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    Lucid Dreams

    1. False Replica Reflections

      by , 05-11-2018 at 08:03 AM
      so this is a dream theory that when one perceives there imagery In dreams and reflects lights in the darkness of seeing human and conscious awareness in dream thinking demons angels monsters are all your subconscious creations so when dreaming in nightmare in ld its your mind trying to fathom how you perceive your own after life in a game played when your eyes are closed so when closing your eyes and meeting dream characters and having view and conversation when sleeping being that your mind makes a deep desire to replicate and create images in your own being and waking life seeing images and reflection of the scary monster the most ruthless demons the most exotic angels and having conversation with other human dreamers in a sense of imagery your mind wakes up in a dream a you seeing other images that aren't your image sometimes I'm not sure if someone has just a standing in a mirror point of view of seeing their lives unfold so when your mind contracts the darkness to reflect the light you make up being in the darkness in moments notice while trying to wake for daily activities in your own pre-set mind games and conscious fathoming
    2. Log 1107 - Fork in the Streams

      by , 05-11-2018 at 02:02 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Thursday 10 May 2018

      Got a very long dream to note, a brief moment of which was a DILD. There's also some scraps.
      Spoiler for Not gonna lie, it's a wall of text:

      Updated 05-11-2018 at 03:38 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    3. Lost in thought...

      by , 05-10-2018 at 07:07 PM
      I'm walking about in my studio, which is just a fancy name for my computer room with big TV home theater setup and consoles. I'm lost in thought thinking what to do. I have so much to do, but I feel stagnant. I have enrolled in so many courses online as well. I just couldn't decide what to do and am feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the stuff I set out to do. I stop for a moment and look around.

      I notice that the room is completely empty. No home theater stuff, no couch, no computer table or chair. It's all completely empty. It occurs to me immediately I'm in a dream. However, I didn't feel like doing anything. I was feeling indifferent about the realization. I wanted to continue thinking about what I wanted to do. I tried jumping and immediately I started to float about as if there was no gravity. I continued being lost in thought just floating from one end of the room to the other and back again. It was calming to just float and think. I think to myself it would be cool if I can do this in waking.

      I decide to get grounded again and place my feet on the floor and suddenly the room changes somewhat. It now becomes a bedroom, but not exactly like my bedroom. It's as if my bed and stuff had been moved into my studio. I look around. That was sort of cool. It was bit dim though without enough light coming in through the windows. It was nighttime. I turn on the lights and sit down on edge of my bed. I didn't feel motivated to do anything. I decide I'll go take a relaxing bath. There is a knock at the door, I reply with "you can come in." It was Kana. She comes in looking surprised to see our studio turned into a bedroom. There was that unmistakable radiance about her, this was not just a Kana dream character. I ask her how she was feeling. She looks at me and tilts her head "Hey, you are lucid..." I look away. I say "Maybe... anyway, I was thinking of taking a bath." She looks puzzled. "In a dream?" she asks. I get up and ask her playfully if she wants to join me. She gets all flustered replying "look who's all grown up now." Of course, I was teasing. Something Kana used to do all the time. The bathtub wasn't nearly big enough for two anyway and I didn't feel like manipulating the dream. Kana says she's gonna nap if I'm not going to do anything. I get up and get undressed and wrap myself in towel. Then I put on light music and place my phone in the basket in the bathroom. I fill up the bathtub and put in some bath salts. I get into the warm bath. It was relaxing. I listen to the music. I never heard the music before. I lean my head back looking at the ceiling wondering what I'm doing. I'm in a lucid dreaming, I can be doing anything else but I had no motivation. I could be hanging out with Kana, but she would realize I'm feeling troubled and I didn't want to worry her. I think about my online courses and which I should prioritize. I still haven't put our life back together since Kana passed away. I get lost in thought. I start to feel drowsy and the dream fades.

      Updated 05-10-2018 at 09:01 PM by 68908

    4. The Skunk (one of many excellent childhood dreams)

      by , 05-10-2018 at 01:08 PM
      Morning of August 21, 1965. Saturday.

      In early morning, I am walking through an outdoor maze-like area in an undetermined location with about six other children of whom are unfamiliar. On each side of the old and broken sidewalk are various unusual plants in flower boxes of about two feet high of which are adjacent to the sidewalk. Some of the plants are as high as about three feet, but many seem to be drying out, some stems almost straw-like. Some of the plants seem like oversized sandspurs (Cenchrus), though a few have attractive flowers. The area is possibly an abandoned plant nursery or the forgotten large garden of someone who had moved. There is conversation, but I mostly had only recalled a girl saying something about “the garden bed”.

