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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. False Awakening + DEILD

      by , 10-23-2013 at 03:48 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream ended - 6.25am
      Time Lucid - 2 mins
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      False Awakening:
      I reality check and notice fingers are smaller, and nose plug which worked. I'm dreaming. I get up and stabilize by rubbing my hands together which works, and study hand and spin for maximum effect. The scene looks quite vivid and I'm happy. I spin again and think of a night club to hopefully teleport there, but my couple of attempts don't work. I walk outside and realize I'm only wearing my underwear. At first I think to myself I should put some pants on, but meh it's a dream and move on. I'm outside my old house in blacksland, and walk to the letter box. I see a car come towards me and I run in front of it to see who's driving. It's RP, and he is driving a station wagon which has it's back cut off like a convertible. RP say's to me, how did you know it was me?. Dream fades and I try to DEILD but nothing happens.

      Dream ended - 7.25am
      Time Lucid - 30sec
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      While falling back asleep, I catch the moment my vision goes from blacky-grey to black. I figure this the transition from awake to sleep. I relax my body with each breath and intentionally bring on the sensation of sinking into the bed with each breath. This brings on a scene, but it's not very vivid. I do a hand RC and notice my fingers look tiny. I'm dreaming. I try and get out of bed, but I struggle a little. It feels like I have a lead blanket on me, but Im able to complete the transition. I'm in my bedroom and I stabilize by rubbing hands together. I try another method and check my senses. I take a whiff of air which smells normal. I move onto the visual and look to pick something up. I see my computer table which has a lot of junk on it. The pasta bowl stands out and I figure I should study that. I feel my sleeping mask on my head and decide to take it off but I begin to wake up not long after and try to chain a lucid. It brings on a little scene but fails.

      I notice both dreams were logged at 25 past, which makes me think the dream is failing due my mind waking before the alarm goes off in the next 5 mins. I set intervals during the morning to go off every 30 mins.
      I've been thinking of my dream body and waking up early from a lucid. I really need to get this out of my head.
    2. 20/10/2013

      by , 10-20-2013 at 08:20 PM (LucasPotter's DJ)
      Four dreams (no lucid ones), so let's get this started!

      First dream:

      I was part of a group. We were all dressed in old, dirty clothes. We kept walking around, but the streets were abandoned. Finally, a guy, who was our leader, said that we should go to "the place". Many people were against that, but I agreed with him. In the end, we were the majority, and we started walking to "the place".

      When we got there, it was an abandoned town and it was night, very dark. Our leader pointed to an old ship, made of wood, in the middle of the street. That's where we were supposed to go. Many of the men said again how against they were about this whole thing. The rest of us, still the majority, told them to suck it up and come with us already.

      We entered the ship as quietly as possible. There were zombies walking slowly there. They didn't notice us at first, so we moved slowly and quietly, going to the place where they had kept their food before they became zombies. One of the guys tripped and fell, making the zombies notice us. We split into two groups. One that was getting the food, and one that was fighting off the zombies. I was in the second group, and we lost many people. We finally managed to get out of the ship with the food.

      I looked up and saw many little boys watching us from old buildings. They were hiding there, and they seemed to be starving. Our leader told us we had to take them with us, as it was our obligation to make sure that our world, as fucked up as it was, still had a future.

      I woke up.

      Second dream:

      I was walking with my ex. We were at this weird place, it looked a bit like a fair, except that we were also staying (as in, "living") there and we had classes to go. She was being a bitch (as usual), saying that she wanted to be with me, without telling others. I told her that high school was done a long time ago and that I'd not accept that kind of relationship again.

      I left her and found this weird "class"/activity, where people had to pretend they were in a space ship in a very important mission. Our job was to play the part of the crew of the space ship, and our grades would be on our acting skills. The "teacher" didn't like me because I got there late, so he said I'd go first.. I sat down next to a guy (who I know, but only online) and we got ready for our mission. There was a screen in front of us and we watched as some of our fake colleagues were killed.

      The teacher looked at me and told me to react. I looked back at the screen, raised my arm and shouted "NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" The simulation ended and the screen started giving me grades on my performance. Everything was pretty average (there were about five items), but the final grade was "VERY GOOD!", so I turned to the teacher and smirked.

