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    1. [05-05-2015]

      by , 05-05-2015 at 07:38 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Training with warriors

      It was in the middle of barren land. I was standing on a hill side, surrounded by warriors in full plate mails. We were training for a great war.

      Bus drive

      I went out of my home, and entered the bus at the bus stop. People were talking about nothing in particular. I was looking through the window. It was dark, spring day. Storm clouds were gathering on the sky.
    2. An Old Abandoned House and Applying for A Job

      by , 05-05-2015 at 03:39 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of an abandoned house to do an investigation for Law Enforcement. The floors of this house were wooden planks, and the walls were made of wood as well. I walk down a wooden hallway in this house and start my investigation. It is dead silent and I am all alone. I pick up a very creepy vibe, but I'm not sure what's causing it. I continue down the hallway and make a right and walk into a small room that was about 12 x 12 feet. The floor in this room is the same as the rest of the house, as is the walls. There are a few windows in this room and also many pieces of furniture. I walk up to a wooden drawer and open up one of the pull out drawers within it. Upon doing so, I see a wooden sign inside this drawer. I pick it up and look at it carefully. "I can't fail this investigation, not this time" I tell myself.
      Written on the small sign there are several words in a fancy font(I don't remember the words at the moment, but immediately upon waking up from the dream I remembered them clearly). I also notice that there are many small pink accents on this sign. Suddenly a short old lady walks into the room and approaches me. She is wearing a pink dress with white polka dots. She tells me, "Be careful, this house is full of ghosts. Don't let them see you". Just then I see at least 10 ghosts walk past the doorway of the room I'm in. The ghosts look like normal humans but are about 25% transparent. I retreat and leave the room through a side door and this door leads to another hallway. I then see more ghosts and decide to hide behind a wall until they pass or leave completely. Meanwhile, the old lady is just walking right in front of them with no problems at all. The ghosts don't even care about her.

      2. I was walking down a big field with my friends Treon, Andrew, and Dani. A girl I used to like named Naomi was also with us(shes gorgeous). The sky above us was cloudy and dark and it looked like it was about to rain. In fact, it had already rained a little bit because on our way across the field I saw a huge puddle of mud and avoided it. After we made it across the field we went into the Law enforcement portable. We all went inside and I closed the door behind me. The lights were off and it was pretty crowded. Almost all of the seats were taken and everyone was busy.
      I took a look closer and saw that everyone had a small bowl on their desk and inside of these bowls there were alot of leaves or random colors. Everyone was crushing the leaves within their own bowl into powder. Mr. Hoffman called everyone who had just walked in, over to his desk. Once we got over to his desk he gave each of us a bowl full of leaves and told us to crush them into a powder. I took my bowl, which was white and had white leaves in it, over to an empty desk next to the door and started getting to work. The lights were still off, but I liked it that way. I started crushing my leaves, but I noticed that for some reason they weren't dissolving into powder. I picked one of them up and they felt really weird. Their texture reminded me of something mixed with rubber.
      I put the leaf down and tried to crush them again. It worked. Now the leaves were a blue powder. I picked up the bowl and brought it to the front of the class where a big white table was where all of the other bowls were. As I put my bowl on the table, I noticed that the powder had changed colors from blue to orange. I then asked Mr. Hoffman, "Hey Mr. Hoffman, is it okay if my powder is orange? Or does it even matter what color it is at all?". "No it doesn't matter at all Cory, just put it down" he replied.
    3. I was violated.

      by , 05-05-2015 at 12:22 AM
      Had several vivid dreams from last night...

      A beautiful wedding scene where everyone was dressed in white. It was so white! It was like everyone was getting married at once. I could not tell whose wedding it was because every time I focused on someone they were doing things that the bride would do (i.e., dancing, eating cake, kissing and hugging). It was not only women, but men were also doing this. I started feeling so happy I started dancing right along with them! I didn't want it to end.

      I really don't know how to start this dream after talking about the one above but here goes nothing...turn away now if you are sensitive
      Spoiler for
    4. May 3rd 2015 One of My Longest LD's: Sex and Exploration

      by , 05-05-2015 at 12:09 AM
      I am zooming along at a good pace and there is a fork in a covered retail and food area like an outdoor mall with mostly covered sections. I veer to the fork at the left and something about the decision or the way I made the action cues me in…wait a minute, I am dreaming right now! I go around the shops looking for something interesting to check out. I see a few DC's here and there, including a couple in some kind of dessert shop.

