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    1. Drug trip

      by , 11-24-2017 at 08:20 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      In dream I was on the streets
      And by the wall of an apartment I saw a little table with two trugs, they were some sort of things u had to eat, the table description said that it was drugs made by "russian hackers"and that the first is for beginners.
      So I took the first one.
      then seconds after i started to "hallucinate" : the things in my hand started to shapeshift, and so did the whole dream around me.

      Then I saw agent 47 from hitman codename 47 (thats a pc game) multiply into thousnads , covering my vision, then it all got blurry and now I started to see and hear demon faces all sorts of scary shit
      and I panicked
      and seen some surreal sh1t
      Then I snapped out of it and felt sick for real but I still didnt wake up ,only seconds later

      note: I copied it from a chat cuz I'm so lazy
      Tags: drugs, nightmare
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Synchronicities

      by , 11-24-2017 at 07:20 PM
      After having many dreams about cold/dark water. I seem to be getting a lot of dream signs during waking hours. Recorded in order:

      1st character Antarc from an anime (Houseki no Kuni)
      2nd Antarctic written next to water fountains at Hyde park.
      3rd Another dream - about Ice caps and deep water
      4th Art work display on Atlantis showing underwater city
      5th News report on possibility of Atlantis being under the Antarctic
      6th Water cycle at work

      Last nights dream - As a child care free packing small suitcase and things. Later in dream as adult losing luggage/stressed

      Updated 11-24-2017 at 07:25 PM by 89275

      Tags: water
    3. A Parrot Breaks into My House

      by , 11-24-2017 at 04:06 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      This dream is interesting. The first part involved me finding a green and yellow parrot entering my house. I tould my aunt about the dilemma and she said it was cool. I didn't exactly say that, because I spent MINUTES after that to try to remember the word for parrot. The next part involved me going to school. I was in the multi purpose room with my entire class for some reason and I was CONFUSED, not because of the fact that my ENTIRE CLASSROOM INCLUDING DESKS was in the MP room, but because I had just gotten back from thanksgiving break and it had been a while. After that, I was playing a game about penguins while listening to The Chosen Priest and Apostle of Infinite Space by bull of heaven (I am currently listening to te WHOLE THING and as of writing this I am 225 hours in). There was this secret part in the game that I couldn't get to, even with a walk through. The interesting part of this dream is that I was able to ACCURATELY CONTROL the computer in my dream! let's start a counter! NUMBER OF TIMES I HAVE BEEN ABLE TO CONTROL ELECTRONIC DEVICES IN DREAMS: 1. Anyways, about three quarters through the dream, the song changed from a drone to this jazzyish piano piece. Later, I was watching someone play a quiz game about movies that involved a demon. I tried to pause it, but every time I did that, the window minimized to view FL studio. I also saw that the song went from 1442 hours to like 5 minutes. The dream ended in a single piano note.
    4. White Moth (and Shopping Cart)

      by , 11-24-2017 at 09:05 AM
      Night of November 23, 2017. Thursday.

      I am near full lucidity and aware of my conscious self identity. I find myself in a parking lot at nighttime. A shopping cart is moving in front of me. Although I am implied to be pushing it, I seem incorporeal.

      A white moth seems to fly from the front of the shopping cart. It rises in the air about three feet in front of the shopping cart before I awake with a lighter hypnopompic kick.

      This dream is a typical though interesting example of the type in which the symbolism and its inherent meaning is solely premonitory of the hypnopompic kick during the waking transition, and as such, is unrelated to waking life or so-called “interpretation”. Self-contained biologically premonitory dreams of this common type often utilize a flight symbol as here. This is because of the nature of inner ear dynamics and the ascending reticular activating system. (When one is unconscious, one does not usually viably perceive one’s real physical body, which often creates a sense of floating, falling, or associations with flight.)

      The parking lot represents the transitional state between dreaming and waking and is usually unrelated to conscious self factors.

      The white moth, inherently a natural biological symbol rather than an “interpretable” feature, relates to the circadian rhythms of the sleep cycle in three different ways. One, its whiteness is associated with the moon and sleeping at night (especially as it is airborne as an analogy to the moon being in the sky). Two, its nocturnal nature (most moths, but not all, are nocturnal) is also relevant to sleeping at night and being in the dream state during a specific time in the sleep cycle. Three, the flight symbol aspect has already been explained in the third paragraph above. This type of dream occurs at least once during every normal sleeping period (and has for over fifty years), though more often involves walking through a city at night and tripping over the curb and “falling”, also directly biologically premonitory of the hypnopompic kick or waking start, as well as spontaneous muscle tension and release, and unrelated to real life.

      As fully explained in numerous past entries, the hypnopompic waking mechanism (waking start) and its biologically premonitory dream-related events leading up to it by way of the waking transition (and the ascending reticular activating system) are more vivid and intense when I have done a lot more walking prior to sleep, which proves that this dream’s symbolism is based on biology and anticipation of waking, not some sort of nebulous occult “symbolism” as found in so-called dream dictionaries or other nonsensical publications.

