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    1. Proto-Lucid: Half Memory, Half Dream

      by , 08-27-2014 at 08:00 PM
      NLD fragment, early: There was a band of Thai Buddhist monks in Bangkok called "Sacred Light." Contrary to what you'd expect, their music was surprisingly harsh and experimental. A musician from another band commented about one of the group, "His music has an edge of irrancidity." I woke up and for a few minutes I remained fully convinced that "irrancidity" was as much of a real word as "rancidity" (sort of like how you can legitimately say either "regardless" or "irregardless").

      NLD: (I'll gloss over this since it was tedious and contains a lot of RL details. It was a basic anxiety dream: I was performing a task at my workplace and I was ill-prepared, everything was going wrong, and a senior colleague was observing the whole fiasco.)

      Proto-lucid: After the anxiety dream I half-woke and was reminded of my speculations lately about the degree to which increased stress in waking life might actually be a condition actually favorable to lucidity. I slipped from these musings into a proto-lucid event—I don't want to call it a "lucid dream" per se because it felt too superficial and unformed. It started when I transitioned from my half-awake thoughts into walking past the house where I grew up. The back door was wide open, including the screen door, and this bothered me. Was the house abandoned? Or were the people who lived there now just careless? It was not a good idea to leave the door open like that because the nearby wetlands meant that the summer air was always thick with mosquitos and biting flies.

      I stepped up to the threshold and called out, "Hello? Hello?" There was no response. The interior was decorated differently than I remembered, which I attributed to the fact that other people lived there now. I was reminded of the last episode of "The Leftovers" I watched Sunday night and figured that with the door wide open like that, even a large animal like a deer could wander inside. I decided not to go in—it didn't feel like "my" home anymore and I would be intruding on someone else's space, even if they weren't present. However, the wide open door still annoyed me, so I closed the inner screen door. Then I mostly closed the outer door as well. If the inhabitants came by and found their door unexpectedly closed it might startle them, but they should know better than to leave it open in the first place.

      I continued walking around the side of the house and headed down toward the chicken house and barn. I was impatient to cover the distance so I started running, and I was reminded how good running felt when I was living here in my teens. Sometimes I would just run across the grass with sheer exhilaration and excess of energy. It's been a long time since I've felt like that—especially when running! When I got to the space between the two buildings I peeked into the chicken house, but it was empty so I went into the barn instead. I had noticed some people in the pasture so I crept quietly through the barn to the lower area where it connected with the pasture and peeked around the wall. Yes, there were definitely a couple people in the pasture, about a hundred yards away. I was pleased that the dream was finally starting to take some initiative and manifest something other than the basic environment. However, I didn't want those people to see me, since I still felt like an intruder now that they owned the place, so I remained hidden.

      I went back inside the lower level of the barn and headed for the stairs that led upstairs. Meanwhile I reflected on how muddy and vague the environment still was, despite the fact that the dream had been otherwise stable so far. My senses were crap. I had experienced this in plenty of WILDs—which in hindsight this might have almost been, though since it had started in a non-standard location (my WILDS typically involve me "getting up" out of bed) I simply might not have recognized it as such. But at that time I still didn't want to give it credit for being a real dream at all, because I felt that it didn't quite measure up. Maybe I'm getting too critical; on reflection it looks more like a real dream than it felt at the time. But that's probably just a trick of print: the dreamstate was not really rising to the occasion, and I felt too much like I was "working the controls," as it were.

      Anyway, I was contemplating the muddy, vague environment, which I felt was being shaped almost more through my conscious memory of the place than through the independent activity of the dream. Last night I had been reading a thread on DV about ADA, which included claims that greater awareness in waking life can also sharpen one's dream senses, and I couldn't help but acknowledge that my ordinary level of perceptiveness in waking life is probably much lower than most people's—because in effect I've spent most of my life practicing how to filter things out, not let them in. That said, my dream senses are usually reasonably sharp (with the exception of taste and smell) and my recall can be quite good, but I thought that perhaps the muddiness of the environment this time had been conditioned by that chain of thought.

      I headed up the stairs to the upper level of the barn. I wandered around a bit more but don't recall encountering or thinking anything else of note before I woke up.

      On waking, I realized that the circumstances were now all in order for a proper WILD attempt, but although I went through the ritual in a way that felt like it should have been successful, in the end I just fell into a period of regular sleep without even an NLD to show for it. This has actually happened several times over the last couple weeks, which is irritating given my satisfying successes earlier this month.
    2. 8/27/14 Exhilirating DILD - Near-Epic Sex - 3 Sexual Partners in One Dream!!

      by , 08-27-2014 at 05:56 PM
      Any plans to swear off dream sex went out the door for now with this DILD!!! I decided to use a little softer language than my last entry.

      1045pm 425am Going to a concert to check out an acquaintance.

      Virtual reality headset. Normal hi def for now until full version available. ??

      #Downtown #office new setup up front, employees have cash all over the counter; I tried to warn them that it's dangerous... too close to the door. There's a U-shaped driveway out front and N from the office says that the driveway is one way and I think well robbers could go out the wrong way but as I look at it closer the exit is right in front of the building and the entrance is the other far part of the U...even worse! False memory.

