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    1. #42: Grey mouse

      by , 11-28-2015 at 10:18 AM
      I went to bed around 01:30 last night and just now (10:00) crawled out of my hammock, after having been awake for ~20 minutes.

      Grey mouse
      I'm walking in a former school building. You can still easily see that it used to be a school building, but it now serves as a student housing complex. I can't recall having any purpose for walking there. I just keep on going. At some point I see a former housemate from a distance in one of the rooms. He makes a motion to provide me with the right directions. Eventually I'm near the top of some stairs. Right next to it, in a sort of cubicle with very low walls, is a girl studying. She has a bit of a nerdy look about her, a bit of a grey mouse. She isn't pretty, but she also isn't ugly. She's working on something that requires difficult calculations. She sees me and asks me if I can help her with it. Sure I can try. My area of expertise is something entirely different though, so I doubt that I can be very helpful. The area at the stairs is very narrow and more people want to pass from below and after a while someone wants to go down as well. It requires a little bit of acrobatics for me to get into the cubicle. I think another guy, who was behind me on the stairs, is also having a look. I feel like asking me to help her is more of a ruse from her to get my attention. I'm not interested, but I let it slide and attempt to help anyway. We move to another table, perhaps 3 metres away. For some reason I'm holding her black iPhone in my left hand and my own black iPhone in my right hand. On the lockscreen I can see her name, but I can't recall it anymore. It was a slightly unconventional name. I turn her phone towards her to show that I'll need her passcode to get in. She tells me the code. I think it was 1010 or 2222. After a while I tell her this is a bit of a mindfuck, having the same phones in both hands. I wanted to do something on my phone, but did it on hers instead. I went to her pictures. I think there are some old black/white pictures of a baby.

      » I've received a reply from an Indonesian man. He is the supervisor for the internship that I want to do. It's an email and the level of English is just horrible. I can't make much out of it. It leaves me feeling a bit frustrated.

      Updated 11-28-2015 at 10:22 AM by 71740

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. LD ???: Magneto in the Trash

      by , 11-28-2015 at 09:13 AM (Starr's Dream Collection)
      *shows up three years later* oops. I sort of haven't been on in a while, but I've been getting more into lucid dreaming again and I decided I should come back to log my dreams somewhere other than my phone notes, if only for record keeping purposes, lol. I haven't been keeping track of how many lucids I've had since I've last been here, hence the question marks in the title, but, eh.


      I wake up and check my phone and see that it says 12:35pm. Shit. I slept in past my morning class, and if I don't get a move on immediately, I'll miss my afternoon class. I jump out of bed and see my roommate and say, "Dude, I slept in and now I'm gonna be late!" She responds with a halfhearted "Aw, damn." She knows when my classes are, the least she could've done was wake me up. The nerve.

      Anyways, I rush outside and find myself in the lecture hall where my class is. For some reason, though, I'm still freaking out and trying to figure out a way to get to class, even though I'm basically there. I see my friend E and I run up to her, yelling "I missed my first class and now I'm gonna be late for my second!" She grabs my shoulders and gives me a hug to calm me down, saying "It's okay, if you hurry now you can still make it in time." I realize I don't have my backpack. Apparently I left it in another classroom, so E comes with me to look for it. When I sneak inside the classroom where my backpack is, the lights are dimmed and the professor is lecturing away. I try to stay as quiet as possible so I don't interrupt while I slink over to grab my stuff, but E walks in behind me and yells "DON'T WORRY EVERYONE, SHE'S JUST GRABBING HER STUFF!" I cringe and say "Stop it, this isn't even my class!" She stops yelling and apologizes.

      I make it out of that room with my backpack in tow, and I start walking down the hall toward the exit. As I'm walking, I pass my friend A who, in real life, goes to school on the other side of the country. "A? What are you doing here?" I say. Before he can speak, I say "Sorry, I'd love to stay and chat, but if I don't haul ass right now I'll miss my class. I'll see you later!" and then I turn and keep running.

      When I make it outside, I'm standing at the bottom of a hill. I can see the bus stop at the top of the hill, and I try to walk toward it. However, I can barely move because my legs are like lead and I'm making no progress. I see the bus pull up to the stop and tears start to well in my eyes because I know that if I don't catch this bus, I'll miss class. Damn, I think to myself, this is just like in dreams when you just can't...oh. Oh, wait.

