November 8, 2010 November has been heavy with the theme of transformation, something I look forward to Synopsis: A race of cat people hold back their true nature. But a wild and amazing women teaches me how to unleash my inner cat. The Wild Cat Within I'm with my family (not my real family) in a high raise apartment. They're worried about this Witch that the news has been talking about. She has willfully transformed into her wild cat-self. It's against the law for the people to willfully transform into their wild cat-selves. One who has transformed is treated like a werewolf, a monster that needs to be stopped. Though truthfully, every citizen has the potential to transform at any moment. One day I was playing around with my natural ability to transform, growing a cat tail. My family scolded me, reminding me that its illegal, and dangerous because I could lose my sanity if I transform. A flash outside my window catches my attention. I run to my high raise window, and standing proudly in the full sun is the Witch. She's like a cat-were. Humanoid, with cat ears, fangs, claws, fur and tail. At first I'm scared "It's her! The Witch!". Besides the news warns she's probably insane and will kill you. Gracefully she leaps and climbs the building until she reaches my window. I'm surprised to hear her say - "Hello!" She can talk! The transformed lose their human mind and language. No wonder they call her Witch! "How can you speak while transformed?" She grabs my hand and leads me out the window. From then on I was her pupil. Though she didn't say much, her actions were enough to show me that she was completely conscious. More than conscious, she was lucid! She taught me that society was wrong for telling me to hide my wild cat side. That this is who we really are. She also explained to me, that when you willfully choose to transform, not only do you retain consciousness, but you become more conscious. More brave. More able. More stable. Oh crap, I'm falling! I'm hanging onto the ledge of the window with just my bare hands. "Use you're claws to lift yourself up!" She explains "That's impossible! I'm just a girl! I don't have that kind of upper body strength!" She shows me. She hangs from the window ledge to mimic me falling. Then using all her upper body strength and the traction of her claws, she lifts herself up, leaping into the air, and landing on the roof. At first I thought lifting myself out of the falling position was impossible. But after watching her I realized, she's a petite female just like me. If she can do it, why can't I? I lift myself up and like magic, I was flying into the air and landing on the roof. From then on, I was the Witch - fully transformed- teaching my pupil. Though the dream just becomes a chase-dream. The cops are after us for willfully transforming. Though to be honest, we found the chase amusing. Could they catch us? NEVER! They chase us into a tunnel. Where we find an abandoned car, whose keys were conveniently in the ignition for us. Once in the car, I switch positions again. I'm the pupil again. My Witch-Master races the car out of the tunnel and down the bridge. The cops are right behind us. My master is racing towards the ledge of the bridge, were gonna fall! But she's not stopping! Instead she floors the gas pedal. Some how I know she's teaching me to have no fear, as she was ever fearless. The car is flying off the bridge! I keep waiting for us to crash, but instead the velocity gently carries us over the prairie grass. No way the cops were crazy enough to follow us! We land softly. Having lost the cops, we take refuge under the shade of a tree. And I wake up. In the next brief dream I was lucid, and drooling over the comic books of the artist Anta M. Alabama. Not sure what that means.
Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:55 AM by 6004
October 8, 2010 Synopsis: A witch has trapped me and my cousin. We escape into a forest that keeps us safe from her wrath Note: I've been trying to return to the sanctity of my forest for a long time Return to My Forest My entire class has gathered in a building. Our teacher then instructs each of us where to go. She sends some students down this hall, some down the other hall, some into this room, and some into that room. It's pretty clear she's separating us! Why? I didn't like that we were being separated, isolated alone in the school. So me and my cousin go down a hallway together before the teacher could instruct us. The teacher finds us and instructs us to go to this room. She then asks my cousin sweetly "You could have your own bedroom instead of sharing! Want to have your own bedroom instead?" "NO!" My cousin didn't want to be separated from me either. Annoyed, the teacher slams the door on us and locks us in the bedroom. It's like a hotel room. I feel like I've dreamed this before. Except in the last dream me and my cousin struggled to escape. In the last dream my cousin made a loud distraction while I tried to bust the window. It didn't work. My cousin starts thinking of new distractions, including flooding our room with water. I inspect the window. You can only open it from the outside. But maybe we don't need to open it or break it? I grab my cousin's hand and together we fly right through the window! That was easy. We fly over the courtyards, they were dark and gothic looking.We fly over a small village. Which looked desolate, as if our teacher (a witch) has cursed it. There were strange creatures or beings about, I guessed they were working for the witch. We've been spotted! I make it to the edge of a forest, still afraid the witch will find me. So I fly deeper into the forest, still with my cousin (whos now transformed into a small animal). I think I'm in the heart of the forest now, in a dry river bed. I land on some rocks with lots of pockets in them, like giant lava rocks. I thought, this rock will make a good home. Me and my cousin relax for a little bit. Soon after I realized we weren't alone. From a distance I noticed two figures racing towards us. One was a dog-man, the other was a bright red fox who looked more like a demon. In my minds eye, the fox was the pet of the dog-man. They looked pissed! Me and my cousin try to find a new spot to hide, but we were too slow. The two of them stop in front of us. "What are you doing in our forest?" I figured honesty was best. "We ran away from the witch, but I think she's still after us" Realizing we were just taking refuge, their demeanor became sweet. They welcomed us and told us we could stay as long as we wanted. At this point me and my cousin remembered that we had left a family member behind back in the witches castle. An old frail man, who was supposed to be 'our' father (which makes no sense logically because she's my cousin). But we were both too afraid to leave the forest now, and decided to stay until we became stronger. Spring came to the forest, and water rushed in to fill the river bed. I was convinced that the witch was after me! (I think that's from a previous dream). The woodland creatures keep a careful watch, keeping the demons and witches henchmen out. Word spread that the witch was fast approaching us. A dark cloaked being, over 14ft tall, bursts through the forest, screaming! It's the witch! The woodland creatures gather together. Suddenly, and with a flash of light, a demi-god as brilliant as the sun appears in front of the witch!! With a powerful voice and with the crack of lightning, he declares the forest sacred ground. The witch can not, not now, not ever, enter. Wow, nice to have some demi-gods on our side. The witch howls mournfully, then quickly retreats back to her castle! Nows a good time to come up with a rescue plan. I make my cousin transform out of her animal form, a hamster, which I thought wouldn't help much for the rescue. We should rescue as our people forms instead (we each had an animal form apparently). After sitting around in a cozy circle with my woodland friends, I decide