      There's an earlier scene in the main house with several different people, a family I think. And I'm kind of watching from the outside as one guy goes out into a smaller house and there is a girl playing and at this point it's almost like I'm watching a movie and I'm kind of urging the guy hey don't go near that girl she's weird and she will just start screaming and everybody will think that you actually did something to her. Sure enough she lets off a short little scream more like she is joking around or just doing it because she knows it will evoke a response. The mom comes and she is a MILF. She says something like "oh what are you doing down here" in a little bit of a flirty way and she lays down on the bed and opens up her blouse revealing her bra. This brings me into the scene and I moved towards her and realize that this is a dream! It seems the girl has disappeared from the scene. The MILF and I start tearing each others clothes off and eventually
      she makes her way to my
      Spoiler for X-rated, softer language:
      with her head at the edge of the bed and me standing over the bed and it feels so good! I move to intercourse and notice there is a blond woman in the room and I tell her to come join us. I want some of that action I got two nights ago while having intercourse with one woman and another one
      Spoiler for X-rated:
      ! She doesn't respond at first just kind of standing over in the corner with her back to us so I command her I specifically saying with authority "I command you to come over here." My focus is mainly on the MILF below me. The MILF is a light brown haired woman with large breasts. The blonde woman has arrived but just kind of flails around on the bed like a dumb DC next to us. So I command her to get up and
      Spoiler for X-Rated:
      as we have intercourse and as she gets up I look at her face and she is quite beautiful. She is not quite Scarlett
      Johansson but not dissimilar at all and very very pretty! I say damn you are beautiful! As I pull my focus over to her it seems as if the MILF has disappeared and I switch my focus to a third cute young woman on the bed across the room to my left and I make my way over there. She looks a little shy but willing. She gets smaller and thinner as I approach her and I mentally think stop, no more shrinking! I
      Spoiler for R to X-Rated:
      It is not really satisfying either mentally or physically. The blonde woman had followed us over there and I lay her down on the bed and move over to her and the intercourse is excellent again! It feels so good that I think that I might actually
      Spoiler for X-Rated:
      in real life! As I think this I start to worry that I may be humping around in my real bed. 196
      That brings me into a false awakening in which I'm half awake sleepily recalling what just happened and my wife nearby but I don't catch it until I actually wake up a few moments later and realize that my wife is downstairs getting ready to leave for the day. 745am I am way more exhilarated waking up from this dream and the exhilaration carries well into the morning!
    3. Crashing into the pink and gold planet, The easter island heads beach, Destiny

      by , 08-27-2014 at 04:53 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am at the helm of a spaceship exploring another solar system. I can recall there is an inner system of gas planets and an outer system of gas planets, leaving room in the middle for a belt of smaller rocky planets to orbit. This is the area that command has asked us to explore.
      Anyways, I end up falling asleep at the helm, only to be awoke by the ships alarm because the radar has picked up that we are near the surface of something. I wake up and see that we are flying dangerously low over the surface of a very strange planet.
      The planet has a bright pink surface, with pink boulders scattered about, and there are huge golden crystals jutting out from the surface. In some of the crystals there were evidence of carving as though an alien civilization had carved out the inside of the golden crystals into homes.
      Regardless, we are about to crash. I begin turning the ship upwards, and fire the main engine. The main engine is rather slow however, and after about fifteen seconds and almost no change in velocity we run out of fuel.
      The ship ends up crashing into a large golden crystal. I somehow survive. Command scolds me for falling asleep at the helm and killing my entire crew... But I was alone.
      I know that I am going to die, but I figure I might as well explore some of the hollowed out crystals in my space suit before I run out of oxygen. I think eventually I do run out of oxygen and discover that what I have been doing was actually just a training simulation and I failed because I fell asleep.

      I do not recall much at all about this dream. It feels like I might have actually had this dream years ago and perhaps only recalled it now. I don't even recall the plot of the dream, only the location that it took place in.
      I recall a beach with Easter island heads on it. Everywhere. They all looked exactly the same but some were broken. Some were tipped over. Some had palm trees growing out of them. The beach is beautiful. The water is clear and blue, and the clouds in the sky looked amazing. It was a very vivid dream.
      I can also recall being on a boat and going down a river that let out into the ocean. I think Manei may have been there but I am not sure.

      H has invited me to go to a convention/event type thing where we are going to get an early-release copy of the game Destiny. Anyways me and a few hundred people are waiting around in what sort of feels like the cafeteria to my old middle school. (Yes we get to put a because there is a connection to my old middle school. In fact, we get to put two. I hated middle school.)
      Anyways I am sitting at the table with H and my cousin and many other people. I look around and think that the crowd is awfully young to be playing this game. I mean this is an officially sponsored event by Bungie, and I think that Destiny is going to be rated T or M, so having almost the entire crowd by eight-year-olds is a little odd. Granted, there are some older people in here, but me and them are in the minority.
      Also, to add to the childishness of the event all of the tables boxes of crayons and coloring pages. I don't remember actually coloring anything, but I think H was. We sat there for what felt like a really long time and caught up.
      Anyways, to decide who gets an early-release copy of Destiny you get to draw a card out of this jar. If you get a white card, you have to leave, but if you get a card that is sort of a teal color then you win a free copy, and get to stay and play in a big LAN party with everyone. I end up getting a white card but somebody else lets me have their card, them having a teal one obviously. I wake up a few moments after they give me the card.
    4. Future Guy

      by , 08-27-2014 at 04:20 PM

      First Dream
      I don't remember

      Second dream

      Third Dream(Lucid)

