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    Memorable Dreams

    1. Exploration before the end

      by , 03-02-2011 at 09:37 PM
      This is my first ever posting here, so please be gentle. By way of background, I have also been fascinated with the concept of lucid dreaming for some time and have attempted (admittedly not wholeheatedly in the past) at achieving this state. Recently, I have approached the subject with renewed vigor and attained lucidity, only briefly, for the first time the other night.

      These posts are directly from my personal, offline DJ.

      Friday, February 25, 2011

      I am on a ship in the middle of the sea sailing towards a galley that has been wrecked against an outcropping of rocks; I am accompanied by a party of individuals, who appear to be explorers of some kind, but I do not see them.

      Suddenly, I am within the hold of the galley, half filled with flowing seawater. The seawater is flowing at great speeds through a hole in the ship’s hull in a downward motion toward unknown depths. For the first time I see one of my party, a man of about my age (30) wearing nothing but a loin cloth and having a dark brown beard and hair. He approaches the breached hull and proclaims that he is going to let the water sweep him down to the unknown depths. As he is swept away, I follow.

      I am now within a long, narrow, high stone chamber with slightly orangish walls and a dirt floor. I am aware that the rest of my party are with me, but again I see none of them. I am carrying a torch, which is providing the only light to the space as I walk forward. I have the distinct feeling that I am deep underground. At the far end of the chamber is a large floor tile, devoid of dirt, marked with a large black “X.” I mutter “X marks the spot” and glance up to see a balcony high above on the wall in front of me, with a doorway leading into blackness. I have the feeling that there is something there, just on the other side, but I see nothing. On the other side of the floor tile with the “X” and against the end wall of the chamber (on which the balcony is located above) there is a porcelain toilet; nothing special about it, just a plain porcelain toilet like anyone would have in their bathroom and in perfectly pristine condition.

      A female member of my party approaches the toilet, stopping on the “X” tile. It is the first time I have seen her, but I only see her back. She is wearing khaki shorts and a pinkish t shirt. She bends forward and pushes the toilet’s plunger while still standing atop the “X” tile. From the ceiling descends a long, clear plastic tube which attaches itself to her head as she stands upright and suctions her up towards the ceiling and away. The tube is only about 8 inches in diameter and its origin is not clear.

      I next approach the toilet and while standing on the “X” tile, bend forward and press the plunger. The tube once again descends from above, but I do not stand upright in time and its opening sticks to the back of my neck and upper back and begins to suction. I pull away from the tube, wincing in pain and touching the spot where the tube stuck; I am bleeding. I stand upright and the tube attaches to my head. I am swept up and away through the glass tube with the feeling of great speed and a sensation that I am surrounded by water, but I can breath.

      I next find myself inside a shitty shopping mall that looks to be something right out of the 1980’s, however it appears that I am floating and that in fact I am floating in water; the entire mall is filled with water from floor to ceiling. The mall is reminiscent of the old Watertown mall from my youth. Floating up to me is a girl that I know but I cannot recall exactly who she is; I am also unsure of whether she is familiar to me only in this dream world, or in both the dream and real worlds. She may have been the same one who was sucked up the tube prior to me, but I cannot be sure as I never saw that girl’s face. She appears to be a mermaid, with a yellow fish tail, other than that and her apparent familiarity to me, I remember nothing of her specific features.

      I swim through the mall’s department store, for some reason I know it is the now-defunct Bradley’s department store from my youth which occupied the old Watertown mall. There is a woman at the checkout counter in Bradley’s that greets me as I swim through. As I pass the checkout stand I am suddenly standing again and no longer underwater. I glance back and notice that on the other side of the checkout stand, the air appears to be wavy as if it is an area underwater.

      I walk out of the store’s front door and into the parking lot. The exterior of the building is not as I remember it in my youth. The parking lot is not expansive, but relatively narrow and long. Across from the store is a grass embankment over which I cannot see. The sky is orange with sparse dark storm clouds. I approach what I believe is my car, parked in the lot. Around it stand my party from the ship exploration, but I cannot make out or remember any of their features, not even the man in the loin cloth or the girl in the shorts. I hear them talking, but do not remember what they are saying.
      I hear a roar like a plane engine from above and look up. Flying overhead is some kind of object, which in my dream I know to be a type of military aircraft. It is teardrop in share, with white flashing warning strobes. I follow its path through the sky and remark that it is “one of those…” I cannot remember the designation I use for the aircraft, but apparently I am well versed in such things in the dream world.

