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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. Destroy all dc humans!!!

      by , 09-05-2010 at 09:53 PM
      I am crypto from destroy all humans and I am in 1st person...

      I was at a toll both like thing and there was some fat lady in there, a man in a car pulls up and apparently he is my enemy. He starts shooting so I run away.. A cutscene then starts where my ship is flying over the site outside a fence...

      I then find myself in 3rd person, I see my ship landed so I jump on top of it to recieve upgrades for my character.

      There were to selections.. a purple circle which said "Mind world" or something like that and a blue one that said "Real World". I can only assume that this means there is some sort of "Psychonauts" twist to this DAH game..

      I buy the "REAL WORLD" Food upgrade. Bananas and Strawberries!!
    2. I'm evil!

      by , 09-05-2010 at 09:40 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Hey all. This is my first post here, and I promise you it won't be the last

      I'm a happy dude from Sweden with a thousand thoughts in my head. They follow me into my dreams and I dream every night. Currently I have around 2 lucid dreams every 3 weeks. But I'm getting better! This place will surely make me dream alot more. I only focus on DILD. I will try WILD out later on when I'm more used to it.

      If there's anyone out there who would like to chat with me and give me tips, please send me a PM! There's nothing better than sharing your experience with someone, and there's way too few people around here who cares about this great thing.

      This is a story which I wrote down after having a dream, and everything in the story happened in the dream, just as I describe it. Don't worry, I'm a very happy person IRL. It's just that I'm having a hard time atm. And that reflects into my dreams. Enjoy!

      Matt went through the plan in his head one more time. He would distract the servant, while his teachers; Sarah and John, would take care of the witch.

      As they rounded a corner in the ancient garden, the pair was already waiting for them. The battle started immediately and Matt darted behind a large statue for cover. The servant imitated and started shooting red energy strikes his way. Glancing to the side, he could see Sarah and John battling the witch.
      A red light suddenly filled his vision as a strike just barely missed his head, scorching a few hairs. He turned his focus back to the fat, short man in his brown robes, and decided to respond with some strikes of his own.
      Stretching out his hand a ball of energy started to take form and with a throwing motion the ball flew straight at the man, only to evaporate just a few feet away. Another red flash came in response but Matt dodged it with ease.
      A smile started to form on his lips the now nervous servant was forced to retreat as a volley of energyballs flew his way. This time, the balls didn't evaporate and ricocheted off of the surrounding walls. Unfortunately none hit its target, and Matt had used up all his power.
      But there was one thing his teachers didn't know about him. He had had a special gift for as long as he could remember, and now was the time to use it. The servant came out of hiding from behind a large stone when the strikes ended and he held a shovel. Apparently he had decided Matt would be an easy target now that his power had run out.
      'Foolish man' he thought as he ducked under a swing and grabbed the man by the throat. He instantly sent dark power into the man and his eyewhites turned black. He let the man go and looked at his now loyal servant.
      'Kill yourself' he commanded and grinned evily as the man painted the nearby wall red with a couple of hard headbutts. Apparently this didn't do the trick, so he told the man to lie down and finished the job with a hard blow from his newly found weapon. Turning his focus back to his teachers, he could see they had some problems. The three of them were close together and by the look of it, the Medusa-looking witch had the upper hand. As he slowly walked closer he could see that they were being choked and with a quick legsweep, they all fell to the ground. A second later they were gasping for air as the witch's head was separated from its body.
      'Why didn't you help us earlier?!' Sarah exclaimed. Matt ignored the question and bent down to examine the head. The witch must have had quite some power left since the head was still alive.
      'You needed help from a disciple' it laughed as blood trickled down its cheek.
      Matt almost laughed with it, as he leaned closer; 'I'm a fucking prodigy, motherfucker' he whispered and started stabbing with his knife.

      A bit DARK I know. To be honest I wasn't really lucid in that dream, but it was pretty awesome anyways as I could do what I wanted.

      Well, that's it. I will post some lucid dreams tomorrow that I've had in the recent weeks. If you got any questions please ask them

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 07-07-2011 at 05:12 PM by 36346

      non-lucid , nightmare
    3. Riding in a Car, Sleep Paralysis, and Getting Hunted

      by , 09-05-2010 at 06:04 PM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Sept.5
      Time: 3:00am-12:30pm

      I awoke to my alarm several times, I woke up naturally one time, and got into a full blown SP that was quite the rush.
      SP Description: As I laid there trying to do a WILD, I got this rushing feeling throughout my body, I started hearing stuff, and also I got some HI. I kept entering the void, and coming out. It felt as though my body was in free fall, the same feeling I get from going down on a roller coaster. I found it kind of hard to breathe cause my chest felt very heavy. Then at one point I saw this window with a dream in it, but it faded, then I must of fallen asleep as I entered a fascinating, but scary dream.