      I fade into a false awakening of being in a laying position in bed but I feel like I am still in a dream and in my dream body with no visuals at first. I start to see a view of a wall next to the bed mostly obstructed by a sleep mask. I am doubtful that this is my actual sleep mask and is in fact a dream sleep mask and I am in our old bedroom at M Blvd so obviously this is a false awakening.

      I go for the TOTM to do an in dream WILD. I pull down the sleep mask and search in the darkness of my closed eyes. It still feels like I am laying in bed but I can see the room again and it seems like the same room. I decide to float up out of bed just in case I start moving my waking body. After a few seconds of nothing I start to float up in the laying position

      and I immediately jump down onto the bed up and down joyful that I held onto the dream realm. My wife is in the bed
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      I move on out of the bedroom door. There are two females in the living room area, one particularly petite and the other average sized. I thought about some things that I had read from some who want to put some moral taboo on dream sexuality and I decided that such thoughts were BS. I reminded myself of that decision and held each of their hands and led them into the bedroom on the other side of the living room.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      After a while the visuals started to fade but I just danced my way through the void until the visuals came back up and I found myself in a very different house.

      I decided it was time to go outside and headed toward what felt like the front of the house. I came to a door and reached for the handle but all I could see was a dead-bolt lock with the key side facing me and no key in hand. Instead of summoning a key I decided that the door would be unlocked and would open with a simple push and it did. I look out to a huge field with many large trees and brush hiding what may lay below.

      I fly up and out over the landscape at a leisurely pace a little ways and start to get some declining visuals and decide to fly back towards the house that I came out of. As I approached it, it was a large stately house with several large balconies on the left side of the house.

      It looked like either the sun had just set or that it was just before sunrise, a little darker than when the sun is fully out, but with that special lighting at those times. I see several windows with lights on and think about peeking into them to see what I might come across but instead go to a door on the left side of what looks like the back of the house.

      As I enter there are a few DC's in the large room and they are introducing me to two blonde women that are coming down large and wide wooden staircase.

      This is obviously a mansion house of a wealthy family that has many craftsman features, the kind of features that you don't often see any more except in restored homes. The home didn't feel old at all however. I wasn't looking for any more DC interaction and decided to explore the house instead.

      I went up the stairs sort of float walking my way up and turned back towards the back of the house and into a great study.

      I was planning on looking out the window to the field I flew over earlier to see what it looked like but got interested in the various intriguing items on display. One was a little statuette that looked like it was made of stone with faded paint. It was fairly simple, not intricate, figure with what looked like a crown on their head, not unlike a chess piece that was made to resemble a person. I decided I would try to morph it and it shortened and curved into the shape of a figurine of a small girl leaning over something…interesting. I see a figurine of a polar bear and without really thinking it morphs briefly into a deer with large antlers before becoming a brown bear.

      I look around to my left and there are what look like a lot of nicer antique souvenirs. One is a wooden stick looking item stained darker and with some decoupage design on it that looked like something you might find in a nice tiki bar. The dream started fading again but this time I eventually could feel that I was truly back in bed. I tried for a while to see if I could drift back to sleep without moving but eventually had to a adjust my position and was too awake. #319

      Took 8mg G + 500mg C around 620am after going to bed late at 2am (started G experiments one time per week after LD#300). I estimate that I woke from the above series around 8:40 first trying to get back to sleep and tossing and turning a little before eventually looking at the time on my phone showing 8:58am. Continuing "this could really be a dream right now" daytime practice with RRCIS but slacking a little too much.
    5. Night of May 3 2015

      by , 05-04-2015 at 10:23 PM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      Same result as yesterday. Zilch.

      Definitely have to actually follow the suggestions of past comments to address this -_-.
    6. On the Corner

      by , 05-04-2015 at 10:21 AM
      Morning of May 4, 2015. Monday.

      I am standing on a street corner in an unknown area, possibly in early afternoon, the intersection on my left. I am with my wife but there are at least four other mostly unfamiliar people in the immediate area including a male about twenty years older than me to my left. There is at least one other male who I think may be a coworker named Randy from over twenty years ago. There are also at least two older women in front of us. I think we may be waiting for a bus or possibly a series of taxis.

