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    1. Thanksgiving mishaps

      by , 11-29-2015 at 06:19 PM (Here be dragons)
      A flying dream. Haven't had one of those in a while.

      I'm flying in a overcast sky, with green rolling hills under me. I'm flapping my arms but it feels wrong and clumsy. Slowly it's like my joints move and change, and I feels like my arms turned to wings, and I can feels the movement of the new joints and muscles, I soar up again, lifted by the wind. I reach a house on a bigger hill, with a circonvoluted garden full of nooks and cranies and tiny ponds and waterfalls. It starts raining and I fly inside before my wings turn back to arms. There's friends of mine in there, and I meet up with them. The house is old and musty, strangely elongated with narrow corridor but very high ceiling and windows. We have to swich in light as the outside is dark with the storm. The wooden floor creaks. The rain stops, and we go out to steal something from a bad man. We go inside his tower and climb inside a lift. The bad man sabordage it and it start to fall. I crawl out of it to reach a button that will stop the fall, and as I reach it I tell my friend to jump to cushion the fall. I slam the button and feel the pecuniar sensation in the pit of my stomach that happen when a lift stop suddently, and I'm lifted of the ground for a second. My friends and me run out, fightinh our way through bad guys. I'm carrying a hammer, but my blow are so weak I can't seem to hurt my opponent, and my friends have to save me a couple of time. I reach the bad man owning the place and jump on his back.
      Spoiler for stop! hammertime:

      After that we go in a restaurant and we are served a big roasted turkey. I get some breast, golden crispy skin, juicy with meat over thin ribs bones. I bite through it, bones and all. It's hot, juicy, savory and salty. I have no trouble eating the bones; it had a nice crunch to it and a lot of flavor. The meat itself is melt in your mouth tender.
    2. Frankenstein’s Challenge

      by , 11-29-2015 at 05:29 PM
      Morning of November 29, 2015. Sunday.

      In the first part of my dream, I am in an unfamiliar city setting. I walk out from an alley with an unknown male. I somehow (based on an implied back story) had previously lifted three sections of sidewalk, boulevard, and parking lot, complete with trees and vines that hang down. We walk under the hovering features, each about the size of one and a half lots. They are hovering about fifteen feet up. In the back of my mind, I am thinking that it is safe to walk under them since a part of me is likely still focused on them.

      The main segment of my dream involves a style of dreaming that began when I was very young. In fact, it seems like some sort of continuation (at least on one level) from “Frankenstein Closes the World” from when I was only four years of age (April 9, 1965). It involves part of the setting being “blocked” like a continuous wall preventing access to a certain direction (in this case possibly north). Over time in my dreams, the number and type of “station keepers” changed. One of my first “station keepers” (as I refer to them) was probably the Frankenstein Monster (Boris Karloff version). That is the one that appears here. There are other elements that were more common when I was very young, including even the first part above with the hovering sections of the city (also beginning around age four). However, I actually “feel” about ten or eleven years of age in my dream.

      Part of the situation seems borrowed from the original “Dark Shadows” board game I had when very young. It had a set of miniature plastic skeletons and a cardboard coffin. A recurring situation occurs here where “ancient papers” are found and I realize they had, instead, been very recently printed (this may be a play on a dream freshly rendering something implied to otherwise be “ancient”). In this case, there seems to be some sort of challenge to get into a mock mausoleum (though integrated into the high and long wall) but which at first seems like a “door to Satan”. Even this part stems from when I was very young. The other male, who seems to be interested in some sort of “contest” seems very wary about going up to the “door to Satan”, though in front of the door, there is something related to the contest or a rare potential discovery. I seem to remember that Satan does not exist and decide it is probably an archetype of the subconscious that we will be facing. I then remember that the subconscious does not exist as popularly defined (only different levels of awareness, both internal and external, including the supraconscious and the Source) and feel oblivious to any concerns the other male may have (even though I am not lucid).

      As such, I go up to the wall with the recess (or short hallway) and a section of the wall comes out like a drawer, at ground level (this may be a play on post office associations, or a PO drawer since “I hug PO Virgo” is directly encoded in my full name and also the date of the original dream version was on my wedding anniversary years before it became as such). It has a coffin which is about one-quarter the size of an adult coffin. I open it, expecting to find macabre remains of some kind, and there are miniature “real” skeletons, one of a girl in fetal position with long white hair and only about five inches high. There are also a couple cartoon-like (unrealistic) skulls as well as some random debris and cobweb. It still seems somewhat “ancient”, but as mentioned earlier, the “ancient parchments” look freshly printed. This and another dream of this date had precognitive facets related to a false pregnancy (pseudocyesis) - which explains the miniature skeletal girl in the fetal position. Frankenstein, on the other hand (on one level), has become a symbol for normal people in mainstream society in relationship to pop culture, the media, and authority; lumbering and unintelligent.