      Off in the distance, in the direction the military aircraft was heading, three massive black triangle shapes emerge in formation from behind the black storm clouds and into the orange sky. I am utterly terrified. I know these not to be military aircraft. I suddenly realize that the orange sky is the result of fires burning everywhere and that our world and lives are over.

      I awake in my bed, perform my reality check and confirm that I am in fact awake and no longer dreaming.

      Updated 03-02-2011 at 10:28 PM by 42954 (title change)

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Corridors and Celebrities

      by , 03-02-2011 at 08:33 PM (The Imaginarium)
      This is my first post... Anything in italics is a real-world/waking thought and not in-dream. I'm just going to copy-pasta from my offline DJ, wall of text alert:

      Sunday, 27 February 2011

      I was in a building, quite possibly a university building. I start in the foyer/atrium and go up 3 flights of stairs and down a few corridors. Cannot remember why I was there. After some time I realise I am lost and take some random turns and staircases believing them to be correct. On one staircase there’s a midlevel kind of lounge with a glass wall overlooking the atrium. MF (not seen in years) is sitting cross-legged reading a book with headphones on, on a big chair at small table.

      Find myself in an office-y space with quite a few people working (normal desks but long). See H and SB standing at the corner of a table. S is wearing flowery dress. Go to talk to them. Cannot remember what they asked. I responded with something with “well I’ll just go out with –“ listed 3 celebs (racking brain) and leave. Walk between desks and window (about 30 ft), turn left at end and path is blocked by tall thin metal cupboard. Stop and rest hand on desk next to someone and realise I’m holding my calculator. Go back the way I came where H asks me if I’m lost, to which I said that I’d find my own way out. Then Gwyneth Paltrow stands up (was sitting next to H and SB, working, wearing tight black normal clothes) and says that she’d take me, and something about playing sweethearts? I don’t want to take here hand (mine are sweaty as usual - hyperhirdrosis) but she doesn’t offer. Calculator no there anymore. Takes me down corridor a came in by, then left, which I also came down but which now seemed really long. She takes my hand and jogs down the corridor through a few double doors. Corridor alternates between shadows and well lit (over distance not time).

      Maybe a few more open spaces to the right, doors to the left. (may have gone left down some stairs to another identical level heading perpendicular.) Tunnel get smaller and thinner and she tells me to watch myself and giggles (best word I can think of to describe it – lovers’ laugh?). no longer holding hands and she’s ten feet ahead of me now and tunnel is getting so sort I have to crawl, which she finds amusing (how I crawled). Then it gets really tight and she shouts words of encouragement but I get through. At some point in this, she had turned into Hayley Williams (hair from the last photo I saw of her, clothes from a while back – black stripy top w/red braces). Now all walls are carpeted but each “room” (no dividing walls/doors) is own definite but deep colour, everything seems spot-lit. Go past dark green room to outside dark red room to where Hayley is.

      She asks if we should play ‘sweet spots’ or ‘sweethearts’ I can’t remember. I don’t know the rules so she demonstrates on someone who is now conveniently standing next to her (black girl, possibly from skins, in blue and black hoody). Hayley tells me that you poke someone three times – she pokes girl (who now has male chest, cannot see face) three times in the chest/shoulder, counting it out – then tells me to then name a sweet spot. I wonder what happens after that."
      Wake up

      I said that I had memorable dreams, here is the floor plan of the upper level:
      (not embedded, too big)
      and a video:

      It was all like a shoddy uni building – thin carpets, single pane glass in painted metal frames, very used table (could not see any graffiti though).

      Updated 03-02-2011 at 08:44 PM by 42952

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Gunslingers & Ghosts

      by , 03-02-2011 at 08:24 PM
      Dream #1: I was Clint Eastwood in the old west, and I was an outlaw. I was being taken to prison by wagon. There were numerous men, at least six, well armed to ensure I wouldn't break free. Along a dusty trail my wagon hit a large rock and overturned. The deputy assigned to sit with me was knocked unconsciousness and I manged to get my arms free and take both of his guns.