      I put two and two together and realize I'm dreaming, confirming with a few reality checks. I quickly ditch my backpack and abandon my attempts to climb the hill, deciding to sit on the curb instead. I spend some time just staring at my hands, realizing just how strange looking they are and how wonky my fingers look. I grow another finger. Ew. I also paid attention to the grass around me, noticing how vividly green and soft looking it was. Basically, I tried to calmly engage multiple senses so that I could stabilize the dream.

      I look up and see three people come out of the building: my friend A from earlier, this other kid I went to high school with, and 90's Leonardo DiCaprio. Nice. It's an odd group, but I'm not complaining. Especially about Leo (who I stand up and greet with a kiss because I love myself and I deserve it). I invite everyone to sit down on the side of the curb with me. I pull out my phone and we start taking selfies, and I say "Wouldn't it be cool if these showed up on my phone in real life? Except they won't because NONE OF THIS IS REAL!" They don't really react to that for some reason. This kind of reminds me to deal with a problem I usually have in lucids: communicating with DCs. Mostly I find that I'm always the one doing the talking, and hardly ever will I hold a decent conversation with a DC. I ask Leo how his day was. He just smiles and nods at me. "No," I say, "use your words." He's clearly making an effort, but he's struggling.

      Suddenly, I hear a heavy Russian accent say "Here, you need to eat." I look up and see Wanda Maximoff from the latest Avengers movie standing above me. In one hand she has a dark brown wicker basket, and her other hand is holding a red fruit rollup, outstretched to me. I thank her and take it, and it tastes just like a normal fruit rollup. I think Wanda's food offering was a way to help me stabilize the dream because at this point my lucidity was getting a little shaky (a device to help Leo talk had appeared randomly in my hand and I didn't question it at all). Basically, my subconscious was like, "You're losing it, dipshit. Eat something." Thanks, subconscious.

      Anyways, I'm sitting there eating this fruit rollup when suddenly I get an idea. "Hey Wanda," I say, "where's your dad?" (For those who don't know--in the Marvel universe, Wanda's dad is Magneto, aka Erik Lehnsherr. Erik is played by Michael Fassbender. Michael Fassbender is a beautiful man. I had some saucy ulterior motives.) She gives me a strange look before saying, "He's inside." I thank her and run back into the building I had just previously exited, except this time, instead of it being my lecture hall, it was my mom's house. I'm pretty familiar with the place.

      I start calling out Erik's name in hopes of finding him, since I find that I'm better at finding people in dreams instead of just summoning them, but to no avail. I walk into the living room and see my sister lounging on the couch. I ask her if she's seen Erik. She says, "Yeah, I think he's over behind that gate." I look over and see one of those gates meant for blocking off babies from getting into certain places, but it was blocking off the area by our front door. Behind the gate, there are huge piles of blankets and laundry. I walk over and start digging around, but I don't find Erik. My sister laughs and says "Just kidding, I have no idea where he is. I don't even know who Erik is." I yell at her for wasting my time and walk into the kitchen.

      Erik is trash, I think to myself, so he's probably in the trash. And if he's not, he should be. I open the cupboard under the sink and grab a new trash bag. For some reason I feel like having a trash bag will help me find him. From the other room, I hear my mom yell, "LEAVE HIM ALONE." I respond with a resounding "NO."

      Then I wake up. I'm pretty happy since this was the first lucid I've had in a long time. It's motivating me to really get back into the swing of things, if only to continue my desperate search for Erik Lehnsherr.

      And yes, I did check my phone's camera roll when I woke up, but there were no selfies with 90's Leo DiCaprio :/
      non-lucid , lucid
    3. Intrigue in Cubitis

      by , 11-28-2015 at 08:55 AM
      Morning of November 28, 2015. Saturday.

      Yet again I am seemingly living in Cubitis, or at least in a version of my Cubitis bedroom (though there is not much furniture whereas the room had been crowded with furniture prior to my move), though I am also aware that I am married and living with my family as they are now, yet somehow, I perceive that I may only be around twenty years of age.

