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    1. False Lucid/Awakening

      by , 08-02-2017 at 03:29 AM (Dream)
      Side Notes (Side Notes)
      Where are you?

      At School, our class is watching netflix, some educational videos on Social Behavior, after a few videos, the intro
      to 'Scooby Doo, Where are You?' pops up. After the episode, it goes back to the main page of netflix.
      We all want to watch more Scooby Doo.
      I click on the name that we just watched in recent watches and the episodes came up.
      Later, I went outside earlier than usual for the buses.
      The buses are coming in the front.
      Ms.K's there, she asks me "What'd you want?"
      I say "16 Pack" she looks at me weirdly, which the look implies 'NO'.

      False Lucid/Awakening

      I was trying to sleep so I could Lucid Dream. (I don't know how I don't actually become lucid when I dream about trying
      to be lucid)
      Everything felt tingly, I couldn't move, I felt like I was sinking into the bed. (I was at the old house in my old room)
      My vision covered by a wave of blue like an ocean, I open my eyes and the room is filled with water.
      I wake up and look at the accounts on the television monitor hanged up on the wall. (The room changed to something more
      Left to Right: Cassie, Demera, ____ , Lemera
      I wish I had my own account.
      Demera comes into the room, I tell her "I did it for you."
      My Brother, Alex, asks me if I had the same sleeping experience as him which I did.
      Earlier or Later in the dream (back in my old room) I was watching a terror attack on video.
      It had something to do with planes, trees and a road and me talking to some middle-aged man.
      I remember getting up and covering the computer screen so I wouldn't be seen.

      Dragon Ball Alternate Timeline

      Somekid is sucked into the world of Dragon Ball, but its different, Vegeta is King and Goku is a "Robin-Hood" like
      character. Takes place a few years after two kids changed the Dragon Ball Timeline.
      It says in the description "No Virus."
      There were lots of Dragon Ball OCs, I saw Fat Buu but he looked a-bit different.
      This team of fighters was tracking an evil Majin Buu, we're about to turn around the corner but..Suprise!
      it's the evil Majin Buu.
      The evil Majin Buu is Female and has a jester like outfit on.

      August 1st, 2017
    2. What it Felt like in Sleep Paralysis

      by , 08-02-2017 at 02:58 AM
      This is still really fresh in my mind; it happened to me this morning at around 7:30AM. As I'm writing this I will explain my current states throughout the experience. A little back story, this was a WBTB kind of thing. I woke up this morning to make my wife coffee and breakfast, and after she left I went back to sleep focusing on lucid dreaming. I also had a really great success with a LD too! That's not why I'm posting here though.

      (asleep and just exiting a lucid dream) I had a false awakening I think. I opened my eyes (still in dream) and I could not move my body really, and I didn't really want to because I wasn't ready to wake up if I was actually in my real body. A figure appeared at the door and I knew it was my wife. She said, "Hey baby," and then walked over to the foot of the bed. She seemed just out of my field of vision because I could not really see her the whole time. I knew a figure was there at the foot of the bed sitting down. I felt my feet move when she sat down, and she was putting on socks or something I presume. I was very lucid this whole time and I didn't think she was real, because how could she be? She had gone to work, and I know because of the nature of her job she wouldn't be back. I was in the same sleep position as I was in real life, and my real body almost felt like a shell. I tried rolling around on my bed in my dream and my orientation would change, but I still had an awareness that my body was still in the same position. (In real life I was laying on my side similar to fetal position.)

      Meanwhile this whole experience was kind of scary because I couldn't move and there was an entity (whom my mind made out to be my wife) and I couldn't do anything about it. Moving felt like drifting through thick water, but being slowly reeled back to my real body position. I would move fluidly and smoothly, but then become aware that I hadn't moved at all. It was really interesting in the moment. I accepted the fact that I was in sleep paralysis and couldn't make anything else happen. I just calmed myself and waited for it to be over. My room looked exactly how it does in real life (minus the blurriness).