      He said the machine was probably a bit broken, but fine, I had passed. Then he told the guy next to me that it was his turn. The huge screen started showing a new scene, where our space ship was broken. The teacher told the guy to react, so he got up and tried to shut the door of the fake space ship... and he broke it, including the machine that graded us and gave us the simulations. We all sat there in silence, not knowing what to do.

      I woke up again.

      Third dream:

      I was living in a weird, tiny city. Everything was made of concrete and we had to share rooms, there were no houses. I shared my room with a girl I went to high school with, and, in my dream, I had a crush on her (she was one of the very few people I didn't hate in high school, but I never saw her that way).

      I left and went to work, except that I never did go to work. I found the girl in the middle of the street and she confessed her feelings for me. We got together and it was pretty nice. Then, I told her that I had to go to work, but, again, I never really went to work. I just walked around aimlessly.

      I went back to our room and she was there. We went to bed and cuddled. We talked a bit about random stuff, then I told her I had to get something from the bathroom. I left the room again, with no goal at all. I went back and she was crying. I hugged her and asked her what was wrong. She said that she didn't know, she had been having mood swings for a while now.

      I somehow knew she was pregnant, and told her that. For some reason, we both knew it was my baby, even though we had started dating five minutes earlier. We were happy, though, so yay?

      I woke up. I tried to WBTB and... had a FA (fourth dream):

      I was in my bedroom, laying down on my bed. I got tired of trying to WBTB (), so I got up and decided to watch something on my computer. I started watching this weird film about a guy who worked at this swimming pool-ish kinda place.

      Then, I was the guy. I kept having to clean the place and telling people to be careful, cause the floor was always wet. After a while, someone came in and told me that there were people planning on exploding a bomb in there. We ran out of there just as I saw fire coming from a corridor.

      I was sad that my work had been destroyed and woke up.

      And that's it...
      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Many dreams and fragments, short lucid moments