      Finally, I open the “door to Satan” and behind it is an extension of the hallway recess of the wall. Boris Karloff’s Frankenstein monster appears, walking mummy-like. He goes after the other male, but it is rather amusing. Both of them move slowly, somewhat like a slowed-down “Keystone Cops” event (also often written as “Keystone Kops”). I decide to see what is farther down the hallway, but the other male comes back around, moving in an arc around the left side of the wall and coming back from the other direction, with the horror movie monster in pursuit but not threatening me, just in the way. I avoid colliding with the stumbling creature and watch the “chase” passively.

      Updated 05-23-2016 at 06:40 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. 11/28/15: Star Wars, a New Friend, and Tons of Dreamlets (Huge)

      by , 11-29-2015 at 04:23 PM
      - So the first half of this takes place in my normal sleep, and the second after having tried WBTB for the first time.
      - I can't be sure of the order of events in the first half, but I can in the second.

      [Dream begins]:
      I'm on this course out in the woods in the mountains. We're all practicing archery drills. See picture below. You shoot at a target, run to the target, and shoot the next one in a square path. I eventually finish up with a few and I go and hang out at the chillout spot, which was an open flat area that jutted out of the mountain we were on, so we could see all the other mountains. I talked with some people here; possibly AW?
      Attachment 8898

      Note: Throughout the dream I had been getting closer and friendlier with this AW, initials for a person I know. Now, in the dream it was a slightly different version of her, but it was still her.

      I'm waiting for the morning bus, and it seems to be running late. I head up the hill towards where it should come from, and a couple things fly by... I think one of them was a hang glider. Eventually the bus comes over and I go and hop on (the middle line lunch lady is driving).

      So I'm talking with AW. It turns out we both have to get out of school for some reason (dentist's appointment?) and be on the interstate (actually 13). Eventually I get out of school and hit the road with someone. It's raining really hard as we go eastbound, and we take a look at the toll booths as we go by. They had windshield wipers on them that were flapping vigorously so the booth people could see what the driver was doing. Eventually we're on our way back and we see each other in the road.

      Suddenly, I'm at this abandoned industrial building with the rest of school, and suddenly we're all told to move into the building by Darth Vader and the emperor. A ton of troops surround us and direct us into the building. As I'm going up with WC, I'm holding a blaster and take a look out the window, thinking they were going to shoot me. They didn't. I lose the rifle and keep going up. Eventually I meet with S (and AH?) and we talk for a bit. SH is slapping his mom on the butt and she's slapping him on the abs and vice versa, telling each other how nice their butts and abs are... then SH tells her that it's the nicest part of her and goes back into the building. She goes and talks with us, and says "I'm not perfect?"

      [Wake up.]

      Note: At this point, I woke up in a natural awakening at ~7:45AM. I figured I'd try doing some WBTB since I figured I might still be able to have a dream. I logged the previous dream, then decided to go back to sleep with lucid dreams and goals in mind. For probably fifteen minutes straight I kept on waking up from discovering I was in HI dreamlets. Hopefully I can figure out how to get past this. Eventually, I had the following dream.

      [Dream begins]:
      Dad and I were going somewhere. I get in the SUV. Sweetie jumps up on the (other) SUV and I tell her to get off, then dad comes over and tosses her off, but she lands on the Leaf. Dad gets in with me and we start to drive away. She follows us down. I look back, and she's waving to us! She trots down by the creek pines and lays down and keeps doing it. Then I realize that it was a peacock making it look like she was doing that. We drive up the hill and dad says "Yep, she's a good dog". Then I thought about peacock feathers for a little bit (and a bundle of them).

      I found myself in a mansion. I walk around for a bit and I find J from MPC chillin' in a closet. His mom is in the living room. I look at him and say, "Hey man, what's up?" He doesn't register me, and just keeps looking off into the distance. His mom scolds him lightly for being so rude to a visitor, and he acknowledged me. He pulls out two DVD's: one is Star Wars and the other is Star Trek. He says "Hey, at the next MPC meet we're gonna watch these." I look at him and his mom questioningly, and say "Yeah.... I don't think so..."