      Someone’s forgotten private garden may more likely be the case, as we eventually seem to be in the unmaintained backyard of a suburban residence.

      There seems to be the presence of an unusual odor, firstly thought to be coming from some pale flowers.

      We all walk closer to the back of the house. A girl in our small group opens the back door of this house. There appears to be something moving in the darkness in the center of the room. It is seemingly a skunk, but we can only see the white part of it very clearly. I suddenly become aware that it is startled and puzzled by our presence, and curiously, and very interestingly, the white part (body and tail) quickly form a question mark. The formation of the question mark, which seems to hover in the air (though I am still aware that a skunk is there) creates an intriguing sense of awe and surprise upon waking, as if the skunk’s surprise and puzzlement are my own; as if I am the skunk being awakened by the girl in the doorway.

      At this last point, I am seemingly also immediately (without implied to have walked here) near the center of the dark room, looking at the white vertical question mark while seeing the girl’s silhouette in the doorway. I eventually consider that it is my mother coming in to look in on me as I am sleeping (a puzzling transformation of the girl around my age suddenly becoming an adult as well as briefly perceiving myself as a skunk).

      This is one of many childhood dreams that taught me that dreams were based on the autosymbolic nature of the dream state and waking transition rather than having a waking life “interpretation”. The phrase “garden bed” in this case is an indicator that I am asleep and dreaming, though I do not become lucid here other than in the final moments.

      The transition of the preconscious shifts from my dream self’s perspective to seeing the skunk as my emergent consciousness. As with many other dreams, the autosymbolism is directly based on the puzzlement of becoming aware that I am dreaming. (This is inherent to the foundational meaning of all waking process autosymbolism.)

      The unknown girl in the doorway establishes this as doorway waking autosymbolism (a very common waking process). The door is autosymbolism for the impending exit from my dream in the final scene as well as the door to my real-life bedroom (and in fact, I have often used this knowledge for both liminal dream control and deliberately vivifying the dream state). It is a girl around my age due to the downscaling of my mother (who is usually the one to wake me while standing in my doorway).

      The skunk and its intriguing transformation into a question mark represents my puzzlement in liminal space (dark featureless room in this case rather than a more defined autosymbolic liminal space construct such as a porch or parking lot), as well as a form of defense against the preconscious factor in my liminal focus of not wanting to get out of bed just yet even though my dream self’s vague intent is to find my way back to my conscious self identity (which is basically what a dream is).

      I believe that this dream also had a precognitive thread, first validated in 1978 when my parents and I moved back to Wisconsin. The backyard and the back of the house in my dream seemed to match, in appearance, color, and orientation and distance (relative to the 901 Rose Street building we lived in on the second floor years previously), to the house my sister Marilyn (who had lived in the apartment across from my parents and I on Rose Street) was living in years later. (This is curious, as the majority of my dreams otherwise have unique fictitious composites as a setting.) Additionally, my father built cinder block flower boxes (similar to those of my dream) onto the front of our house after we had moved to Florida in 1967.

      Tags: skunk
    5. Retreiver - Night 9

      by , 05-10-2018 at 09:47 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      In the midst of the gloomy and frigid street, I could discern a small glowing sign, with unreadable labelling. Driven by destiny, I entered the building, to find myself in another cold and dark area. Nonetheless, from a barely visible blue carpeted staircase, I could hear some chatter and laughter, accompanied with the harsh and bleaching white light of masses of large and rectangular bulbs. Before long, I had ascended the staircase, to find myself in the conclusion of a modest recital, yet again with the blue carpet. There were multitudes of tables packed with individually shared food, such as chocolate bars and biscuits. Nonetheless, something was strange. Two men in black suits lurked in the corner closest to the staircase, whilst talking into block-like phones from the 1990s. They were watching me while they spoke, and as soon as they had concluded their conversation, they approached me silently, and gestured me through a red door. It was a reasonably spacious room, lacking in furnishing except for a whiteboard, and an elaborate mirror with silver embellishments located in a corner several yards away from me. Predictably, they pulled out identification of their allegiance, the FBI. As they approached me, I realized how ridiculous the situation was, and how text on the whiteboard was mysteriously morphing between each glance. I became lucid, and left with not many preferable alternatives, I dashed towards the mirror, the surface now commencing to shimmer and liquefy.

