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    1. Fuzzy Books

      by , 04-03-2012 at 06:32 AM (Adventures on the Other Side)
      My first WILD this morning!

      I slept about 5 hours, from 11 to 4 am. After I got up, I spent some time on DreamViews, especially studying Mzzkc's Comprehensive WILD Guide.

      Around 6:15 I felt sleepy and decided to lay down and try what I'd learned.

      I'm already well-practiced at the 61-point relaxation technique from extensive yoga nidra practice over the last several years. So I began with that, then chose my breath as a passive anchor. I just allowed myself to drift toward sleep. I stumbled a few times around the sleep paralysis stage but I tried to apply what I learned here.

      After about 10 minutes, I found myself in a dream - and I knew I was dreaming!

      There was no sense of excitement, and the dream was poor quality, it only lasted a few moments, and I had no control ... but it was definitely lucid.

      I find myself looking at a wall of bookshelves, full of multi-colored books of many shapes and sizes. The book titles are blurry and out of focus.

      I think "This dream is out of focus. I'd better put my glasses on."

      I put my glasses on, and the books come - slowly - into focus. "How interesting!" I think. "These glasses work even in my dream!"

      I remove the glasses and put them on again several times, just observing the interesting fact that they work in a dream.

      Then the dream faded away and I emerged into semi-consciousness. I tried to re-enter the dream state several times but was not successful.

      Updated 04-03-2012 at 08:39 AM by 53887

      Tags: wild
    2. Not another dream reader...

      by , 04-03-2012 at 06:11 AM (Have a look...into my subconscious mess)
      I was in bed. My mom left the house after she told me to watch the bathroom because she let the faucet turned on (for some logical reason ). After a few seconds, I heard some noises coming out of my room. I was scared as there was no one in the house. I called my mom through the phone. I asked her if she's away from home in that moment. She confirmed that she left. Still scared as hell, I went into my room and I saw a lot of boxes dropped on the floor. I carefully walked through the boxes and there was my mom's clone. I came back into the living room and I asked my cloned mom: "Can you please give me my sword? I can't sleep without it. ". And she gave me the sword, so I went into the bed and put the sword near me. Then I woke up (still in the dream) just to realize that it was all a dream. The good thing was that everything was recorded, because I bought a dream reader helmet and put it on my head before going to sleep. Every single dream was recorded right there in a video format. I opened the last one. What I remembered was
      just a fragment of it. When the helmet started the video, there was more of it (and the atmosphere was much lighter that I remember it was). My mom came to watch it too.
      It looked just like a cartoon. It was about some kid that was at home, talking with his parents and stuff when he went to the bathroom. Her grandma went into the bathroom, turned on the faucet and left the bathroom. She also put that kid in charge of watching it while she was gone. The kid walked away and went into a room with a lot of people. Everyone was arguing about something. They all started talking at once and you couldn't understand a bit. That was until someone screamed "Shut up!! React to humans!. And he repeated "React to humans" a couple of times. After this, the part of the dream I remember was about to begin, but my mom went into the kitchen to get some snacks. That was when the alarm started and I woke up.
    3. Dragons and Owls?

      by , 04-03-2012 at 05:15 AM
      So I had this dream a night ago and I only vaguely remember details, which is sad because I hate to waist a good dream...Here goes

      I was at a fort of some kind. The layout reminded me of the first world of the first Spyro game. Bright green grass and generic trees. The outside of the fort had a different layout, darker grass and more real trees. There were houses (wooden with nicely built decks yet no doors or window just opening were they would be, reminds me of a cottage you would see on the beach, a few of the houses are made of stone but have the same design)

      In my dream I go outside the fort and get attacked by a dragon. I wearing armor and I have a sword. I also have a team aiding me. The Dragon chases me and my friends past a stone building. My team makes it passed and into the fort but i become trapped inside the stone house because the dragon is breathing fire all around it. I catch fire and began to burn. I drop my sword and try and put it out but it engulfs me and I drop to the ground screaming in pain.