      [Wake up.]
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    4. 291115: The Party Crashed

      by , 11-29-2015 at 02:08 PM (The Dream Journal)
      I am at a friend's party, lots of successful and fancy, hipstery people are there in her large, wooden house, we are in the attic room, it is wooden and shadowy. I don' really have much in common with all the jocks and women dressed in very nice clothes. I ask if I can have some of my friends come over as well, they are geekier but I'd have someone to talk to. I vouch for them and she lets them come. I also see my sister there and I feel a bit more relaxed.

      I'm talking to one of my geeky friends. He mentions how mean and horrible the people in the party have been to him over the years. Although everyone is an adult now, the direct harassment has now turned into a cold condescension, I feel for my friend. A big event is about to happen, people get into a circle as some kind of speech is going to be given. Right as one of the mean, good looking and condescending jocks is going to speak my geeky friend tackles him to the floor and pandemonium breaks out, people are all over the place tearing things apart.

      My hipstery friend who knows the host says this is horrible, really bad, the jock was being interviewed on live TV, now it is ruined, there is no way to fix this. He doesn't right out blame me for vouching for him, but I sense the tension. Secretly I don't feel bad at all for what happened. The jock got what was coming to him. This is karma.

      A new scene, we are in a school gym hall, a new party, the lights are very dim and atmospheric. My hipstery friend's girlfriend comes up to me by a table, I ask what's up. She says things are well. My hipstery friend is collecting money for the damages that happened in the party before, the house was wrecked. I feel a pang of guilt and panic. Why did I even go to that stupid party in the first place? I wake up relieved.
    5. 281115: Sister Getting Kidnapped By Government

      by , 11-29-2015 at 01:53 PM (The Dream Journal)
      Vague dreams throughout the night, no recall.

      In the last dream I was in a car going through an old city like Stockholm in the back seat. To mmy left I see my friend who I met by chance yesterday on the bus. We talk a little bit. As if (our?) parents are in the front driving the car. I hear yelling, a girl cries out for help. My sister (who is a completely different person and looks totally different) is not in the car. The parents swerve around and try to find out where the yelling is coming from. I get out of the car and start running, as if I can make it faster on foot.

      I hear her as the car passes me, I can begin pinpointing the sound. I find her in a bus, men in uniforms sit as she yells, apathetic, they look like law enforcement. As the bus tries to pull away from the curb I stand in front of it and start tearing away the mirrors and wipers, trying to start a confrontation.

      I turn around and see a committee, men in suits and women dressed very professionally. I demand to speak with my sister, I ask what she she being charged with. They are stonewalled and silent. This infuriates me. I have to stay in front of the bus so it doesn't start driving off. In my desperation I begin to try to intimidate all of them, I stare into their eyes intentionally, saying I will go after their children, after them, if they don't let me talk to my sister and ask how she is doing. Just let me talk to her so she can tell me what she is being accused of. Silence is my answer.

      I drop to my knees defeated and lyrics pass through my head, I see them stream before me. Life in black America.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    6. #43: Dragonball / Shower / Singing contest

      by , 11-29-2015 at 09:44 AM
      I went to bed around 01:00. Couldn't fall asleep for a long while. I woke up around 09:00 and started typing this some 15 minutes later.

      I'm a spectator. There's some Dragonball stuff going on. There's an enemy which needs to be defeated *duh*, though the situation doesn't feel tense. Goku and Vegeta are taking care of it. They fusion and I think they form Gogeta. Somehow there's still another Goku left. He seems a bit retarded. An explanation comes from somewhere that having Goku multiply and then fusion really stretches his capabilities.. so this Goku is pretty much useless. From somewhere in the distance some other characters can be heard. It's about the necessity of someone reproducing with someone else because that kid is gonna be important for this battle. I think it might be Piccolo who said that. A girl protests, saying that the couple should be allowed to fall in love first, or something along those lines. She also mentions that Piccolo doesn't have to worry anytime soon about getting similar responsibilities. I'm just wondering how long this battle will drag on if they have to wait for a baby to be born first.

      I'm in the kitchen in my student house. I turn around and see that there's a second fridge in the kitchen. It's standing in front of the stove. It looks new and hasn't been connected yet. I open it for a moment to have a peek. Nice. Must be Karen's. I also notice that the kitchen is somewhat cleaner. Lianne has cleaned up half the mess she left on the counter. I walk to my room. I consider offering Karen €5 so that I can use her fridge as well. I also want to borrow her vacuum cleaner again.