      I was in a dentist or clinic and something happened that I don't remember. Than somehow I ended up in a desert tower place and Katara from avatar was doing a sand bending move on a guy. After that I thought I woke up and was seeing a small pic of a white tiger. I tried moving but I couldn't. Than my face felt like it was getting heavy so I just decided to close my eyes and wait till I woke up. But I ended up dreaming. I was flying above the roads and ocean and could see islands. There was someone invisible flying me somewhere. He was talking to me about something when one of the islands caught my eye. I thought I saw wedding decorations on the island and thought the dream island was familiar. We kept flying to a place where there was a futuristic car and a diagram of a city. He told me in the future cars will have more things added to it. Than we sat in the car and started to talk. I was thinking about how cool it was that the dream lasted this long. My sister and brothers were there too and they were discussing about how in the future there will be tornadoes in the city. After a while of more talking I noticed there was a bar near me that I thought was my life bar. I got anxious cause it got lower and started blinking. But the guy grabbed me and told me to relax cause I was. Anxious. After waiting for a bit I woke up.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 04:23 PM by 67570

      Tags: lucid
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. First night small lucid dream!!!!

      by , 08-27-2014 at 03:21 PM
      I tried last night to induce my lucid dreaming. I was listening to music and letting my body fade into the bed while focusing my mind on staying aware as my body slept. I remember seeing a stair way that was glowing white, it bent through black. There was nothing but this stair way. I then summoned myself to walk up it and I did. I then thought of the solar system and space and it appeared around me. All of a sudden a man in an ice cream truck workers uniform appeared much larger then me and stood in the space beside my stair case. He grabbed the railing and it morphed into a rattle snake tail.i woke up with a gasp and a smile, realizing I was dreaming but had been in control for at least a few seconds. I had just slipped my awareness from my conscious self to my unconscious dream state with out even realizing I had done so. It was AWESOME!!!
    6. DEID chain leads to learning a new word, robbing a bank, and plastocene eyeballs...

      by , 08-27-2014 at 02:26 PM
      This was a DEILD chain with at least three DEILDs, maybe as many as five.

      I GET LUCID waking down a street in a city centre scene that feels like some parts of Glasgow. I float into the air as an RC, then try to fly higher because flying more impressively is one of my dream goals.

      I notice that a DC has risen into the air with me, a dark haired woman perhaps in her early forties. I float across to her and say "I'd like as conversion with you, if that's OK" then go on to explain that I'm dreaming and that she's not real but I want to find out what she's like. She furrows her brow as I say she's not real as if she's considering whether to be offended. We share another couple of sentences of conversation that I can't remember.

      I come down to ground level to think what to do next. I look at a car thinking of going for a joy ride and note that it's a left hand drive like in another recent dream, so I decide I'd rather find a right hand drive car. I floatalong the street looking at a variety of weird cars, mostly looking like concept cars, but including several just plain surreal ones (one has a shaggy coat of wires, another is a small house with wheels...)

      I realise I ought to be thinking of the TOTMs, so I go through the mantra "foreign banana, eye castle, tease" (I replaced the bonus TOTM with the dare I was recently dared, because it sounded more fun!)

      I look across the street to see another DC on the pavement on the other side of the street, a shabby looking blonde woman probably in her 50s. I ask her for a foreign word and its meaning, but she wants to bustle past me. I say "well I'm going to stop you because this is my dream and I'm in charge" I accost her as she's about to enter her house. When she realises in not going to let her go without my word, she says "koinu" and I ask her what it means. "Go away / go home" is the reply, which I guess I had coming...

      The next task is to rob a bank using only a banana. I put my hand out palm up with a deliberate gesture to conjure up a banana. I get a tiny yellow dot in my palm, about the size of a lentil. I decide that's probably not intimidating enough, so I decide to try another tactic. I make another conjuring gesture at the pavement to conjure up a giant banana attack dog. I get a rather blobby banana-like dog who also doesn't look all that impressive. I stretch out his snout to make it look a little more aggressive with limited success. I realise I still have the pill sized banana in my other hand, so I throw it to the ground and it becomes another banana dog, this one smaller but at least a little more angular and aggressive looking.

      I head into the bank and shout that everyone should keep back as I have attack bananas!

      People seem suitably nervous at first, but as I go through the bank looking for a cashier to take money from, the general feel turns into one of normal interaction, as if my attack bananas have made their point and the staff are all happy to just go about the business of finding me some money to steal. At the back of the bank is a large table positively groaning with bank notes. The bank notes are tiny, about a third the size of a credit card, and very simply designed, a bit like monopoly money. I ask the chap counting and sorting the money to put as much as he could in a Tupperware sitting on the table for me and he obliges. I note that these tiny notes include some really huge denominations of thousands of pounds, so a small Tupperware of then is still a major haul. The chap hands over the cash and I head out.

      I have a long interlude here with almost no lucidity during which I read a very surreal psychedelic concept art book that my dad had lying around. The story seems to mostly relate a relationship between the main protagonist and his girlfriend, who he meets when she's about eight, and they have a difficult life trying to work out how to go about a relationship when the book seems to have started too early in their lives. The protagonist (who I identify with enough that at one point I'm living the story rather than reading it) had a weird experience of trying to work or how old his "girlfriend" is and if it's non-creepy yet for him to fancy her. Eventually, she gains boobies and he decides that makes it OK. She gets pregnant and the couple split up and feel very miserable about the while situation as if they blame the author of the book for making their lives suck. I loved the book, but my dad says he never really liked it.

