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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Knife's, Bullies and Convenient shop owners!

      by , 12-09-2011 at 06:47 PM (Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~)
      Well it was not lucid in the slightest but my most Vivid dream to date! I could smell, Taste and see details!

      I remember, Having a pink knife in my hand, The sharpest of the culinary knifes set.

      Anyway, Continuing, I was in England, Kent, Dover. I used to go to school in this town, As well as being born there. But I had a broken school bag, And I could see police roaming the streets.. I had to put this knife somewhere, So I put it in my bag. But the knife once in the bag was piercing through the bags fabric into my stomach . I was wearing the broken bag in the front of me instead on my back. The pointy part of the knife broke through the fabric and proper digging into my body.. It hurt. Then all of a sudden...

      This is Dover.

      The people I disliked at secondary school, as well as being bullies towards me in years 8-9 were okay with me, Not friends just okay. We started hanging around with each other. We were roaming the town of Dover then a Police woman caught us and said she wanted to search us. (In real life I don't even look like a thug, So to search me was rather strange, I blame it on the people I was with whom looked like thugs.) She seen the knife in my bag and she got her note pad thing out and fined me. I remember arguing with her.

      I'm not sure, But I believe we all ran away from her. We did get away. I remember going down this street in Dover. Busy main road but with shops on either side... I remember the police officer caught up with us, So we started running went through a shop and through the side doors in the shops that led to other shops.. That was rather strange. We went in one other shop and the Indian man was making chicken. It was just cooked, Hot with the hot steam rising from it.

      The chicken was crispy, nicely cooked. Like you would see in adverts on television. He offers me some while the guys I was with ran out the back door. They were telling me to follow them. But this chicken was too good to refuse. The Indian native man ripped a bit of the breast of the chicken off and put it on a plate, Then I said I have to go, he said "No I give you chicken now" He took a bite out of the chicken breast.

      All of a sudden the dream became too vivid and my eyes homed in on his mouth while biting a piece of chicken breast we was going to give me. His teeth were rotten and horrible. He said " You see? It taste good" Obviously the English language was not his strong point.

      The Indian man one taken his bite of the chicken meant for me, Put it back on my plate, he slopped more chicken on my plate. I said politely "I'm not so hungry now, I must go" Sensing the Police officer was near to entering this room, I had to leave. He was not so happy and he put his body in front of the counter so I could not go to the back door.

      As a result, my evil ruthless side came out and went into my bag and picked up the knife, And waved it in the man's face. It was kinda hilarious since it was pink.
      He said " Okay I let you go now, Never come back"

      I ran as fast as I could out the back door into the back and ran up the road that goes up a hill. It's much like San Francisco.

      Police officer chased us, But we lose her by hiding on top of the grassy hill and behind bushes. Then a old friend from my school is suddenly in the group. We then speak to each other and ask each other were we want to go, I said "Folkstone Hills" We knew the police were going to be looking for us but we had to get to these hills. Everyone in the group says "Yeah! Good Idea George"

      Problem is, My brain combined Dover town and Folkstone town into one town. These hills were at the other side of the town centre, It would be hard, Since the police station is in the centre of the town and if anyone has been to England, Everything is compacted and busy.

      I don't remember going in the town, But I remember arriving at the hills. It was beautiful so much life, then the dream after a while ended.

      Folkstone Hills

      Thoughts on why I had this dream.

      Police Officer - Reading news articles about the police recently.
      Dover and Folkstone - It's associated with my old school.
      Pink Knife - I have a purple knife in real life.
      Friends with old bullies - Maybe my subconscious believes there is unfinished business.
      Indian Man in shop - Common thing in the UK to see such things.
      Chicken - My mum keeps making roast dinners and I loath them.

      Final thoughts and opinion: I think it was a learning process for me. I enjoyed the vividness of it. I give this dream 7/10
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Entry 1: Sex With Bailey Jay

      by , 12-09-2011 at 05:45 AM
      My dreams will be as detailed as I can remember them but sometimes all I'll remember are just the broad strokes. Also lots of run-on sentences and poor grammar, but decent spelling.

      December 8, 2011, dream 1

      Spoiler for This is all fairly sexually explicit:
      Tags: bailey, explicit, jay, sex
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Zombies..

      by , 12-08-2011 at 10:46 PM (Lucid Lore ~ The Afterlife ~)
      The dream started with a zombie Apocalypse...