      The shopping cart’s appearance is a literal remnant (though its perceived movement symbolizes the real-time waking shift during unconsciousness), not an “interpretable” feature, similar to a bed as a literal dream state indicator (as is being undressed in public as one does not typically wear clothes to bed), as I had been pushing a shopping cart around for about two hours prior to going to bed. In fact, walking a lot while pushing the shopping cart is why this dream’s symbolism is as it is concerning the specific nature of the hypnopompic waking start and the spontaneous release of muscle tension in unconsciousness.

      This dream lacks the personified preconscious common to other dream types. As the hypnopompic waking start is the waking mechanism (and as a result has more energies linked to the physical body), a personified preconscious is not needed to initiate waking (for example, from such as imaginary conflict, perceived “intrusion”, or being chased by the preconscious waking function). Also, when lucid, the dream self obviously takes on more threads of the conscious self identity, thus is already closer to viable consciousness.

      This dream renders and utilizes “exit flight waking symbolism” in incidental contrast to “return flight waking symbolism” (both very common types of waking symbolism) as in dreams such as “Kite or Bird? Self-Breaking Window?” from November 9, 2016 (though there are thousands more in my personal database). There seems to be no difference other than the factors of circadian rhythms dynamics, that is, the white moth flying away from me symbolizes associations with nighttime becoming more dominant in my semi-conscious state and the dream self to continue to sleep and experience additional dreams, while in the other dream, the white bird flying towards me is more about the cessation of the dream state (and its coalescence “back” into the unconscious) towards morning, especially regarding the window-breaking symbolism (the increase of neural energies eliminating the illusion of the dream state), the bird related to the “return” of my conscious self identity in that case (and despite the fact that some birds hunt at night, a bird of that appearance is more associated with daytime). Such symbolism has been inherent to my dreaming history since early childhood in the same context but usually with unique scenarios and elements. I am fully familiar with its meaning and virtually infinite variations and have zero interest in the popular fallacy of “interpretation”.

    5. Walking to a Business and Dancing in a Mountainous Region

      by , 11-23-2017 at 05:23 PM
      Morning of November 23, 2017. Thursday.

      I am living with my wife Zsuzsanna and our family as we are now at our present address. However, many threads of my conscious self identity become reduced over time until the waking transition. I leave our house, apparently to get something from a store, but end up walking south which soon ambiguously becomes north as my association is mixed with Wisconsin (where I have not lived since February 1994). It seems to be nighttime.

      Over time, I am not sure where I am going but I continue to walk along the side of the road. I notice snow on the side of the road. My dream self does not consider how this area looks nothing like the area we live in real life. The fact that I do not know at all what is ahead does not bother me.

      I remain as far from the middle of the road as possible as a few cars pass now and then. I consider that I am walking in an area where pedestrians are not allowed, though there is no sign indicating such. Soon, the snow banks on each side of the road are higher.

      Eventually, I see an older couple in a station wagon. They are going in the opposite direction I am, down the side of the mountain, which is not that steep in this section. The unknown older lady asks me if the roads are clear for cars in the direction I had been walking from. I tell her that the roads are okay to drive through, as I had walked a considerable distance.

      Following a curve in the road, which is now seemingly one lane and easterly, I eventually end up walking through a square tunnel. A thin layer of ice covers the walls. One car goes by me during this time, going in the opposite direction. By following the road, I somehow end up inside a business building. I stealthily walk through, noticing three people talking in one office. I view this through an indoor window. There are other offices on each side of a hallway. I am puzzled as to how to get back to the road, as I had just been on it prior to illogically finding myself here.

      I enter a large room which seems like a public restaurant with round wooden tables sparsely arranged. An unknown male approaches me with a large flat piece of cardboard shaped like a person, painted over to represent a chubby male in informal clothes, and with eye holes to look through the face. The face is not that realistic and has a mustache. The piece has red vinyl straps connected (possibly by tacks) around the two-dimensional upper arms to hold it over my shoulders and upper arms, though my arms can still move freely. I am to wear it over the front of my body, though its legs are too long by at least a foot and bend out in front of me when I wear it, horizontally dragging and remaining against the floor. The other male is puzzled, though I do not tell him that I am not involved in whatever is going on. Instead, I say, “I am the stand-in”, and he seems to understand.

      I am to dance with another male who is not in such an odd cardboard cutout “costume”. He is unknown and sitting at a table with a few other people, mostly female. He is wearing a cowboy outfit with a fancy hat. Curiously, he also has some sort of red straps attached to his shoulders for no discernible reason.

      I start dancing on my own and my moves and balance feel perfect. The other people are seemingly amazed by how well I am moving (especially considering the odd cardboard “costume” covering the front of my body). I dance and feel a sense of well-being for several minutes. It seems I will be filmed as part of test footage until the real actors or performers show up. However, I eventually do not feel like being a part of this scenario anymore, mainly due to not being confident about either waltz moves (where I visualize hands shoulder to shoulder and the other arms out horizontally with hands clasped, towards the direction of movement) or dancing with a male (who reminds me vaguely of Burt Reynolds at about sixty), and deliberately leave the dream state with very clear intent even though I had not been lucid at any point, yet with the knowledge I had deliberately created much of my dream from the beginning. This has happened often throughout my life. It is a type of non-lucid dream control.

