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    1. WILD Technique, for beginners and before sleep.

      by , 02-18-2015 at 04:41 PM


      The WILD technique is infamous to Lucid Dreamers. It has become some what of a complicated concept. I am writing this to offer you a technique which is at its bones a WILD but introduces a method I am sure many use. The benefits of this technique are:

      Complete loss of concentration on the physical body.

      Powerful fixation.

      Working hand and hand with the subconscious.

      Less tedious than the original WILD.

      Access to the dream scape before falling asleep.

      Increased Dream Recall (DR)

      Less frequent disturbances such as... Flickering eyes, phantom limbs, feeling of motion and trying to clear the mind.

      Now, this is from my experiences however I am sure this method will work with others. If differs from the more well known WILD because instead of ignoring or observing you're fully engaging with the subconscious. I have experimented with this quite a lot recently and it has become so much more promising than the more common WILD.

      The way this works is you create a visualized scene in your head which you interact with, then allow your subconscious to use Micro-Sleep mini dreams to interact also with the scene. This eventually allows you to slip into a Lucid Dream effortlessly. The diagram below shows the process which I will explain in more detail through out the rest of this thread.

      Relaxation ---- Creation ---- Interaction ---- Partnership ---- Lucidity.


      If you fall asleep easy then lay in a position you feel slightly uncomfortable with, if you don't sleep well then do the opposite and lay in a comfy position. You will want to attempt this before you sleep. Make sure you're nice and relaxed taking care of any physical matters before hand. Now simply attempt to fall asleep for 30 seconds - 1 minute if you're prone to sleep early and 3-5 minutes if you're completely awake or struggle. This should make you feel a lot more relaxed if not then you need to do some relaxation techniques.

      Stage 1 - Creation

      You now need to allow yourself to create a scene to use as your base. It needs to be somewhere you're familiar with an know relatively well. I sometimes let random places just flick through my head for example a few nights ago I used the path I knew well getting home from school when I was 15. The creation is the more harder part of this technique it may need some patience. Once you have chosen your creation it is important to have in your head an A to B. "A" being your starting location and "B" being your destination. It needs to be somewhere that has a good amount of distance in between.

      Now imagine you're at your starting point and just stand there and look around try to feel the ground beneath your feet. Do NOT go over board if you are a beginner don't try smell the air, feel the wind and so on. Just focus on feeling the ground. At first your visualization will last for a split second you need to do this so you can emerge yourself in the scene. So keep visualizing until you can hold it down for at least a good 10 seconds. You may struggle but it is the same as day dreaming keep telling yourself this. It WILL become easier. You have created.

      Stage 2 - Interaction

      Now you can hold down the visualization for more than a few seconds, you need to interact with it. Start by either finding objects and holding them, climbing things or simply walking towards your destination "B". For example if you hold an object NOW start feeling it focus on it admire the details of it. If you climb a wall feel the wall and the strain on your body climbing it. If you walk to your destination feel the ground beneath you and keep attention to detail as you update the route you're walking. You have interacted.

      Stage 3 - Partnership

      This is the easy part. Now lets say you're holding a leave and suddenly you're focusing on it and it is now an apple. You're in a partnership with the subconscious. You need to let it help you interact with your visualization let it guide you. If you're walking towards your destination and notice it has become a huge field full of alien cows, you need to keep walking in that field allowing your subconscious to manipulate it. Do not try change it back to your original environment. You need this partnership to allow you into the desired state. You now have a Partnership.

      Stage 4 - Lucidity

      Now that you have followed the stages you need to just go with it. Two things are likely to happen. You will either become fully emerged in your visualization lucid. Or you will enter a black void of nothingness fully lucid. If you enter this void you need to visualize a scene to enter it will take you there. You're now Lucid.

      Thanks for reading I am confident this will work if you attempt it. So if you do have success please let me know.

      Good luck.

      Looke (:
    2. •#2• •2/18/15• •School in Georgia•

      by , 02-18-2015 at 04:05 PM
      -All i can remember is that I was in school and in the Republic of Georgia
      -Thinking that i didn't want to go through 10th grade in Georgia (as i did go through 7th there in real life)
      -I think it turned out that it was not really Georgia and i remember feeling very relieved

      Updated 02-18-2015 at 04:08 PM by 80109

    3. There was more to this

      by , 02-18-2015 at 03:22 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Pretty sour clarity and recall, but I almost became fully lucid in this one. I went to bed late last night, so I am on no grounds to beat myself up.

      There was a whole another non-lucid dream before all of this, but I have no clue what happened in it.

      I feel like this dream was longer than this. Elements of the dream kept repeating. It I was making my way up and down a beach. There was a city on the coastline that for some reason had to make a safety buffer between it and the water so no houses were allowed within 100 feet of the water. Because of this, there was an area of woodland between the city and the coastline.

      There was all of this garbage on one small section of the beach, as well as a bunch of plastic kayaks. There was also this big plastic bin that I felt was moving on its own.

      It was also overcast.

      There was a carnival going on on this peir, but it was a really small pier and all of the rides and tents and were humorously scrunched on and some of them looked like they were going to fall off.


      At one point or another I was trying to find a parking spot in a very large parking lot. There were piles of dirty snow everywhere stopping me from parking. There was also a policeman yelling at me.