      by , 10-20-2013 at 02:24 AM

      Many dreams and fragments tonight. Slept in and perhaps the day journal also helping.
      Go to bed too late, 1 a.m. Wake up approximately 3 a.m. Probably too early but do some SSILD cycles. Remember a dream about dream control someone is teaching it online. Another dream fragment something about nobody wants to look at homes in B when they can just look at the homes in A. Something about the former has some areas that are not as nice where is the latter is pretty much all nice. Wake up at 6 a.m. do proper WBTB and try the cycles again. Some of these dreams are before 6 a.m. And some of them are after 6 a.m. Fragment no one wants to play on this field or they are the tennis courts? because the lighting is too low. Walking away from the courts and it is night time. There seems to be apartments or some other buildings around.
      Something after some kind of gathering with people from the office. I say hey D good to see you as always they have some leftover cupcakes and it looks like something was in the middle of each of them but its gone now maybe like a candle or some kind of
      decoration and there does seem to be some wax that burned off from the candle onto the cupcake but the cupcake taste delicious(unfortunately not lucid here).
      There is some kind of gathering at a house and there's a group of people sitting around a table including me and it seems mostly women but when I think that I look over to see at least one other guy sitting around the table. One of the women is either A from my recreational sports team or just reminds me of her. We had a game last night. After chatting for a while I say well I better get going and the person to my right gets up so that I can get out I'm kind of at the far end of the table farthest from the the exit from the table because it is backed into a corner. Someone on my left mentions I could have let you out this way and I said no that's okay if I went that way three of you would have to get up where is this way only one person has to get up to let me out. I say well thanks for having us over but then I realize I'm not talking to the homeowner here just some of the visitors and as I head towards the exit I wonder if I should look for the
      homeowner or sneak out. As I'm approaching the front door I see some other guests in a living room area and then the homeowner comes out and it looks like the guy I see walking his dog in our neighborhood and who used to work at the same place I did. I say to him thank you for having us over and he seems to nod his head in agreement I don't remember him saying anything specific until I'm starting to go out to a sliding door. At this point there are three Bulldogs two smaller ones and one bigger one and he's trying to open the sliding door in a way that I can get out but the dogs do not get out. I attempt to help him by stepping over the biggest dog and keeping my foot in the way as I go out the door. The biggest dog is barking but more excitement he doesn't try to bite me or anything. The homeowner did kind of jump like he was worried that the dog was going to bite me. As I go out the door the bigger dog is putting his foot and claw through some part of
      the door and homeowner says oh I need to remove that last claw so he can't do that when he says that I look back and he has a silver piece where the back claw would be kind of like someone might have a silver tooth and I notice it. I see the dog examining it as I walk away. I think it's strange but it doesn't seem to make me lucid.
      I'm walking down a street and there are two women in front of me maybe early twenties. I can hear one of them tell the other one I know I look cute. They enter the building probably an apartment building what flat and I can see them walking up the stairs. Continue on and next to the left of it there's a big open window with all kinds of art interesting art and its up on the 2nd or 3rd floor...someone's home. I see two other women coming my way and I don't want them to think I was just checking out those two women that went into the apartment so I pretend to stop and admire the art and then really start to admire it forget all about the women. Some of the art looks like stuff I may have seen in waking life somewhere but I'm not sure. Now all of the sudden it is like that homeowner is selling a bunch of stuff on the street out front. Someone mentions how he has a piece called Marilyn in Paris or something like that and seems to be Marilyn Monroe. Before
      I get a chance to go check it out someone has it in her hand as they walk around looking at the other stuff . Too late for that one. I'm looking over miscellaneous stuff on the table and it seems to be a series of DVDs on the table that seems to be some kind of racy artsy movies they are all in black boxes with plain riding no pictures and the total includes the word mind. Also there was some nice older paintings that look like originals and it seemed like he wasn't selling anything for too much money.
      Some fragments about a strike and alternatives .
      Me and J from my recreational sports team are in the downtown area. It seems like where in the city north west of where I live. I'm not sure why would be hanging out with him. He's the one teammate I do not get along with very well. We are leaving someplace and heading down the main road by the water when I say over should go back to where we came in to make a right up the hill and then another right up the hill and then all the sudden we are walking and making our way through the city scape . At one point we have to jump down of a Ledge down to a landing below and when I drop down there such an away and I seem to be able to grab it and move it as I'm landing. We continue weaving in and out of some alleys.
      I am in a kitchen that is probably supposed to be some mix between my sister in laws house and my mother in laws old house. My brother in law and his brother are sitting in the eat in kitchen area and I and my sister in law are in the kitchen. There's a little divide where you can't see directly from the you didn't catch in area into all parts of the kitchen and were tucked away a little out of you of those people in the eat in kitchen area. For some reason I say to my sister in law you know you want some of this. And she or I says well do you want to go in the bathroom. It seems like the suggestion is she's going to give me a blow job. Very odd! She's not even attractive anymore. She used to be somewhat.
      I am sleeping in today and I get up maybe around 9am after 8 hours of sleep go to the bathroom walk around a little bit have a quick snack and then lay back down and do the cycles once more. It seems like I have a little trouble getting back to sleep but eventually I start to get the vibrations and I enter a dream lucid. I'm looking into a window I think I am and floating because it seems to be an upper floor and I am outside and there is a woman in a flowing white gown more like a night gown than a dress but it's fully covering her. She looks somewhat ghostly but I do not take her as a ghost and I do not see her as a sexual mate but rather I want to get closer to her for some reason.Unfortunately this is when my wife tolls over and says hey do you want to go to the farmers market? This was definitely in waking life because when I eventually got up, sure enough that is where we were heading even though we have not discussed it the day before. Because her
      timing is sometimes so terrible waking me from a lucid dream I sometimes question whether or not it could have been a false awakening but this one I'm quite sure was for real. I even asked her in that moment if I was moving or something why did she wake me if I look fast asleep and she said no I wasn't moving. I asked her to please just let me sleep until I roll over or something. She doesn't really understand lucid dreaming aspect and doesn't really like me focusing on dreams except when I tell her of the seven or so dreams I've had with her father who has passed on. Somewhere during this late morning sleep in period I was able to see in my room even though I had the sleep mask on and I realized that I'm dreaming because I could still see despite the sleep mask but I think I woke myself up trying to sense if the sleep mask was still in position over my eyes and sure enough it was unfortunately I was awake by then. For my lucid dreaming count on TV I
      only feel comfortable counting one tonight even though there were two events both of them too short. Not sure how to count it for the competition.

