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    1. Suicide

      by , 12-08-2010 at 04:22 PM
      I drove to the San fransisco golden gate bridge with my dad and our plan was to jump off the end of it. When we got theirnmy dad ran of the end of nit and I hesitated and broke down and started crying. I count do it. After I took a snow gonala upa mountain which took me to some bar where my friends were all watching a soccer game. I ended uP watching then the nex thing I new I was In a soccer game nd I wanted to do a goal kick butnthis kid kept stoping me from doin it cuz he said he was sposed to dp it so I started cheken him rely hard.
      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Beginning DJ Entries

      by , 12-08-2010 at 02:47 PM
      Tue 7, Dec 2010
      I was at my father's house in San Antonio, Texas. He was at work with my step mom so I was going to do some snooping around on the computer. I was doing that for a little bit nut then my dad drove up and I woke up.

      Wed 8, Dec 2010
      My sister and I were in my grandmother's car, going to my uncle's birthday party. I remembered that in my dream, my grandmother had told me that my uncle didn't like computers, but she was buying him a laptop. We pulled into a hardware store and she went inside. about 10 or so mins later, she came back out with a bag, and put it in the back seat. I then looked through the bag to find a half chewed, half destroyed, covered in dirt, laptop wrapped up in a pair of long johns. I was like, "Hey, look at this! We got a free pair of long john's! Grandma you really shouln't have." I said it with sarcasm... Then I woke up. lol
    3. Heartbreak and insects. 8/12/2010

      by , 12-08-2010 at 02:19 PM
      this dream was non-lucid.

      Hours of sleep: 11 hours.

      Heartbreak and insects.

      I awoke, I was in a form of jungle, inside a small glass house, like a hamsters cage. With my boyfriend matt. I can remember him transforming into a massive golden spider, Labrador colour + feel. My view changed, I was next to a crazy woman with goggles on her head, and a gun in her hand, my boyfriend (as a spider) was running throughout some transparent pipes through the jungle, the pipes ended as he roamed free. The woman shot at him, but a bullet didn't come out, it was in fact a tube to catch him. He was trapped inside of it of course. I ran up to him asking all the doctors which had gathered round to let him go.
      my minds gone totally blank and I cant remember anything after that, but some how chocolate is coming into my mind... I then remember crying, but because earlier on last night (not in the dream) my boyfriend matt had finished me. so technically he's my ex-boyfriend. Now my minds faded sorry. I cant remember anything!

      notes: I don't know whats happened, i woke up remembering everything but then all of a sudden I can't remember... :/
      non-lucid , nightmare
    4. 0/0 Mon: 2010-12-06

      by , 12-08-2010 at 01:31 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Unpleasant night on account of the drink. I vaguely sense that I had some disturbing dreams, but just a feeling and no detail.
    5. apartments and dorms to dream-character dissolve

      by , 12-08-2010 at 01:09 PM
      Good morning everybody. This dream definitely ended around 1 AM. I had gone to bed at about 9:30 PM.

      Although the end of this dream is very interesting (by my standards -- my dreams are tame compared to the others on this site!), and although it seems pretty spontaneous, I feel it was actually influenced by waking life -- namely by the part in Emiko's dream from yesterday where the boy tells her his name is Thomas.

      Dream #1

      I was in an apartment. Some stuff here happened that I no longer remember.

      A young, pretty, and somehow motherly woman then told me something about how the doors of the apartment were open. This meant something like I would now be able to get back into the apartment, whereas before, I think, once I'd gone out I couldn't come back. The woman asked me to go pick up some kind of food.

      I left the apartment. It was night. The apartment was a two-story building with outdoor balconies connecting the second story apartments. The area around the apartment felt like it was under construction or like it had been neglected or destoyed.

      I think I was now planning to ask my cousin for the food the young woman had requested. I crossed the street to where my cousin lived. The building was a "college dorm," but it actually looked like a military living space for in the desert. It was long, half-cylindrical, and painted green.

      I was now inside. The space was like a small supply warehouse. The floors were concrete. The space was lit by lamps hanging from the ceiling. There were a lot of young men around. They were largely congregating toward the back of this structure, where there was a big TV.

      This was the first day of something like college or an extended trip that these guys were taking during college. The guys had all just settled into their dorms.