      Factors like non-lucid dream control (creating or influencing the dream without realizing it is a dream, typically not even remembering what a dream is) and literal prescience (with too much detail to be coincidence, including finding and marrying my beautiful literal dream girl) cannot be explained at all by what the majority seem to believe and experience. What part of the mind or extent of threads of conscious self identity and ephemeral synthesized fictional dream self viewpoints or combinations thereof account for this? How does one wake themselves so easily and intentionally from a dream without actively knowing it is a dream up to that very point? (This is not the same as knowing it is a dream and deliberately waking.) These concepts of course, are only part of the great puzzle of my life.

      Updated 06-09-2018 at 05:36 AM by 1390

    6. Secret police

      by , 11-23-2017 at 12:10 PM
      Living in my Gran's house with a bunch of other people. A couple of buses pull up and everyone is immediately filled with a sense of dread. We are instructed to get on the buses and although we consider running, we eventually do so. Sitting next to a friend from work we head off through the countryside to who knows where. A newsreel style montage occurs explaining that Russia has returned to the height of cold war paranoia and that inexplicably Britain has followed suit. One of our number committed a crime and now the entire group is being taken. The final item on the mintage suggests that a resistance ia being built over in Russia.

      Fragment: Working in a supermarket. Friends from my real life work are also there.
    7. Morte hominis

      by , 11-23-2017 at 12:08 AM (An Insomniac's Dream Journal)
      Fell asleep at: 1:00 PM

      Woke up at: 3:00 PM


      The dream starts off with me and my family driving home. It's a bright, sunny day, nothing could go wrong, could it? Then all of a sudden my brother screams in terror. "It's a giant hand!!" He says. I look around for a couple seconds and see a huge, white hand pick up a car and crush it in its hands. It then seems to pummel the ground before it, sending us all into a deep panic.

      "This is it, this is the end. No. No, no, no, no, no, this can't be real!" I think to myself, utterly frozen as to what's going on.

      My mother swerves into another lane, cutting through some grass and to a less crowded lane. My mom floors it, but not before a strange, oddly polygonal being floats in with a plume of dust surrounding it. I don't quite remember what it did, but it killed more people in the dream. It was oddly ethereal in appearance.

      But, due to all the surrounding chaos, my mom crashes the car into a large rock. Flames erupt around us, and the polygonal monster is back, surrounding us in a dust devil. A large, slimy monster with a million eyes starts trying to bust into our car, towards my mother and sister. I think, "Maybe this is a dream! Monsters, you have no power over me!", but to no avail. This slimy, green monster with a million eyes starts closing in on me and my family.

      In a feat of rage, fright, and courage, I decide to kill it with my own two hands. I try punching it, but my punches felt weak, as if something were holding me down. I then do the most logical thing, and try gouging its eyes out. It's a disgusting display, but I wrap my hands around one of its eyes and smoosh it out of existence. I yell right in front of it as I try to inflict massive damage on this giant enemy slime.

      Then the dream ended. It--it felt so REAL! As if I were to die at any moment! It was quite surreal, and I was more than ecstatic to have woken up and to be reminded it was all just a bad dream.


      1. This was my first nightmare I've had in months. Maybe stress? I mean, I did think the supervolcano erupted today (Don't worry, people were just burning sugarcane behind my house).

      2. I remember my arms felt weak during my "fight" with the Blogg (That's what I'm calling it). Another tell-tale dream sign to many people.

      3. I think I tried to get lucid, but due to the monsters overriding my power I wasn't able to get very far.
    8. This Morning's Lucid Dream

      by , 11-22-2017 at 11:24 PM
      It has been ages since I've posted here, but I figured I'd do so since I had a lucid dream this morning and have been lurking around the forum again recently. November has actually been a fairly productive lucid dreaming month for me so far, with 5 WILDs (4 of which all happened in one morning) and 2 DILDs, including this morning's. I've been doing fairly well with my various clarity, focus, and awareness exercises for the most part this month, until this morning, when I completely spaced on doing them in-dream.

      I'll just do a copy/paste from my private Lucid Dreaming journal on Dreamwidth. It's pretty long because I'm trying to get in as much detail as I can, as well as gauging my progress.

      This one was a semi-accidental (I'm actually not going to call this accidental, since I did induce it with a MILD technique) lucid dream. I say semi because before I went to bed, I decided to try something with my melatonin by holding it in my hand and telling it that it was a lucid dreaming aid, that it would give me intensely vivid dreams, that it would make me remember my dreams, and that it would make me become lucid. I essentially created a placebo from it, though melatonin also has been known to give me vivid dreams anyway. I did this for a few moments before taking it, then went to bed normally, reading a novel for awhile before turning out the light. I think I may have done an affirmation before going to sleep, but I don't really remember. My intention was to use WBTB in the morning, which I ended up doing anyway after I woke from this DILD, but didn't have a lucid dream after-- although I nearly became lucid in one of my later-morning dreams, actually trying (unsuccessfully) to WILD from a dream in which I was sitting in a cafe with a friend. So it was still on my mind.