      I start looking for a mirror to watch myself pull my eyeballs out. I see the Shire Hall in Shrewsbury, and outside is a rather pitiful Lord Hill's Column, about 18" of column and 6" of Lord Hill. I figure there might be a nice big mirror in the reception, so I start to head inside. The entrance turns out to be blocked with hundreds of shopping trolleys, which keeps me snared up for quite a while. Eventually, I find myself inside at a large mirror and stare at myself trying to remember how I was planning to pull my eyeballs out. I try poking my fingers behind my left eyeball (I'm less find of my left eye because it's crap) and try to retain my view through the eyeball as I remove it. I think the sight acts as an anchor keeping the eyeball in place as I'm so used to my perspective being from my eyeballs' customary position! I decide it might be more successful to try sucking my eyeball out with the palm of my hand, blocking my view as I do so.

      After a couple more unsuccessful attempts, I pull my hand away to see that my reflection has become oddly distorted, as if made a bit ineptly out of plastocene. I do note, however, that one eyeball is protruding about an inch from my face, and the other is somehow sticking out of my temple. I decide this counts and inspect my eyes in my reflection for a bit. They both look like crappy craftsmanship, but they're definitely my eyes and definitely not in their normal places. I shove them back in and start to think about the next TOTM - find Howl's castle.

      I try looking around for a giant insect like walking castle, and even try to conjure one up, but then I remember that the magic door can be a way in as well was a way out, so I look for interesting looking doors to find the inside of the castle through. I spot a door that looks tempting, it's small and characterful, so I go to open it. There are two or three street urchins lurking by the door and they keep getting in my way. I pull the door open to find shorter door behind it, then a manhole cover, then another door...

      Eventually I wake up for a final time and a twitch as I'm just about to attempt another DEILD spoils it for me :-(

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 08:34 PM by 69407 (I really need to remember to proof read before clicking post)

      lucid , task of the month
    7. Bob Ross's Death and Potion Ingredient Keep-Away

      by , 08-27-2014 at 01:11 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was watching something about the life and death of Bob Ross. I saw him doing his painting show. I think it was saying he died because of an addiction. I then was, for some reason, getting his death confused with my grandpa, and his confused with my dad (who is alive IWL). I felt very sad for the loss of my dad, thinking of how I just saw him. I felt confused though, as if it wasn't quite right.

      Then, I was walking around a shopping mall with my mom when my old dealer called me up, telling me he had some "good cigarettes and some good stuff" for me if I wanted. He said he'd bring it by my house (the house I grew up in). I told him I'd be home in ten minutes. I hoped my mom didn't know I was talking to a dealer on the phone. Not long after that, he called me back to ask where I was. I asked him if he was still living in the same place. He said yes, but he was at my place. I said I'd be there soon. He had his friend over at the house bringing me the goods. He said he'd have to call him or something.


      This whole dream was literally a video game. It looked as if it had pixelated Gameboy Color graphics. It started out with a boiling potion in a weird, square container. It was very foamy. I and someone else had to stop the potion from becoming fully effective because it would end the world or something like that. We put something in it to neutralize it. We spent the remainder of the game trying to keep the potion ingredients from the witch, who kept finding us. We were in a house for the last part of it, and she somehow got ahold of all the ingredients. The last two she added were broccoli and carrots. I knew we were doomed. Either we restarted the game from an earlier save, or we somehow neutralized the potion. We used powdered, green ginger to neutralize it.

      This dream was longer, but I can't remember details, only the general gist of what happened.


      Not sleeping so well again. Extremely tired but that doesn't seem to make any difference. I'm tired of being tired.
    8. 3 lucid dreaaams

      by , 08-27-2014 at 12:24 PM
      First lucid : I'm in bed (in a dream) I decide to do FILD and I stay still. I get all kind of hallucinations and white sounds and also this tiny doll that's dressed in a red-black kimono stares at me really closely. Her eyes get bigger and bigger the more I get into the dream. [COLOR="#008080"]I wake up and don't even do a RC because I was so sure I was dreaming. I look outside the window and it's really sunny and normal outside. I look back at my bed and I see a grey laptop on it. I open the grey laptop and it has information about everything I do and everything that happens in the dreamland. I say it's awesome and then I realize I could take pictures. I revert the camera to look at me. I look pretty normal. I revert it back and I go into the kitchen with the laptop to see what mom is doing. She's waiting for me. I say I'll go outside. I go to the balcony and I wanna jump but the distance is too high so I say no because I think I could wake up. I run to the entrance door and open it. It's not what I expected there to be. It looks kinda the same as the way it's supposed to look but the walls are white and there is no roof up, just some cool ass mountains and some smoke too. There is something written on a wooden wall up and I go and read it. I don't have a hard time reading it at all. One wall said (exactly like this) : Bienvenuduo a vac ances. The other wall said something in "romanian" : Bine a ti ve nit a vacan ces. I ask mom what could that possibly mean and then I just take a picture of it with the laptop. I pass the wall and jesus, that place... It had many mountains and there was smoke everywhere for some reason. I could feel the wind and it was just awesome. I look around and I see mom is still with me. I tell her to leave but she gets happy-angry and starts ranting but in the end she leaves. I wanna go somewhere to swim. I try to go up the mountains but when I look back I see this cool pool that had like, some tiny watery balls in it. I go into it and it's trying to suck me in and then I wake up (IN A DREAM). [/COLOR]