      Description: I had a couple of normal dreams, then I got into SP and ended up in a really weird dream, where I was being hunted by this zombie/human. This person was able to speak clearly, and didn't have trouble moving.

      Dream 1: I walk from the New Sub, to my house. There are a bunch of kids in an old charger. I walked up to the car, it had leather seats, a modern dashboard. It had a sunroof, which I opened. The car was orange, inside it was black. There were about six of us in it. I get in on the left side closest to the window, and the driver takes off. He starts speeding through the neighborhood, at the end of the street he has to turn right, so he spins the car a full 360 degrees, I say we are going to die nonchalantly. He continues, we see a cop car at the stop sign, and he passes and speeds past the cop car. The cop never gives chase, but we end up around the block and we all get out of the car. We walk back to my house, and this girl comes up and grabs my hand, she is about my height, black hair. A nice body, but she is kind of emo, but I don't care. She takes me to a hair salon place made for the emo haircuts, she sits me down in a chair, and a hairdress that has crazy black hair starts to mess with my head, making a couple of shave spots, tries to dye my hair black. I insist she stop, but she won't. She keeps telling me to trust her. Now my hair is completely ruined, or so I think. I then see my future self. We are in a scene, were I am going out with her, and we spot a person she used to like. But that guy has a girlfriend. That dream ends.

      Dream 2: Now I am in my basement with my brother Jarred, we are sitting playing video games. He asks me a pot related question, but I don't answer. He then asks me if I have a pipe, I say no I don't, nor a bong. He then gives me a pipe, and some pot to go with it. He hides it in this white plastic case. He then tells me never to smoke alone, but to smoke with others. Also not to get caught with it. He leaves. Now the scene is I am outside, nighttime, I am with my brother Josh. We are walking down towards the New Sub, and I ask him if he wants to smoke out. He says sure, so I rush back to the house into the backyard to find my dad awake. He is looking for something, I am not sure what, but I say something along the lines of it having grass that catches fire, and makes an explosion. He says yes. I go inside and the case that has my stuff in it, is in the kitchen. My mom is talking and the kitchen has a lot of stuff in it it. So I say I will look in my case for whatever they are searching for. But I keep getting interrupted by my parents. I finally grab the stuff, and then I walk outside, I look at the pipe and its very small, it has a dog design on it. I can't find a lighter, but I wake up.

      Dream SP: Okay it is night time, and I am in this giant field. I can see a broken down cabin in front of me. But I am on a fence at the top. So I jump over and cross over a dirt road, I then begin to climb the second tall fence, but I hear a voice behind me. It said "I am going to find you." It is a man, about average height when I look at him. So I struggle to get over the fence I am on now, but do so, just as he starts looking for me. The fence changes a wooden pick fence. I can see my shadow through the cracks, but the guy doesn't notice, I was just about to get down, but there is a giant dog laying there sleeping. So I swing my way down the fences, and he steps through the gate of the fence, I jump back over the fence I was on as the guy walks towards the wooden cabin. I wake up, but it was incredibly vivid. To bad I didn't WILD into it. I had the SP and everything, but it wasn't enough.
    4. Crossbow Intruder

      by , 09-05-2010 at 05:49 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in my sister's bedroom; the lights were off but I could still outlines and there was a slight illumination coming from an unknown angle. Her room was small, around twelve by twelve feet, and the only furniture in the room was a white twin bed, positioned against the wall, and a vertical white dresser. We were both behind the bed on the floor, and because of this we couldn't see the door to her room. We were talking about random gibberish that I can't remember, and suddenly the door swung open, making a large banging sound against the wall. I looked up over the bed and saw a shady man in his thirties stalking towards us. This wasn't exactly a nightmare because it didn't have the same terror as a nightmare would have, but I was still nervous.

      My sister got up and, without saying a word, ran right past the man and out the bedroom door. Who knows why he didn't jump at the chance to attack her. So, I was still looking over the bed and realized only now that he was holding a crossbow. It was brown and fairly basic in structure; the arrows made of slightly beveled metal.

      He pointed the crossbow at me and I slunk back behind the bed. He came around the corner of it, the bow still pointing at me, and pulled it back. I pressed myself against the wall to hide myself; because of the angle he was aiming from, he'd have to move again to shoot. He came around quickly and shot me just above the forehead. I didn't feel pain or see blood, and I pulled the arrow out that actually didn't go that far into me, maybe a few centimeters.