      In my room I dress down until my boxershort. I notice that my door is still wide open. Ah no big deal. I'm standing in a spot where you can't really see me. I close my light coloured curtains. It takes quite some effort. It gets stuck a bit and at some point I'm afraid that the railing will fall down. I manage to do it though. I take something with me. I think my white shirt with green stripes. I walk out of my room. Shaun and Lianne are standing in the hallway talking about something. I walk past and say hi. Shaun says hi back and Lianne just ignores me. Bitch.

      I'm in the shower. It's very spacious and looks more like a garage than a shower. Something odd strikes me, but I can't immediately put my finger on it. I see that there are two other doors to the shower. One of them seems looked, but another one is wide open. I take a look. It's another shower room. This one must be Krijn's, as it's adjacent to his room. I guess I was wrong, he does have his own shower. I recall misinforming Bart about it. I lock the door from my side so he won't come in while I'm showering. I turn on the shower and let the water flow for a while so it can heat up while I undress. I pull my shirt over my head. Somehow I know that the water is almost instantly hot. Normally I let it run for a while first though, cause it takes a while.

      I think I was getting close to becoming lucid. I noticed quite a bit of odd things in the shower.

      Singing contest
      In that same shower area (which looks like a garage), I'm now just a spectator. My girlfriend is there with a guy who is apparently a famous Indonesian singer. He has applied some light blue make up around his eyes. It's a whole big stripe. He seems like a weirdo. There's someone else, I think a girl. My girlfriend is singing (with a mic I think). It's some sort of contest. She's wearing a cheerleader type of outfit, just for the show. In the end she doesn't win. The famous singer says some things to her. I don't understand it at all. I assume that they're talking in Indonesian and I assume that I can't understand because this is tv and they simply talk too fast for me. The only word I really hear is the French 'vous'. She didn't win. She's not sad though. Then some effects occur, a couple of fade to/from black.
    7. First lucid dream

      by , 11-29-2015 at 08:40 AM
      Haven't written here for ages - gave up for a while!

      I played an online adventure game last night and thought maybe this will give me a lucid dream, and was thinking about it as I fell asleep.

      Very poor recall but I remember suddenly thinking I'm dreaming! Strangely I didn't get too excited about that and I thought about doing a reality check but knew I was dreaming and there were lots of people chasing after me so I thought I had better fly away first and do that later - I flew up into the sky and kept flying because the people were flying after me, I think it then turned into a normal dream. The level of lucidity was not good and I can't remember much more about it.

      Other dreams: I was seeing a patient with another doctor, then I remember talking to a receptionist to book him in for a test, then I was drinking a cup of tea with the patient and I realised I had put some valium in the tea and I suddenly started feeling very drowsy.
    8. 2015-11-29 tennis, work epic

      by , 11-29-2015 at 06:47 AM

      + tennis. Playing on court, with pro (lesson). Arguing over "out" call at corner, but I was right there. Ball the size of a cherry? Go to try to find advanced service machine in [foreign country] store. They all are just auto ball shooters not what I need. Someone is talking about a pro's amazing serve, I visualize his serve, the kick-off from the ground and the follow-through

      + (f) trying to choose the right way on the freeway

      + (couple others, forgot)


      + work epic:
      arrive to building, lunch buffet (2 stations: squid salad (big whole squids), and some other grey/green mush),

      anger SB (don't let her hang her stuff in my office), she stomps off, I try to get her back to apologize but she's too mad.

      see JoDu (childhood neighborhood) and friend walking through the halls, they see me and take me to their meeting, they're in charge of documenting the history of a large atrium building (kind of weird for a job assignment I think). In the beginning they needed to call in actors to populate the atrium. Someone else was in charge of the license plates (?!?). I thought what if they hired a guy who played the saxophone, what if he didn't show up, etc. (did he have funny teeth?).

      I'm on the 2nd floor balcony looking down to the ground floor, lots of employees are mulling around. A girl who doesn't work at that company comers in and looks sort of lost, she goes up to another girl and announces "I've been challenged to sleep with somebody in a very cold room!" I run down to the first floor a bunch of guys are crowding around her saying "I know a cold room!" "No, no, *I* know a cold room!". There's some guy there I'm wrestling with, I bite his head, he has weird grey-purplish skin. He calls to her "Hey, you want to go get a motel room!?" She answers "Yes!". I say to the guy "you get the heck out of here with your freaky grey skin!"

