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    1. [29-07-2016]

      by , 07-29-2016 at 09:26 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in Hogwarts castle, something went wrong and Snape called everyone to descend down a spiral staircase to his dormitory. Whole castle gathered there, everyone looked in awe at golden objects and coins lying spread all around the floor and shelves. Like mad they charged at shelves and ground to take as much as they can. I calmly took coins enough to fill my two pockets, and then Snape appeared. First he started with taking all his gold back from people. He noticed that I had something in my pocket, I dropped a few coins on the ground and Snape went away. I still had rest of his gold in my pockets. He started arguing with Potter, I wasn't really listening to their argue and just wanted to go and mind my own business. Something flied past the window, when everyone tried to spot it looking through window, I did something and Snape just disappeared, thrown away by powerful winds.

      Second dream - DILD

      I was in my school, in the sports hall. I was watching a volleyball match, my friend was playing in it. He looked different, he was much taller and slimmer. I knew that there was some charm or curse placed upon their team, but they were still holding on strong. After the match I left sports hall and went with my class to some lesson in upstairs classroom. After it was finished I got a feeling that I have to do something quickly. I told that I have to do something urgently to two girls and ran through the school like mad, to the exit. I heard them saying that they too have something important to do but don't run like me. It was a grim, rainy day. I looked at the parking to find my car. I realised that it's a dream and kept repeating those words for a short while. I tried the nose plug RC, but it have failed. My right nostril was clogged, I knew that it was the thing in waking body and I couldn't do anything about that. I found my car and entered it, then drove out, phasing through another car that was parked there. I was driving on the road, with complete disregard for law and rules. My perspective was changing from first to third at times. I drove around, but each turn at the road led me to completely different and wrong street. I tried to phase my hand through window, but I couldn't for some reason. Then I crashed with two cars, and completely phased through third. The dream wasn't too stable and with low lucidity, it ended quickly.

      Third dream

      I was playing a strange computer game. It was some kind of simulation game, I had to choose how high loan a man was taking with some mafia and how many drugs he's buying. Then I had to set up a business for him and pay the loan before mafia would kill him. I set up a strip club and it slowly started, but suddenly it all changed to hospital. It was out of the game, the man, his family and strippers working in club were waiting for doctor. It was probably after they couldn't pay the mafia. Strippers were arguing with club owner. Suddenly a strange, enormously long snake appeared under the table. It had funny ears on it's head and looked kinda cute with them. It made a hiss combined with rattle at the strippers, then hidden.
    2. #184: With Sil / Gas foot

      by , 07-29-2016 at 03:03 AM
      With Sil
      I'm driving my motor with my friend Sil on the back. At some point we switch and she is driving. There is some weirdness going on for a moment, where there are suddenly two motorbikes and I am making a switch from one where I'm solo to getting on the back of the one she is driving. I think for a moment what to do with the discarded motorbike and then decide that it's all good. In my mind it's suddenly all solved. There's also something about the helmets. There's only 1? I don't know. We pull over at an Indomaret. I think it's already dark out. I park in the back and we walk past some friends, without talking to them. They've all got a junkie look on them. Wearing hoodies and pacing about in the dark area of the terrain.

      Next thing Sil and I are at a Mexican looking restaurant. We sit down at a table. The floor is made of sand, which gives a nice vibe. Sil asks me to send a message to our whatsapp to let our friends know where the party is going to be at tonight. I remember the lady from the restaurant coming over to tell me the name of the restaurant. It's 4 words, in Indonesian. All I can remember is the last word, "Minyak" --> Oil. She calls me 'pinter' --> smart, for immediately figuring out how to spell it. I take a long time to craft the perfect message to the group, cause I want to make a joke. A few tables down is our friend Steve, who spots us. He joins us, sitting to my right side. For some reason I turn my head at one point, apparently hitting him in the face with my dreads. He complains about it. I let my hair down so it doesn't happen again. Sil asks what happened and I explain it to her.