      My mom was there for at least part of the dream, but she disappeared after awhile.


      I feel like I had a long and deep discussion with a dream character at one point.


      The dream ended we me finding Manei hiding in a bush. She came out and was totally naked, and she said that she wanted me to draw her in a still life, apparently, it was a part of her life drawing class, she had to do a self-portrait. (Isn't this sort of cheating...?)

      She also said something about wanting to go to the carnival when we were done.

      I realized I had some pencils and a pad of paper on me. We moved to the beach and she sat down on one of the big rocks in the breakwater. I put in the first couple lines when
      lucidity hit me like a sack of bricks. I lost the dream and woke up.

      After I woke up, I thought about trying to WILD once more, but my mind was too distracted. I drifted in and out for a few minutes, having some distracted dreamlets of forgotten content.
      Spoiler for Interpretations (Not Much):
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. Skewed Renovation

      by , 02-18-2015 at 01:26 PM
      Morning of February 18, 2015. Wednesday.

      My family and I are seemingly living back on Barolin Street though the house is somewhat different in layout. The side porch for the south entrance is much bigger and with an additional railing on the west side and there is a couch along the north wall where there is otherwise a doorway.

      In my dream however, we are living in the house that is supposedly being fixed up (except, again, it is actually the house from our last address, not the one next door presently in real life). An unknown female and an unknown male are responsible for the endless tortuous hammering. The male has a ladder going up above the steps of the side porch that appears to reach the roof. When I look to my right after glancing out the side entrance, I notice a random cluster of a few boards of various short lengths nailed at odd angles to the railing, but only in one smaller area, which seems rather pointless.

      In the living room, I notice the west wall has an unusual appearance. The narrower wall boards are horizontal and have longer gaps between them (similar to some areas of the floor in our present home in real life but with wider gaps). There are additional layers over the first wall of several very small boards nailed over it at odd random angles (but mostly oriented to the vertical), not over the entire wall but in smaller clusters somewhat suggestive of isolated rectangles overall, also suggestive of extremely sloppy patchwork. For some reason, this seems amusing to me and reflects the nature of everyman as well as humorously representing the person who has been randomly hammering various parts of the small house over and over for a year (since the end of February 2014). Still, I do not become lucid at the absurd appearance of the house.

      Having endured months of random hammering (of various volumes, tones, and resonances) in the small wooden house next door in real life - related to a rather absurd and incompetent attempt at renovation (by one of those people who think they can do anything without the knowledge and skills), this particular dream was not really that stressful but more like comic relief in a way. In the recent past, the house had already been fixed up (almost to the point of being seemingly rebuilt) every few months after each tenant moved out - though this time, it is by far the craziest thing I have ever seen anyone involved in. They actually have spent more time in fixing it up than they have in renting it out over the last several years, though there have been many days of peace with the house being empty and left sitting there for a few weeks or more without anyone working on it.
    5. School trip

      by , 02-18-2015 at 09:12 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was left in school after the lessons, and had to clean the whole classroom. I also had to make a list of persons driving on a school trip to Warsaw. The next day our teacher asked me about the list, and I said that I presumed that all the persons I wrote down would be going. Next I was walking up the stairs of a castle, and waited on a square for rest of the group. I told them that it would be our meeting spot. Tacher told me then to go on, as I was their guide.

      *There was also another dream, which I can't recall now. I'll write it here when I'll recall it.
    6. no dreams remembered

      by , 02-18-2015 at 05:38 AM
    7. Another Ridiculously Long String of FA Lucids

      by , 02-18-2015 at 04:51 AM
      Actual Waking
      False Awakening

      I left work early today and took a nap before my guitar lesson. I slept from 2:30pm to 3:58p, waking myself up two minutes before my alarm. I spent 10 minutes after that just laying there, waiting for the world to feel less strange and my blood to stop pounding in my ears. I had...11 short dreams? I can't decide if I like the false awakenings because they allow me to practice lucid skills, or if I hate them because they're creepy. And I never have one.

