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    1. Travel + Fragment

      by , 12-06-2010 at 12:48 PM (My world, my rules)
      Eu e minha família tínhamos viajado para uma casa que era exatamente igual a nossa. Após algum tempo de estadia, fomos viajar para outro lugar. Fomos recolher o que nos pertencia. A cada nova olhada que eu dava na casa, eu achava alguma coisa minha que eu quase esquecera de levar de volta na viagem.
      Chegamos ao aeroporto/estação onde iríamos sair. Houve uma festa lá, e inclusive encontrei minha namorada e meus sogros, que também estavam viajando.

      Fragment #1: Eu estava na minha casa, junto com Vinícius Híckel e Gabriel Adriano. Estávamos montando uma estrutura de Lego (no primeiro andar de casa, perto da casa de máquinas da piscina). Mas a cada peça que faltava, subíamos correndo para pegá-la, ao invés de montar tudo lá em cima. Pegamos as peças que formam um círculo e algumas flores, para tentar montar uma cidade.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. turned into baby; plastic gun shop

      by , 12-06-2010 at 12:42 PM
      Good morning, everybody. I feel lousy today. I think I've caught another cold. Ugh!

      I remember two dreams from last night. I feel like the first dream is only a fragment. Also, the second dream occurred between 5 AM, when I woke (and saw I still had some time to sleep) and 5:30 AM, when I got out of bed.

      Dream #1

      I had been walking around at night with my friend T. She had spoken with me about something like the two of us having sex.

      We ended up at some place. We were in a bedroom. The bedroom was lit only with the glow of a TV. The room seemed to be split in two halves by a partition or wall. We were in the half with the bed. The floor of this half seemed to be set down lower than the floor of the other half.

      I lay on my back on the bed. T straddled me from above. We may both have been naked. Then suddenly I was wearing baby diapers. I may have been an adult wearing baby diapers at first. But then I was actually a little baby, being changed by T.

      Dream #2

      I stood out in the parking lot of a mall during the daytime with an older man and possibly some younger men and women. The older man was probably tall, wearing nice clothes and dark-tinted eyeglasses. I may have been a child's height, coming up only to the man's waist, even though I seemed to think like myself at my present age.

      The man was holding a huge, black, plastic gun that looked like it was from a cartoon. The barrel swelled out and in, like the sections of a wasp's body. The man asked me where I had gotten this gun. I was holding a similar, smaller gun.

      I told the man I had gotten it at "The Anime Shop." I had gotten it for some girl who really liked anime. I saw the girl in my mind's eye. She was a Latina friend of mine.

      I told the man I could show him where The Anime Shop was. I could see an "address" for the shop. It think it had the numbers 44 and 45 in it.

      We walked into the mall. The corridor we were in was lit red. It seemed to have a jungle theme to it. There were stores in the middle of the corridor as well as along the walls. These stores looked like wooden huts in odd shapes. We had to wind our way around them.

      I kept looking around for The Anime Shop. I had been pretty sure it was down this corridor. But we were now approaching the end of the corridor. Through glass doors I at first saw what looked like the interior of a really nice department store. But as we got much closer to the glass doors I saw that beyond them was actually another corridor, this one looking more like a normal mall's corridor. I may even have seen a TCBY (???).

      I felt bad because I had led the older man all the way down the wrong corridor. I now realized that The Anime Shop was in a parallel but separate corridor. I knew we'd have to walk through the regular part of the mall to get there. But I didn't know if the older man would trust me any longer to guide him there.
    3. The Walking Dead