      I dove through it with ease, and after momentary non-existence, I fell onto hard pavement. As I rose, I could see a verdant yet organized suburban street. I suddenly recalled that I wished to gain deeper insight into the state by talking to a dream character. As I turned around to scan my vicinity, I noticed a golden retriever at my heels, with a surprisingly intelligent expression. Consequently, I proceeded to ask it a question: “What is your favourite animal, an elephant perhaps?” I realized that my query was a foolish question, when it started to growl and attack my calves, almost certainly due to my insensitive suggestion. What was I thinking? Desperate, I inquired about its favourite colour. Consequently, it responded in a gruff and deep tone,“Orange”. Unexpectedly, the animal vanished.

      Abandoned, I proceeded across the street to enter a grey building with an unknown purpose, but it seemed to be replete with dream figures. I entered through the glass door to find myself in a vestibule, but as I was entering the interior, a couple, who are the parents of WB, also entered. They smiled, and I said “Hi” in a friendly manner, to be merely shunned, as the mother patronizingly commented “Use ‘hello’ with us in the future, okay?” Offended yet embarrassed, I decided to wake up.

      Unsurprisingly, the first search of the day was "Is hi rude?"
      lucid , memorable
    6. Dream - Can't Get The Guide & Airport Chaos

      by , 05-10-2018 at 04:49 AM
      Date of Dream: THU 10 MAY - 2018

      Dream No. 327 - Separated Sections

      Dream 327 A - Can't Get The Guide (Lucid Dream 18)
      I don't remember much of this dream. From what I can remember, I was at some unknown house, although it was in my local area. I looked down at my fingers and took in the abnormal six... This is when I became aware that I was dreaming. I knew what I wanted to do this time. I walked backwards and forwards across the kitchen while saying “Dreamy WB! You've got to come and penalise Logan, I have to check his mail!”.

      No matter what I did, there was no response; she just would not appear. I was determined this time to not lose a chance with lucidity and I wanted to achieve those tasks. I kept calling and calling until I eventually woke up to attend to my blocked nose.

      Dream 327 B - Airport Chaos
      I don't remember how this dream started. From where I can remember, I was at this unknown airport. I see all these people around the place that are familiar to me. There's this company advertising themselves and at the booth are these famous American people; I don't know them though, they only claim to be famous in the dream. I went up to them but forgot what happened specifically. I think I was ignored, they disregarded me.

      I saw Logan with these people and so I went to speak to him. He led me into another room of the airport that resembled an old, worn down $2 shop. He was showing me all of this supposed Jeffy merchandise which he was complaining about. He said he didn't like a lot of the stuff and that it was bringing his YouTube channel down. I see these plain coloured light blue T-shirts hanging on a rack and so I ask Logan if they're apart of the downfall; he said they weren't.

      The dream then shifted scenes to be in the parent's bedroom of my old house. I was in the bed, scrolling on my phone. I was on my Facebook account, typing a comment on the The GamerLand Podcast page, explaining to Kevin Miller what TAFE meant, since he did previously ask. Note, that what has already happened is an exact replica of what happened in real life. The following events are unique to the dream.

      Once I publish the comment, Kevin comes physically walking into the room, standing at the foot of the bed. We talk and I find out that he didn't see the comment. I became somewhat frustrated, giving a heavy sigh as I open my phone up to show him the comment on the spot. He came and sat on the bed so I could easily face the phone towards him.

      In the dream, the first part of my comment stated something like, “Just wondering if you could maybe come and meet me at 12:00”, I noticed Kevin skipped reading this bit and so I wasn't happy yet again. But he did read the rest of the comment, the portion explaining TAFE and so I was satisfied with that.

      I forgot what Kevin was doing in the room from this point. A random ginger coloured cat, that wasn't mine, came into the room and hopped up onto the bed. It went for me and for some weird reason was vigorously digging its head in-between my legs. I do recall Kevin laughing and making a comment but I forgot what it was; I only faintly remember it was something about “lucid cat”.

      Back at the airport, I wasn't in the main complex but was rather stranded on the top of some thinly made brick tower. I do remember the weather was cold and the sky was grey, so thankfully there was a tin roof above me and rails surrounding the top so I wouldn't fall off. With me was this little boy with blonde hair and a slightly older boy kid that I have forgotten the appearance of... All three of us were stuck here on the roof.