      It's non lucid, But it was so vivid, That I was scared of the zombies as a result. Didn't wake up in the dream sadly.

      I remember being in my apartment block were I live. Some how we knew zombies had too-ken over the world.

      Then I remember the apartment block only had stairs and it was communist style yet it was still in the UK. So it was rather strange since the stairs were smooth cement.

      I went to the top floor with Mila Kunis and went in one of the apartments.. There was a elderly woman zombie, We ran out as fast as we could and locked the door behind us. And ran down there stairs to the bottom floor were we went back into my apartment. Mila Kunis was a soilder. And our plan was to get to the airport, eventually get a plane and go and land on a deserted pacific island, Safe from viruses.. Later on you will find out how this was not the case.

      Mila Kunis

      Dream scape changed and we were at the airport, it's dark now, The sun has gone down, We're About to get on a military plane. We were with survivors this time. Mila says something to me about something or I think zombies are in the lobby of the airport. (The area you sit before boarding a plane) we went through loads of double doors with small windows in them. Like this

      Then it was like a hospital was part of the airport. Then I didn't exist for this part, It was like I was watching what was happening but I was no my body any longer. I seen some black people turn into zombies then I remember Mila running back from were we came from and we eventually got ouside and tried to get on the military plane to get to a pacific island.

      I remember A group of people including myself got on this plane, But it was small a rather small plane.. Mila entered the back of the plane, but the plane would not take off. The plane was too heavy! Only a few stone heavy. We were all debating who should give themselves up. We had to decide very quickly. No one wanted to do it, I knew I wouldn't give up my space.

      The zombies had broken out the emergency doors onto the runway and they were running for us.

      Mila, in her army solider clothes, Like a brave solider she was in this dream, gave up her seat, We sped the plane up and started to fly...

      We could all see Mila taking on the zombies and fighting them.. The zombies had glowing yellow/orange eyes. They all jumped onto her and she could not be seen. I believe she died. Then I think the plane started to crash.. I'm not sure because either everything went dark and I woke up and fell back a sleep again.

      R.I.P Dream Mila Kunis

      Thoughts on why I had this dream.

      Mila Kunis - Well, I have Russian ancestry, And my features closley resemble Mila Kunis but in a male form, If that makes any sense? And I was reading about Russia in the news and wondering what would have happened if my family never came to Britain 100 years ago. Plus, Mila Kunis is rather hot too.

      Zombies - Zombies are rather common things, Plus my brain properly wants me to bring up my fear of it so I don't have to be scared.

      Communist style apartment - Well, As I was saying, Russia in the news, Communism associated with Russia...

      Airport - I am guessing since it's zombie, My favourite map in the "Left 4 Dead" game is the airport level. So I guess that's why.

      Pacific Islands - Well, I always tell myself, If a zombie attack happened in real life I would go to a pacific island to get away from it all.

      Final thoughts and opinion: I believe this was a nightmare, Though it was fun to be chased by zombies and frightening at the same time. I give this dream a 6/10
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    4. A Disgusting, Disturbing dream.

      by , 12-08-2011 at 08:41 AM
      I don't know why, but I haven't really been able to really remember my dreams, as of late, though this one was quite strange enough for me to remember, at least for the most part.

      In the beginning of the dream, I was with my Mom and my Brother as we watched a school shooting, the actual tape, on a retro 80's television, and strangely enough, we weren't the slightest bit concerned, or at least they weren't, I was scared. Not long after, the school shooting became a hospital shooting on a futuristic white TV, though we looked still unaffected.

      The last part of the dream was even more disturbing. I for some reason took the role of the character Celie from The Color Purple, and my mom was Shug Avery, also from the same book. I remember us talking about something, though I don't remember what, but soon after, I found myself, being Celie, dressed in a classic Southern dress, and even having a black skin color, and I was digging through a toilet, full of feces. Literally, there was just poop that filled the toilet, and without gloves, I just dug through it. I remember me puking in the dream, into the toilet, which only added to the mess, but in the end of the dream, we went back to watching the school shooting and the hospital shooting, all as our actual selves.