      Along the left and right walls were doorways leading to a bedroom. Each boy had a bedroom. Beside each doorway was a small kitchenette and a small washer-dryer combo. I had a hard time telling whether each boy had his own kitchenette, washer, and dryer, or whether two rooms each shared one set. I either couldn't tell or didn't wonder where the bathrooms were.

      I knew that I also had a room here. But I figured I'd probably continue living in the apartment. The boys all seemed cool. But I had a feeling that if I lived around them too long, I'd attract their bad attention and make a bad situation for myself.

      I wondered if I had food of my own in the kitchenette that belonged to me. But I didn't concern myself with checking. I knew I'd come here to find my cousin.

      I found my cousin at the back of the structure, near the TV. He may have looked like a kid. We spoke for a little while. We were then met by a boy my cousin introduced me to as C, a boy from my cousin's neighborhood. C, who had been short, thin, and pale as a kid, was now tall, tan, and muscular. I was surprised to find myself attracted to him.

      I heard some noise in waking life that began to wake me from my dream.

      But I still lay in a dream state. I had a vision of three figures. They looked like "little girl in dress" figures cut out of felt and made to interlock. One figure was black; one, grey; and one, white.

      I very sensibly heard the figures speaking. They spoke in male and female voices. They were talking about how they had been dream characters but how, now that the dream was ending, they were going back to some place where they spent the rest of their time.

      They were speaking with each other in a joking, familiar tone about the stuff they had shown me during my dream. One of the female voices addressed another character as David. The name David affected me for a number of reasons, which I was very aware of, having to do with both family members and big world events that had happened when I was young.

      I had the understanding that these characters were actually elements of my personality, and that at this moment they were all autonomous to interact with each other, apart from me. It was kind of like being able to look in from the outside on a schizophrenic episode, which kind of worried me.

      I could now sense the characters sinking away somewhere, possibly into the base of my brain, or the very top of the back of my neck.

      I now had a beautiful hypnagogic vision: a black background filled with twirling squares and circles, curtains full, of purple, scale-like shapes. This vision buzzed around for a while, then faded away into waking life altogether.
    6. 2/4 Sun: 2010-12-05

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:53 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Catching up after a few days without Internet.

      Guests, Cookies
      Method DILD (false awakening)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness B
      Control B
      0623: Start with a false awakening and I become lucid very quickly. I'm in my own room. It's dark and still. I am a bit frightened. I get out of bed and fall toward the far wall as it gravity is going sideways. Up against the wall, I think to leave this room and go to a more pleasant scene. I visualize walking out the door to be joined by my friends having fun. Gravity now seems to be normal. I turn to the door and see light through the crack. This makes me hopeful. I walk confidently through the door.

      On the other side is my living room, just like my real apartment. But it's light and pleasant here. Two young kids are running around the room having fun. I don't recognize them but I am friendly toward them. "Hi, I'm so glad you guys are here!" I walk up to one of the boys and stoop down. "Hey have you seen my girlfriend? Why don't you go look for her in the hallway. The kid runs out the front door. I look around the room and notice the strange wallpaper. It's bright yellow background with brightly colored patterns. Maybe plaid. I walk toward the front door and peek outside. I see the kid with two other people. One is S from work. The other is a short middle-aged woman that looks a bit like my mother but is unfamiliar.

      I am pleasantly surprised to see S, considering I spent a long lucid dream a few months ago trying and failing to summon her. She looks a bit strange, like she just woke up. Her hair is messy and her face is rough without makeup. But it's definitely her. I kiss her a few times, gentle pecks on the lips. I welcome everyone in. I notice the kids still running around. I walk to the TV. "Hey, I'll turn on the XBox for you guys." I bend over and turn on the the game system, but it's actually a PS3. I think for a moment that I'm silly to make that mistake. I start to correct myself but then think, whatever, and let it go.

      I turn back toward S and walk to the kitchen. There, I see a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. "Oh my God, my favorite!" I say. I take one and take a bit. It's so soft and gooey and sticky and delicious. I turn to S and smile. She says that the old woman made them. I thank her. I beckon S to come closer so she can try one. But the dream fades.

      Another False Awakening
      Method DILD (false awakening)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness D
      Control D
      0727: Playing soccer. I throw-in the ball from near our own goal. My team's defense sucks and the other team quickly steals the ball and scores. I get mad and attack the goalie. I knock him down. I turn to the rest of the players and they all shocked and staring, afraid of me.