      It seems late at night or a couple hours before sunrise, perhaps. All of my lights are on and the room is bright at first (unrealistically bright, in fact, though the scene is very vivid). However, there is eventually a strange mood, a sense of someone being outside in our front yard, and my lights go out at this point - though there also seems to be a bit of light and movement outside, perhaps from a flashlight shining through the curtains or a brief flash of the light from a police car (perceived as approaching from the north). I am wondering how this happened. Perhaps someone shut off the power from outside - yet I also get the impression that I may have mentally caused the power to go off of as an act of self-preservation. I decide to move away from all the tall windows so that my shadow is not seen to anyone outside, which is a bit illogical, as my shadow would have been more likely seen when my lights were on (typical skewed dream “logic”).

      I carefully go to the middle west window and look out and see an unknown male (perhaps in his thirties) and another male to his left who may be his son. There are a couple backpacks lying on our lawn to their right and some of their apparel seems militia-related but not all. They are standing near the center of the front yard. They do not see me at any point. A strange event occurs. The older male fires a bazooka at our roof and I am aware that he is doing this because he is angry about our satellite dish and communications technology and I get a strong impression he does not want me or anyone in my family to communicate with anyone. He does not seem to want to destroy our household, just stop us from giving accurate information to people as well as preventing us from getting information from people or the outside world in general.

      I go out to the carport and casually say hello to them after writing down the license plate number of their car (parked adjacent to the highway past our front yard), which is six digits in all and begins with a “three”, though I did not hold the number in my mind long enough to remember what it was now. It was “three” followed by a space, followed by three numbers (possibly 467), another space, and two more numbers (possibly 92). Somehow, I take it to actually be a telephone number such as one seen in a so-called infomercial (even though again, there are only six digits).

      They walk into our carport, seeming uncertain of what to expect, but come into our house. The older male sits in an armchair (facing south and to the left of the implied carport door) and his son sits perpendicular to him to my right (facing west) as I am facing north, looking directly at the older male. The room and layout becomes unknown. It still seems to be implied to be my bedroom, but the carport door actually seems to lead to a hall at this point. (It is so typical of dreams to change layouts of a house at different times, as I had just used that door to go out to the carport and back into my room and now it leads to a hall.)

      I very quickly pick up my large Olympic barbell (almost without thinking, as it had been leaning to my right against my chair) and jam it into his mouth (still remaining seated in my armchair and he in his across the room from me), all the way to the back of his neck, it seems. He is still alive but cannot move or speak and his eyes are bulging in utter fear. Although his face is generically human, it is too oddly rendered to be a real human face (typical of some dream types and scenes). His teenage son is very worried and remains seated and does not do anything even though they had brought their weapons into our house. He pleads with me not to hurt his father to any greater extent. I tell my wife Zsuzsanna, who is walking easterly by in the (fictional) hall, to call the police, even though I get a vague sense they may not like my “mistreatment” of this criminal, though that concern is not wholly emergent at any point.
    4. Interrupted Sex with Two Women

      by , 11-28-2015 at 05:34 AM (Linkzelda's Dream Journal)
      Interrupted Sex with Two Women (DILD)


      I’m at parking lot of an area completely new to me. The atmosphere at the moment entailed that it might rain, or at least be a fairly cool epoch. The lot itself consists of a light, caramel color, and I notice that I’m near a strip mall of some sort.

      I’m on the floor, and there’s a female on top of me. I can’t really make out her visage in particular, and the next moment, I felt as if I was projected out of that imaginary body, and a female is on top of said body. She has her knees on the floor, is wearing blue yoga pants, and had a dark complexion; African American female, I guess.

      Her white dress shirt is slightly open to portray her cleavage, and I believe her hair is bundled up, and is hearing a headband of a dull, cool color (violet, I think). She waves her rear around, tempting me to do anything with it. I eventually get close to her, and just as I’m about to perform oral activities, out of nowhere, I have the sudden urge to drive a car, and head for one of the strip mall units.

      I’m still trying to process what I would really need that can compensate for the sex that was going to occur, but I’m going inside for something to eat, or maybe use for the activity?

      I can’t recall much of the interior other than the flooring having a checkered black and white style to it. I get out, and I have some trouble with the vehicle I’m riding, and I get the urge to pee.

      I wake up, and as I’m walking out, I see a relative sitting on a couch watching an early morning show. They look at me, but I didn’t bother looking at them. Took care of my business, and when I went back to sleep, I tried to get back into the dream, but to no avail the moment I woke up from the second alarm after.