      I made a break for it while the other men were confused. I ran about a quarter of a mile to a large ranch property and soon I was being pursued and shot at. The details get a bit fuzzy at this point, but I began a fairly long series of gun fights with law enforcement. I remember clearly I was using two guns blazing style, and like the old westerns, I never had to reload. I could see my bullets too. They were like tracer rounds and I remember seeing them hit men - blood would erupt - and they would fall.

      When I killed one, a white ghost would appear briefly along side of me.

      This wasn't alarming, and the ghost would fade out shortly as I moved around to fight another man. When I finally killed the last man, I took to be the sheriff himself, his ghost appeared along side of me and this one spoke to me. The ghosts looked strange. They had a glowing white humanoid form, but their faces were long and formed something like a small elephant trunk. The eyes were large and black. (Nearest thing I can find on the web, although these were all white and not dressed, is the white Spy vs. Spy.)

      The sheriff's ghost explained to me that he needed to follow me a ways to a special point that would allow him to cross to the other side. He was not angry with me he noted, and actually welcomed being "freed from his body." I agreed, and I made my way back up the hill to the road the wagon had overturned on.

      The specter followed with me the whole way and spoke in a calm friendly tone. We traveled down the path a bit further and came to a hill with a bright beam of sunlight. He said, "Here is where I can crossover." With that remark, he walked into the light and vanished. -Then I woke up.

      Dream #2: I was sitting in my living room on the floor. My (passed away) grandfather entered the room and sat down in the big chair. I proceeded to tell him about my Clint Eastwood dream above. I thought it was based on a movie he had done "100-years ago" and my Grandfather just smiled. I said "Well not 100-years ago, but an old western he did placed in that time." My grandfather looked extremely real and friendly. He listened to me explain the whole dream with great interest.

      Note: So Dream #2 was a dream in which I explained another dream to a DC. I had been thinking about my Grandfather earlier in the evening and he was a huge fan of westerns which we often watched together when i was young.

      Updated 03-02-2011 at 09:44 PM by 32174

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Awesome guitar and King of a kingdom. Ruled with Rock.

      by , 03-02-2011 at 06:06 PM (High Quality Head Movies)
      I had a dream last night that I was in a kingdom. The kingdom was surrounded by empty space and if you walked off the edge, you would fall into nothingness.

      I first remember being a person of royal blood in the castle but I'm not sure how or to whom. For some reason there was a queen who would decide who would be king and she was going to pick this one guy who was well known in the kingdom (I was not, I had no attention from others). I went into a room with the man and the queen and before she picked him, she picked me. After that, I never saw her again in the dream, but I was given the status of king. The other man was now general and left the kingdom to fight our enemies which I heard were Orcs but I never saw any. My subjects never payed any attention to me despite the fact that I was king.

      I later found a guitar that was given to me because I was now king. It had guitar hero buttons at the top (5 buttons: green red yellow blue, orange was not there) that all lit up when I pressed them (Idk why, I haven't played much guitar hero since I got a real guitar 3 years ago). The guitar had a shiny black neck, sparkling red body, and the strings on it only went from the 15th fret to the 23rd fret, the rest of the guitar neck had no strings or frets, only the 5 guitar hero buttons at the top and the strings at the bottom 9 frets. There was an amp that was an ordinary amp. It was black and about 2 feet tall and 2 feet wide. I was excited about my new guitar and amp and started playing. I could only make higher pitched notes so basically all I did was fast solos. Random people in the kingdom started liking me and enjoyed my presence.

      Looked like this kinda except with the guitar hero buttons I mentioned earlier and the frets.

      I brought the guitar with me on my back everywhere I went. People started doing anything I said and if I wanted someone to come to me for aid with something, I would play and they would come. I am not that good at playing a guitar in real life but when I thought of a guitar solo sound in my head, my fingers played it. In the kingdom I walked around for many hours playing guitar and talking to people.

      I remember one of the craziest parts of my dream was when on the side of the castle, there was a bus/RV that had about 10 people on top playing drums and trumpets and guitars and singing (it looked just like the intro to rock band 1 when they were all on the bus. I grabbed my guitar and amp and hooked it up and ran to the top of the RV and started playing with them but they all stopped and stared in amazement. I enjoyed all this fun in my kingdom but then it came to a halt.

