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    Fragment of Dreams

    1. My Lucid Dreams, SP experiences and OBEs. Part two

      by , 04-13-2012 at 01:27 AM
      So these are my lucid dreams. I have had others but that was before I knew the term and they were all quick realization then going on dreaming. I'm not sire if these are in order but here goes.

      In one dream I was washing my face in the bathroom when I here a VERY familiar voice say my name and start laughing. I turn and see nothing. Then I here His "claws" on the mirror and I turn and looking back at me in the mirror is non other than the nightmare man himself, Freddy Krueger. (I'm a huge fan but this scares the hell out of me) Things start flying and I try and run but the door slams. Pipes come out of the ground and fly at me trying to wrap around me. I yell 'THIS IS MY DREAM!!! YOU CAN'T HURT ME!!!" As soon I say it, something just clicks. I grab a bottle and preform a reality check ( the one were you read and reread a line and see if it changes, It does) I realize that I really am dream and Freddy Isn't really. I go Lucid and open the bathroom window. Laughing I fly out. I close my eyes and says "I want a beautiful scenery." I open my eyes and I'm flying over a epic mountain and forest with water falls. I go down and enjoy how real every thing looks. then I woke up.

      Another dream which was much longer but i was basically trying to save these kids from a witch. I was jumping from these odd building to the next being chased by the witch when I just kind of realized I was dreaming. After I figure out that I'm dreaming I hope down from the building I was standing on and take a good look around. I stare at my hand awhile. Again it all seemed so real. I then decided that I wanted to do something I had promised myself I would try if I went Lucid again (Can't believe I remembered.) I Closed my eyes and said, "When I turn around there will be a door. That door will led to my subconsciousness where I will meet my inner self." I opened my eyes and turned around and there indeed was a door. It was square and floating in the air. I walked in a circle around it before walking up to it and turning the handle. The door opened. It was just a empty frame. Disappointed I took a step back. Everything got fuzzy and not want to wake up I tried spinning it worked for a sec but everything started to get fuzzy again so i laid down and everything got clear again. I lay there just chilling. I then woke up.

      A third Lucid Dream started when my dream teacher told my to memorize something in a text book. I tried to do this by reading and rereading it only to find the text to change. That's when I realized I was dreaming. The only thing I did then was stare at everything and then at my hand, happy that I was dream and I knew it. Then aliens attacked the school and I forgot i was dreaming and off to fight them.

      I had a dream were I was being held by a giant and the giant was standing in the ocean saying that he was going to throw me which would kill me. Trying to be brave I say that he can't do that and he says why not. I turn away from him and am like "think fast" I look down at my watch and thing "Please let me be dreaming" I then preform a dream test (looking a my watch) Not only does it not tell time but its not even the right color. I turn, now lucid and yell "BECAUSE I'M DREAMING" I then jump out of his hand and yell "YYYYAAAAHOOOOOOO!!!!!" and hit the ground making a huge cater. I get up and start running along the beach at super speed. I get over excited and wake up.

      Another dream was a clock tower being built at my house. I understand I'm dreaming strait off and end up flying around. Then I see wolves and go down to see why they are there again forgetting that I'm dreaming.

      I know Iv'e had other but it's hard to remember all the lucid dreams you've had at once. I know they are all they same as these. Short or I wake up. Hope to improve my Lucid Dreaming.
    2. 4-12-12, Earlier to bed

      by , 04-12-2012 at 04:02 PM
      Last night we all went to bed about 2 hours earlier than usual because the kids were cranky. It ended up working out fairly well for me because I could recall 5 dreams and fragments, that's the most I've had in a couple weeks at least. Definitely going to make the family go to bed earlier again (and by earlier, I mean 10 not midnight, ha ha. So still not too early!) The only downside was I woke up after about 8 hours of sleep and am still super tired. I usually need 10 hours of sleep to feel fully rested. This just means a nap might be in order for later on in the day!

      Dream One: I'm at the house we lived in 7 years ago. It's night time, and storming something fierce. There's no thunder or lightening, just a torrential rain and wind. I'm a bit scared, but it passes quickly (storm season is coming and I'm worried because we're the southeast that got hit bad last year.) I look out the screen door and notice my mom and a bunch of kids standing in the yard. It looks like there's snow on the ground. I walk out across the yard to talk to my mom, and she asks me to take the kids inside. I think they're her kindergarten class? (She was an assistant teacher back when we lived there) I'm on my way inside with the class lined up behind me. I look up at the sky, and notice the moon looks beautiful but like an anime moon not a real moon. I *might* have seen a character from the vn I've been playing standing in front of the house, I keep thinking I did but can't remember for sure as I woke up as soon as I looked back down towards the house.

