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    1. Violent Game

      by , 02-28-2015 at 03:30 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      A violent game.

      Train... station?



      - Slept at around 2 a.m.
      - Alarm after 3 hours
      - Woke up at around 5 a.m.
      - Fell asleep, woke up at 8:30 a.m.
      - The dream was very clear but my keywords are unclear.
      Tags: game, train, violent
    2. Two Nagas (FA-DILD-DEILD)

      by , 02-28-2015 at 01:31 AM
      Ritual: WTB 2:30am, after a little over four hours of sleep I strap the vibrating alarm to my wrist, set for 35 minutes. When it goes off it wakes me very definitely. I lay still and try to DEILD but can feel that REMA is broken. Turn down vibration strength to minimum, note time at 7:20am, and try again... same result. Remove alarm and go to sleep normally. Next time I wake up, try again with better success... at the time thought it was DEILD but realize now it must have actually been a DILD because I was not in my WL bed, so it must have been FA rather than real waking.

      DILD-DEILD: I wake up and remember not to move. I am lying on my right side, but I am in a bed in my grandmother's house. Momentarily I wonder why I am there, but "remember" that I am visiting her. Oddly, in retrospect it feels like my lengthwise orientation—the directions my head and feet were respectively pointing—was also the opposite from how I sleep WL, and that the bed was on the opposite wall, sort of like the whole room was a mirror image of my WL bedroom. But since everything was in the same relative position to everything else, I'm not sure where that feeling came from.

      I try to DEILD and at first I'm convinced I'm physically moving but REMA seems intact so I relax and explore my sensory awareness. Finally I just start to rock back and forth, until I feel confident enough in my dream body to get out of bed. The door to the hall is open, and on the other side I can see the living room, lit up by a Christmas tree with beautiful golden lights. I know it is my grandmother's house in Texas and don't realize that she hasn't lived there for years.

      My awareness is fairly low all around and I don't recall my tasks either. Aimlessly I go outside and spontaneously a magnificent chestnut horse canters up to me, already saddled. I used to ride a lot in Texas so it is probably the result of mental association. I caress the shoulder of the horse and put my left foot in the stirrup, barely able to reach that high as the animal is quite tall. I start to pull myself up and into the saddle but I lose my balance and get "stuck" with my right leg halfway over. I waver there with my left leg in the stirrup and my right in mid-air, somehow unable to complete the movement. Finally I force it with an act of will and get astride the horse, but it doesn't feel right, the proportions are all wrong. The mental dissonance wakes me (although I am now convinced this too was an FA).

      FA(?): On waking, I review the dream and recognize my mental error in thinking that I had been visiting my grandmother's old house and that it was Christmas-time, but I thought I was at least correct in the position of the tree, and remembered seeing in that spot one year. Now that I am fully awake, I have my doubts even about this: my "remembered" layout of the house was all wrong, and I don't think I ever even visited at Christmas time.

      DILD-DEILD: I didn't think REMA had broken yet so I tried to DEILD again, and there were some ambiguous successes that I don't recall well (I still suspect the whole thing was a DILD, and that even most of the "transitions" occurred entirely within the dream state).

      At some point I am back in my WL house, and I open the front door to go outside. After the stunt on the horse I wonder if the door will impede my progress and, probably in response to my thought, I discover that after I open the first door panel there is still a second one to go through, but I try not to cause unnecessary obstacles for myself and go through the second door easily.

      It is very foggy in the front yard, and it is also a wide grassy area with scattered trees rather than a busy suburban street. The fog is making everything vague so I go for the tried and true, "Clarity now!" I shout it a few times and the dream responds, a bit sarcastically overdoing it. Now everything is too sharp, almost pixellated. I can see white and black birds with incredible definition in their pattern and plumage, but the focus is too sharp to look comfortably real. This is preferable to the earlier fogginess, however, so I go along with it.

      As so often, I start instinctively singing as I explore the landscape. My voice is somewhat annoying this time, high-pitched and overly sweet, and there's nothing especially beautiful or memorable about the melodies I'm coming up with. It sounds like the sort of singing you'd hear in a mediocre mid-century musical. But I stick with it, hoping I can use it to influence the dream.

      The landscape is pleasantly pastoral in all directions now. I am walking in an open meadow, and there are scattered trees here and there. I can't see any other figures, and I decide things would be more interesting if I could interact with a DC, so I decide to request one. I sing something about the "view," and then in the next line ask the dream to "send someone to talk to..." — and hesitate, having botched the lyrics. If I could end the with line "to you," it would have proper meter and rhyme, but obviously I wanted the DC to come talk "to me," so I tack the word "me" awkwardly onto the end of the line. It sounds so stupid that I break character and laugh at myself.