      Eventually, I find myself holding a larger metal toy black car (possibly some sort of 1960s limousine), seemingly only a bit bigger than a Hot Wheels car. Over time, I see that the hood and trunk (bonnet and boot) both open. Under the hood, I am able to make out the details of the small faux engine, but there is not that much to it. Still, it is interesting to see all the moving parts. The doors also open. I eventually see that the front part opens downward somewhat like a lid to expose the front seat area. The dashboard and steering wheel section moves apart and down from the rest of the area, somewhat hinge-like (similar to when I took a few Matchbox Cars apart in real life). I accidentally move something near the seats a certain way and the steering wheel falls to the sidewalk. The older male picks it up for me and by this time I notice that there are two driver’s seats, including an additional steering wheel, the other in back. I do not really focus on how unusual this is.

      I start thinking about real cars and tell the others that I own the car from the movie “Christine” (a red 1958 Plymouth Fury, which I have driven in a number of dreams over the years). I get the impression that I could bring this car to me with a remote control (though I am not sure that I have it in my pocket) but then “remember” that there are many other cars I could bring to the area - including the “real” version of the toy car I have (though apparently with only one steering wheel). Not much happens after this, but I do contemplate helping a couple others get to their destination (though I do not use any sort of remote and no real cars are ever visible). No bus or taxi ever shows up.
      Tags: waiting
    7. [04-05-2015]

      by , 05-04-2015 at 08:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Meeting of wizards

      I was standing on top of a platform, high above the ground. I was a powerful necromancer, meeting with a conjurer and elementalist.

      Running away from the police

      I went out of my home. I walked for a while, and found myself in an industrial street from VIII century. Suddenly I saw a minimap on the left bottom corner of my vision, and a star indicating that police is looking for me.

      I decided to run away. I saw that they already surrounded the area. The policemen were wearing blue uniforms with strange hats. As I ran away, they shot at me. Luckily none of their shots were succesfull. I saw an old Ford car, but decided to leave it there.

      Running towards an alley leading into slums, I found a gun lying on the ground, and took it. It was getting dark. I ran towards junkyard, and found a shelter that one of the homeless built before his death. I've hiddent there, preparing for a sudden attack.

      Suddenly I saw someone coming. He was wearing black suit, and holding a suitcase full of money. When I looked at him, text saying "russian drug dealer" appeared above his head. I panicked and shot at him, but somehow the bullet haven't hit him.

      Luckily, he just ignored me. After a short while of waiting, a soldier jumped on a parachute and landed close to me. He told me that he is a great general, and that if I want to live, I must accept his offer. He told me that I'm going to be a "Head Director Paladin".

      Dark Lord

      With group of my teachers we went inside some kind of crypt, buried underneath the school. It was dark inside, and there were many skeletons lying on the ground. Suddenly I recalled that I was there before, fighting with the undead. There were skeletons with huge swords, cloaked skeletons summoning other undead, and the dark lord himself.

      The dark lord was a skeleton, surrounded by field of strong, pale blue energy. Despite having no tissue or skin, it had long, dark curly hair. Trying to survive the encounter, I fought every way possible. I ran towards small chamber, leaving most of the undead on a corridor. They had to run towards the chamber, which let me fight them one by one.

      I took a huge sword out of my backpack, and slashed my way out. There was only the dark lord left. I knew that this particular undead is too strong to kill it with a mere sword. I focused and cast a "destroy undead" spell. Then my vision returned back to the school.

      I told teachers that I was there before, but none of them listened to me. They just wanted to take any valuables from there, and seal it from the world. I estimated that all the junk they took was worth two thousand dollars.

      When they went away to sell it, I entered the crypt. Suddenly I traveled back in time, and saw that it was a school cloakroom before. I looked around, and between closets I saw a girl sitting on a bench. She went out a while later.

      I looked again, and saw that there were some cats running around. I realised that the horror had something to do with the cats. Suddenly a horrifying music started to play. For a long time I chased those cats and freed them. When there were only two of them, a weird man appeared.

      It was an old, bald man with long, white beard. He was wearing grey suit. I took another cat, and went closer to him. He was holding a carving knife, and there was a cat sitting on the table. I asked "What's with this knife?" And the man stabbed the cat to death.

      This angered me. I let the cat that I was holding before go away. I found a cleaver lying nearby. I made a long, horrifying howl and threwn it at the man. It made an arc and hit him in the foot, cutting it in half. The man started to scream in pain.

      Then I realised, that I was responsible for all the foul ongoings there, as truly I was the Dark Lord.