      2nd lucid : I try to do a FILD again. Same hallucination ( the japanese doll) and I have success with this too. [COLOR="#008080"]I stand up, see the laptop and I get it back. There is a voice in it now that says " Well, what should we do now? Should we give you some nightmares?" I get all excited and say YES. A tiny green snake appears near me. I stare at it and it stares back at me. It then suddenly jumps on my leg and tries to crawl under my skin. I just go with it till it bites me. I get it out and throw it away. It seems dizzy and I jump out the window. Same weather, sunny as fuck. I try to go in the back of my apartment complex when this eagle with red eyes flies to me with the dead green snake in it's mouth. I say that's awesome and the eagle sits on my shoulder. It says that it will save me from everything bad. I say okay then proceed to walk more. This random guy throws some bombs at us. The eagle throws them all away and I could hear them exploding in the distance. The guy then throws a plastic ball with some blue thingies in it. It starts shining more and more and the eagle flies back to my shoulder and says that we need to leave fast. It tries to fly with me but then this huge rock monster grabs me by my leg and throws me to the ground and that's when I woke up.[/COLOR]

      3rd lucid : I'm in a dream again. Do FILD again. [COLOR="#008080"]The grey laptop is sitting on my chest this time. I stand up, get it, and leave in the hall. I try to stabilize and the laptop shows me that it's successful. I look on my right and instead of the bathroom there is another bedroom. The bed is right near the door. I see my grandmother in it and a family friend near her. They both look dead so I try to get away from them as soon as possible because I fear they will wake up. But then, my grandmother starts yelling for help and it's creepy and makes me feel sad. I go to mom in the livingroom and I tell her that my grandmother woke up "again". She seems frustrated and goes to my grandmother and then I wake up. [/COLOR]
    9. Tears, Sarah Jane?

      by , 08-27-2014 at 08:39 AM
      Not much this time - non lucid

      Walking past a forest I know. My friend told me he used to live in a house in the forest. I was thinking that wasnae very guid and they'll end up ruining the forest by building a town in there or something. We stopped and looked at a field with a ditch in front. There were loads of people doing something or other. One of the people wore a funny hat and was very wee. We sat on the top of the ditch and the wee lad came out and started talking to us. (rubbish as far as I can mind)

      Something about my mums best friend and a wee baby.

      Sitting on a window ledge in a room with a couple of people. I was thinking aboot getting old for some reason.
    10. Touch Of Death, Score Review Controversy (27.8.14)

      by , 08-27-2014 at 05:22 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1 - 8:50AM

      I'm sitting down outside a house. I see my cat Charlie with 2 others. 1 is a cat the size of Izzy and the other is fully grown. One of the cats has an extra long tongue and is cleaning one of the cats. I begin to think about the move to this new house and how my other cat Izzy will cope. Charlie comes over and greets me. I see that there's a couple planks that's being used for a walk way, which leads to around the back of the house. It's high off the ground.

      Shit gets a bit trippy here. I'm inside a house and I'm seeing in 3rd person, and notice that I'm a female. The house is dark and has minimal lighting. I begin talking to another girl. I realize what's going on in this scene but myself in the dream doesn't. The other female is showing me pictures of who my family are but she isn't explaining why she's showing me these. I have a feeling she is trying to let myself figure it out. I start to think about the series called ''Revenge'' and feel that this situation is similar to the main actress of the show. I start to feel strong emotion and everything is pretty full on. I place my hand on either my body or the females body, which melts away any skin I touch. I think I hug her and the same thing happens.

      I have a false awakening. I'm in the same house I was in but in the bed. I'm trying to get to sleep but getting frustrated that I can't seem to sleep. I can see text on the wall that I can control. I change the settings to see if it can help me sleep. It seems to work and I start feeling drowsy and fall back asleep. I performed MILD this morning and had trouble getting to sleep, and was becoming frustrated. This seemed to follow over to my dream

      Dream 2

      I'm watching a Australian Football Rules game. A controversial decision happens with the score review system. I see a replay of the footage in question. One of the teams is Adelaide. The Adelaide player isn't happy with the decision. Both teams agree to protest against the decision and boycott the game.

      I walk over to where Dad's PC is and notice a large white leather coach is in front of it.

      I begin to watch the game again and notice that one of players is just dancing around with the ball. I think I see water get thrown over his head. The commentators for the game say that they should cut the broadcast due to the teams now playing the game as it should.

      Dream Fragment

      I'm willing my self to fly down a street. It felt amazing, I could feel the air rush over me. I felt aware during this, but the lucidity didn't kick in

      Side Notes

      I performed MILD during the early morning, but struggled to sleep.

      Updated 08-27-2014 at 09:02 AM by 24939

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid , false awakening , memorable
    11. Spending time with Yuya & Crow

      , 08-27-2014 at 01:27 AM (Hyu's Adventures)
      I'm a bit disappointed in myself for managing my time so poorly lately.
      Somehow I have picked up a really bad habit of procrastinating.
      And because of this I end up spending much less time on LD activities than I intend to.
      I'm seriously considering to block reddit/youtube like sites for a few days a week...

      I find myself on a beach. It is quite late, the sun is going down.
      I should probably walk back to the hotel before it gets too dark...
      Unfortunately I don't recognize any of the buildings alongside the beach.
      Am I lost? How does that even happen?

      Realizing that the situation is somewhat out of the ordinary I try to increase my awareness.
      However, my thoughts feel scrambled. I am unable to come to a conclusion.
      Now what? Am I dreaming or not? This does feel pretty real...
      I decide to fall back on a more robust technique, the nose plug RC.

      I can breathe normally through my plugged nose. This is a dream.
      Wait really? I look at my hands and they seem perfectly normal.
      I walk over to the first person I find, which is an elderly man, whom I assume is walking back to his hotel.

      "Excuse me."
      "Am I dreaming?"