      Dream Two (Fragment): I dreamed I was in the visual novel I'm playing, Hakuoki ( Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom ~ Welcome to Kyoto ). I was in one of the old Japanese buildings, and I was running from someone. I ran past one of the Shinsengumi (Heisuke?) and he called out to me, but I ignored him, I was trying to get away from something, and didn't want to stop.

      Dream Three: I'm at my dads family's lake house. I'm walking up the hill towards the cabin, and I notice my neighbor and his family are there. I'm under the impression that my husband invited them, but I felt unhappy about it because this was my family's place, not his. When I reach the cabin, my aunt and uncle's suv pulls up, and they get out. My aunt wants to know who those people are, and I try to explain it's the neighbors and that we're about to leave. My family doesn't get upset about it, and says to stay as long as we want, they just wanted to be sure it wasn't someone uninvited crashing our lake house again. I go inside, and there are some binders with pictures of Street Fighter characters on it. I ask what it is, and some guy, who's a friend of my cousin's I guess, tells me it's a game then proceeds to tell me the name and rules, but I'm not really paying much attention. I tell him that's cool, and then leave. Somehow I end up at home, on the computer, and I've got a facebook friendship request. It's my cousin's friend and his screen name is something like Eniji(random numbers here) and I think it's funny he has a Japanese screen name. He tells me my cousin said we were into Anime, and he's like to talk and hang out with my husband and I because he needs anime buddies to go to cons with.

      Dream Four: There's a building, that's old off white plaster. The plaster is chipping off in several places. It's kind of weird the way the front of the building is, because the building is like a big rectangle, but there's an inset porch or entrance or whatever made of the same plaster before you actually get to the front doors. There's a sign that says the building is closed for renovations. I walk away, but then I'm walking back to the building again. Dream logic This time the off white plaster has been painted Carolina blue and there's a dark blue line about 6 inches thick going all around the entrance about 6 feet up. It looks... odd, to say the least! There are lots of flyers hanging on the walls, and I'm excited thinking it's open now! And suddenly I know it's a museum, and it's in another country! (Probably influenced by the fact my husband was watching Hetalia last night and I couldn't help over hearing bits of it) There's an old man whom I guess is the curator standing at the door, telling me I can't go inside because renovations aren't complete yet. I tell him I came all the way from America, can't I just have a peek? I've come twice and they're always closed! He refuses, but asks me what part of America I'm from. I tell him from the Carolinas, but he seems confused about where that is so I just give up and turn around. I'm walking away and see a woman who also wants to visit this museum. I tell her it's closed, but she goes to try and persuade the curator anyways. She probably would because she was thin, blond, and had big boobs. I woke up before I found out though!

      Dream Five: I'm texting my best friend A on the phone. She's telling me she can't chat much tonight because she has some sort of late meeting at work. I tell her that's ok, we're going to help someone with their hotel. I don't know anyone who works at a hotel, lol. Turns out, this hotel is more like the Japanese inn in "Hanasaku Iroha" ( Hanasaku Iroha Full episodes streaming online for free ) and I'm taking food to customers in their rooms. Someone says my uniform is "Seastar clothing" and I notice then that it does look a bit like a star fish.The apron is cut so that there's a star point on each arm, one at each leg, and the final point was a hoodie that could be worn on my head. It looked as ridiculous as it sounds. I woke up then because my son was waking up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Began Affirmations & Astral Dynamics

      by , 04-12-2012 at 12:45 PM
      April 12, 2012

      Wrote affirmation in my dream journal: I am open to exploring new worlds and remember my dreams upon waking.


      Fragment: Something about MASH the TV show. I remembered it after I'd already woken up this morning and fallen back to sleep only then to realize I needed to get up immediately. So, I sort of forced myself awake. Nonetheless I still only recalled the 'theme'.