      FA - in home

      I was sitting in an armchair. It was dark. I looked around and saw that my relatives were sitting nearby, and looking at me. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. I took the phone - it belonged to my younger sister, and went back to my relatives. I gave the phone to my sister.
    8. 2015-05-04 ld #109

      by , 05-04-2015 at 08:30 AM
      Tired, late to bed, recall mostly fragmented despite a fair bit of dreaming

      + going down the hill on LL blvd.: the road is a metallic jungle gym "tunnel" filled with sentient green shaped-hedges covered with red berries, they're very friendly, they like me, and help me along

      +(f) thinking about my college rented house, looking for it among skyscrapers we're driving by, see it eventually as a carved out area between tall buildings, it is dilapidated with large overgrown plants all over it

      +(f) in an arcade, looking for change in the coin slots, starting a game?

      + childhood home, there's a ragged rat/rabbit/guinea pig thing that I'm trying to shoo out the front door: I eventually get it out and keep looking at it trying to figure out what kind of animal it is, I decide it's a rabbit and see its nose twitching, it comes back in and sits at my feet it is really dirty.

      + (lucid LD #109) in childhood home, waiting for my wife and kids to leave so that I can lucid dream: I realize I don't need to wait, I go out the sliding glass door to the deck (because I think I'll be able to fly), see a standing figure in my "peripheral vision," turn to look it's gone, I fly out over the trees which have been cut, wife is on deck, a bit concerned about her seeing me, I don't care, she's talking to me while I'm flying about how I've been sleeping, lose visuals but keep stretching my hands out in front of me, eventually transition to non-lucid where I'm holding something in my hands and I'm talking with wife about the special lightbulbs we'll need to buy for JW.

      LD was fairly unstable, had that "dizzy" feeling through most of it, especially at the beginning on the deck where I saw the figure out of the corner of my eye briefly. Awareness quite low.
    9. Creative Clouds and My House

      by , 05-04-2015 at 03:42 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was walking down a street in a neighborhood with my family. This street lead to a huge open field. It was daytime and the sky was partially cloudy. As we approached the open field, I look up into the sky at the clouds. They are all pure white. Instantly I notice one cloud that is shaped perfectly like a Rubix cube. This rubix cube cloud looks exactly like the real thing, but in cloud form and all white. "Holy crap" I think to myself, "No way!". I pull out my phone and go on Snapchat. As I pull my camera view up to the clouds I notice that the rubix cube cloud is gone. "What in the world?" I think to myself.
      Instead, not too far to the right of where the rubix cube cloud was, I see another odd cloud. This cloud is in the shape of the eye of horus, perfectly. It too resembles the actual symbol exactly as one would see it anywhere else and is all white. "No way, what if thats a sign that the illuminati is real?" I ask myself(LOL). I am now in a semi lucid state(as usual) and I look around. The sun is no shining brightly as the cloud that was once covering it is no longer covering it anymore. I put my phone camera up to the eye of horus cloud and am about to take a picture. I take the picture, but as I do, I look at the picture I took and notice that the cloud is not in it. The cloud itself is still in the sky, but it is not present in the picture that I took. "That's odd" I think to myself.
      Just then, the entire sky goes dark and it is now nighttime. Stars are present everywhere in the night sky and the moon is shining brightly. Me and my family now walk along the outer edges of the huge field. As we take our first steps on the outsides of this field, I see a huge sculpture like symbol standing not to far ahead of us. This sculpture is so big, that the moonlight casts its shadow and its shadow is so big that it covers a big section of the field. The shadow looks like a perfect symbol oddly enough. There are multiple sculptures like this, and they are all large in their size.
      As we approach the first sculpture, a truck filled with construction workers comes speeding through the field and they come to a stop right in front of the sculpture. There is a yellow light siren on the top of their truck. I get the feeling that there is something wrong with the sculpture. All of the workers get out of their truck and run to the sculpture itself in a frantic run. As they get to the sculpture they start working on it at a quick pace. Suddenly the sculpture lights up and is now glowing in a bright blue and purple color. The ground surrounding the sculpture turns into a black hole/vortex type of thing and it too is emitting a mix of purple and blue colors. At this point I am at the verge of becoming fully lucid.
      I get out my phone and go to snapchat and start videoing what is going on in front of me. As I do so, all of the workers get sucked into the vortex and after that happens a small explosion occurs right in the middle of the it.