      _____I'm in my room, it looks just as it should, but I can hear music playing somewhere in the house. When I turn over to listen, there's a deepening of sorts and I realize that there can't be music playing because I'm home alone. I see movement out of the corner of my eye, through the open door and it startles me into a lighter layer of dreaming. I'm confused, thinking I'm awake. I can't find my phone to check the time, it feels like I've been asleep for hours...
      ________I find myself out in the cul-de-sac. I take the sidewalk, walking along the curve, the image dims and intermittently is replaced with darkness, I know I'm close to waking and try to stabilize the dream. I once told myself that I should keep moving to give my brain something to work at, if I stop then the images stop and I'll wake up. I don't follow my own advice, and close my eyes to concentrate. It doesn't work.
      _____I hear music again.
      _____I'm pulled back under and when I leave my duplex, my control is steadfast. The world is bright and it's warm outside. I cross the street, curious about the open door in the duplex on the other side. I try to ignore the creepy man in a black fedora and trench coat eyeing me from one of the inside-curve driveways. He disapproves of my actions. I smile at him and continue on.
      Going into the other house supplies a new storyline for me to walk.
      [B]Immediately inside there is a set of raw-wood riser-less stairs leading to the upper level. There are young girls everywhere, showing up for a party. I know I'm not invited, the two girls are best friends and they're popular, I'm not. I feel a spike of shame for inviting myself, but continue up the stairs. I can see them on the upper level, one is blond with blue eyes, the other has brown-black hair. They look familiar but I can't figure out why. I don't want them to see me, I'm certain they'll be mean. There are other girls everywhere participating in different activities. A smaller girl storms up the stairs, surprising me. I stand there, unsure what to do. Worse, the Birthday Girls appear, and tell the smaller girl they want to play a trust game. She's enthusiastic about participating. The game is stand on a higher step and lean back onto the hands of someone lower down. Then you walk up the stairs that way. Their eyes meet mine only for a moment and I'm so worried about what they'll do. I get out of the way for the blond to push the smaller girl up the stairs, but trip and fall backward. The brunette catches me and walks me up the stairs, giggling. I start laughing too, relieved that they have decided to be kind.
      _____Drawn back to my room, there are other people in the house. I consider them family but they aren't people I know. There's a tall man with black hair and a bushy beard, an older man with steel grey hair pulled back into a tail, and two women. I don't recall much about this one. I realize they shouldn't be here and decide to go outside. This time I turn left, I see a cheetah running through the neighborhood and I can tell people are afraid of it, so I tell it to run away. It starts to but, I change my mind. It would be fun to run with a cheetah, I think. So I yell for it to come back, then immediately regret commanding it to do anything. I would rather it had chosen to be at my side.
      _____I desperately try to check the time but my phone isn't working right. I'm at it for a while before I realize I'm still dreaming. I attempt to still my panicked heart and instead close my eyes, focusing my mind back and down. I open my eyes when I hear music. The song has clapping at the beginning. The room is...different. I'm laying not on the bed, but on a green chaise lounge set very close to the floor. The curtains are open now making the room very bright. The bed is under the window, the foot of it very close to the open door. I realize it isn't a song playing, but a man singing. The familiarity of his voice draws my eyes to the doorway, he's coming down the hall. He will be here soon. Liam.
      Saja lays on the bed dressed how I often see her when I become her in my dreams, in an ivory ankle-length shift. She isn't resting, but she isn't awake either. She's paralyzed. I see her briefly from above, her head tilted back, lips parted, eyes slightly open but rolled up. She has one arm pinned to her chest like she's suffered a stroke. Liam appears in the doorway, just like I remember him, though he actually seems...happy. He's singing a song to Saja, I know it's a message, to correct the awful thing he said to me before, about wishing I/she had died with the others. The lyrics: "I'm here with my beautiful wife, in our wonderful life together." Liam is carrying a tray with tea and a bowl of water with a washcloth on rim. His eyes shift briefly to me before alighting on Saja.
      "Are you Walking again, dear?" It indicates he's aware of my presence. Meaning that I have dreamwalked to this scene, and I am myself and Saja as well.
      It is difficult to move, my mouth feels so stiff. I groan a reply, loathing the spit that runs from the corner of my mouth. "Noooooo." I manage to sound playful in my denial, slightly sarcastic. I don't want him to scold me for dreamwalking here to see him. He smiles down at her contorted form, one knee is bent, her right foot is up by her hip. He sets the tray down and draws her body out straight, covering her with a blanket, she's broken into a cold sweat. He takes the damp cloth and gently wipes the corner of her mouth, humming to her all the while.

      ____The previous scene slips away and I am back in bed. I know I'm still dreaming because everything feels heavy...and also because one of my friends from work is sitting by the bed using my nightstand as a table, her back to the wall. She is writing on a yellow legal pad, I can only make out one section that is all X's and 0's, but she pressed down so hard on the paper, obviously in a state of distress. I'm not sure she knows I'm there yet I'm certain I can comfort her anyway. I stroke her hair and tell her it will be alright.
      "You're right, you're right. M's the dead one. I'm still here." She says, referring to her husband who passed away a few years ago. I continue soothing her. Eventually she pivots to look at me, becoming an old woman with her white hair back in a short ponytail.
      She begins to tell me about what will happen next, but in the past tense like she's lived through it herself and wants to spare me the confusion. "Then the storm swept in from the sea. Everything changed after it obliterated New York City...and he arrived. The_____." I lean closer to hear her better but it doesn't help. I don't understand a single word she says to me, it's all gibberish.
      "Wait, I can't understand you."
      "Of course not, dear. It's here." Her watery eyes fix on something over my shoulder as terror steals over her features.
      Very slowly, I turn. Behind me, looking like a terrifying mix of Mrs. Trunchbull from Matilda and the police sketch of Penelope from her suitor who saw her and flipped the hell out. The woman is thick but tall, with her hair in a bun, wearing Trunchbull's uniform...her eyes are black with no sclera under a rage-contorted brow. Her mouth is perpetually open, showing sharp needle sharp teeth...this thing leers down at me and starts to reach her hand out.