      I give up on the singing and make my request again with a simple act of will. This works much better, and at once I can see a woman—of a sort—approaching me. She has a human torso but the lower part of her body is that of a large serpent, like a naga, and she resembles Medusa in having snake-like strands instead of hair. While I contemplate her unusual appearance, a second such creature shows up at her side. The face of the second one is thinner, with high cheekbones, attractive even, and her snake-hair is asymmetrically coiffed like elaborate dreadlocks. I find her appearance so striking that I want to complement her.

      "I like your... arrangement." It comes out awkwardly because I realized mid-sentence that "hair" wasn't the right word and had to choose another one, but I'm not sure if she'll understand. "I mean your snakes," I explain hurriedly, hoping I'm not inadvertently being offensive by naming them as such. The naga I'm addressing studies me with a twisted expression, like she's not sure whether to be flattered or irritated.

      I converse with them for a few minutes but unfortunately I can't recall what we discussed. Then they ask me for a favor: will I go up that hill nearby and tell their father that they're working on the project? It sounds like an innocent request, but I sense that there is something sinister behind it. I suspect that this is a ploy to lure me into their encampment, where I will be taken captive. As I hesitate, pondering their motivations, I can actually feel the pressure of their minds against mine, like they are attempting to work a subtle enchantment to compel me to go. I lash back mentally, and they both recoil.

      Now the veneer of friendliness drops, and the two nagas become openly hostile. I don't feel like getting dragged into a fight, so I instinctively put an end to the situation. At the top of my voice I shout wordless syllables that sound like a whiplash or thunderclap—"Kuk-KAH!"—and clap my hands together at the same instant. The two nagas vanish into thin air. I am satisfied with how well that worked, but feel a faint pang of concern... I hope I didn't destroy them; I only meant to remove them from my presence!

      The dream ends at this point. I wake up and start report around 8:45am.
    3. Fogelbise Invades. ★★★☆☆

      by , 02-27-2015 at 11:26 PM (Zödra)
      Started last night with some interesting non lucids

      Switching Dates
      I am on a date with a cute chick. We are getting along really well and we are planning on going to a movie afterwards. She disappeared before the movie after the food and I can't find her. I am sitting at a bench and she pulls up in a car.
      "I think we still got time for a movie. you coming?" She says to me, and I jump in the car.
      "I thought that you were done with me." I reply.
      "I was having a good time, I just got lost." She laughs and we start driving around talking. I start to get a little more aware and my mind starts filling in some details. Apparently me and my wife were trying to get to know each other's friends by going on dates. It seems like a stupid idea, lol, but it stopped me from checking to see if it was a dream. I think I lost the movie in my memories, but we went to get my wife after and she was already done with the guy she was hanging with. She is at a place that looks like guitar center, but is selling swords and shields and stuff. I start staring at the shields crazily and think that something must be wrong.

      Wake up and back to sleep.
      Finally Slowing Down
      I am in my parents house and my old church is setting up there. My sister asks me to get a hold of one of the guys across the way and I throw a ball near them and yell his name. all the DCs start running at me to attack me. I realize that this must be a dream. I slow down. I have been too lucid to waste another chance here, I think about my goal... I put it in my pocket!!! I reach back and remember my goal is "something that can store anything". I look around and try to come up with something in dream, but all I see is broken card board box. I start laughing and I decided to try pulling up an in dream menu and nothing happens. frick. Something must be wrong with my dream powers. I take the stairs up to my old dream. I jump out a window and see that I am in the futuristic world with the VR place. It is all lit by artificial light and everything is futuristic. Except my parents house, it has enough light on it to make it look normal, except a big rock in front. I try the menu with both hands. This place must be blocking it. I start trying to think of ways around it, but the DCs start chasing me again. I fly up high enough that no one can mess with me and I pull out a plastic circle. I start forming it to look like the buttons in my menu. It doesn't work and I start messing with DCs. laughing at them and flying around. I wake up a little later.