      The dream ended.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:30 AM by 28408

      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. Cheshire Cat Costume

      by , 09-05-2010 at 05:41 PM
      Type: regular dream.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was right inside the main entrance of my school; the colors were slightly muted because the building was dimly lit. The building itself was large and spacious, long and rectangular, and had a triangular roof made of glass panels. The flooring consisted of large light-colored tiles, although the color was indiscernible. There were many different students within the school, and I was one of them. There was a Halloween party coming up that night, and I had to get my costume together fast because it started in an hour.

      I walked to the left and entered a locker room; it looked exactly like this except there weren't benches in the middle, and it was larger.

      There were a few other students in the room at the moment, and one of them I recognized as being my classmate. When I got to my locker, I faced her and said, "hi", then continued on without getting a reply from her. She just ignored me as if I weren't there but it didn't hurt my feelings. I opened my locker and saw a shelf, positioned in the center of my locker. On top of it were a pair of dark blue jeans, almost black, and a black sweater with blue stripes on it. I guess I was going to be the cheshire cat from Alice in Wonderland (I'd never do that in real life because these clothing choices would make me look emo, but whatever). I also found a black tube at the bottom of my locker, presumably filled with face paint, but I was not going to paint my face all black! I got changed right there, putting the sweater and jeans on. I also remember putting on some sort of hat that I didn't see in my locker before, but I can't remember what it looked like.

      I exited the locker room and was now back in the main part of the school, a big, spacy area with doors to classrooms on either side. They were closed because I knew it was getting late, and the party was going to start momentarily. I continued to walk down the school and ran into four or five of my classmates. I recognized a few of them but there were some I didn't. They were all wearing plush navy blue robes, like the ones made of egyptian cotton. I looked at them and thought, I'm wearing that too, and when I looked at myself, putting my arms out in front of me, I was in fact wearing the same robe. So much for continuity.

      Updated 07-07-2011 at 02:56 AM by 28408

    6. Wave 38: First Nightmare

      by , 09-05-2010 at 05:25 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      Kind of a sucky milestone, but yeah. I got my first creepy dream I would consider as a nightmare. Those where you wake up all sweaty. If you consider that I have now 38 DJ entries only one nightmare in all those dreams is a fairly good ratio. Of course im not writing it Duh. The whole point of nightmares is to forget them, and writing certainly doesnt help. I did get a girlfriend though in another dream. As she was hanging around on a balcony, I simply looked at her until she addressed me.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Apocalypse

      by , 09-05-2010 at 05:23 PM
      I am on an airplane, returning from London to Mexico. But I have to stop at New York. I see from the airplane window that there's a storm, and I sense things are falling apart. Then I'm in the car, in a bridge and things ARE falling apart. My dad, the driver, stops and we get down at an apartment. I go up and all families are going crazy, in the apartment where I'm staying the father says "Everybody, you must only have a walkman OR a blackberry, only one, not both." I grab my blackberry and my best friend, the apartment is starting to fall. Everybody is ready to die. I tell her to come with me, everybody knows we're trying to save them. How? Supposedly, I know how to. So we run and stop at a restaurant, this man calls us. He tells us we have to sell some things, and that we should sell it to the laundry next to us. Meanwhile, the apartments that face the bridge are all falling, everybody is ready to die,, except me. We go to the laundry, and there's no people to sell the stuff to. So I tell my friend not to enter. We come back to the man and he tell us that we have to go into the laundry or he'll punish us. My friend wants to go, but I stop her. I know there's a business going on that we shouldn't enter. I tell the man we're not going. He's sitting with another man, and the other man tells us he doesn't want to make us prostitutes, he hates to do that. Then the man that wants us to enter the laundry to be made sex slaves gets up and threatens to kill us, then siamese twins came and stabbed the man with a small knife, the man turned and stabbed the twins, and the three fell down to the floor, dead. Me and my friend ran, crying because of the twins and got to a place nearby, full of sand, and with inventions from the ancient until now. There we recieved notice that it had all finished, and we were safe. We had made it. I was not ready to die.
    8. Night of 9/4-9/5