      Updated 10-20-2013 at 02:28 AM by 61674

      lucid , false awakening
    4. 2 LDs in a row :D and a weird dream.yep.

      by , 10-19-2013 at 11:25 AM
      First lucid : [COLOR="#008080"]I'm in a supermarket, I do a RC and realize I'm dreaming.I think about what I should do and suddenly remember to stabilize.I stabilize and the dream becomes clearer. Kris suddenly appears and we look for some kind of shoes when mom comes and drags me to a cake shop. She tells me that she ate some really nice cake and that I should try it too. I tell mom that I'm too busy. I look a bit inside the cake shop and I see a cake that I actually ate in real life before. I change my mind and tell mom that I'll eat that cake to see if it tastes as in real.The dream skips to the back of my apartment block(It's night) and I see that purpleish portal in the sky, I try to fly to it but couldn't so I give up. I walk more and notice there's a party not far away from here. I check my pockets for things and I find my katana.I tell myself : Yes, One of my goals is to fight a monster, I should try it. I walk faster and see 2 rocks on the ground. I grab one from the ground and feel the coldness. (I know I did way more things but this is pretty much all I remember)[/COLOR]

      2nd Lucid : [COLOR="#008080"]All I remember is that I woke up and made a RC. I realize I'm dreaming so I go to the window and rip off the curtain. Mom comes to me and tells me : What the fuck you think you're doing? I respond: Mom, Don't ruin this lucid, Please, Go do something else. She's like : What are you talking about? This is not a dream, go back to sleep! I listen to her and lose my lucidity.[/COLOR]

      Dream 3 : [COLOR="#800080"]I'm in some kind of a mall and there are many slides inside it. I see a guy from real life and I try to pretend I didn't saw him while laughing at mom playing at the slides(All of us had the same hoodies). He comes to me and asks me if I remember him. I say yes and then the dream skips to a playground. I'm sitting on the ground near the guy and mom is also here(fu). I'm for some reason in my bra and his friend tries to get it off. I put it back and the other guy tells him it's not funny and then slaps him. The guy says sorry and I nod. [/COLOR]
    5. Fight Night (18.10.13)

      by , 10-19-2013 at 07:43 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      I'm at Daryl's old house in my home town. I walk inside, and it now becomes a big factory.

      I'm now watching Connor McGregor and someone who may be or looks like Mike Pyle. It's the first couple of seconds of the fight, and Connor catches Mike with a right handed jab, which makes him stumble onto his backside.

      Now I see Diego Sanchez (DS). I hear someone say that they miss the DS of old. DS says that he could win the belt once he beats Connor.

      I'm walking outside, on a deck that's built above the water. I'm trying to make my way back to somewhere. As I reach the corner, I see that I'm blocked by 3 ladies. I think it's a ladies only entrance. Some of the ladies get up and allow me to pass. One of the ladies jumps into the water, so I decide to join her and follow. I reach a door and see a box. I open the box, expecting something to be inside, but it's empty. I wander around outside, searching for something.

      Dana White has told me that when I go inside the factory no one will be there. I realise I won't be able to see any dream characters etc. (I think Dana meant, when I'm not in the factory people are there, but as soon as I enter, they leave

      I try and sneak around through the front door to exit the back door to hopefully fool one of the fighters into thinking I'm not coming towards them. I start to wake up and I see the back door, but it looks like it's fading. I try to focus on the scene which makes it more vivid, but I lose it eventually.

      False Awakening:
      I check my iPod touch to see how long I have until I have to wake up. I guess the time would be around 8.50am, but it's 8.35am

      Dream Fragment:
      I fall over unco and I get back up.
    6. large fragments, dream recall still recovering from spicy food incident lel

      by , 10-17-2013 at 01:40 AM
      Still recovering my sleeping schedule from that spicy food encounter, my dream recall is getting back on track. I set an alarm for 4:15 am and could not get back to bed til around 7 am no matter what I tried, I put on white noise and put a pillow inbetween my legs, read my calculus textbook and "relieved" myself, all things that make me sleepy but to no effect. My dream recall may take a dip because I plan on sleeping for a full 8 hours so that once my body gets used to it I can go back to waking up at 4 and going back to sleep no problem.