the best course of action is to turn invisible, rescue the old man, and sneak out quietly. We practice turning invisible, but I can still see my feet! Am I really invisible? I keep practicing my invisibility. (At this point I was prolonging the dream, making it slowly abstract. The forest is only half a forest, the other half is a bedroom). I snoop around invisible. A butterfly girl with a tiny voice is looking for her friend, froggy. "Oh froggy! Oh froggy! Where are you?" Her words ring like chimes. She floats very close to the doorway protecting the forest. The next thing I know, a black giant naga head was lounging towards the butterfly girl. Her cries of help were drowned out by the shrieking scream of the naga-witch! I thought for sure she would die! But then a blast of light slices the tongue of the naga, thick blood pours from the naga's mouth. The naga shrieks in pain, and retreats back to the castle. The butterfly girl lives, and now I know our forest really is being protected by a powerful sun demi-god. Its time to rescue the old man. I'm still worried though. I'm worried I'm not really invisible. And I'm worried the witch can trap me in her castle. But my woodland friends explain, that once you are a part of the forest, the bond is eternal, so the witch can never ensnare me. Me and my cousin leave the sanctity of the forest, in what feels like for the first time in months. The world has grown even darker, the sky a gray. Two ghoulish teenagers were sitting on a log. Trying out my invisibility, I ask them "Can you see me?" The first one says one says "'re outline. Like a silver outline." " call that invisible? I give you a 0 out of 9!" 0 out of 9! You jerk! And then I woke up
October 5, 2010 Synopsis: In the first dream I get a huge headache over money! Later, I'm at a movie theatre and become lucid. I try to fill my dream world with flowers, but a DC has other plans I Can't Buy It! My sister has conned me into buying school supplies for a friend. I don't mind at first when I think I'm just going to help her buy one item. But then my sister starts adding more items to the list, PROMISING my friend that I'll deliver! I get pissed and tell sis "I never made these promises, and I don't have the money to buy even half the stuff!". But sis doesn't listen, and adds perks to the list, including that I buy her lunch, and a cd for dad. My head is reeling with math! The debit card and the merchandise don't add up! I woke up frustrated and upset that I felt too poor to buy anything. Let the Flowers Grow Me and my sisters are watching a movie. As if I'm still annoyed from the last dream, I sit farther away from the sister trying to empty my bank account. We got bored of the movie and leave before its even over. Some how, just standing up and walking out of the theatre room made me lucid. I follow my sisters to the concession stand with a big smile on my face. I'm just having way too much fun admiring the carpet and the walls. I ask them "What do you wanna do next?" "Eh, nothing, lets go home" Booo.....that sounds boring . I ditch my sisters by flying straight out of the wall! My dream had changed into a magical landscape, with curvy rolling hills and a castle. I proclaimed myself the queen of this world. I looked at a pretty landscape in front of me, but it wasn't colorful enough. I know! I'll add flowers! I command the dream to add flowers. But nothing happens. I guess I have to do this the harder way. I go up to a weird pipe like structure near me. It has little holes punched in. Perfect! I imagine little seedlings rising out from the holes, blossoming into beautiful flowers. It takes some concentration, but deep vermillion leefy plants rise up. They weren't flowers, but they were beautiful. The moment I stopped giving them my attention, they would wither. Oh well. I continued to try to make my landscape blossom. Most of the DCs were nice to me. Some of them even started attending to my flowers to keep them alive. Now my flowers are bright blues, rich purples, growing in odd places, even from vertical walls. But one DC was a real jerk! He would follow me where ever I went and chop my flowers into little pieces I try to fly away from him, so he can't find my newest flowers. But he was found me and my new seedlings. Finally I got fed up, I grabbed his axe and try to slice him to bits, like he did to my flowers! The axe cuts through him in three directions! DC passerbys looked shocked and horrified! But the axe goes right through him, as if he's air. He looks at me sad, as if he's insulted, actually insulted that I would try to hurt him! I try yelling at him instead "Stop following me around! Leave my flowers alone!" "Okay, I'll stop following you" but then he seems to explain that that's what he does, that that's what he is. He is that which will chop down my blooms. He stopped following me around, but remained and indestructible presence in my dream world. I lost interest in growing my flowers, I didn't want to see anymore chopped up. As my dream starts to fade away, I notice mole-people working hard round and about the castle. I felt bad for them, so I call out to them at the last few stable moments of the dream that they could stop working! They hear my voice, but can't see me, and the dream becomes black. I wake up. I turn over, and that's when I notice shadows. There were shadows on the ground, silhouettes. The shadows made it look like there were people on my bed. I get really creeped out and quickly end the FA. BTW, not sure if this relates or not. But today (10-7-10) I visited my garden in horticulture class. I just recently planted new seedlings. Every single one of them died, I have no idea why. Its really weird. They were planted in three different spots. Three different species. All dead
July 26, 2010 Synopsis: Akira characters, role-playing, a scary-house, vampires! And a terrible scheme to make money. Trouble in Suburbia! I watch Tetsuo and Yama sneak around an average american suburbia, trying to find Kaneda. After a while I enter Tetsuo's body to steal his powers, but I'm still very much female Later on, the whole family has hunkered down into one bedroom to sleep. Not sure why. It was very dark and surreal looking. I couldn't sleep, but that was okay because I kept telling myself I have these awesome powers so I don't need to sleep. I can see the dark hallway from the bunk bed, but not the front door it leads too. A loud banging startles me, and I sink down into my bed. "What was that?" I know I know, I'm such a chicken! Powers..pfffft Dad pokes his head into the bedroom nearly giving me a heart attack. Why did he have to knock on the front door so hard at 4am when he had the key the entire time! My parents have magically transformed into other people I just take as my parents. Mom and dad wake every one up, rise and shine, it's time! Time for what? Dad lays out his brilliant plan. Some sort of money scheme I'm not falling for. "All we have to do is put down one million, and we can make thousands!" It didn't make a whole lot sense then, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense now "Wait!" I interrupt them "There's a psychic vampire spying on your plans! He's outside right now, I can sense him!" I can see with my dream vision a pale sickly looking emo standing gloomily outside our home as the sun rises. (a twilight vampire? ewww!) "He's a vampire!" My parents quickly fold up their plans and head for breakfast instead. I fly outside. Mortals and their money schemes were soooo boring. Maybe this vampire will be more exciting company. I fly tauntingly over him. "Why don't you come up here and fly with me?" "What's that supposed to mean?" "Well, you're a vampire, and vampires can fly." He looks up at me annoyed, black rings around his pale eyes. "I'm not a vampire. And I can't fly!" What ever, I think he's lying! I just start to fly around. And the 'vampire' just follows me around, I guess he was lonely. I woke up shortly after.