      by , 09-05-2010 at 03:00 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      I was with a small group of people (probably about 10-15 people) and House. At first we were at some kind of bar or comedy club. One of the guys in the group called "The Goose", a skinny guy with a black t-shirt and short, black hair, was doing some comedy up front. Meanwhile House and I were arguing about something, and I got the impression that he didn't quite like me. After a while, House announced that we were going to have a race with two teams of four; we'd have four tasks to complete on the way and for some reason both teams had to carry a large orange net also. I remember thinking it was weird that the race had over a month and a week time limit when it would only take a few hours to complete. We started running, both teams of four plus the rest of the crowd plus House hobbling behind, first down a highway in the desert. At some point we veered off to the right onto a grassy patch. The first task was two soccer goal nets positioned rather close to each other with a soccer ball, the task was that we had to score four goals. My other three teammates were girls, the three of them carrying the net since I was a little bit behind them, and they got to the task first. They set the net down next to the goals and started kicking the ball; they scored three easily but accidentally kicked the ball around the side on the fourth one. As I got there, I stayed near our net so I could grab it and run a soon as we had 4 goals; I grabbed it early once but was reprimanded by House. The other team arrived as we were trying to work out the fourth goal. As soon as they got it, I grabbed the net, piled it up and tried to carry it over my shoulder as we ran down a path towards the next challenge. To make it easier to carry, I just put the net on my head to help hold it up and carry it that way, but I couldn't see very well. As we went, we passed an Arby's off to our left, I joked, "I should go through the drive through with this net." We went for some ways until we came to this building that looked like some kind of school. Inside we all rested for a bit while House explained the third challenge: a comedy contest (apparently somewhere along the way my team had completed the second challenge while I was carrying the net?). House opened a door that led to the stage of a packed theater. The other team was going first, and they had "The Goose". I was worried because I was the only person on my team that had any comedy experience, but I didn't have a routine prepared. Dream ended hereabouts.
    9. Illegal Driving

      by , 09-05-2010 at 01:28 PM
      Illegal Driving (Non-lucid)


      I'm hoping last night marks the long-overdue end of my dream recall dry spell. In real life, I just got my learner's permit a few days ago, so I'm still very nervous about driving, which probably led to this dream:

      I have been at some function in my school, but I can't remember what. It may or may not have been actually part of my dream. Anyways, I am pulling out of the parking lot of my school, and onto the main road. Once I get started, though, I realize that I've left my dad back at the school, and I'm (illegally) driving by myself. I panic somewhat, and make a u-turn to go back. Problem is, I somehow get lost.

      Now I'm on a road surrounded by trees, at an intersecting. I think that I'm waiting for a red light to turn green, but then I realize that I only have stop signs, so I should have already gone. I know that the other drivers behind me are annoyed, so I quickly turn to the left, towards where I think my school is. The dream ends.
    10. I always knew you were selfish

      by , 09-05-2010 at 10:27 AM
      1.I had just read something about the sun falling down onto the earth and destroying our planet and I was a bit nerveous . So then I was in the car with my mom and then I saw something that looked like the sun . It was already in earth's atmosphere and I was freaking out . Then I saw the news and they showed some kind of a chart of countries the sun already had destroyed .

      2.I was at my friend's house and she showed me around and then she told me her favourite part of the house was the kitchen . There were green tiles on the walls . She offered me a piece of strawberry cheesecake . She cut a slice but instead of giving it to me , she started eating it herself .

      3.We had to drive to some kind of an island and then we drove across the island , the road was straight and we ended up in water . We backed off quickly and drove back . Then we again ended up in the ocean .

      4.I was walking in the city with my friend and suddenly we bumped into a guy who was really tall , had dark hair and a big white hoodie . She , for some reason started moaning like she had just seen something really beautiful , but unreachable . I said : "Stop moaning , you sound like you just had an orgasm" . She talked to the guy a little and then he moved on . I asked her who he is and she told me he used to be our gym teacher . I had never seen him so I wondered how could I have missed so many classes ? The next moment we were at my house and she was talking to that guy on IM . She told him that they should get together sometimes or hang out and that he should come to her house tomorrow at 10 pm when it's dark . I was like wtf, he is our teacher , are you insane ? She didn't listen to me and kept on talking .

      5.I was in my backyard , digging a hole in the sand (why did we have sand in our backyard ?) . It was quite deep . I took some grass and sprinkled it all over the sand . I suddenly heard a noise and saw a man with an orange t-shirt outside the gate . I decided to hide myself and lay down in the hole so then maybe he won't see me . The man turned out to be my dad who was a little tipsy and was laughing like a hyena .

      6.I was at school . We were in our old classroom . Then this one guy , a classmate , takes a book that looks like a diary but really is a book , and then shoves it into everybody's face . Then everyone takes out the same book and starts reading it . Somehow they had replaced the door with a brown curtain . So then I was walking in the hallway when our French substitute teacher walked by . He smiled and said hey . I replied with a hello . He looked really cute , as usual . I went upstairs and told my friend how I met my french teacher in the hallway . I saw the guy I like looking at me and then giggle a little .
    11. Short Message

      by , 09-05-2010 at 10:20 AM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Dream fragment, I'm sure there was more but I just can't remember it...