    5. #166 - School trippin'

      by , 11-28-2015 at 03:44 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Went to bed later again as I was exposed to TV for the first time in a long while.. Where does time even go?
      I'll have to restart my dream recall goal (3 dreams every night for 3 days in a row).

      Dream - School trippin'
      I was on a school bus, we were going on a field trip somewhere. I had a lot of bags (these were the bags that I had left in my flat to be picked up by a moving truck) and I remember unloading them from the bus storage. So many bags, I can't possibly move them in one go... I pick up 2 bags and follow along with everyone else, deciding to make a couple trips to get everything to wherever we're headed. I distinctly recall there being a very realistic sexy big breasted (she had a boob job) brunette woman (in her thirties?) at some point who was guiding me. I don't think she appeared to me in person, but may have been an image on my phone. She had no shirt or bra either . There was also another girl that was the same age as me, she was a strikingly beautiful voluptuous blonde. She gets replaced suddenly by a feminine looking guy with short brown hair... Wait a second... Is that a wig? I think to myself that I think it's actually the girl in disguise. I continue to a playground train which we're supposed to climb onto. It's literally a playground, yet it's somehow a train? I climb up the bar ladder on to the wooden platform, Katie tells me that I shouldn't hog all the space because of how many bags I have. I say that I won't... So bossy. I dump my bags into a corner and climb back down to the bark ground, Katie comes up to me again with 2 of my other bags. Huh? She went and brought my bags for me? "Thanks, how many bags are left?" I say, she responds by telling me there's 3 left (she says it in a way that makes me think she's feigning that she doesn't care, though it's really nice of her to help me out). I think to myself that 3 can't be right.. I should only have 2 more bags? I don't stop to think about this properly. I look at my phone and I see that sexy big breasted brunette woman again, she's in a .gif with the brown haired guy. The woman has her breasts bouncing left to right (they're huge ( . Y . )), the gif is pretty well-made but I can see where the frame resets, the guy isn't doing much except trying to look cool. I notice that there are 3 loops in the .gif, they each play twice before seamlessly switching to the next one. WHOA! Suddenly it switches again... I notice that the guy has turned back into that beautiful blonde, I knew it was a wig! She's in tight-fitting gym clothes with her stomach showing and she's swinging her hips from side to side. It's incredibly hot . The entire scene of seeing this .gif on my phone wasn't very long but it was very vivid and very intense. The end

      Dream experience: 8 (pretty standard dream but the girls were incredibly vivid and the experience was quite intensive and has been on my mind most of the day)
      Dream awareness: 2-3 (Not aware enough to be lucid, but I was aware of inconsistencies during the dream. Awareness reached ~3 during the .gif part due to vividness and emotions)

      Updated 11-28-2015 at 05:45 AM by 71238

      non-lucid , memorable
    6. Irritating Transit Ends With Kisses.

      by , 11-28-2015 at 03:25 AM (Visual Space)
      A dream where I was on the bus downtown on a cloudy day. We were heading down the boardwalk when all of a sudden the bus stops. The lady with curly blonde hair, the driver, decides since we aren't abiding by the rules of CT transit, the bus will be obsolete. Everyone groans and hops off the bus including myself. It seems to be drizzling as we stand in the parking lot yelling at the lady. I then began yellingv saying if people are not following the rules then deal with it or kick those specific people off. To which everyone agrees.

      I was then back on the bus with a different person driving and there was a tall black man standing in the middle with glasses and a white blue stripped button up. The bus also seemed to be taller then usual, and outside seem to turn to torrential downpour. We stopped near Starbucks to pick up people and a girl (old friend) hops on and sits next to me. We greet each other and not too long after began cuddling and laughing. Shortly after we began making out tongue and all while flirting with other and smiling. I look forward and see a couple doing the same. She sits on my lap while we continue our make out session until the dream ends.

      What's with the sexually themed dreams lol.
    7. Gym Paradise; Relaxing Drive; Lustful Two

      by , 11-28-2015 at 03:17 AM (Visual Space)
      A dream where we I was all over the place. At was at long wharf at night at my house which appeared to be a type of gym. It was completely black in there with different wall runs, treadmills, and bench presses. There was also many mirrors as well. I was attempting a wall run which was toward the end but the platforms were too small for some reason. So, my mom, told me to do it. And I did successfully m

      Afterward, we were driving around in my dads car in the middle of dawn. The sky was a bluish purple color with pink blotches as well. And for some reason my dad's car was red instead of being Silver. He was driving really fast around long wharf which also had many turns.