      I force myself into another layer of sleep and for a moment I think I'm awake. But my body is so very heavy. I can't even turn my head and for a moment I worry that something burst in my brain and I'm as paralyzed as Saja now. I struggle to move and when I see my deformed hand, I come to the relieving conclusion that I am in fact still dreaming.
      ____I find myself in a room like mine, but all the furniture is gone. There are long windows running the length of the room, very close to the floor. The whole room is painted dark purple. I can feel it looming behind me. I run at the mesh covered window, thinking I'm lucid enough to push through it but I am inhibited by my panic. Instead, I use the door. I think I hear the door open and call for my boyfriend to help me, but I realize that he isn't home. (Progress!) The apartment is laid out like my duplex but it feels higher off the ground, when I escape out the front door there is a black porch and awning, all modern lines, set against the purple building. In the distance I see a massive storm brewing and know that it is what my friend was talking about. I stand with 5 others, watching the horizon.
      ____I'm standing in front of the family from earlier. I'm trying to explain what's happening to me, but they just think I'm crazy. Behind them, the wall has disappeared and I see a train.
      "There's a train."
      "A train in our kitchen? You're hallucinating.."
      "No I'm NOT. I'm...lucid."
      "Obviously you're not lucid."
      "I mean I'm dreaming."
      They just look at me.

      _____More music.
      _____I rise to what I think is waking, but quickly realize I'm still dreaming. I'm starting to panic again, this round of dreams is extremely disorienting. I close my eyes and focus, putting my hands together against my chest, fingertips pressing together. I focus back again. There's a deepening and when I open my eyes I am sitting on a wooden examination table. The room is cluttered, tables against every wall and all surfaces covered with tools and stacks of books and papers. There's a frameless doorway at the top of two narrow steps. A creepy old man with round spectacles puts a q-tip with a long stem in my ear. It freaks me out and I cringe.
      He picks up another one. I realize then that I'm a child. "Raise your arm, now." When I don't, he pulls my arm out straight and presses the q-tip to my armpit. It feels so weird, almost real. It gets weirder.
      Liam appears in the doorway. While he isn't the cruel-faced man I've become acquainted with, neither is he quite the man who spent the morning singing to Saja. I still love him though. All versions of him. His outfit should have looked ridiculous...instead it was...eh, fantastic. The garb was vaguely...Musketeer? A capotain with a wider brim, his copper hair hanging to his shoulders. The material of his clothing is multicolored but by large these many colors suggest purple with threads of gold, green and blue. It's a long doublet.
      His mouth set in a grim line, he looks so tired. I wonder if the person I have become in this scene is his child.
      He confirms this by saying, "Hop down from there, son. It's time to go."
      The kid hops down from the table, leaving me there to stare at the old man and watch Liam and 7 year old son leave the shop.
      The old man looks at me. "You know you can't be here alone, you've gotta leave too."
      He's right.
      I jump down off the table, running to the window just in time to see Liam turn a corner. I press my hands to the glass but I cannot slip through it. The shopkeeper suggests I use the door, I run to it and pull it open, I can feel the metal frame against my hand as I rush out into the alley. The streets here are confusing and narrow inlaid with dark grey cobblestones. I go to where I last saw Liam but it's a dead end, he must have gone a different way. I stop a familiar looking woman who has her hair pulled back, wearing a white tank top, a long bronze necklace, and a leather satchel over her shoulder.
      "Have you seen a tall, red haired man?"
      She blinks slowly at me and resumes walking.
      "Hey, wait."
      "He'd have a child with him?"
      "Haven't seen him. Stop talking to me."

      ____I think again that I am awake, just to find that I am not. I am worried I slept through my alarm and have missed my class. I feel like I've been asleep a very long time. I can't do this anymore. I lay there, the room doesn't feel right at the edges, so I know I'm still sleeping...but I'm so close to waking, I know it. I fight through several layers of fragments, where I look at my phone or can't find it or can't move. The dream is like a pool of tar, refusing to let me go, continually trying to drag me under. I protest violently, mentally wrenching my arm out from under the pillow. It takes too long for it to really happen. I force my eyes to remain open. I'm laying on my stomach, I raise my head and sluggishly toss the blanket aside.
      I manage to final wake up, roll onto my back, resisting the draw of sleep and finally check my phone. It's 3:58pm.

      Updated 06-05-2015 at 04:06 AM by 54746

      Tags: cheetah, liam, saja, storm
      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    8. •#1• •2/14/15• •Lucid Dream IN a dream•

      by , 02-18-2015 at 03:32 AM
      -False awakening
      -Thought it was still early and i would go back to bed to lucid dream
      -started dreaming (in my dream)
      -At a store
      -told cashier something that ended with "but I'm dreaming"
      -realized i was dreaming (I don't think I actually did, but my dream self did)
      -Became fuzzy and i wake up (not in real life)
      -told all my family members of my lucid dream
      -wake up for real

      Updated 02-18-2015 at 03:36 AM by 80109

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    9. No Recall

      by , 02-18-2015 at 03:04 AM
      Haven't recalled any dream for 2 days so need a to work on that, the day before I had a vivid dream and recalled a good amount.
    10. Sealing a god, adopting a nightmare of wolves

      by , 02-17-2015 at 10:04 PM
      I'm standing in a cave with a group of people, discussing a man who came through here just ahead of us, someone we need to seal away - this is something he'd requested but now he's running. Our time is limited. A woman is suggesting that we use a certain box - it fits in the palm of your hand - that her husband had originally designed to seal himself in case of an emergency. She believes that her husband is no longer a threat so the box can be turned to a different purpose, and I can see her joy in that. But I refuse. No matter how safe her husband seems now, we need to save that option for him.