      by , 12-06-2010 at 12:36 PM (My world, my rules)
      Tive um sonho que se assemelhava com o seriado The Walking Dead, levando em conta que tinha os mesmos personagens (e alguns personagens a mais).
      Não lembro muito bem do começo, mas lembro que iria passar um programa engraçado na tv, então resolvi comprar salgadinhos e refrigerantes para assistir. Chegamos a um local que tinha uma tv, duas entradas (uma de cada lado) e algumas janelas. Trancamos as portas e uma mulher (que é do seriado) fez montes de terra na frente das janelas (para não vermos os zumbis tentando entrar enquanto víamos o programa).
      Quando o programa começou (que era algum vídeo do mundo canibal), os zumbis começaram a tentar entrar no recinto. E inclusive um minotauro tentava entrar pela saída da direita.
      Após algum tempo, lembro que todos haviam se tornado zumbis, menos eu (que estava no lugar de Rick Grimes), sua mulher e seu filho. Eles estavam encolhidos em uma poça de água, enquanto uma velha zumbi (que era no nosso grupo) estava indo atrás deles. Eu disse para eles saírem da água no momento em que a velha enconstou nela. Nesse momento, fui para o centro da sala onde tinha a TV e pensei "um seriado não pode terminar assim...", e tive vontade de atirar em mim mesmo.
    4. 6 Dec: Stabbed to learn not to feel pain

      by , 12-06-2010 at 12:06 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      1:00 GMT

      Stabbed to gain control over fear and pain
      I am in some apartment building apparently coming out of my cousin’s home. She has something weird about her look, like dyed hair or extreme make-up. She goes downstairs but I feel more interested in following a corridor that seems to connect to a different partof the building or even a twin building. I then have fun exploring these connections - I go from corridor to corridor, explore different levels by taking the stairs sometimes. Every block is of a different colour or has different tiles on the wall, but it’s getting boring so I try to look for an exit.I’m a bit lucid. I look at a map on the wall, trying to locate myself, when some guy offers his help and tells me to just follow him. I do so and he leads me out. Outside, it’s a city street, looks like London and he meets a bunch of friends he was with before. They are making plans for next steps and they divide in two groups. I stick with the guy’s group, a small one – 2 guys and a girl. I don’t know where they are taking me. A bit further down, when we’re around some ugly buildings of a bad neighbourhood, the guy draws a knife and he wants to stab me in my belly. I am aware it’s a dream, but still, I shriek at the thought of feeling a knife slashing my flesh. They say “Don’t be afraid!” and I’m like “What’s wrong with you?” So just when they are about to stab me I say “Sorry, I don't want to be stabbed, I’m going to wake up!”. I wake up but I still had a brief moment when I could feel the knife cutting through my flesh. I felt discomfort and I was awake for a while...
      When I go back to sleep I am again in the same city and they are still around waiting for me. What the hell? I felt like I was going through a Freddy Krueger’s nightmarish type of thing. I ran away, I zig zagged between buildings, trying to lose them. I laid low behind a building and a concrete wall, where people threw garbage and I lost lucidity for a few moments. I got distracted with all the clothes and bags perfectly good that were thrown away. I am considering taking them with me to give away to people who need it, but suddenly I see my chasers about to find me and I instantly get back to the action. I run again but eventually they cut my way through, as they knew a shortcut through some tunnel. They grab my arms and the guy is once again about to stab me and he swears “It won’t hurt!”. I first thought he was just being psychotic, but now I have this clear feeling they were also lucid dreamers or some dream beings who were just testing me and trying to teach me something. Their attitude changed slightly when I opened myself to them. The guy said to me “It only hurts if you believe so. I’m telling you it won’t hurt if you don’t give in to fear.” Oh, so that was it? I was still a bit afraid, I was actually already feeling the pain again, just by thinking of it, so I told him ”OK, but let me do it to myself. And can I stab my leg instead? Just to try?” “OK”, he said. So I stabbed my leg and I was amazed that it felt like stabbing styrofoam. I could feel it buried in the flesh but it didn’t hurt. I was starting to lose fear and thinking about stabbing myself a bit more (lol). They smiled at me and simply left.