      Another connected dream where I was in the room doing sexual things with a cuter version of a friend of mine.. We were intensely kissing each other on my bed while also watching something TV, which seemed to also switch my perspective toward it. It was about a guy who killed his own brother for a good reason. The place was falling apart as he was running but soon the floor collapsed indefinitely. He seemed to be at a canyon.

      It soon switched back to a base he was stationed at as he explained the event. It then switched back to me and Kayla as we kept lustfully making out with another for a while. She then soon says she been wanting to-do something to which she pulls down her white sleeveless shirt and lavender bra revealing her right breast, and her skirt up. Soon my member was touching her vagina and rubbing it as she said I can move whenever I wanted. I stuck it in before the dream ended.
    8. 11/26/15: The Movie Theater and Stuff (Random/Love)

      by , 11-28-2015 at 02:59 AM
      - Yeah, so this dream happened somewhere between 6:30 and 8:12 this morning. I've begun to notice that simply noticing a natural awakening and taking a moment to be conscious really leads to some great dreams afterwards. I guess this is a really great example of the power of WBTB, although it's very minor and there was no lucidity involved.
      - After writing this down, I noticed that my recall was quite vague. I still remember WHAT HAPPENED in the dream, just not quite in what order or where.
      - I've snipped some stuff out... just remember that when you're reading this, future self!

      [Dream begins]:
      I might have been on my computer, surfing. There was something about someone who looked an awful lot like Miranda from Mass Effect. I get an urge and go to the bathroom. S hits me up and asks me out to a movie at the mall; currently I'm distracted with other things, but eventually I get to it.

      So I'm in the mall, walking around with S, who is holding a bouquet of flowers throughout the whole dream for some reason. We get to this darkly lit, red, low-polygon room maybe 30 feet tall which is at a strange angle to the rest of the mall, and I realized afterwards (and during the dream) that I'd been to this place before. Previously it was at the back of the mall in a dark corner, but it was an arcade in both cases I'm pretty sure. At some point I suddenly teleport to the bathroom where I finish up at this toilet that was actually a sink with a mirror... in the middle of the room. Someone gives me crap about it. Yeah, I don't know.

      Meanwhile, S continues to hopelessly/desperately hold the bouquet of flowers and the relationship feels kinda awkward and tense throughout the dream.

      [Dream ends...]
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    9. Dad save us from the control of government

      by , 11-27-2015 at 11:26 PM
      *Dad saved us from the control of government.
    10. I Levitated :) but Damn Those False Awakenings!

      by , 11-27-2015 at 10:29 PM
      This morning I had an LD again .

      Here are some highlights and notes I'd like to remember:

      • I could fly for a short distance, finally. It was more like a levitation. I didn't fall but I didn't go higher.
      • I tried to walk through things, but that didn't work.
      • After some time in the LD, I heard a loud noise, and I struggled to stabilize the dream, and I did for a while, but the noise kept coming back until my sister woke me up. I was so mad that she did but I couldn't tell her I was lucid dreaming since she knows nothing about it.
      • Then later when I woke up after a few non-lucid dreams. I realized that the noise and the waking up were a part of my false awakening. I should have noticed that I woke up on the couch and I never sleep there like I noticed the wrong bed in last week's LD.
      • The memory of LD is a little foggy since I woke up after I had some normal dreams. I usually remember it way more clearly when I wake up right after it and replay it in my head.
      • I had 3 LDs so far this month, and I'm very happy I'm getting better.
      • When I used to stress over having LD, I never had it, but now that I know I only get DILD when I nap in the morning after a good sleep especially if I'm just feeling drowsy and not tired, I kind of go to bed for these naps (I never force these naps) expecting an LD without obsessing over it, so it happens. I can't have these morning naps except on weekends, but that will do.
      • I really need to work more on my surroundings control.
    11. Dream Games 1 Dild 1 Mild

      by , 11-27-2015 at 08:03 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I find myself in a remote building with many stairways that cross all over the building. I keep walking and then a game app showed up on my vision saying try out the new game. The dream scene change slightly to adjust to the game which was basically red robots trying to run at me and I had to shoot them before they got to me. I played for awhile and soon find a red car and tried driving it. Every time I drive in this red car it would only go back and forth. It could not turn to the side.