June 20, 2010 - I'm up to date now! Synopsis: First dream random. In the second dream, after trying to shop for dad I get accused of stealing! Third dream. In a war torn world, I remain the faithful student of a buddha, using my powerful psychokinetic gift to help stop the violence. But me and my partner are considered freaks, and the very city we love to protect turns on us! Only my teacher can help me now. Night Time Note: Tonight was the first night I did my Dolphin Dream Mantra. But when it came time to visualizing, it was hard to focus on the ocean. Dream Recall I woke up. I couldn't really remember my dream anymore. But I just wrote what came to my head anyways. I'm making a painting of a dolphin. There is a rich man, evil man, who hired a hitman. Or someone hired a hitman to kill him. Father's Day and Thieving at Work I'm working alone. Where is everyone else? My sister is here with me to help me pick out some art supplies for my dad. I thought today would be a quiet day at work - but I'm getting swamped by costumers! And, I realize that I'm picking out all the wrong things. These brushes and paints won't do. I need to get the list I've left at home. I leave the art supply store with my sister at 3pm. That means I closed the store two hours earlier than normal. I hope my boss doesn't yell at me. I get home and I've got my list. I start flying back to the art supply store. That's when I become slightly lucid and remember - wait - it is Father's Day. Were closed today! So I opened the store and suffered annoying costumers for no reason. But I didn't come completely lucid. I still thought I could buy my dad some presents within the dream. I get to the store, and all the other employees are here. What's going on? My boss frowns and explains this costumer wants to sue the entire store, for millions! She claims that I STOLED her anatomy art book. Me? What? I didn't steal anything! I can hear her mouthing away with the cops. Painting a story that were horrible employees, doped up and drunken, and how I'm the worst one having stole her anatomy art book. Now the millions she's asking for would close this store for good! I tell her frankly - You're a lying bitch! This whole dream was getting ridiculous. The cops approach me and I tell my side of the story. I did bring an anatomy art book home, because I brought it to work. It's not mine, but it belongs to my dad. They want proof. FINE! I storm out to go get my anatomy art book. Then I wake up. Remembering I wasn't going to buy art supplies for dad anyways. Stupid dream. Psychokinetic Detective It's the 1940's, it's the second world war. And everyone has a thick New York accent. Me and my partner are detectives. But because of our unique background, we are not well liked. Thanks to my teacher, I'm gifted with psychokinetic powers - all for the name of peace of course. My partner is actually my pupil, as well as a good friend. (reoccurring dream character) You can find my mysterious teacher in our equally strange apartment. Everything in our apartment is shimmering, and sparkling, a cross between pearls and slug slime. Bright colors. And glowing bubbles are coming from the bathtub. where of all places, is where I meet my teacher. He's this glowing presence standing in the center of my bubbling bathtub. I only see him once in the dream before heading out on my adventure. There's a nasty war going on. Enemy tanks parade the streets. And our idiot government thinks blasting them away with aerial bombs is the best defense. As if the aerial bombs don't destroy our city! A timed series of blasts, earth shaking, the sky lighting up. Some where another part of the city has been blown up. I'm flying in a helicopter with my partner and other city cops. Normies, I call them. We're surveying the area. "Look!" In a ghetto part of town, enemy tanks were lining up. I could hear the cops calling in the find, so the soldier boys can drop their damn bombs. I had to do something!! I hold out my palm, and using my powers I move the tanks! The tanks roll over, upside down, rendered useless. I moved some of them too quickly, and you can hear the sound of steel crashing. I hoped I didn't injure the men inside, even if they were our enemies. When we land, some of the cops and soldier boys seemed annoyed with what I did. My gift makes them uncomfortable. As we survey on foot, we run into more enemy tanks. And again, before the boys can call in the find, I move the tanks and render them useless. It's not always easy for me, so I'm glad the tanks move slow. The normies are sneering and sizing me up! I ask my partner "Did I do the right thing?" He smiles warmly and says "Yes. 'Teach would be proud." That's right. I had to keep reminding myself who my teacher was. A pacifist, a buddha, my teacher wouldn't want me to use my gift any other way. I had to be careful when moving the tanks not to use too much force. Were done patrolling! All the enemy tanks have been destroyed, or rendered useless thanks to me. The government declares the war over! Victory! And the once empty streets are starting to fill with people. But as we walk back to the station we pass by one very tiny overlooked street. We ran into one last enemy tank. No big deal, just one tank, and it's a tiny tank too. We'll get rid of it while the city celebrates. But before I could even hold out my palm, the tank races towards us. It was coming so fast - we had to run or be run over! I had no idea a tank could move this fast! Is this the enemy's new secret weapon? The cops pull out their guns but they're useless. My partner runs too slow and the tank attacks him. He's down! Damn, I have to do something. I stand in the middle of the street and hold my palm. I know by the time I can focus on moving the tank, the tank will fire. The tank flips overs!! It's energy beam hits me! But it feels like sticky taffy? What is this? My partner gets up and wipes himself clean. We recollect ourselves and run around the