      I told the little blonde boy, and the other kid who was listening in, that Dreamy WB could get us down. So I started calling for her and as it wasn't an immediate response, I had to call for her many times. After listening to me for some time, the little blonde kid actually piped in and started calling “Dreamy WB!” as well. I said to him that it wasn't a good idea for him to do so as multiple voices could confuse her.

      After some time, it was just me again. Dreamy WB actually came floating down from the sky as a hologram and hovered next to the tower, getting herself into a sitting position. Both me and the two boys climbed over the rails and parked ourselves onto her. Once she rode us down, she actually disappeared again. I don't remember what else happened in this dream.

      Dream Tasks
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
      - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
      - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? No)

      Dream 327: Results (Competition #3)

      327 A
      Competition Night: 9
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      327 B
      Competition Night: 9
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: Dreamy WB
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 23.0
      Calculation Details:
      - Reality Check, Fingers (5.0)
      - Become Lucid (10.0)
      - Was Induced via DILD (5.0)
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream: 327 B (1.0)
      - Help Someone In Need, The Little Boys - NL (1.0)
      - Summon A Dream Guide, Dreamy WB - NL (1.0)

      + Previous Total: 54.0
      Total Accumulated Points: 77.0

      Updated 06-10-2018 at 10:48 AM by 93119

      lucid , non-lucid
    7. Second Time Gyeongbokgung Palace

      by , 05-09-2018 at 11:14 PM
      This dream started off non lucid at first but as i looked around, and observed a chibi(It looked like Eye)on a paper, my awareness slowly built up till i realized i was dreaming.

      I was in my old room and not in the palace like i wanted so i imagined the arches of the palace entrance and began feeling for it. I was interrupted by a television that appeared. On it a Gaster like character from undertale crept up from the ground and was telling scooby doo like characters to hush and stay back while he approached whoever was about to come. I wondered if this showed because i depended on my dream guide to become lucid this time.

      Other smaller dcs began to creep around the floor as they sprawled up as well but i ignored them. My goal was to connect with the use of the palace and to find someones symbol. I began feeling for the edge of the arch door again closing my view until i felt it. When i opened my view i felt a shift and i was now at the palace! It was different though.

      I could hear a faint ethic music coming from my right and the left side to the distance wasnt fully there. There was a black area and dim lighting.Above and behind was perfectly visible though. A statue was also on top of the gate that looked like a slightly chubby shorter silver buddha. But he was dressed like an emperor with a small blue hat on his head. An overpowering blue with red and yellow stood out from his open traditional garment as he sat on top of the gate. (That statue reminded me of the statue they used in the palace to ward off bad dreams in the palace. As said by a tour guide in a palace video)

      Anyways, I moved forward thinking to go through the arch when i i noticed i couldn't see well. As I pondered what to do, i decided to walk back remembering that lucid bunnie put her symbol around the entrance. I thought what if it shown within the arch as i walked but i couldn't see well. I felt a slight push after that and as soon as I got out I heard a growl and felt something pulling on my clothing.

      It was a lion. I kept pushing it back as it attacked me.I also thought what if my thought of a palace guardian made the lion appear but I wasn't going to let it stop me from finding the symbol. I smacked the lion hard till it eventually stopped. However, after all that the dream shifted and I appeared in my old room. "No! It can't be over yet!" I imagined the palace again after closing my view than felt for the arch. I felt it again so i opened my view to see i was under the arch but it was dark and blurry. A force pushed me a bit but i held on until....i was in my old room again. This time on my bed.

      This was the old room where my dream guide Eye use to appear a lot. I could see that there was a dim light in the hall way and decided to go into the wall for defense. Once in the wall i thought of what to do but i was pushed out. I leaned on the bed than heard a faint helicopter sound. (I just realized the helicopter sound is reoccurring. It popped up in my DreamyWB dream)A thing that looked like a oval lamp with antenna began to float down left to right. This creeped me out so i looked away.

      However, when i looked back cause i was still curious if it was a symbol, i saw a small bird cage, like the one from my first dream. It came out of the dark corner still with the helicopter sound flying close to me. I could also see that my bird was inside it! "Is this a tactic to try and get me to not look away again?"I thought. It did help. Not only was one of my bird in it, there was also a white post card attached to the side of the cage. The post card had a blue and orange wavy color design with a very small white signature.