      Gas foot
      I'm sitting at a table in a tiny restaurant. The setting is Indonesian. I'm with 5 others I think. I'm at one end of the table, at the other end is a guy who is apparently my friend. To my left is a girl. I'm not entirely sure, but I get the impression that it's my friend Fay. The others I can't recall. At another table is a guy, who seems a bit shady. He is Indonesian. We get to talking, though I don't remember whether it is in Dutch, English or Indonesian. It's about our ethnicity. I think he's not talking in Indonesian, cause he figures that most of us are half-half and don't speak it. I wonder what he thinks of me, considering that I'm not Indonesian. At some point he has a needle aimed at the base of his foot. It seems like he's going to shoot up. I can't look at this. To my left is my little brother. I don't want him to see this, as I don't want him to get any ideas. The guy takes a long time to do it, cause he's doubting himself as well. The needle is huge in its circumference. It turns out that he's not shooting up. He's doing it to let out gas from his body. The gas is the result of... don't remember.
    3. Eagle Picher firing

      by , 07-29-2016 at 01:49 AM
      non-lucids only

      I used to work where my husband works which is called Eagle Picher. Same place I got disabled from an accident. Anyway today they fired 135 people. So basically a shit load of my friends got fired but my husband has a unique job so he was spared. I'm grateful for that but I've been crying all day long because of all of those people. People who have been there their entire lives & it's like a big dysfunctional family if you will. Anyway, my heart is just not in it today. Be back tomorrow.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
    4. Sleep Notes 9

      by , 07-28-2016 at 08:45 PM
      Fell asleep at 2am. But that's one hour less than yesterday's time so its all good. I ended up having a non lucid dream than another after waking up at 4 and going back to bed. Left the t.v. on at 4am though. I woke up at 7am than went back to sleep because I was still sleepy. Had another non lucid.

      One of my non lucid dreams involved me mistaking a talking and walking 8 year old for a 2 year old and a angry teacher who was mad at her students.I was one of them during a moment in the dream. Than something about cops busting into a supermarket and me trying to playfully get a boy off my tail who said he wanted to spend time with me. I had a feeling he was trying to poison me though.
      non-lucid , side notes
    5. 3 Days to Live, Death

      by , 07-28-2016 at 07:40 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I got the results of my recent blood test, and a tumor was detected. The doctor told me that it was cancerous, and that there was nothing they could do. There were two doctors in the room with me and my mom. The female said I had no time left, that I was going to die right away. The male doctor said he thought I had three days. Three days. After the appointment, me and my mom broke down and started crying. I couldn't stop. I spent the three days with family and friends and then just let go. Then, I was observing the aftermath of my death. People were crying. I tried to log onto facebook to see if people were posting about me, but I couldn't get on. I started dancing gracefully, as a ghost wandering my hometown. I thought, is this how I want to spend eternity? Wandering around the place I used to call home, observing the people and places? I awoke with this song(Hometown Glory - Adele) in my head...

      "I've been walking in the same way as I did
      Missing out the cracks in the pavement
      And turning my heel and strutting my feet
      'Is there anything I can do for you dear?
      Is there anyone I could call?'
      'No and thank you, please Madam.
      I ain't lost, just wandering'
      Round my hometown
      Memories are fresh
      Round my hometown
      Ooh the people I've met
      Are the wonders of my world"
      Tags: afterlife, dying
    6. A friend, a journey, and two close calls

      by , 07-28-2016 at 06:28 PM
      The dream began with a family gathering. Around 40 of my family members were there. My mother had been having hard times as of late, but she seemed to have a new friend. The friend was a girl of maybe 24 years, very pretty and smart with glasses. She spent the evening drinking with my mom and talking about the family. Eventually someone told me how my mom had sacrificed a lot to come to this gathering, so I went to go talk to her. I saw her friend with her outside, she was just wearing glasses. I looked down and I was naked too. The friend (I'll call her lucy) told me that I have nothing to be ashamed of standing there naked, and I felt good. Suddenly my mother came out from inside the house and she looked like marge simpson. She said I should be proud to stand naked in front of the world, because I have nothing to fear. The speach was epic, presidential style.

      I woke up and went back to sleep, for my second journey.

      I was downtown, and riding a segway. The segway was not powered by batteries, but by a roll of paper towels mounted to the handle. What a dumb power source. It lasted maybe five minutes before I had to search for more. I went into a nearby building and it was a nerd blog HQ. There was a cute girl there writing about comics and I started crushing, but remembered my quest and stole some paper towel from the washroom. I headed out again, and when I left downtown I ran into who I had been going to see: Fergus. He had an umbrella and black trench coat, and we walked along the cliffside at the sea, talking about Clark and his recovery, and then a bit about the nature of life in general. Suddenly we came across an anti-air gun platform. On the subject of life, Ferg said to always grab opportunity by the reins and see where it takes you. In that spirit, he hopped on the platform and started shooting shells at a goat on the cliff a mile down.

