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    1. Marble skateboard. Ok......

      by , 01-07-2012 at 08:32 PM
      With Tara, Grandma and I outside some fancy natural gym which was just literally just around the corner from Grammar.
      Tara gave me a large rectangular piece or wood, about the same size as me, with thin slabs of marble glued to the side. She said it was a skateboard.
      I tried to slide on the grass using it as a body board, but I didn't get very far. I scooted around the field on it for a bit.
      I was in the middle of the field and this kid was coming toward me. I hurried forward on my marble slab and saw a wallet on the ground. I picked it up, and went to a playground in the corner of the field and hid it in the bushes. Then Grayson found me and said he was looking for his dad's wallet. I ran him around for a bit before telling him it was in the bushes.
    2. 07-12-2009 - from Archive

      by , 01-07-2012 at 08:25 PM (Madeofparts return to Dream Lucidity)
      American Cinema Trip (Non-lucid)


      I am in this cave/room like area with these three girls (early 20's) they are foriegn - American I think. There was more to this dream before but I can't remember.
      Anyway, one of the girls is looking for a working shower (we are all a bit muddy, carry-over from previous dream maybe, feels similar in some ways)
      I seem to remember seeing a working shower and go looking for it with her. We walk down some tunnels and find it and she is overjoyed and has a shower.
      We are all going to the cinema - me, these three girls and some guy who I don't know but am really good friends with (he reminds me saying that we are friends from a previous dream, I say oh yeah I remember (I do)) he tells a story from when we were in this other dream where we were sharing a bottle of beer and I had an injured eye and pretended to drink the beer through my eye-socket - everyone thinks this story is hilarious. We are all walking to the cinema getting on great with our arms over each others shoulders talking and laughing.
      We get to the cinema, it is huge. We find our seats and there is a lot of that settling down to watch a film stuff going on - it is like a party - lots of students and drinking and smoking. I leave my seat to go to the toilet and on the way down these wide stairs there are a lot of people in my way so I jump lightly over them (I normally notice this as a dreamsign but not on this occasion), I land just in front of this usherette pushing a trolly so I slide under it and walk to the toilet. All very athletic.... Dream memory fades...
    3. Stopping the Dragon (January 6, 2012)

      by , 01-07-2012 at 08:07 PM (Chronicles of Ethos)

      Many of the dreams I've had recently were too boring for me to remember except this one.

      Stopping the Dragon

      I had a low level of lucidity for most of the dream. It was the middle of the night and I was standing in a large grassy field again. The night sky had many stars, but nothing particularly amazing. In the distance I could see a lake and some hills further away. To the left and right were two different castles that sat near the lake. I stood there and thought over which castle I wanted to explore. Then all of the sudden there was a sense of panic in the air. It felt like something dangerous like a battle was about to happen. So without thinking about which side I wanted to take, I made the long run to the castle on the left.

      As I approached the gate I could see a few men setting up siege equipment in a tower. Looking through the metal bars of the gate I could see many people running around in chaos.

      "Hey you! Stop!" Said one of the soldiers in the tower.
      "Are you a Draflam?" The second guard asked.
      "What the hell is a Draflam?" I responded.
      A fireball hit the tower hard before one of the guards said, "Get inside quickly!"

      The gate in front of me soon opened and I ran inside. I was constantly being pushed and shoved by the panicking citizens and the soldiers moving to position. The ground and walls of the castle shook a few times after each blast. I'm not even sure where these explosions where coming from. I eventually made it to a group of soldiers near a spiral staircase. Before I could even say anything I heard one final explosion from around the corner. I saw soldiers and debris fly against the other wall during the explosion.

      The next thing I know all of the soldiers are yelling about a dragon. They managed to tie a black rope around the dragon that extended around the corner to where I'm at. I'm guessing the point of this was to make sure the dragon couldn't fly away and cause more trouble. I grabbed the rope and helped them pull against the dragons strength. Then I saw a familiar face to my side. It was a man that reminded me a lot of the squire and dragon tamer from previous dreams.