      There was a new enemy, my friend Jon who wanted me removed from the kingdom (he is one of my good friends so idk why he was the bad guy). He started making disasters in the kingdom like fires and he lied to people about me. He soon had control over all the guards and most of the people and some of whom were good friends of mine. I had 3 friends that didn't betray me who were not real people I know in real life just dream projections. I was arrested and taken to a room of the castle that had no ceiling and high castle stone walls around me with a gate. I heard an evil voice over the intercom say that I was going to be out of their way soon. I was very depressed. My kingdom was taken from me, my guitar and amp were taken, nobody believed me or trusted me, and I hadn't heard from my 3 friends for a long time. I then ran to the gate and saw another subject that used to like me and he told me to get back traitor! I told him the story of how I was being set-up and he said he still doesn't believe me. I then said, "Trust me". He then said okay I will and opened the gate. From then on anytime I told someone to trust me they did. I ran through the castle and encountered 2 more guards who I told to trust me and they did. I knew I had to get to my guitar and amp. I got to a room near the RV (the last place I remembered playing the guitar) and grabbed it in a hurry. I heard guards coming and knew I had to get away.

      I ran outside and saw the RV along with the 3 friends I saw before. I started climbing up the RV and saw the guards in the distance coming through the hallways of the castle. I told my friends, hurry! Plug in the amp! They were setting up the amp when a guard grabbed my ankle just when I got to the top of the RV. He said, "you are under arrest for crimes against our kingdom!" I told him I did nothing wrong and I was innocent and then told him to trust me and he did and let go. I climbed up onto the RV and started playing as the guards started surrounding the RV. I could see Jon's face on a TV screen above the castle and he had been watching me the whole time with an evil grin until that moment. He looked at me with shock when I started my guitar soloing. Everyone stopped and stared in awe. I was back. I then told them that I was set-up by Jon and this was all a lie. They then were happy for my return to the throne and I climbed down from the RV and went into the castle to see Jon.

      He was sitting on a couch in a small room watching a TV screen with a security camera view on it. He was throwing a temper tantrum and shouting "its not fair!" over and over like villains do on TV. I decided it would be fun to ride on the RV again and play guitar and shouted hey everyone, lets go back to the RV! Everyone followed (except Jon) and I climbed up on top and got ready. I saw my dad near the amp plug and told him to plug my amp into an electrical outlet on the side of the RV. He grabbed the cord and started going to the outlet and then I heard the sound of a fan (my portable heater in my room) and everything started getting brighter slowly. I knew in that moment I was waking up. I shouted to everyone that I was leaving and that I would most likely not be coming back. They all waved bye and I slowly woke up.

      So much adventurous detail I can't remember was in there on the part where I was running through the halls looking for my guitar but I do not remember much of it. I had realized I was dreaming a few times and was lucid a handful of times but it lasted for 5 seconds each time and I don't remember those parts very well. (I know, I know, too much colorful text )
    5. Lucid Dream # 28

      by , 03-02-2011 at 02:36 PM (Warbenifit156's Lucid Dreaming Adventures)
      Lucidity: 6/10
      Vividness: 8/10
      Length: ~8 min.

      "I'm getting beat by my own imagination, that's pretty stupid, huh?" I said. Everyone else looked at me and said "yeah, go kick his ass Austin!" So then I was given a special shotgun and a new nano suit. The nano suit that my friends gave me was pretty cool. It was partial gold. Then I found the guy that was trying to kill me and I ran after him as fast as I could. Almost tripping every once and a while, for about 2 minutes. Then I caught up with them and jumped on the car. I killed one of them and the other 2 grabbed a gun. So I saw that they were about to crash and jumped off of the car right before it blew up.
    6. School

      by , 03-02-2011 at 11:34 AM
      Im coming out of the classroom, we just finished our maths lesson. I walk to the hallway and theres some guys from the H class and lots of benches. I stand there talking with T and/or O and Im in HP's way so that she has to go around the benches.
      Its almost time for lunch, but we are still going to have social studies lesson. The lesson is not in a classroom its in the hallway and theres just chairs there. Then Im moving some first aid kit to a corner with J and T. T is outside on the roof and I see him through the window. He says that I need to move the kit to the same spot where the kit is outside. The window is a bit dirty and the walls are made from red bricks.
      After this the clock is already 11:20 and lunchtime is almost over so I ask T that can I go to eat now. He says yes and J should come with me, but hes somewhere doing something.
      Im at the cafeteria and the cooks say that I shouldnt take all types of salad, I should pick only one salad. Anyways the food is bad.