      Back at the House
      I realize I am dreaming back at my parents house. I take all my surroundings in and jump out the window and land on the rock in my parents front yard. I sit on it and pull out the piece of plastic. I shape it into a perfect button and it turns into a rubber ball, I transform it back and try to keep the one button in the same place as the button should be. I slide it down to open up my menu and it opens, but I can't touch any of the other buttons. Something is definitely blocking my powers. I walk down and see some stores open. I see Fryingman (I don't pay much attention to him, dunno why, he looked like he was about my age, blonde hair) and I ask him what he has seen happening here, he said that he had seen fogelbise near and that he had gone downstairs. I think that fogelbise must have stolen all my dream powers. Must have put some sort of barrier around this area. I decide to check around outside so that I can remember how to get here next time, but all the lights are going out in the undergound and it is dark outside. I decide to go downstairs. The lights are going out starting at the top and going down. He is forcing me downstairs to meet him. I fly down and knock down a couple of DCs that he has enlisted to help him. They don't even slow me down. I see a ladder going down and I head down. The lights keep going out and I am barely staying ahead of it. I wake up before reaching fogelbise.

      Had a bunch of LDs, but these are the only two worth putting in my DJ. They were both quite long, but I hate typing!

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 01:20 PM by 58222

    4. Romanticization and ugliness

      by , 02-27-2015 at 11:01 PM
      I'm in a garden, speaking in Russian with a very old human man in a wheelchair. We have an arrangement. I'm to kill him, but as he puts it, without ugliness. That he wants his death to be smooth, I have no problem with, but this ugliness he's referring to isn't about his own death, it's about preserving his image of me, or rather what I represent to him. He says I'm a man who should understand this, unlike that brother of mine - he uses a word that my dream doesn't bother to translate aside from noting that it's uncomplimentary. The old man wants to believe in the existence of a creature that's above all the things he dislikes in humanity, an embodiment of death without ugliness. I'm disgusted and feel illogically betrayed by hearing this from him, a man more intimately acquainted with violence than any human I've ever known - he of all people shouldn't have any illusions about this. It's hypocrisy.

      As he talks we move indoors, to a dimly-lit room that's kept very cold. He has a selection of alcohol lined up before a mirror, and I go to pour him a glass; as I do so I see a small portrait of a blonde woman, which I pick up. A woman who works for him, who's been pushing his wheelchair, urgently asks me to be careful with that. I recognize the image as his granddaughter - she's how I met him in the first place, years back. He laughs and corrects me, and he says this in English: "Vivian. Her mother." This startles me, and I examine the portrait again - I would never have guessed they weren't the same person. Her mother had died before I met her.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      While using a spell to pull out some relevant books and scrolls from a collection, one of the books that comes to me is titled "The Unbeauty of Life," by a Japanese author.

      I'm running up several flights of stairs, spiraling upward through a ruined building, piles of rubble around; I should have fled the building with the others when I reached the first floor but instead I kept going upward, thinking of the woman I'd originally come here to track down. As I reach the upper levels I find her laboratory, with her books scattered on the floor, sarcophagi in rows. The next level above that is devoted to "the theatrical vampire," complete with red stage curtains hanging on the wall, full of what I think of as romanticized images from stage and screen, and as I look at it I remember the sound of her laughing. There's one more floor above this.

      Updated 02-27-2015 at 11:10 PM by 64691

    5. Fight! ★★★☆☆

      by , 02-27-2015 at 08:57 PM (Zödra)
      I am at a gymnasium and there are people everywhere. It is very vivid and I have a notion that I am dreaming, but nothing slows me down, so I am not lucid. This old man comes up to me and asks me if I want to learn to fight. He shows me some basic fighting principals and says that he knows every type of fighting and has his own method that combines the strength and weaknesses of them all. He easily flips me on my back and kicks my butt in the sparring and gives me a few pointers. Like how to stand and where to look when fighting. He tells me to come back at 9 AM on Saturday and he will teach me some more. I have an idea that it is a dream and think "I am usually sleeping at that time, so that would be good."

      Later in the night, I am walking with my wife near a jungle. I sense a witch nearby and realize that it is a dream. I turn and face her and she summons a sword. I unsummon it and have her come at me hand to hand. I allow her to throw a few soft punches while I check her flow. I let her hit come close to hitting me and I toss a quick punch at her stomach. She responds with a couple of quick blows. They are mindless attacks though, so I block them and throw 5 punches at her. She starts faltering and I use the second I have to create a barrier on the ground. I hit her with all I got and she falls back into the barrier and flies away before she hits it. I fly after her and she is completely gone. I start checking out the dream sun for a few minutes and wake up.

      Planning on trying hard to LD on Saturday at 9 AM for these lessons.