      Blowing up the goat had dire consequences. The city's defense system turned on. On the other side of the far cliffs, we could see a laser light coming directly through the stone. Ferg said they were using the new x ray targeting system. The lasers locked onto us, and suddenly the sky was filled with a barrage of rockets, like the arrows in 300 but less of them, more explosive. We ran and dodged every which way, trying to hide in buildings but the lasers found us. Eventually we made a run for the city, knowing they would not bomb it. As we got close, a new laser turned on us. This one was from the sky. It was an orbital laser cannon. I felt it getting hot on my back as we ran, targeting me first. I didged left and it started digging a trench in the ground as it corrected to get me. I dodged again then grabbed a nearby hay bale and held it against my back for protection. I could see the HP of the hay bale quickly die down, and when the laser stopped firing it had 1 HP left. A near death.

      I woke up again.

      I was too tired to start working so I slept again and had a final 20 minute dream.

      I was in the city again face timing my brother, who was at some hotties birthday in her condo. I was watching with envy, and suddenly I was holding the camera and I was right there. I went into the other room to find my brother as the girls were all younger and I didn't know the birthday girl. I was hanging with his friends when everyone went into her room. I looked around and realized it was a dream, and saw an open window. I ran to it, shoved it open more, and started squeezing through as it was just barely big enough to get through. The moment I was able to lean forward and drop, things went extremely vivid. I could feel the window frame squeeze my body, the wind in my face, hear the city around me. I realized I had no way to know if this was reality or not. What if I just killed myself instead of flying around?

      I've never felt this since a dream long ago where I nearly shot myself in the face in a dream and felt the true fear of death, just as strong as any person in real life could.

      I wriggled back inside and instead tried to fly around the room. I ran, jumped, hovered a moment then fell and hit the ground. The impact woke me.

      Dream Signs
    7. more Survivors

      by , 07-28-2016 at 05:22 PM
      D1- Sisters wedding planned for next day, itinery includes cookie making competition. I plan out some receipies , making large choc chip cookies.
      Wedding is out at some large farmhouse in the countryside.

      D2-There has been some kind of apocalypse and I am out scavenging. I go to my old house and search through things for usable items. I already have utensils/crockery etc at new place but feel sad about leaving these yellow ones behind. Also sorting through what food remains, I dont want to leave old food there to rot it seems wrong.
      As I am spending so long being regretful?nostalgic? and sad this gives a man and a woman who are in the house time to emerge. I had thought both of them to be dead killed by some virus. One is me and I dont pay him much attention. The woman makes me feel overwhelmed with emotion, I am so grateful she is alive I had missed her so. She looks very wasted and sallow. I pull a track of some kind of cord out of them, out of their throats, this is part of the cure that happened to me also.

      D3- At school I have a new class, I plan for them to go over their previous lessons work and correct/finish it then start watching spirited away with the remaining time. To my suprise they have done very well with their work and are a very nice class. I then see an old boss of mine who was horrible but in the dream is nice and also supportive, they are wearing light clothing.

      nice to have, positive mood/outcome
      also second dream very emotional.
      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Norway

      , 07-28-2016 at 03:49 PM (Turquoise Dreams)
      I'm off today, so went to bed around 10pm last night and got to sleep in till 7am or so.

      I am in Norway and I can distinctly feel that my position on the globe is much more north than normally. I am there with a man that I like (in a dream). He is handsome, calm, nice. We stop in a small bar and he speaks to the waitress in norwegian.

      He orders a small glass of red vine and I get a small glass of also some red drink. Only after I try later I realize that it's mulled wine. I appreciate it, since it's cold outside.

      I'm watching the scene right behing the large window of this bar. I'm fascinated by the ice and snow. Some people and even kinds are walking on this ice that's broken up into small ice floats. I'm surprised they are doing it, since it's dangerous and I'm wondering how come they don't fall into the water. But they seem to enjoy it and they know what they are doing. Now I am outside as well. Two girls approach, and they are having fun as they are walking on the ice that has a layer of melted water on top of it. The ice is smooth, shiny, and one girl has only one sock on, the other foot is barefoot. I don't see any pants on her and maybe only a long sleeved t-shirt, but she is playing on that ice, even laying down and doing snow angels kind of thing.