      Female robot and androids
      I am now free to do whatever. I look around and I am in some industrial park or similar. I see a huge robot-like metallic structure rising above the houses and go check it from a safe distance, because it starts to move its arms. Below it and around are people watching some demonstration of its functioning. It’s made of hollow metallic tubes that shape it slightly into a female form and some of this tubes are then channelled to some interface where half a dozen women are plugged in, apparently controlling or feeding this robot. The creator of this machine is explaining how it works and what it does, but then all the focus goes to one of these females who detaches from the interface. I find out these are not real women, but androids. Lots of flashes in her direction, reporters asking questions and the inventor says she can even speak Russian. He ask if any Russian speaking is around and some guy points to a girl by my side, but in the middle of the crowd we get mixed up and they bring me closer to the android. I say there’s been a mistake, I can’t speak Russian, it was some other girl, but the android lady is looking at me totally interested. She seems to think I am lying and she is processing that information and trying to figure out my intentions. She says she wants to meet me and asks me for my contact. I don’t recall even handing her over my contact, but I see her adding my email and name to her processor/brain – like if she just extracted it from my mind and I was reading the info on her eyes as she was processing it. Then she turned away and left, followed by a sea of curious people and reporters.

      Office scene
      I remember maybe it’s time to meditate a bit, but I can’t find peace, there’s just too much going on and I can’t make it still. Then I think about dropping a visit to Nighthawk’s dreams. I am now in a corridor with doors to offices. I see elevators and decide using one as a portal, but every time I try to get into one, someone holds the door and enters. I even try to do it with some suit guy by my side looking at me like I’m crazy, but it doesn’t work ‘cause he totally distracts me. I give up on elevators and try to use the office doors instead. The problem is they have glass windows and I can see the other side, so I have once again difficulties in making appear a different world on the other side, because I keep seeing the people working inside the office. When I open the door, it is still an office. Oh well... I just look around, checking every person on each cubicle. Mostly very young people. It’s a nice office, light coloured wood furniture, glass walls, lots of light. I go to the end of it and I find a window to a square interior patio, with view to all floors. I notice the building’s decoration is quite nice and then I see a corridor through which the company’s CEO, a tall slim lady in her 40’s, is coming in my direction. She sees me there and asks me what I think of the place. I say it’s nice and I like the carpets on the hallway. She invites me for a drink in her office and we sit and talk there for a while.

      4.50 GMT

      Just recall my mom had a good prize in the lottery and I clearly recall the numbers. Will suggest her to make a bet

      6:30 GMT
    5. Non-sexual Megan Fox dream

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:33 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I was at my primary school, and I was talking to Megan Fox about Michael Bay. "So you're not going to be in Transformers 3?" I said.
      "Yeah, Michael Bay said I'm not to be in it."
      "He's a douche. Both the Transformers movies have no storyline, just special effects. Oh, and good acting "
      "Hey thanks =D. The story was so bad because we only had 3 days to write it before filming."

      Then I 'saw' the team with Megan trying to rush out a script and storyline.

      She also pointed at my Transformers jacket. Many people have been doing this IRL recently.
    6. Disturbing Fragment

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:22 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I dreamt that my whole grade was in the main school hall, and we were forced to watch some electrical safety video.

      It was supposed to convey its message by being shocking and violent. Like those drink driving ads.

      It showed a baby next to some water that was touching something electrical, so when the baby touched the water it started to spaz out and get electrocuted. Then another baby next to the first one placed its hand on the other baby and was getting electrocuted too.

      It was awful.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    7. Liquid chocolate; Premonition?

      by , 12-06-2010 at 11:08 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      This morning I didn't really remember my dreams. That is, until Photography class first period.

      We watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The new one with Johnny Depp in it.

      Then I remembered that I dreamt about a giant chocolate fondue.


    8. In the car again

      by , 12-06-2010 at 10:33 AM (Beyond the Horizon)
      I had a nap this afternoon to give me more chances of becoming lucid

      I was with school friends. I wish I remembered why, because I would have become lucid. IRL I've found that I'm out of the house more often at night.