      There is a odd sensation and everything seems to be going backward like time is reversing and I'm completely aware. As such the flames grow less until they are gone and my wounds heal as if i was never harmed. I stand and see my sword is now in me hand and see a partner of mine rush pass. He yells "Don't stand there, the dragon will trap you!" So I follow him and the others and get safely over the walls of the fort.

      My memory is hazy from here....

      I talk to this guy about a cannon to fight the Dragon with then I go to get council from the great Owls

      The Owls are in this Giant dead tree the basically right beside "where the side walk ends". No joke. There is a pathway up to were the tree is, which is the big round platform but on the other side it just cut off and drops into nowhere.
      When walking up the pathway time moves faster and it goes from day to night way to fast but I take this as normal. When I walk up to the Owls ( there are five, all five times the size of a person, they look like barn owls) I kneel down before them and have this great feeling of danger like they are going to eat me. They say something but I don't remember. I do remember they have "booming" voices of high power and seem to be very demanding.

      That's all i remember, It seemed rather interesting and i wish i knew more but that's what i get for not writing it down sooner.
    4. Halo: Earth Defence

      by , 04-03-2012 at 04:44 AM
      It was nighttime, dark too. I was talking to Captain Keys outside a small outpost. I looked at the sky there were many tall trees and stars. But I also noticed that there were a dozen UNSC Frigates moving into a strategic position. I flew up to them and they were the size of a pillow. There was more, but I forgot.

      Updated 05-21-2016 at 01:20 AM by 50595

    5. Semi-Shared Dream

      by , 04-03-2012 at 04:37 AM
      My little brother is an excellent lucid dreamer, so I asked him to find me in the dream world before we went to sleep.

      I was on a flat land, barley any trees; the sky was dark, and few city buildings were scattered around this dreamscape. My friend Dayne was with me. All of a sudden I become lucid and wonder where George is. I ask Dayne where George is, but he says he doesn't know. I believe dream characters are actual beings that go into our dreams, and that they know all about the dream they enter. So I toke his hand, pulled it up, then bent it down; which hurt him. I knew this wasn't actually Dayne. I asked him where my brother was again, but he pleaded that he didn't know. It wasn't like Dayne to give in so easy. I bent his hand back harder and asked him again. Then it replied," they wouldn't let him in."

      This is where my consciousness goes jelly, if you will. And I just decide to mess around since he can't be here. I also slowly begun to forget I was dreaming. I blasted off into flight. I was going so fast I felt the dropping feeling inside me. I was going over a forest with the trees about 20 ft. away from eachother. Then I saw some Nazis spread out through the forest. Then everything looked like minecraft. I landed at a small, forgotten shack next to a small stream. I decided to stop there, since I was near the Nazi base and no one saw me. I thought I could 'save' and pick up this adventure later, but ya. That's where that ended.

      Updated 05-21-2016 at 01:20 AM by 50595

    6. From school to breakfast

      by , 04-03-2012 at 04:01 AM
      I was in the car with my mother and sister. My sister had missed the bus and needed a ride to school, as we were on the way to drop her off, I realized my mother never drives this fast and recklessly. I did not realize I was dreaming. We made it to the school, though it looked more like an organization, with multiple parking levels. I went inside with my sister, and realized we were at the middle school. She goes to high school. The dream transitioned to what looked like a mix between my old house and my grandparents house. People were in the living room watching tv, and I was in the kitchen watching maids cook breakfast. They were making waffles, I wanted to try one. I found myself eating a sample of beef stroganoff, I could taste the different ingredients rich against my tongue. Then I woke up.
    7. Night 24