      Once that FA/SP was over, Everything went black and I had a lucid experience while in NREM. Certain shapes would pop in and out. Also I remember hearing some voices, but not being able to remember what they were talking about. Then I had a REALLY VAGUE looking dreamlike experience. Picture it like a smooth fade in from a movie. Natural light and color of outside. Everything was blurry but I knew where I was and certain symbols drifted in and out. I also remember it being very colorful, and I was moving in some kind of truck on the passenger side. I was looking out the window, but again it was very vague and almost like I had my eyes fixed. I wasn't able to look around. Just had to watch passively as things came in and out. One symbol in particular was a block with a rectangular shaped hole through it. It just passed by me, and everything was really relaxing.

      After all of that, the imagery faded out very peacefully and I opened my eyes in real life. I wrote everything down after trying to retain all of that.
    3. An Unusual Little Island

      by , 08-01-2017 at 02:01 PM
      Morning of August 1, 2017. Tuesday.

      Dream #: 18,488-02. Reading Time (optimized): 2 min.

      I am with several people on an unusual little island at night. I walk around in a paved area. A small canal divides most of the island about one-quarter in from the side opposite of where I stand. There is at least one big brick building that blocks my view of the ocean on my right.

      Zsuzsanna and our youngest son are eventually with me. We go over to the canal. I notice that the ocean on the opposite side of the island, which I can now clearly see, has whitecaps (though I do not focus as much on the waves on my left side). An unknown girl talks about it publicly, relaying a concern that makes me consider if the waves could eventually cover the island. The island’s isolation contributes to this concern but not for long.

      I look into the depths of the canal and see a shadowy shape that I soon see is a shark of about four feet long. I tell Zsuzsanna and our son to watch, and we cheerfully look into the water. I soon notice other small sharks as well as a little dolphin, which is surprising, as they do not fight. They do not look real and make me think indirectly of CGI. We share amusement in watching these creatures in addition to several tiny fish. The more active area of the ocean remains off to my right, behind the big building, but some of it is still visible through the end of the canal and surrounding area.

      Zsuzsanna remains on my left, correlating with our sleeping positions. Additionally, this is one of many dreams that lack definition or attention to my left in contrast to a clear focus to my right, which is subliminal wakefulness anticipation (as I sleep on my left side, my right more exposed to my environment correlating in the dream state with its concurrent monitoring).

      For over 50 years, water has been a consistent factor of natural melatonin mediation and ultradian and circadian rhythm in correlation with my sleep cycle. The unknown girl is a subliminal reminder of the Naiad factor from high-level dream state induction, though here has transitioned to the RAS (reticular activating system) mediation stage. She is “warning” me about the high waves, a warning about not sleeping too long, the island being the dream state.

      I was aware that I was at least partly responsible for creating the ocean creatures, but with no dream state realization. The eradication of the unintelligent hype equating lucid dreaming with dream control is necessary to understand the processes and dynamics of awareness in all modes of dream space. The ambiguity of whether they should be sharks or dolphins (with both appearing without incident) reflects the dual nature of RAS mediation and simulacra transitions, from REM and non-REM sleep induction to consciousness reinitiation.

      Zsuzsanna had a dream with the same content in the same period, including the CGI association with ocean creatures. It happens regularly, with too much matching detail to be coincidental.

      Updated 03-10-2019 at 07:35 AM by 1390

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Girl Scouts

      by , 08-01-2017 at 12:50 PM
      I was back at my grammar school and my little neighbor Arron was selling Girl Scout cookies. She was carrying this heavy looking box so I set down what I was carrying and took her box and joke "Thanks for the cookies" as I pretended to walk away. We all went and sat down by a chair. She pulled out a flip phone and called her mom to come get her. I remarked she had the same phone as me.

      Earlier, I had been in the third grade and I had my own desk (like a big old teachers desks) and said casually, "I think I'll just stay here overnight". The teacher said she couldn't let me. I told her I understood because of the liabilities involved.
    5. The suggestion of a memory, but not quite.

      by , 08-01-2017 at 12:52 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      I recall having a particularly vivid dream last night...Unfortunately, I had forgotten what it was as soon as I got up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night.