      "You there!" He said pointing to me.
      "What are you doing here?" I asked him?
      "Outsider, who are you? Are you Aranian or one of those Draflams?" He asked me.
      "I'm a Dragonborn." Was the only way I could think to respond.
      "Outsider, you are not welcome here!" He said starting to become angry with me.
      "Please, just let me help your people." I said desperately.
      "Very well then." He said overlooking the situation.
      "Quick, give me your match." I requested.

      He tossed a box of matches to me and I suddenly had an idea. The rope was black and reminded me of a fuse. So I struck a match and lit the rope on fire. The soldiers down the line quickly started moving away as they noticed the fire. Once the fire moved around the corner I realized we only had about 5 seconds left.

      "Everyone get down now!" I yelled.

      All of the soldiers soon started running away from the area and taking cover. Me and the squire moved ducked down behind the stone staircase. Right as we ducked down a huge explosion was heard and felt from where the dragon was. I soon got back up off the floor covered in dust and debris. As everyone stood up they started to cheer at the defeat of the dragon. I was happy for a moment until I realized something the others didn't. Although I didn't see it, I could feel that the dragon was only wounded by the explosion and it had just retreated. I also realized that the other castle was still attacking us.

      I ran up the spiral staircase that led to the castle walls. From there I could see an army approaching from the other side of the lake. Soon there were arrows and fireballs flying at us. I ran into the tower near the gate to help out the soldiers who helped me. Sadly the dream skips here and I can't remember what happened with them.

      I was now sitting on the couch in my grandmother's living room. I had memories from earlier in the dream, but I wasn't lucid. I remembered that we had won the battle, but I had only wounded the dragon. I became nervous and worried that the dragon could come back any moment and attack. I looked out the window and it was pitch black. That made me even more nervous because the dragon could be right outside and I wouldn't know it. I walked into the dining room and saw a few family members sitting at the table talking. I ignored them and looked at the window behind them. It was too dark to see out that window too.

      "Speak of the devil! How are ya?" My uncle spoke to me.
      "Jolly, just jolly!" I said nervously looking through another dark window.
      "That's good. Hey you look a bit worried. Is something wrong?"
      "Nope..." I said and walked back to the living room.

      I then sat on the couch and fell asleep. Next thing I know it's the middle of the day and I'm sitting in a tree in my backyard. Everything looked normal except there was a stone tower growing out of the back of my house. In the distance you could also see castle walls that surrounded the villages in the kingdom. I was sitting there telling my story a group of people below the tree. I just wrote my story though, so I'll skip to the end. I explained to them that the dragon was still alive, and I knew it would come back and attack the top of that tower. So I told them how I was going to go to the top to fight it, but they all walked away nervously. There was one person though that didn't walk away though.

      As soon as I saw her I became lucid. It was the same elf in the red dress from the "Dragonborn Magic" and "Healing Potion Quest" dreams. She raised her hands in a way that I knew she was about to cast a lightning spell at me. I slowed down time and jumped off of the tree branch. I just barely dodge the lightning bolt. I immediately started running to the backdoor of my house/tower.

      To make things more confusing, when I entered the building it looked more like a lab or hospital. There were a few sets of stairs that I didn't have time to climb. I jumped over the railing to the top and looked back. I saw the door slam open and heard foot steps. I couldn't see anyone though. "Oh crap! She knows an invisibility spell!" I said and started running again.

      As I ran down the hallway of the hospital I remembered my magic. I took in a deep breath, turned around, and let out a powerful roar. It knocked her hard off her feet and disabled her invisibility spell. I ran towards her and jumped up in the air to kick her. She grabbed my foot though and threw me into one of the rooms to the right. I got up and went back into the hallway. I took in another deep breath and prepared for a roar. She started moving between rooms very quickly so I couldn't get a good aim on her. Then suddenly I realized that I really need to breath. So I let out my roar down the hall without hitting anything. The elf then came out of nowhere and knocked me to the ground. She was now on top of me and was about to blast me with a spell. I managed to let out one quick weak roar though. It made her stumble back against the other wall. I continued to let out a series of quick roars to keep her pinned. I started to think about how I was only taking short quick breaths for a moment. I woke up shortly after realizing it probably wasn't healthy.