      by , 04-02-2012 at 11:33 PM (GeOh's Dream Journal)
      Normal Dream

      Night 24

      I. It starts at my grandfathers house, I was with my family, but there were also some people who I did not recognize. I remember I was looking over my cats there and all the stray cats my grandfather used to feed. We all decided to go out and get something to eat, and we all tried to go in one car, I was like hanging out the window as we were driving down the road. A little ways down the street I just said I wanted to get out and walk back to the house the get something to eat there. As I was walking back, the neighborhood turned to a different one, one that was really bad with most of the houses abandoned. A lot of people were on the street now, and it actually turned into this huge hall and the street turned into a walkway. It was like a stadium that was now filled with people, some who I recognized from school, and I remember walking down the walkway into this end that was set up with 2 shops. It was located in the top of a huge building, and I remember they were having like a raffle which I won, I received this green ring. It was weird, but we left and we were outside the building now and I was with a class, we were on some trip, and we were trying to get on the bus to go home. We were all holding these huge long poles, and mine broke and the piece came down and stuck into the ground. We all sat them down and got on the bus, I found and empty seat and we started driving, and this is when the dream ends. I also remember that I almost became lucid in that dream, I remember thinking about dreaming during it but I got distracted with something fast.

      Once again, I know I had more, but my memory is scattered as I woke up like a lot of times in the morning.
    8. x-files inspired dream

      by , 04-02-2012 at 09:57 PM
      Apparently I was in some kind of hospital or something.... and like with leaches, they found this... centi/mili pede like creature.... that had these poking metalic retractble pincer/pokers in its mouth, apparently it was used to repair.... orifices XD.... I'd be a bit more creeped/bugged out (XD get it... bugged out ), if i hadn't been watching a trippy as episode of the X files, that was very similiar to "the thing" with a parasite trying to go between the hosts, pretending to be one of them as they all tripped.... trying to figure out who had the parasite. Yeah, in the show the parasite causes them to go crazy eventually, in my dream they were used to repair people from the inside.
    9. Secuestro de DJ's

      by , 04-02-2012 at 08:25 PM
      soņe que estaba nadando en un mar donde en el centro habia una isla de sal, nade hacia ella y no habia nada mas que hielo seco, lo cual tome y flotar me parecio sencillisimo para regresar a la orilla entonces se convirtio en una especie de rio, donde en el centro habia un puente y estaba bardeado por un tipo malecon, recuerdo haber estado ahi con varios DJ's, pero no recuerdo porque, heche de cabeza a uno con las autoridades porque me parecio lo correcto pero entonces tomo rehenes, al regresar yo sabia esto asi que le dije a alguien que se fuera por el puente(que yo pensaba que era el de las riveras) y el dio una vuelta impresionantemente larga solo para llegar del otro lado, cuando llegamos nomas mirabamos a personas y no estaba el que los tenia de rehenes y estaban en la calle, yo me oculte detras de un pilar de concreto y tenia un arma, el puente que cruzo mi compaņero estaba deforme, tenia elevaciones grandes y estaba larguisimo y pequeņo como para estar en un rio de esa magnitud, al llegar me dijo, "tu tienes el DS verdad?" y recorde que el tenia mi mochila, yo le dije, no lo tengo si quieres revisala, es eso lo que quieres?, si, no tengo nada de ocultar. entonces empezo a revisar y se fijo que tenia razon. despues estabamos en una especie de casa en el arbol donde estaban DJ's Famosos como above and beyond tiesto etc etc. y les enseņe una cancion en la que trabajaba y me dijeron que estaba bien pero que necesita mas trabajo, que no seria facil. despues de eso intentamos salvar rehenes y se corto la imagen.
    10. 4-2-12, I remember more than I thought...

      by , 04-02-2012 at 07:54 PM
      I thought the night was going to be a bust for dreams as I went to sleep at 2, and woke at 8:30 with not a single dream to recount. But it was raining so Terminix canceled our 11:30 appointment and I got to sleep in after all

      Dream One: I need gas, so I pull into a gas station, but all the pumps were pulled out except for one. The one pump that was there had no card reader. So I went inside the gas station and told the attendant (a pleasantly plump middle aged woman with frizzy curly grey hair) that I needed to pay with credit but the car reader was missing from the gas station. The woman told me they were renovating the place and could only accept their own gas cards as a credit payment. I tell her it's actually a debit card, so she's welcome to scan it as Debit I just won't get my visa extras points. The woman then starts telling me that if I don't use my gas card it will ruin my credit. I tell her I don't have a gas card, and she threatens me again saying that if I don't apply for one she will personally ruin my credit. I storm out, pissed off, but pretty sure she can't ruin my credit because I refuse to apply for her gas card.