      False awakening and I become lucid. My room is dark. I sit up but can't move my legs. I look around and fixate on the door. I remember the previous dream and how I got out by using the door. Then I look at my hands and rub them together. I alternate between looking at the door and my hands. I'm trying to inching along the bed but I don't seem to be getting any closer.

      I think to summon someone to walk through the door. I look at the door and become distracted by what looks like a mirror hanging on the door. It's about the size of a sheet of paper and it's hanging just about a foot off the ground. In front of the door, there seems to be a video camera on a short tripod. Also just about a foot off the ground. The camera is pointed toward the mirror and there's a dim spot light shining. I think, what the heck is that?. Dream fades from my confusion.

      Football Fragment
      1016: I'm a football player in the middle of a game. I'm playing tailback. The quarterback hands the ball off to me and I run left and dive over the line to the goal. It's very vivid and exciting.

      1048: Something about using a computer to erase memories of dreams. But you can't erase dreams with you are dreaming of while you are accessing the memory of the dream, so you have to be thinking of something else.
    7. 1/1 Sat: 2010-12-04

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:25 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Jet Fighter
      Method DILD (absurdity)
      Lucidity C
      Vividness C
      Control D
      In my car. It's morning and I am driving to work. I am waiting to make a left turn onto 3rd street toward the freeway ramp. I am looking at the stopped cars on the opposite side of the intersection. Suddenly, I see a military jet fighter flying toward me. It dips down toward the cars on the other side of the intersection. It dips so low that it flies under a curved street lamp. Then it pulls up sharply and to the left and continues out of sight. I think that's pretty strange. It's not unusual to see military helicopters flying low around Los Angeles, but I've never see a jet flying like that. I realize it's too weird and I must be dreaming. I nose plug to confirm. Immediately have a false awakening in my own bed. I'm still lucid for a moment but very startled and shortly wake up for real.
      Tags: airplane, bedroom, car
    8. 0/4 Fri: 2010-12-03

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:13 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      0715: Running in a marathon. One coach suspects another of cheating.

      WTF, Incomprehensible Notes
      0757: Hulk goes back in time to stop a secret ... dates him. They work for ... deface some paintings with red paint. Then training for war. V for Vendetta. Brad Pitt. Sunglasses. False awakening.

      Talking To Girls
      0927: In school. It's a military school. I am called to another classroom. Baking cakes. In class. Flirting with Erinne from high school. Then another girl. Sara? Or maybe Erin from college. Talking about going crazy. Erinne sits on a swing set and starts bother me and the other girl who I am now talking with.

      More WTF
      1049: ... sex with Bridgette. Meet her two brothers. Then want to fight with our cars. So I drive around them and cover the shopping mall car wash food. I am driving a convertible. This is so one-sided. I ask if I can use real bullets.
    9. 1/3 Thu: 2010-12-02

      by , 12-08-2010 at 12:01 PM (One Must Imagine Sisyphus Happy)
      Catching up from a few days away without Internet.

      "F*** you, but nice sweater!"
      0855: Hugh takes a job at my company. He has something to do with the reactor. There is a meeting in the office and the CEO is talking to Hugh. Then my desk is moved to the left turn lane of a street intersection. Now I walk to the reactor. Something about Iranians and a school. Now the buildings seems like a college campus with an impressive library overlooking a grassy area with trees. Group of people waiting for a large gathering. They are practice their speeches that they will give before the crowd. They are all young adults, like college students. I sit down ... map. ... I say "fuck you, but nice sweater!" He falls on is chair. I find a colleague I know and we laugh.

      Ugly Glasses, Soccer
      1014: Playing soccer with a mix of coworkers and high school classmates. One guy shows off his new glasses. I see they are way too thick and unattractive. I think at first to be polite, but I realize it's better that I tell him the truth that his glasses look ridiculous. The soccer game is on a grassy area in front of a building that looks like a old church or library. There are trees and water fountains in the middle of the play area so people have to run around. They are tripping on the roots of the trees. Our team scores. Then I get the ball alone with a long way to dribble toward the goal.

      short WBTB+MILD

      Tequila and Stuff
      Method DILD
      Lucidity D
      Vividness C
      Control D
      1103: I don't recall how I became lucid. Nor did I stop to think of my plan. I mostly just observed this lucid dream. I'm outdoors at night. I am in a grassy area near a building. There's also sidewalk around the building. Reminds me of a spot on my old college campus. The area is lit by street lamps and lights around the building. There are a few people around and I am chasing them, like we are playing tag. I intuitively think that two of them are twin girls and they are both my wives. I grow tired of running and spot chasing them.