      I'm scrolling through Youtube, and I see a girl with purple hair. The title is "This Is My Life". Then underneath it says "2001 01:13 2009" which I take a second to wonder about, but dismiss.

      I click on the video, a girl appears on the screen. She's sitting on a ledge. One leg is dangling over and she's hugging the other close to her chest. She looks straight at me and says "You are the recepietent of much evil, you just need to channel it." at that point I saw energy pulsing through her, and I knew she was directing it.

      I woke up thinking; "What. The. Fuck...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. Short Message

      by , 09-05-2010 at 10:20 AM (Raspberry's Second Life)
      Dream fragment, I'm sure there was more but I just can't remember it...

      I'm scrolling through Youtube, and I see a girl with purple hair. The title is "This Is My Life". Then underneath it says "2001 01:13 2009" which I take a second to wonder about, but dismiss.

      I click on the video, a girl appears on the screen. She's sitting on a ledge. One leg is dangling over and she's hugging the other close to her chest. She looks straight at me and says "You are the recepietent of much evil, you just need to channel it." at that point I saw energy pulsing through her, and I knew she was directing it.

      I woke up thinking; "What. The. Fuck...
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    13. Lanies'bewbs...

      by , 09-05-2010 at 04:26 AM
      I was lying down facing Lanie, who was parallel to myself. I touched her breasts a couple times and she smiled.

      Later I texted her saying "Sorry I touched your boobs" she responded with "why did you touch my boobs?"

      I follow her somewhere and she warned me not to go near the graffiti because her old boyfriend wrote it.

      I then later found myself in the home of a family of a different ethnicity, with my arm around some girl that wasn't lanie..


      I saw my grandma cheryl on one of those things that make you go upside down so you can straighten your back (I Saw it on a commercial the day before)
    14. Stealing is Fun,Until Someone Starts to Hunt You.

      by , 09-05-2010 at 02:41 AM (Dreams I can Only Dream.)
      Date: Sept.4
      Time: 8:00am

      I need more motivation to write my dreams down when I wake in the middle of the night. Had a couple of alarms set to do a WBTB, but I ignored them as usual.
      Description: I only remembered this one dream, but it was incredibly vivid. It also had a full plot, but I could only remember so much since I didn't write it down when I woke.

      Dream: It starts with me walking toward a large set of stairs. Think of big university stairs with people hanging out by them, a big rail split it in half. Crowds of people were all around. I think I was alone. It was a part of a shopping center, and had elements of my backyard in it. I can't really describe it, but I have a clear image in my head. I start heading up the stairs, but a crowd of guys start pushing me. It turns into a brawl, me against at least four plus the "leader". I punch the group leader and he falls to the ground. I start running around the other people there, pushing people away from me. The scene skips to me walking at the top of the stairs, but the stairs aren't there anymore. I walk over to this storage, locker area where I am handling a douflebag full of stolen money. I set it in the locker, and my nephew is with me. I see 100s, 50s, 5s, and 1s. Someone behind to my left said something to the affect that I didn't need all that money. Another person ran up and grabbed a couple of 100 dollar bills. I yell to them, that they can be traced, and I'll be caught, but they ignore me. I chase the person to another building that is still in the same area. I stop and go back to the locker and grab the douflebag, I explain to my nephew that we need to move the cash, and warn people at my house to get somewhere safe. The scene skips to me walking up my backyard deck stairs, my family is having a pool party. I see my deceased sister Kelli in the pool by my mom. I try and explain the situation, but they ignore me. I almost question the reality of the situation, but put the thoughts out of my head, because my sole focus was to get everyone safe. I blackout. I appear in my garage, but it is bigger than what it really is. I am walking towards my backdoor. I see my dog outside, so I tell my nephew of the safe places I scouted earlier. We are now on a bus, it kind of looks like a train, I see another one coming towards us in a head on collision. I black out again and wake up.

      Vividness 8
      Control 0
      Lucidity 2
      Tags: hunted, nonlucid
    15. Well....I forget most of my dreams.....So lets just do another dream from the past.

      by , 09-04-2010 at 11:58 PM (This is my Dream journal!)
      I was a Xtranormal character (look it up on google!) I was choosing my Superhero suit and My superhero team. So we go to get back some stolen money from the bank. (TheBank is just a huge electronic cliff.) We saw a policman with his special truth no cheating spray. He catches us! We Lay down...He sprays us all He was asking us questions and if we got them right we lived...Unfornuatley i got my question wrong. So i fought him I won!!! I threw him off the edge...(The edge is 2,000 feet long)