      Following the man we need to seal, we come out of the cave into the open. There's a group of people living here who view him as a god; we avoid encountering them directly. Two of us get into a discussion on the nature of worship, talking about projecting the way your own perspective works onto a macro level, with a powerful leader to control things and a drastically overvalued role of consciousness. I make a comparison to a machine that can feel every impact of cogs and gears.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      Fragmentary scenes with that woman who led the pilgrimage through the mountains earlier:

      I'm sitting at a large round wooden table, eating a snack, while she's saying to me something about "would you bear hope" or would I be "a bearer of hope." I'm a little taken off-guard by this conversation, and I'm annoying her by not giving what she's saying serious consideration.

      I'm surrounded by wolves, or something like wolves - they've got faces that seem built for snarling, I think of them as someone's nightmare of wolves. I can feel them as they each brush against me, rubbing closely against my legs. They're mine now apparently. I can't believe that worked, this is wonderful. I look over to that woman, standing a short distance away - I want to see her reaction. She has this sort of "you have got to be kidding me" expression. The wolves had started out attacking us, and she seems more exasperated by this turn of events than anything else.

      We're standing on a snow-covered mountain, the ground here at a steep angle, with some threat above us, and I'm saying to her, "-here. I would rather stand and fight being a single person. And you, we'll-"
    11. Morning - Non-lucid

      by , 02-17-2015 at 06:29 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      Ugh how come I've been sleeping for like 9+ hours a night and waking up tired, every time... I think I need something to wake up for.
      At any rate, here's the dreams I had. Or dream, I guess.

      So I dreamed I was back at college, this time with only four classes. Looking at my schedule, three of them were on M-W-F, and only one was on Tuesdays and Thursdays... which meant only one lecture would be an hour and fifteen minutes, which I was pretty happy about. Ben was also around somewhere.

      I vaguely remember wandering around some old-timey kinda place. Cobblestone paths, brick buildings, stuff like that. I think I was heading towards a building's basement.

      Then Dad picked us up, I think... I think he had Jess, too, and we all went to Gram's place. I don't remember too much of this, but there was an odd scene where I was straight-up bonding with her. We were sitting together on the couch and I was showing her this game I was playing, or maybe I was just showing her my cell phone, and we were laughing and chatting. Pretty sure I was uncomfortable with this even in the dream.

      Then Ben, Jess, Dad and I were all chilling in some kinda hotel, like we were gonna chill overnight before we left. One room kinda resembled Dad's 1319 back office, with computers set up and everything, and next thing everybody was playing old-timey games. Jess was playing some kinda colorful top-down thing where you had to dodge all these enemies that were just kinda swimming around, while eating gems or something like that. It was pretty cool 'cause the map was big enough that if you went to the edges, it would scroll to accommodate you. Good graphics, too.

      Then I was playing some game where you were a little dude at the bottom of the screen trying to eat all this gourmet food that was falling before it went down the drain. It had a bit of a story, too, like you were proving your place in a high-class society by eating all the delicacies that the old blood were petulantly throwing at you. Or something like that. The drain was in the middle of the screen, though, so it wasn't really necessary to dodge around trying to catch everything; if you camped at the drain, it would all come to you. So it became less of a skill game and more of an exercise in feeling bad for your character, because he'd just eaten like a million grapes.

      Then we were gonna play some Bugdom, except when I went to bring it up it was called "Bugmel." I didn't just accept this odd fact right away. I was like hang on, why is it called Bugmel? What changed? Sadly, it didn't make me think I was dreaming.

      I played some Bugmel, which turned out to be a pretty simple game where you're an old dude on a high-up wooden pathway. You roll a dice and see how many spaces you can tuck-and-roll along this wonky pathway that curves up and down as well as side to side, and then you have the option of using a "Reward," which is a bit of magic. I was like yo. This game? Is perfect.

      I don't know why I thought that considering there were no goals or enemies that I could see. The guy made a few moves down the pathway and then almost rolled off because the path just sort of ended there, and I had to make him turn around. And... that was it. That was the game.

      Next, it turned out my ex was around as well. He was acting like we were still dating, which was pretty awkward for me. I started realizing I was gonna have to break up with him, which was an unpleasant feeling, but it couldn't be avoided. When he grabbed me into a hug, I found myself looking across the room at my sister like "Urgh. Help."

      Finally I got ready to break up with him, which sort of reminded me that I'd already broken up with him once before. So I was like, how hard could it be? We were awkwardly cuddling, and I was leaning against him even though I didn't really want to, and I started thinking of why I was going to break up with him. And I concluded that it was because I wanted to be able to date girls. So I said that.

      "Ex's name," I said, "when I'm with you I feel like a straight guy being forced to pretend he's gay." Or something like that. I followed up that I wanted to be able to date girls, so I was breaking up with him.

      He was like yo, don't date girls for like a week and think it's true love. Or I mean, he said something stupid like that. That was the general idea.

      I bristled, because it really wasn't any of his business and he was treating me like a kid. I was like "yo, how many relationships have I even been in? You think I'm gonna have a bunch of cheap flings? I've only been in like, three or four relationships." Ugh, none of this is word-for-word. I'm tryin', okay.