      I was so interested now but I got nervous i wouldn't be able to read the post card in time. I watched as it turned open and saw on the bottom of the open card there were big wavy letters. It was written in red orange ink. I remember a N and C, M, O, I, N being in the writing. But i got too excited that my thoughts began to effect the writing and i couldn't read anything. TwT

      Notes- After looking at pics i realized that there are statues at the entrance. I thought they were only within the palace cause in the wide view pics i didn't see the staue. Either way i didn't figure out the symbol and the post card was just another distraction. >. <

      lucid , non-lucid
    8. WILD after talking about LDs on chat

      , 05-09-2018 at 02:33 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Yesterday I talked with nanosr on our chat about LDs and how to get a WILD and stuff. So last night after falling back asleep after going potty, I did what I suggested to him. Pushed my head to the pillow until I got a sinking feeling and a headrush. Next thing I know I'm standing in a room which I recognized then. I went to the door and exited by turning the handle. In a long whitish hallway, passing many doors. I again decide from memory of my goals to open a door and see what's there.

      I say "hello" and very clear voice of my brother and mom answer back. Third voice I didn't recognize. I'm looking for them, but I think I only see a figure of my brother, but from the place where my mom's voice is coming from, there is nobody. It mildly freaks me out and I exit.

      There was another dream, me visiting a friend. And some neighbors cats bringing their babies to play at our house with our cat and her babies, and then they took a nap. They were so beautiful.
      Tags: wild
    9. 1/5/18

      by , 05-09-2018 at 10:00 AM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      I am back at school, for some reason I am retaking the final year, I am pretending that I am 16 again and for some reason nobody thinks this is weird, they totally buy that I am 16 and fit in this class. I am with a group of other guys, we have just been up to something , but we missed the bus to get to school so we are running late. When we get into the class the teacher is crazy angry at us, at me in particular. She shouts and puts me down, and even though I am an adult and shoudlnt take this shit, I need to keep my mouth closed because I know it would just cause trouble to answer her back. But she is being way out of line. I then try to catch up with the course work but the book I have in front of me is a cooking book and I have no idea what is going on
      2 old friends
      I am visiting some friends from my town, and it is a social gathering , my friends introduce me to their friends - a couple of jolly chaps named Fred and George Weasley. They then introduce me to their brother - Milo - then I become partially lucid. It has been so long since I have seen him, and he tries to make light of it, that it is nothing, but damn I have missed him. I force him close and give him a big hug, and weep, because it hurts, something hurts, and I know I need to do this.
      3 cancer
      My wife is panicking because my daughter has a problem and the doctor said there is a 50 percent chance, if tested, that it could be Cancer, I say 50 percent that it is NOT cancer, but she focuses on the 50 percent that it is
    10. 30/04/18

      by , 05-09-2018 at 09:59 AM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      1 Troubled past
      I see Lucy in my dream again, I don't want to talk to her after she shot and killed my cat (a dream from a few weeks ago) but she is trying to find me, she says she has to tell me something. I am in a large library , searching for something else. Then she confronts me, and this time she is with my wife, and they are both having to, needing to tell me something. But I just block it out, I can't hear at the moment, I'm not strong enough, if I do then I may break and not come back from it. SO I run, and leave. But I do an RC and realise I am dreaming, and then I need to hear it, whatever it is, it's been going on for too long. So I try to head back and find her, even though she repulses me. But now I have found her she is beautiful Lucy again, and her eyes sparkle a light blue color, and she smiles and gives me a hug, but this is not who I was supposed to see, the time has past
      #hukif advice
      2 I am sitting on a chair on a boat, and do a nose pinch RC, and I can kind of breath, so I double check by doing a gravity RC as recently read from #hukif 's journal and find my arm is much lighter - wow! so I go and find #hukif , but , I recall him talking about feeding his dream body , so I go to a nearby restaurant, which happens to be a kebab shop, and purchase , pita bread, because well they dont have anything else for vegetarians. I am surprised at the taste, I dont taste much in dreams so it is surprising and tastes quite nice. I then go and find #hukif but the teleportation seems to black me out, and this time I cant hold it so just wake up
      3 Mattius
      A guy I don't like is coming to see me again, I panic and try to hide!
    11. 5/4/18--5/8/18 (L) | College, Lava, Bear Grylls

      by , 05-09-2018 at 12:25 AM (Fantastical Adventures)
      5/4/18 (L)x2
      At an unfamiliar house somewhere. It had an empty yard and a hardwood kitchen. I was briefly lucid a couple times, but didn't do anything about it either time.