      Side Note: I began perusing through my old Astral Dynamics book and noticed a section on activating the chakras. Apparently, it is very common to have the Heart center go all spastic right before exiting the body. The last time I consistently meditated (year or more ago) I was doing energy work and activating/opening my chakras. My heart center had become so strong that I thought something was wrong. I even stopped my meditation and checked my pulse only to find it was not elevated. (which is what the book said would occur) It seems that if one can ignore this pounding and let go the next thing to occur is an OBE. I, obviously, was not able to let go. Bruce said it was very hard to ignore and the man was certainly right. Only mention this because I think that is what's occurring during my most recent meditation but in the base or abdomen chakra - which causes one to focus on sexual energy and distracts you. You're supposed to also ignore it and move on to the next center. Being completely out of practice, I focused on it and whammo - orgasm.

      Updated 04-12-2012 at 01:36 PM by 54103 (*corrected a spelling error (to should have been go all spastic))

      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    4. Halo Star Wars, Lying Mexican RV, Wall Explosives, Normal Stuff ;)

      , 04-12-2012 at 12:18 PM (My Nighttime Experiences)
      April 12, 2012
      School Pickings
      There was something going on in my school and people were being called up. This happened twice in the dream. During the second time, they tried to seperate the kids from the high schoolers, but the tallest person in the high school wanted to stand with the kids.

      Exploding Wall
      I was inside of some room that, apparently, was attached to my bedroom. I had never gone in the room, but someone used to sleep in there, because there was an empty bed frame and some of the drawers still had clothes in them. There was a wood lining just above the floor, on the wall (I don't know what it's called, it’s just wood at the bottom of a wall that goes around the room.) There was one piece of that lining that my mom was suspicious about. She thought there was a gun behind it! I was like, yeah right, and I picked it up, it was loose. There was a small explosion, and I went back a foot or two. (Just from fear, not the explosion; it was a small "Boom!") It kind of burnt my hand. It looked like there was a piece of sandpaper, a lottery ticket, and maybe a match was back there. Then people were being chosen for something outside the room I was in, and they said too bad you have to be in there!

      Halo Star Wars Map
      There was some big map I was in, kind of like in a Halo game. There was me and some other guy fighting. I was blue and could summon a force field that went in the middle of the map so he had to stay on his side. But he was red and he had a light saber, so I constantly had to lure him over to his side, then run back to my side and summon a force field. He would just start attacking the force field with his light saber, even though it did nothing. Then somehow, I broke the rules because I just stopped whatever I was doing with the red guy and picked up some box person. Everyone was looking at me and whispering as if I did something wrong.

      Lying Mexican in an RV
      I remember there was some guy in an RV telling me about what I needed to type in his thread about how I had a lucid dream. He gave me the basic script but I had to add in what the dream was like. He wanted me to lie saying I had a LD using his method. Also I think the guy was Spanish because I remember the word "Oramos". I thought in the dream it meant Christmas, but it actually means "we pray".
    5. The Unordinary Dorm

      by , 04-12-2012 at 01:35 AM (Chronicles of the Cosmos)
      I remembered another one.

      I'm at this dorm-like place and I'm walking from one section to the other with other students. We're on the outside walking on this really narrow walkway heading towards a door which leads to the next section. I'll never forget that walkway because it was surrounded by water! Like it was constructed over a pond or something.

      Now I'm inside the other section and I'm walking down the hallway. There are students, boys and girls, going in and coming out of their dorm rooms but this doesn't feel like an ordinary college / school / whatever. And that's I remember.

      Updated 04-14-2012 at 02:18 PM by 53119

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. 4/11/12

      by , 04-11-2012 at 06:06 PM
      Dream One (fragment): I woke from this dream after only being in bed about an hour and a half, so I'm surprised I remembered anything at all. I'm standing outside the headquarters from this Hakuoki game I've been reading. I'm looking at myself in third person though. K is there, and he's got the white hair and red eyes of the fury creatures that the game characters become (they're like vampires, kind of) and he's wearing the shinsengumi blues. He's bending slightly, with one hand on the hilt of his sword and the other under my chin, kissing me softly.