corner. Checking every street, waiting anxiously for the next dangerously fast tank. Nothing. The General comes, I quickly warn him the city is in danger. He drives me to the hospital himself. I assumed it was to make sure this sticky goo didn't infect me with something freaky. But when I get there I realize, this is a nut house! The nurses and clerks look at me with distaste. The cops who escorted me look pleased. They've probably have been waiting for the day for a freak like me to be locked up. "What's going on!" I demand as the cops sign me in. The General comes in and explains"I'm sorry. But I had to do this. I talked to my boys and they said there was no tank! There is no enemy secret weapon." They look at me with those eyes. The eyes you use to size up a crazy man. "No! You're men are lying! They've been waiting to lock me up!" They drag my partner in with handcuffs, he looks defeated. I yell "Ask him! Did you see the tank?" He looks up with sad eyes "Yes, I did!" And they take him away to a cell. I slam my hand on the table. "Dammit General!! There were four people out there. Now me and my partner say we saw a tank. Your boys say they didn't. That's two and two. That's a 50 and 50 chance the tank is and isn't real. You have no choice but to investigate yourself! That tank fired something strange. It would have left a residue. Look for it!" The General storms out of the room with the rest of the cops. The clerks tinker away with their paper work. I'm sure they're trying to find me a room. Well, hopefully the General will do the right thing, and realize the city is in danger. Tap-tap-tap. I can see the General's head peaking from the back door. I sneak back there and he opens the back door for me. "I know you're not crazy. But the city is in denial. We'll have to work in secret." He leads me away. Where once were long streets of the city, are now long corridors and hallways. We've set up in the corner of the hallway. Waiting anxiously for the next dangerous tank. I've left my partner behind, he could use a break. The General and some ladies go through piles of paper work. Looking for clues of an enemy experiment. When they find something unsettling. It's a newspaper clipping years ago, about a mad scientist trying to create psychokinetic monsters. The ladies look at me with those eyes. I shake my head "That's propaganda!" Something catches my attention. My spider senses are going off! I look down the hallway. "General, something is coming." It's outside. Coming closer and closer. My heart is beginning to race. "What is it?" I look passed the hallway, passed the exit door. It's a mob! "A mob of angry people are coming for this building. They have no weapons, only their bear fists and grinding teeth." I can see them on top the hillside coming closer and closer. The General stands up. "Who are they? Can you read their minds? Are they our citizens? Are they the enemy?" The General wants to know whether he can open fire on them or not. But I can't allow him to fire either way. "I don't know. Theres too many minds. All I sense is their anger and hatred! They're coming!" The exit door bursts open! I jump in front of the angry mob, leading them safely away from the General and the others. I let the mob chase me after hallway and hallway. There's so many of them! I use my powers to knock one man off his feet, trying to slow the mob down. But they trample him to death! Crap! My teacher isn't going to like that. I fly! I fly faster and take a sharp turn. Losing the mob. I hide in a room. What should I do? I look outside the window. I know what to do, I have to lead them back outside. The mob has dispersed. Attacking anyone they run into. I fly into a clerks office. She is a black woman with curly hair (reoccurring dream character). She doesn't like me very much. "I know I know. This is my mess. I need you to do something. Tell the angry mob that I'm waiting for them outside." "And you think they'll just go?" "Of course, they're here for me. Go and tell them!" She tells her assistant to carry out the task instead. The assistant does as told. I fly outside. I need high ground. So I fly to higher roof. And a higher roof. I call to my partner to help me. He flies to me and stands by my side. The first angry mobster comes stumbling out of the building. He flies up to where I am. I had no idea normies could fly! He snarls and hisses like a beast! I focus energy into my hands, when I do, my partner disappears (reoccurring theme). He attacks me! I grab his face with my hands, and draw out the evil energy possessing him! "Be free!!" Lol..exorcism. The man is free from the evil within him. He goes limp, and falls to the floor. Two angry mobsters come out. And I have to act even quicker. But the next group was about ten angry mobsters. Crap. Too many. I can't handle them all! I fly away and I fly even higher. But they keep up with me. Screaming, taunting me. Without realizing I had flown all the way back to my glowing iridescent apartment. That's it!! I can't handle them, but if there is one person who can heal this angry mob it's my teacher. The glowing magical bubbles surround me. The angry mob gets closer and closer, hissing, snarling, cursing. I start to sing a lullaby to lure them in. . . . . "Oh holy room of wonders!" Then I wake up
Updated 06-20-2010 at 07:19 PM by 6004
