May 5, 2010 Synopsis: Drug dealers attack me. My co-workers come to my aid. But it was my boss who saved me! The Night Gangsters Attacked Me Me and my co-workers were leaving work late. We are all heading somewhere together. I'm walking to the car when I pass by a stranger. I realize the stranger has money in his hands and his waiting for his drug dealer. The drug dealer was right behind me. The two of them make their deal, and I just keep on walking towards the car pretending I didn't see anything! But then they attack me! The pin me up against the wall with a blade to my throat, screaming nonsense. I tell "Calm down! Calm down! I don't care about your drugs! I'm not going to tell the cops!". The sad and pathetic part was he only bought $5 worth of drugs. He looks at me up and down and eases up, and sits back in his car. I think he eases because I'm hispanic and he's apart of a hispanic gang. Slutty girls sitting in the back of his ride start cursing at me, mouthing away with really thick accents. My ride is just next to theirs! Literally! To enter the back seat I'd have to stand next to the gangster girls. My friends from work all look stunned and speechless about what they just witnessed. I guess I can't blame them for not jumping out to help me. Before I can safely enter the car so we can get out of here, one of the gangster girls jumps out of the car and tries to attack me! Unlike the guy who bought his drugs, she really meant to be get physical. I had to fight back. Finally my friends get out of the car and we take on the crazy bitch together. Before we could stop ourselves she was a bloody mess in front of the car. Her facial bones were caved in. She's gasping and choking on her own blood! It's horrific and I felt terrible that we did this. My friend says "We killed her! We have to go!" The rest of the gang members slowly step out of their car, they mean business. Suddenly my boss appears. I don't remember what he says or does, but he saved our lives! The gang stops approaching us, and I tell everyone "Get in the car now!". We hop in the car, roll up the windows and lock the door. I didn't mean for us to drive off, yet. But my terrified friends stepped on the gas, reversed with the tires screeching. I start to yell at her "Stop! Don't leave yet!". I see my boss's face as we sped away, leaving him all by himself to fend off an angry gang. His expression was sad, as if he was saying "Goodbye" "STOP!! TURN AROUND WE LEFT -- BEHIND" My co-workers are such good model citizens I had to yell at them several times just to get them to do an illegal turnaround. By the time we drove back into the parking lot, which was only a minute later, it was filled with cops. The cops seemed to know the gangsters all by name. They would ask them questions "Why didn't you show up at your last therapy session? You told us you would be there." And even as they hand-cuffed them they would still ask other questions like "how is your mom?". And the gangster would answer "Fine. Fine. Same as always.". The conversation was in spanish, and the whole thing was bizarre. To my happy surprise we didn't find any yellow tape you see when someone just died. So I think that one girl is still alive, though we really did beat the crap out of her. But where's our boss from work? Why isn't here? What happened to him? I try to get the cops attention, but they wouldn't respond until I said policia! We told them about our boss but they don't know what happened to him. We imagined the worst, that he was murdered and dumped in some drainage. Or maybe he did manage to drive away safely. I'm so worried and scared for my boss, what if he's dead? My co-workers who are actually closer to him get on their cell phones to see if maybe he's home. But I woke up before I found out what happened! When I woke up I imagined that my boss faked his death, just so he could escape work
January 28, 2010 Synopsis: I dreamed of a magical landscape I couldn't reach. Then I had a realistic dream of work that fooled me. Night Time Note: I went to sleep at least an hour earlier than usual. I made the intention to enter Captain Sleepalots dream. I focused on the image of the dream wheel. But for what? My neighbors and sis wouldn't let me sleep. And even though I implanted in my head dream wheel before sleeping, it was miserable hours later before I actually could fall asleep. Maybe some where after 4am. Adventure I Can't Reach My first dream of the night was pleasant and weird. I was in a sun lit house, a beautiful old mansion. The kind of dream house where just right outside my door was an adventurous land. But I was struggling to be a part of this adventurous land. I remember flying around for a bit. But I always had to return home. Not to mention I really needed to use the restroom. Which was true in real life. I had a false awakening where I double check that I didn't use the bed, and then I wake up for real - nice and dry. I had a dream again with some guys, but I can't remember who or what is taking place. It doesn't feel like much happened. Maybe we just spoke. Realistic Work Dream My morning dream was yet again another work dream. This time it was all too real. Real enough to fool me. Sure it got to the point where I wondered if this could be a dream. But I never did a reality check to prove it to myself, instead I took it for reality. Which really sucked to think that this could all be real! It was sunday, it was almost 5pm. We were crowded with costumers, some didn't even know what they wanted, others had lists. When the time got close, I locked the door, thought technically it was only about 4:58 pm. What ever. I probably turned the lights on and off at least two times to grab everyone's attention that, yes, we are closing. It felt so real though. Maybe some of the imagery was mixed with this last sunday, which was in real life very busy around this time? We finally kick everyone out after what feels like a stressful ordeal. And I wake up shortly after. It takes me a while to recall the dream that I almost took for reality.