      Im in front of our maths classroom with T,S and A. We are sitting on the bench and talking to some 8th graders. The stairway is like inverted so that the end of the stairs is on the left, though it should be on the right.

      Im in the classroom sitting on one of the front desks. R asks me to get a brush for him. At first I dont find it because the instructions were poor. Everyones like "Oh cmon cant you find it already??". I then find some brushes and ask are those the brush R wants, but they are not. Then R says its on the top of the shelf. I reach my hand out to the shelf and grab the brush. I take it to R and its some kind of "fishbrush" that I need to clean. I sit to my place and start to clean it from the golden scales.

      I also remember that I was talking with N,J and J about some schoolbooks.
      non-lucid , memorable
    7. Train of Destruction, 2 Pink Fro’s, Washing a Boat, and Gold Tea Strainers

      by , 03-02-2011 at 05:35 AM
      March 1, 2011

      I think this peanut butter I am eating for increased vividness is not only working very well it is helping me increase my recall. This first dream is very long and is chaotic which is characteristic of dreams earlier in the night which usually are not remembered. Nothing lucid though.

      Dream 1 : Train of Destruction
      There was some random stuff going on before this.
      It was dark at night and I could barely see things happening. This was a place like Alaska in the summer, rural, tons of pine trees, and small town feeling. Me and some of the malcontents of the small rural town created a crazy rail-mega-truck thing. The center was a rail car that had old trucks connected to it on both sides, it was huge and we got it to go really fast and then burst off the track into the woods busting itself and anything in its way to hell. This was done just outside of town and may have killed people but we obviously didn’t care, the town’s people were scum. I felt bad at this feeling after thinking about it, ‘would I feel OK if there was a little girl killed in there?’ I decided to get away from what we had done and the jerks doing it by leaving town.
      Under the few street lights I saw police cars looking cars over looking for the people that created that crash in the woods. They saw me but let me pass so I figured they didn’t know me or my car yet.
      I am now in the dark metal like room and there is a guy there trying to calm me. He says something about “it taking effect soon” and figure I have been drugged somehow. There is a metal chair that looks like people could be strapped into it and I have to wonder if I have been made to talk about what happened before.
      Then I am in a New York suburb in an empty lot. The lot is surrounded by apartment buildings and a typical chain link fence. There is an oldish guy looking like a retiree sipping iced tea in his lounge chair on his tiny back porch. I went over to him and he said something like he was impressed with my progress. Then I feel that he and others have “made me” like I am some kind of clone. I plan to escape. Figuring he may know what I would plan to do I do something totally random and ad lib and I run to the other side of the lot and then hide down under the very tall weeds and crawl to the other corner. When I come up there are 2 women looking for me frantically. The leader of the 2 says regretful “we were stressing him” to make me better. I ran out of the lot at inhuman speeds and out to the street. I had no idea where this was even though the lot I just came from seemed oddly familiar. I took a right and ran up the street than I started walking fast to not attract attention. I knew I had to get more distance between me and those people in the lot. Passing some shops and pubs to my right there was a street corner just up ahead. Then I recognized the guy on the corner [Charlie Sheen], could he be one of “them?” He was talking to other on the corner and turned to see me and nodded at me knowingly. His nod was one of ‘I got your back’ but I was too paranoid to care and ducked in the door I was at when he nodded at me. It was dark in here I could barely see anything but rushed down the hallway. Then at the end the light was visible and I recognized this as what I call ‘proximity light’ which is light that is only visible at a certain distance, a dream world invention and a little extra vividness entered the dream, I was more clear now. I hurriedly opened the door at the end of the hallway and slammed the door shut but it didn’t close but I didn’t care too much I had to get to the phone. There was a guy standing there reading the paper like he was minding the place [he was dressed in 1930s brown pants and suspenders and vertical stripped dress shirt] he just moved out of my way. There was a box on the wall that held the phone I pulled out the one piece ear piece to the old phone and was worried that I couldn’t say something into the phone and put it to my ear and looked for the piece you talk into. Before anything else, I heard a voice on the other side say in acknowledgement “I got the car”. I knew I get my way out and instantly calmed down.

      This was in a wooden wall box.


      Dream 2: 2 Pink Fro’s
      I was looking at 2 strange looking guys all in pink. They where white guys with huge pink afros, pink shirts, pink pants and shoes. There faces were made up to look peach colored in an artificial way. They just stood there looking like there was a camera watching them, posing.