May 31, 2010 Synopsis: Two witches battle over me as I discover I have magical powers. Caught Between Two Witches I was in the apartment's parking lot, and I just crashed into another car!! I don't remember anymore how or why I crashed, except that it wasn't normal. I remember getting out of the car and telling my mom I've been framed! I tell my mom a crazy story, I don't remember what I told her, except that the apartment manager couldn't be trusted. The apartment manager is checking the grounds, trying to find where I have run off to. I feel like she's targeting me! Mom quickly hides me in her own car. Mom covers up for me by striking a friendly conversation with the manager, before driving off. I feel terrible! Soon they'll run the number of my license plate, they'll find my address, and the manger will realize mom was lying. She'll end up in jail with me too! I was hiding out in the crowd at a cafe. My sisters find me and yell at me for creating such a mess. After I finish my milkshake, I tell my sisters what happened. As I tell them the story I see it happen like a movie. I was driving home. The ride was quiet and peaceful. Suddenly a women magically, and I mean that literally, appears in the middle of the road! I hit the brakes and stop the car. She looks me in the eyes. Her presence was powerful and evil. She disappears! After that there was a car racing towards me from the rear! It was her! I had to drive just as crazy fast just to stop her from crashing into me. Eventually I veer off the road, crashing into a parked car. I don't even know why someone crashing into a parked car would make headline news. Must be her magic. After telling my sisters my story, some men come into the cafe. I got a bad feeling they were undercover cops. I quickly sneak out of the cafe without even saying bye to my sisters. I climb on top of the roof, trying to find a place to hide. But all this hiding and running away from the Witch was driving me insane. I was growing tired of this dream and in a semi-lucid moment, I look at the stars and fly towards them. I'm drifting slowly in space, heading towards a beautiful spiral galaxy. I focus my mind trying to alter my dream, something more peaceful and pleasant. As I get closer to the stars they look giant bubbles of water. I enter one of the bubbles, and greet all the creatures. Penguins, seals and otters. But this watery world was small, no bigger than a house. So I got bored quickly and flew out of it. I fly into the next bubble floating in space. But it just leads me back into the same dream I left! My sister is going out, but for my own safety she makes me hide in the apartment. I go to the porch, leaving the light off. I'm just standing in the night time darkness surrounded by potted plants. It was nice actually. I start to sing a silly lullaby, and the plants start to wriggle and dance! Growing taller and taller and wilder and wilder! (my own totoro magic). I was happy with my plants, until I heard strange footsteps below. Hard clunky high heels!! They're heading towards my apartment. I knew this person was a Witch! I didn't want to be cornered in the apartment, so I quickly run down stairs to face them head on. I'm face to face with the Witch. Her aura was powerful and frightening! Her gaze was enough to send me on my knees. I beg the Witch not to kill me, telling her I'm harmless. The Witch doesn't say anything at first. She's sizing me up, measuring and weighing me. She was impressed with my magic, and explains to me the odd situation I'm in. You see there is a Witch War between two powerful Witches, and I'm caught in the middle. Each Witch wants to know whether or not they can use my magic for their benefit. Or, if they should kill me to prevent the other Witch using me first. She continues to size me up with her gaze. It makes me uncomfortable so I look away from her eyes, flattering her, telling her my own magic is nothing compared to hers. I didn't get the sense she was evil, but I didn't get the sense she was good either. I guess it depended on whether or not she liked you! I ask the Witch kindly, please take the curse off the apartment manager so I can be free. She doesn't say anything, still measuring me. Later on I would understand, it was the other Witch, the Evil Witch that possessed the apartment manager and tried to kill me. The Witch has finished measuring me! She explains I don't have to fear her anymore. For now, she doesn't see me as a threat, and thinks I might be a potential student. For now. I thank the Witch for her mercy, and she disappears. I go back inside and soon after my sister comes back. She starts blabbing on about superficial things, like clothing and jewelry and other things she wants to buy. Oh and, she's whining she forgot her nail clipper in the car. With magic the Witch appears in the bedroom! She sits like a queen on the bed, and starts to talk about her own fashion tastes. Clearly she had been listening in (still watching me?). I'm nervous at first! But she doesn't have that scary I-want-to-destroy you aura. I ease up thinking that maybe now this powerful Witch will be my friend. But then suddenly something strange happens. I see myself next to the Witch. I shake my head from the sudden 3rd perspective confusion. The Witch sits up, alarmed "What did you see?" "I saw me! Standing next to you on the bed. My point of view was coming from that corner over there" I point to the corner, and floating in the corner was a little doll with black sunken eyes. Voodoo? So the Evil Witch some how found a way to use me after all! This looks bad. My friendship with this Witch is fragile. The last thing I need is her being afraid of me, and trying to kill me. I gotta do something! "Why don't me and my sister quickly run down stairs and get the nail clipper, then we can repaint your nails." The Witch seemed okay with this agreement. I quickly hurry out the room with my sister. My sister leads the way. But instead of going downstairs to the parking lot she leads me astray. "Where are you going? Were going the wrong way!" "Because I wanted to go the long way!" "But we need to be quick! The Witch is waiting!" I run ahead of my sister, run down a spiraling staircase, that leads to the foyer of the apartments office. I take an uneasy step into the vast room. It's quiet, obviously, its night so this place is closed. But the curse is still on the apartment manager, and she could be anywhere. I woke up afterward. The weirdest thing as soon as I woke up I couldn't remember what the Witch looked like, or anything specific thing she told me.
