hugging me.

      "Um, I wanted to thank you," I say to her, a bit awkwardly.

      "Thank me?"

      "For getting rid of the card system."

      "Oh, that... Well, I didn't want you to be unhappy." She leads me into a back room, instructing me to stand on a ledge in front of a curtain. She warns me not to step backwards, because the *unremembered word* is behind the curtain. I'd had a bad encounter with this stuff earlier and don't want a repeat experience, so I watch my footing.

      The Queen pulls back the curtain, revealing a tub filled with tar-like swirling liquid. An evil voice is coming from it, from the very depths of Hell, telling of events yet to come. After a while, the Queen closes the curtain. Her body has now swollen up like a balloon, a temporary effect of the *unremembered word*. She can't even stand!

      My fingers are suffering the same abnormality, but this seems to be my only side effect. I know for a fact she bathes in this stuff, much to my disapproval, so I assume this is why she is in much worse condition than I am.

      She asks me if I'll help her move a refrigerator, and I say that I will. I walk out of the room. When she comes out, she is once again her slender self. "We have to wait for my fingers," I say, watching as they slowly shrink back to normal size.

      "Why did you gaze into the *unremembered word* with me?" She asks abruptly.

      "Because you told me to," at her almost sad look, I add, "...and because I wanted to see what would happen."

      She smiles at me, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "You know, you could be Queen if you wanted to." At these words, my real life comes to me in a rush. My name... the Queen... Leroy... regicide... Could I really take her place?

      "I don't know if I could," I answer, thinking of how stressed she looks. Still, the idea is intriguing.

      "The last person who was in your position had his head permanently shrunken three times smaller than it's normal size. Only your fingers were affected, and they're better now. You're a natural."

      Paranoid, I feel my head. "Oh God, it feels smaller!" <<partially joking, partially being a hypochondriac

      The Queen glances down and mumbles quietly, "There is no God here..."

      I want to say something, but I cannot think of a good response to that.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:43 PM by 10998

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Once Upon a Midnight Dreary (DV version)

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:04 AM (Hazel's Boiler Room)
      Quote Originally Posted by Hazel View Post

      1- The Zombie Dance
      I become lucid while shooting jets of water out of my fingertips, and immediately remember my task. I MUST speak with Leroy. He's being an @$$ as usual, ignoring me when I call out his name. "I KNOW you can hear me!" I call out in frustration. Still no sign of him. Annoyed, I go outside in hopes of finding those creepy kids again. Maybe they'll be of some help this time, sice I eliminated their penguin problem. When I get to the road, I see that they are no longer in their usual spots. I do, however, spot two figures walking away from me, to the west. Quickly I catch up with them.

      The first one is my lab partner from Chemistry. The other, while physically unfamiliar, seems...

      "Who's your friend?" I ask my lab partner, though I'm fairly sure...

      "I thought you knew him. This is Le----"

      "Leroy!" I exclaim, with more delight in my voice than I had intended. "You look different again. Like a street punk." (Still hot as ever, though...)

      He greets me in some kind of weird slang, making fun of my observation.

      They begin walking quickly, so I latch myself onto Leroy's arm in order to not get left behind. "Wait, I have a lot of questions---" We suddenly make it to the graveyard, and I am startled to see that there are zombies everywhere.

      "Welcome to The Dungeon," Leroy tells me with an evil grin. I just know he's going to leave me here to fight the zombies all by myself.

      Because I'm clinging to Leroy's arm so tightly, my lab partner assumes that I'm afraid of the zombies. He's partly right; an aura of fear is coming from the zombies, and it radiates from Leroy as well. I'm terrified of them both, but it's easy to ignore. My real fear is that Leroy is going to leave me again. He STILL hasn't answered any of my questions!

      I can tell he is about to go, so I act without thinking. I tackle him to the ground, and we begin fighting again. As usual.
      This forces me into a false awakening, ending the dream.

      Updated 06-15-2010 at 10:38 PM by 10998

      lucid , memorable
    9. Killing cats

      by , 09-21-2009 at 08:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      This is the third dream I had on September 21st, 2009.

      I am at Lake Whittaker, the trailer park my parents go to every weekend in the summer. The park looks as it did as I remember it when I used to go there regularily with my parents when I was younger. My parents and I are in our old 1986 Westfalia and are parked down the hill, a few lots away from our actual trailer in a lightly forested area. The forest is similar to the one my aunt was dragging me through in the previous dream. Many of the lots surrounding the one we are on are occupied and everyone is inside their trailers or cars because there is a large brown bear on the loose.

      The creature is going from lot to lot roaring and scratching and shaking the trailers like it is trying to get in. When it comes to our Westfalia my dad tries to put it in reverse and drive away but the bear has no problem grabbing onto the vehical and keeping us in one spot. It shakes the van violently and almost flips it over before losing interest and walking over to another trailer and attacking it. Several men, including my father, sneak out of their vehicles and quietly make their way over to a creak to the left of where we are. There are men handing out semi-automatic weapons to kill the bear. Many people are armed and head back towards the lots where the bear was causing trouble but it is now nowhere in sight. I am relieved because, even though I was scared, I did not want to see one of nature's creature be injured or killed.

      Some time has passed and the trailer park is still trying to recover from the bear attack. Trailers, vehicles and trees have been badly damaged and many peopler are still trying to clean up their lots and repair the damage done to their property. I am at the park by myself now as my parents and the Westfalia are gone. I am walking from lot to lot looking for large peices of wood, either as fuel for a fire or peices large enough to carve. I come across a lot where a medium sized, grey barked tree has been felled and a man who looks like a young Steve Smith (Red Green) is cutting it into sections. Beside his trailer lot is a cemetary containing small gravestones dating from recent times back to hundreds of years. The graveyard is surrounded by a low iron fence and much of it is covered in autumn leaves that have fallen to the ground. I look around a bit before I start helping the man section the tree but I have a small hatchet while he has a chainsaw.

      The man's wife, a portly woman with short blond hair lights a coleman stove and cooks up some hotdogs. Many people come to eat but the woman doesn't offer the food freely and people have to pay. Apparently many people in the trailer park are starving because they haven't been able to get their own food because they have been too busy trying to make repairs their lots, or as the case with many of them, for some reason they do not know how to cook. I realize that I myself am very hungry but only have small change on me and cannot afford a hotdog. The dream gets blurry and I cannot remember a bit but there is someone about me freely giving what change I have to the lady, but not getting a hot dog, but not being bothered by it.

      Because I am starting to stave I decide to go fishing in the lake. I stand on the shore at the boat launch and try to catch some fish, even small crappies because I am so hungry. Three or four people come down to where I am to watch me fish, hoping that I will give them some of my catch. I do catch three small fish and take them back to my trailer to skin and cook, but because I am not the greatest at preparing fish and because they are so small I do not get much meat off of them and what meat I have I give to some of the starving people in the park because they cannot fend for themselves and I feel bad for them.

      I am starting to feel delerious because of lack of food and manage to capture three or four black cats that I noticed appear around my trailer. I calmly capture them, knock them on the back of the head to kill them (like you would with a fish) and start skinning them like I would a fish. After skinning them and cooking the cats I eat my fill of meat and have enough to share with some other hungry people. In the back of my mind I am appalled at what I have done, but another part of my mind thinks that it was okay to kill and eat the cats because I was starving. I do not feel too upset though at what I have done but I remember wishing that things could have turned out differently.

      The dream ends there.

      Updated 06-24-2010 at 05:22 AM by 6048

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