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    1. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-18-2010 at 07:53 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      I'm running out of good BEoDs. . .


      Close Encounters of the Raptor Kind (DILD)

      Walking down the white paneled hallway, I took in the details around me. Wall mounted heaters with books on top, accented by the occasional bright red fire extinguisher, lined the sides of the school interior. Everything seemed so vivid and clean as I approached a branching hall to my right.

      Recalling my Velociraptor nightmares from earlier in the night, I couldn't help hoping a Raptor wasn't waiting for me as I turned the corn--

      Oh, shit.

      Staring me down, less than 50 meters away, stood a 6ft tall, scaly, killing machine. Screeching, it came at me, giving me only a moment to center myself and reaffirm my lucidity. I reached out my hand, and with a concentrated effort of will I stopped its malicious descent upon me. Yet still, it continued toward me in a slow stride.

      As it passed, I moved my hand to its snout and brushed its smooth, cold, reptilian face. All the while, I made sure to keep up my emotional direction and willful suppression of this magnificent creature's blood-lust; a single slip-up and I'd be missing a hand.

      Luckily, the Raptor continued on its way, and I was left to revel in the incredibly life-like experience. I doubted the students in the classroom down the hall would make out quite as well as I had. . .
    2. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-07-2010 at 03:20 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Ideals (Non-lucid)

      It's been decided. Tomorrow morning, I am to be put to death for my rebellious actions against the Empire. My comrades share the same fate. As we leave the presence of our judge--Vader himself--each of us is taken in a separate direction by our respective escorts.

      It's night-time on the snowy planet; I only have hours left to live. The prospect is overwhelming, yet the only thing on my mind is an incredible yearning to sleep outside in a bed made of snow.

      Taken by my subdued charm, the female guard arranges for this final request to be fulfilled. Time lapses by and, sure enough, I am presented with a mattress filled with soft, cold, pure-white snow. They place it in a trailer, open to the elements, on a bed-frame adorned with heavy leather straps. Contemplating how my last night on earth will be spent strapped down to prevent my escape, I barely notice the giant commotion going on around us.

      A powerful being of some kind is attacking the base with huge doll-like creatures. Each guard around me leaves the area, assuming I'll do the right thing and strap myself down. . . It's a good thing I'm no idiot.

      Panting, I duck behind a broken concrete barrier as the cold air rips in and out of my lungs. Far from the main compound, it will take some time for them to find me, especially if they think I'm still in the trailer. Now a fugitive with no way off the planet, I decide it's time to sever my ties with the Rebels and start anew. . . . .

      Years pass, and in that time I become a distinguished officer in the ranks of Stormtroopers, to the point where everyone at Central knows my name. I had gotten to my position by infiltrating HQ years ago, assassinating a lowly officer, assuming his identity, and avoiding contact with Vader and anyone else who might have recognized me, all the while making the right connections and moving up the chain of command. I was determined to change the system from the inside out, and I'm well on my way. . . . .

      Walking slowly along the run-down, grey-paneled corridor, my dark blue cape flows behind me as I walk. Stopping before the rental apartment door, my age-hardened face smiles weakly behind this forsaken mask. Even now, I, a High General of the Empire, second only to the new Empress herself, find it necessary to hide my identity, lest someone from my past recognize me.

      Things across the galaxy have changed since I received this new power. This power, the power of Geass, allows me to permanently imprint my will upon anyone I so choose. I've found it useful in reshaping the Empire into a sovereign entity that imposes happiness on the inhabitants of the galaxy, forcefully if necessary.

      Unfortunately, while it was easy for me to bring down the original Rebel Alliance with my newfound ability and former connections, this new resistance to our mission of peace, prosperity, and blissful ignorance is proving more difficult to tranquilize. So, in order to further my our agenda, I 'convinced' the Empress to re-allow the training of force users, assuring her I'd handle any rogues personally.

      Behind these doors was one such rogue. Obviously, a full-on confrontation would most likely end in my death. Thankfully, my Geass has grown strong enough to work with almost no restraints. The door opens.