May 6, 2010 Synopsis: Second dream. After becoming lucid I remember why I'm here, to create a dream world with other members of DreamViews. But in the dry desert, I lose my lucidity all too soon. We Dreamers Begin Recreating The World I'm in a small room, and the atmosphere is comfortable. I'm with friends, but friends to be honest, I barely know. Still I like everyone so far. Some of my new friends are explaining something to me, but I really don't understand it. They're talking about things that seem far-fetched and impossible. Others were turning their crazy ideas into art projects. One slightly plump blonde shows me her artsy project. I think the reason why I don't understand the conversation is because it has to do something with lucidity, a conversation I can only understand if I am lucid. We go outside to do what were supposed to be doing, but since I didn't understand the conversation, I have no idea what that is. So really, I just walk around confused. I waste some time wondering around this dry city thinking about this and that, trying to buy my time. Did I mention that this place looks dry? Because it looks like someone just plumped a city right in the middle of a desert and it's kind of depressing looking. I run into Dannon. He tells me how he's accomplishing the goal we all set out to do on the other side of the highway! He shows off his fancy new dream car. Other cars have to drive on the highway, but his super fancy car seems to just fly over them! His car is super fast and in the blink of an eye he's already past the horizon. I become lucid!! I decide to fly the old fashioned way and grow some gargoyle wings. I start flying over this desert highway, but it's a long flight and it's boring. Luckily, I finally remembered what 'our' goal was - to create a world that we of DreamViews could all dream in together! And we chose this ugly desert city because, well, how much worse could we possibly do? This boring place was a blank slate to practice our dream magic on. And I need a lot of practice. How about crossing this highway effortlessly for one? Why not get a nice dream ride? I run into Aquanina, she wants a nice dream ride too, but for different reasons I think. I remember seeing a car place just down the street so I suggest that maybe we should see what this dream has to offer. We just need some money. Money isn't a problem, we both laugh because for us dreamers, money is easy. I just imagine lots and lots of money pouring into my pockets. Suddenly my pockets become heavy, too heavy. I look and my pockets are filled with solid gold coins! "That's a bit dramatic don't you think?" That's me complaining to my subconscious "How about converting those coins into dollar bills instead? Thanks?" My pockets become lighter and double check to make sure there's still money in there. All good to go! (my lucidity is slipping) We walk on over to the only place in town selling cars. It's a neat place. Colorful and artsy graffiti, curvy walls. I think this car place used to be a skateboaring hangout. We even had to slide down to the next level. There was only one car!! That's it ONE car? I guess I should have known, this is a craptactular town. There's nothing special about the car either. I was kind of hoping the perfect dream vehicle would just be right here waiting for me to drive it/fly it/traverse space with it! I guess I was whining out loud, because the car dealer shakes her head (btw, its not often I see a FEMALE car dealer) "You're going about this the wrong way!" She explains "So the car is simple. So is this bouncy ball." This bouncy ball magically appears is. She bangs it up against the wall and it goes on a bouncing spring all over the place, we had to duck! "It's what you do with it that really matters" She's right! I'm forgetting my dream magic! We could use the car as an easy base to mold and redesign to our licking. But I woke up before I got to try. I'm not sure if I could call this one a shared dream. It didn't really feel like one. But it sure gives me a lot of ideas Dannon and Aquanina weren't the only people in my dream. I remember running into at least five other people who I just didn't recognize.
April 29, 2010 Synopsis: I think I'm dreaming. I test it by trying to fly! Lucid, I remember my dream goal of trying to dream share with Dannon I Can Fly! Time To Visit Dannon I was thinking about how lately my dreams have been tricking me. I was just minding my own business staring at the wall wondering, what if this is a dream? It doesn't look or feel like a dream. But as I walked around and stared at the living room, something felt out of place. I had to be sure! What if I'm dreaming? I get a crazy idea to go outside and try to fly. I run down the steps and stand under the street light. I think about flying but nothing happens. Mom runs outside yelling at me, asking me what I'm doing! It's pretty late and she doesn't like me outside alone after dark, I can't blame her, we do have a lot of car thieves in this neighborhood. But I had to go outside! I had to double check. I tell mom "I'm trying to fly". . . "You're trying to fly?" . . . "Yes, in a dream I can fly. What if this is all a dream?" Mom seems star struck, and just looks at the sky wondering the same thing. I walk forward while staring at the sky. This makes me trip when the ground level changes. I land in muddy water and scrape myself pretty badly. Mom runs over, helps me up and yells at me again. One side of my head is lecturing me "See, this isn't a dream! You're going to get seriously hurt if you keep this up." But the other side of my head was whispering "Why don't your scrapes hurt?". I wasn't in any pain at all! There were 12 year old boys hanging around outside, like a gang patrolling the street. They ask me and mom what we are doing. Mom blurts out "She's trying to fly!" "She's trying to fly?" They were 12 year olds after all and they seemed pretty dumb. They looked at me as though they were encountering a super hero. "You can fly?" "In dreams I can fly. What if I told you this could be a dream?" Now that I had everyone's attention, they all wanted to see me fly! They wanted me to prove to them that this was a dream. There's a small creek nearby and I start with that. I run and jump clear across the creek. I just jumped 20 ft, I have to be dreaming! I start to float, then I fly and loop around the small creek as the troop of boys cheer me on. Everyone seems pretty happy to know that this is just a dream. Me too! I haven't been lucid in a long time. I quickly remember my goal before I fell asleep. I fly away into the city. It's dark and dreary. I want to dream-share with Dannon but I really suck at creating portals. I try to make a few short calls in the dream, but my voice is weak and nothing is happening. So instead of trying to create a portal, I decided to fall into Dannon's dream. I fall backwards while keeping that intention in my head. When I open my eyes the new dream is just as dark. I can make out something sitting in front of me. It looks goblinish, with glowing eyes and pointy ears. But then I realize it's just a cat! I pet the cat and it purrs sweetly as it lays back down to sleep. Now that the cat is my friend the dream seems to explode to life. I can see everything vividly and in full color. I'm in a living room. I assume it's Dannons because that's who I'm trying to visit. The light is off, but there is a light coming