      In general I have good feeling from this dream.
      Tags: norway, travel
    9. Brown Couch ; Black Rail Walkway

      by , 07-28-2016 at 02:19 PM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      1. I see a brown leather couch begin to appear in my hypnagogic imagery. I try to slowly phase into the scene. I'm snapped back to WL after a short while, then refocus my awareness. I relax, and the couch appears and becomes ever more vivid. I think to some dream yoga techniques, and go to reach out a phantom limb to attempt touching the couch and engaging tactile sense. I slightly feel an arm come out and begin to rub the couch and feel the texture with my dream hand. The scene becomes a bit more clear and I'm able to slowly slip into the dream scene and become immersed in my dream body. I make it onto the couch, feeling it, then turn around and recline a bit on it. As I sit down my lucidity slowly slips, and transition to a non-lucid shortly after.

      2. I'm walking down the walkway in the front of a house, which slightly resembles my grandparents' old house. I see thin metal black railings trailing on either side of the walkway as I descend the stairs.As I descened, I suddenly realize I'm dreaming and bring my right hand out, saying "I'm lucid". I stare at the hand a bit longer to build up clarity. I continue my way down the walkway and decide that I'm going to stay busy and active in this lucid to see how it affects length and stability. I bring my hands out and stare intently, verbally reminding myself I'm lucid and shouting for clarity. I continue walking down to where the black driveway is at the end of the walkway. Three different types of pickup trucks are parked in the driveway. I recall the three goals I set before bed of exploration, eating some dark chocolate squares, and teleporting to a dream sanctuary. I make my way to the first pickup, open the passenger door, and climb in. I enter the glove compartment and begin to try to manifest to some dark chocolate to see how it affects the dream/stability. I unnzip a few compartment of a camera case, but nothing comes out except the large camera in the main compartment. I look into the screen and see a faded image of a female face with closed eyes laying down. I turn around and climb into the back seat seeing if I can manifest a dream character my stating verbal intent before hand. The seats are empty, but I continue to climb back then exit. I continue on to the next pickup, and see the next sitting behind. I try to verbally prep another DC to be in this pickup, but it's empty as well. I reason that I can drive the pickup a bit, but I figure I'll just fly instead! I turn away and fly low to the ground down the driveway. I consider teleporting through a part of the pickup, but decide against it. I float toward the road, eventually land and walk a bit, exploring. i soon wake up.

      Updated 07-30-2016 at 01:14 AM by 50425

    10. The Fourth Strange Event

      by , 07-28-2016 at 01:28 PM
      Morning of July 28, 2016. Thursday.

      The four strange events are: An unlikely earthquake that causes unexplainable changes, electricity that moves about and causes destruction, inanimate objects attaining sentience and a desire to hunt people, and what people write having an effect on upcoming events after an unusual change in the sky.

      In the first part of my dream, which is mostly unrelated to the rest, my family and I are living in a distorted version of the Barolin Street house. It has two flights of steps at the front at one point, a narrower flight at the right of our house and a wide flight of steps almost of commercial appearance more towards the middle. This area has a small chain going across at the downstairs door.

      There is someone at our house who is interested in items we have found in a storage area. These items were seemingly there a very long time, having been left by former tenants. The agreed price is three hundred dollars. Another visitor, who may be a homeless male, says he should pay five hundred dollars, but since I do not want to lose the sale, I keep it at three hundred. Still, I additionally ask if he might be interested in a couple very old advertisement posters, one of which he is amazed by concerning both its age and its rarity (even though I somehow create these posters out of typical dream state pretence even though I am not lucid in any way). I also have two boxes with small ceramic swan statues, though one of these seems to disintegrate from age. Still, they already seemed to have had sections missing.

      Eventually, a young chubby male (perhaps no older than twenty) tries to come up the steps at the side. I go to the middle flight of steps. The chain does not really block people from coming in or going out as one could just move it or go under or over it. There are some unusual events going on south of our house. It involves some sort of earthquake that causes unexplainable changes. I am not that concerned but find it interesting.

