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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Targets

      by , 02-06-2013 at 10:10 AM
      Only a few parts I can remember here...

      This place I'm at, it feels familiar. It feels a whole lot like the lucid dream I had when I looked at my watch as a reality check. The things weren't arranged the same way though. It's still interesting to know I can revisit old dreams and feel the atmosphere of them.

      There was someone in this room who caught my attention. It was a girl, she was Asian, or so I thought. This Asian girl was with a man of a darker color. He didn't seem to be much interested in her at the time but both of them were still together as couples. There was also this other Asian woman who I just met. There was nothing special about her, she just gave me a bad look.

      I next part I can remember was being assaulted by an older man. He was throwing punches at me for whatever reason. As he was punching me, I felt the blood and pain my nose was bringing in. I felt helpless, especially because I had no strength at the time. But then this other man appears, one who was as tall the man punching me, he got behind the criminal and helped me take him down. After exchanging a few more punches, the old man was down.

      This is all I could remember.
    2. A peculiar Tron experience...

      by , 02-06-2013 at 08:12 AM
      Never went lucid this night...

      So I started off on the second floor of a pretty big building(Reminded me of a casino, only it had two levels). All the persons in that floor were my old classmates from elementary school and some were my current mates from my current music school.

      So I was walking around with one old and one new friend around and around the giant second floor. We kept going until we entered a very big room(That had these fences covering the first floor so you could watch over it). I did notice that something peculiar was up with what we all was actually wearing, but as we got into the room, I noticed that everyone was wearing tron suits, and every person had their different pattern on their body, as well as a screen on the front and on the back that shows off yous personal emblem(Kinda the same as the emblem tags you could have on your weapons in Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and 2).

      A new friend of mine came up to me with a Chinese food box and told me something about it that was weird. I got confused, so I asked her to hand it over so I could examine it. She gave it to me and I took a closer look. I could then hear that there was like a constant beating, like the kick beat from a techno song, only this was out of sync at times. My confused level had rose to eternity, I had no idea what that could be. But as I opened it(It was boxed in with glue and stuff), the lids were being punched open from the inside. I then realized that the constant beat sounds came from inside the box, and as I opened it(Or rather it opened itself as whatever it was did it by itself) I realized that a little living figure was inside. But then I got a closer look to as what it really was. It was a little action figure-sized version of one of my music teachers at school!

      I had no idea what to think. Was it cute? Was it creepy? Was it epic? I'd guess all of those feelings fit in perfectly for that moment ^^ I mean, who wouldn't want a cute little action figure-sized version of someone they know :3?
      Tags: tron action
    3. 5th February 2013

      by , 02-05-2013 at 08:32 PM
      Sleep – 10:40pm
      Wake ups – N/A
      Finial wake up – 6:30am
      WBTB – 3:40am-3:45am



      - It was a couple of days before I broke up for Christmas. I was at school and it had been snowing a lot. There was about 6 ½ feet of snow. School was still open and instead of clearing the snow, they just left it. So everyone had to walk on top of the snow and climb into the building through windows in the roof. I was walking along outside when I noticed two people standing on top of the roof that was about 4 feet higher than the snow. They were throwing cubes of snow at people below them. No one was retaliating against them.

      I picked up some snow and started throwing it at them. People started telling me “No! You can’t be doing that!” I ignored these comments and carried on. I started to get bored so I ran up and jumped onto the roof they were standing on. I kicked all the snow off the roof and the two people got really angry at me. They complained that it was precious snow. So I jumped off the roof and back on top the snow.

      As I landed the snow beneath me gave way and I fell into it. I was now in a hole that went right down to the concrete of the actual floor. The walls of snow around me were bigger than me and I could hear people laughing. I tried to climb out but I could barely move my legs. I started to panic. Suddenly the snow around me moved away and formed a path like this picture.

      Shaking your head to wake up-x2hbh18249.jpg

      Dream Fragment 1

      - I was following around a teacher that was looking for a bible. There was no snow so I think this was a separate dream.

      Dream Fragment 2

      - I was giving some people a tour of my house.

      Dream Fragment 3

      - I was looking down at my phone. It had a case on it that made the phone look twice as big as it was. Also on top of the phone was a foam cube that was stuck to the case.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 5th Feb 2013 School dream... with bit of control over space and time

      by , 02-05-2013 at 08:20 PM (Scionox's Journal of Dreams)
      Not as many dreams, but one is more detailed/long.