      Anyway, around six a.m. or so, I had a DILD. I don't remember when or how I got lucid in it, but it started out in a hospital. I left and flew to the street my current house is on. It was nighttime. I was lucid by this time, and I decided I wanted to try some horseback riding in my dream. I wasn't sure how I could find a horse and get it saddled up in time to actually ride it, so I contemplated this for a moment before deciding on a strategy. I reached into my pocket with the expectation of finding a cell phone, and when I found it, I dialed with the expectation of speaking to a stable hand, who I named on the spot (I don't remember what I named him). He answered, and I said, "Hello, ______! Can you get Mystic saddled up and ready to go for me?" I also named the horse on the spot. The stable hand was amenable, so I hung up the phone and proceeded to attempt a teleportation to the stable. I was quite proud of how I had created the scenario.

      Here's where I went wrong, though-- I didn't have a clear image of the stable in my mind. When I just sort of half-ass the visualizations, they don't work. I closed my eyes and tried to visualize to teleport, but I wound up back in the hospital I'd been in during the beginning of my dream. I decided to try to find out why my subconscious was taking me there instead of where I wanted to go, so I walked around a bit, looking for dream characters who might be able to tell me.

      I came on an elderly man sitting in a chair. A red-haired nurse, a little plump and maybe in her late thirties, was standing next to him. The man looked very familiar, to I took that as a sign that I should speak to him.

      I asked him if he was a dream guide. "Of a sort," he said. The nurse acted a bit huffy, but in a lighthearted, teasing sort of way, that I was ignoring her.

      I apologized to her and asked their names. The man's name was Agnus, and the red-haired nurse gave her name too but I don't remember it. It *might* have been Cora or Carol or something starting with a C. Agnus explained that in real life, they were tied to a chair.

      "Tied...to...a... chair..." I echoed, bemused. He didn't elaborate, though. I woke soon after.

      Overall clarity/awareness/mindfulness: 4 or 5. I didn't do any of my clarity exercises, having not prepared properly beforehand. However, I was lucid enough to do some problem-solving, working out a way to create a horse saddled and ready to ride, which worked until I failed at the teleportation.

      Vividness: Between 5 and 7. It wasn't exceptionally vivid, in the hyper-realistic sense, partly because my lucidity was fairly low-level. But it was pretty sharp and realistic.

      Real life memory within dream:
      3, only because I remembered that I lived on my current street rather than the one I grew up on, which has a tendency to recur in my dreams. I didn't remember any of my exercises or goals, with the exception of a passing thought about a dream guide when I was talking to Agnus.

      Situational awareness ("this doesn't usually happen in reality"): 7 maybe. I knew I was dreaming, knew everything I was experiencing and everyone I was talking to were generated by my dreaming mind. But I didn't really do any compare/contrast work.

      Control: I'd say it was at 9 during the cell phone call, but it dropped to a 1 when I tried to teleport. I seem to have mixed results with teleportation still, and it depends on how vividly I can visualize something.

      Dream length: 6. A bit longer since I was more deeply asleep.

      Dream memory when waking: Between 6 and 7. My memory was patchy at first as I lay in bed trying to recall it, but when I started writing it down in my bedside dream journal more details surfaced.

      Additional notes: With the exception of forgetting to do any clarity exercises at all, I'd consider this a pretty successful and interesting DILD. I didn't work on any of my pre-ordained goals, but I just wanted to have a little fun, so that was okay. I'll be working on visualizing things while awake more often. I'll also more firmly set my goals before I go to bed at night (including my clarity exercises) so I can work with them if I go lucid without WBTB. Also, one of my ultimate goals is to succeed with traveling to persistent realms. (That link is amazing and so inspiring!) I really need to work on my clarity though.
      Tags: lucid dream
    9. Messed up night

      by , 11-22-2017 at 03:15 PM (Nef's dream journal)
      This night was pretty weird, all my dreams were nightmares or were really weird. Mom also told me she had weird dreams.

      In a dream, I was in a house full of violent hobos who beat eachother and screamed, it was madness, and for some reason they made pizza.
      In another dream I was saving a cat from the ruins of a three leveled house, from the crumbles of the rooftop , I came back to this place , morphed into a puma or some kind of wildcat and jumped up to the highest level with ease.
      Tags: weird
      non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    10. 100th and 101st Lucids

      by , 11-22-2017 at 08:26 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      LD 100 - Teleporting Bed and Slow Rain Personal goal attempt #17

      I'm at my parents' place and wake up in my bed. The bed is in the hallway near the bathroom. My brother is still up, eating and watching TV. He sees me and is a bit confused why I'm there. I'm confused too. I go back to my room, jump in the bed and fall asleep.