      Dream 3: Washing a Boat
      I was washing a boat in a dream world that was very familiar to me. I had some friends that came into a lot of money but never showed it too much but this was a dream world created to express their desire to flaunt their riches. In their driveway they had a Cadillac and an expensive boat up on the trailer thing. I was washing it and getting paid of course but it was ridiculously easy and fun to be around so much wealth. Then the father of this wealthy family came out to see a friend of his [I have no idea who this guy is] and after saying pleasantries,
      Friend: “how’s it going these days?”
      Rich guy: “not bad, just have some gambling debts to pay off.”
      The friend didn’t answer knowing that there was probably going to be a mention of money.
      Rich guy: “You wouldn’t mind loaning me some money would you?”
      Friend: “No I really don’t have any money after my family.”
      Rich guy: Smiles, like a mob boss, knowing that now he knows he can lightly threaten the “friend’s” family to coerces him to give the loan.


      Dream 4: Gold Tea Strainers
      I am seeing gold tea strainers that look a little like little globes of vertical lines. I can feel they are 99% gold and like looking at them and moving them in my hand.

      Wow didn't know these existed till I Googled them!
      I knew what they were but kept thinking they look like earrings. Getting a good look at them again I can see why.

      There were 3 more very short dreams which I didn’t feel were worthy getting up to record.

      Updated 03-03-2011 at 06:35 AM by 36469

      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    8. My first LD! 2/26/2011

      by , 03-02-2011 at 04:57 AM
      This was my first attempt at a LD and I knew I could do it. I had trained my self all day since I had heard about. All I was thinking about when I fell asleep was doing a reality check. I "woke up" into the dream and found my self on an operation table. The first thing I did was lean up and pinch my nose (even though I had no control over myself that's all I had been thinking about) and I started breathing through it even though it was pinched and instantly realized it was a dream. I also gained control as soon as I realized it was a dream. I thought to myself "I'm doing it," and it felt very weird to think to myself in a dream. While I was leaning up to get down the surgeon walked in. He was short and stubby like a dwarf and had a pointy hat on, he was carrying his tools and gave me an evil look. I had a compelling urge to run over to him and bash his brains in with whatever I could to save myself. I ran over to him and started hitting as hard as I could and then knocked him into the room he came from. It was plain white just like the other room. I took one final blow at him and splattered the room in blood before I woke up. It was a very strange experience and that seemed to be the only logical thing to do.
      lucid , memorable
    9. Nightmare of 9/11 so horrible.

      by , 03-01-2011 at 05:37 PM
      So last night I could finally recall my dream, but I dreamed that I was in a tall building that was being attacked much like 9/11. The dream would switch me from inside the building to 3rd person view outside like its some kind of movie. Somehow I ended up in the other building before the one next to it collapsed. I have felt so sick in that dream and a million things going through my mind that I am going to die. Before this happened it was night time and I was looking over the city and a air plane was coming and missed the buildings, then it turned around and streaked the building and I was teleported inside of it.

      I was in a room with three other guys giving up hope that we would ever leave there, I found it odd that there was a chair that was in the shape of a tipping building. We figured out we where low enough to escape the bottom and people helped us out. One lady told us to run into this building to be safe and we did. The nightmare ended then.

      There where other stuff but I don't remember it.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    10. First flight

      by , 03-01-2011 at 09:03 AM
      This is my first entry into my dj. Last night I had my first lucid dream because I wanted to, it happened sometime between 6:30 and 9:00AM. in the dream I was walking toward a large wide set of concrete steps, I decided to try to clear the steps with one leap and I did! Upon landing a woman ( stranger?) with really curly hair and a large beaded necklace asked me how I did the leap and expressed awe at my abilities. I kept saying that it just takes practice. Even I was confused by this answer because it seemed to me athletic ability would be required, even though no human could have made this leap.
      In the next segment I told her that running speed was also required to jump that high. In my dream world running always feels bogged down and slow. But last night I figured out how to run! I gave her a demonstration by starting super low like a track runner, and pushing off really hard. Then, to help gain speed I remained low enough to help push with my hands.this all went down on the landing spot.
      At this point I realized the dream was starting to fade, I was able to extend the dream by suggesting that she and I go get lunch, and we did. We both reappeared in a sandwich shop. I said go ahead an order anything you want, I then turned around to look at her and she had changed into a man (also a stranger). Then i started to question everything and I woke up.
      The details of the dream are both fuzzy and clear. When I first woke up I was disappointed that I missed my chance for lucidity, and slowly started recalling points of control in the dream. The leap, running, and suggesting lunch. I guess this counts. Can't wait for tonight!
      lucid , memorable
    11. A Visit To The Restaurant