      Dream 1(fragment):

      I recall there being something about the world map.

      Dream 2:

      I was in the school again, teachers were annoying me that my language knowledge is not the best and that i need to go to an advanced language school. I did not really wanted to but eventually i gave up and agreed to. I had to go through some medical tests and was accepted, some people were annoying me during those tests as well. I had to go to that special school now, but instead i started trying to hide from teachers in one class. It was full and all the people in the class were male. Teacher was not there so i got into some cool pose and started looking around, i noticed that lot of people look really familiar. Shortly i have found free desk near who was apparently one of my IWL friends of the past from the school. We have talked about something for a bit until teachers have found me. Dream skips.
      I am near entrance to that language school, there are some trees with violet leaves and black car. I go into the school, it seems to be structured around some sort of central hub, and there are sections for number of languages including some that don't exists IWL(i don't remember their name though). I follow some teacher into Russian section, then into class. There are lot of people and teacher starts explaining some boring stuff i already know of, i find free desk and get a book. I boringly open it at random page and it's apparently i book about some guns! I get interested and start reading it really quickly, there are also bunch of pics of various machine guns and shotguns. Some random bug flies in and starts distracting me. dream skips.
      I am in central hub of the school again talking to the teachers about the sections with languages that don't exists IWL, then shortly i go out of the school. I am at the entrance again and i somehow decide that objects there are not really in the best position, so i start moving them around like if i was in some sort of editor for video game. I move objects to the better positions and then start having trouble moving tree properly, it ends up screwing everything up so i undo everything back to starting positions. I try to move tree in different way but it still ends up not good and i undo again. Now all of the objects are doubled for some reason, i undo again... and end up undoing it to the time before i entered the advanced language school. I just say 'Whatever' and start checking out that black car for some reason. Radio in it starts playing.
      I go back to 'normal' school, once i enter it teachers start annoying me again trying to explain something, dream ends.
    5. Tues Feb 5 (1:58-11:15) ***

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:58 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)

      I'm at a party talking with a girl I sort of know when somehow we begin making out. Surprised, I think I want to stop this before it goes too far--this is not how I envisioned I would make my "sexual debut." But no, this is fun! That's what sex is about, right? Sex is just fun and there's no need to memorialize the first time. So I go with it.

      Some time later, we're naked in a bed together. I realize that despite the obviously sexual nature of our activities, absurdly, I'm still technically a virgin. But then the girl takes the initiative, and, shifting her position, slips me inside. I'm impressed that she managed to do so without using her hands, but I suppose she knows more about this than me. Anyway, yes, it feels different; I'm not sure how I imagined it would feel.

      A few minutes later, we're still going. I'm impressed with myself for lasting this long. In fact, we never actually finish. Eventually we just stop. I realize that this whole time, we've been clasping ourselves together like we're hugging, with our chin over the other person's right shoulder. I'm not sure we ever did any kissing. In order to rectify the situation, I slide my cheek back along hers, and we kiss. As I draw back, she gives me a strange look (or so I think), so I panic and wonder if that was too romantic a thing to do after a one-off fling like this. But when I explain my concern, she laughs and says that kissing is absolutely fine.

      Updated 02-05-2013 at 08:25 PM by 57256 (added rating)

      Tags: sex
    6. Ordering tacos and someone called me cheap

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:28 PM
      *Ordering tacos and someone called me cheap.
      *This is a dream I thought but I didn't become lucid.
      *My girlfriend liked someone from her job.
    7. February 4th 2013 WILDs

      by , 02-05-2013 at 07:02 PM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Non-Lucid Lucid

      Yesterday I got home from school exhausted so I decided to take a nap. I woke up after about an hour in this really tired state ready to go back to bed. I was laying with my eyes open when I noticed I was falling back to sleep without any control. This transitioned into that dark matter state where my body is asleep but I can start building into the next dream. My entire body was very locked up with this feeling of being high/pleasure, so I started to think of what I wanted to do.