      So I'm in the car with my friend Simon, he's driving, even though he's only a learner at the moment IRL. The dream was set 3 hours after I was dreaming it, so it was Monday night with school in the morning. I was expecting to be taken home, but he drove past my turn off. He said "Let's just crash at my sister's place. Her husband will be there." his sister is 19 lol

      The road was very similar to where we should have been IRL.

      I said I'll call my dad to make sure it's okay, but as I got my phone out, I dreamt that I woke up.

      In my FA, I immediately tried to call Simon to ask whether he just had the same dream. I could see that he was doing the same, somehow.

      Then I slowly woke up for real, and didn't move because I believed he was still trying to call me and that my phone would ring.

      Then I snapped out of it and called him, he said he was in a car coming back from the shops. He wasn't driving.

      I will update after speaking to him tomorrow.
    9. 12/6 Fragment: Hanger

      by , 12-06-2010 at 08:09 AM
      Arrrgh! All these fragments are driving me crazy! For some reason I can't seem to remember anything these last couple weeks.

      Fragment: Hanger
      NonDream Dream Lucid

      I was in some sort of Sci-Fi spaceship hanger. Everything is metal and plastic. There are stacks of crates all over and a large freighter to my right. I am wearing a spacesuit and have the helmet in my hand. I put it on top of a crate and sit down on another crate. Two guys come in after me and do the same. Then a kid (probably 11ish) comes in and puts his small helmet in the open visor of one of ours. I remember my view zooming in to show the helmet inside of another. I get the impression that we are laying low from an angry woman (Possibly a supervisor or a wife or something)
      We are lounging around, talking and whatnot. One of the guys mentions reading a headline in the paper that talks about a scientist that was imprisoned or maybe executed for 'stealing' a part of the rocket engine he was working on. He was in charge of the part and was told not to let anything happen to it, so he took it with him, and apparently got caught with it outside the lab.
      The kid is hanging around me asking me questions in German. I answer him back in German as well. After some time, he wants to play this word game in German of course. I tell him I don't want to play
      (I speak German, but haven't had to in years, so I don't think I'll be good at the game) He starts begging me, pleading "Bitte, Bitte" I keep telling him 'No' (English now) and after a little bit more of this the dream ends.
    10. Floating with some of the Dream Team (Dreams from the past 2 nights)

      by , 12-06-2010 at 07:57 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Night of December 3-4

      I'm in a house or apartment somewhere. A friend [no one I recognize from real life] is holding up a gallon-size plastic bag full of pieces of cantaloupe and honeydew melon. I say that honeydew melon always gives me stomachaches [true in real life]. She says that we should take all that fruit and put it in our lunches, which are at the bottom of the hill, on the school playground [the playground of my elementary school]. I answer that if I'm going to haul myself all the way down there to get our lunches, I'm going to take my computer down to the school while I'm at it. My computer's hard drive needs to be reformatted, so I do that before I leave for the school. The computer's hard drive is stored within a big, black AC adapter box [like the one on our electronic keyboard, not like the one for my laptop]. When I finish reformatting it, I unplug it from the hard drive and say, “Congratulations: it's a hard drive.”

      I'm sitting at the kitchen table in House #1, working on my old laptop (my first one). P. has been using it. She's opened up a whole bunch of windows with video clips in them (VLC, or Quicktime, or some program like that that shows video), and a video editing program called Star Producer. She shows me how to get to the folder Star Producer created for her videos. There's someone else there in the house with us
      [I don't know who, exactly, but I got the impressions 'young' and 'female'], looking for her sweater. I point her sweater out to her; it's lying in a heap over the arm of one of the two pale green armchairs in the living room. [We actually did have those at that house.]