      Dream Two: I'm walking around Sam's club with my husband and I see these really cute Disney bowls for kids. They're shaped like Mickey mouse heads, and have princess and mouse designs in the center of the faces and ears with crowns and characters around the borders. I decide To buy some for the kids to eat their popcorn in when we watch Disney movies. I end up loading like 5 or 6 in the buggy, but for some reason most of them are the different princesses for my daughter and there's only one mickey design for my son. I feel bad about this, but as they only have one boy design I think I'll buy him something else to make up for it. I get a phone call from my grandma that Terminix has shown up, so I go around the next aisle and suddenly I'm in my kitchen. The bug man hands my husband a bill, and my husband goes off saying it's supposed to be cheaper than that because he's an annual member of some program through his work that makes all deliveries and driving fees of services in the south east free. He calls it a "stomping fee" and says we should have free stomping fees through this membership he supposedly has.

      Dream Three (Fragment):I'm watching some tv show in the living room, and my kids are there with me as is the little kid next door we babysit after school. The kid next door says, "this crap is weird!" I pay attention to the show wandering whats so weird about it. On the screen a little cartoon tanuki like the one in Inu Boku SS:

      (yes, I'm hot linking so that picture may not work, lol)

      Is praying to "the Great Goddess, Mother, and Lady Saint" to help him protect the forest where he and his fellow animal friends live. I love the show immediately and tell the neighbors kid that this is the kind of stuff I wish my kids would watch more of! That we don't see much that can even remotely be considered pagan programing here in the bible belt, and this is about as pagan as you can get. The kid then asks me what Pagan is, and I go into some long explanation about how pagans are nature loving people who worship multiple gods goddesses and spirits instead of just one god, then go on about how it was once the most popular religion around the world. Looking back, it was probably mostly a bunch of bs because I'm really not that knowledgeable about it, I just generalize, ha ha.

      Dream Four: I'm in the basement, and the neighborhood kids show up. One of them is looking around the basement which in this dream has lots of glass shelves with Anime Figurines on them (this must be my husbands dream basement, lol ) The kid is asking me about them and I'm trying to tell him what each figure is and what show they're from. I end up giving the neighbors kids a tour of our anime collection and trying to show them how cool it can be, while trying to skip past all the not so kid friendly stuff that is in our collection.

      Dream Five (fragment): I'm dropping my kids off at the elementary school I went to so they can start school and it looks exactly the same. (That building was torn down 13 years ago, lol) I go into the girls bathroom, and marvel at how it hasn't changed a bit. The stalls are still falling apart and it's still pretty beat up looking.