      Anyways here are my dreams from last night, or this morning rather:

      7 am
      Dream 1: I am in some house in a rural area. It looks like a vacation home and I feel as if my whole family is there but they all went out to go somewhere and I stayed home. I had to replace the batteries in this one device, it had 4 energizer batteries and the one that I had to replace said "16 weeks" and no charge when I did the little test on the battery. So I replaced it with the other smart living batteries. Im amazed how realistic the batteries were when I put them in. I get the batteries in the device and put the dead battery in the smaller device that works with only 1 working battery and its some sort of laser/flashlight. I lock myself in this small room and feel like I left my phone outside but see it on the table. At this point I suddenly become aware someone else is in the house. I am in the small dark room and I hear their footsteps outside. I try to keep my hands on the doorknob in case the person knows how to unlock the door and he tries to rattle it as hard as he can but I hold on until I wake up.

      8:30 am (false awakening)
      Dream 2: I feel like I wake up and am doing something in the basement when I see a white widow spider on tv, this guy is on a nature show and talking about the spider in its natural habitat. The spider is this giant spider thats legs span about 8 inches and has a white marking on the spiders abdomen. There is some gap in memory of the dream here, then I see a white widow spider right next to me so I go upstairs. My mom made this beef stew thing so I start eating it. I start telling her I need to eat whole grains while I eat this meal. The meal Im eating has beef, tomatoes, a crapload of jalapenos, and some green leaf or vegetable. (sounds kind of disgusting irl). At this point I tell her theres a white widow spider downstairs and we go down. Then I show her where it is and it starts running across a strand of string it has and right on to my dog shadows face. Im about to try to kill the spider before it bites my dog then I wake up.

      Whats strange is the second dream felt so real as opposed to my other dreams I had no idea it was a dream. Other dreams I somehow know they are a dream but don't have the full conciousness to realize im dreaming yet.

      Updated 10-17-2013 at 02:02 AM by 60885

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening , dream fragment
    7. 17th Oct 2013 Fragments and MiniLD

      by , 10-17-2013 at 01:09 AM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      Something was going on at home and then i was watching some fraxy replay, there was some boss that spawned walls of bullets from the bottom of screen while firing pattern fro the top.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      I was at home and there was some loud radio and an hot air baloon flying outside, then i noticed part of wall gone AWOL and everything faded. I wake up and hear weird sound, and feel that i am dreaming, i briefly see miniature shadowy terraria-like slime jumping on the table but it shortly disappears. Then i go for balcony but dream fades and i wake up.
    8. LD: Inviting people to fly with me.

      by , 10-16-2013 at 05:54 AM
      I had a very long lucid dream. It was one of those dreams when you wake up you're not sure you can remember everything you did. But I'll try.

      First memory. I was in a basement family room. I remembered I wanted to do the lucid task where you were to walk on the walls and ceiling. I tired to walk up the wall. I was surprised that I was having trouble. I had pictured doing it and it seemed like such a simple task. Finally I just used the heels on my shoes and dug them into cracks and walked up the wall that way.

      Later my dad was in the room. I wanted to show him that I could hover on the ceiling. I floated up and landed on the ceiling and called to him so I could show him.

      Later I was on what looked like my back deck, only it was higher and the surrounding area looked like California. I knew I could fly, but I was reluctant since the ground seemed so far below. But I bravely jumped into the abyss and luckily started to hover...then fly. I flew down to a group of people where I saw Jeanene L. I said Hi as I flew by.

      At one point I came to a trailer park. A guy was coming out of a trailer. His mom was yelling at him. The guy was in his 20s and looked like Prince Harry. I flew to him and asked if he wanted to get away and fly with me. He reached out his arm and I took his hand and he immediately arose and started to fly with me. I knew he was happy to be with me.

      I seem to remember waking at this point. I forced myself back into the dream and I ended up on my deck again. I did the same thing. Again I found a guy to fly with. This guy was about 20 and had medium length brown hair. I don't remember much about this part.

      If I remember correctly I had another FA that sent me back to my deck. I flew off once again. I remember reaching out and running my hand through the leaves of a mulberry tree as I flew.

      I have a brief memory of my aunt.

      I then saw a group of people. I decided I needed to find a guy to kiss. It took a while to finally find a guy that looked right. This guy was about 20 and had dark brown curls and a nice face with full-ish lips. I started to kiss him and he kissed me back. It was a nice slow kiss. I think I also flew with him.
    9. False Awakenings Galore

      by , 10-15-2013 at 05:20 AM
      Last night I had a ton of false awakenings, and a lot of them involved math homework that I had forgotten to do IRL the before I went to sleep and me scrambling to get it done in study hall before class.