      Bear Grylls was placed on top of a mountain in British Columbia. I skipped ahead to near the end, where he found a paced trail with people on it. They noticed. Also, the weather was cloudy the whole time. I rewound the video to an earlier point. Later, I was in a cold cabin, where I had a snow machine setup. If it was cold enough, it would shoot out ice. The weather where was sunny clear, and the time of day was morning. There were multiple other people in this apparently single-room cabin.

      -F-I was watching a Dreams video.
      -F-I was watching something about cops in LA.
      -F-The 12th Doctor was doing something involving a dark room and incorrect lighting.
      -F-I was near a wood cabin in eastern Washington, possibly in the cascades.

      5/8/18 (L)
      -1-After a scene fell apart, things heated up, trees melted, and I became lucid. I jumped into a pool of lava and grabbed a red ball before messing around with electric floating objects above the lava pool.
      -2-At college, I got in the car and drove to a southeast corner of the campus to find a building, but it didn't exist. Later, I had a device that displayed and recorded my dreams on a monitor. Later still, some guy made illustrations for high-profile MLP fanfics. Finally, back at college again, it was approaching night, so I drove ther car through the snow to the far parking lot, where nothing of interest was. There was a random moment where I passed Hbox at an intersection.
      lucid , non-lucid
    12. 28/04/18

      by , 05-08-2018 at 11:22 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      28/04/18 -
      1 #hukif land
      I am at a restaurant with my wife and friends, looks to be pretty fancy. My wife has her hair like Gamora from Guardians of the Galaxy. We are all at a table chatting away and the waiter comes to take out orders, everyone says what they want but I have forgotten to look at the menu!! I try to look quickly before they go but cannot find anything vegetarian, so I look around the restaurant and try to speak to a waiter but they are all ignoring me now, and now it looks like a college cafeteria and I see a lancashire hotpot and think I will get that - but see they have bacon strips in it! ahh! I do an RC and realise I am dreaming, so I look at the large wall of the cafeteria and think about trying to locate Hukif, I call out his name several times, searching for him. I listen, and feel for his direction, but instead of flying there - I sort of fade out. It's different, like teleportation , but unless I stay asleep I'm gonna wake up! so I pinch myself, scratch myself, lick my arm and punch my stomach in order to stay in the dream. Gradually everything begins to fade back in, the place I find myself is light , happy.
      There is a house in the middle of a large street, it's unassuming, not too large but something of a good size. It has a large area around it and I don't pay attention to what else is in this neighborhood - this is Hukif's house I am sure of it. This place, it reminds me of a children's tv program, or how a memory appears to be nostalgic: it's so innocent and fresh. I walk into the house , which has a nice interior, light colors, and there is a fish tank in front of me, and in front of the fishtank a door that goes down a set of stairs, and down the stairs is Hukif. I know this because I have seen this all before - in a previous dream? I don't know how I know it , but I do. And I go into the fish tank and find a key, and go to open the door but suddenly I hear some booming steps, and Hukif is coming up - I suddenly become a little scared, I know of the powers he has in dreams and I dont want to get on his bad side. He throws open the door and has an angry look on his face. I see him as a big guy (not fat) with short cropped hair (possibly buzz cut) and for some reason is dressed as a sailor or captain of a ship. I back away a little and I say 'Hukif?' and he suddenly smiles, putting on this show - he wasn't really angry and then I say 'HUKIF!' with a big grin on my face and we give each other a hug.
      I fade out at this point and dont think I get to tell him the target
      2 Skater Hawking
      I am watching Einstein and Nikola Tesla discuss something together in a basement, and Stephen Hawkin comes rolling in on his wheelchair, he has a baseball bap on and bright skater style clothes on. They both welcome him in and he is a little shy, they tell him how impressed they are of his work and he lightens up, saying how he didnt think he was in the same league as them
      3 #stranger land(edited)
      I am watching a Documentary about something and I start to lose interest, I do an RC by pinching my nose, but am not sure if it works or not, so I try to read something instead, and finally I become lucid. So I decide to find #stranger and start calling his name out, I call it again and again and then the same thing happens as did with Hukif, I fade out, teleport and then my surroundings fade back in. I am in a cold dark place, it is snowing heavily, everything is covered in snow, I think I am in a field and a silhouette of a bare tree is all I can see against the dark blue sky, I wake before I get a chance to find him though
      4 Superman