      I dream about watching a Rocket League match with my dad. The map is a set of floating islands. The real game isn't like this. A car flips and slides off the map. I tell my dad that as long as the wheels touch a surface, they are fine.

      I wake up again. This time my bed is in the room my dad usually works in. I find this weird. I see dad sitting on the other side of the room just looking at me.

      "Don't you find it weird that I just appeared here?" I ask him.

      He shrugs and doesn't say anything. I look at my hand and count seven fingers. I look back at my dad.

      "Well that explains it, should have started with that."

      Dad just smiles. I get up and decide to stabilize first by touching things. I'm in my brother's old room all of a sudden. I touch a lamp shade. It's white and looped strings hang from it. I roll the strings between my fingers and it feels like it should. This lamp was in my brother's room, but was removed many years ago. The entire room was like a time machine to 2004. Strangely detailed memory...

      There was a DC sitting in the room. Might have been my father or a random man, I didn't focus on him. I walked towards the door of the room. My personal goal was clear on my mind. I didn't tell the door where it had to take me. I was confident I would find my way to the Frozen planet without forcing it. So I just expected the door to lead me somewhere cool. It led exactly where it does in real life. Didn't bother me. The doorway to the kitchen was partially covered with winter coats. I walked to the kitchen.

      "I'm a teleporter." I said out loud to gain confidence.

      I looked out the window and tried to teleport outside. I failed and used the door instead. So far the dream has been quiet and empty like my lucid dreams usually are. It was hard to say what time of day it was. No direct sunlight, but it wasn't dark either. As I walked further from the house, I noticed there were more apple trees next to the house and they led to a forest that isn't there in waking life. It wasn't raining in the driveway, but it rained under the apple trees. An unnatural, slow and uniform rain with tiny green apples falling along with the raindrops. The tiny apples were the size of peas. Some sunlight shined through the mysterious forest, illuminating individual raindrops too. I got a strong sense of the dream wanting me to go that direction, so I made my way past the apple trees. The rain was gentle like snow, I could barely feel it hitting me. I looked around for a portal of some kind. Then I heard my phone notification sound. My focus was removed from the dream when I worried who would send me a message at this time. I lost the dream and woke up.
      No messages irl, my SC made the noise!

      LD 101 - Unkillable Murderer
      A serial killer had kidnapped me. I had managed to beat him in a fight and hid his body among a pile of other stuff. Someone was at his door. For absolutely no reason, I decided to act like I was the serial killer. I opened the door. A man asked for some money I had promised. I looked around the house for it and found some envelope with debit cards and codes. I gave that to the man outside and he started looking through it.

      Suddenly the serial killer was alive again and behind me. The scene changed around us. We were in my parents' place, in my old bedroom. The man who I gave the money had a scalpel now. I thought he would defend me, but he was the first to attack. He threw the scalpel straight into my open mouth and it stuck out from the back of my head. I fell down dead. But I was still there. I pulled myself back from the darkness and rose from the ground. The two men in front of me looked very surprised. "Boo!" I said casually. I no longer feared them. But the knife stuck in my mouth was annoying me. I tried to pull it out, but it wasn't budging. I wasn't focusing on the dream or stabilizing, the dream ended fairly fast.
      Tags: lucid
    11. 2 Lucids

      by , 11-22-2017 at 03:43 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Abandoned house.

      I'm wandering around some creepy abandoned place with some younger guy. I become lucid because it reminds me of dream memories of a house that had endless hidden rooms. I say to the boy with me that if we search the basement it will lead to an endless house. We go down to the basement, instead of endless rooms, there is immutable barriers that are hard to get through.

      The boy says we have to go back upstairs. We go upstairs and I start looking at my hands, flipping them over to see if they change. The only thing I notice is that they look pixelated like I'm watching it on an old TV. The next part of the dream seems blurry, but we go through a door like in the dark tower movie. On the other side is a path with a green hill by it. I see eleven from stranger things standing there and smiling at me. I get pretty confused and I can't recall more.


      I'm outside in the daytime by a large building with some guy. I become lucid for no reason. I tell the guy that it's a dream. He says, "Thanks." I just take off flying a bit. I circle the building a bit and then land. I try the time dilation method for a while. I only count past 30 a bit and then jump. I know i can only try it once per dream.

      I decide to look for Jamie again. I run around calling her name. I go through doors but none of them lead to where she is. I take to a suburban street. It doesn't change, so I decide to fly into a bedroom window in a random house. A boy is in the room and he runs downstairs. I follow him and walk past a living room where hear a woman talking to the boy.

      I go back out through the front door and run down the street to see if I can find jamie's dream. The house isn't showing up like last time. I get a bit flustered and then the dream ends.

      Updated 10-17-2018 at 03:46 AM by 6012

    12. hidden factory

      by , 11-21-2017 at 12:08 PM
      1. Dealing with a trio of witches. One was friendly I believe and helped us.