      Now, the buildings near me seem to be restaurants and bars. There are impressive full length windows and outdoor patios. I walk up to the entrance of one building and it's a bar. There is a line of people waiting to get in. I pull a bill out of my pocket and smoothly hand it to the bouncer as I walk past the line and straight in. It's crowded with people inside with low lighting. I walk around the bar hurriedly, looking for anyone I recognize, but I don't find anyone. I come around to the bar and squeeze in to get the attention of the bartender. The bar is really high but with a glass case. It reminds me of the case in a Starbucks or a donut shop. Anyway, I order two shots of tequila (strange, I'd never order that IWL). I shoot one immediately. I take the other glass and walk away from the bar. I walk toward the front door. I shoot the second glass and toss it away. I step outside, back on to the sidewalk and start looking at the people around. I see people coming out of the restaurant next door. I hear music play as I start to approach a girl. She is wearing pink knee-high socks that catch my attention. Dream fades.
    10. Almoost LD...

      by , 12-08-2010 at 10:51 AM
      7-12 --- 8-12

      This night i only recalled 2 dreams.
      I went to bed with the mantra 'i will recall my dreams' and i also said to myself 'when i notice that i'm dreaming, i will rub my hands'
      I woke up at 2 (4h after i fell asleep) though i had set my alarm to go off 6h after i fell asleep. I tried the WBTB technique for the first time:
      Woke up (didn't recall anything of my dreams ), looked around to check for anything unusual, did some maths and sudoku's and did some RC's. After 10min (or so) i went back to sleep and had a very weird dream:

      I was giving a LD 101 course. I felt asleep (within my dream) and dreamed that i noticed that i was dreaming and i rubbed my hands (to stabilize the 2nd dream (didn't remember i was in another dream). I opened my eyes (in my 1st dream) and said 'i'm out' or 'i wasn't deep enough' or something like that. after that my dream changed (i think).

      i was in a court with enforcement of Wilders (a dutch politician who is a racist) the benches and all were brown.
      Thats pretty much all i can remember of this dream

      Updated 12-08-2010 at 11:19 AM by 39615

    11. #171. Shadows

      by , 12-08-2010 at 08:09 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)


      The vibrant old neighbourhood straddles the line between dilapidation and gentrification. Places like this have colour and character completely unlike the sterility of the suburbs. Walking down the street, taking in the brightly coloured fall leaves on the unkempt lawns, you know that this is a place people consider home.

      It's dead now. Shadows gather where they shouldn't beneath a cloudless blue sky. Trees whisper with the cold wind, and the world seems to be holding its breath, waiting.

      Utterly boring, I decide, as I stare out the window of the second floor of an old house. I'm watching the shadows dance across the vinyl walls of a building across the alley, and I know that I'm being watched in turn. If I make a mistake, one small misstep, they'll attack.

      I'm wondering what that step would be, because I'd really like to get it over with.

      I see movement in the corner of my eye, and I carefully ignore it. Every light in the house is on, and they don't so much as flicker. I let out a breath, close my eyes.

      He asked me to marry him. There will be a wedding on Friday, and I'm a friend, and isn't it terrible what happened to his fiancee?

      A blade cuts through the air where my neck was. I'm halfway across the room in that instant, flickering through the shadow-world, disappearing and reappearing between blinks of an eye.

      The shadows coalesce into a lizard scuttling across the walls, held in place by the rules of gravity that don't apply to them. It leaps from the far wall to the ceiling above me, strikes at me with its scythe-like tail and shrieks.

      And I stand there, waiting. I will not be intimidated.

      Shadows. Scare Factor: 3.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 03:22 AM by 31096

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    12. #170. Ouroboros

      by , 12-08-2010 at 08:06 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      I've been working a lot. A lot.


      I'm standing in my childhood bedroom, surrounded by white walls and pastel shades. None of my rooms have looked like this in years, but that's not something I notice. It seems like I'm awake - already, the fragments of previous dreams are falling away.

      I hear a low hiss in the background of my mind, and I smile.

      I thought I'd lost you, I admit. I tilt my head, listening to a voice only I can hear, and make a face. "Yeah, I'm not having that argument with you."