      Trying to adjust my approach and
      - Record my dreams
      - lay in bed for a minute after waking up, even if it's in the middle of the night, and see if I can recall any dreams
      - do reality checks throughout the day
      - use DreamViews a bit more?
      - reality check before going to bed, when waking up, and anytime during the night when I wake up

      Too many simple things that I simply haven't been consistent with, which is why I'm not LDing very much. I'm going to fix this now.
    6. Couple of short lucid dreams from the other night

      by , 07-31-2017 at 11:41 PM
      Trying to get back into a more regular pattern of writing down my dreams again. I found that is the best way to remember them and have nights with a lot of lucid dreaming.

      In a house with wood paneling, kind of old, but mansion like. I am being told that I have to leave, but when I go back to get out, the rooms have changed. I realize that I am dreaming and try sneaking around the house to get where the people in charge are trying to keep me from. For some reason I think that I have left a room that had something more interesting. I walk into a room finally that is larger and there are a bunch of people working at desks. Dream starts to fade, probably some light sleep paralysis.

      At the edge of a swamp and I see a dark figure (typical dream sign of mine) on the other side. I realize I am dreaming and try to fly over to confront it, but the dream starts to fall apart as I am heading towards it and I end up conscious in darkness for a bit, but have body sensations.

      I am walking with some people down a road and nose check and realize I am dreaming. There is a fuzzyness that I want to get rid of so I scream "vivid" a couple of times which seems to help for awhile. The others are looking at me weird until I tell them "it's cool, I am dreaming". I don't really remember much after that.
    7. The Devil's Stress Hormone

      by , 07-31-2017 at 05:06 PM
      I enter a small, square, low-ceiling plywood structure that looks like it had been through a fire. Inside, some sort of recruitment session is taking place for a Satanist cult, led by a woman of about 50 with me and three others in attendance.

      The woman tells me she can answer any question I have about my future, as long as I join the cult. I don't want to be indebted to her, but I am concerned about my parents for some reason so I ask her if they are going to be okay. She tells me that in 3 years my dad will be in jail, wrongly convicted by a judge who is presiding drunk over his trial, and that in 2 years my mom will be dead.

      In exchange for this information, I join the others in injecting cortisol into our palms, and am told that we all must return here every day at 4pm for additional injections. I don't intend to follow through, but when 4pm approaches the following day I begin to feel nervous, as though I am being watched. I navigate a cluster of buildings, hiding behind walls as I go.

      I come across a television, on which I see a live news shot of a courtroom, with one of my fellow recruits among the jury. I feel relieved for him, since I know that he is in a safe place where he won't be forced to return to the cult. Then the leader appears next to him, smiling evilly, and the screen goes blank. She has come for him, and I know she will be coming for me next.
    8. Strange wedding party

      by , 07-31-2017 at 02:38 PM
      So me and my team were on some secret ops mission against these guys before someone's wedding. We wer all shouting each other across a grassy field. I had a crappy pistol and everyone else had stronger weapons. I tooik cover behind a small stone wall. All the sudden everyone just stopped shooting each other. I was worried because I still had a live bullet in the gun. Anyway, they decided we would do some cave jumping next. I was selected to lead some team to the top of the cave. I had a vague understanding of the rules. Turns out we were supposed to not race to top but prevent other teams from getting their. My team lost. But then it didn't even matter cause we were all stuck at the top of this huge waterfalll inside the cave. Now it was every man ofr himself. Back at the house the groom was making the contestants preform sexual favors on him. I was next in line but when I somehow ended up there he was really high on drugs and I think had passed out.