from somewhere illuminating the kitchen. I call out Dannon's name, but no one answers. I stumble around the place, past the kitchen, until I find a small room where the light was coming from. Dannon is there, bundled up in a blanket, sitting on a comfy chair with the glow of the TV light on his face. Either he's watching a really good show or he's lost in his own thoughts, because his eyes were glazed over. "Dannon!" But he doesn't respond. I wave my hand over his eyes but he doesn't respond. It's like I'm invisible! There's a clock in the room that says 5:30 am. I wonder if that's supposed my time or his, and if his lack of response means he's actually awake. Well, I came all the way over here! I poke his face. He looks startled that something just touched his face, but when he looks around he sees there's a fly buzzing around. So maybe it was the fly. The tv was blank, nothing was on. Which disturbs me. I have to get his attention some how. I grab a box of kleenex sitting near him and toss it across the room. At first he seems curious as he gets up to find the source of the noise, but when he realizes his kleenex just flew across the room he looks freaked out. Dannons eyes scan the room for some malicious entity invading his space. He looks serious now! Like he's about to do some banishing ritual on me. Well that didn't work. I decide this dream isn't working out. I need to re-try teleporting to Dannon's dream. I think this Dannon might just be a dream character, I tell him goodbye anyways and that I'm going to try again! But that's when I wake up
April 15, 2010 Synopsis: Lucid, I still ccan't open a portal! Why? Later I run into a strange DC who knows this is a dream. The Sun and Moon I became lucid! I don't even remember my dream before becoming lucid. I think I was running around in a giant mall playing superheroes with some kids, but I'm not sure. All I really remember is, I walk outside and I start to float by a tree. Wait a minute, I'm floating? I'm dreaming! It's been a while since I've been lucid. I don't want to rush this, but I think I did anyways. I rub my hands together to stabilize the dream. I've never done this before as a stabilization technique. It feels pretty real! I can feel my fleshy hands and the curvature of my palms. But nothing happens. The dream doesn't change. So I command the dream to stabilize. But nothing happens again. I'm standing on the tree branch looking at the suburban scene below me. Well it's not unstable looking. But I wasn't satisfied. I wanted my dream to be hyper realistic. It still feels, dreamy. Maybe I made the wrong verbal commands, maybe I should have said "Increase Clarity" instead. I want to open a portal! But I want to find the best dream spot to open a portal. So I start to walk around, two kids from the mall follow me. I think they still want to play. They're cute but really annoying. I had to get rid of them some how! So I tell them "Did you know that this is a dream?" "Huuh?" "This is a dream!" "This is a dream?" They look at me shocked, as if I just told them the world was ending. But then they smile and laugh and run away. That was easy! I find the perfect spot to create a portal. I was underneath the sun and moon. The sun and the moon were next to each other, both shining bright. I don't even think that's possible in waking life, but it was beautiful sight anyways. I stand underneath the sunlight and try to open a portal. Nothing happens. I walk away a little confused. So I start to explore my dream some more while thinking of a better way to create a portal. I was walking along a glass building, reflecting everything behind me. That's when I notice an older blonde woman is following me (late 30s? 40ish? hard to tell, it doesn't look like she's slept in days). How annoying! Dream characters are so persistent sometimes. I know! I walk right through the glass building. I look through the glass smiling thinking "Now she can't see me! She doesn't even know I'm looking right at her." Some other nearby dream characters look confused, as if they just witnessed a person magically disappear. I waited for her to walk away just as confused, but instead she steps right through the glass. Her gaze was icy steel. How do I explain it? It's a kind of look that only women give to other women. I feel like she's challenging me. I'm just annoyed that a dream character is mimicking my dream abilities! (how dare she ) She is standing very close to me. Invading my space actually, she's practically standing over me. I just want her to go away so I can get on with my dream. So I tell her "This is a dream!" And she responds "I know." I don't like her expression. It's angry and mean. But she doesn't try to hurt me, or touch me, even though she's so close. I felt like. . she was trying to manipulate me to be angry at her, to try to hurt her, start the cat-fight! But then I remind myself that this is a dream, I need to watch my thoughts and emotions carefully. I try to envision her as lovelier, friendlier, nicer. She eases up and smiles. But I can't say for certain it's the nicest smile in the world! I woke up after that. How short and sweet lucidity is. I VILD and attempt to re-enter the same dream. I'm lucid, but the dream is really unstable. I think I try to open the portal again. But I don't remember, everything just went to fuzz. (and why is there a fly literally flying around my head? Am I the sun? )
February 25, 2010 Synopsis: Chaos spreads! I adopt an innocent child, a victim of this mindless war. And an ominous UFO threatens to destroy everything! Night Time Note: I asked to dream of my new job. Some how I don't think this dream relates UFO - Omen of the End I'm in a room. Its large and dark and filled with people. A huge fight breaks out as others come into the room. All I remember was that these 'others' were the enemy of the people who were already in the room; the others were blacks, they were muslims, they were homeless! The fight became nasty between the others and the regulars. The 'other' children watch as their parents were murdered right before their eyes. I was honestly horrified and found the entire fight senseless! The children scream in horror! Most of the children become enraged and continue the fight. But they are so young and frail, how could they win? I try to stop the madness by yelling at the regulars for mistreating the innocent children "Stop! Don't you see you're only making things worse?". But the regulars have lost all sanity, even if they were supposedly the 'good guys', what ever! A little black baby girl is crying, I think she's Haitian. Parentless, I pick up the poor thing and adopt her as my own. She quickly clings to me and seems very happy to be in my arms. She has adorable hair with double pig tails. I run outside to leave the fight. Though really, it had dwindled down at this point because so many people were either injured or dead. I don't remember what happens next, only that I spend most of the dream hiding from some evil goonies who were specifically after me. Me and my child have almost left this chaotic city. I'll admit, the architecture of this strange city was beautiful. But it was madness incarnate. To make matters worse, a giant UFO appears in the sky!! No one seems to notice it because they are so busy fighting. I hide behind a wall and peek out from the corner to glimpse the giant UFO, not wanting the aliens to notice me. This is bad! This