      I knew I wanted to lucid dream about something that wasn't sex because I always do that, so I start to imagine being in a bar or something. I lose track of what I was thinking but all of the sudden I appear into a bathroom stall in a bathroom. I open the door and suddenly am hit with this big realization that this is so real and scary and I thought that because I was scared I was gonna imagine creepy figures into my dreams. I turned on the sink and it was all too real to me. I decided I didn't want to do this so I jumped straight up and landed on my back as the scene faded. Again I was in this state of dark matter. My body was locked up with this feeling as I started imagining something else. I decided I wanted to go back to a previous dream I had in a inflatable bounce place. I started imagining and spinning around until something appeared.

      It was this room with a low ceiling but was filled with this bouncy material filled with air. I start walking up the steps to some slide when the dream starts to collapse. I yell "ILLUMINATE!" two or three times and the dream stabilizes. I round the corner with my body bent over as I jump down the slide. I land on my stomach and I bounce up about to the ceiling and fall back down onto this inflatable thing in the air. That's when the dream collapsed.

      It went into another dream where I was talking to this girl named Alex, but then I returned to dark matter and decided to start up a dream with Alex. Her and I had made out with each other in my bed irl so I started remembering that moment and soon enough I woke standing up on my dream bed. I look down and see myself and Alex laying face to face making out. I wanted to be the one making out with her, so I shoved my dream self over and started kissing her until the dream collapsed.
    8. Back Alley Forum Post

      by , 02-05-2013 at 06:56 PM
      Crusin' down the Dråby street on the bus with a female friend of mine. We get off at a stop, where she drops her empty can of soda on the ground. Semi-jokingly, I tell her she's polluting the earth, to which she aggressively responds in an offended manner that the cans are recycled organically. I feel ashamed for being wrong. We walk down into center Dråby, where someone placed a pizzaria. We walk down the back alley, where I see a girl's long forum post ranting about a bunch of things which I agreed with. She mentions how people never put their time into any creative projects out of free will, and gives me as an example to the opposite. She says "I kinda like him for that". Just as I realize I might have found a perfect girl for me, the dream ends.
    9. Claiming what is mine

      by , 02-05-2013 at 06:52 PM
      Apparently my brother and his friends are sleeping in my room and they are using my stuff for a snowboarding trip. Which is ridiculous even in this dream world so I start taking all my stuff, my sleeping bag, my snowboard pants, and my jeans. The sleeping bags were all laid out in a row and I look for the one that is mine, its the orange one inbetween a green and white one and a blue one. The outsides of all the sleeping bags were grey but the insides were where the colors were. and I begin to zip up my sleeping bag and pack it. And for some reason I sit in a chair and try on the snowboard pants and the jeans when I hear my mom walking upstairs. I just take off the snowboard pants and I have my jeans on, (they are my weird skinny white jeans that I own that I never wear), and I felt as if I should hide the fact that I'm taking my stuff back from my brother. then the dream ends. I had other dreams but I forgot to record them in my journal. I'm going to begin to attempt DEILD, starting today.
    10. Looking for a gun

      , 02-05-2013 at 06:41 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      I'm with a group of fighters. I'm not the leader, but I'm directing people where to stand on guard and watch for an attack we are expecting from another group.

      I don't have a gun, so I walk around asking everybody if they have an extra. Finaly find some kind of shotgun that shoots explosive rounds. I load it, unload, try how it works. But when I shoot at bad guys, if fails to fire.

      So I keep looking for and asault rifle, since I will need a fast shooting gun to fend off the enemy attack. I find one and someone is chowing me how it works. He changes settings on it with a button next to digital display.

      I can't wait to get my own gun, so I go wait by a tunnel I know the enenmy will be coming from. I start shooting at them, but after a while, my bullets start to follow a guy who has been already shot and he retreated. I wish I knew how to change settings, so it shoots where I aim.
      Tags: fighter, guns
    11. Voices in the Darkness

      by , 02-05-2013 at 06:16 PM
      I wrestle with my scattered mind as I lay beneath the covers, ruminating over the prospects of future possibilities. The calm light of sleep appears to be far over the horizon with no chance of rising at any time soon.

      Why does this always happen when I have work in the morning?

      Voices. Whispering. To my right, over in the corner.


      To my right there is a group of people, standing over me in the darkness. They walk around my bedroom examining its surroundings.

      "This looks good"
      "I'm not sure I like the windows"
      "Why is the mattress on the floor?"