      Across the room, leaning on a balcony rail overlooking the city, is the force user. He turns quickly, eyes going wide, hand raising up--but it's too late. My Geass has already taken effect, wiping away this poor fool's mistaken ideals and replacing them with a more perfect set. A set that will ensure his obedience toward the Empress, but more importantly his undying loyalty to me.

      The deed done, I leave with my new pawn trailing behind me. However, there is no time for celebration, I still have a war to win, and an entire galaxy of people that need my help finding happiness.
      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 07-05-2010 at 05:47 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Below, I've recorded the fight I had with a DV member late last month. Enjoy.


      Enter ?????? (DILD)

      "Come on!" She commands me, jumping down from the raised section of tiled flooring.

      Should I follow?

      I hesitate, my lucidity flickering between states.

      Running toward the large, open, squared archway she yells back, "Let's get out of here!"

      But that's not why I'm here. . .

      She's treating me like a DC, and I'm playing along like an idiot. . . Not cool.

      "That's not happening," I adamantly state, drawing my blade. Might as well have some fun with this, I think amusedly.

      She looks back, notices my Katana, and visibly tenses up. I step forward a bit, and am thrilled to see her extend shiny, steel, wolverine-esque claws from between her knuckles. This might get interesting.

      Cautiously approaching me, I can see her sizing me up, determining the best course of action. Maybe she'll multiply herself. That'd certainly make things more fun. Sure enough, what was no more than a passing thought, comes to be. She seems more surprised than myself, especially when the new copy proceeds to make yet another copy. This process repeats itself several times, and before I know it I'm facing down approximately 13 clawed adversaries. They attack as one.

      One goes for my head, another for my gut, yet another for my legs, and the rest for any piece of me they think they can hit. Instinct takes over and I launch into the air, spinning quickly with my sword extended in one hand. A blue streak of energy follows my blade as I spin, higher and higher, five, ten, fifteen feet off the ground. Naturally, they miss their strikes, but I'd be a fool to think they aren't prepared with a follow up.

      Dropping down, I bring my sword around swiftly on a copy to the right, while hook-kicking one to my left. I adjust my blade mid-strike to avoid the parry I read well in advance. Indeed, my Katana makes contact, but my kick is blocked rather aptly. Landing on one foot, I fluidly let myself drop even further, avoiding a flurry of jabs and swipes. After that, I bring my blade in wide rotational arc above my head, deflecting all the follow up slashes aiming to take me out. Then, still maintaining momentum from my spin, I turn about to my left, cutting down another copy, back-fisting one across the head, and kicking out the shins of one behind me. Unfortunately, this leaves me in a less than ideal defensive situation, and my adversaries pick up on that right away. Sharp steel comes at me from every angle, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

      So, I teleport away, taking a knee as I do. The excitement of the battle is taking its toll on my stability, so I decide to call it there and allow myself to awaken.

      I'll give this one to you, Samael.

      I smile as everything fades to white.

      Updated 07-05-2010 at 05:51 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    4. my non lucid lucid!

      by , 06-26-2010 at 04:12 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)


      All i remember is that Lonewolf was in the dream.

      The Scariest Nightmare Ever

      I had a dream that I was actually playing one of them retarded facebook games. No details other than that. I hate facebook games and that is why this is a true nightmare.

      Lucid or not?

      I'm at a loss here... during the whole dream I was kind of convinced this wasn't a dream, and yet another part of me was entirely convinced it was a dream. Therefore i started doing my normal Lucid routine.

      I was in a kitchen, with some people. I was drinking hot chocolate out of a pixie cup. It tasted good. I tasted it more to incorporate the sense of taste into the dream. I then smelled the hot chocolate to incorporate that sense into the dream. I finished the cup after in one swig and slammed the cup down at the table. I looked at my hand and had a hard time splaying my fingers out properly. I placed my hand on the table and stretched my fingers out. I tried to feel the touch of the table.