      Updated 10-22-2016 at 01:19 PM by 58222

    6. My New Pasta Home

      by , 02-27-2015 at 07:10 PM
      It started with me and two friends in a two story house, built right beside the woods. All of a sudden I got bored and decided to go upstairs to a bedroom and leave them downstairs. THis is when we were attacked, by two powerful (I think guys) with large guns. One was in the living room, crashing through the window and the other crashed down through the roof and in front of me.

      I had my back up against the wall in fear, as the gun was pointed at me. SUddenly out of nowhere a black tendril came out of his stomach and disappeared, leaving a hole in its place. THe man fell to the floor. I would've looked down at him wondering what just happened but my answer was already there. Standing there was Slenderman, he stepped over the body and to me.

      "Come with me." he said. "To my mansion."

      And with that he lay a tendril around me on my shoulders like a guy would do with his girlfriend and we were off. We first appeared in my current home, a three bedroom apartment. Jeff the killer came out of my room.

      I was like, 'Why the heck are you in my room?'

      "Looks like we'll be sharing a room." he said.

      SUddenly the room behind him, changed it got larger and my bed no longer was messy with black and white sheets on it. It now had a dark blue blanket on it and was made neatly. Across from it was a girly white and pink bed, kind of like the one at my friend's grandmother's house. I, being lost as I was in this situation, walked in and sat on the girly bed.

      ...now I know this may be out of order, but sometime before that I had been in a hallway with creepypasta characters. Creepypasta characters that lived in the house that is. "Oh so I'm gonna live with you, like Jeff the killer and BEN Drowned?" I asked.

      I got weird looks, as if they thought I shouldn't even know their names. "I'm a fan of creepypasta, I know all your names."

      As we walked I spotted Laughing Jack. "Hey Laughing Jack, your story is the creepiest one I read...well not that creepy, but creepy enough."

      "Thanks...?" he said and walked off.

      Now it's the scene with the bedroom...I'm sitting on the girly bed, Slenderman has walked off to some other part of the mansion and it left the weirdo Jeff to keep me company. He turned and began to leave, but paused when I spoke.

      "Hey Jeff, did you know that people mostly draw chibi pictures of the creepypastas and romances?" I asked.

      "What?" he asked.

      "The fandom, it's mostly made up of boys and girls that make pasta romances and draw cut chibi versions of everybody." I said.

      "Grr..." Jeff growled.

      I knew he was mad so I shrugged....though the next thing I knew Jeff was leading me out of the room and to the living room. We passed a pasta or two but I barely noticed, when we got to the living room only a few were there.

      "Is anybody watching TV in here?" I asked.

      "Nope." BEN answered.

      Jeff and I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. After a while he said something, "Wow, I heard of someone making a gift but I never heard of someone transmuting a gift."

      Curious I looked over, right as he put a wire string in my hand with celery on it, with lettuce tied around those. I was confused and just leaned back in the couch, examining the celery and lettuce and saw it was real. I broke a few off and ate them.

      "....." said from behind me. (I don't remember what he said)

      I jumped and looked over my shoulder, standing there was Edward Elric, he looked depressed. "Heh, thanks Edward."

      He looked at me a bit confused. "You know me?"

      "Yeah I do, you're Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood." I replied.

      I woke up then. My first thought...When did Edward become a creepypasta?!
      I also thought to myself; it sure has been a while since I had a dream about SLenderman. I wonder why I had one, it's not like I'm part of the SLenderverse or the CreepyPasta fandom anymore.

      Before I forget, in the dream I said something like "Oh my gosh, you're a permanent transmutation circle." or something like that...sounded bad. And Edward's automail hand had all these symbols and strange writing, it was weird.

      Updated 02-27-2015 at 07:17 PM by 67076

    7. First entry in a while

      by , 02-27-2015 at 06:14 PM
      After not doing dream recall and kind of slacking on the LD attempts Im trying to work my way back into doing this. last night I had several big dreams that linked but i could only remember fragments when i woke up.

      Im in a theater that is filled with people, I am up on stage playing with a partner agaisnt two other people. I notice how hot and sweaty I am so i decide to undo my button up shirt and sweatshirt i had on. After some time I left and hung out at a house. While i was there i went upstairs into my cousions bedroom and found that he had stuff stashed in his flooring. i peeled back the floor and looked at what he had stashed. There was some fake blood and some other small items that i didnt really know what they were. Nothing of interest though so i put the carpet back down on the floor and covered it up. I got up and went downstairs and we all got into a van and headed out. We arrived at the location and I realized i was the only person who didnt take a shower and I am kind of stinky because of it. I try and hide the fact by taking one of the peoples hats that had the bears symbol on it.