      A group of elderly people discuss the room with one another as I lay in the bed.

      "Excuse me? What the hell are you doing in my room? It's six in the morning."

      "We're here for the open house, honey," an elderly woman informs me.

      "What open house? We're not selling the house. Get the fuck out of my room."

      They ignore my resilience and continue to examine my surroundings.

      Something isn't right. This is beyond anything normal, and these people are oddly short. Very short...

      It's hard to make out their faces in the shadows. I make several attempts to catch a glance, but each time they deliberately avoid my gaze. There is something inhuman about this.

      "You guys aren't doing a very good job of hiding your identities. You're aliens, aren't you?"

      They share a patronizing laugh amongst themselves, as if mocking my inferior human knowledge. One of the old women climbs into bed with me. This is fucked up.

      "You see, honey, we are here for the house. However, we have to take care of a few things first."

      "When did I ever give you permission to come into my house? Get the hell out of here."

      She smiles and then they are gone. I am awake. I think. There is a lingering presence in the room. I look toward my doorway. A faint white cloud. I can almost make it out. It darts over me.

      The fuck.

      I grab my phone and shine the light at it. Nothing. The presence is gone.

      Man, I wish I did more drugs. Then at least I wouldn't have to blame the Twilight Zone for this kind of shit.

      Updated 02-05-2013 at 06:34 PM by 60729

      non-lucid , false awakening
    12. Bears and Elephants in the Warehouse

      by , 02-05-2013 at 06:11 PM
      02-05-2013 -- I'm in the Hickory house, and somehow I am here with Juliet (Psych) and her brother (played by John Cena). There is some really odd stuff, like broiling pillows in the over or something, yet they aren't burning, but just getting very hot. I really don't know what was going on, this was the first part of the dream, and I may not have been fully into REM yet.

      Soon I am at the strip mall at the corner of La Palma and Magnolia, and I am heading down Magnolia toward Peter Marshall Park, when I spot a drainage ditch starting at the edge of the street, going under Greenleaf and right into the park. I drive into it and follow along.

      Soon I find myself in a warehouse I've dreamed of before. It is a large warehouse, I work there, and the bosses are particularly unfriendly and miserable. We are working the North docks, perhaps loading up trucks. There is a little kid here who is screaming for his daddy, but his daddy is off working in a different portion of the warehouse. I'm worried if the kid doesn't shut up, he's going to get he and his daddy in trouble with the bosses.

      I'm kind of wandering around part of the warehouse while our team is being ordered to move over to the West docks and help with the unloading going on there, as they have turned off the lights in the part of the warehouse we've been working in. [Hints of the moving around at APAC.] I can remember the last time they did this, and I was not with the group, being hunted and chased throughout the warehouse, so I'm trying to get back with the group as quickly as I can, but I end up in just the wrong area.

      I find myself standing right under the conveyor belts which are removing full pallets of stuff off the trucks, raising them to about 40 feet in the air, and then dropping them to land (hopefully in neat rows) on the floor, below. Unfortunately, I am right on that portion of the floor, so I am dodging about, trying to avoid having these heavy pallets land on me, and moving further and further south, trying to get out from under the dropping products.

      Eventually I do get far enough out of the way, only to run into another problem. Here they are not unloading the trucks, but there are rows and rows of pallets that have already been unloaded, waiting to be stored in the warehouse, and instead of using fork lifts to move them, like in the rest of the place, they have large elephants wrapping their trunks around them and moving them. So me and my crew are facing a large herd of elephants that are slowly walking toward us, and we are backing away, not wanting to be crushed. The elephants are moving faster, and soon we are running, but our running is triggering a stampede, and the herd of elephants are thundering behind us.

      Soon we're running into the racks of products, dodging this way and that, the elephants right behind us, when I get the idea to actually dive into the racks, climbing on top of some of the boxes to get out of the way. Problem is, the elephants turn into large bears (possibly brown, possibly grizzly) and a couple of them are climbing into the racks after me. I'm horrified, but think to myself that if they are trained to work in the warehouse, they probably can't be all that dangerous when they aren't stampeding, so I just wrap my arms around the two that have been chasing me, and start petting them, and they settle right down.
    13. Kamikaze Invasion in Denmark?

      by , 02-05-2013 at 05:30 PM
      02-05-2013 -- [First time in several days a detailed dream worth recalling.] I am in BM's place, probably the trailer, and we are cleaning something, probably the guest bathroom. I need to go to the bathroom, so I sneak into BM's bedroom to use her bathroom, hoping she'll never know, and won't mind if she finds out. I am taking a pee, but my aim isn't perfect, and a few drops splash on the floor. I cover it up with a bit of paper.