      So the first time I remember I was in the car and one of my parents was driving (although I usually drive myself to school). Anyways, then I can remember frantically scrambling to get my homework done in the car. I can even remember what the problems were! I had to do like, 20 problems involving dividing polynomials.

      This was the only dream I vividly remember, however as the morning proceeded I kept having all of these false awakenings where I was really nervous about going to school since my homework wasn't done. It was like repeating the horrible waking up process to go to school OVER AND OVER. I am already not a morning person, and this certainly didn't help. It almost felt like a relief when I finally ACTUALLY woke up... until the moment where you get out of the shower and it's 6 AM and you are freezing, and realize you have to go to school for 9 hours and... yuck...

      Anyways ya... that's it from last night.

      See ya
    10. Dreamland: Hot Sex with my Ex-Ex-GF

      by , 10-15-2013 at 03:55 AM
      Auto-hypnotic suggestion is almost as good as any other recall technique for me. Showing up at Dream Views and reading a few dreams has numerous times helped my recall and lucidity. Last night, I also woke up for about an hour partly due to lower back pain. The dream was very realistic, but I wouldn't say hyper realistic. I've only experienced a handful of dreams I consider to be hyper realistic here on Dream Views. I don't usually post dreams with sexual content, but this was a good one. I rarely recall dreams about sex when I'm in a relationship, but I've been single for the past month.

      As usual, exactly how this dream started is lost...

      I was in a very nice apartment or large central bedroom. It could be described as a bedroom setup in the middle of a sunken living room. There were bookshelves with various items. Several open doors leading to other rooms. The decor was fun but matured looking. Gray carpet. There were shafts of light coming in from various places, so it appeared to be broad daylight outside.

      I was with my ex, ex GF. She looked well adjusted and emotionally and physically healthy. She was dressed in soft indoor looking clothes. Her hair, skin, and textured white shirt were very vivid. I don't recall exactly what we were talking about by I know it turned to us. We were both single. She was casually admitting her head was not on straight when we were together. I recall explaining that I had grown a lot since that time and wasn't proud of how I handled things either. There was a very warm, almost glowing feeling between us. I remember feeling like, we don't know a better place to put our hands but on each other.

      We started touching each other on the bed. Her skin, like before was incredibly smooth and tan. She seemed to be in slightly better shape, and she was in good shape to begin with. We melted into each other. I remember she was wearing loose fitting white shorts. She was not wearing anything underneath. I kissed her naval and slid off her shorts with no hesitation. I went down on her. She made the most sensual sounds. I was in a trance. She started to orgasm after a few more moments. She didn't want to yet. She resisted by saying a few words I don't recall. She did not move away or push me.

      I sat up and so did she. She looked at me filled ecstasy. She said something to me like, that was no fair. She slid her head down to my crotch. I was like stone. She put her mouth on me in a way that can be described as both filled with lust and hunger. Almost reckless, but shy of that. I was ready to come almost instantly. This felt real. She pulled away with a strikingly beautiful smile. I recall feeling slightly frustrated when she stopped. We snapped ourselves out of the trance and laid down together embracing. There was a strong feeling of agreement that we shouldn't jump into relationship mode again too soon.

      We fell asleep together. This was a dreamed sleep. I seemed to wake up later and the room was dark. I figured I just woke up in real life and lamented at the missed chance to have such an intense physical encounter. I stood up out of bed and looked back. There she was besides me, wrapped in a blanket, and sound asleep. I thought wow, this really is happening again.
      --Then I woke.

      Oddly, I had a very different dream about her almost exactly one year ago today: Dreamland: Lucid Corner & Ex-Ghost Fragment #2 I have not had feelings for her since 2007, and the dream a year ago reflects more the typical sort of dream she pops up in. This dream had an impact on my day. One of the most sensual dreams I recall having in many years.

      This dream falls into an old motif of my dreams: Bizarre Apartment
    11. DEILD + Multiple False Awakening

      by , 10-15-2013 at 03:27 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Time Lucid - DEILD (30sec), False awakening 1 (30sec), False awakening 2 (2min)
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      Dream Fragments:
      I'm watching TV at my house, and I see my Dad.

      I'm looking into the trees/ditch, where I used to run around the c-town football ground.