      This, has got to be one of the strangest dreams I have had yet.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    5. In and Out of Lucidity, and Having a Robotic Foot

      by , 12-08-2011 at 01:57 AM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at my house in the playroom. I was looking at my left foot. I pushed the top middle of it, right under my middle toe, and it opened to show wires and mechanics; my foot was mechanical. (think Will Smith’s arm in I, Robot).

      Apparently, the reason I had a mechanical foot, was because Jason had one. I talked to him on the phone about it at some point. I don’t remember if it was through text or actually talking on the phone.

      I then remember talking to my mom about it. She was asking me if she was sure that was a good idea. And I kept backing it up saying it was a good idea.

      Jason did tell me that he had lost the feeling in his foot after awhile. I noticed that my mechanical foot wasn’t as sensitive as my real foot. I didn’t think it was a huge deal.


      I was watching a movie about a female high school student who posed as a teacher. It was a comedy, kind of like Easy A or something. The girl had straight, short/medium length dark brown hair, and glasses. She had an accomplice, her friend, who was helping her cover it up. I kept seeing them get in the accomplice’s car and go places.

      I think she finally got caught.

      I then remember talking to my mom about the movie. I’m not sure where we were, but we were in a room somewhere. In the middle of talking to her, I had the realization that I was dreaming. I smiled, and looked at my mom and told her this was a dream, and I got the same look most DCs give me when I mention that. I ran past her.

      I examined my hands to keep the dream stable. I also yelled
      “Stabalize!”, which successfully stabilized my dream.

      I went by a dried up potted plant sitting on a counter. I touched the leaf and it felt so real and vivid. I love it when that happens.

      Then, I remember being upstairs. I was in a room that looked similar to the bonus room. I wanted to go somewhere else; to get out of the house and fly outside. I tried to tear up the ceiling, but only saw insulation.

      I then spotted a dark blue wall with I think yellow stars on it; it almost looked like it was wrapped in wrapping paper. I started to tear it up, trying to find something or somewhere new. It came off in big blocky chunks, and just looked the same underneath as it did on the surface.

      I woke up in sleep paralysis. I kept still and let it buzz until I went back into the dream. When my mind was sure I was dreaming, a voice in my head said

      I then effortlessly floated from my body in my bed. I was then close to my body’s head, and looked down and saw my body. It was laying on its back, and its eyes were open wide; it looked so frightened. I gently stroked its head of messy hair. I felt compassion for the body lying there.

      I examined my hand to try to stabilize the dream, and it worked for a second, but I then lost it.

      Again, I woke up in sleep paralysis, and the same scenario repeated, and I again heard

      I then was in a room. I wanted to fly, but it had been so long that it was proving to be difficult; I felt held down by gravity. I fought the heavy feeling in my legs, and took off through the ceiling and into this crazy cloud world. The hues of the clouds were grey and blue, and there were all these colorful floating structures; it reminded me of a Super Mario Galaxy world.

      I was a little unsure of the flying at first, but I then felt like I was riding a current, and it got so much easier. I rushed by all these crazy floating structures, some that were swinging back and forth. I was smiling and laughing, saying
      “I’m dreaming! I’m dreaming!!”
    6. 12/6/2011, becoming someone else, snowball fight to the death

      by , 12-07-2011 at 10:33 PM
      I had two dreams last night.
      In one, I was on vacation somewhere with my friend's family and mine. I accidentally put on his (my friend) sister's shoes and suddenly an earthquake hit. When I woke up, I was his sister! This should have seemed a bit odd, but apparently I don't RC enough because I did not become lucid. I completely took on the role of his sister, and when we went home I lived her life for about a week (it was like a movie, where it showed small clips of things. I didn't experience a full week as her.) Then, I woke up around 1 AM.
      I attempted to WBTB but it didn't work. I simply fell asleep. I had a dream that me and my friends Konnor and Kevin were captured by this group of 3 people. They said they were going to enslave us. First they fed us Italian-Style thanksgiving dinner, and then they took us to their garden (which was oddly similar to the garden at my old house) and gave us some rather sharp gardening tools. We seized the opportunity and grabbed the tools and charged them. Then something happened and before long we were having a snowball fight. My friend Kevin was on the other team for whatever reason, but me and Konnor were together and halfway in, Konnor pulled out a revolver. Kevin pulled one out too and shot Konnor. As I was crawling over to get Konnor's gun, Kevin shot at me and I dodged, but suddenly I woke up in the middle of performing the action of dodging.
    7. 12/7/11