      Then I was playing some other game while accepting that outside, it was actually getting bright, of all things. So I says to Ben, is Dad gonna drive us off in the morning? Are we gonna keep going? And Ben was like nah man. And he pointed outside at all the snow that was out there (no doubt a reference to the real snow we just had). I was like ugh.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:02 PM by 39676

    12. Being The Strongest Vs Being Who You Really Are

      by , 02-17-2015 at 06:27 PM
      Dream 1

      I was inside a room with other people looking around when suddenly someone mentions how someone's dream journal was surrounded by lots of beautiful golden roses. I thought about how they managed to grow so much.
      death during an LD-gold-rose.jpg
      Dream 2

      I was at my college lunchroom area thinking of what anime to watch on my phone. I couldn't think of one and decided to just go upstairs. I recall walking around for a bit than ending up home. It was in the afternoon and i had to go to work. My mom told my brother to accompany me so we left together. But as soon as we started walking outside the neighborhood felt unfamiliar to me and it started to get dark real fast. "Uh, Oh...I took up too much time walking to work. Now i'm going to get fired....What should i do?"i thought to myself. As i kept walking my brother disappeared.The place started to feel more dream like too. I jumped and floated from a house step to the sidewalk and met a guy who was wearing a light blue long sleeve shirt,white pants i think, and he sort of gave me the impression that he was around my age and was supposed to be delivering the mail.I floated to him and hugged him since i was getting scared. He told me not to worry because we would get to our destination(work?) together.Than the dream began to change.

      I was now non lucid inside a school. I walked into a room and there was a lady trying to teach second graders. I recognized a few kids and asked the teacher if she needed me to assist her. She said no and told me that she would be fine on her own so i left. As i was walking around i started thinking about what i could do.I found a staircase that led to a basement like area. The way the setting was seemed distorted. I started to think about how if this was a dream i wonder what the present Manei was going to give Jade was.I could slowly start to see somewhat faded characters appear and perhaps something about apples. There was a DC running around saying he was looking for someone. I don't think he asked me anything but he ran off. Than i started thinking of Manei and how she would appear in my dream if i drew her and stuff like that. "Would she come out better?" I thought. I than left the place and entered a room.

      Teachers were starting to eat lunch. I saw egg sandwiches and apples piled up on the table. One of the male teachers at the place i work at took out a wooden thing that looked like it had a pirate's face on it." You must really like pirates." I said to him. He said that he did and put it in a cabinet.Than he said i could lunch with them if i wanted. I said o.k., took a sandwich and sat down. I saw a old friend and we started to chat while eating about the world.

      Somehow i end up back inside my house and i notice a dark shadow pass through the room. "Mom did you see that?" i ask. She says no but than it comes back and tries to attack my brother."O.k. That's it!" i say and try to attack it. It begins to laugh like a witch. After fighting for a bit me and my brother run.
      I find a familiar looking face and he looks like the guy i ran in the neighborhood at night. He looks like he can't be trusted though and i notice he's friends with the witch like character. "So you think you can just come into my dreams and scare me huh!?" I say than jump him. We start to fight and hes trying to protect himself. But than i end up head locking him." Is this what you call a shared dream!?" i say taunting the dc than bend his arms and hands. He screams than faints and drops on the bed. Everything is vivid and feels realistic. I look at the guy laying on the bed and touch him to see if he'll move. He doesn't move at all. His eyes were open but now their shut. It really does feel like i killed him just now.

      I can feel others coming who are his friends. "Maybe i should scare your friends now." I think to myself but when i hear their voices i jump out the small window and fly. I want to escape but the place is huge and covered by a wooden roof and walls all around." How the heck do i get out of here!?" I say to myself. I suddenly hear the laugh of a witch and see a small bird. I try to think of becoming the bird so i can fly higher but i can't. I go into the middle of the room and see a GYNORMOUS old lady. I think of her as a giant witch and try to destroy her."This is my dream and i can do anything i want!!" I say than fly to her.With all my strength,faith,belief, and might i try to throw or push the old lady down. But she does not fall."Fall already!" I shout. The scene than changes and Harper and Alex from Wizards of Waverly Place take my position. "Wait a minute....What am i doing? This isn't me."says Harper as she realizes she was just trying to knock her own grandmother down.Alex sleepily wakes up and says " Your right. This isn't you. You got carried away with being the strongest that you forgot who you really were." I start to think abut how dumb i feel now and look at Alex's neck. She has two red small circle marks on her neck. Than i woke up.

      I really lost it in this dream. : P

      Dream 3

      -I was in a school but the escalators kept becoming flat or changed.
      -I was going to take a pink train with my family but it broke apart before we could get on it.
      -I looked outside the window to see a girl doing a witch like ritual in the backyard. The house was really different. My father told me that i shouldn't have looked out the window in the first place.

      Dream 4

      I was searching for Dawn and found him but don't remember anything else.

      Updated 02-17-2015 at 06:32 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    13. A few of non lucids, and short DILD

      by , 02-17-2015 at 05:24 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      *Due to troubles with internet connection I haven't updated my DJ. I've noted the dream I had that night with todays post.