      Dream Two: I'm sitting at the computer playing the Sims 3. I'm trying to build a lot, but it keeps going wrong. For some reason there's a big crater in the middle of the lot, and I can't get it back to level. The grid is also screwing up, and placing random grid squares in mid air at different heights. I know in the dream I'm supposed to go somewhere, but I want to finish this sim house first. My little boy is saying, "Mommy! Lets go!" but the computer is driving me NUTS and I don't want to go until I've defeated it. Suddenly the doorbell rings, and I realize I'm in the house we used to live in years and years ago. I look out the window and see that the person at the front door is my husbands ex-fiance, the girl he was engaged to before we met. (She and I talk on Facebook because we have a lot in common, so it's only a little weird that we'd be hanging out) I grab my phone, realizing my husbands not here yet and he was supposed to be here before she arrived so we could go. I call him, and he says he's leaving now and on his way. I ask him if he remembered to grab out Daughter's Hello Kitty something or another (She has so much Kitty crap, I couldn't even begin to imagine what it was) Then I woke up.

      Dream Three: The dream starts off with me being in a house that I somehow know as my own but I've never seen before in my life. My friend is there, and she's telling me that since my husband and I have split, and I have all this empty space, she has a friend who needs a place to stay. I think that if it's a friend of hers, then they're probably easy to get along with and I could use help with my rent, so I agree to take them in as a room mate. When my new room mate arrives, it's actually a guy who's a friend of both my husbands and this friends. At first I think this is going to be really awkward because he's very christian and I'm uh, NOT, lol. But it seems to be working out ok as religion doesn't come up. Then I get this wild notion to go somewhere, and dress up in a mini skirt and tank top and start to head out the door. The room mate then grabbed my arm really tightly and asks me where I'm going. I'm kind of shocked that he's touching me when we barely know each other, and really pissed that he's acting like he has some sort of right to know where I'm going or what I'm doing. I Glare at him and tell him I'm going out and he needs to let go of me. He tells me he's not going to let me leave, I need to stay there with him. I tell him to let go of me again and that I'm an adult and I can go wherever I want and do whatever I want, and if he's going to act like a parent he can get the fuck out. He refuses to let go of me, saying that he couldn't let me go out tramping about. I get really pissed and pull my arm as I kick out at him hoping to throw him off guard. But, he's a lot bigger than me and instead I get thrown off balance and he smacks me in the face. I'm REALLY pissed then, so I do some sort of awesome karate like roundhouse kick to his head and knock him back on to floor. He grabs my foot and trips me. I struggle free and grab the telephone, and call 911. I tell them I don't want to have to cause trouble but I have this crazy room mate that won't let me leave the house and things are getting violent. I briefly wonder if because I kicked him first, I will be the one charged, but at this point I'm actually scared this guys going to crush me and don't care. He starts crying telling me I shouldn't have called the cops, and I'm crying myself because I'm scared and I feel a bit guilty, if I'd never let the guy stay here this never would have happened! I make it outside crying, and my husband shows up, and gives me a hug and asks whats wrong. I tell him what happened, and the cops are showing up arresting his friend and I'm begging my husband to come back, telling him I can't take care of myself without him, all I do is get in trouble by myself (legit fear here, lol. One that rarely works its way into my dreams, but one I actually have in waking life) My husband agrees to come back, but he wants to leave the kids with my mom and grandma until we work things out. I agree, and we go inside the house. Inside, there are suddenly three people (two men, one woman) lounging in the living room. One of the guys, a thin and grungy looking guy nods his head in acknowledgement that we're there and then says to my husband, "Dude, I hear your wife's a bitch!" then starts laughing. I'm pretty sure these are friends of my husbands, who probably know the guy who just went to jail, and I don't want to face them knowing they must hate me, so I run back to the bedroom and lock myself in. I can hear the conversation through the door though, and the guy asking my husband why he puts up with me. I get mad again, and storm back into the living room. I tell them they can hate me all they want, but they're in my house and they won't talk about me like that there! They start snickering, and they tell me they're just giving me a hard time. Then they ask what really happened. I tell them, and then they're still laughing and saying, "Yeah, that sounds like something he'd do! That dude's crazy. Good for you, your not so bad!" I feel like things have been smoothed over now, but I'm so tired, I just want to go to bed. My husband and I start to go back to the bedroom again, but then out the bedroom window I see an old building in the back yard with a hole in the stone walls and desks inside. I go outside to investigate. As I look inside I see the desks look old and abandoned. I turn to my husband who followed me out and say, "Doesn't this look like something out of that anime Another?" My husband agrees. Then there's some noise from inside, and I almost scream before I realize it's my husbands friend doing the worm on the floor in the abandoned classroom. I think that's silly, and then wake up!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. SCUBA from a dorm; kissing

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:48 PM (Eraser Blue)
      Dream 1:

      I often have dreams that I am in a dormitory (even though I never lived in one in college) or staying in a hostel. In this case it was a dorm and the room that I was in was actually the home ec room from my old high school, only redecorated/repurposed (I didn't know this during the dream.)