      Before all this my dad and I were playing what I thought was super smash Merle. But the characters were all weird. There was like a garbage man as one of the characters.
    9. TOTM August - advanced i

      by , 07-31-2017 at 01:24 AM (Journeys through Spacetime)
      I have five fingers, but something isn't quite right. I look at my watch and I can make no sense of it! I look out of the dark retreat and see the moon shining brightly. I remember the Task of The Month and try to turn it blue. At first takes on a purple tint, but eventually it turns a stunning iridescent blue. I fly out the window.

      Updated 12-14-2020 at 01:59 AM by 91855

      Tags: totm
      lucid , task of the month
    10. Dust Instead Of Dawn

      by , 07-30-2017 at 08:02 PM
      I was sleeping over at my dad's place and had brought my birds over but I couldn't find them or their cage anywhere. This worried and angered me that I began shouting where they were as I moved through the people around the house. Thankfully I managed to find them but by mistake as I was moving them I dropped the cage and it broke, letting my birds fly around. This made me so angry and frustrated that I hit the broken cage and began screaming how I hated what was happening.

      Fast forward and I'm in a classroom where my old art history teacher is trying to get the students to settle down. We all apparently had unique powers and were about to be assigned our jobs or positions. As we waited though two girls began arguing about their seating and what one said about the other. I tried to calm them down because I had saw what had happened and felt there was no hard feelings, just a concerned friend. But I was told that I wasn't able to understand the situation and I think I was insulted. This made me want to speak Japanese words to taunt her without her understanding but instead I just said "Hontou?" and something else easy to say. Which was kind of embarrassing but no one made fun of me because of it or laughed. I guess I was trying to be silly too.

      When you understand more than one language you tend to want to use what you know too. Anyways, somehow I managed to get them to stop the fight than walked up to a guy student who was assisting the teacher when he called me. I was told something than recall watching him give leader papers for a goddess role who had an important position to lead the members to victory. I walked away quickly unsure if he would hand me one or if I was even right for it. As I walked back to my back seat I saw him approach a taller girl with black hair and hand her a paper. She wasn't sure if she was right either but agreed to give it a try.

      My old art teacher than told the class to move to seats closer to the front. I walked to the third row and sat in a seat where another guy sat one seat across from me to my left. He shook the desk quite a bit and I was wondering why. Than the teacher said that we were suppose to get into partners and take our papers out. I couldn't find my paper but as I open a book I saw the name was "Dust" and felt that was the name of the guy kind of next to me, who shook the desk and was supposed to be my partner.

      "He reminds me a bit of Dawn"I thought than got up when called to go into the battle area."I don't usually play these games with guns, its usually my brother, but ill give it a try". I than went up to the guns on the pink rack and was looking for a sniper so I could hide and not be out in the open. But quickly Dust ran up to me and asked if he could fill in for me. That he knew what he would do to help us win. But I said "I wanna try but you can help" I than was going to run in a corner but felt it was a bad idea. Dust than told me to follow him and I kind of did but than went and jumped a pink board fence and ran down a pair of stairs where a group of FNAF like girl nurse character were. "I don't play FNAF! Why did they have to put them in this game!"After running up I saw the boyfriend or second art history teacher guy who asked me to go back. "Ok, but how did you know i was here?"I asked. "Uh,I wasnt so sure but i had a feeling i saw you run in this direction" he replied. "Oh okay". I than walked back and saw the class over the pink board fence in a classroom. I tried jumping over it but lost the energy to do it knowing I was late. As I hanged on the fence my old art history teacher walked close and opened the fence for me. "Thanks". She told me not to worry about it than asked the other teacher who apparently was her boyfriend "Did I leave my papers in the butter jar?". She asked if he could get it at the house. I didn't question it and watched as they talked. Woke up after that.