      I wonder how things would have turned out if I did get to fight the dragon a second time. I also thought that elf died before after I tried to help her. Now she is trying to kill us again. Whose side is she on?
    4. Fullmetal Alchemist plus Gurren Lagann, Iwatakano

      by , 01-07-2012 at 07:00 PM (Robo's Dreams)
      Fullmetal alchemist characters Edward and Alphonse Elric with elements of spiral power and mechs from Gurren Lagann, damn I wish I remembered more of this dream.

      Walking around my house, waiting for text messages from some friends, I get the messages, and reply.

      -HH after waking up and laying in bed for a few minutes-

      I am next to a track, the kind people use for races. I am collecting my thoughts and trying to remember last nights dreams. there is a girl running laps, she does a few laps before I am fully aware of the situation. I wait for her to pass me again, and I ask her for her name, Instantaneously, I get the word, "Iwatakano" (ee-wa-ta-ka-no) it doesn't appear to be a real word now that I have done a Google search on it though.
      dream fragment
    5. 52nd Shared Dream Attempt

      by , 01-07-2012 at 06:53 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Windhover's Dream

      dream 1 - I'm with Frodo, Sam, White Gandalf, and foggy Aragon at some kind of sunny deciduous forest. their faces are all vivid. I can even feel their presence, or rather, aura; a little different than mere DCs. we are on sort of quest.... Gollum is also in our team to accomplish the mission. we are in a buidling, and everyone ran down the stairs; Gollum leaped the whole stairs. And there is a man with black beard half naked, and I recognize him as a character from movie Avatar. he's not Jake Sully, but some hours later he turns into a Navi, naturally and we together go on a quest.

      dream 2 - I'm armored Callot (my comic character; it's a robot in 'dream realm'. wears silver armor; in form of a knight). I am with bunch of other Callots in a high school(not my school) to kill every teacher....... we enter a class at the back door and I see a Caucasian girl sitting in a chair reading my childhood Japanese picture book. I recognize her face; she has long black hair and she's wearing purple/ black jacket. Her skin is pale. I say, "hey I know that book! the illustrations are freaking amazing, right?" but then at this moment a Callot kills a male teacher, and everyone runs out of the class.... and we go to another class. then I realized that we're gonna kill my favorite Bio teacher (IRL when I was in 10th grade), feeling anxiety and sadness. In the blue hallway, Callots drag my bio teacher on the floor, and I start to cry, thinking why do I have to do this? this is not happening... but on the contrary, my bio teacher is laughing heartily with all kindness. I cry more. she's sweating and she knows that she's in dangerous event, but she has some sort of 'forgiving' attitude...or maybe she said, 'just kill me, I do not regret anything in my life.' I think they kill her, eventually.
    6. girls

      by , 01-07-2012 at 06:18 PM
      I was watching a semi handsome very desprit man tryimg to woo multipul women one of which he had gotten pregnant and had to save.
      I look over and see that I am sitting next to chance. he dooesnt move or talk I kiss his cheek and walk up stairs in a haze its cloudy and dark. I walk up to the kitchen table and see what I believe is the game life on the table. my littlest sister hannah walks up and tells me "me and mom are playing a game you can play too." I decline and go back to chance and the movie.
      the man is screaming and there is a baby on fire he is saying "don't let my baby die why don't any of you help me?!"
      I was then woken up
    7. Frag

      by , 01-07-2012 at 05:45 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I was walking down the highway end some lady wanted me to help her deliver a piano bench to her house. She told me she was divorced. But he still lived there so she wanted me to drop it off a spot before I actually got to the house.
      dream fragment
    8. Some Frags at Burger King

      by , 01-07-2012 at 05:43 PM (Burke's Nightly Escapades)
      I was standing in line for burger king with my parents, not knowing what I wanted. I was pretty much zoning out and just staring at the wall while the line, which was about 10 people, never moved. I must've been in the dream for a good 20 minutes, and throughout the whol thing I just stood there, waiting, not doing anything. After 20+ minutes someone else in line said, "This is crazy!" and I woke up.