      by , 03-01-2011 at 06:13 AM
      A Visit To The Restaurant
      Original Date: 2/25/2010
      Type: Ordinary - Near Lucid
      Before I was about to go to the Restaurant in the city I was getting ready and so was my friend and brother. They decided to bring their tea for some reason... not sure why but I though it was stupid. Then we left off to the store, on about 1min in I looked at my hand where the night before I wrote "Dream" (Last Night which was before I went to sleep) but the "Dream" wrote on my hand seemed to be nearly erased so I thought this might be a dream but my friend and brother were mocking me saying your not dreaming. So I continued thinking that it might be possible that I am dreaming but what if I am not? When we arrived at the restaurant I just ordered some things such as Apple Juice, I was still convinced that I might be dreaming so I done a reality check. (Turning off the light and turning it back on, and punching the wall.) Everything seemed realistic so I continued on with Life or Dream. Afterwards, I woke up inside another dream. (False Awakening) I just was happy when I woke in this dream thinking I was close to Lucid Dreaming, but then I finally woke up in reality and was still happy.

      Age of Dream Ego: 15

      Associations to the Dream Settings:
      Going to the Restaurant, and attempting to see if I was dreaming.
    12. The Bank & Brown Wasps & High tech bullet

      by , 03-01-2011 at 05:34 AM
      Feb 26, 2011

      Dream 1: High tech bullet
      I have a gun and I am thinking what would happen if I shot it in my garage which is where I am holding this 22-like rifle. The bullet flies out without sound hits the ceiling and bounces off the ceiling and falls to the ground. I think it must have been a BB. I bend down to look at it and I see that it is a plastic and metal bullet (not the casing) made of many parts and even screws back together. The very pointy tip is hollow and has a little clear plastic window underneath on the flat underside. I think about how expensive this bullet must be and how secret its use must be.

      Dream 2: The Bank & Brown Wasps
      I am in an area I remember being kind of like a church grounds or old British university grounds. I go into a bank, I’ve been here before. The last time as this time, they are setting it up but are doing business. “I’d like to see my safe deposit box” I show the teller a key. I put something into one of the boxes. Then went outside and I ran across the grassy campus to a small quaint stone bridge. There were fall leaves all over everything, just a bit like fall was starting. Looking at the bridge I see a toy frog, or something, and picked it up.
      I walked off the other side of the bridge and I met up with a group of friends (a couple and a girl as I have had in a few dreams now) She was talking about some stuff that was not at all important and was a little aggravated that I was not even listening. I thought about how some things can alter the path of your life and they can be just a small event. I looked off into the sky near the far horizon and say it was getting dark there and then I saw a shooting star! Surprised I dropped what I was carrying which was now a dime. The girl pulls me along like a little kid “but I dropped my dime!” I was a little kid now and I ran off from the group, I could feel the girls radiation of “what now” frustration but did not look back.
      Nearby there was a guy picking up little broken honey boxes. The honey combs where in little wooden boxes. I ran over to see and I noticed all these brown wasps on the honeycombs, I knew they packed quite a sting. The guy was one of those DCs that doesn’t recognize you so I picked up a comb. The guy did the same and chucked it to his side which is where I was and got hit on the back by the comb he threw. “HEY” I said, no recognition from him but I could feel wasps on me now and some fell down into my underwear! I could feel wasps on my butt and between my legs frantically crawling around, there was no move I could do now that would NOT aggravate them! I decided to jump and rip my shorts off in one motion. Crap that didn’t work, they are going to be pissed now! Then I think ‘this is too intense I go to get out of this dream!’ I woke up feeling the feeling residue of wasps in my shorts.