      Unfortunately it seems BM needs to use the bathroom, too, so is at the door asking what I am doing there and telling me to hurry up. So I get out of the way, and we are standing in her bedroom talking. I glance out the window, and we are suddenly on something like the 7th floor of a hotel, and there are planes falling out of the sky, which is terrifying. But worse, as we watch, one is very close and heading directly at the window.

      We run, bolting out of the room and into the hallway, all the while I am making like Marvin the Martian, and wondering where is the earth-shattering kaboom. Somehow by this point we are running down a hall on the third floor, when I hear the crash, and see the plane plowing through a wall maybe a hundred yards away, and crashing through the hotel. It swung around and came through at a different angle and a lower altitude, and it is moving rather slowly, so I fear it is packed with enemy soldiers who will try to seize the hotel.

      I don't know what is going to happen, or how bad things are going to be later, so I am considering running back to the hotel room to get my prescriptions, but I decide it would be too dangerous, and to just get out until I can find out whether they just crash the planes, or storm the hotel from the wreckage. BM has already disappeared, and I look at the two story escalator going down to the lobby. Somehow I enter the wrong one, and am running down the steps as others are being elevated. Silly me.

      When I reach the lobby and burst outside, there is no sign of BM, and instead I am meeting Dale. We're discussing what is going on, while he sits in his rental car, on the wrong side of the car. He says it is because he hasn't eaten yet, and when he is hungry, he makes mistakes. I am thinking there is also the possibility that he is confused because we are in Denmark. Anyway, we get in his car, and we are driving to somewhere to eat, while listening to radio reports about traitors helping the invaders from the wreckage of the plane and being killed for it. Yup ... it's an invasion.

      He says he always goes to Applebee's to watch the big game, and I'm thinking 'wasn't the big game yesterday?' [My mind was only one day behind.] Anyway, we are suddenly in the restaurant at the counter and paying for our meal, and they are giving him his change all in coins, while helping us pack up our leftover food, and the rest of our stuff. They have a small bag of my stuff that I don't know where it came from, and my dream journal, which somehow has a large corner banged up and worn, like it's been used for years.

      Somehow they are giving Dale a haircut, and he is wearing an odd, pointed balloon hat while they do, which is kind of strange. Oddly, instead of him tipping them, they tip him, and it is a rather large tip. He comments on how they tipped him enough for him to buy us all a round of drinks, including Carsten, who is now with us. [Dale doesn't drink.]
    14. Seth, family, animals, road