      Note:I had another dream before this one where my old best friend was. Shes popping up a lot lately. : I

    11. October 5, 2014 | Perception Filter, Guard Dog, Lawnmower, House Damage

      by , 07-30-2017 at 07:55 PM (Fantastical Adventures)
      The dream started out with me trying to use the bathroom, but me teleporting into my younger sister's room instead. <-almost became lucid here because of (LOGIC).
      [Scene Change]
      I start out as me, although apparently with a perception filter, because to others, I was a wolf. A cutscene triggers, and it goes like this:
      1. A wolf gets chased by an unfriendly “domestic” guard dog (wasn’t even the right breed). This guard dog looked like a fully-grown bernese mountain dog, but with white as the main color.
      2. The wolf leads the dog onto some train tracks. (did I mention it was early morning here?)
      3. There is a train incoming.
      4. The wolf runs off the track with the dog to follow, but goes through tall grass, and doubles back to the tracks, and crosses them just barely before the train passes.
      5. As a result, the wolf gets away, and the dog trots south along the train, after it has stopped. The train itself had all blue containers.
      [Slight Scene Change]
      I was trying to find a vehicle to drive and get out of here. I found a cross between a red lawnmower and a track. I then found the keys, put them into the ignition, and tried to make some sense out of all this. Instead, the vehicle turned all lawnmower and no truck, so it began to mow anything and everything in its path. Trying to avoid everything other than grass, I looked for something that would disable the blades, so I could drive this thing out of here. Instead, I caused quite a bit of damage to some plants outside a farm house. Because of this, I ditched the vehicle.
      [Minor Time Skip]
      It was a few minutes later, and 2 people had woken up. The father and his daughter. My uncle was there too. We were inside the house, as the father ate some breakfast, while the daughter and my uncle surveyed some damage on the kitchen counter (which, apparently, I dealt, but nobody knows that). Looking out the window, I saw the plants I had destroyed. I knew that I had to get out of here. Luckily, just then, I had my opportunity, as the father left the house on the south side (plants were on the north) to go to a building to the south. I then casually left as to not raise suspicion. Then, I woke up.
    12. Halo Reach 2, Exploding eggs.

      by , 07-30-2017 at 05:04 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I am a spartan (Like from Halo). I am in this war screen where I can select a mission and I select one at random; not being given any actual information about what the mission entails. When I arrive at the mission I am in an abandoned city and it is snowing. Small children start coming out of the derelict buildings. Some have small guns, others have sharp objects. One kid has a baseball bat with nails in it. I take him to be the leader. They start attacking me and draining my shield; but I decide that I'm not killing children so I run into a corner and throw a grenade at the ground to kill myself.

      The grenade explodes but doesn't kill me. I go flying comically high and land in a forested park just a few blocks from where I was. I see some kind of fight between two battle mechs and escape in a banshee.

      I get assigned to another mission. This time, I must go with Noble team from Halo Reach. Though this time I don't think all the characters are there. The mission starts with Emile sitting on the toilet and I walked in on him by accident. When I did he said "Do you mind, I'm attempting to deliver an explosive payload?"

      Kat, Carter and Jun then said we had to get going. We walked through a soccer field then some forests, then stole a small motorboat and crossed a large lake. We then got onto a military transport and started driving towards our destination. I remember getting annoyed and yelling to the rest of the team and saying that I was going to give the game a bad review for not having any real action sequences in it.


      My mom wanted to give me a half birthday present. One of her friends was here and had a video recorder. She showed me medium-sized pyramid of presents in the driveway sitting on a blanket on a card table. I opened one of the presents and it was a carton of 36 strange looking oblong eggs. They then began shaking and bouncing everywhere and one of them flew in my face and exploded into yellow-green goo that smelled really bad.

      My mom wouldn't explain it and was just laughing while her friend looked at the recording.
    13. Post-Lucid Dreaming

      by , 07-30-2017 at 04:10 PM
      From teleporting up tall buildings and finding a penny maker. To flying around a schoolyard with an old girlfriend from childhood. To fighting zombies with that same girl. To reading and old notebook from a locker full of books you've read before. To being back on your old football team....So many non-lucid adventures.