      2. Exploring the countryside with a friend from work. We come across an apparently irradiated piece of land due to a nuke. Despite the advice of my friend, I decide to explore this area and discover a factory where they are using child labour. A man who is working there seems to recognise, despite me not knowing who he is and beckons me over. Unnerved by him, I run out and am imformed by my friend that he is some creature that messes with your memory so that you eventually remember him and then consumes you when he succeeds.
    13. The Dark Tower – The Final Drawing

      by , 11-21-2017 at 05:35 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2017, 11-20

      The Dark Tower – The Final Drawing

      I am in a grassy area with a couple of other people I recognize. Roland Deschain, Eddie Dean, and Susanna Dean are all there. They seem surprised as if I have just appeared out of nowhere. I in a Dark Tower dream. I wonder if MoSh is around somewhere. I don’t see him. We are following a very old road. I see Susanna has learned to use her Witchblade legs well. She is walking with confidence. Eddie is walking beside her holding her arm, but it is not to help her keep balance. It’s because they are in love. We keep going and come to a grassy hill. There are stones standing around it. Roland says this is a speaking circle. He says there will be a demon there and it will be either male or female. He says if it is a female, he will have to keep it distracted while Eddie does what he has to do. He says if it’s male, then Detta Walker would be better suited to it… or me. He says he doesn’t know whether I would be able to deal with a demon or not. I tell him I can kick the demon’s ass. He says it’s not that simple. He says the demons only weakness is sex. He says that is both its strength and it weakness. I tell him that if the demon is a male I’ll rip his dick off and shove it so far up his ass that he’ll be giving himself a blowjob. Roland seems to think I’m not quite understanding correctly.

      We soon come to the circle. We enter into it, and Eddie takes out what looks like a sharp stick. I’m thinking that he is going to stake the demon through the heart as if it was a vampire. I blurt that I didn’t realize we were dealing with vampires. Then I can’t help but laugh. Roland thinks I’m losing it. Eddie goes over to a spot slightly up the side of the hill. He starts drawing in the ground. His stick is sharp enough to cut through the grass and into the dirt. Roland is insisting that the only way to keep the demon off of Eddie will be for one of us to have sex with it. I’m sitting there thinking there will be nothing gained by Eddie drawing pictures in the dirt while the rest of us fuck demons. I sense that there is something approaching. I wonder if it is the demon? We wait for a bit as Eddie draws. Something is approaching us from beyond the circle of stones. Many somethings. Was Roland wrong in thinking there is only one demon? Perhaps we will all have demons to fuck. But these are not demons, or not as far as I can tell. These are those cloaked things from earlier. It looks like masses of darkness concealed in cloaks. Shadow demons, though they are not actual demons.

      There are many of the cloaked figures. They are circling around the speaking circle. I wonder what they are doing here. I step out of the circle and ask one of them what they want here? The one that I spoke to says they want for Roland to turn ‘it’ over. I asked what ‘it’ is? The cloaked figure says Roland knows. I tell the cloaked figure I have something that I will give it… but it won’t like it. The figure says there are too many of them here, this time there is no way we can win. We should just hand over what they want or everyone here will face a fate far worse than death. Before I can answer this, Roland answers for me. He pulls out his gun and blows the thing’s head off. That seems surprisingly effective for something that looks like a shadow demon. I tell the next one I am in full agreement with Roland’s answer. If they don’t want to be destroyed they had better leave. The only response I get is a hollow laughter. I notice absently that it started pouring rain, but I am barely noticing the wet. It is time to kick some ass.

      The cloaked to figure had been right… There are too many of them. So I will even the odds a bit. Divide by Disturbed will have to do the trick. “I’m going to tear a big hole in what is to be, to end all this infatuation with unity. I’m seeking my salvation alone again, I never needed to be one if you anyway. Don’t want to be another player losing in this game, I’m trying to impress upon you that we’re not the same. My own individuality is so unique, I am one impressive motherfucker now wouldn’t you say?“ then with each repetition of the word divide in the chorus I split in two. So it goes from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16… “You might say that I’m the last one standing! And though you try you’ll never find a way to break me! You might say that I’m sick of being stuck in the crowd, I hear the sirens but they’re never going to take me!“ Now that there are 16 of me I form my right arm into an Alex Mercer blade. All of my duplicates do the same. We now have the entire speaking ring surrounded, and there’s no way the cloaked figures can approach Eddie, Roland, or Susanna. Then I hear Roland say the demon is coming as well. I’m a little busy though. Susanna says it is a male, then calls out to someone I can’t see that the pussy is over here. I kind of tuned him out for now. I remember they were able to handle the demon in the book, but these clocked figures aren’t supposed to be here. So all 16 of me start cutting down the cloaked figures where ever they stand.