      2. I am inside of my house and there are a ton of people over. It seems that there is a party being held at my house. My grandparents and my aunt are here as well as at least 30 of my friends. I walk through the back door of my house where my dad is grilling burgers and I walk into the kitchen. I am highly aware of my surroundings but only semi-lucid at the moment. I walk around into the foyer and I look up my stairs. I see all of my 30 or so friends walking down the stairs towards me. "There's no way, this is way to many people" I think to myself. I make my way up the stairs to see what is going on up there. As I do so, I decide to do a reality check. "This definitely requires me to see if I'm dreaming" I say to myself as I go up the stairs.
      However, as I continue upwards, I get distracted and lose my train of thought and walk into my room completely forgetting what I was about to do.

      3. I was at the beach with my friend Dylan. The sky was extremely cloudy and it was raining lightly. "Cory, we can do anything we want" he tells me. "I know, isn't it amazing" I reply. I then realize that we are both hovering about 50 feet in the sky. We had been flying around for quite some time, and now we came to a rest. I had the knowledge in this dream, that I could do anything(yet looking back at the dream I am not sure I was lucid). Suddenly, I hear a weird sound that I cannot explain, other than the fact that it sounded somewhat like a really deep horn. This sound echoed across the entire sky. As it did so, me and Dylan both see an orb descend from the clouds. This orb is clear but is glowing red in its center.
      The orb continues to descend and lands on the shore, right where the water meets the sand. Suddenly, Dylan is pulled somehow out of the air and straight to the orb. He is powerless against this creature, and it comes to me that he is somehow infected by this highly intelligent orb creature. Next thing I know I am then pulled with great force to the orb and rendered powerless. I am now laying on the beach sand on my side. I look around while still laying down, everything is blurring, but not the ordinary blurry. My vision was blurry like the type of blurry that one would see on a video camera when it is out of focus. Suddenly, what I think to be the orb, speaks to me. "You think you are all powerful, but you are nothing." it tells me.
      I black out and then wake up in a forest, and I am aware that this is still the same dream. Dylan is next to me. In front of us, there is a big concrete highway elevated at least 100 feet off of the ground. It is huge, and it strikes me odd that there is a freeway in the middle of a forest, which is also next to a beach. I notice a long ship that is docked under the freeway, and this ship is just sitting there. I walk up to it and think of how great an idea it is to hide ones space ship under the freeway. This ship was no ordinary ship. It looked like an extremely high tech alien ship that had just come from outer space.
      Suddenly the ship fires up its engines and is now on. It leaves its place from under the bridge and flies away.

      Updated 05-04-2015 at 03:56 AM by 65076

      Tags: semi-lucid
    10. Night of May 2 2015

      by , 05-04-2015 at 12:09 AM (My paranoid adventure into the mind.)
      Tonight surprised me.. I couldn't remember anything at all. Even at days when I don't remember anything, I can still faintly recall images or events that happened, yet there was nothing today. Nothing.
    11. Rain

      by , 05-03-2015 at 09:40 PM
      Night of May 3, 2015. Sunday.

      I move directly into a very vivid lucid dream while still half-awake as I often do after watching or mentally exploring the hypnagogic visionary realms - and eventually am within my dream body with little effort. The first thing I focus on (for a longer period of time) is the silhouette of an old wagon wheel (probably stuck only about one-third or less into the ground), which had been near the “portal” as some sort of “signpost” of sorts (probably a good lucid dream trigger depending on where you live). Other than that, there is mostly only rain visible. I do eventually see human forms (mostly female, some carrying parcels) moving about now and then, but they are not running or ducking from the rain, yet which is so heavy, it is hard to make out any significant details. I feel very good and very peaceful and relaxed even as I contemplate finding my beautiful wife’s feminine form to indulge in sensuality and love-making with in the middle of the “street”, which is actually much like the main set of “Gunsmoke” (the old long-running television series) from what I can tell. Because my physical form is somewhat ambiguous, I can move in different ways from place to place, sometimes in-body, sometimes disembodied (with far more control than I used to have). The imagery seems to go from grayish to subtle lines of gold at times.