      I was in burger king yet again, but this time I already had my food. I can't remember what I had, but I wasn't sitting at a table, nor was anyone else. I was on what was like a counter or bar, laying down and eating my food. Everybody else was doing the same. Then, right as I finished somebody across the restaraunt said, "First one to throw something in this gets the rest of my food," he pointed to a cup between his legs. Not being one to pass up the chance for free food i crumpled up my trash from my food and through it at him. I missed by just a few inches and I hit his backpack which was on the ground in front of him.

      I got off the counter, a little disappointed and sat down on the ground. After everyone else tried, it seemed as if I was the closest and I thought I would get his food. "You don't get it," he pointed at me, "because I don't like you."
      and then I woke up. He was mean
    9. At Work

      by , 01-07-2012 at 05:15 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      At Work

      I was at a job. I was on an elevator. I hit the wrong button which bothered me. It didn't have any major implications, but it was a flub that seemed to bother me due to some kind of implication.

      I was wearing a suit. This would be a reflection from the first corporate job I ever had. As I got off the elevator, I stood tall. I walked with a crowd. I looked over and saw the ogf. We didn't speak; I just kept walking, but this really effected the mood.

      I was showing somebody pictures of a vacation. This was strange because I got to see 2 of the pictures, and in my experience, seeing pictures, art, hearing music clearly--are all difficult to do, and I consider them free art. In other words, if I wanted to write down the music or recreate a piece of art, I wouldn't have to be creative because it all came to me in a dream.

      So, the picture I showed the lady was of my daughter with a bridge in the background. It was a basic bridge over water. My daughter had told me she thought it looked like the Golden Gate bridge. I thought she was so smart to remember that bridge, even just the name, as I had been to S.Fran as a kid, but she never had, so she was reaching deep to remember a picture or a conversation or something.

      The lady then said that if she turns out to be really smart, she could pass all the tests in high school really easily, or win awards in high school, or something like that.

      Then I saw a manager type figure. I tried to show him the picture, but it was at the bottom of the stack and I kept going forward. The pictures were not good, but then I came to one really interesting picture.

      I was on an I-beam like 500 feet in the air. I was sitting on the beam hunched over and holding on scared, but I had no ropes on me. I showed him the picture and wondered myself exactly how I ended up agreeing to be on that I-beam with no ropes. It wasn't a ride on an amusement park, so it was kind of weird that I ended up on the beam.

      Updated 01-07-2012 at 05:20 PM by 41873

      Tags: job, ogf, pictures
    10. 7th October 2010

      by , 01-07-2012 at 05:14 PM (Dreams within 2010 and 2011; a testimony.)
      This is a near-exact copy of the text in my journal

      "You seem so lonely"

      For this, I actually got a bit lazy. This is literally the only text written on the page, besides the date.

      I'm not quite sure how this dream went, but I think I was in my business studies class and there was this girl named Sally. In waking life, I've only met her about 2 weeks ago I think, so I didn't know much about her back then. Like I said earlier, I'm not sure how this dream went, but the one thing I certainly remember was that I came up to Sally and said to her "You seem so lonely", or maybe it was the other way around.
    11. 4th October 2010

      by , 01-07-2012 at 05:01 PM (Dreams within 2010 and 2011; a testimony.)
      This is a near-exact copy of the text in my journal

      Dream 1
      Failed to recall everything but a flaming motorbike.

      Dream 2
      I was out on a fishing trip. There was a concrete box filled with water in the middle of no where. Before I casted the line, I noticed a fish lying on the edge, so I decided to play with it. I then accidentally snapped its neck and panicked as I witness the fish rapidly decaying.

      Lucid Dream
      "Oh, that sucks, for you"

      The quote was not for dramatic effect, but rather as a reminder, something that only I'd knew, that nobody could understand if they saw it, keeping the entry only in my memories, repressed and sealed off. It's been a year and a third since, but I'll try to recall.