      I'm in a relatively deserted area, there's a glass wall/door to the outside, a man is standing there with his face against the glass and wants in the back door, another employee is close to the door but ignores the guy and moves away, we should definitely not let him in. I'm inspecting and playing "musical sticks" that if you wack them against something make a chiming/wooden flute sound. I'm going to go play these in Africa? Trying to find the right stick, some don't sound right, some sound better, one comes apart in multiple pieces.

      Walking down a hallway I come across an ice cream/smoothie station, I see bright purple ice cream. There is a menu of available flavors, cherry something, cherry jubilee(?), etc., I want that, the attendant motions that there are a bunch of already prepared drinks/ice creams on the counter, I reach for one but another guy steps in front, and pour himself a big glass from the one I wanted, I'm annoyed that he's going to take it all. Then I realize he actually emptied his glass back into the served container, now I need a fresh one and am waiting for it. The annoying guy's head pops up through a trap door in the floor inside the kiosk, and opens his mouth, and the attendant pours a stream of red smoothie in to the guy's mouth. The attendant finally pours me a cup that I'm holding but he gets is all over my shirt, I turn away in disgust and wonder, "Is this some sort of first day at work prank?"

      I go outside, near the main entrance to the building, outside on the lawn there is some sort of HR festival, I hear some women discussing ideal placement for such-and-such a display. I ignore this first area. Then I'm walking through an area of people sitting on bar stools. I notice a hot girl with a shoulder-and-sleeveless top, with a nice view of side boob and bra. There is a woman attendant who walks by her and straightens out the hot girl's bra, (because the girl and the others on the bar stools are not allowed to move). The attendant speaks and sounds like another girl I had a crush on at a previous company but I do not turn around. I then see ex-gf SB again who falls down off her stool and and breaks her shoulder, I go down to help her up: I say "Hey, sweetie, hey baby, are you OK?" She answers angrily, "I'm not your sweetie!" I leave her there, she's still angry at me.

      Some of us leave in a car going to a meeting in another building, this is a huge campus, a guy says "it's ridiculous that they put the XYZ group in the cell phone division". We finally arrive somewhere in a parking garage, we're lost, woman in garage who works in supermarket in that building says "there are lots of employees who shop here on their way home, you can ask them where your building is," good idea, I have to fit in, so I pick up a trendy long complex pastry item in a cellophane wrapper and I will pretend I eat these all the time, even though I just got it out of a vending machine. There is a group of girls outside the glass walls of the stairway and they are laughing.

      Updated 11-29-2015 at 01:02 PM by 65364

    9. #167 - Lizzie McGuire / Stranded at Piha

      by , 11-29-2015 at 12:31 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Didn't manage to reach my 3 dream quota again which I'm fine with ^_^

      Dream 1 - Lizzy McGuire
      I was in a room with a lot of other people, I think it had a house party atmosphere. There was a girl I talked to who reminded me of Lizzy McGuire, but after googling this I realize it was Lindsay Lohan who it actually looked like. I can only remember moving around from room to room, maybe with a drink in my hand?

      Dream 2 - Stranded at Piha
      I'm at Piha beach (quite a well-known beach in Auckland, it even has a TV show - Piha Rescue - about it), I think I'm with a bunch of people on a school trip. We have to take a plane or something to get around to another beach just around the corner because the tide isn't low enough to walk to it yet. I don't actually recall flying there though.. We're at the other beach now, I remember talking with a couple people and watching as the waves crashed on the shore. Suddenly the tide rises really high, the water pours onto the beach and floods the shore. There's only about 3 metres of space between the shoreline and the cliff behind us. I'm rushing over in the direction of Piha beach which is cut off from us by a headland. I run up the side of the headland, it's only like 2 metres high on our side, yet on the other side there is a 50m drop into a deep estuary. I peer down over the cliff and wonder if we can all jump over to swim back? A shark! I see a 2-3m long shark swimming about in the estuary channel. Damn... It isn't too big, it might not attack us? Too risky. Eventually we all decide to head back via the other alternatives: plane, skyline gondola and another way... A boat I think? I end up taking the plane, it's pretty small and can't fit more than 10 people max. We're flying now, wait a second something is wrong I think we start to plummet a bit because something is stopping the plane flaps from moving. Looking in front of me I realize I've been resting my arms on something that's stopping the plane from maneuvering properly, oops O_O. I move my arms and we set ourselves a bit straighter but... It wasn't enough. I think we crash land though it was more like a shudder and violent sudden stop.