      I looked at the space between my middle and index finger and began counting slowly. At first I was expecting the dream to stretch out... but nothing out of the ordinary happened. at around 20, A force seemed to place my hand harder on the table. My dream forearm lifted a bit as a seemingly magnetic force seemed to place my elbow in line with my hand. At 30 I stopped. Everything seemed very vivid. I had no idea how long i wanted to be lucid for. With me in the kitchen were two women that looked like my grandmother. Asuka and shawna? whatever they were playing a game with me or something... I looked at the table and saw a pair of glasses on it. The nose bridge was just glass which was part of both lenses. I asked "who's are those?". The shorter grandma took them. My physical body shifted in my sleep and I woke up.


      Very long dream of walking around in a town that seemed to be a part of chilliwack B.C. I was walking to someone's house on a street, when I saw A guy I recognized. I followed him and talked for a bit, when a Pretty blonde woman I seemed to know joined us.

      I invited her over to my house. We go in and we go to my bedroom. We talk for a bit but I forget what it's about. for some reason I go to a living room where theres a folder witha piece of paper on top. The papers says something about me. I go back to the room, and the woman seems hesitant to stay, I think she's afraid i will make a move on her. There was something important i needed to say to her, so I i poured her a glass but my memory fades here.
    5. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-24-2010 at 06:05 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      As promised.


      Shadow Monster: Origins (WILD)

      There's that familiar transition.

      I open my eyes. Cold white light is streaming in from my bedroom window, as the thin brown curtains fail to do their job. Lifting myself out of bed, I notice something odd on the ceiling. The shadows on the dirty eggshell-colored drywall. . . They're moving! At that revelation, the shadows--an Aztec-esque shaman and a blocky curled snaked--broke themselves off from the wall, joined together into one formless mass, and shot out into the hallway.


      Making my way through the house, toward the front door, I wonder what that was all about. Closing my hand around the gold painted doorknob, I open the large metal door before me, revealing my sun-soaked court. But something is off with the lighting. Everything seems. . . lifeless. It's as if all warmth had left my neighborhood long ago. I didn't know what to make of it.

      Lifting myself off the ground, I fly to the center of my court, contemplating what I want to accomplish. With no goals lined up, I figure I'll just try to crash someone's dream world. That's when I hear it. A visceral scream tears through my court, originating from a neighbor's house across the ways. Turning my head, I look just in time to see the woman who had screamed smash against her front window. As she drops out of sight, I know behind that blood drenched glass lurks the Monster from before.

      Reaching out with my TK, I try to pull it from the house, but I can't get a lock. Yet, despite my failure, the Shadow Monster doesn't take long to exit the house of its own accord. Smoothly flowing through the air above me, it pay me no mind as it makes its way back toward my residence. Like hell I'm letting that slide. Let's see how this thing likes a little bit of pure energy blasted through its core.

      Taking a stance, I position my hands by my side, preparing to let loose a Kamehameha Wave. Not wanting to tip it off, I say the chant internally, feeling the charge building between my hands. Unfortunately, when I go to release it all in a throat wrenching shout, nothing happens. The Shadow Monster stops dead in its tracks, and speedily reverses direction, darting straight at me. Fully enveloping me in darkness, I realize there's nothing I can do to this. . . thing. Panic washes over me, but before everything fades to black I let loose a piercing cry for assistance that echoes not just through my city, but around the world and, I can't help but think, beyond.

      No one came to my aid.

      Updated 06-25-2010 at 05:46 AM by 25167

      nightmare , false awakening , lucid
    6. A lucid

      by , 06-23-2010 at 04:53 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      weird lucid

      My memory starts when the person I know as L who looked like David Rockefeller, showing up in a black limo while I am walking down a generic street.
      He gets out and I can tell he wants to use me in some way to get into my inner world. I run away into someones yard. I jump over a fence, and now I am floating. i touch the ground and continue running, not looking behind me at all. The next fence has an opening in it. Right in the middle of the fence is a square opening, so i dive through it head first. I keep running until I come to another fence with a large square opening, so this time I go feet first floating through it.