Updated 06-18-2010 at 10:39 PM by 6004
January 22, 2010 Synopsis: I transform the hypnagogic imagery of work into a VILD Night Time Note: I went to sleep at 3am. My abstract dream of the night involved a funny slot machine that had a built in chat room and forum. It was in the back room of work, and I remember 'H' was also using it. I played one of the slot machine games and won $20. When the machine spat out my $20, it got all dirty with mashed potatoes. The telephone then wakes me up around 7am. I try to go back to sleep, this time to VILD. My biggest problem was everyone was ruining my morning! Sis kept making noises, kitty kept wanting to go in and out of my room. It wouldn't be until almost 9am until theres enough peace and quiet. My half VILD Well maybe being up for almost two hours helped me this time around. Because after nearly two years, I was finally able for the first time to focus on my HI. Rather than deciding to take charge and create my own dream scenery, because that hasn't worked lately, I just let what ever my mind imagined surface. And now I can see why imagining my own dream scene hasn't worked! All of my HI, all of it, was work (art supplies) related! At first there were simple things. A pencil. A sharpener. Every time the image would surface I would say in my head "pencil" or "sharpener". This kept me awake, and allowed the HI to develop more. I started to see more and more and more of work. And I tried to interact with the HI. Like holding the art supplies in my hands. Yes, it was boring work. But I actually welcomed it. I've been down this route before so I know transforming the work-HI into a dream is actually pretty easy. I welcomed it! I imagined costumers with baskets. Then I tossed the baskets, and tossed all the items of the basket, and put the basket back on top of the costumers head - and sent them on their merry way. BEEP! I heard my first HI noise! It's the sound of items being rung. Ugh..not pleasant, but it's something. Then I heard the crumbling of paper. It sounded so real I almost lost my HI completely. Focusing back on work I was able to repeat the sound of crumbling paper. Soon I heard familiar voices, the gruntings of my boss 'J'. Really, I'm excited! It's been so long since I've been able to hold onto an HI like this! I'm able to sort of move around in my environment, check out the aisles a bit. Now that I've gone through the images of work, my HI begins to change. I can imagine my own bedroom now. I can even go up to a mirror, and examine myself. Hoping that staring at my own reflection can somehow induce the dream state. My body is starting to feel heavy, though I wish the sensations of my body would completely go away. There are random dream characters now. I can talk to them. I go outside to a parking lot, and I can see some trees in the distance. But I can't fly yet. I can still barely move around and keep this whole thing stable. So I try to feel the asphalt, but I still have no sensation of touch. Unable to do much outside, I go back inside to my bedroom, to stare at the mirror again. The image of a strange girl flashes in front of me. "Are you my subconscious?". The mirror responds with coloring itself with random splotches of paint. I ask another dream character if she was my subconscious. She smiles and says something I can't remember. And just when I think I'm about to enter the dream state, I wake up. It's 10am now. I think my REM period is over . If only I hadn't lost those two hours just tossing and turning I might have taken my VILD attempt much farther!