      Im in a garage cleaning and moving some stuff around in it. Part of the wood/boards i was movign broke and i dropped a board and it hit a dog that was on the ground below me. I brought the dog inside to get it washed up and clean the wound. When i got inside the house there was this cat that really wanted me to hold / pet it. It jumped into my arms and i began to pet it as i got closer to where the dog was going to be washed i put the cat down but it was not very happy and tried to claw at me to pick it back up. I went into the bathroom where a DC was washing the dog. The entire room was the shower but there was some chairs in the room that were getting wet. So i told a DC outside the door to help me get these chairs out of the room. The dog got cleaned up and it had a minor scratch on it nothing serious.

      Im at a ski resort place and I'm sking down the hill with my wife. Next to me at one point i see a person that i recongnize from RL in my past. I meet back up with him at the bottom and he gives me a hug but then i realize its not him because this person is black and my friend is white. I think to myself this is odd and if i really know him. I find out him and several others are from the same school i went to growing up but they are many grades lower than what i was some of them are still in highschool and it was part of the football team. they push past me eventually and start to leave. I get seperated from the group i was with and start to look for them. I see this show going on in the parking lot as a bunch of cheerleaders started dancing and putting on this weird performance. I spot the people i was with and watch them. They start getting super loud and get yelled out to keep it down as they perform.

      Im in a bed with my wife but her friend is chilling in bed with us as well im trying to cuddle with my wife but she is upset for somereason. i get out of bed and put the covers on her and her friend so they cna have girl time.

      Im in a room with another man and this girl. We are interogating this girl and she is freaking out at how loud the room is. (its very quite) we put some headphones on her to help cut what ever sound she was hearing but it gets worse. We try to explain to her that its just the preasureizer in the room and that if it doesnt go off we are in trouble because its keeping the preassure down in the room.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Furry Demon

      by , 02-27-2015 at 04:57 PM
      I woke up in sleep paralysis and felt something furry sitting on the side of my bed. I had my eyes closed because I didn't want to be more scared than I already was. This furry creature was talking to me about myself. He pointed at different areas of my body using his claws. I was hoping he wouldn't stab me with one of them. I got to feel its hand even though the rest of my body was trapped from moving. I think it was a giant bear. I imagined it white.

      I tried to imagine a new dream scene my picturing my self escaping my dream body out towards the exit door in front of me. Often times it wouldn't work because I kept losing my train of thought. I even pictured myself sinking in to the bed and popping up in to a new dream scene. None of that work. One positive thing did come out of this, though. I never yelled out for help. However, I did wake up mad.

      When I woke up, or I thought I did, I found myself in my parents room. I was confused. I got up from bed and immediately walked over to the living room to ask her why she laid me in her room. I was angry with her. I didn't get her exact answer. It wasn't until I woke up again when I realized I had a false awakening. I woke up upset really about it(for not reality testing) and tried going back to sleep but couldn't because both my sisters and nieces started making noise.
    9. Anthill

      by , 02-27-2015 at 04:16 PM
      I'm in my house, and I have a really big pimple in my armpit. I squeeze it, and only a little bit of pus comes out. I keep squeezing it until something red pokes out. Thinking it's a drop of blood, I still squeeze it. A tiny fire ant squirms out. I crush it before it gets far. Now when I squeeze it, it hurts, and more ants are coming out. I'm trying to kill all of them. When they bite me, it hurts. A particularly big one gets stuck, and once I squeeze it out, that's the last straw.
      I go to mom, and tell her about my pimple. She says there's nothing she can do. I feel very helpless.
      Then, I wake up.
      Tags: ants, gross, mom, short
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Nld frag note

      by , 02-27-2015 at 04:02 PM
      Had a long non-ld moment where I put together something like a form/report. Making a note of this because at the time of wake I could remember most of it. It was like 1.5 pages long, a coherent text that my dreaming self spent carefully writing down with a pen word by word and not a single thing was illegible or illogical.
    11. Looney Tunes, Funeral House

      by , 02-27-2015 at 03:27 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      Characters from looney tunes came to reality. For over twenty years they had a factory of bottled water, but when the crisis came there was only one bottle left, and they couldn't produce anyone. I watched the Daffy Ducks retrospection, where he promised to the original founder of the factory that he'll keep the last bottle it'll ever produce safe. The time has come. Daffy was going throuh weird transformations. There was even his clone compposed of pure water. He went to Bugs bunny to talk about the bottle. Daffy was changing rapidly, and he had additional pair of hands. Bugs asked him about that, but he got no answer. The next day everyone was shocked, someone stolen the last bottle of water. I saw the police securing the area of the factory. I was writng a report from action, and signed it "detective Rupert Black".