      I get up from the car and continue where I left off by going down the endless stairs. Not long I get another message on my screen of a guy typing he would help me out. He also stated that his brother is annoying with a word like "KMLB" I suppose that could be that he wants to kill his little brother. I didn't know but I decided to try and find him. I soon found apart of the stairs to be blown up making me unable to continue walking. I could see the person on the other side who may have sent me the message.

      They had a toy gun in their hand and dress like they were dessert agent. I took a jump and had an false awakening. I get up and felt like I have left my body. I start hovering around and could see a roach on the ceiling. I ignore and just enjoyed the weightless feeling in till I see a hand on the bed corner. I got to it and I find it looks very similar to my hand. I take off the stuff that was around it and pick it up with my hand. I realize a few things at this moment.

      My hand was transparent, the hand I am lifting up is acting lifeless nor is warm. I wonder if it was my hand and I began feeling a tugging as if I was being drag to it. I begin thinking this could be a dream as I tried backing away but my head felt like it was beginning to swallow itself. Before I knew it I woke up.

      I find myself walking in line with a lot of other people going to a beach? But we all had to get registered through a section in the building. It took awhile but I was getting closer till the railing disappear at the end. This made it difficult to keep my balance as we were all about 17 feet above ground. I struggle and fell which for some reason the ground seem like it sky rocket so I wouldn't get hurt. Since I fell I could not join them and was place in to a classroom. I stayed in the classroom where the lights were off and a teacher assign us to do a math problem of 360 divide by 9. We all began working on it and this kid next to me was trying to cheat off me.

      The teacher is standing right next to us but he wont do anything about it. The kid tells me to erase most of my answer cause they were wrong. I told him I wont do anything while scolding him to get his own answers. Eventually the argument we were having grew out of hand and we began fighting each other. At the end of it, I remember getting hit by a black metal bat that resulted in me having a false awakening.

      I get out of bed to see my father , I also saw one of the snacks I use to eat on the side of the bed. It showed signs that rats have eaten it partially. I then left the room and went in to the living room to my surprise. The color of the walls were all red and they were portraits of Merry Christmas around the house. It look odd seeing the entire place red. I figure I must be dreaming and did some rc's which failed. I wasn't convince I awake as I saw too many chairs and tables flip over in wrong areas like the kitchen, with the addition that vision kept spiraling around like a circle.

      I could see a shadow opening the back door and I attempted to hide. It is my brother who enters the kitchen and tells me he already knows I'm there. At the same time my mother had been walking down the stairs. Around this time I wake up. Lucidity Time: 22 seconds

      Updated 11-27-2015 at 08:06 PM by 67903

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    12. Dogs fighting

      by , 11-27-2015 at 08:00 PM
      Only remember a little bit of a dream i had last night. Mi perras maddie y maggie. They were about to fight so i split them up.
      dream fragment
    13. Nov. 27th, 2015

      by , 11-27-2015 at 07:14 PM
      Total sleep: 0:58
      Daytime Techniques: Dream Journal Mindset + hypothetical RC's
      Lucid Techniques: "I am a boss Lucid Dreamer" and know it. WBTB
      + Easy Lucid Dreams Video + (1-10) "I keep my awareness." + plan a title for your next dream experiment BEFORE I dream it + put in 9 DJ templates and tell myself that for my next dream, I just need to focus on getting ONE Dream Experiment done because I have EIGHT more shots to get others done.
      Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
      + "I remember my dreams when I wake up."
      + Easy Lucid Dreams Video + (1-10) "I keep my awareness."
      Asleep - Awake: 6:53 AM to 7:33 AM
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 9
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): Lucid
      Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 57 mins
      Emotions: puzzled, desperate, frantic, happy
      Dream Signs: Dream feeling
      Lucidity Trigger: Dream feeling