      Dream experience: 3 (pretty standard dream, the shark experience was the most exciting part)
      Dream awareness: 1 (not very aware but used basic problem-solving)
    10. Experimental vaccines / AR Picard / Defense tribes / Late-night phone / Explosive fish

      by , 11-28-2015 at 11:09 PM
      Bed @ 0040
      Woke @ 0350.

      Experimental vaccines
      I'm managing a line of people who have come for experimental vaccines. I'm at the front of the line waving people forward when it's their turn. I can see other lines of other people, but I don't know what they're for. Each person in my line is getting a different experimental vaccine, and I know that some people have really bad reactions or side-effects to them, some of which are life-changingly bad. These people are being vaccinated right in front of me, and I'm afraid that if any of them have any of these complications, I might be affected due to proximity.

      Alternate-reality Picard
      Picard is at the back of an airplane. He's using something to appear in our reality, but it's not working right. He's mostly here, but he's very cold and having a hard time breathing. He kneels down and breaks something on the floor - trying not to be seen doing so - and starts to warm his hands over it. It seems that whatever he broke is the device that's sending him across realities, and by whacking it he made it work better.

      Defense tribes
      I see five small tribes, each in its own circular camp, forming a line * * * * * dividing two areas of land, protecting one area from invaders coming from the other area. I've snuck into the camp on one end and been discovered. The people who found me aren't at all pleased with me, but they're also not attacking me, so I decide to try to win them over. After all, I'm an explorer, not an invader. I decide to break the ice by getting everyone a fresh drink. Moving slowly and unthreateningly, I move around collecting their old glasses. Now I'm walking through a field full of small groups of people. I'm having to be really careful to walk right down the middle of the groups since a lot of people have their legs stuck out and I don't want to trip.

      Late-night phone call
      It's after midnight, and I get a phone call. At first I assume it's junk, but as I pick up my phone to hang up I see that it's actually Ronne. I realize it must be important and try to answer, but I can't - I must have waited too long and dumped him to voicemail.

      Explosive fun
      I'm in a tunnel system using explosives to unearth fish. They're somehow trapped in rock, and after the explosive blows the rock apart they're able to swim away. I'm amazed that they're able to survive such an ordeal. I keep going back into one area, blowing deeper and deeper back into the rock. Now I'm trying another area, but the fish are more aggressive. Now I'm watching someone try to blow up a medicine cabinet; but instead of blowing up it just gets blown off the wall. Somehow I know that a crack formed in back, that the force of the explosion found the crack, and that the full force of the explosion passed through the crack and expanded between all went through, blowing the cabinet off the wall. The wall itself is completely undamaged.

      BTB @ 0400.

      I'm wandering around with a half-broken bottle. Its neck snapped off really easily - I can't believe how cheaply it was made.

      I'm wandering around what seems to be a cafeteria. There are lots of empty tables, but I'm the only one here. Somehow it has something to do with changing prisoner's gender and sending them to colonize a new planet.

      I'm in a huge tent listening to my supervisor and the job foreman talk; my company has provided the foreman with something he need to complete the job here. The foreman is telling us about the risks and rewards of this project; depending on whether he finishes early or late, there are significant risks as well as rewards.

      I'm at home in my family room. Some men in suits are setting up outside for someone to make a presentation. Now he's talking, but I'm getting echo; it turns out it's because I'm hearing him live as well as over a speaker phone someone turned on. There's something about my bluetooth headset battery being almost dead.
    11. 11/28/2015 Interesting dream (almost lucid)

      by , 11-28-2015 at 10:09 PM
      On 11/27/2015 I drank a whole bottle of new Amsterdam during the day and took 100 mg of 5 HTP before bed at 1 am. I had a very profound and interesting dream today.

      At first I dreamed of flying towards a large super cell storm which had red color about it in a few places. In a dream a voice told me that the cloud had devils inside it or something like that. The dream changed and I was on the beach alone. Behind me were summer homes (dachas in Russian/Ukranian) it was weird because it looked like an American beach and behind me were Russian houses and plants. Another voice told me to shoot 3 times inside the storm to create a large wave in order to ride on it to another side of town. I remember again in the dream I was on the beach with a handgun pointing not just towards a storm cloud but a monster tornado in the ocean I shot 3 times as the tornado opened up and crated a massive wave that looked like it was about 100 ft in the air i remember i ran away from it and timed it perfecly and ended up in a different side of the town. I then went back to the beach and began to ride huge massive waves that I crated so I was not afraid despite them being really black and huge.

      I also at some point in time looked to my left on the beach and noticed the tornado inside the water moved far away now but it was still creating massive weights for me which i kept riding and had fun with.