      This started with me waking up in my Mum's house. First thing i noticed was that the curtains were not right and that my Mum was sleeping in the same room, so I instantly thought that this had to be a dream and so, I performed two reality checks; breathing through my closed nostrils and checking the fingers on my hand. Both checks worked and so, I believed I did rub my hands in order to stabilise the dream. I then jumped in order to try fly out through the window, but gravity applied. So I left the house into what appears to be an old english alley. I then tried to summon my subconscious but then imagining and saying that it was behind me. I then turned around and I can't recall what I saw, but it didn't say anything and so I mentioned "Oh, that sucks, for you" just before the dream ended.
    12. 1st October 2010 (With my first ever proper lucid dream, I think)

      by , 01-07-2012 at 04:48 PM (Dreams within 2010 and 2011; a testimony.)
      This is a near-exact copy of the text in my journal

      Voiding realistic dreams.

      Lucid Dream
      I was with Lenny and Carl (from the simpsons) at a night outing in the countryside. I don't know anything much. Then Lenny wanted me to loosen his belt. Before I did it, I felt a tingly feeling in my left arm; a feeling from the waking life. It caused my conscious to become lucid. "No Lenny, because this is a dream". I then started rubbing my hands, saying "I want to stay in this dream". Success this time. I decided to fly (it was unintentional) to a restaurant. I still felt that tingly feeling, but ignored it. I saw Nigel in there and a gave him a slice of pizza. "Where are you subconscious" I said four times, flying around the restaurant. The people in there just looked at me. "How about you take this burger into one of the patients' room in the hospital over there" Nigel suggested as he gave me a cheeseburger. I decided to play along and took the burger. I ran to an unpainted hospital (it wasn't that far). Then I levitated to one of the windows. I was like lol because there was a fat patient already eating a burger. I then flew away and decided to try make a teleport to Twilight Town (from kingdom hearts). The tingly feeling was then starting to overwhelm the dream and all started going black. I gave in and then woke up shortly after.
    13. Small House - Big Rooms

      by , 01-07-2012 at 04:44 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: January 7, 2012 – 7:30AM (USA Eastern)

      I am walking toward a small house in the woods. As I approach, the house appears to get smaller instead of larger. Once I arrive, the roof is barely taller than the door and the house is about the side of a small utility shed. Somehow remembering that I’m looking for a friend of mine, I open the front door and walk inside. The first room I walk into is huge. The ceilings are at least 12’ (3.7m) high and the room is quite large.

      I walk through and into another large room. There are a couple of people messing around with something on a table, but my friend is nowhere to be found. I walk around the corner into a utility room, but there is nobody there. I walk back out into the main room and ask the people if they have seen my friend. They just look at me puzzled, and then resume what they were doing.
    14. Stairway to Nowhere

      by , 01-07-2012 at 04:42 PM (...from the dark corners of my mind...)
      DJ Log: January 7, 2012 – 5:30AM (USA Eastern)

      I am walking up a concrete and steel stairway, looking for a door that leads outside. The stairs are grooved concrete with a steel edge. The railing is a rusty orange steel pipe and the walls are concrete block. There is a small dim light at each switchback.

      I get all the way to the top and find that there are no doors at any of the landings. I turn around and walk back down and find that there is only one door at the bottom of the stairway. Realizing that I am getting nowhere, I open the door and walk out.
      Tags: no exit, stairs
    15. 30th September 2010

      by , 01-07-2012 at 04:39 PM (Dreams within 2010 and 2011; a testimony.)
      This is a near-exact copy of the text in my journal


      Dream 1
      Some astronauts and I were on a ship of some sort. I felt like I was watching a movie. My view changed to a 3rd person view of the ship. It looked like the escape pod from Halo. It was heading towards Jupiter. Then my view changed to being on Jupiter. It was like Mars, but with trees and a blue sky, I then saw the pod land and the astronauts disembarking.

      Dream 2
      I woke up at midnight and decided to take a shower. After finishing, I wrapped a towel around my waist and left the room. I then heard Dad's door open a bit and I remembered how angry he'd get if I was up late, so I ran back and slept naked.