      The man seems rather confused by my question.
      In retrospect, that was probably not the most intelligent thing to do.
      I decide that the answer to my question should be behind myself.
      I turn back towards the ocean.

      This is no longer the beach I was on previously on.
      This is my beach!
      I must have changed scenes during the short moment when I was turning.

      I try to remember my dream goals, and for once I actually manage to remember them!
      My only dream goal at the moment is to "calm the fuck down".

      (Lately I often forget to properly stabilize my dreams when I become lucid.
      And then to make up for it, I rush through the dreams out of fear that they might end prematurely,
      which is of course the worst possible thing to do.)

      I slowly walk towards the ocean, taking all the time in the world.
      The sound of the water is very relaxing, and I love the contrast between the warm sand and the refreshingly cold ocean breeze.
      Eventually I take a few steps into the ocean, getting my feet wet. The water is very cold.

      As I look at the stars, I feel a familiar presence.
      It's Yuya! This is going to be a great night.

      Ever since I found this picture and felt that it reminded me of her,
      she's been playing around with hair colors a lot.
      Today it's mostly orange and blue.
      She can change it simply by shaking her head.
      She's smiling at me the way she always does.

      "Come out and play?"

      At first I find it a little amusing that she phrases her question this way.
      But then it reminds me of when I was very young, and I'd go knocking on the neighbours door to ask them to come out and play in the street.
      Back then there was nothing to worry about, no important decisions to make.
      I'd ask my friends to come out with the sole goal of having a good time.
      Perhaps what I initially found a little odd, was after all the perfect way to phrase it.

      This starts off a series of DEILDs.
      I've written down the fragments I remember.
      Unfortunately I don't remember them very well.
      The last few moments before I woke up are quite clear, but everything before that is a bit of a blur.

      Fragment 1:
      I help Yuya prepare dinner at her place.
      I'm not of much help though, given that I don't know any of the herbs and spices she has, nor the meat that she wants to prepare.
      She is very patient with me, and explains how to prepare everything,
      even though she knows that I probably won't remember any of it.
      It takes us a good hour to prepare everything.
      Liv joins us for dinner. (And there was someone else as well I think.)
      Everything tastes absolutely wonderfully.
      Later, I help Yuya to do the dishes.
      She knows that my dream time is limited, and I can feel that it makes her really happy that I spend it with her,
      even if it means doing something as mundane as doing the dishes.

      Fragment 2:
      In my scribble DJ I wrote "Dance" "Leaf in the wind" and "Happy".
      I don't remember anything about this fragment though, and I don't recall taking these notes.

      Fragment 3:
      We're at a Café, sitting outside, enjoying the good weather and some amazing drinks.

      Crow joins us. He felt my presence so he came by to say hi.
      Since there's drinks and Yuya and Liv are here, he obviously decides to stay.
      He ends up ordering something that isn't on the menu.

      They bring us a plate with very small pipettes on it, all containing a small amount of a yellow liquid.
      It's quite fun really, you use the pipette to place a single drop of the liquid onto your tongue.
      It immediately gives you that cold chill / frisson feeling all over your body.
      It also tastes rather sour. Perhaps a little like lemon juice.

      Fragment 4:

      Crow, Yuya and I are on some sort of airship.
      It looks more like an old sail ship though, nothing like an actual airship.
      Does fly rather well though, even though I'm sure this violates a few laws of physics.
      According to Crow, there are very few of these, and it is very difficult to get a ride on one.
      It is quite late and we all sit on the front deck watching the sun go down.
      Yuya leans against me because she is really tired.

      Crow is telling a very captivating story about love and betrayal.
      It is quite an emotional story.
      Usually his stories are about himself, and he exaggerates... a lot, I'm pretty sure he even makes stuff up on occasion.
      His stories are quite amazing though, I'll give him that. Plus, he's a fantastic story teller.
      I don't mind that he does this, we all know that it's for entertainment.
      But this time around he claims that it is a fictional story about another person.
      And then there's the way he narrates it. It is quite different. More serious, and seemingly less exaggerated.
      I'm convinced that this time, he's actually telling a genuine story from his past.
      The story eventually comes to an end. (It was a little sad, but I recall that there was a silver lining)

      "Say, aren't you supposed to wake up or something? You've been staying for an awfully long time."
      "Oh Crow... you're not supposed to remind dreamers about that."
      "Why not?"
      "Waking up is not something you want to think about."
      "It could make you wake up."
      "It can?"
      "Unfortunately, yeah."
      "That is rather inconvenient."
      "It is."
      "Seriously though, isn't it bad for you to spend entire days asleep so that you can be here?"
      "Haha, I appreciate your concern Crow, I really do, but fortunately it doesn't work quite like that."
      "I assure you, on the other side I've been asleep for a few hours at most."
      "Huh, that is quite fascinating. It is good to know that I don't have to worry then."
      "I'll make sure not to mention anything about waking up in the future."

      "Thanks mate. I appreciate it."
      "Sure... mate."

      (There was a joke earlier in the dream about saying "mate", but I cannot quite recall what it was.)

      "Anyways, I'm afraid I have to get going. I'm running late."
      "Take care."
      "So long."

      Crow charges forwards and disappears in a cloud of colorful particles.
      I think that's the first time I've seen him do that.
      The dream is slowly becoming unstable.
      I can no longer see beyond the airship.
      The airship itself has also become somewhat blurry and desaturated.