      by , 02-05-2013 at 04:04 PM
      I am with Seth at my family's sea house in Montenegro. Husband is not with me and in the dream I know he is away for his work and is supposed to arrive later that day. My aunt, uncle, cousin and her three kids and my grandma are present there aswell. The house looks exactly like it does in real life, the suroundings of it however do not. My bags are under the stairs. The actual dream begins with me waking up and going downstairs and finding my grandma carrying seth and giving him to me, then leaving. My aunt and uncle are there in the dinning room that is conjoined to the living room. I see a plate of bread fried in eggs, I ask Seth if he wants to eat that for breakfast and he says Yes so I grab one piece and start giving it to him, still carrying him. Upon nearly finishing it, he says he is thirsty so I ask my aunt do we have anything he could drink. She and uncle seem very nervous and angry, not liking the fact that I am there. She answers in an annoyed tone that there is milk. I ask her if she could take it out of the fridge for me, since I am carrying Seth and feeding him and she says Fine, quite rude. She opens the fridge and takes out a huge plastic canister of milk. But the milk does not look normal. There is a separation of milk and water, the white liquid that I am assuming is milk is at top while at the bottom there is clear water and the two are swirling a bit in the middle, overlaping each other. My aunt says that the milk is not good and turns to my uncle and they start whispering. In the meantime I go back to the bread plate to get more but all of the breads are suddenly gone.I shift my attention towards my aunt and uncle and I manage to hear that aunt is telling uncle to go and buy new milk, he is dressing a white shirt and yells out Why the hell can't she *** go and *** buy it? I felt really sad at that moment, a crying moment, because I did not even ask for a new milk, so I intruded their conversation and said "It's ok, I will go and buy it.", but they continued to argue. I turned around and exited to the balcony and I saw the sea, My granda was sitting there and I told her:"The sea is more calm today". The sea itself was in much commotion, with lots of waves. She responds with :"At least its calmer then yesterday". I think for myself I should just take Seth to the beach and we swim and play, move away from all this negativity, so I leave Seth with my grandma and I go back inside to search for my swimsuit. I crouch down under the stairs where my baggage was and I take my purple handbag that is pack full with stuff and start searchng for my swimsuit. There is lots of stuff inside, on the top there is a yellow bag with 2 packs of cigars, I think for myself Whoa, we had 2 packs, why the hell did I go out to buy cigars yesterday, I get lucid there, but I give up the control of the dream. I start sifting through the bag more and I take out a plastic square box inside which is a dead little turtle. I think for myself and get a kind of a memory inside the dream that me and my husband packed out turtles to bring them to vacation with us, but that I somehow forgot to take them out of the bag. I look at the turtle and I see there is a small white egg inside aswell , aswell as a smaller one exiting the turtle. Suddenly, the turtle moves her head and looks at me for a moment,then goes back to rpevious position. It was looking rotten, decomposing. I thought oh,she is alive, I better take her to the garden fast, my cousin approaches me and asks what am I looking for,I hide the turtle bag in the bag and say Ah, just my swimsuit,I wanted to take Seth to the beach. I am looking around the living room and I see her, my aunt, uncle all looking at me with so much hate, disgust.
      Next scene, I am walking with Seth down the road towards the village, to buy the milk. It is around 19h, the sun is dying. The road looks same as in real life, its just a road with bushes and trees and all sort of green plants on both sides, stretching into mini forests. While walking I think what if a snake comes right now straight at you? and at that moment the green plants from the sides merge and completely close the road. I get scared. I look to the road and there is a huge snake moving right towards me and Seth, so I turn around and start walking back slowly. I am looking down to the road that now looks like red bricked road, but the road does not look or feel as tho it is made from brick, but from bright red mud shapped to look like a brick and there are snakes everywhere. I decide to take control of the dream and I turn the snakes into little animated paintings of fruits: strawberries, lemons, oranges, cherries are the ones I noticed. I smile and I keep walking but my stupid mind suddenly thinks Doesn't fruit attracts bugs?, so I look down to the road once again and I see lots of little bugs crawling around, I say "Enough with this shit!" and I wake myself up.
      Tags: animals, family, sea, son
      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare
    15. 5 Feb: Tomb raider

      by , 02-05-2013 at 03:35 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      I am part of an expedition which found some amazing old ruins on a cave. Some of the men turn against me and a trusted friend and want me to find and give them some artefact which can control that place. I do not cooperate and they start shooting. I hide behind a vertical metallic sarcophagus and as I avoid the bullets, I recognize the carved shapes on the sarcophagus as instructions to activate some mechanism to get the artifact. I need to put back in it the head of the person whose body was originally inside it, but where is the head? With the shooting, there is some collapse of the cave, which opens a line to an area of plants in which I take cover. In the middle of the plants are several mummified heads. I find the right one, which belonged to some king. I take it and put it inside the sarcophagus. In exchange, from a hidden door in the sarcophagus comes a mirror, surrounded by pearls. I hide it in my clothes and I run to an exit. Meanwhile the shooting continues and they found a way through the debris to me. Now the cave is really collapsing and as I run towards the exit, I see secret chambers with treasures opening up. I still have time to pick up another jewel, a necklace with a pendent, which is on a pedestal at the entrance of a chamber. And I escape.
      In the nearest town, my friend, whom I thought had died, surprises me and tells me the bad guys are still after us and his plan to go away. But it's too late, we're surrounded by them and they tell me to hand over the necklace, which they saw me taking and think is the artefact they want. I pretend I don't want to but then give it to them and they go away all happy. Then I tell my friend they took the wrong thing and he smiles.