is very bad, I know this UFO from a previous dream! It can destroy an entire city instantly! I didn't even feel that I had time to warn my family. There was no time, in a few seconds everyone in this area will be dead. Holding my baby girl, I fly! No time to open doors! I simply fly through wall, after wall! I even flew through a bedroom where the goonies who were after me were sleeping. Hopefully I flew too quickly for them to notice me. I don't want to find out if they are right behind me now. So I just keep flying. I'm a far enough distance from myself and the UFO. But this area of the city is flooded. The buildings are desolate. And even though the sun is shining brightly now, it feels lonely and dead. My mother is in this flooded rubble as well. Carefully maneuvering my adopted child onto my back, I swim with my mom into a massive building. I think maybe it was once a cathedral? My dream gets pretty abstract now. It's like me and my mom have shrunken and now all the furniture and objects are easily five times larger. This room is the source of the flood, and there is something I need to do to fix things. My mom thinks she knows what to do and enters one of the giant furniture things. I yell at her that her efforts won't help! She doesn't hear me so I go off on my own. I think I remember what to do now. I have to find a golden staff/septre and bring back some order to this chaos! Then I wake up
January 31, 2010 Synopsis: Psycho with gun, turning into a fairy, Spanish school, lucid, trying to dream-share with Captain Sleepalot. Pre Dreamwheel dream. (wheelers, I forgot to share this one ) Night Time Note: I think it's pretty clear now that all of my lucid dreaming happens only in those two hours before waking. I probably woke up around 6am remembering nothing. I told myself to have a lucid dream, but my mind went completely random. I woke up again around 7:30, and I tried again. I told myself to have a lucid dream, and this time I had a much more stable dream. I don't remember the first half much. Captain Aint in the House We have all gathered in someones backyard. It was supposed to be a pleasant afternoon. When someone from the group turns out to be a psycho, pulls out a gun and threatens to kill a woman. The woman is frightened and takes a step back. Then a man yells "Put the gun down!". So the psycho shoots him instead. Everyone shouts as he falls to the floor with his chest pooling blood. Another, much larger man approaches the psycho. The psycho holds the gun directly to his head. For some strange reason he doesn't shoot. Even though the larger man was yelling angrily, be aggressive and hostile. Was the psycho actually frightened even though he has a gun? The larger man grabs the psychos hand and apprehends the gun. Later on we are inside. Everyone is whispering and acting as if the psycho is controlling us. So I'm supposed to wait here and die? I grab this weird item on the table which represented the psycho. Voodoo?? Me and my sister run out of the place. I tell the item in my hand "We just want to go home!". I toss it into a swampy run off, and me and my sister kept running. We can have a head start at least. My sister who was running ahead of me suddenly disappears. I figured, she woke up. I started to fly instead. I flew over a gate and an area of town that was seriously ghetto, and everyone here was Mexican. Where am I? I didn't trust these men, so I quickly fly past them. I fly past a busy street crowd of giants. Or, I'm just the size of a fairy. I think I even remember people saying "hada". I guess I really am in Mexico because I enter a spanish speaking school. Maybe even a catholic one. Because that is one seriously strict teacher. She wouldn't start the class until everyone was seated where they were supposed to be. Well uh, there's one extra student, me. I try to hide behind the other students so the teacher doesn't notice that I am of a peculiar size. Plus other students thought that since I was hiding in the back, they can too. I'm starting to get annoyed. I grow larger and larger and larger. Now I'm bigger than a regular person. I fly past the classroom, past the teacher, and merge out of the door. I continue flying around in the campus for a bit, with no destination what so ever. And every time I came to a door I simply flew right through it. Wait a minute. As I come flying towards a sunny door I realize I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming! Yes I'm finally lucid! Outside was a gorgeous courtyard in the school. I perch on an old and thick tree. Looking at the sky I holler "I now bring awareness and clarity to my dream!". Satisfied, I look at the patchy ground. I want to see my dream wheel. Since my dream did not provide it for me, I jump down and start doodling in the dirt. I couldn't remember how to draw the start, but I at least remembered all the points. So that my mind isn't boggled with too many letters, and we all know how terrible that can go in dreams, I represented each person with only the first letter of their name. I clearly remembered that I was supposed to go visit Captain Sleepalot. Which is great for me, I have such terrible dream memory. I've attracted a crowd of students whose faces were disgusted at my hethen symbol. "Piss off!" I stand up, again looking at the sky I focus on Captain Sleepalot. "I now enter Captain Sleepalot's dream". I close my dream eyes and I can feel myself shifting. That thick watery feeling. When I open my eyes I am some where new, but it's not exactly what I expected. It's a very dark dark dark room. My eyes have trouble adjusting. I think I'm on top of boxes. There are people sleeping in this room. I ask them where is Captain Sleepalot. And they answer "He's not here. He's offline.". What's that supposed to mean? He's awake? My lucidity fades away and my dream descends into nonsense. I'm in a locker room that all of the Wheelers share. Larther was off in his own world humming as he organized his locker. Portalboat walked in, said hello, and left. Nemo was no where. And finally Captain Sleepalot walks in. Again, I'm not lucid so I think I'm awake. So I tell the Captain my strange dream. And as he fiddles with his locker he explains "Yeah, I was awake". Then I wake up for real. Random Highway Dream I have one other dream for the morning. I'm driving on the highway, when all of the traffic stops. What's wrong? Then I see a man continue walking on the hallway, with all of the traffic behind him (at this time, we are all carless). That's when I noticed why the traffic stop! The highway bridge was separating itself! It could collapse any moment! So I yell at the man "Stop walking! The bridge is collapsing!". He seems shocked that he didn't notice, and thanks me for saving his life. We all turn back. On my way back theres a table resting spot. Though it's right on the highway bridge. It overlooks the beautiful ocean, and it's complete with it's own red umbrella. I put my stuff down to have a seat. The wind is so strong here! If it wasn't for the chair my stuff would have blown away already. A man informs me I have no underwear on, or pants. So I wrap myself with my wind blown blanket, and take a seat. We are served the tiniest cups of soda. More like shots. Even the dressing was served in these tiny cups. The funnest thing in this dream was the realistic powerful wind. I woke up shortly after.
Updated 06-18-2010 at 10:37 PM by 6004