      Dream Six: I'm in a shiny black car, I think it was a Cadillac. There is a man in a black suit driving, and a woman in a black suit with a pony tail in the passenger seat. I'm in the back. We pull up to a grey square building that's very plain and government looking. The woman gets out, she has to go inside to get something. I'm sure in the dream that I am friends with these two people, and I trust them, and apparently they trust me because this is a top secret area or something. I'm looking out the window and I see a boy with blond hair and a girl with long dark brown hair walking towards the building. They look like teenagers, and I notice they're carrying books like they're on their way to class or something. The girl stops, and turns to look right at me. I feel like ice runs down my body, all scared and panicked that I was seen. The girl rushes over to the car and knocks on the window I'm sitting at. The guy in the drivers seat rolls the window down and tells her to get on to class. She says she will, she just wanted to introduce herself to the new student and make her feel welcome. I try to tell her I'm not a student, I'm way too old for school, and she tells me that's nonsense, she could tell as soon as she felt me nearby that I was to be a student here. I try to tell her I'm not even supposed to be here, so it'd be best if she just ignored whatever she was feeling and went to class. She tells me again that it's nonsense, that if I wouldn't be here if I wasn't supposed to be because the security here is too tight to let just anyone in. The woman comes out of the building and tells the girl she will be late if she doesn't go inside now, then climbs into the car and rolls the window up. I ask the woman and man in the car what that was all about, saying I'm 25, there's no way I'd be going to class with those kids. The lady says nothing, but looks at the man and he looks back in the mirror and tells me to "just ignore it, those kids are weird." Then the car is moving and we're pulling away from the building. There's mountains and a lake in the back ground, and I see a few tall pine trees as well. We're trying to go through the big concrete main gate but are stopped on the way out. I either wake up here, or I skip to another dream, I didn't take notes last night so I can't be sure and will treat it as waking up

      Dream Seven: I'm in the woods with a group of people ranging from teenagers to adults about my age, hiking maybe. I feel like I'm on the older end of the spectrum at 25, but there are people who definitely look older than me. There's a woman with me, she looks about 22, and she's dressed in all black. She has red orange hair braided down her back, and a face that reminds me of a young Angelina Jolie with smaller lips, lol. She's dressed in all black, leggings and long sleeved shirt, with a bulky belt holstering a gun and sword and a couple pouches around her waist. She seems to be my protector or body guard, and I call her Pandora. There's a sound like wind, and then these people in black robes are attacking us. One girl in particular has blond and curly hair like Dakota fanning in that Twilight movie (don't ask which one, I haven't seen it so I don't know, I just remember the ads) is trying to attack me. She has a sword and is lunging at me. Pandora blocks the attack, and tells me to run. I don't want to run because I don't want to leave all the other people at the mercy of these robed figures, but Pandora tells me that it's me they are after and if I run I can draw them away from the others. I tear through the woods as fast as I can and come across an old barn. I run past what looks like empty rabbit hutches and into the barn. The blond girl is right behind me, and I have no sword to fight her with. She swings at me wildly, and I keep stumbling around managing somehow to dodge her attacks. Then she slices into my left arm, and it HURTS, but it's not deep as she only just barely caught me with the swords tip. I think to myself I can cast a sword spell, and try it but it back fires and doesn't work, instead the other girl tells me that If I'm going to use magic so will she, and she summons her own swords spell that causes swords to fall from the sky. I see a round piece of metal laying nearby, and decide to use it as a shield. I imagine it acting as the Hyland shield from Zelda, and tuck up under it to keep the swords from hitting me, and it becomes the shield. I peek out from under the shield when everything goes quiet, and I see the swords have stopped falling but the girl is standing over me with her sword held high about to hit me as hard as she can. I shove the shield towards her as hard as I can and slam her with it. She staggers back a bit, and I proceed to keep trying to bash her with the shield until I'm able to knock her down unconscious with blood dripping from her mouth as though I've knocked some teeth lose. I'm exhausted and barely standing, but I teeter out of the barn and am greeted by Pandora running up the hill. She steadies me, and asks me if I'm ok, apologizing for taking so long to get there as she was being held back by the other attackers. I tell her I'm ok, and that I was able to bash the blond with a shield but that she was unconscious, probably not dead and may get up to fight us again. Pandora tells me to relax, that I'm safe now, and that the others were ok as well. I can see the group climbing up the hill through the woods at a slow pace. A blue bird lands on one of the empty rabbit hutches and tweets. Pandora tells me that "everything will be fine now, that is a Blue Bird of Happiness, and a sign that the fight is over." I wake up.