      There is eventually what I first very briefly perceive as a very light hypnic jerk in my left leg (though it is more like a wave of extreme pleasure evenly moving through it), that takes me out of my dream body (though the imagery is still there as I am conscious again). This feeling is so ecstatic that I actually sigh “wow” fairly loudly and my wife (in real life) asks me what happened. From there, I mostly fall back into wandering the “Gunsmoke” set in very dense rain, which becomes more and more of a darker yet golden infusion.
    12. Insects

      by , 05-03-2015 at 06:55 PM

      I stood on the balcony and looked out at the yard seperating the apartment buildings. Large masses of fireflies flickered and shined bright in the four corners of it, looking like bundles of stars had been taken from the sky and placed here. Even when the street lamps turned on the fireflies' lights shown brighter and could easily be told apart from the lamp light. I dashed to the other side of the balcony to get a closer look at the right side of the yard at the firefly bundles there. I was in total awe at them, I just couldn't take my eyes off them, they were so pretty.

      Alas though, soon I went inside but when I got there I noticed two fireflies had landed on my black t-shirt and clung to me as I walked. I smiled thinking it was the cutest thing ever, so I grabbed a small spray bottle that said it was good for fireflies and aimed to spray near them but it sprayed on them. Instantly they scrunched up and were still, their lights no longer shining. My reaction was horror. I killed two fireflies! Oh no! My second was worry, I wanted to return outside to watch the rest but I was worried, so I went to my mom. I asked her if fireflies became an angry swarm like wasp or bees did when you killed one of them. For the first dozen times she wouldn't pay attention, so I followed her around as she worked.

      I returned to my room after a while and saw a huge beetle on my bed! It was black and huge, it had long black legs and a mouth in the shape of a crab claw. Somehow it's sleek black body turned gray and when my mom came in I asked her to get it off my bed, she agreed and walked over to it with a peice of paper. The beetle was now white. What was it shedded skin? My mom reached over to brush the unmoving insect onto the paper but it's head and mouth fell off and those seperated from each other as well. Seeing nothing wrong, she brushed the broken bug onto the paper and turned to throw it away. I asked her if fireflies became angry swarms like wasp and bees if you killed one of them, as she threw it away. She chuckled lightly and said no. Releived I threw the dead fireflies away with the beetle and continued enjoying the other fireflies' presence.
    13. "Mortal Kombat 10"

      by , 05-03-2015 at 05:50 PM (My Dream Goals)
      Notes Dream

      Non-Lucid. I was watching someone play "Mortal Kombat 10" which I purchased 3 days ago, but it seemed more like a Soul Calibur game with characters from the Mortal Kombat series. Each character had 2 or more "icons" to represent them, and I remember that Sonya Blade had a green star and a gray skull to represent her.
    14. Birthday Present

      by , 05-03-2015 at 04:59 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #434 - DILD - 6:24AM

      the orgasm of lucid sex-749d2eacbb61274b77139826b7a50fdf.jpg

      I open a package from the mail and find this beautiful .357 magnum with a case of shells. I awkwardly load a few directly into the back of the gun and realize one shell is actually a large nail. I throw it away and discover it has a magazine clip. I ponder the possibility of actually getting a super awesome pistol in the mail. I'm amusing it's a birthday present, but who from? Maybe, it was sent to the wrong address. I check the package and it has my name and address correctly printed. Do they even send guns in the mail? Oh well, I'm just glad I got it. Hmmm. Things like this never happen. I should nose plug out of good practice. I blow through and don't want to believe. I do it several more times and become really disappointed that I don't get the gun after all, but decide to go ahead and enjoy both lucidity and my handgun.

      I look around and it seems to be some sort of apartment merged with past houses I've lived in. I don't thing about this too much as I point my gun looking for something to shoot. I see A from work and tell her to "Freeze". I pull the trigger, but only get a *click*. Damn, it's not working. Ok maybe I really don't want to shoot a co-worker DC. I point the gun around the apartment trying to shoot but only getting dry clicks.

      Sadly, the dream starts to darken, and I have to recreate a scenario. Shooting zombies is probably ideal. With that thought, a couple lurch at me out of the void. The sound of the gun fire is disappointing, but I blast an unrealistically large hole the size of a frying pan clean through each torso. I, and both zombies, pause to stare at the damage with mild surprise.
    15. Don't float too high

      by , 05-03-2015 at 04:08 PM
      There was a beautiful park. Picnic tables were on the ground but also floating in the sky at tree top level. I could float up and down. I saw text on some playground equipment and tried to read it. When I saw the mangles text, I became a little bit lucid. The last "word" was Ta. I was waiting for Adrian and I was excited to show him this place. I was also afraid that I'd float too high and I recalled floating all the way up and through space in the past. As I recalled the space flight adventures, the lucidity which was so low anyway, faded as I transitioned into a new dream
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