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    1. Pig Man. November 12th, 2011

      by , 11-14-2011 at 02:43 AM
      For the past two days, I haven't gotten lazy. I simply didn't have any dreams, I swear. It's not that I didn't even remember the dreams, I didn't remember having any feelings associated with dreams, like how you can usually remember the feeling that the dream evoked. Not this time.

      This night, I had only a few dreams. I don't remember the first half of the night because I woke up startled because I thought something smacked my bed. I figured it was my friend who was staying over, because he was sleeping on the floor next to the bed. I sat up and felt that sleep paralysis was about to take effect, but didn't because I freaked out. My arms felt all wobbly and wavy, like they weren't there, my whole body felt weird. I did a reality check and I wasn't dreaming, and it just occurred to me that I may have been OOB, but I doubt it. Anyway...

      The dream that I remember (vaguely) was that I was with this person, and we came from some building or something. We walked into the street in this city at night time, and this car stopped in front of us. Then I was in some other car with Alec's dad, and we were driving on this very dream-like road and I saw a man in a pig costume on the highway. It was DE that there were a bunch of creepy people in animal costumes running around the neighborhood. We thought we got them all, but this guy was standing there in a pig costume, threatening Alec. Alec's dad got mad and started cursing at the pig man. The next thing I know I'm at the old house, although it is very different looking. Alec's dad is there and we are the kitchen and he mentions that, "Boy, Chris, I think she takes a liking to you. You outta make a move." He was referring to this very evil and dangerous woman that was putting on this act in front of everyone. I knew her true motives. Everyone thought she was the kindest person, and she was the life of the party (there were a lot of people and family at my house). There was a lot more to this dream, and it was very good, but I don't remember much. All I remember is that she was after these stars. There were seven of them, and they belonged to me and my family. They kept balance in the world, and they were hidden throughout the world in places we own. She is very powerful and I can do almost nothing to stop her and she has like 5 out of the 7 stars. This one part of the dream had me in this large room where we kept one of the stars. The room looked like it could be the lower-deck storage room of a pirate ship. The walls and floor were wooden and slanted in that manner. There were a lot of cube-like cabinets throughout the room. They unlocked at the top via a latch and a lock. I opened one to make sure the star was still there. Just then, I hear the woman coming into the room. Ashley is with her. I know she is after the star, but there is nothing I can do right now because Ashley is with her, and this woman will act like a kind person, and as far as Ashley is concerned, I would be attacking an innocent person. I see them come in, and I hide behind the cabinet I opened, panicking to get it closed before she noticed. It's too late and she saw me, and knew where the star was.

      I think I'm having a dry spell or something on these dreams, because I've been pretty bad at it lately.
    2. Cardboard Tank

      by , 10-11-2011 at 09:44 AM (The first foothold of Arch.)
      Vividness: 8
      Recall: 6
      Overall: 6
      Non-Lucid Lucid Comment

      I am in my school hall, there are lots of tables and I am sat on one, we don’t eat food in the hall so this is odd, we are eating breakfast. I look over to the left, my sister is eating breakfast with some friends. She gets up sniggering, I wonder why.

      She picks up a pot full of coffee, and digs a large straw into it, and beings snorting it up through her nose, this disturbs me alot and she starts coughing.

      Above me is a large marque, I look around to my left to see a tank, it is made out of Cardboard. My friend karl jumps into it and begins to take aim, I back off and a tank behind me returns fire, the tank behind me is faster than karl and gets a few good hits, I run off into the distance.

      There is nowhere decent to hide, there are other friends trying to hide, but I can’t remember who they are, maybe matty wood? There is a fence in front of me with some foliage for cover, I hide behind it hearing the rumble of the engine, eger to find out who won the fight.
      Popping my head around the fence I see karl emerge, as it begins to near the fence, I hide, karl is weary of my presence and turns around the fence. I move around the opposite side so he does not see me.

      On the highway on top of the tank, I am scared that people will see me, so I jump into the tank, it feels like damp cardboard, and it is massive inside.
      I go in and meet Ryan, Karl, Alex.