      by , 12-07-2011 at 07:10 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Was at home living with my mom dad and brother. I was telling my dad about yoga and how he should try it. He said adam should try it and wewarm talked about the plans for yoga and if he would try it. He agreed. I made a energy drink and realized I was late for yoga! I hurried as fast as possible and ran out the door. I had to use my moms keys because I couldn't find mine. I was trying to go super fast and baron got loose. I gathered him up and threw him in the house. I was in ky neighborhood driving super fast around traffic. I realized I would make it and calmed down. My energy drink spilled and I got pissed. I took a left turn super fast and skid off a super high hill. I knew I was going to die. There was slight fear but I was laughing. I became super present and knew this is what my mediation has been for. I thought back to the lesson s of the last dream amended prepared. The car fell and I felt my spine snap. Blackness. I woke.

      Was at some monk meditation place continuing my practices of mediation. This dream was super long and fun though is lightly remembered as it was my first dream. I went through several tests ans trainings. The most vivid part was my final test. There were spirits in a room oracles. They would tell us where to to next and what is to happen. I went into the room. I was struck with fear but did not show it. The room was unstable and moving like I was on a high dose of Shrooms. I went past everyone who looked like they were failing and sat near a mirror and into meditation pose. There was energy and steam rising from my body. Suddenly strong images formed. I was in the forest. There was a giant house made of tree and I lived there. Life was fast forwarding. It showed me many things but all near the tree. I was to live there my whole life secluded and alone. That was slightly saddening. As I died my body turned to ash and after sometime a mew tree infront of my house grew. The vision was over. I left the room and told the monk the spirit had come. He was pleased and impressed and sent me to the next test/training.

      There was a big group of people at my house. We were all preparing to go to yoga. I told everyone the night before that we would wake early and go. Nobody was eating when I said to eat. These two guys were suppliers to go but were playing baseball outside. I yelled that they failed me. One tried to sell me a manicure. Leo was im the office. I went to him and said to eat. He was eating weed brownies. I laughed and said eat real food. He said he just got up. His Mas was still hard. He said my weed brownies sucked. I left to eat cereal. My brother and dad were watching on of my movies. Halfway through it stopped and talked a a out government intervention and how they were making us their slaves. In the move a guy was preparing the plane. I told Leo and he panicked. Be wasn't ready. I was already packed so I just sat their and waited. Kara sat on my foot. I woke.

      Was staking items on diablo. My gear was way better. People said don't duel me but be did anyway. He was hurting me but I killed him. Andy was in town act 1. I killed him again. He quit the game. Alarm went off.

      Lucid. Was at some underground scene were a musclum woman was prostrating. Everyone loved her. I was alone. A girl next to me gave mr a hit and I smoked it. It was shitty weed and her boyfriend went to get more. Ilthere was a guy spinning poi. I left to go pee and realized I was late to yoga. I want to the place and it was fully empty. I was bit spooked it looked kinda scary. At this point I knew it was a dream. I closed ky eyes and imagined being in the yoga studio. I felt the walls tried to hear voices of yogies and finally heard some. The walls were becoming stable now. I was fully in. This was bigger than my yoga studio ans super vivid. I went to a room and said hello to some dancers. I made one of them spin the staff for me. Later I found out it was a hula hoop. He spun it very well and I was super impressed. I tried to do it but the hulas were too small. It was kind of cool because you could adjust length by pulling. I left him to explore. I spent a bit just walking and observing. It faded but I fully restabalized and continued. People in the studio kept saying hi. I saw the exit of the studio and wondered what would happen if I just stared at something. It was red paint on the floor. The longer I satared the brighter it became. it would change shape. It looked like new paint was spilling over it. I finally left and walked outside. It was intense. I could hear my footsteps echoing in my head as well as the sound of cars. I looked around the beautiful sunny dreamscape and thought that these people were all mine. This made the dream quiver like an earthquake. I woke.

      Updated 12-08-2011 at 08:08 AM by 20284

      lucid , memorable
    8. Astral Projection Dream

      by , 12-07-2011 at 05:31 PM
      Note: This was the ODDEST dream I have ever had. I could think on my free will (I can't in my non-lucid dreams), but I couldn't control my actions. So I guess it was in the middle of lucidity and non-lucidity. It was also very vivid and when I woke up I was still contemplating if it was real or a dream. It also was very short, only one or two minutes. So... yeah. On the the dream now!