      I go into a yard that is familiar and go behind a stone wall. I then jump up onto a small concrete ledge with a stone roof with a mural painted on the ceiling. I gradually become lucid during a period of several seconds. I am staring at the mural. All I see is paintings of Asuka on the murals. I stare at one for a while and notice one of the eyelids begins to come out of the painting. I think "oh great she's hiding in the mural and is coming out to see me!"

      I instinctively put my hand on the mural. I look at it against the part of the dream and begin counting. I count up to ten, I didn't want to go high just in case I wasn't doing it right. I pulled my hand away and I watched as the dream was bending towards me like the corner edges of paper coming together. I watched as it went back to normal.

      I had something in my hand. It was like a metal dog tag with an inscription on it. It was by Walms. It wals talking about time dilation. it read "focus on hand - the dream. Count and then jump". I had a vague image in my head of walms with his hand on the ground and counting. when he was done I see him spring up right into the air.

      missing time


      sex dream I kept waking up from. In the dream i would be in the same bed doing my thing. Then i would wake up and be in the same bed alone. This happened several times.

      strange game

      I remember being in some building where we were participating in some wierd game. We had to go to different tables and do different actions or something. I didn't understand it well so i went outside for a smoke. It was night out and I saw something moving in the shadows to my left.

      "Is that somebody there?" I asked. I heard a woman's voice and saw the shadow come forward. There was a smaller shadow with her. they moved into the light a bit. they stood in front of me with steps leading down behind them. We were in a conversation I can't recall. I watched as the woman walked, she went from slim to a very obese woman. She asked me if I gave the joint to someone.

      as she asked it, more people came from walking up the steps. there were a few Women and one really short brown guy with a mean look on his face. someone asked "you gave a joint to someone?"

      i said "yea, It was a few inches long but not very big." I showed the thickness of it between my fingers, indicating it was really small. "It was a fucking pinner joint!" I said. Everyone laughed except the small brown guy.


      some vague dream aof walking around in my basement with asuka and other inner world characters.

      Asuka attacked

      yet again. I was in some dark place watching some weird creature put a series of spikes through her and she was screaming. It faded out.


      I am Shawna from junior high. Through her eyes I see myself sitting down and playing guitar. WTF?!?!?

      Updated 06-23-2010 at 05:03 AM by 6012

      lucid , non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-22-2010 at 08:53 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Dark Overtones (WILD)

      The ringing and spinning cease.

      I RC just to confirm it. Yeah, I'm dreaming. My room is about as messy as it is IWL. Why is everything so freaking dark? I slide out of bed, not really caring if I step on anything. As I do, I spot a dark shadow shoot across the corner of my eye. Goddammit, I think as I hurry downstairs, this isn't what I wanted to deal with. Luckily, whatever that was doesn't follow me. Unluckily, there are more in the house.

      That fucking Shadow Monster has probably been having his way with this place since the last time I was here. . . Sure enough, as I exit my house and fly into my court, I am met with a disturbing sight. A heavy darkness fills the air, as I look upon that nightmarish sky. I cannot properly describe the hellish glow emanating from parts of the smooth, gigantic, wispy black cloud that covers the entire sky. It is almost as if the atmosphere is in a slow burn.

      Flying to the center of my court, I start to freak out. She's got to check this out. There's no way this is normal. I call for Raven,but realize she's still awake at this hour. It is then I become aware of a presence behind me. I draw my blade, and flip around, but whatever it was follows my movements perfectly and remains behind me. I turn around, faster this time. Still no luck.

      While I can't see whatever it is directly, I do manage to switch perspectives, and am now viewing the shadows on the ground. The thing behind me was clearly a human female, but gender doesn't mean anything to me. I calm myself, center my focus, and relax the tension in my muscles. Then, I close my dream eyes, still remaining watchful of the shadows on the asphalt below.

      She hesitates for a moment, obviously surprised by the sudden change in my emotional state, but that only lasts a moment before she lunges for me in an animalistic fashion. Without turning, I bring my sword up over my body, twist over backwards, and with one hand thrust it into her, all faster than the human eye can see. Her primal cry echoes across the neighborhood.