      I'm at my primary school, on the oval at night. I was thinking of having a wank on the oval (right.. getting my creep on I see.) I see a girl walk passed the fence, and she was dragging a sheet along with her. I wake up and begin the DEILD process. I've been on a bit of a dry spell and got a tad excited and got up too early out of my dream body. My vision was pretty messed up looking, so I decided to take off my glasses which worked for more clarity. I check my hand for a reality check, but just do it out of habit, due to the fact I know I'm dreaming. I double check by levitating myself up to the ceiling of my room and touch the roof. I walk out of my room and notice that my Dad is making his bed, but the room looks different. I try and piss him off for the hell of it as he makes his bed. I then wake up.

      False Awakening 1:
      I get out of my bed and look at my hand, and notice I have 3 fingers. I'm dreaming. I look around for a pill in my draw, expecting it to be there and being LCD. I keep coming up empty, but I do find some empty medication tabs. I look towards my bed and see that there is another empty tab. I decide to fly out of my room, low to the ground. I fly through the kitchen and passed Dad's lounge room. I notice that someone is in the lounge room as I pass and I pull on the brakes and slide across the floor. I begin to wake up and I prepare for a DEILD chain. The scene re-appears, laying in the exact same spot. I rush through the transition and fail the DEILD *shakes head* so impatient lol.

      False Awakening 2:
      I'm in my bedroom standing up, I do a RC and realize I'm dreaming. I begin to stabilize the dream by rubbing my hands together, and taking off my glasses which helped a lot. I look at my hands and really study them to get the scene even more vivid. I walk out of my room into the lounge room where Dad is. I see that he's half on and half off the couch, asleep with a blanket half over him. I try and wake him so I can talk to him, but pushing him a little. He awakens and still looks half asleep, and doesn't want to make convocation. I give up on Dad and walk into his bedroom, and walk towards his bed. I look to see if Mum is under the blankets (or anyone else). As I lift the blanket up, I see a dog walk out from under the blankets. It's not my dog Rex and it is a lot bigger then my dog. I look at my hands again to try and keep this lucid dream going, as the recent lucid dreams have been very short). My hand looks as if they are cracked. I continue to really focus on them. I felt confident the dream would last longer now. I figure I should leave the house (I usually never make it out of the house). I walk towards the door, intending to go across the road to the neighbors house to see who I could meet and talk to/have sex with (my penis gets the better of me a lot). As I reach the door, my alarm goes off and wakes me.

      I've never had more then 2 lucid dreams in 1 night. I'm wrapped with getting 3. What made it better was it was coming off of a dry spell
    12. 14th Oct 2013 Fragments, FA and MiniLD

      by , 10-14-2013 at 02:45 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall from today"s WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was reading someone's dream apparently on a side that looked vaguely like DA, it was about an island and a blue dragon.

      Dream 2(fragment):

      i was talking to friends on skype.

      Dream 3:

      I wake up in bed but i am in different room. There's a collection of dragon plushies in front of the bed and some of them are a bit changing so i am dreaming, i try to phase through window but dream destabilizes and i bounce off, then it fades out.
    13. False awakening lucid dream

      by , 10-13-2013 at 10:23 PM
      Basically I got up to take a shower/bath,when I went to get out I realized I was still wearing cloths,I looked in the mirror and my face was different and realized i was dreaming( although I kind of couldn’t believe it cause it seemed so real) i checked again with the nose pinch test and i could still breath,then i tried the finger through the hand check but it didn't really work,i tried useing the bathroom door to summon my gamma's apartment but when i looked through the slight crack in the door it was still the kitchen so I went to go to my room,once I was there I noticed my blankets were all over the place(its so sided and it was the checkerboard pater, so really tippy) and seemed to be lit with a back-light ,I tried jumping on them and floated down every time,I heard my mom n decided 2 go to bed,i saw the lucid dream books i got from the library so i looked at the writing and looked away,when i checked it i didn't notice any difference ,when I went to get into my bed it was a lot bigger and taller than usual,after I got in I covered up heard my mom cough and woke up
    14. 13th Oct 2013 Confusing story, Lucid stuck in false awakenings

      by , 10-13-2013 at 03:08 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Dream recall fro today's WBTB/naps.

      Dream 1(fragments):

      I was playing Terraria and there was something ab out lightning strikes and weapon debuffing.