      -I wake up in my bed and it's very dark. Things just feel weird. I know that it's a dream but, it seems so real. I get up and try to make it bright. But, it doesn't work. I try to remove my sleeping mask. But it doesn't work right away and everything is still dark. I am trying to use a MapleStory Luminous move and it doesn't work even though I point out my hands and say,"Reflection!" and really believe that it will work. (Reflection is a move that shoots out white light.) but, somehow, my vision gets brighter and I can see clearly now. I am still hearing the lucid dreaming audio that I was listening to playing as the dream continues. I decide that I will try to do my one lucid dream experiment for the moment: seeing what it's like to go through walls in my dream world. First, I walk to the wall that is on the right side of my closet. I think I run into it head on. But, when I impact wall, nothing happens. Then, I walk over to the wall in my room that has my marker board mounted on it. I decided that I will slowly reach my hands towards the wall and act as if it is water. However, my hand does not go through. The wall still feels as hard as ever. My left closet door is open and apparently there is a blue pillar that is the same shade of my wall in there. I try to think of that wall or pillar as water as well, but, when I press my hands against it, it still doesn't go through. Now, I decide to walk around and just explore the dreamscape. I decide to go to my mothers room. I think I'm floating in the air a little bit. When I push my mothers door open, I find JJ and my mom on the bed. I start talking to them just for the sake of it. I am still hearing the lucid dreaming audio playing pretty clearly as background music. I look on my mother's bed while I am on it myself and see iPhone with a grey case that has a circular hole in it to with a black Hollister bird on the actual gray iPhone. I think that the stylus that I have connected to my iPod touch WL is connected to this phone as well. I think that mom makes me feel uncomfortable and I decide that I should get back to my dream experiment. So, I decide to leave the room and resume my dream experiment. I walk down the hall, go down the stairs, turn right into the dining room, turn right again into the kitchen and am now in front of the door that leads toward the washroom. I see JJ in front of the sink washing dishes. She has her hair in a bun, I think a pink t-shirt, and pink and white pajama pants with black stripes separating the colors. I walk down the stairs and look left at the bottom of the stairs. I see JJ again walking towards the right in front of the washing machine and dryer. I say to myself, "Whoah. That's weird." I look in front of me and see that the same iPhone that I saw on my mom's bed is on the wooden, brown clothing holder. I say, "That's weird as well." I walk back upstairs, look to my right, and see JJ still washing the dishes. I've this point, I'm tired of trying to find a way to go through walls and I'm desperate for someone to tell me how to do so. So, I ask JJ, "JJ, do you know where I would find my dream guide?" She says something like, "Oh. You mean (I forget what she says, but I know that it is a positive answer to my question.) However, I don't think that I understand her fully. She repeats herself and I don't know how I react to it. But, I decide to go to her anyway because I feel like that's what she called me to do. I wrap my arms around her and she does the same to me. Then, suddenly, we take off flying straight up at a crazy fast speed, phase through the ceiling, and are now outside of our house. I notice that as we're ascending, I am peeing... like crazy. And seeing as how JJ and I are still holding onto each other, it's getting all on her. I'm thinking to myself, "Oh crap! I gotta stop this! This is really bad." For some reason, although I realize that this is only a dream JJ, I feel as though real WL JJ would be mad at me. However, dream JJ seems to be ignoring this situation completely and is just looking up and is focused on flying and getting me to wherever she wanted to get me to. We finally stop and are high in the air above a huge ocean that is a really blue. JJ points down to an island that looks like lumps of chicken. She points toward the bottom right middle piece of it and says something like, "That's where you want to go." I think the dreamscape changes...

      -I am on an island that has sand with some naked girl. She seems like a healthy size, average height, has tan or yellowish skin, and long, red, wavy hair. Apparently, she has a lucid dreaming app on her iPad that is apparently the same as my Dream journaling one, except it has more features on it. On the app it says something like we can start planning our own adventures now because we are past the beginners mark and it's showing us a whole bunch of RPG games to use for as a reference for imagination for our lucid dream adventures.


      Date: Thursday November 26 2015, 12:35 PM
      Important: No

      ---Let the Games Begin
      Lucid Dream #> >

      Total sleep: 4:51
      Daytime Techniques: Dream Journal Mindset + hypothetical RC's
      Lucid Techniques: "I am a boss Lucid Dreamer!" and know it. FILD + WBTB + DEILD + natural mental imagery + holding onto my consciousness WITH Dreams
      I put in 9 DJ templates and tell myself that for my next dream, I just need to focus on getting ONE Dream Experiment done because I have EIGHT more shots to get others done.
      Recall Techniques: "I wonder what Lucid Dreams I'll have tonight..."
      + "I remember my dreams when I wake up." + Easy Lucid Dreams Video
      Asleep - Awake: 1:00 AM to 5:52 AM
      Vividness: (scale of 1-15, 10 is waking life vividness): 6
      Awareness: (1-10; or lucid): 4
      Length (how long it felt like! Because that matters): 30 mins
      Emotions: excited
      Dream Signs: F-A-C
      Lucidity Trigger: >


      -W, DJ, M, some other people I don't know, and I are in some unknown place. We are playing some game with teams of two. M pairs up W and I to do a three legged race. I am on the left side and Willy is on the right side.