      I'm walking around outside, on a street lined with trees, houses, and small, old apartment buildings. It looks like it might be in Louisville, because most of the buildings seem to be kind of old, and a lot of them are made of brick. A woman with long hair (or possibly a veil or shawl over her head? I'm not sure) and long, flowing clothes is on the street, going along it by floating about a foot or so off the ground. I think, Oh, she must be dreaming. [Evidently, I now take for granted that flying/floating is normal when one is dreaming... and yet, it still completely failed to occur to me that I was dreaming.] I start floating, too, but then come back down to the ground [for a reason I don't quite remember now] and continue walking. I see Arthur, Ariadne, and Eames [from Inception] there, also walking along the street. [Day residue; I was reading part of the shooting script the day before.] Eames also starts to float as they go, but comes down after a minute. I walk behind them. I hear Eames say, “I'm a little bit married,” meaning, to Arthur. I repeat this, giggling at it a little. They don't notice me at all.

      Night of December 4-5

      I'm at Disneyland again, in the old Carousel of Progress building. It has been filled with some really neat ride/exhibit/something-or-other. [I remember that it was much, much cooler than the one that's actually there now, but I don't remember what exactly it was because I was too lazy to write it down.] Later, after leaving that building, I meet my parents at a restaurant elsewhere in Disneyland.

      Updated 12-06-2010 at 08:04 AM by 37356 (missed a color tag)

    11. ***

      by , 12-06-2010 at 06:54 AM (Somewhere Over The Rainbow)
      barely, barely remembering....something about convincing someone about someone.....

      GARGHH!!! So frustrating, I hate my memory!

      I can SEE the dream. Bleh!
    12. Alternate Me Again

      by , 12-06-2010 at 05:06 AM
      Dream 1 : A Girl Gets Her Retail On
      I come into work at a large retail store. [1, I do not really work at this place or at retail. 2, I am not this person. 3, This person is a short girl with short black hair while I am tall with brown hair and a guy!] I go over to my work pals but they are brooding over their lots in life as usual. I on the other hand, happily stroll over to the cash register area where there is a mannequin stand. I decide to make a design using shoes! [Her perkiness at this job would have driven me mad.] Using a semicircle of shoes with our new red shoes in the center, and in a whimsical stance, I figure I have created an advertisement design for our store and am so excited that I want to show our supervisors! [I worked retail in real life but I purposely never showed any initiative lest I started to actually feel like I belonged in the soul-crushing job that it was] Not seeing any supervisors, I ran to my coworkers in the excitement but they just gave me that sarcastic look. So I walked off to find something else to do.
      What really surprised me in the dream was that my height was so short, I had so much less vision over things than I usually do.
      As for the girl I have seen her before in my dreams. One night while lucid I decided to look into a mirror (always a wild idea with interesting results) what I saw was this good looking girl with short hair looking back like "hello this is me!" She was the bubbly energetic type and I am pretty sure that person in the mirror could actually see me! I was too weirded out by this and woke up.
      my first poll...-shrt-blk-hair.jpg
      She is not the only possibly alternate self I have come across though just the latest.
      non-lucid , memorable
    13. 12/03/10 Dreams within dreams within dreams

      by , 12-06-2010 at 04:33 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This was a three level dream… I was having a dream in a dream in a dream… these can get a bit confusing, but I will do my best to keep things straight.

      I am lying in my bed, I am not sure how I got there, just that I am really tired. I feel a soft furry animal curled up beside me, so I reach down to pet the animal I assume to be a cat. Instead, the animal pikas when I touch it. Pika? I sit up and turn on my iPod Touch for the light from the screen, and there is a real live pikachu sitting beside me, looking at me. He is looking at me, and he pikas again, then he curls up right by my chest, where it is really easy to scratch his ears. For some reason, even though I know that means I am dreaming, I am still sleepy and I lie down, soon falling asleep with the pikachu beside me… I slip into a dream.