      Dream Fragment (???): Not sure where this one fell in the night, but as I was getting my cheerios this morning I remembered having a dream that my kids wanted me to read the books from the Cheerios Box to them (they're giving out books in the cheerio boxes right now, or were when I bought them last week, lol) I go to the bookshelf to get them, but when I pull on the books, they rip in half! I'm so upset because I bought double the cereal I normally do so I could get my kids one of each book since they thought it was so awesome their cereal was coming with a book!
    11. Mock Trial

      by , 04-02-2012 at 07:46 PM
      I was with my mock trial team outside of a school somewhere. We were about to move into a room where we could set down all of our stuff, and nobody was grabbing any of our stuff, so I had to grab it all. This frustrated me immensely. I was asking around for where we needed to be and when, but nobody knew. I ran into a few people from school, and eventually I found where the captain's meeting was. When I got there, I saw a friend from high school, there was mention of rings and ring leaders, and we were going to do some activity that required acting as if we were some random person just based on knowing their name.
    12. WILD attempt, dream control and exploring

      by , 04-02-2012 at 07:38 PM (High Quality Head Movies)
      I woke up and went back to bed in an attempt to WILD.

      I had trouble falling back asleep so I got out of bed and reality checked but no luck. I gave up and went back to bed and let my thoughts wonder and fell asleep. When I woke up, these people are around me and I'm in a hospital bed! They said I was better now and I could leave when I wanted to. I thought how long was I asleep? I looked at my clothes and they were rags. I looked like a hermit or poor helpless hobo. I walked out of the room and then I remembered I was going to bed before this and was wondering what was real and what was a dream. I decided to reality check. I looked around and everything was crystal clear, no flaws anywhere. My hands were fine. Signs didn't change when I looked away and looked again.

      So I looked at a small clock on a reception desk in the hospital and reached out toward it and it started shaking. I stopped and saw two people staring at me, "how did you do that?" I ignored them and started lifting pencil cups, papers and other small things. I then reached for a bench and I couldn't lift it. I then focused on one of the two people and tried to lift them but couldn't. I can't figure out why this is. I reach for the pencil cup again and it floats flawlessly. I give up and run down the hospital hallways and come across a big open basketball court. I practice flying around in it and then leave the hospital.

      I go out of the hospital and into these city streets and fly up above it and observe. I see this massive city and the site is awesome. I then get an idea and fly back down to the ground, get a car, and drive it and try to pull the steering wheel up and it starts flying! I am now flying a car around the city at incredible speeds. I crash land back in the city and go to a theater. There is nothing going on but there is a lot of people there. I find these punk rock college students and they invite me to hang out with them and I decide to go since I was tired of flying anyway.

      We go back to a place that looks like the hospital I was in and we talk about stuff and I show off my telekenesis. Then I found a ball and I started throwing it at some of them and then curving it with my powers and then they caught on and we all started throwing it at each other but when someone threw it at me I would make it stop in front of me and they would get mad at me and we would laugh, reminded me of that movie Chronicle .
      Woke up shortly after.
    13. Jail and Fiesta

      by , 04-02-2012 at 07:20 PM (Ophelia's Book O' Fun II)
      Couple non-lucids.

      1. I had adopted this alien looking child (looked alot like that girl from the movie Splice. She could run really really well, so I was letting her compete in these Olympic style events for little kids. She nearly always won the sprint races. Anyway, she got an unusual illness, and I wasn't sure what to do about it, since she was so different. So I called the orphanage where I got her. They accused me of using her as a slave by having her run these races. There was no money in those races, like dog or horse races, it was just something that made little kids famous. Anyway, I got arrested. I went to trial and the jury found me guilty. But they were willing to work with me. I was handcuffed, hands in front, and my lawyer talked to the judge for a minute, then came up to me and told me what I could do instead of jail. I had to dip my handcuffed hands into this shallow bowl of water, and there was a tiny razor blade on the bottom. I was to take this blade, cut a slice into my left middle finger. Then I could reach around the cuffs with that finger, where there was a little slidey button on the cuffs. I had to stick the hole on my finger over the slidey button, and pull until the cuffs came off. Then I would be set free. I literally told the judge, "HELL to the no way. I'll take the jail time. How long?" 4 to 5 years. So I went to this cushy jail where I was the only chick. The guys were nice, so was the warden. I guess they were all there for minor misdemeanors or misunderstandings too. All we did was hang around, eating and drinking beer after a day's worth of easy chores.