      Only Yuya I can still see clearly.
      She seems to have fallen asleep, resting her head on my shoulder.
      I can feel her chest expand against me as she breathes.
      Even if it is just for a short moment, perhaps for just a fraction of a second,
      it makes me really believe that she is out there somewhere, and not a construct of my own mind.
      Sometimes I wish I could entertain this thought for longer, because I find it quite beautiful...
    12. Early Birthday Present, Throwing up, and Other Things

      by , 08-26-2014 at 09:57 PM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was downstairs in my house. I was standing in the kitchen and found that it was my old kitchen before it got remodeled. To the right of me was the grey with small purple and white dotted counter top. My Parents both entered the kitchen and put a present in front of me. I realized that it wasn't even my birthday yet and that it was next month. I figured that this was some sort of early birthday present.
      I opened the small box and ripped through the cardboard. Inside of the box was what I thought was a Samsung galaxy S5. I looked a bit closer at what this object was and found out that instead, it was some sort of PSP. It was silver and it seemed rather thick. I picked it up and held it in my hands. I told my parents that this wasn't what I wanted for my birthday, I had asked for a new long board. My dad sad, "That's too bad, you get what you get." Wtf? I became a little mad. I ask for something for my birthday and instead I get something completely different.
      After the anger inside of me resided, I turned on the PSP. I started up some sort of driving game. The game had small egg-like cars with wheels on the bottom of them. I started up a race and started playing the game. After a minute of playing the game, I became so focused on it that I became part of the game. I now found myself racing in what seemed like real life, but I was still in the same cars. I saw my friend Treon and went behind him and started drafting him. Eventually I drove up to the side of him and grabbed onto his car.
      I then continued to put on his car some kind of device that would teleport his car a long ways behind me. It was some kind of ability that I had picked up earlier. He got mad at me and said, "Bro, wtf are you doing? Stop it!". It was too late though, and soon I saw a stream of green lines come out from the front of his car, and then he teleported far out of sight.

      2. I was inside of some kind of house with my sister. Me and her were alone in a room and we were waiting for someone. As we waited, I went to the window in the room and looked out. After I looked out for a second, I grabbed the edges of the window and took it out of its place. I took it partially out of the wall, and then I held it. I figured that the lady of this house would be coming into the room soon, so I started putting back the window in its place hurriedly.
      I put the window back in, but not fully and I didn't lock it in place. I decided to put it fully back into the wall and I did so and locked it into the small holes that it had been locked in before. I finally fixed the window to the way it originally was. I remember later that the lady of the house came inside of the room and talked to us. Later, she gave me some kind of food, but really it was more of a paste. It was brown and looked like a giant glob of peanut butter, and I ate some of it.
      It tasted like complete crap, and I hadn't tasted anything that bad in a long time. I walked back into the room I was originally waiting in and I spit out the brown pasty crap. The taste remained in my mouth for a while longer though, and it was really bad.

      3. I was outside on a road next to a grassy field. I was with my dad and he had just washed all of my shirts. I put the shirts into a big pile on the ground, and the pile was really tall and was more like a small 15 foot tower. To my right, there was some kind of arena/enclosed camp. It had crimson walls that were around 10 feet high. I figured out that inside of the camo were what I was told, "Bad workers".
      I picked up my pile of shirts and as I did I noticed that the pile was hard to carry because of its instability. Suddenly, after I took my first few steps with the pile in my hand, the top half of my tower/pile fell off and all of my shirts that were in the top half of the pile fell over the camps walls and inside and onto the ground. All of the "bad workers" ran towards my clothes and claimed them.
      The Bad workers looked more like weird mummified creatures and Indians. Everyone around me condemned what I had just done and told me that I should never give the Bad Workers my clothes, and that it was a very evil thing for me to do and that it was also frowned upon. Out of no where, a voice spoke to me and told me that I had just done wrong(wtf, for dropping some of my clothes??) and some other serious talk. I had no idea why this was so bad. Especially since it was an accident.
      Suddenly, I found myself in my room getting ready to go to sleep. My lights were on. I turned around and saw the camp was now in the middle of my room, the entire camp fit inside. Of course my room was now alot bigger as well. I saw a few mummies within the camp walls, and I became a little frightened. I remember seeing one mummy in specific that was just walking around, and its wraps were so dirty that they were dirty yellow in color.
      As I turned around and combed my hair in the mirror, I "remembered" that all of the creatures within the walls disappear at night time, so I had nothing to worry about. I turned around once more and looked inside of the camp, and sure enough, nothing was inside. The camp was now empty and deserted. Everything became quiet. I then woke up.
    13. Cersei

      by , 08-26-2014 at 07:48 PM
      I started questioning the dream in a fairly dull IRL-based scene, and then questioned why I was questioning it - but I did eventually become lucid. Once becoming lucid, however, I as Jaime immediately started looking for Cersei.

      (Side note: this was an interesting level of lucidity. Fully lucid in most respects - lucid about the fact that I was dreaming, lucid about my ability to control the dream, no desire to stick to the previous dream storyline - but I wasn't lucid about my own identity. On top of that, I only started playing Jaime's role when I became lucid - up until that point I'd been my IRL self. It's standard for me to play the role of other people when I'm non-lucid, but I'd thought that conflicted with lucidity - apparently not.)

      I was still in a room that was meant to represent my IRL home, but it had no doors, which I understood signified a resistance against me taking control and changing the scene. I had the feeling I had to get out in a hurry if I wanted to maintain lucidity. So I turned around in a full circle in order to create a door that would be there when I turned around again. It was a wooden door, rounded at the top, and when I opened it I saw a scene that was meant to represent my IRL neighborhood.