      Updated 10-11-2011 at 11:02 PM by 49050

    3. 7/7/11 - Wooden Room

      by , 07-17-2011 at 10:50 PM
      I hiding from someone. It's an authority figure. I with someone else. She's wearing black. I'm physically attracted to her and I feel like I know her but I don't. I don't recognize her. We're hiding in a room made entirely out of wood. It looks like a cabin. I can hear the authority figure coming closer. We kiss and I wake up.
    4. Hunting for Something , Fight , MuOnline Game ...

      by , 05-22-2011 at 04:49 PM (. - ~ = * [ |{(Welcome to my Weird Dream World)}| ] * = ~ - .)
      hmm so i sleept then i remember i was with1 friend ... we were hunting for something i dont know what..
      we were hiding also we went on one building and searching stufff , what i found was like 2 caps rofl.

      i took em and we went out then .. we found 1 girl that she wanted to bj us , there was 4 guys and me , the girl bj the 1 and had sex too , then it was my turn i tried to ,,,, her but after 1 min she said oh cmon fast i have 2 calls i must go to other 2guys.. then she bj me and i said why dont u do with the rest 2 guys , then my dream changed..

      so my dream then was LOL..
      i was in cyprus my old homieland and i went to the magazin near a friends building i forgot totally what i did there then went out and saw my like best friend .
      i call'd him to come he came we talked abt something then i had dream with this game "MuOnline"

      we were more people in that game
      and i was trying to lvl with friend lol.

      then i was GM on that server [game server] but i didnt had rights to do anything idk why..
      so i think i woke up and sleept again then iwent to that game and the spots were full of players trying to lvl...
      i asked my self then why i am not gm...
      only 1 gm was online but i was supposed to be too..

      hmm booom woke up. not goin to sleep more sleept like 11 hours

      Tags: game, girls, hide, hunt, sex
    5. Random job with Chav and cousin

      by , 04-08-2011 at 01:31 PM
      I was going out to do something, dont know what, with a Chav i dont really speak to and my cousin. We got to the 'site' where there were warning signs, and a sign with a strange mask like thing on it, and lots of caged fencing and a building and a few jeeps. We stood and spoke and i told the Chav of how he reminds me of my cousin (because he does actually look like him) and he said he doesn't, as if he knew him, then i explained that it wasn't the cousin who we were with, but another one who was 20,
      We 'got to work' and brought out welding equipment and the Chav explained that if we got caught by the security guards they would hit us with a mask and chase us away. I became very paranoid and when workers (not security) came out the building I would run away and hide behind the jeeps.
    6. Extreme Deja Vu - Fugitive Status

      by , 09-10-2010 at 10:13 PM
      This is one of my
      Five-Star Dreams

      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      Every once in a while, I experience dreams that create intense deja vu sensations, which is pretty intriguing to me. This dream is an example of that.

      I had just walked into a public restroom. It was the kind you'd find at a McDonald's restaurant or a gas station; the cubicles were light, pale blue, and the sinks were white. As for the lighting, it was a bit dimmer than one would normally see in a public restroom, but it wasn't too noticeable and certainly wasn't an issue. The room itself was shaped like a rectangle; the entrance was along one of the longer walls, over to the right. Right when you'd walk in, there were four or five stalls in the light blue color in front of you, a few feet back against the other long wall. To the left, walk down the stalls and past them; you'd get to the sinks. They looked normal.

      I needed to go in a certain stall and get something I'd hidden there earlier. I entered the stall furthest to the right, against the corner of the room. For some reason, although I wasn't lucid, when I opened the door I expected a mirror to be on the back wall. The stall itself was fully closed, and there weren't any spaces underneath the dividers or door; finally, it was a bit narrower than a real cubicle but still spacious.

      I closed the door, sliding over a basic metal lock that was fairly rusty, and turned around to face the mirror. I can't remember exactly what I looked like, but I do know I looked fairly normal: blue eyes, brown hair, normal clothing (I can't recall what I was wearing, either). My hair was a bit messy, with some flyaways and stuff, but that was the extent of it. I looked into the mirror for a few instances, drew back, and then smashed it with my fist. Since I've used invulnerability so much in my lucids, I think it carried over into my normal dreams, and this one was no exception. I felt no pain, and saw no blood as my hand practically blasted into the mirror and into the concrete wall. The mirror shattered into larger-sized pieces and fell as one whole object onto the toilet. Behind it was a section that was punched-in because of me, and there was a small hole inside that area. I pulled a tightly-folded square piece of yellow paper out.