      I take a glance over towards Eddie. He has completely drawn a door in the ground and is drawing a knob. The door knob becomes three-dimensional, and there is a keyhole. He sticks his wooden key in and tries to turn. It won’t budge. It looks like he’s about to freak out. It looks like Susanna is having some pretty wild sex. Although I think she may be the one in command of it. I can sense something on her that seems to be trying to pull away. Eddie pulls out a knife and makes a very delicate cut on the key. There are a couple more cloaked things left, and they seem to be trying to get away. I am thinking that this should not be allowed. Before they can get very far I use the tendrils of Alex Mercer to impale both of them and tear them apart. With all of the cloaked figures gone, all 16 of me merge back into one. Eddie has turned the key, and the door is opening. Roland pulls Susanna over near the door. He says that when he tells her, she should let go of the demon. I look through the door, and I see MoSh. He is coming up a hallway with a boy. That must be Jake. It looks like the house has come to life around them. There is a monster with several large holes in its face, and it looks pissed. It has a huge gaping mouth that looks like it’s ready to eat anything can get a hold of. That’s when Roland tells Susanna to let go of the demon. He tells MoSh to duck, and then he grabs something invisible from Susanna and throws it into the hallway. MoSh ducks down and the demon goes straight the monster’s gaping mouth.

      MoSh and Jake come up and out of the door. This point the door slams shut. And then it turns back into a drawing. The rain is quickly washing that drawing away. MoSh has been helping Jake along, and it looks like Jake got hurt somewhere. His leg is pretty messed up. It doesn’t look difficult to heal however. I focus healing energy through Jake’s leg. We are all getting hopelessly soaked. It is pouring rain, though this seems to be the first time I’ve noticed how wet I am. MoSh is wanting to know who the fuck these cloaked things are anyway? Maybe I should’ve kept one of them alive so that we could find something out from it… but dead shadow demons tell no tales. Maybe I’ll be able to keep that in mind next time. I’m feeling a little strange, right now I am wanting to get mad at Roland and tell him that he needs to open up another door so that I can get out of my prison. Whatever cause that reaction, I don’t know. But I don’t get to find out because everything fades and I wake up.
    14. Abstract dimensions

      by , 11-20-2017 at 09:50 AM
      Im viewing multiple rooms in multiple dimensions as something is passed from one to the next in a cycle. A machine swings its mechanical arm around in an arc to catch something in the next dimension, as it does my view switches to the next. I spend a lot of time trying to workout the process. Hmm next similarly abstract, I have some kind of food that will sustain me for an exact amount of time and I am trying to figure something out Oo.

      At a strange supermarket, I am chatting to the assistants when I see behind them a rocky outcrop/hillside. I go out for a walk around then decide to go jogging with my daughter, i'm very happy about this.
      Tags: abstract
    15. Ogres for food, ogres for food!

      by , 11-20-2017 at 03:43 AM (The world of Lyseno)
      November 19th 2017

      I’m walking around my home and feel a bit heavy, so instantly know that I’m inside of a dream and quickly take off onto another world.

      When I arrive, see a lot of space shit around me, weird… I was planning to arrive to a planet instead. Anyways, its been a long time since I was on space like this, so just go over to the closest planet and sit on top of its exosphere and then just watch the spectacle until waking up, this dream felt kind of unstable to begin with either way.

      Back to sleep.

      Falling from the sky, notice how fast I’m falling and realize it is a dream so don’t care. End up falling down to the ground and see some kind of humans come close to me. Just stand up and clean the dust then go over to one and use Scan to be able to speak to him.

      The guy tells me something weird about them been right now under the influence of a weird alien force that comes down from the sky. That there was a passage before down here but it was destroyed by someone.

      I try to use Scan but am unable to due to an unknown force and get excited! If they are able to block Scan then the enemy surely should be strong enough, right? So start to explore but wake up prematurely…

      Back to sleep.

      Get lucid as soon as the dream starts and start to ask around about the issue before, but everyone has more or less the same information and nobody can give a greater hint as to where the others come from.

      I have to wait, which is annoying. It actually takes two dreams of doing nothing but waiting. SO.

      Back to sleep x2

      Back to sleep.

      Checking on people and watching a shop when I finally see something interesting, there is something in the sky.

      Everything darkens and people start to scream, the atmosphere clearly becomes dense and then people just kneel down. The ship just takes something from the ground with a flash of light and then leaves.

      I wonder what happened, some people seem mad at me for not vowing down to the ship and say I will bring down disaster. I point out that nothing bad will happen and then scan the energy left by the ship, which is similar to something in one of the ruins. Go over there but wake up midway.

      Back to sleep.

      I get back into the same dream and then continue walking towards the ruins. When I get over to the ruins start to scan for the energy and then just shot out of the sky.

      Once I am in space, start to search for the planet that has this people inside and go over to them, then slowly float down and get met by 4 big red ogres.

      I get surprised by this and actually am sent flying towards one mountain which gets destroyed. Get up again and stop the next attack from one of the red ogres and place him on the ground “You guys?” I ask him but get no response.

      Immediately I get the images from past dreams where I had trouble fighting them, that one after the other would come out, I ever got to the grey ogre after the 3 blue ones, no, it was purple. The grey one was too powerful. Wake myself up in response to what I always did and just leave like that.

      Back to sleep.

      I finally remember what happened before and just go back to sleep through a WILD… when I get back into the dream nearly wake up and end up in a FA, but this time RC and become lucid.

      Punch my way back to the last dream and then descend once again with my current waking clothes.