      From there, the dream progresses in an odd fashion. I find that the woman I had just injured has only come to see what kind of warrior I am. To some capacity, she claims to be real, and says she was sent by friends. I spent a good deal of time after that trying to heal her up. I'm not skilled enough to close the wounds well enough with energy alone, so I just sew them up with TK and some special stitching material I materialize on the spot. I wake up soon afterwards.

      Updated 06-22-2010 at 08:56 AM by 25167

      lucid , nightmare
    8. a lucid.

      by , 06-18-2010 at 05:04 AM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)

      I have tunnels written down... but no recollection of it. That and four other fragments flashed to mind also with no real memory.

      Lucid in a trashed house.

      All i remember is the sensation I was dreaming at first. Then I sat up in bed in a dark room. i looked at my left hand and had five fingers, pulled it away and back and now i had seven fingers but smaller. I pulled away once more and back again. I had a large finger on one side and about ten others which gradually decreased in size across the spectrum of my hand. I flexed my hand and made a fist. Physically, I felt only five fingers flex, but watched the other fingers flex. It's as if the image i saw of my hand was super imposed over my dream body's physical five fingers. interesting.

      I looked around the room a bit. It was dark, but there were many interesting glow in the dark thingies on the wall. All shining with a bright green. It looked rather cool. The glow in the dark effect was much better than waking life glow in the dark stuff. Anyway, I get out of bed and leave the bedroom. when I open the door all I can see is rubble. From the bottom half of the wall and up is entirely gone... leaving a few scraps. what was a hallway is now a path. I see a door frame that leads to the entrance to the house. I walk towards it but find i am blocked by a wire mesh rubble pile.

      I think. "no way this is my inner world... better get to my real inner world." I turn around and head back to the bedroom door (only the bedroom seemed to stand). but then I have a FA somewhere else.


      FA in the middle of the street. I am talking to my dad who's driving by in a car.

      Grandma WTF

      I am talking to my grandma and she says "Robert it's time for you to move to edmonton and live with my niece."

      Stupid cat

      i'm back at the rubble house sitting in what was a hallway. A black cat comes and sits on my lap. I am about to pet it when it arches it's back like it's going to take a crap. Well not on my lap.. so I pull it up and throw it back to the floor. It gets on my lap again and tries the same thing. I hold it and try to put it somewhere where it can't get to me. it threatens to scratch if I throw it again. so i just hold it to the floor while it does it's thing.

      Synth WTF?!?!?!?

      i'm outside on the same street with the smashed house. some kids are hanging out by some truck. they say they have awesome new instruments for sale. All i see is a bag of liquefied reece's pieces. I depress a part of the bag and suddenly I hear a vivid sound of a synth keyboard. I think it's cool. I tap the bag again and figure out some notes. So i start playing some synth vivaldi. Then the bag breaks and the liquid crap starts leaking everywhere.

      That 70's show

      i'm watching TV. I can see all the actors from That 70's show. Red is sitting in a chair reading a newspaper. He says "these kids and their damn birds" The camera zooms out and the living room is filled with all these bird cages filled with all sorts of birds. The mother's head is severed and is up on a stick that stands by itself. But the head of the mother starts talking and joking with red. I think "this is the only good episode of 'That 70's Show' I have ever seen."
    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-13-2010 at 04:33 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Just Another Night (DILD)


      Dream: Office Shenanigans
      It's another day at the office. I'm working on changing certain security settings for specific accounts, but am distracted when a lively character comes into the office. She starts up a racing circuit of some kind that involved jumping, running, and phasing over, around, and through cubicles. She invites me to join, since there's only three racers in the circuit, but I'm hesitant to take her up on the offer.

      Dream: Bringing Down The House
      I storm into the headquarters of what seems to be a corrupt syndicate, headed by a man with silver hair. Confronting him directly, as women and guards surrounded him, I let him know I was going to bring his whole operation down. When I called him by his name, he freaked out and fled.

      He managed to get away from me in the most bizarre and surreal manner, but I knew about his most recent plan. It involved putting on a play for a local school as a front for a much larger ploy, and that was my ticket in. I go to the school and work my way further into the operation, taking out or avoiding any opposition along the way. The dream ended before I could complete my objective.