      I am in the Hogwarts castle, I am lucid, and I am playing games with Bellatrix Lestrange. The kind of games that end up with her shitting her pants either with fear or with frustration or anger or something… I am having a hard time remembering the details, but I do remember a couple of fragments… I am in one of the classrooms at Hogwarts, facing Bellatrix Lestrange across several desks, she is acting in her usual insane manner, brandishing her wand around like a complete madwoman and yelling incomprehensible things in between her insane cackling. I telekinetically take her wand right out of her hand, pulling it straight to me. I tell her she needs to stop waving that thing around before she puts out an eye or something. She actually pauses, looking at her empty hand and then at me holding her wand. She demands I give it back to her immediately, I tell her to take it back if she wants it so badly. She does nothing, so I ask her if that's a problem, can't she do a simple summoning charm to take her wand back? Or can she not do magic without a wand? Because if she can't do magic without the aid of a stupid little stick, then she is way more pathetic than I had ever thought possible. She demands her wand back now, I ask her if I really look dumb enough to give it back to her, then I leave the room, yelling at her to come get it if she dares…

      I am in the dungeons of Hogwarts, the passages down there are like an endless maze, and I am lucid. I am teleporting all over the place, I am playing games with someone, and I soon find the person I am playing with, it is Bellatrix Lestrange. She is apparently pissed off at me about something, because she fires a curse at me, but I teleport before it can hit me. Instead it makes a hole in the wall. I teleport to a spot right behind Bellatrix and whisper quickly into her left ear, "You missed! Tag, you're dead!" and then I teleport away as she is turning around. She spins around and fires another curse, but I am gone before she even fires the curse this time. I am a disembodied voice before I re-materialize somewhere else, and I let out a hollow sounding laugh that echos through the dungeons, all around Bellatrix, making her look frantically around for the source. She is yelling at me to come out, she is calling me a coward, calling me a whole slew of names I don't recognize but I am sure they are nasty and insulting names. I teleport to a position right in front of her and give her a shove backwards, she fires several quick curses at me, I teleport and reveal the mirror behind me, her curses bounce back and almost hit her except she ducks out of the way quickly. Some more hollow laughter for her benefit. She is yelling again, apparently loud enough that it got Snape's attention. Snape comes down the hall, clearly pissed off, and barely avoids Bellatrix's franticly thrown curse. "Watch what you're doing, woman!" Snape snarls as he comes over closer to Bellatrix and plucks her wand from her hand as she is looking frantically around. I appear behind Snape, in front of Bellatrix, and she starts pointing and yelling, "There she is! There she is!" at Snape. As Snape turns around, I teleport away so there is no one for Snape to see. Snape looks back at Bellatrix with a strange look that is somewhere between disgust and pity.

      I wake up from the Bellatrix dream and now I am in my living room with Tigress, it seems I fell asleep while I had been hanging out with Tigress. So now I am not lucid. Now that I am awake, I tell Tigress about the dream I just had, about the fact it seemed so vivid at the time, I tell her I could feel every sensation, every bit of energy, I really need to write down some notes to be sure I don't forget this. I pull out some paper and start writing down some notes, writing them as quickly as I can, trying like crazy not to forget about it. While I am doing this I wake from this dream.

      Now I wake up in bed, I roll over and think I had better jot down notes from the dream, the Bellatrix dream and the dream where I was telling Tigress about it, but I hear something out in the other room that makes me stop and listen. My mother is talking to a man, the man's voice sounds sooooo familiar right now… I can't really believe what I am hearing. It's my brother, John, but it can't be… he's been dead for four years now… there is no way he could be back, is there? I listen to them out there, my mom is clearly thrilled that John is back, I hear John ask if mom thinks it is ok for him to wake me up to say 'hi' to me. My mother says that she is certain I won't mind considering the situation. I decide to pretend to be asleep, to not let them know I had been spying on them, so I close my eyes as I hear my bedroom door open. I peek out through one squinted eye, an eye barely open enough to see, certainly not enough for someone else to notice, and I see my brother come into the room. He is speaking to me, he says good morning, it's time to wake up. And I wake up, but unfortunately I wake to my waking life.
    14. Second LD =O