      The dream was over and it almost seemed like really life in a few days I will use galantamine again at lower doses.
      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    12. Airship

      by , 11-28-2015 at 08:58 PM
      I'm in some kind of airship and I'm stopped somewhere. I feel like it's one out of more stops I have to make.

      Probably would of had a lot of fun with this dream if I had stayed lucid longer and was more aware.
    13. That was a mess alright.

      by , 11-28-2015 at 08:36 PM (Here be dragons)
      Woke up at 7 a.m after going to sleep at 4 a.m, read a couple of stuff before going back to sleep, stubbornly.

      I ended up in a FA, with a incredibly loud buzzing sound zipping across my room. I look up and catch a glimpse of a enormous wasp, with a bulging abdomen in bright yellow stripped with shiny black. I pull the blanket over my head to hid from it, but I feel heavy and sluggish.
      I'm in a train and get out at the station. A old man with very few hairs left walks up in my face and start spouting non-sense, I try to flee.

      Finally, I'm in the dark, laying in my bed. I feel someone climbing next to me, then pulling me against himself. I recognize Eli's body, his warmth and smell and burrow in his arms.
    14. LD Study # 3

      by , 11-28-2015 at 12:30 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #480 - WILD/DILD - 4:38AM

      After some time of trying to WILD (about and hour), I feel as if I am sitting more upright that I should be in the recliner. I feel as if my head is bobbing forward and to the side like I am consciously falling asleep. I worry about the headset falling off, but I try to relax and just go with it so I don't mess up the WILD. I quickly realize that I am probably not sitting this far forward and decide that I am already in the dream state. I wait a moment and begin to notice very mild vibrations in my body. I don't waste anytime here and think about getting up out of the recliner. When I do, my body effortlessly surges forward with a strange gasping/sucking sound; I wonder if that sound is just my breathing. I have the sensation of opening my physical eyes and worry about waking up, but my vision corresponds to my dream environment so I do my best to ignore the feeling. I walk to the kitchen. The room is dark and everything looks as it should. I decide I am in the dream far enough to give the left-right eye signals. I then turn and walk back across the room while doing the block-push-motion that I had practiced with the headset before bed. I am excited and curious if the computer picked up my dream actions, but I try to stay in the dream a little longer. I see Remy sleeping on the futon as he is in the waking world. The area around him seems extra dark and it's hard to tell what he looks like. Not having any other goal, I decide to wake dream Remy and see how he interacts with me. I as I move toward him my excitement of the experiment wakes me up.
    15. 2015-11-28 LD#155 garden/gangster-house, elevator girl, bowling alley; ice skating, rest stop, drown

      by , 11-28-2015 at 12:13 PM
      + on a driving trip, pulling in to a rest stop area. There are facilities, some are public, some are private, they seem like just lines of closets, some small, some large/long. One has cafeteria, guys with mugs with logos, enter, (talk to woman/), under a tent (wife?) is holding a giant bull penis, about 2 feet long and fist-thick and erect, it wobbles as if made of rubber, I'm standing by a fence, and she throws it at me and I barely dodge out of the way. Later I see the penis thing again with a bloody "bone" spot in the middle of its cross section where it was cut off on the bottom)

      + outdoors daylight, wide open empty plain, a guy is shooting a shotgun into the sky and the pellets are refelcting/falling back down off from the sky onto a large incline full of barrels and hitting the barrels. Then it's night and the guy warns of the jackals coming. I hear growling and see two little green reflective eyes in the distance. Start running and one is near me, I have no gun, it seems to be feigning injury, may be a trick, I'm fighting it off with a stick. The jackals dig into the sand like an arrow and launch themselves at you. Then it turns into a large human baby but I know it's a jackal, it's slippery, I'm at the edge of the sea and know I must down this thing. I get a grip and hold it under the waves, it struggles, I feel very uncomfortable about this as it looks like a human, it turns red, and becomes bloated and drowns and dies, the guy is which me and says "oh man do you think it was a real baby?" I say no, turn it upside down, it is a hollow plastic shell, empty inside except for some straps rolled up and taped against the insides, on the outer rim the words "Human Con" is written in small letters ("human container?"). I say "if this was real, there would be a stomach, heart, lungs, etc. in here".

      + ice skating rink: race (did I participate? I think I could do OK), following girl going counter-clockwise, doing front-crossovers, I'm on hockey skates, girl likes the center ice because it is smooth, it's for figure skating practice.