      Hotel in the school

      I was in my old school. The building was changed into the hotel for students. I was following group of my friends. We had to meet in one of the rooms there. On the way I stopped by into the toilet. I was going in circles all around the corridor, stopping only to enter the toilet a few more times. Then I saw my friend leaving cafeteria and going upstairs. I thought that I should eat something and meet with him later. I entered the room, and the cook asked if everybody got its meal. I told them that I haven't so they gave me a meal. Potatoes and meat with some salad. I took fork and knife, and when I was just about to eat, I woke up.


      Obstacle course and swimming

      I was at the beach with my older sister and my brothers friend. We were having fun the free time. When we got closer to the ocean, we were running towards the pier. My brothers friend was first, I was second and my sister was just behind me. We had to jump over the benches, and we have finally reached the pier. We have immediately jumped into the warm, crystal clear water. Suddenly I realised that I can't swim, but somehow I did it. Then the friend asked if I left my clothes on the land. I looked at myself, and saw that I did left them, but they disappeared. Next we got out of the water, and drove to my eldest sisters home. The place was changed. The rooms were furnished with antique furniture. There were ornaments from rare kinds of wood and from marble. Lights gave the rooms moody feeling. The rooms together formed a cross. I was sitting on the sofa in my underwear still wet from swimming, and was preparing to drive back to my home. I changed my clothes, and went to a shop. I haven't bought anything, and went back to sisters house quickly.

      Smashed by car - DILD

      I was in a big city. To save some money government changed regular busses into vans with trailers. I was standing on a trailer. The "bus" was slowing down, to pick people from the bus stop. The dream was very vivid. I could see smallest pollution on the road, smallest details in faces of people standing all around, and the blue van in front of me was very detailed. Suddenly I realised that it's a dream. I thought to myself And the last thing I'd want would be falling from the trailer and getting smashed by a car.... Then the van stopped voilently. The trailer I was standing on disengaged from the van, and I've fallen on the road, close to the car. I landed on my knees, and when standing up the car started to move back quickly. I hitted the van with my hand to alarm the driver, but it was vain. I tried to phase through the car, but somehow I couldn't do it. Usually it works, but this time it was different. The van was moving quickly. It hit me and I hit the trailer with my back. Then the car moved a bit forward, and then backwards, smashing me. I woke up.
    14. First Semi-Successful WILD, and another lucid (LD #170,#171)

      by , 02-17-2015 at 02:23 PM (Lucid Time!)
      The first portion of the dream I recall was playing Skyrim. I remember having full daedric gear and a sword, and I was walking around at night where I ran into some raptors...?


      A little later on some bandits came after me.


      This gave way to some sort of dream involving some sort of battle royale between different characters. It was taking place in this underground facility. The Teenage mutant ninja turtles were there. They got eaten by this huge fat humanoid creature. Then he got eaten by an even bigger humanoid monster.


      I was in the mountains with my mother. We were trying to make our way to... somewhere. We were in the mountains and she pointed out that we only had to go downhill from here. I asked her if we could use a sled of skis. She pulled a sled from nowhere and the two of us sledded down the mountain. I would say that it was fun, but the sled was really slow and it took us a really long time.

      We wound up on this college campus, that gave way to a city. It was warmer here and we were able to take off our heavy winter clothing.

      There was something to do with a big dish-shaped basin being used for research by some of the students at the college and we fell into it.

      My mom got out keys from her pocket and I saw my family's old green van in the road. She unlocked it and started to get in the back seat. I noticed that the driver's seat was in the back seat for some reason.

      I then became lucid out of nowhere. I told my mom that she could just leave, and she did. And I walked off on my own into the city.

      I recall this city that we were in being very detailed visually and audibly. I could make out every detail in the city, buildings, streets, people, sidewalks. I made note that the city was stunningly grounded in reality and there didn't seem to be any particularly dreamlike elements to it. Text wasn't legible though, and was just a random configuration of blocky vertical characters. I could also hear cars and people passing me on the sidewalks.

      I pinched my nose just to double check that I was dreaming. A good long nose pinch RC. Yeah, I was totally dreaming. I stomped on the ground. Solid.

      I said out loud "I will not lose the dream until I have gotten one of my goals done!"

      I looked up. It was an overcast day. The tallest buildings in the city were actually not that tall, I'd guess fifteen or twenty floors at the most. I recall this dark orange brick tower with a black glass observation deck atop it.

      I then tried to fly. It didn't work, and after one failure, I figured that perhaps I should just carry on with the dream slowly. Try and find Manei, figure out what was in the present.

      I looked down a back alley. There were a couple of doors. I figured that they might be helpful for manifesting her.

      "Yeah, I'm sort of in a back alley mood tonight..."

      I took a few steps into the back alley and lost the dream.

      When I woke up, I remained relativity still. I started using my counting technique, and after hitting about 50, managed to slip back into a dream semi lucid.

      I was on my college campus. There was some guy (who sort of looked like Greed from FMA) who kept taunting me by making planes appear to fly really low and hit me, but they would pull up at the last second. Eventually he got bored and left.

      There seemed to be a complex plot going on here. Some scientist arrived on campus with two black semi trucks full of laboratory equipment.

      I then remember the school dance team showed up wearing skimpy outfits. I can remember them having these skin-toned bras that actually had me convinced that they were topless for a few moments.