      Second dream

      I was an owner of funeral house. I received a call from a client, and waited for him outside. He drove to me in a new, black BMW car. He went out - tall man with brown, long hair. He was wearing black suit, and weird black hat. I took him inside the coffin makers workshop. He took out his laptop - same as mine. I said It seems that we're both using the same equipment. He replied I'm using it since a few years. Then we talked about our business.
    12. 2015-02-27 sleepus interruptus, 3/4 epic based around ex-girlfriend

      by , 02-27-2015 at 03:10 PM
      earlier recall clobbered by later epic, broken sleep [wife came to bed ultra late, yeah, thinking that 3am is a great time to start shuffling the pillows around, she can't find her pillows so she grabs one of mine, when I object she starts a big thing about she has no pillows, I get woken up and pissed, lie awake for like 2 hours, fuming . Her pillows were just under the blankets]

      Really upset that a great night of dreaming is messed with. I had remee (4.5 hours WBTB planned), instead I woke around 3 hrs and stayed awake until the remee went off and I just took it off. No recall from that period.

      Falling asleep, at one point I felt vibrations building, I "egged them on" to build higher, got too aware and excited about a WILD and they subsided without a dream forming.

      Had a waking after that with recall, did not record, and lost the memories, clobbered by subsequent sleep cycles and a fairly epic dream sequence:

      +(f) I see SB (older) sitting at table trying to hide her cleavage, I smirk at this, I tell her "you belong at M company, when are you returning?"

      ex-GF (SB) extravaganza:

      + (medium-)epic: standing with SB and her parents, are we broken up or are we together now?; in bed with SB: roll around, fall to floor, woohoo this means we're going to have sex, we start; go get flowers to celebrate night's sex [the florists are all gangsters, 30 minutes away], close inspection of flowers, one in particular (wilted? brown? jaguar spots?); leave house, outdoor interlude: riding motorcycles with 2 guys; girls' skeleton underwater in a shallow cage (eaten by piranhas/drowned), finger bones waving in the current; daytime memorial service ("do you belong?" I want to leave and finally find an excuse); grab a cookie on the go; re-enter house (it was against the rules?); running quickly through rooms, jumping over furniture, loops repeatedly; skateboard competition on stairs; some guy trying to fix a glass (chess set?) with a blowtorch to melt the glass and re-attach the piece; SB cooks me a happy birthday (pizza? cake?); give gift of huge wheel of cheese to SB's mother, who LOVES it and goes nuts about it, she's surrounded by piles and piles of cheese and shredded cheese flies through the air

      I'm standing outside with ex-GF SB and her parents. I feel uncomfortable because I do not know if they realize yet that we've broken up. I start to think maybe we're getting back together. I go stand with my arm around SB talking to her parents.

      I'm in bed with SB, at some point either she quickly rolls over and kisses me or I do the same, then we start "wrestling" in the bed and end up rolling off the bed onto the carpeted floor. I think this means we're going to have sex, I see the door to the room is open, so I walk to it and close it, and turn back to the bed. I see SB lying on her back legs in the air taking off her panties. Woohoo I get in the bed on top of her, put my arms around and under her in a close embrace, and … I wake up half way? I'm moving my hips and trying to feel the sensation and I feel it a bit but I think I'm moving my hips in waking life…fall back asleep…

      In the morning I want to celebrate our reunion sex and want to go get flowers. There is a discussion about where the florists are (a 30 minute drive?) but that they're all gangsters. I'm at a florist and I see a man carefully picking and inspecting flowers: I think it's more important to his business that he make the customers happy with choosing the best flowers in the best shape. I look at one flower close up, it is short of a large tulip-shaped bulb, multicolored, with multiple layers of petals. I'm looking at the petals down inside and trying to determine if the core of the flower is rotten or not. There's some dark-haired (greek?) man there, I'm inspecting the flower and I see and comment on the "jaguar spots".