      A flash of a symbol, the ouroboros, a snake in a circle, eating its own tail. I see green and black stripes, and the dream fades into another one.

      "The walls between realities grow thinner by the day," she says, "And people continue to mine them for profit!"

      I'm half-listening to the merchant at this point, waiting for her to hand me the items I'm buying from her brightly-coloured wooden stall. I need the monkshood for an attempt on the Guardian up in the mountains.

      "One of these days," mutters the woman, "Demons will tear through from the world beyond, and our world will be without hope!"

      Snake chuckles darkly, in the quiet of my mind. Too late for that.

      I nod absently at the woman. I know how to close the gaps between worlds, but of course, I'm one of the demons that these people fear. "Do you know where I can find any explosives?"

      Ouroboros. Scare Factor: 2.

      Updated 01-17-2011 at 03:22 AM by 31096

      non-lucid , false awakening
    13. Army Dream

      by , 12-08-2010 at 07:07 AM
      I had 2 dreams last night but ill leave the first one out, it was a little... inappropriate is the word. So the dream was of me and my cousin joining the marines or army, never found out in the dream. We were in a World War 2 base and it was in the World War 2 time. It was dark out and raining, I was able to see through the windows on the side of the bunk ( it was weirder, because the place was all wood and everyone was wearing camos). So my cousin was told to tell a story of his past and how he almost committed suicide, which in life is not true, but in the dream he said it. After that the leader said that I was in charge of guard duty this night (with my cousin) and I was to use a method with the people sleeping called talk and mock. When someone talked they were mocked. SO my cousin then left to tell the story and then I stayed in the bunker. I then went lucid for a second, and then reloaded the gun in my grasp which was a Thompson. After that I went to the room were my cousin said his story and all i heard was " I was at (forgot number) base and then thats how it ended". Everyone went to bed and then it ended. Pretty sick dream first time lucid when i tried!!
    14. Army Dream

      by , 12-08-2010 at 07:07 AM
      I had 2 dreams last night but ill leave the first one out, it was a little... inappropriate is the word. So the dream was of me and my cousin joining the marines or army, never found out in the dream. We were in a World War 2 base and it was in the World War 2 time. It was dark out and raining, I was able to see through the windows on the side of the bunk ( it was weirder, because the place was all wood and everyone was wearing camos). So my cousin was told to tell a story of his past and how he almost committed suicide, which in life is not true, but in the dream he said it. After that the leader said that I was in charge of guard duty this night (with my cousin) and I was to use a method with the people sleeping called talk and mock. When someone talked they were mocked. SO my cousin then left to tell the story and then I stayed in the bunker. I then went lucid for a second, and then reloaded the gun in my grasp which was a Thompson. After that I went to the room were my cousin said his story and all i heard was " I was at (forgot number) base and then thats how it ended". Everyone went to bed and then it ended. Pretty sick dream first time lucid when i tried!!
    15. Improvement From the Last Time I Dreamt This

      by , 12-08-2010 at 06:04 AM
      Dream 1 : Gotcha! But Not This Time!
      I was in a very short parking garage it was about a yard (meter) high. I felt like I couldn't stand and had to do everything on my side in order to move. It was dark and scary and when I came to the end these monster things wanted to fight me. That's when I remembered this place, it was a long time ago and I had a terrible time getting back out. So I reversed direction and moved back to the entrance. Every now an then a totally black glob thing came out of the shadows and slashed a sharp sickle at me. I would dodge him and just knew he couldn't out smart me. I remembered last time I was here he kept getting me and when I got out I was holding my gut with blood gushing out wondering how long I could stay conscious in order to get help and if I would even live. This time I slipped out easily and felt like I had passed some kind of test of my mind. Afterward I looked around and saw it was night and there was a will lit city around this place with a all Chinese people walking around it.

      Dream 2 : Money In Your Face
      There are these 2 guys talking and I am holding a cashiers money draw that they take out from the registers. One guy is discussing something most and then he gets louder. Then he comes over to me and hits the draw up into my face but before it hits I wake up startled.
      my first poll...-cash_drawer_photo.jpg

      Dream 3 : Whirlwind
      I am at a dusty place where there is a whirlwind close by. I am not frightened at all and the whirlwind come to me. As it comes overhead I wake up realizing that my head was starting to whirl around in the direction of the whirlwind!