      WBTB, long BTS, much day dreaming, find determination to sleep/dream more, eventually fall back asleep.

      + FA LD#155 I find myself awake in bed feeling frisky and "ready for action", so I turn to wife and start initiating contact, she seems receptive and we start embracing. Then I notice that across the living room out the window and into the neighboring house there is a figure standing at a window behind a thin curtain I think he's watching us, and very well may see us. So I get up and walk to the wall and close the curtains (the guy turns away as I do this?), return to bed (glimpse of other people walking in other rooms of our house?). I notice that there is a short curtain that has partially closed over the front of the TV set as well and think this is funny/interesting (it's in "solidarity" with the other curtain I just closed). My wife is then up and at the sliding glass door and lets in a little dog, she says something about someone bringing it for us, little dog comes running in, it's supposed to be just like our [deceased] dog L, he lifts his leg and pees on a scooter leaning against the wall near the bed. I think to myself, "now, if that dog looked more like 'L', I'd have to do a reality check!", I do a few nose pinches anyway, determine I can breathe, and get lucid. I immediately head out the sliding glass door to the garden and look around. I immediately see large rock formations against the back of the garden fence. They're very impressive. It is bright daylight outside. I walk to the center of the rectangular back yard, noticing all the stuff lying around, and remember my desire to narrate during LDs. I slow down and pay attention, and I start hearing birds chirping, it sounds and looks and feels *just like* a typical suburban garden. I start saying out loud what I see, "my old red/white/blue basketball [lying on the ground among the wood chips], a lovely BBQ, [turn around look behind me] pink flowers [like lilies, cone shaped] growing in a bush", I see a basketball hoop above the flowers. There is so much to see in this garden, if I narrate everything it will take the whole dream?! I see my wife walking ahead of me in the garden, still feel frisky, should I have sex with her? Decide: no.

      I raise my eyes beyond the garden and see a neighboring house a ways across the hill, super tall (5-6 stories) and non-level sloping roof line sloping up from left [low] to right [higher]. I want to fly up to the roof of that house. I push off against the ground and aim my intention at the top of the roof. But instead, I go straight up very high into the air, several times higher than the roof of the neighbor house. I lose speed and start falling back down, and aim myself to the roof of the house and land there. It is a rich house with lots of security. I want to enter (there are hot girls in there?). The lock on the door seems like a game: you have to request something, do a quest, and return with the answer in order to get in, I think "screw that" and make a "throw away" gesture with my right arm and the door is ripped off its hinges. Inside, video game looking vague bad guys are shooting rifles/guns at me. I run through the hallway straight ahead, making squeezing gestures with my fists and they all "pop" and disappear. Then I know I have to face the boss of the place.

      (discontinuity? Loss of lucidity)

      I turn round a tight corner and enter a very small (one-two person) elevator, I know there's a girl there? There is, and I'm very excited at the prospect of making out with her. She is a petite "hostess" emo girl, not super pretty, with hair hanging down in front of her eyes. She seems annoyed/not welcoming attention. I face her and brush the hair off her face, she's wearing dark red lipstick and has a small mouth. She asks "How long will you want me for/will you be here?" She says that she was with a new customer "and [she] can make a lot of money." I take her in my arms and her whole body is trembling. I understand that the manager sent her to me, but that this interrupted her visit with another customer, I say "you're trembling, are you angry that you were interrupted?", (she indicates yes?), I talk to her and soothe her, tell her it's OK I don't want to take her from her other customer. I kiss her lightly on the cheek. I realize she's stopped trembling, (I say "see it's better now?"), elevator reaches the top, and I give her a light kiss on the lips, we go our separate ways. If the manager sees we're not together, he may get angry with her and she'd have to bring him to me, if that happens, I wonder if I should say she ditched me? No, won't do that.

      Turn around, pass a manager telling waiter next to the kitchen to stop giving out breakfast menus (I see the pile and think I should take one because I want an omlet, but don't), keep going, enter large area (bowling alley?), just before I turn the corner I hear my instrument playing warm-ups, uh oh is it a rehearsal? I don't want to go, I'll tell them my instrument is in for repairs ["remember" this as being true anyway], sit down with group at a table, young guy waiter taking orders, look at menu seems to be pictures of burgers, I ask if breakfast is still available (I want that omelet!), he leaves to ask goes around corner, I say "bet he won't be back for 20 minutes". Briefly see plate of burger and fries on the table (then why did they order if they already have food?)

      Updated 11-28-2015 at 12:16 PM by 65364

      memorable , lucid , false awakening
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