      Eventually, some sort of electrical threat is in the area. There is a large utility vehicle that shoots out synthetic lightning to fight this threat. I see it parked near the front of our house. Most of the action occurs in the supposed main part of town, which is south of us (rather than north of us as in reality).

      At a later point, I mention how unlikely a third event would be, saying that a third unexplainable event would be impossible. Still, one unknown female is saying how certain inanimate objects are hunting people. It seems to be a well-established and accepted fact that inanimate objects, such as wrecking bars or crowbars, have a certain percentage of living material on the surface that could become sentient somehow. In fact, it seems that all things that exist have a certain degree of organic life force if only on the surface - though this is usually not enough to give an object sentience or instinct or a will to hunt. In this case, it seems perfectly reasonable that a wrecking bar could come to life, move like a snake, and hunt people. I am aware of these reported events of inanimate objects attaining this hunting instinct and life force but am never under any threat.

      Later, several other (mostly unknown) people and I notice that the sky looks unusual (though this does not bother me at all as it does most of the others). Somehow the sky is reflecting details of the ground below, but it is not quite as intricate. It is almost like a more simplistic map-like layout with a downward curvature that matches the ground level topography (rather than exactly mirror-like, as then it would curve upward). I can make out plain squares that are seemingly meant to be a “reflection” of the houses in the area, as well as patterns that match the streets.

      It is realized that “reality” as such has changed and people are worried about what they had written concerning the first three unusual events and any other negative events. This does not bother me. It is possible that more strange and even disastrous events will come. I can begin to feel a stronger breeze from the direction of town. I am not that concerned. I start to write different things on various pieces of paper which I can write and read quite clearly. I write “well-being” on several different scraps of paper, as well as “God loves me” (I do not typically use the word “God” as I feel it is too generic, as many different religions use the term with completely different attributes, systems, and implications). Meanwhile, other people do not write anything and only focus on the worst possible outcome as they hang on to the outside of buildings though some seem lost and just wander around.

    11. bookstore in Argentina

      by , 07-28-2016 at 07:42 AM
      I was in a bookstore in Argentina and I was surprised to see that the coffee shop gave away free coffee. I want to order a cup of warm milk which is unusual because I don't drink that and Waking Life. They gave me coffee mixed in with milk and ask if they can just give me more milk. I remember chatting with the people behind the counter and they were very nice and warm welcoming. I looked around and noticed that everybody was laid back and having a good time playing their traditional music. Then I went to go use the bathroom and to my surprise men and women share the same space.
    12. [28-07-2016]

      by , 07-28-2016 at 07:27 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in some kind of city slums, wandering around the streets. It was a sunny and warm day. I've seen myself from third perspective. I was wearing a gray t-shirt and jeans. I was a criminal escaping from police, they couldn't find me as I was great at hiding and disguising. Suddenly I found myself driving on a motorcycle with speed of light, flying above a highway.
    13. My First DHL Mission

      by , 07-28-2016 at 05:14 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      08:45 AM
      Lapras, I choose you! (DILD)


      I am in Las Vegas with my girlfriend and some of her friends. We are all in the hotel bathtub together naked for some reason. I hide myself at the edge of the tub and face the wall. I wonder who's idea this was this. I'd like to take a look at their bodies but I am to nervous. I do get a peek of some sideboob. Afterwords, my girlfriend and I are alone and have sex. I become lucid and let her know it's a dream. I say I have some goals but we continue for a little bit first.

      I leave the hotel and explore. I find myself at the beach. I guess I guess I forgot I was in Las Vegas and now it's Las Angles. I remember that I never summoned my Lapras from it's pokeball and might as well do that now. I put my hand behind my back and tk pull the dive ball into my hand. It is a lot more dull than before. I throw that ball and it breaks opens with a red beam. Lapras appears but the dream freaze frames some how and gets all blurry.

      Once I restabelize there are a group of DCs around me. One gives me a shinier dive ball and says that is why I destabilized. I say, "Lapras, I choose you!" and throw the ball at the ground. It just breaks and I destabilize again. I restabilize by feeling one of the DCs shirts.

      After this I use the same technique as last time to try and teleport to my dream guide's staircase. It Actually works great but I keep waking up and DEILDing when I get to the top probably out of excitement. One the last try I go through the hatch but the room is way to small and looks different. There is a bed with a person in it. I run up and it is a redheaded woman but other than that she doesn't look like her. The dream freeze frames again and I wake up.