      There is a lot of wind which blows away at me, my clothes are moving like crazy. I look at the horizon and see the three red ogres, they say they will be enough and come to fight me.

      The grey one wonders if I will be able to get away like before or actually will face them all the way down to the purple ones.

      Stop the punch of the first one and another one punches me from behind but I do not even move. Raise my left hand which was just grabbed by a third one and throw a small energy ball at the one in front of me who tries to escape but… only his body remains.

      Jump up and down the second one and squash him, the third one that attacked from behind runs and I raise and let my hand down, stabbing him with a spear and killing him instantly.

      Just fighting in the normal sense like back in the ruins. Raise my hand and prepare to kill the fourth one hiding which hit me before, but then one of the blue ones hits me in the head and against the floor.

      There is a huge explosion and everything becomes dust in a 5kms radius, I am completely unscathed. Look him in the eye and he steps back, about to run with fear in his eyes when I teleport behind him and take his head.

      Another blue one will come at me, aiming his horn at me and just stop it then slap his head, sending it flying away into outer space without the body, he dies instantly.

      Jump towards the grey one and midway a purple one shows up. He also jumped from the ground. He seems more like a small island from my perspective until his huge head is in front of me, shadowing my vision of everything else. He swings his massive arm at me and I dodge, looking at the destruction of the space behind me spread quickly, nothing was left of the space that existed behind me in this universe.

      I commend him for his strength then punch him down and use the seal of STOP, the last one I developed to fight bearers. Real stop. The poor purple ogre dies right away and is about to blow up when the King Ogre shows up stopping the other purple one from going forwards.

      He is grey and looks older and smarter “How did you become so strong” he asks me in a demanding tone “I am crazy” I say with a smile in my face and teleport in front of him.

      I’m no bigger than his talon and he looks down on me, why was I afraid of them? They all seem so fragile now! He kicks me and I get thrown back, stop midways and face a ray of light coming from him. Stop it and push him down against the ground with super gravity. Light has been warped and this gravity is so strong, that even time and reality were warped around him, but he manages to pull off.

      He uses another attack with a trident and crushes through a wall I make, block him with a big bang and counter with a big crunch, he is strong enough to destroy universes since he survives, how strong is the other one?

      I ask him that and he gets surprised, he asks me how I know of the great Elder Ogre and I just laugh heartily, like a little kid. The elder shows up behind him and says only he can get rid of me. I swing my right hand to the left and make blades slice the king Ogre, he looks surprised and before dying, looks up at his master asking for forgiveness.

      “The final step on the dungeon, uh? Nice to meet you” say to the Great Elder Ogre. He is mad I can tell, he looks down and glares at me with his huge eyes.

      He is at least three times bigger than the King, and he is much, much stronger. He raises his hand and the whole landscape changes “Multi” I say and jump towards him like a deer jumps when playing. The ground shakes so violently that some of the after effect leaks out and destroys the universe outside casually. I revert time for the outside world and tell him not to do that.

      “You killed my people” he says and I nod, then feel punched. He somehow was fast enough that I couldn’t see, he was at my right side punching me with his left arm, swinging strongly. The world where we are at once again changes and I create a new multiverse to fight in and teleport us there “What are you doing?” he asks me “Your graveyard he tries to punch me again but I stop his punch this time and move much faster than light, striking several times.

      He seems unscathed and raises his hand then punches the ground. The reality there is shifted and mountains energy made of pure energy that hit me from below. I stop it with my left hand then swing it towards him, shooting the mass of energy at the caster.

      He moves again and is above me, I’m already there kicking him in the face towards the ground then making everything around clash against him and seal him momentarily.

      He Shakes his fist and a weapon comes from the ground, he is bleeding a little but he is determined to defend his race. I fall down on the weapon and destroy it with my legs while letting a rain of super gravity fall on his face. He shakes it off and is suddenly behind me, with several dust-weapons infused with my power in front of him.

      He blocks with his arms the first few attacks and I make the dust weapons into dust eaters and devour his arms before teleporting in front of me and giving him one real good punch, making him die by being blasted away in so many parts, that he became part of the dust.

      The barrier had been long destroyed and from what I saw, my multiverse too. We were in blank space. The lower part of his body floating around, the only part of him that survived. Close in to him and place together my arms, making a final seal for him and then just wake up, laughing gaily like any kid after a good fun time.

      Back to sleep.

      Something in my house happened, I become lucid towards the end but don’t really mind it. Also forced some people into having sex for me, but did not join them.

      Back to sleep.

      Was checking some stuff online, gravity was nearly the same but I could feel dream powers flowing through me. Eventually went outside and tried to fly to the sky and then realized it was a dream.

      Went back inside and saw ancestors from my town or world show around, day of the dead, anyone? Anyways, they showed unusual strength. They told me not to walk this path, despite been so far down it was too troublesome for a human been to take in.

      I said that I was far beyond that, and they just laughed and moved on, nodding at my statement and saying that I was already past the normal point, but nothing else.

      Could not get more information from them, but destroyed the world constructed for my dreams by one of the bearers before waking up.