      Dream 2(fragments):

      i was watching some kind of story, it was happening on sky islands and it was raining. Inhabitants were afraid of rain, then more characters arrived and inhabitants were telling them about rules of the place. Then i found some place in void where authors of the story were making some art, a drawing of skulls, i've talked to them and was watching. Then characters from the story were suddenly in different part of void and they had to find can of paint, then they were back on sky islands and they had to dig out some people that were stuck in the ground, that made another person angry which shout was heard through the island and he summoned thunderstorm, scaring inhabitants even more. There was also some text on the side of island.
      Then i wake up, hearing chanting voice
      and i realize that i am dreaming, but split-second after i move i get teleported into initial position. That continues a good number of times where i either get teleported or FA again. During one i briefly see brief shadowy dragon figure, which then vanishes.After a few more teleports/FAs i even lose lucidity for a bit, but then some DC falls on bed from the ceiling and i regain lucidity, and also get unstuck from the loop, i get up and go to balcony, then dream fades out.

      Updated 10-13-2013 at 10:15 PM by 59854

      false awakening , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid
    15. 3 Lucids in a row.

      by , 10-13-2013 at 11:15 AM
      Dream 1 : [COLOR="#008080"]I was in my bedroom and I see dad laying on the bed and it kind of seems like mom and dad are arguing again. I do a RC for the sake of doing it ( Didn't ever thought I was dreaming or something) I see 6 fingers on my right hand and I drop my jaw.I waited so much for this. I get out the room and get mom's telephone , type a random number and wait Kris to respond.This time, my mom didn't let me talk on the telephone because I needed to do something with a belt (idk) . I wait and wait but nobody responds, I put the telephone down and I go to the shoes storage and look for some nice shoes, I find some nice wine colored wedge sneakers and I put them on. I also wanted a dress so I made it appear. It was a teal colored dress which wasn't the coolest dress ever but for that time it will do. I tell mom that i'm going outside she tells me to be careful. I go outside and I keep yelling for Kris. I get outside the apartment block and I yell really loud : KRIS!? Everybody looks at me and they are like : What do you think you're doing? Shut up. I sigh then I go and look more for him. I see 2 people who were holding hands and they were blowing kisses at me for some reason...(It was snowing outside).[/COLOR]

      Dream 2 : [COLOR="#008080"]I wake up in the bed again and I'm like : Oh no! I lost the dream! I sigh and then I do a RC again. I have 6 fingers again. I look more to be sure and I see shadows and my finger chopped. I wake up and I go look in the mirror. I'm looking just normal except my face is kind of roundish. I ask the mirror : Hey, How would I look like blonde? I turn my head to the wall and then turn it back to the mirror and I see myself blonde. I try black this time, Works again. When I try with red I have a hard time. My hair color keeps turning into blonde with pink and red highlights. I look at the wall then back to the mirror and this time I have my natural hair color but my right side is red. I make my hair straight because it was kind of wavy and then I put some blonde ends and I go outside. In the hall there are some clothes there that look really nice. I browse a bit and realize that those clothes are way too small for me. I keep yelling for Kris again while going in the back of my apartment block. I see a lot of people there and I'm wondering what they are doing. I meet with my sister and her best friend and I tell them : You guys know you're dreaming right? They are really happy and yell : YES WE KNOW. I go to the other people and ask what they are doing. They said they were doing funny stuff to recover kids from I don't know what disease. I told them that was really nice and if I could help? They say no because I'm a female -.- . I say : Seriously? This happened before. I go in the front of my apartment block and yell for Kris again and I ask some people about him. I look at the sky and there is the moon looking a bit different. I yell once again Kris really loud and I see him appearing. I go and glomp him and I'm like : Kris!!! Hi!!!! He was really tall so I asked him if he could get a bit smaller just so he can be closer to my height. He keeps refusing and I ask him what's wrong. He says nothing(He seems sad) and I ask him why he cheated on me. He suddenly becomes red at face and tells me that he didn't cheat on me. I slap him and tell him that I saw him with a blonde girl kissing. He shuts up for like 5 seconds then tells me that he loves me but I am way too jealous then he dissappears.[/COLOR]

      Dream 3 : [COLOR="#008080"]I'm taking a bath and I do a RC and I have 6 fingers on my right hand. *That's all I remember*[/COLOR]
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