      I leave the house and go outside, I'm riding motorcycles with 2 other guys, I'm following them, the place is rolling suburban hills, it's twilight, they're hitting things like curbs and manhole covers and I hear the suspension on the bikes clunking as they do so. I'm rotating the grip to increase the throttle (on the left hand? wrong!). At one point I say "OK guys lead the way to the jumps place", there is some place where there are paths and jumps for motorcycle riding, but I say I don't want to ruin my rims, and I look down and gesture at my wheels, which look like aluminum rims with thick solid "spokes" instead of "bicycle spokes," They mention that the wheel need the protection of some numerical level (8?), and that you have to apply some goop to the tires so that you basically glue the tires to the rim all around the edge. I wonder if some people fill their tires entirely with solid glue instead of air.

      Outside, twilight lighting, I see an underwater area, a long low cage on the ground underwater, and I see lots of jagged things sticking up through the holes in the cage, waving in the current of the water back and forth. It turns out those are the skeletons of girls who were either eaten by pirhanas or drowned there.

      Outside daylight, in a sort of corral, people are gathered for a memorial service (for the girls?), there's a big fat Hawaiian looking guy who's running the service, he looks skeptically at me and asks if I have any reason to be there, I mumble something and stay there, but I want to get away this is taking a long time, but I can't just leave since I'm standing in front, eventually there is a break in the service and I do take off.

      At some point I'm walking past a table with plates of cookies on them, I pick up one and eat it as I continue, they're sort of frilly/flakey on the edges.

      I'm back in the house (we're not supposed to be back in there yet?), and I'm running through rooms in the house, jumping over couches, turning corners quickly, and I keep doing this over and over in a loop, I think I'm getting to know this house really well.

      There's a skateboard competition on the stairs, a bunch of guys are sliding down the stairs on skateboards without wheels.

      Some guys are trying to reattach a piece (of glass?) so some glass thing (chess set? sculpture?), it's not sticking, and one guy brings a torch to melt the glass which gets soft, and the piece then sticks in, and then he needs to heat the outside (?) of the thing so that the center will get cold again and "set" properly (?).

      SB cooks me a Happy Birthday something (pizza, cake?)

      Still in the kitchen I'm carrying an ENORMOUS (like car-tire-sized) half-wheel of cheese and give it to SB's mother. She's ecstatic about this cheese. I see her standing surrounded by cheese, breaking off pieces, running it through some sort of automatic cheese grater/slicer and cheese is flying everywhere.

    13. I met an arab girl ND

      by , 02-27-2015 at 01:31 PM (Come on, let's go for great nightlife adventures)
      I was in an arab country. I think I was searching my way. There was sand on the small road. I asked some guys where to find my way but they didn't understand my language. I walked and met an arab girl. I asked her in French and she replied with an arabic French accent. She said that I must be from France, I replied no, I'm from Belgium, she said that her name was M.....(I don't really remember but I know it start with an M). I followed her. We went in a bowling club, we were having fun when she said that she needed to go. She went. I said to myself ''OH sh...t, I don't even know how to go back to the hotel''. I ran outside to find her, there was a lot of girls, so I shouted her name a lot of time but none of the girls looked at me, so she was gone.
      ...............CUTOFF of the Dream...............
      Now I was in town searching for the hotel when I heard some gun shot. I rushed into a building. I watched the scene from a window. The arabs were fighting against French police. I said: ''Wait, was I at Marseille during all the time or what???''.....

      Updated 02-27-2015 at 01:51 PM by 80487

    14. [DREAM SPOTLIGHT #1] LUCIDS #3, 4 and 8: First Memorable Lucids

      by , 02-27-2015 at 01:18 PM (Synapse's Dream Spotlight)

      December 31, 2014 - LUCID #3: Portal to Another Planet
      I 'wake up' in my very dimly lit room, and somehow I just know I am dreaming; I'm excited but I keep myself calm. I try a little dream control by turning on the lights using the wall switch. Nothing happens. I try flicking my fingers. Nothing. I throw my arms in the direction of the light bulb while shouting, "Let there be light!" Still nothing; I give up trying to turn on the dream light. I want to go to a peaceful planet, so I expect a portal behind the door. I open the door and the portal appears behind the window across the hall. Close enough . But, from the master's bedroom comes Razor from Dota 2, seemingly on its way to fry my ass with his electric whip! Out of reflex, I immediately jump to the window, flying through it as the glass breaks around me. I zoom through the purple portal; it feels very similar to the respawn transition from Borderlands 2.