      I was laying on my stomach on my bed, meditating trying to do astral projection. My ears started popping and I felt like I was electrocuted. I got so excited and scared that it failed and I had to start over. I tried again and soon enough I felt the ear thing and I felt electrocuted. I felt myself rip out of my body and I could see down after levitating a few feet. Everything in my room was disappearing and new things were appearing. I was going to look back at my body but I got thrown against my will (my soul, not my physical body) to the other side of the room. Everything was incredibly bright, yet my eyes didn't hurt at all. I got sucked back to my body and it was over.
    9. The Hunt Starts

      by , 12-07-2011 at 06:52 AM
      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      I was having a long traveling dream of driving over different highways. Then it started to get dark and a girl in the car yelled "LOOK!" I did but saw nothing at first then I saw a tornado off in the distance.
      The guy driving started racing away to get away but when I looked again it was right near us! Then it tore open the car from the windshield and the girl screamed but suddenly I was not buying this dream any more. I said in a exasperated tone, "I got it" and put my hands up and held the twister and waited for it to dissipate, which it did very quickly. The skies brightened and everyone in the car made statements on how lucky and relieved they were but I was pouting.
      I was thinking "this stinks! Nothing in these dreams is real." When I was a kid everything seemed so real, now it's like watching a crappy black and white movie with predictable crappy plots and crappy predictable actors, blah.

      I awoke. "I should be focusing on the short haired girl [a reoccurring character former dreams]," I thought since it seems she really is me in some form.

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      This new dream was just as vivid and the like the other but this time it had a short haired girl in it. I saw her and interacted but there was nothing special about this girl. When I said telepathically {it's me} she just looked at me like I said it out loud and waited for me to follow up that statement. This girl is just another DC.

      Type: Regular Dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      {telepathy in these brackets}

      I had two more dreams something like this is but different environments and each time the girl in it was not the real deal. The last dream I had, had me trying to talk to the girl when some other girl nearby whipped out a knife, and with a huge smile, stabbed me in my left shoulder where the collar bone would be! This kind of pissed me off in a "these dreams are not helping" kind of way. I looked down and the gaping slashed hole and closed it with my thoughts and shook my head and thought "this is not working." Exasperated I woke up and felt a little defeated.

      Notes: I have never willed someone into my dreams before so by default I instead did what I have done plenty of times, created a DC. Tonight I will try a new tactic of replaying her "roles" in my former dreams to get her essence and then call out for that.
    10. 12|06|2011: First Lucid

      by , 12-07-2011 at 03:11 AM
      WBTB(6am): My Father and I are at some fancy party. I triggered lucidity the moment I realized I had no idea why I was there, or how I got there.
      After I realized I was dreaming, it felt like the dream world was fighting back. My dad threw a blanket over me and it seemed like everyone was walking over me, keeping me pinned down. I tried so hard to get from under the blanket it woke me up.
    11. Strange Dream

      by , 12-06-2011 at 11:49 PM
      Heres my notes from a strange dream I had 2 days ago.

      Go to school - Ride in friends truck, mine isnt at my house (why?)
      Left alone @ Walmart (In a different town, 3 hours away)
      Ride back to my house with the "security guard" (Guard notably hates regular police)
      Back at home (Now walking for some reason) Dad (Should be at work) is standing outside, moms car is gone? My truck is sitting in the middle of the yard. I drive to school (Went the wrong way?) and ended up drifting around corners etc.

      Woke up around 4:30am (Attempting WILD)

      Dream after I go back to sleep.

      Walmart, got in a fight with my ex girlfriends ex boyfriend. He is bigger (stronger) than in real life. Ex is there : "Did I loose the one I love for this guy (Who does she mean?).
      Another girl showed up, probably in mid 20's said "(blank) love (blank) time (blank) soon." (What?)

      If you are wondering about my format when I ask (Why?) it is usually me writing it down trying to remember. Not asking someone here

      Will post more entries as they come

      Also, neither of them were lucid.
      non-lucid , memorable
    12. Tuesday Morning 12/6/2011

      by , 12-06-2011 at 10:01 PM
      Had 2 dreams last night that i can remember. One was semi-lucid, seems like i knew i was dreaming but couldn't take advantage of it. The other i missed a huge dream sign.