      10:45 AM
      My First DHL Mission (DILD)


      There are a few semi lucid bits at the start of the dream that I forgot but after I DEILD I become fully lucid.

      I am in a grocery store. I see a sexy brunette who looks sort of like Robb Stark's wife. She is there with her mom they are talking to another DC. I mind control the DCs to not notice as she and I fool around. Her mom somehow still gives me a very nasty look so we go to a different isle. I read the food labels and eat a bag of Limón chips to stabilize. I think I should get on with my goals. I need to find and remove a giant venomous snake that has been terrorizing DCs. My first DHL mission! I go up to two DCs and ask them if the have seen a giant snake causing problems? One says no. The other says, "You should go to a pet store. There are lots of snakes there." I say, "Those aren't the kind of snakes I'm looking for but thanks." I go up to the brunette and ask her if she has seen a snake. She says, "Yes! It was over there and about this big." She indicates about 8 inches with her hands. I point out that is way to small. "But it was really big!" she replies. I go outside to look for the snake.

      There is a convention going on, probably Comic Con. There are a lot of DCs. One guy keeps following me and trying to talk to me but I dismiss him. I have work to do. I am going down a hall to go outside to the otherside. Wait a second. I should ask that guy! He says he knows where the snake is and I to follow him. We go outside and through the parking lot. He runs while I fly above him. About a block down the street he points out a red thin sticking out of the gutter. I use TK to pull it out and it turns out that was then end of a giant red snake. It is about 20 feet long with a head the size of a football.

      I plop it down in the middle of the street. As long as I keep my distance this should be easy. I hold the head and neck of the snake down with TK and twist them in opposite directions. Clear blood shoots out along a line at the neck and the head rolls off. That was an easy 5 points. This head is still dangerous to DCs I think. I look at the guy and see that he is safely on the sidewalk. I realize I never disguised myself. I point my hand in the air and yell Tatsumonki. I look down and see the sleeves of a black coat. I feel my hair and it a weird curly bowl cut. "I looked this way the whole time. Right?" I ask the guy. He nods. "I am DHL hero Tatsumonki. Spread word of my power!"I summon a glass jar and make it larger. I tk the head into it and summon some formaldehyde into the jar as well. Once it covers the head I put the top back on and shrink it down really tiny. I put the jar in my pocket. Headquarters can use this to make an antidote for the venom!

      I go back to the convention to celebrate. The brunette girl is there with her friends and we look at the cosplayers together until I wake up.

      Next target: a mafia thief.

      Updated 08-05-2016 at 01:21 AM by 32125

      lucid , task of the month
    14. DJ#248: Historical Tour, Football, Trains

      by , 07-28-2016 at 04:57 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was in an old historical mansion with a couple of other people. At night time we went on a tour through the old library and court rooms that were in there. The tour guide talked about the people that lived there and ghosts and stuff.

      Dream 2: I was moving house and packing up boxes under my mum's guidance.

      Dream 3: I was playing a sort of game outside of a KFC, sort of like tetherball, but then it got shut down by the store people and the fire brigade.

      Dream 4: I was going to the showground on the train. I had to give my brothers myki card to him because he forgot it. Then I received a mechanics report about the train.

      Dream 5: I was playing in a game of football, filling in for someone. The gravity and speed was off though (should have noticed doh) and I was slipping around and not playing very well.

      Dream 6: I got arrested for something, and was holed up in an alcove in a tavern with a few of my possessions and some animals. Eventually I went down and let myself get taken away.

      Dream 7: I was in the city with a group, the train stations are flooded and I thought it was safe so I waded through them and got to the other side. Once there I went to a parka nd near a tree there was a wild badger who was running around.
      Tags: non - lucid
    15. DJ#247: Penguins, Islam, Meetup

      by , 07-28-2016 at 04:51 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was at a penguin exhibit with my family, however it was like behind the scenes and we got t see how they fed the penguins and set up a show with them.

      Dream 2: I was at high school and I got into a giant rant about Islam and got into a fight with a few people but won them all. Afterwards I had to take a while to calm down, but I felt I had made a point, whatever that point was.

      Dream 3: I was meeting up with a bunch of friends near a train station to go do something, however one of them was late so we went off without him.
      Tags: non - lucid