      2. I was in a huge, beautiful green wheatfield (like in the movie Toys) having a big fiesta dinner with a huge Mexican family. I was given some shrimp that was supposed to be very spicy. But it wasn't, because it didn't have enough salsa verde on it. So I saw some chopped green anaheim peppers, and dipped it into the salsa verde sauce. It was a little spicy. Then everyone went into the house for some carnitas.

      The orphan:

      The wheat field:
    14. 4/02/12

      by , 04-02-2012 at 06:07 PM (Dreamscapes)
      Was hanging with the cast from gossip and Leo and Kara and g. We were in my moms room that was a bigger pArt of a giant hotel. I was laying in bed and felt little bite marks. Turns out there were ants everywhere and they were bitingly neck. Nate said that I might get a disease from the and I should get checked out. He was pulling their heads out of my neck. I was really disgusted by the room and went on a walk. It was a clouded sunny day and I was by some waterfront. People were swimming but it looked as if they weren't having that much fun. I met some weird guy who wanted to talk so we walked on the dock. I had a weird feeling about him so I ditched him and hid behind a wall. Eventually I ended back in the hotel with Yeva. She gave *me some pill and I took it. I was the worst feeling I have ever felt. I could barley move and everything was spinning so much I couldn't see at all. I was laying in the bed with the ants and they were biting me. I *somehow fell off the bed and crawled to my old room where I laid in bed and suffered for what felt like hours. After I was better I knew Leo would take the pill too. I had to find him. I was screaming his name with Lara trying to find him when I saw Yeva leaving the hotel with a smile on her face. I knew he took it. I eventually found him on a couch looking really messed up. He couldn't respond to me so I picked him up and took him to my room. He was mumbling and I told him to ignore the voices. There were weird sensations that happen to you And he should ignore the unpleasentries.*
    15. Lucid Blips

      by , 04-02-2012 at 06:04 PM
      Well I'm back to the world of lucid dreaming, this marks my first journal entry in years. No remarkable experiences yet, just getting back into the groove of things.

      I was in sp moments after falling asleep, it seemed like I was sitting up for a moment, and felt very heavy and sleepy, I slowly fell into the bed feeling this way. I couldn't manage to move automatically anymore. I managed to imagine rolling out of bed, and then I swung myself up, I was in the laundary room, where I had fallen asleep. I stepped into the kitchen, I think I thought of trying to shoot something out of my hand, or take off my clothes randomly, neither idea sounded too fun, thought about levitating something on the table, but as I tried, the dream faded.

      I had another SP experience, I heard my brother come down stairs, thinking I was still awake, I was upset that he had happened to get up at this time, because he might ruin my sp. I heard my hungarian friend speak into my ear in hungarian, and heard some small clips of a radio dj, but couldn't make out what was said. I again got up, this time it was darker, and my brother was up. I walked up to my brother and told him I was lucid, he instantly got excited, acting like he was also lucid, I told him I was leaving to go outside and fly. He tried to hold me back, I escaped him and left the house. At this point I tried to really take in the dream scape so it wouldn't escape me this time. I remember there was a huge dirt path running up through the park, and I was following it, my dream seemed vivid at one point, and fading fast the next.

      After this I spent some time in the void, where I began to imagine some scene of helping my mother cook dinner with a sauce pan, I wanted to see if I could make it into a dream, I managed to make it into something that might resemble a dream, but don't remember what happened next.
      lucid , false awakening