      I was there with a woman that I used to work with and there were some people SCUBA diving, including her husband. He was going to go into some underwater cavern with another guy to retrieve something and she was worried. I was annoyed with her. I told her I'd been there and that it was nothing to worry about and started talking about all the cool things to see there, and while I was doing this we started watching a video someone had taken of the area. I remember distinctly that there were some really cool looking tortoises-not like sea turtles but more like giant Galapagos turtles that lived underwater. They were eating from the ocean floor.

      We were all sitting on beds on the floor and the room was mostly decorated in red, with a shag carpet and white clothes dressers. It seemed like afternoon by the light coming in through the curtains but it felt later.

      The ex-coworker put on her gear and went to wait for or meet her husband near the entrance of the cave. There was a small pool on one end of the dorm room where everyone went into the water and she was just going to go down there and wait. I thought it was stupid of her to do it but I didn't try to stop her.

      I really missed diving and I wasn't sure I could remember how to use a dive computer so I thought I may as well go down too under the pretense of keeping her company so I could get used to having the gear on again and reading my gauges. I put my gear on and headed towards a bedroom to get the rest of my things, thinking that I might need to borrow a mask from someone. When I hooked on my bc some girl in the main room said 'You can't go down now, we're going to be leaving in a few minutes' and I covered by saying I hadn't been planning on it and that I was just getting my things around to leave.

      As I loaded up my backpack I noticed a red gift bag with a card inside. I remembered that I had bought it for a friend for Valentine's day but never given it to her and I wondered if I could re-gift it and give it to the bf for V-day, since it was coming up. The bag was a little dusty but otherwise in good shape. There were dice in the bottom of the bag. I took out the card (white with red lettering) and it said 'Thinking of You' so I decided I couldn't use it.

      Dream fragment:

      I dreamed about kissing a woman with strawberry blond hair, I remember distinctly commenting on her hair and playing with it. I got the distinct feeling in the dream that she'd never kissed another woman and I was afraid to kiss her at first because I thought she was straight. It was a lovely kiss. It seemed to be in the parking lot of a store not far from the house I lived in way back in high school. As I was walking away I started to feel a little bad, though, because I figured it would probably never amount to anything.

      Woke up with Ozzy Osbourne's "Road to Nowhere" stuck in my head.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. 4/11/12

      by , 04-11-2012 at 01:53 PM (Book of Dreams)
      All I remember is that I was explaining something to someone about how my cousin died, but his mom and older brother were there and I didn't want them to know I was talking about him.

      I've been having awful recall lately. I need to start going to bed at a normal time, and not my usual 2:00am. Does anyone else have trouble with this?
      dream fragment , side notes
    9. Church fire, razor blades, and murder!

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:58 AM
      June 15, 2007

      Sitting in a church watching a big screen presentation. A lady to my left was very large and i was smooshed in the seat. She kind of moved toward me, or asked if I would move over, but I had no more room. So, I got up. I was about to leave. People were confessing to the minister in a makeshift confessional made out of cushions and pillows. (and I'm not Catholic)

      I decided to leave. Went to exit door and had my children. I saw a bottle with fire coming out of the top - a dirty bomb! I ran for the other exit. I told someone in a pew that there was a fire or danger. All exits had bombs.

      I think I got out??


      Saw a woman - blurry - at some point she attacked me! I had razor blades and cut her lower arm to make her let go. Then, I was on top of her and had control.

      I woke up.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Nasty Pelicans and School time for Me

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:39 AM
      July 16, 2006
      Pelicans were boxed in - they weren't really trying to get out. On water - many pelicans. They would - or maybe just one - try to bite and nip.

      Now, I'm in line for a psychology class. I had to sign in, but the class was full. Somehow I still got in.

      The teacher took stairs multiple steps at a time, but he got winded and would pause. I would catch up, but then he'd begin again and I would be behind once more. He had blond hair and was male.