      I appear in a tall building with an open window, seems like an apartment, i start to walk towards the only door when i see a girl from my school. For some reason i decided to pick her up and I walked over to the window with her. As i do that i see two other girls that were with her and they started to scream. Seemed like I couldn't get out of the window at first because it was to small so i smashed it up a bit. I jumped out and landed at the bottom of the building in a courtyard of some kind. There were what seemed like military personal but they just watched me walk by as if nothing had happened. I came to a table where 3 very hot girls were sitting. I set the girl i was carrying down and ill leave the rest of that dream alone.

      Clarity: 6/10
      Lucidity: 4/10
      Length: 4/10

      I woke up and tried an FILD, which apparently worked but i didn't realize it.

      I am somehow driving my ATV on the road and headed toward a building. Which apparently was my school but looked nothing like it, along with the huge sky-rise in the background. (I should've realized it!) I pull through some weird roundabout like thing and almost hit somebody. When i stop the bike I see that i had a trailer attached to it, who knew? Then I hear the voice of one of my teachers yell "Hey! Why cant you just ride an animal to school like the rest of us!?" The dream faded out and i woke up. All I remember other than that is some more fragments of the dream.

      Clarity: 4/10
      Lucidity: 0/10
      Length: 3/10

      Hopefully i can improve on my recall by keeping a journal! Hopefully I'll have another entry for tomorrow!
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. 12/6/11 | The War to my house

      by , 12-06-2011 at 09:28 PM
      I started out in the war, I had a dream like this twice before, so somehow I knew I was dreaming and I did a nose check and it worked so I somehow teled to my house unintentionally and tried to summon somebody in my living room and failed, then went back to non lucid. (This lasted around a minute)
      lucid , memorable
    14. Drawing a Movie

      by , 12-06-2011 at 05:11 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      The night before last I had a dream that I was making a movie with a few other guys. I suggested using one of my Aunts homes as a set, even though it was crumbling. At one time it had been a mansion. It was a house I made up in my dream.

      I also had a recollection of another house I had dreamed of several months ago. That house contained Hell.

      A man offered his services as an artist. He started to draw to show us what he could do. He was amazing. He drew the road with the tar that goes back and forth and is used to fill in little cracks. Showed how he could make it look 3D by using perspective.

      He started making these glowing green lines to come towards the viewer, and anway from the viewer in different directions using simple one-point perspective. Then he drew people who were like ghosts. They were blue-green and flew through the air wiggling like fish as if swimming towards the viewer, and they were really moving. It was like he was painting a movie.

      I also saw two female figures. They were both perfect, but had different dimensions. I was judging which I preferred. I then had a moment of clarity where I thought I might be dreaming, then had a false awakening.
      Tags: movie
      non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    15. Escape Sequences

      by , 12-06-2011 at 03:38 AM
      Some dreams I've been having lately have got me wondering about some oddities in my dreams that I'm calling "escape sequences" for now. I've been noticing patterns in some of the things that happen to me when I wake up from a dream and stay aware through the trippier third-person parts of it. I'll explain them in a bit though, first let me get the dream descriptions out.

      #1 (from a couple nights ago)