      I become semi lucid and decide that I am superman, I need to get out of this place, this warehouse that I am in . I fly out of the building to see myself surrounded by more tall walls. A small church lays in the corner so I fly down and head into the church, I see a false library area that I have just thought up in the corner of the church, and then I think up a secret passage so I pull out a book and a false door opens up that I walk through. Can't recall what happened after that
      5 Party Karaoke
      I am at a party, in a room and with friends, there is a karaoke machine and I put it on and start singing to what I think is a song from Grease 2, with Michelle Pfeiffer doing the main vocals on the old video screen , I try to sing along but have no idea what the words are. I then get talking to someone, become semi lucid again and start talking about dreams. This person is telling me about a dream they always have every night, being stuck inside this dark house - and I realise that this person has depression, that the feeling of being stuck in the same place, dreaming of the same thing is a sign of depression
    13. Rain Van

      by , 05-08-2018 at 08:49 PM
      Morning of May 8, 2018. Tuesday.

      I allow the awareness of my physical body to become autosymbolic in the rendering of a silver van. I recognize the essence of water as dream state induction, the gentle beautiful rain splashing lightly on me at times from my left through the open window of the van. The van is driving itself without incident even though I am behind the steering wheel. Zsuzsanna is to my right in this dream (and I am sleeping more down on my stomach, so she is to my right side in reality, though I most often sleep on my left side). The van was meant to move through rain, which is the essence of well-being and healing factors, the brain and heart about 73% water at that. We go through a sparse forest of young trees; the trees on each side pass by in both directions. I do not reflect much upon such impossibility. We phase through a chain-link fence.

      I enjoy going down the escalator of Hinkler in the van, with brief puzzlement of what may or may not be a car wash as we go elsewhere. Other people are walking around, shopping. Miniature cars drive above me, on the ceiling, upside-down, their headlights creating a harmonious awareness. The van drives itself through a hall in an unknown building that is just big enough for it to move through. Then in a more augmented vestibular awareness, we fly far above a lake near early evening.

      Rain upon me in the dream state is so pleasing. Whatever vehicle my body becomes auto symbolically, car, van, airplane, boat, there is still flight potential.

    14. 26/04/18

      by , 05-08-2018 at 07:23 PM (Floatinghead's dream adventures)
      26/04/18 - target (me)
      Pre-sleep - focused on target to project, but fell to sleep pretty fast as my mind was groggy with toothache!
      1 My dad had a new camera, and he was taking crazy zoomed up photographs of everyone, did one of my face and it was all distorted, and then another of my chicken's face, who was looking pretty surprised about it. Then my cat started playing with my rabbit, and my dad got worried because he thought the cat would eat the rabbit, but I said it was cool, and as we looked over they were dancing around with each other
      in between sleep, tried focusing on the target
      2 I am back on my own street where I grew up, cromer rd, a woman I used to work with is inviting me and my wife to her wedding, but we notice my car has been broken into, I think by one of my family (in this scenario my family, my kids are rough, like I was when I was a kid) and she helps us pick out the broken glass from inside the car. Strange dream - it felt like my present wife and family put in the place of my family when I was growing up
      3 I am walking from school with a group of people, we've missed the bus so we have a few miles in the countryside to walk back. After walking some it starts to get really cold, snow is coming down and I realise I forgot my coat back at school (which is now an older building) I tell the group this and they just shrug, so I tell them I need to head back and they just nod to say ok and continue walking forward - so I head back alone. I'm cold, I can't see the school, just miles and miles of fields in front of me. Then I realise I am dreaming and for some reason have the urge to search for HUKIF (even though now I am naked ha ha) so I call out for him - and my voice is just so huge and sharp here 'HUKIF.... HUKIF' I shout, trying to locate the direction he is in, but then I start to fade, my dream is ending already? I try to hold on, and then after a few seconds everything goes black, and and fades in again and I am in this beautiful house, either a entrance or front room - is Hukif here? does he live here? there is some real nice old wooden furniture around, the general color of the this room is pretty light. In front of me are some stairs, that lead up, and I shout 'Hukif! Hukif!' but my voice is softer here, even though everything around me is so crystal clear. But I can't find him, can't feel him around and then I wake
    15. 2,393 words

      by , 05-08-2018 at 05:45 PM

      my dreams are in the above pdf
      please click to view them

      I really maxed out on pictures today.