      The dream skipped and I was now in a mall-like setting: light-colored floor tiles, high ceilings, a few leather chairs in the aisle for people to sit down in. I was at the end of one wing of the mall, in a small Starbucks-like store right next to a major department store that was similar to Sears. It looked almost exactly like this (see the green sign on the left? That's where the store I was in was located).

      The Starbucks had a few bar tables against the walls, and a coffee shop-like atmosphere. The cashier desk was not against the wall like in a normal cafe, but by itself in the middle of the shop. There was nothing else around it; everything else, including the chairs, was against the bar tables. I was with one other person, a guy who was a bit older than me, and we were crouched down behind this cashier's desk, peering out the sides to see if anyone was coming. I knew that there was a big crowd coming after us, trying to kill us.

      I was also saying something extremely bizarre out loud. It wasn't just strange because I wasn't lucid, but also...

      "I've had this dream before... I know exactly what to do this time".

      I felt like I'd been in this dream before. I recognized the coffee shop, the mall, and the mob, and I also knew that another person would come and ruin my chances of escaping those people. I was expecting him to come, and I knew what to say this time so I wouldn't get caught. Last time, Jesse Pinkman (from the television series Breaking Bad) had come with a friend of his and asked where to hide the body of someone they killed. I'd told them to stash it in the car, which somehow caused the mob to find me and end the dream.

      Jesse and his friend appeared. They were both wearing dark gray hoodies and jeans, and Jesse was carrying a garbage bag with what looked like a body inside it. "Hey," Jesse asked with an anxious expression, "what do I do with this thing?"

      "Bury it," I said after a brief hesitation.

      They walked off, leaving me and my accomplice (just a guess) still sitting behind the bar. "We don't have to worry about the group of people anymore," I told him. "I fixed the dream."

      When I woke up, I realized I'd never dreamed of a scenario like that before, and the deja vu was generated entirely by the dream.

      Updated 05-19-2023 at 02:28 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , memorable
    7. 24.04.08, Monsterman... Or creepy man?

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:04 PM (Dreams of the Maeniac)
      So yeah, I knew I was going to have a dream about being attacked by something, some time. And it happened. But now, looking back at it, it's just hilarious.

      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I'm at this hotel thing with a few friends. For some reason I have no clothes, and my friends makes fun of how I'm going to have to go around naked. I don't seem to care because I'm trying to be 'bring-it-on'-like. There's a balcony connected to the other rooms of other people. We go out here, and we find pieces of wood I can use to cover. We're just laughing about it still. I throw a boomerang over my shoulder.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]I turn around. There's a [I]semi-fat, black man with huge crossed eyes, almost popping out of his eye-sockets[/I]. I've apperantly hit him, and he starts walking towards us, speaking in a language I do not understand. He picks up the boomerang and throws it at us, while saying something that sounded like a curse. "<something something> naebu" He's really ninjalike with his throwing, he hits my friend first, real hard. The door is small so we can't all get in. I'm the last to get inside, and he hits me on my thigh hard with the boomerang.
      We go in and hide behind the furniture of the room. He comes in and hits me even though I'm behind a small chair. I try to stop him by using simple english sentences.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]Now we're in a garden (below the balcony) there are people eating. The one sitting closest to me is a bodyguard-like man. It's dark now, and some torches light up the garden.
      I scream for help at the guard, and he dosn't seem to understand me. He even seems to laugh at it at first. But when the fat, cross-eyed man begins to throw things from behind, he realizes the danger and picks me up and throws us both into the grass. He holds me tight so I can't move. I remember seeing one torch, some rocks to my left and looking up at the cross-eyed man. Now he's picked up a huge rock and throws it after my head. He's still mumbling his curses. I dodge the rock.

      I can't imagine what the hell I was thinking, making up that guy to be a nightmarish character. It wasn't really a nightmare, it just had the feeling of knowing something bad was happening.

      Updated 08-04-2010 at 12:20 PM by 18506

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