Updated 06-18-2010 at 10:42 PM by 6004
Work Flipped: I was at work. I served some customers, moved some large tray containers from the floor and there was something about a district manager, possibly me becoming one. The store was different in the back with the big oven on the right side, the large wooden table is horizontal and the exit in located in the north. Thoughts: Dream fragment again, but, bad night for recall. Still better than nothing
The Call: The phone rung and I looked at the caller id before answering. The phone mentioned Rotary International as the caller. They called twice if I'm not mistaken with the phone being answered the second time. They called and ruled in my favor for some incident. The Ocean: Something about the ocean. I might have been looking at it. It was a nice light blue color with small riptides coming onto the shore. New Worker: There appeared to be a new girl at work, since she seemed to be wearing work cloth and I haven't seen her before IRL. She was an average height, big chest, brown or black hair and was talking and smiling along with possibly hugging someone else. Thoughts: Interesting dreams no doubt and first time in a long time that I was able to recall three dreams, albeit they are on the short side Not sure what the first dream is about but we did have a new person at work although I don't think she looked the same at all
Original dream dated 07/20/2008: Dreamed that we (my family) were in a house packing. I was being followed around by a very annoying blonde-haired little girl who had several dolls. She wanted some ceramic stuff packed (dolls and tea pots) and I was trying to pack them carefully so they didn't break, but she was being very careless with them. In addition, the house we were in spooked me very badly. It always felt like something was there watching you, and some rooms were so bad, nobody would turn their back on them. It was bitterly cold in the dream, even though when I woke up the apartment was actually quite warm. Had a second dream: Dreamed that I was helping liquidate another store that was going out of business, only this one was full of odds and ends and books, and I had to sleep there overnight, which was very uncomfortable. I was very tired and everything, but the boss kept coming in and asking if we'd gotten everything sold yet, packed up and sent out yet, etc. Then, my family was looking at different houses to rent (in the dream), one house had sort of like a river with a bridge across it, it was really cool but expensive (and the room they were renting was not large enough). The houses were within walking distance to a cool thrift shop. Anyway, it was the 4th of July and my family wanted to go see fireworks. We wound up climbing up on this embankment with a bunch of other people. I dreamed that my aunt was driving the car to the bridge where we eventually climbed the embankment, only the car was being pulled along by cables and beads of light, and I kept wondering how we didn't fall off the bridge. After the fireworks show, there was a woman putting on a juggling performance, only it was almost more like belly dancing. There was a story and a theme, with music. I somehow managed to get digital recordings of the music, and the performer said it was o.k. to share them with other people who'd seen the show and wanted the music.
Original dream dated May 7, 2008: I had a dream about a skinny boy who was tormented by a hag, she sat on his chest and licked his face - eventually, he was able to shake her off and take off on his bicycle, where he raced a train that longer and longer, but not like trains are usually long - like silly putty. It also had the front end of a truck. Eventually, he reached a castle full of the ghosts of old soldiers who had to act out their final battle again and again, and was recruited into their ranks. I also had a weird vague dream that was sort of like I was at work, and there was another person, a young blond French man, who was sort of my friend. My boss was being a jerk about stuff not getting done, even though it was impossible to do so much. Then I dreamed something about owls, only the owls were not owls, they were big beautiful black and white birds that looked more like hawks, and they had chicks. Then, something about photographing another type of bird with chicks, using my cell camera. The dream ended with an earthquake and firefighters rescuing two little girls from their house, which was falling down the side of a cliff. Then, for some reason, I was a large, muscular man. I had just gotten out of my jeep and waded across a river, I think I was trying to keep someone from tracking me. The landscape was like woods in perhaps Colorado or Northern CA.