      Then my cousins came and started having some kind of argument along with a few other children and a college student. I was responsible for settling it for some reason.

      Then an artist arrived with a huge painting about 10 feet tall and 6 feet wide of Manei. The artist came to me and told me that this was his painting called "Manei holds the sun" and he wanted to give it to me as a present. The painting was done in an old style to look like one of those old stained glass windows you see in churches.

      While all of this was happening, I just wished that it would all stop. All of these things were so annoying and pointless. Then I remembered that just a minute ago I had been attempting to WILD, so maybe this was the dream that had resulted.

      I became fully lucid and stabilized the dream better. When I did I found myself in a gazebo by a lake. The structure was painted white and had vines with flowers growing up it. The dream had taken on a very serene atmosphere. I then realized that my grandmother and grandfather were sitting at one of the tables, and they have been dead for about four years now.

      I saw that my cousins were still there having the pointless argument with the college student. I looked at them, looked away and looked back to make them disappear.

      I then turned to my grandparents. I remembered wanting to ask them why they showed up as evil in one of my dreams. (They haven't even showed up in my dreams since about three years ago.)

      "Well, everybody gets a little angry sometimes. What did you expect, some perfect angelic beings?" My grandmother said. If I recall correctly my grandfather said something else about how even the closest of friends/family can come into conflict sometimes.

      " *rolls eyes* yeah well, sorta... But I see what your going for."

      I then lost the dream at this point.

      When I woke up, I thought about going back for round three. But I decided it would be better to wake up.

      Spoiler for Interpretations:

      Updated 02-17-2015 at 04:27 PM by 53527

    15. Love on the Rooftop

      by , 02-17-2015 at 12:29 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was in some unknown place with some people who felt like family. A guy playing as a "troll" was supposed to be coming for us so we need to hide properly or climb high. There was a sense of fear but at the same time fun. The guy was wearing a mask of sort to signify the troll. In one instance, he was just standing there waiting while we look for ways to create a high but stable tower made of furniture. One was a table and sofa but with wheels so it's not stable. We tried going up after a few tries. I walked around, jumping from ledge to ledge, avoiding the troll.

      I was staying with a woman on one of those high ledges. I was worried that somehow I'll lose consciousness and get drunk and have sex with her and then she will get pregnant. (That escalated quickly.) I thought of how I didn't want to be responsible for that and maybe she should get it aborted but worried that we have anti-abortion laws and that some people get really angry about abortion. (Worry and blowing things out of proportion are bad tendencies of mine.) I went out of the place.

      I was up on the rooftop of a building after climbing it. I was with some people. It felt a like a continuation of the previous dream this morning where I was climbing a hill in the school. I was with some people who are supposed to be familiar to me but they're faces are not. Friends. While we were chatting about and some are arriving, the building moved, like it had wheels. It was a bus, and we were on the roof. I held on so I don't fall off and event went a bit farther into the center and away from the "rails" of the roof. Some are still sitting in a position that could get them to fall off if the bus makes a turn (due to momentum", so I told them to arrange themselves so they can hold on to something. They don't seem worried, and as we turned, they don't seem to be that much affected by momentum.

      There were two guys in front of me who were talking. One of them felt familiar but not sure if he looks like someone I know (Emman); he's dark skinned. The other is fair skinned, and acts a bit childish. He's like a younger Baron Geisler. After a while, they were kissing. I was right behind them, and they were touching my knees. I got turned on and moved my torso closer. I tentatively approached and kissed Emman, wondering if he'll push me off or accept me. He kissed back lightly, but then I became aggressive, so he stopped me and said playfully "Whoa, whoa. Chill." Something like that.

      We were walking down the beach at sunset and then night. It was dark. We played around, but no sex, at least not according to my dream. (Maybe it was censored?) I missed them along the process as I went to a different storyline in the dream. Something about jumping over vaults that looked like the blocks of a pyramid (Incan or Mayan, not Egyptian).

      I went back to the "roof." I saw Chela there (really her looks this time). We talked a bit, then I heard/saw/felt Emman and Baron. I went to them and kissed them on the mouth casually, which they were fine with. They said something about looking for me. We went back to the "center" of the roof (surrounded by 6-feet walls but has door-like openings on all sides and with no roof). I saw Chela again and she showed me on her phone an app that showed a kiss mark (black background) and two people. I think it was supposed to represent the two guys I was with and that it showed I kissed them. She was playfully asking who they were. I was hesitant but not afraid as I quickly looked (with just my eyes) at the two guys to my left and they slowly retreated, cartoonishly. I didn't know if they're out (even though they kissed in public). I guess I kinda outed them when I looked at them retreating out of the walls. (The place looked like Intramuros).


      - Afternoon dream (Approx. 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.)
      - Took phenylephrine for the stuffy nose
      - Set alarm, but I woke up before the alarm.
      - That was weird. I feel that I am very monogamous but this dream with the polyamorous relationship seemed fun and silly, as if I didn't feel any weight while I was in it. I was never in a polyamorous relationship, and I usually say/think I never would be since I'm very selfish and don't want to share my partner (to be).
      - I would have thought that I'd feel the same feeling of disgust and worry over the polyamorous relationship as I did with the thought of having sex with a female.
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