      I exit the portal into some grass fields on what feels like another planet. I was attacked by some weird monkey-like creature that moves as if held by strings by a puppeteer above. I fend it off by slashing with an energy sword I made by swinging my arm in front of me. It doesn't seem hurt, yet it scurries away. I notice some friendly dwarves roaming around the fields; I approach one of them and he said something about a "pony pair,"
      and then the dream starts destabilizing and I am not able to salvage it.

      January 4, 2015 - LUCID #4: Firebat and Zombie Attack!
      I 'wake up' in my room, and it is somehow tinted with orange-ish light. I notice that my bed is in the wrong orientation. This must be a dream! I do a palm-push reality check to make sure; and I'm amazed as my index and middle finger pass through my palm! I closely examine my hands; the realism is stunning; I can really see the oiliness and the creases on my palms, even moreso than in waking life. I take an M&M figurine from my desk; the way the light shone on it amazes me.

      Suddenly, outside my window I notice some bats on fire, seemingly on my way to enter my room! I kneel on my bed which is next to the window, face the firebats outside, and I blast them with a freezing spell, and one-by-one they fall out of the sky! I keep blasting them until they are no more; there were about 7-10 of them. Then, my door slams open as two Walking Dead zombies march toward me, albeit at an incredibly slow speed (like a centimeter per second). I fire an energy blast at them; nothing. My sister and some dude arrive from outside my room, they try to attack the zombies with their own magical spells, but nothing works. I don't remember how, but they managed to get trapped along with me in the room... *facepalm* I do an epic OmniSlash using an energy blade I will into existence, but the zombies are completely unaffected; one of them even mocks me with an unenthusiastic "Eh." I make a plan to ghostwalk through the walls so the three of us can attack the zombies from opposite directions,
      but unfortunately those plans never come to fruition as I wake up for real.

      This is probably my most memorable dream so far, in large part because of the amount of control I was able to exert over it. I would love to have another action-packed dream like this in the future!

      February 10, 2015 - LUCID #8: Shadow Figure and Life Secrets
      I 'start to wake up' in my bed but I feel like it's a dream. I try to 'open my eyes' but I could only open them halfway. Through my little vision, I see some shadowy figure across the room; sorta reminds me of Slenderman. I am filled with terror, but I somehow manage to keep myself calm. Through the power of my mind, I blast it with a heap of light energy; nothing. I try unleashing an omnidirectional wave of dark energy. It works; the apparition is gone! I am now able to open my dream eyes completely, and they even give off a feint light similar to a flashlight. I get off my bed and examine my face in the mirror. It looks normal, but the realism still amazes me.

      I exit my room, and its position in the house is swapped with the master's bedroom. I push a button on the wall near me (which doesn't exist IWL), expecting it to open the lights, but nothing happens. I just continue my trek through the dream in the dark as I enter my sister's room. My whole family is sleeping there; I look at each of them and they awaken for a few seconds before going back to sleep, looking annoyed by the sudden lighting from my eyes. I look at the shelf across the bed, and I see a really thick blue book (like 3/4 feet thick!). The book is laid upside-down but I am still able to read its title written on the spine: "Life Secrets." I feel like if I throw this book at the floor, a portal will open up, so I pull it out
      but as I do so my alarm sounds off.

      Man, that dream ending abruptly was SUCH a shame! I felt like my subconscious was about to tell me something important, but life has other plans, I suppose. I want to get my dream hands on that Life Secrets book sometime in the future...
    15. First Lucid night mare

      by , 02-27-2015 at 12:12 PM
      This was a short lucid, but it was my first lucid night mare

      My family and I went to a pet shop to get a puppy. When we got there I found one. We went up to the register to buy it, and the person put the dog in a box. When we got home I noticed that the house was a lot different from normal, but I still didn't become lucid. Then when we got inside we put the puppy on a table and got something to eat. When I got back the box was gone. I went on a look for it, but eventually it was night time and I still hadn't found it. I was sad and ashamed that I had lost. Then I decided to check my moms room. My mom was there with her back turned to me looking out the window. I asked her if she could go check the closet, but she said she was too scared to. I was puzzled by this and then started to debate with myself whether it was a dream or not. I did a RC and found that it was. However right when I did the Rc and became lucid a bright light flashed and my mom had turned a round furious and screamed "we don't become lucid in these dreams." Then she attacked me. I fell down onto a bed, but kicked her away Befor she could do anything. Then I think I was very close to waking up because the dream turned to just pictures that would just flicker. I was able to feel the bed I was sleeping in and my closed eyes. I tried to keep the dream, but just woke up.
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