      In part of this school (?), people were on gurneys. One woman in particular was on a gurney waiting to be operated on. Patients passed me in the hallway and I got the sense they were missing parts of 'themselves'. Perhaps from the operations? The woman suddenly jumped off the gurney and ran. I followed her but slower. She ran outside and found a gate or exit? Where she slipped into a type of drawer and was gone. A man - perhaps a security guard - chased after her but failed to capture her.

      Then, I was in class at my desk. Both my desk and book were there but my chair was gone - it was missing. The teacher entered the classroom and I said, "While I think pretending to sit or acting like I was sitting would work, it might get painful." And then I asked for my chair back.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. A Party in my House with Bees?

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:26 AM
      April 4, 2006
      [Apparently I found an older entry than originally thought...]

      There's a party inside a house - my house? Windows are open with screens. It's warm out. At some point I notice bees. Bees were getting in the house. I was alarmed - worried. I noticed bees on the ceiling, many bees. I got angry and scolded people because they allowed the bees to come in. people in the party seemed unaware of the bees. I think I was worried that the children would get stung.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Dead Grandparents, roaches, and dogs! Huh?

      by , 04-11-2012 at 03:14 AM
      Someone named, Patty, her husband, Joe, died. We went to my Aunt's house. Bugs were in the beds and on the floor. My grandma died again. She'd died once, but apparently, she wasn't really dead. Now, we had to have her funeral. Pap, my grandfather, called me and asked if we were coming. I said, I didn't think he was going to have a funeral because she'd already had one - it seemed a little awkward. Apparently, he was having the funeral.

      So, I had to get a dress or maybe hose for the funeral. But I was swimming. My kids asked to swim. My daughter said, no, and then we were leaving. I got out of the pool and my brothers said they would meet us there. I think, along the way, a woman was in the road doing something. I offered to pull over so we wouldn't block traffic and she could finish what she was doing. (?) So I pulled over.

      It was now a park like setting. I stayed in the car. A dog I had known, with his friends, came to my car window. I rolled the window down and he licked my face. His owners watched from afar.

      Next scene, I find myself driving to the mall again in search of a dress or hose. The mall is HUGE! And the parking lot was too. I drove the wrong way and someone in the car, I guess, pointed that fact out. They also mentioned that if I kept driving, I'd hit those spikes and ruin my tires. I turned to avoid them and saw a police man. I didn't know how to get to where my brothers had parked at the mall, so I could meet them. The lot and mall were so big. The police officer said to pull off and he'd take me to the mall and the correct lot. (how did he know?) I did as he said.

      As we walked people were following. I began limping as I had hurt my foot. Someone asked about it and I said I hurt it on the beach and stepped on something sharp. We were on steps going down, I think. Hubby came and woke me up.


      Fell back to sleep:

      Dreamed a wasp flew at me and hit me in the face! Darn wasp!!!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Never Yell Fire in a Crowded Building - Unless it's really on FIRE!

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:57 AM
      September 21, 2008

      Day 13

      I dreamed about a fire. A fire was set purposely to kill those inside a building. I escaped with others and found this building further away where everybody was. I thought this place was safe. I saw the fire coming toward this new building and told the people to leave - to get out. I ran for another building, but I had to sneak for if the bad guys saw us they'd kill us. I ended up in a building with African American kids. At one point, i was in a hotel in the halls.


      Knife stabbing. There was a fight over a girl. She went down.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Spiders - BIG Spiders!

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:53 AM
      September 20, 2008

      Day 12
      Dreamed a big spider ran up the wall and hid behind the curtain. Hubby got it with his bare hands. Could see it in his hands Took it outside. When he returned, I asked if he killed it. He did.


      Dreamed about lumps on my arm - forearm.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    15. Party under a Waterfall - Woo Hoo

      by , 04-11-2012 at 02:49 AM
      September 8, 2008

      [This began the time period when I intentionally began trying to recall my dreams, become lucid, and have an OBE]

      Right before bed, I wrote in my Dream Journal:

      I am a spirit in a body capable of experiencing dimensions beyond physical experience. I have the ability to separate from my body, return safely, and remember.

      [First lucid dream occurred on DAY 5]

      My husband's cousins were at a waterfall party and drinking. [an aside: these cousins are very religious and I can't imagine them doing this in real life] The male cousin, we'll call Paul, got drunk and fell asleep. My husband filled the fountain (?) and then went to lie down. Paul was flirting and then he passed out. I played religious music for Kathryn (not her real name).
      non-lucid , dream fragment