      by , 12-06-2010 at 04:08 AM
      So this one I can't really remember when it started or when I attained lucidity. The first thing I remember was talking to my friend (standing in "my front yard" which wasn't really my front yard and being lucid) and we decided we should fly to our buddy's grandma's house? We jumped up off the ground and flew over some houses that were all really similar. I can't remember there being a ground underneath the houses, they were just kind of there. Anyways, we got to his grandma's house and she was sitting in a car with 3 other people that was parked on the lawn. I didn't really study them much. Now there was grass on the ground and some trees (I believe they were pear trees). We didn't go into the house, instead we opened a mini fridge which was on the front lawn and took a small parcel out. At this point I can't really remember what happened until we were flying in a different area and my friend was now wearing oriental clothing and smoking a cigarette (he doesn't smoke in reality). There was a very large house. The architecture was modern with large windows on the side facing us. We were hovering in mid air above a hill that was striped with gardens and a stone stairway going down through the middle of it. At the end of the stairway, there was a drop, then water. So we flew up the hill and by the house. We were standing near the front door and could see an Asian family eating inside due to the door being glass and having a relative see-through curtain over it. By the way, it was dark out and there were small lights lining the garden rows and the front of the house. The family saw us through the door and got very angry very fast. I don't know why but the father kicked through the door and began to do karate. I held out my hand, palm up, and a glowing ball of blue energy appeared on it. I then flipped my hand a bit and the ball of energy jumped up into the air then landed on the Asian man. He instantly disappeared. That's the last I can remember of the dream.
    15. Dreams of Dec 4th

      by , 12-06-2010 at 03:58 AM
      I listened to music and 12 songs I recall, these are the songs, with a description of the dream
      Andy Warhol
      A Pittance of Time, this was played for credits of a TV show I believe
      I'm Not There - Bob Dylan
      Ashes to Ashes, Someone was singing along with this song, and I was thinking how weird it was
      I'm Not There - Sonic Youth, I believe I heard both versions, and was thinking about the previous version while this one played
      Good Morning Starshine, I was thinking how similar this song was to Good Morning Starshine (In my dream it was another song by the same group I believe, that just sounded a lot like Good Morning Starshine) This was apparently their first song like this, and it was why they made another song like it.
      Blue Velvet, I wish I remembered more of this one, it was cool, I guess it was like a movie or something, and one of the characters name was Velvet or Blue Velvet, I dont know, it ended with them crying "I can still see Blue Velvet through my tears"
      Simple Twist of Fate, I was thinking this was a good song, I think just the lyrics were the dream, sitting in the park etc.
      Superstition, thinking about the song I guess, remembering it was in I Robot
      Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, This one was intricate or something. It was cool I was dancing to it, and so were a bunch of other people, like a music video or something. of the "Ob-la-di Ob-la-da"parts we would put our hands to the left of our head, then to the right, left, right etc. At some point I think I fell,and at another I jumped up on a table
      La Bamba, I might have been awake during this one
      The Last Farewell, This one was very neat. So there was someone humming the tune to it I guess. and they were the main characters daughter I believe. So the main character heard them,and started reciting them (I guess it was a war anthem) :
      "I heard there's a wicked war ablazing
      And the taste of war I know so very well
      Even now I see the foreign flag araising
      Their guns on fire as we sailed into hell
      I have no fear of death it brings no sorrow"
      Then the main character started to say "To Hell, don't you understand, that's Hell" as he pointed to the place where the war took place, on the map. Then he left, and was walking down the street, singing the rest of the song:
      "For you are beautiful and I have loved you dearly"
      Then there were 4 guys walking on treadmills, one was quite overweight, but they weren't actually on the treamills they were gravitated above them, and walked down to the sidewalk, they left.

      This may be another dream or the same one. There was a building, some people couldn't smell, so they tried to smell the cereals. There were pits with alligators in them, with things suspended you could grab onto. one character wanted 2 others to go on on the things suspended ad he would bring them back. They did. There was an explosion and Inspector Gadget flew into the air cartoon-like. There were some boats later, one was remote controlled, and it flew onto a dock, then fell off. there was like a Bond boat chase I guess.
      Tags: music