      I closed the door, called out to Cersei, and opened it again, understanding that this will have changed the location it links to. Now on the other side of the door there's a dark stone enclosed walkway with large windows overlooking a castle courtyard. Better, but this isn't the place I was looking for. I have a mental image of a glittering gold-and-white castle that I want to get to, where I expect Cersei to be. I try again - I close the door, call to Cersei, and open it again. The scene on the other side of the door hasn't changed this time - it's still the dark stone walkway. I decide that this means Cersei must be in this scene somewhere, so I walk through the door.

      Recall gets increasingly shaky after this. After walking through the castle a bit I found Cersei in the courtyard, and after a short conversation she took me to a rowboat that we'd both have to row - she gave me some explanation involving the word 'knowledge,' and I made an (apparently less than successful) effort to remember her phrasing so I'd recall it after I woke up, it seemed symbolically important. The boat carried us briefly along a waterway running through the castle, and I think I began losing lucidity at this point. There's a memory gap, and very little recall after that - before I woke up I'd wound up back in an IRL-based scene, and I'm unsure how much lucidity I had by then.

      Updated 08-26-2014 at 09:18 PM by 64691

      side notes , lucid
    14. Prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine

      by , 08-26-2014 at 07:09 PM
      Recall no' bad - all non lucid though

      My best friend form Primary school had died. I was standing in a big room thinking that I hadn't seen or spoken to him for ages, then I minded that id been talking on facebook with him. I got sad. Anyway, I had a job to do. I had a big broom and was to make the place bonny. A woman I kent fae college turned up talking really loudly, I telt her to shut up and dunted her with the broom. I then went outside and started sweeping. It had been raining and it was tricky to get the fags ends oot the road. A lad I kent told me to start sweeping inside, I telt him I wanted to finish my job.

      Daft one - SElling stuff on a step outside. Two woman appeared. One was middle aged and no' bad looking. She wanted a swimsuit for her bairn. I had just thrown them oot apparantley. I had a land line outside. I tried phoning my uncle. I could hear him, but he couldn't hear me. The woman wandered off (she had tight white trousers on) She came back with a book or something. I got the phone working - My uncle didn't have the costume.

      Fragment from possibly same dream where I asked a woman to guess my age - she said 40.

      Another one. I came out my car which was beside a big wall with an arch. Another uncle was there. He asked if I had the new 'Space' album. I said I did. He still proceeded to look for his - so I showed him my CD box - which was left on the passenger seat of the car as per IRL. I asked if he had the single I got with it - though when I looked it turned out to be the second part of the album and had tracks listed on the back in red from track 30 upwards.


      Opening my boys bedroom door, and seeing him whizz roond his room all dressed in green jumping from wee ledges. I was a bit worried he would hurt himself.

      A very promising one where I was in the car (where I do most of my RC) thinking of a dream my pals had just described. I was impressed with the detail they gave... it was something to do with an attachment on the top of a car.

      One can only hope a dream about someone describing a dream is a guid sign!!

      Updated 08-26-2014 at 08:18 PM by 70374

    15. Whale Attack

      by , 08-26-2014 at 05:16 PM (Schmaven's Dream Journal of Randomness)
      Aboard a large ship, watching as massive wooden platforms raise and lower just above and below the ocean's water level. People are on the platforms, having paid a fee to get up close and personal with some giant whales. With a 30 foot wide mouth full of sharp teeth, I am happy I am not in the water with those beasts.

      All of the whales are ignoring the platforms, just bumping up against them as they swim around eating tiny whale food. The platforms are huge, so even though the people are knocked over, they don't fall into the water. The wooden platforms are being kept at just about knee deep in the water, rising only when hit by a passing whale. It is some sort of specialty cafe for people who want that sort of thing.

      Then I see one of the whales bite into a platform, and pull it out from under one guy. A few pieces of debris remain floating, and the guy scrambles onto another platform. All at once, the whales have turned hostile and are trying to eat all the platforms. Another guy is standing on some small bit of board, and jumps with it onto a bigger board that is stuck to a whale's back and rides it like a massive whale powered surf board. I don't see anyone getting devoured, but it still seems dangerous.

      Now aboard a helicopter sent to rescue the people in the water, we dip low enough so that the bottom of the helicopter is submerged. I am underneath the helicopter, together with about four women who have been recently rescued. All of us hold our breath as we go under. For some reason, the helicopter has to do this in order to rescue more people. It flies higher for a bit, just long enough for us all to catch our breath. Just when we start to dip toward the water again, one girl tries to radio the pilot to let everyone know it's really hard to hold our breath for so long. But before she can say much, we are underwater again. This time, there is a board right under us, and a big air bubble has briefly formed, giving us a small window to breathe again.

      Flying out from the sea, we land back on shore in part of a large military building from where the helicopters originated. We clean ourselves up and prepare to go give an interview with reporters. Some workers are cleaning the rooms. One of the rooms is mine. I go in to clean up my mess, and see a few people already at it, so I leave the work to them. I help the pilots secure their helicopters using a small electro-magnetic tool that just has to be pressed lightly against many trigger points. My dad is one of the pilots, and I want to help him out. I hear it doing something mechanical, but don't really know what. Finished with that, I walk down to make an appearance with everyone, but am stopped by a reporter and her daughter. The reporter is talking in Spanish and tells me she specializes in stories like mine. I get her to speak in English, and she writes down her address for me to contact her. With, "Guten Morgen" I wave goodbye to her.