      How Fast Can You Type?-6qt06q102q9kqkok7kj07khs6qrs7kj09qlsxkrsuqzseqlsxkok5kvklk10nqzs7kaknqzsnq.jpg

      Updated 03-01-2011 at 05:37 AM by 36469

      non-lucid , memorable
    13. The Queen & The iPhone and Huge Screen

      by , 03-01-2011 at 04:49 AM
      Feb 28, 2011

      Dream 1: The Queen
      Me and a young woman were kneeling on the floor helping out this old lady, the stereotypical small gray dressed in dark blouse with lace on the collar type. “would you like some tea” the lady said “yes thank you.” The old lady replied. She was so polite I started to think she was the Queen of GB. After she took a sip she said “can I be alone” and the woman said “of course.” We got up and went outside to a deck area and sat on its floor. I thought about helping the Queen and how I had no experience for this job but it was a rare honor. After a moment she came outside too walking unsteady and slow. She felt appreciative and patted my shoulder, at that moment I saw her hand on my shoulder and it was like DING and a halo of light around her royal hand. Then I thought of how some people are fanatics and would go crazy for this sort of thing maybe say they’d never wash their shoulder even! She then walked off.

      Dream 2: Huge Screen
      I am fooling with an iPhone trying to figure it out and get it set up. There is a TV screen next to me that is a huge 7 feet at least and it has a few selection buttons I can press when I configure the phone at certain stages. I am standing right next to the huge screen and push the screens touchable buttons and look back at the phone but it isn’t working correctly for me.

      Tags: iphone, queen, t.v.
      non-lucid , memorable
    14. Elarial

      by , 02-28-2011 at 10:18 PM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Ok, so last night was the best dream I've had for a wee while because my recall is so shitty lately. GAH!

      Awake Non-lucid

      I'm outside my school, although it's not really my school anymore. It's nightime, and the whole outiside has been rebuilt. The walls aren't their usual dull brown, but white and glowing rays of light. It also has white blocks leading out of it.

      I float a little and sit on a block. My brother flies down and asks what's going on. "They've rebuilt the school" I reply, quite excited "but the inside's still as shitty as ever."

      He says nothing else, and instead takes a look around. When he comes back, he's morphed into Asher. I find that I'm suddenly lying down in nothing but a towel. He tells me to check my phone, so I do. I have a text from Katie about a drug called Elarial. It's a new thing that's came out.

      The scene changes again, and I find myself under a stone walkway, with giant bells hanging from the cieling above my head. Both sides show sunny, green grass with people have fun times. It's a univercity. I see another message, Katie is telling me to try and find some. The sky turns grey as I run up a stone stairway, knowing there's some Elarial around here somewhere.

      Asher finds and corners me, telling me to snap out of my trance. "This drug isn't like other drugs," he growls angrily "It could only take one shot to get you hooked for life. It ruins you Kor, you spend so much on it that your life is gone. Don't listen to Katie, she's not herself. She's gone."

      His sister is gone. I frown sadly, and get another message. "Just once." it says. "Just try it once." I think at this point Asher sees how confused and very un-lucid I am and pulls me away into a room. Skylar is in there. They both talk to eachother quietly about how to protect the drug and keep me away from it.

      It's like I'm drunk. I giggle stupidly, grinning at Asher and running my hands through his black hair, pushing it back. He grabs me to keep me still while he discusses a plan of action with Skylar. I feel neglected, and sit down. Skylar eyes Asher, and I think they know I feel confused and ignored. Asher pulls me into a hug and says everything will fix itself soon.

      Didn't know what to think of that, but it's very odd that I had Asher, Skylar and Katie all in the one dream. Makes me wonder if my subconscious is simply wishing for it... I dunno.
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Zombie Sewer, Waking up, and Battlefield?

      by , 02-28-2011 at 08:44 PM
      First Entry! Woot!
      I had three dreams last night which for me is the most I've ever had in a single night.
      In my first dream, I remember seeing a zombie in a sewer from a 3rd person, backside view. It then transitioned to a top view of another zombie holding on to the edge of a manhole, and then falling down into the darkness. It got all blurry after that and I woke up
      My second was really short. It was a first-person dream of me getting out of bed, and then it faded and I woke up. (non-lucid false awakening?)
      The third was the longest. I remember my dad and I playing some game that resembled Battlefield BC:2, but it was turn-based. (I realized after the dream how stupid a game concept this was..) I knew my dad was playing because he was on mic, talking. After a while of playing it faded into me walking upstairs and looking down at some clay sculpture or plaster cast of some broken up military backpack. I also remember contemplating taking it in the shower with me for some odd reason O_O