      I was hanging out with I, a girl I knew all through public school never once actually hung out with in real life, and we were over at her house, although it was actually the house of some family friends we have, and those family friends' dogs were even running around and jumping on counters much higher up than they'd actually be able to reach. We were eating cookies that her mom was making, and we were getting ready to go shopping for a while, but at the last second she realizes that she had something else she had to do, so she calls this imaginary girl M to come go shopping with me instead. Alrighty then.... We go out front and I gets in her car and I approach it, but then realize I'm supposed to be getting in M's car instead so I go sit in the front passenger seat while she talks to J, N, and I think O who were all just randomly standing on I's front lawn. It's raining pretty heavily through all of this, and the road we're parked on is REALLY slanted, with the car facing downhill. So I'm sitting in her Jeep, and it starts rolling forward. I reach over to the wheel and pedals to stop it and reverse back up to the house, but I accidentally overshoot it and go nearly up to the top of the hill, and while this is happening the rain clears up and it becomes bright and sunny (and totally dry ). At the top of the hill there is another "car" that is made of a disassembled mannequin, with the head at the front, an arm and a leg as the front tires, and the other arm and leg on opposite sides as the back tires, and nothing but steel bars connecting them as the body, and as I'm looking at it it flies straight up into the air! I let the car roll back down to the correct spot, and I get out of the car and explain that I just had to go up to the top of the hill to see that thing first. Then I go to the door and I's dad opens it and is pissed because he thinks that I stole M's car. I try to explain what happened and say "This is going to sound weird, and I know this is how it's supposed to be but listen.... I don't remember it starting as a dream, but... I think it was...." (Somehow, this didn't cue me into the fact that I was dreaming. ) I's dad doesn't listen and he starts strangling me to death. But as I try to explain a little more he stops and tells me that I'm dead and I'm a genius and that my story matched all the words from Romeo and Juliet AND Peter Pan exactly, after which he started ballet dancing and instead of strangling me was forcing me to dance with him, but I kept stumbling and messing up. At this time I kept flashing back and forth between this and a kind of third-person look at rows and rows of nonsense words (that basically looked like mashing the keyboard and hitting the space bar now and then) that I would try to read and get very confused by. Also while this was happening there was a strange group of people around us which at the time I perceived as dancing with us, however when I think back what they were actually doing was... they would start out staring directly in my direction, and then they would turn away and walk off or leave or something, but the motions seemed to play out in a very mechanical fashion that's difficult to properly describe. And they were all varied distances away from me, but they all started with this same demented, soulless smile on their faces. There were a good amount of them, but the only one I remember very clearly was a girl wearing glasses, a black/dark gray t-shirt, and boxers with vertical red and white stripes. Very strange....

      #2 (from last night)

      The fact that there were lots of houses without any locks on their doors was a big plot point in this dream, but unfortunately I forgot most of that plot because of what happened next. What I do remember is looking around at a house that I was intending to buy and being concerned about how that house also doesn't have any locks. I hear someone breaking in (more like walking in) and freak out. I hide around a corner waiting for them to walk by so I can jump at them, but when they do I leap out and get switched to a moving third-person perspective. Or, not exactly, it's more like... first-person but extremely dissociated. The guy, who looks kind of like a hipster Elvis Costello fan wearing a long, fuzzy pink leigh, laughs at me and my failed attempt. Suddenly I'm back in the same type of situation as the ballet dancing from the previous dream, only without the words or anything, just the people staring at me and then turning or walking away or whatever. The hipster guy is one of them, as is a goth girl, a girl in something resembling a black and red FOnewearl costume from Phantasy Star Online (but sluttier, and a little different), and a girl in a completely absurd black and white horizontal striped outfit with lots of feathers and something of a post-modern clown-like look, and a face painted totally white with black patterns on it. My vision slowly moved from left to right over these people, to the backdrop of some kind of game/clothes store, until it passed over a mirror and stopped right in front of my reflection, where I could see that I was one of these demented/soulless people just like the rest of them, I looked totally different from myself and was probably the most normal looking of the group, wearing mainly tight blue jeans and a pink top, but my clothes still had a decidedly trippy style to them and my face was the most soulless of them all, it felt like I was staring into the darkest part of myself, with a big evil grin on my face. My vision stopped moving when it passed over this "me", but I could see another girl to the right of me trying on a white, black, red, and green dress with leaf patterns on it, but then the store clerk (unseen) started yelling at us and we decided to book it. I woke up as that was happening. I remember that everyone in the group was talking about some drinking game while this was happening, but I don't recall any details of it. The whole thing felt extremely psychedelic.


      So, the escape sequences. The first one is the nonsense words thing, which has happened to me a good number of times. It always turns out to be very clear typing, often Times New Roman I think lol. It's always a bunch of nonsense but sometimes looks more realistic than others, and it's always third-person, and my mind just struggles to make sense of what's going on until I wake up. That's a pretty strange one. The other one, this newer one, is the turning/leaving people thing. It's really getting to me because it feels extremely alien. I can remember at least one time before where it's happened, but not in detail. I just had to point those out because I think I'll probably be dealing with them again, and I'd like to figure them out as much as possible if I can....
      non-lucid , memorable