      -I also remember Dragonball Z people being there and saving an evil fish's life. Krillin has really beady eyes and the fish was torturing him and his friends.

      -I also remember hearing Mom on the prayer line.
    14. 2 people

      by , 11-27-2015 at 04:04 PM
      All I remember this morning is looking at two people male and female as the dream ended and I woke. I don't know who they were but they were looking at me too.
    15. 2015-11-27 LD#154, mishmash of many different things

      by , 11-27-2015 at 03:41 PM
      multiple sleep interruptions: loud street cleaning car at 5:30am, family drama call to my wife at 6:30am [I just got up for a couple hours] , alarm at 9:30. I slept until 2pm.

      + LD#154 in car [current country], traffic, side gate with official side traffic coming in, get past, walking, see kids coming down sidewalk to corner, one of them says to me "Hi, <….> [some strange name starting with W: Warner?]", I look at him his face changes getting older, he's a redhead. Later on short sexy moment and a lucid moment.

      + indoor area, see woman talking to girl with very long somewhat disheveled platinum blonde dreadlocks. Then sexy time encounter with the girl bent over something, some dirty talk. Then she mentions an "uncomfortable situation," we appear in my childhood home living room which is decorated for Christmas, I'm with the same girl, we're doing it on a chair she's straddling me, I see my dad sitting across the room on a couch and I guess that's the uncomfortable part as he gets up and walks out, I "fall out" and try to get going again with her as the dream transitions, I have a brief DO view of her, her friend, and a small child in a highchair with dark hair, all just in front of the Christmas tree.

      + very vivid near-lucid moment walking up staircase, moving through spooky deserted attics (I think "this place is creepy"), to find the friendly old librarian who gives me an "ancient scroll?" which is some a rolled-up teletype printout from decades ago, I start to unroll it to read it but she says no read it later, not here.

      + In current home [rare] kitchen, looking out the window, I see a man standing there who's climbed up the wall bit, and is to the side of our kitchen window, looking in. He has pure white hair. He says "I like watching your cat." Then my cat is at the window and pushing through the screen and jumps down outside and runs away with the man. I call to my son to chase them while I keep my eye on them. Then we're all outside chasing and it's now our [deceased] dog we're chasing, and we get him back eventually.

      + Many scenes in a restaurant on multiple levels on a sloping hill
      1. Sitting at a table, the waiter is pissed that we didn't tip enough
      2. I'm a manager but I'm handing over the baton to somebody?
      3. I have a tender moment with the black woman (former lover?) with creepy huge mouth/lips [I'm not scared in the dream] covered in lipstick. She has a daughter who looks just like her whom I see briefly, then I'm having the moment with the woman, I give her a quick light kiss (I see those freaky lips pucker up for me), I say "you have amazing lips", and I tenderly touch her left cheek with my right hand.
      4. sexy time boob goosing up the shirt of several different women [unclear]?

      + I feel like I'm constantly returning to and airport and trying to go somewhere. A plane starts to take off, but then the nose points back and and we re-land for some emergency situation.

      + Nightmare dog thing (like fluffy from Harry Potter) with a weird bun nose is sleeping, and (I or some other guy) is trying to slowly and quietly open a package of pudding, but the dog wakes up and starts hanging around threateningly.

      + I'm washing my phone and my tablet computer at a drinking fountain with my wife. I just very briefly put them under the water so they don't get ruined.

      Then I'm reading the packaging for a cleaning thing, reading some nonsense chemical name, and I "realize" that this is the same chemical in SOS pads, and the package turns into an SOS pad box. I need to clean an oven with it. Some guy is there saying you'll never get the whole thing clean. I say [in a foreign language], "better than nothing!", he says "yeah, better than nothing."
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