      All I did was set an alarm every 20 minutes after I completed my WBTB/meditation period. Wake up to alarm, turn it off, set it 20 minutes ahead, fall asleep again. DEILD basically. This surfing in and out of the dream state via this alarm allowed me to have some very adventurous dreams. Why 20 minutes? Because I will never have nor remember a 3 hour long lucid dream. My lucid dreams have been at most 10 minutes long. And that was one time a while back. Instead, I'll divide that 3 hours into small chunks of dreaming. So 1) I can practice my induction technique more times instead of once 2) If I go into a non-lucid dream or lose lucidity, I know my alarm will wake me up so I can try again. 3) If I am lucid, like I stated before, I'm not going to have or remember a dream longer than 10-20 minutes anyway.

      I can't wait to continue my journey as an oneironaut!
    14. Growing Christmas Beetles [dual narrative form]

      by , 07-30-2017 at 11:38 AM
      Morning of July 29, 2017. Saturday.

      [I am within my dream state, unaware of being asleep, yet with most of my conscious self identity extant. Still, towards the higher end of REM, my neural energies begin to grow. I associate them with plants, just as nerve roots seem analogous to the roots of plants. The play on “garden bed” also seems present.]

      My wife Zsuzsanna remains to my left as I explore an area of our garden that I had somehow not been aware of until this moment. There are two rows of unknown plants, about nine clusters in each row, that are about two feet in height at the most. Over time, Zsuzsanna tells me about the flowers on them after I first assume them to be some sort of vegetable.

      [My wife is also to my left as we sleep. The patterns of my neural energies are not consistent within the dream state. This is the biological nature of sleeping and dreaming. Some newly activate and grow symbolically like a plant; symbolism of which I validated in the 1980s; some cease to be viable.]

      Around the area of where the fifth group of plants are in the row on my side from my left, I notice a few clusters that are wilted and almost horizontal to the ground, leaning to the right. I feel annoyed and I consider that the seeds had been too close together when sprouting.

      [Critical thinking skills are mainly nonexistent in the dream state. Such neural patterns would bring too much clarity to remain in the dream state. Still - I consider a different way that my neural patterns could be more viable in analogy. The vague oscillations of neural energy that I become aware of manifest as Christmas beetles that the plants are actually growing from within the flowers, insects being a more tangible form of a specific pattern of consciousness than water, yet closer to neural energies that would initiate waking. I do not think it strange that a Christmas bell plant would grow a Christmas beetle, or more specifically, one from each stamen. Each stamen symbolizes each dendrite in my physical mind in real time.]

      I see Christmas beetles emerging from the downwardly oriented flowers, these beetles having directly grown from the plants. There are eventually more and more of them. I have no sense of wariness or unpleasantness. In fact, I think I might like to keep them because of their beauty.

      [My dream self teleports and is now within our house mostly as it is now, though with minor variations in size and layout. I do not immediately realize that having so many Christmas beetles in the house might prove to be problematic. Too many neural energies brought deeper into the residence of my dream would expand into the waking stage.]

      At first, I enjoy having all these Christmas beetles in the house as I watch them in our kitchen and lounge room. However, something in the back of my mind makes me realize that it is not so good an idea. For one thing, they start to buzz, yet the real issue relates to their ability to crawl into anything and everything and spread into various possessions. This is something that I start to consider is not really what I want.

      [I have decided that I do not want all of these neural energies within this level of consciousness as it will surely bring about the ascent into whole consciousness if I keep them inside. I consider gathering them up and putting them outside. My dream fades fairly quickly.]

      My wife Zsuzsanna, in real life, not that long after my dream, brings attention to some Christmas bell plants I had no idea about. There was no prompt from me, and no way of knowing what had been on her mind previously. This follows the general rule that at least one dream per sleep cycle renders material from her essence and her mind.

    15. Multiple dream main points

      by , 07-30-2017 at 02:35 AM
      2:00am-9:26am July 28
       Rising up against a school that spanks children as a punishment. Grandma's home, garage has free amazon gift cards.
       Admiring girl's throat, not a vampire but in relation to it.
       bird drops little fox, I take care of it and slowly it learns to be gentle and grows big as my pet. Current home
      non-lucid , dream fragment