      DILD: Numbah One
      Hey, it's a dream!

      The bird wakes me up.

      DILD: Numbah Two
      That's right, this is a dream!

      The bird wakes me up. . . again.

      DILD: Numbah Three

      Oh cool, I'm dreaming! I really hope. . .

      Gorram bird. . .
    10. all in a night's day pt 2

      by , 06-12-2010 at 09:12 PM (MoSh's DJ: The Best Dream Journal in The Universe.)
      Rest of my dreams

      kindergarten jail (Abridged)

      I have to go to court, because someone accused me of child molestation or something. Asuka doesn't believe my innocence, but I tell her to check my dream log, she does and knows it wasn't me.

      Judge: You have the right to an attorney!

      Me: I reserve my right.

      Judge: What?

      I pull out a law book and read a passage about how an attorney's first duty is to the court and NOT his client. Therefore, I don't want one. The accuser looks like Ganon from Zelda: ALTTP. He summons a 3d image of me molesting a child.

      Me: that's not me. I can tell by the person's energy.
      Accuser: outrageous!

      I point at the image with my pinkie. The image changes into L who's molesting the child. I keep pointing at it and i see L is drawing energy from the Child's base chakra. The energy goes into him and then a Reptilian alien draws it out of him. weird.

      Accuser: You are only manufacturing evidence!

      Judge rules That I have to spend a dream year in a prison that's filled with children, If I touch one I spend another dream year there.

      Me: piece of cake.

      I only remember being in a jail with children where we had to do crappy arts and crafts all year long. Asuka visits me there as a young black girl. We build letter blocks together but mine are all crappy. I zoom out of the scene and am back in the courtroom watching the scene on a TV.

      Accuser: he did his year, and was well behaved, but he failed do to build any letter blocks properly!
      Judge: Sustained he served his sentence. he is a free man.

      Back at home

      asuka has disapeared. I'm talking to my guide outside of my house at night time. I remember being really pissed about spending a whole year in jail.

      Rescuing Asuka

      Me and Asuka are running in a town being chased by a black helicopter manned by L. I fly up and try to take it down but he keeps dodging. I get cornered at a gas station. Since I'm not lucid i forget my dream powers.

      I go from under the roof. i fly across the plaza once more and then sit on the ground. I wave my hands up in the air in surrender. L is an old man who looks like he belongs to the illuminati. I ask him "will i go to jail again?" he says "no, you surrendered... can't be punished for that.

      Back in court

      I am standing before the judge between two Asukas. One is fake and one is real.

      Judge: which one do you want to be with?

      L sitting in the audience shoots an astral tentacle into my head and makes me pick the fake one.

      Judge: Asuka now belongs to L.

      He rules in favor of L.
    11. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-11-2010 at 03:13 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Enter Walms (DILD)

      My brother explodes in a puff of flame and smoke, leaving behind two flaming eyes that fizzled out after a moment or two.

      "Burmes? Is that you?"

      "Yes," states a disembodied voice.

      "Oh, okay. Hey, can you help me find Walms?"

      There was a pause before he replied. "Yeah, sure."

      "Cool, thank you."

      I Teleport away, letting Burmes guide the new scene. I end up in an open outdoors setting with none other than Walms standing a good distance away. He turns as I make my appearance, eyeing me strangely, almost as if he were sizing me up. "It's me, Walms! Mzzkc!"

      "Oh, good job on finding me. . . We can start when you like."

      "Very well." I say cooly, taking a stance and drawing my Katana.

      Immediately, I turn on the pressure. Teleporting close to him, but well out of arms reach, I make a quick swipe, which he readily evades. Before he can do anything else, though, I Teleport again, and make another lightning quick attack, but am foiled a second time. TP, this time he's got claws out to block my thrust and follow up with his own attack, which I deflect before TPing yet again. This goes on for a good six or seven seconds, with me TPing, attacking, and defending about three or four times each second. The attacks themselves are varied and range from basic slash and thrust combinations to much more complex sword-work. Still, neither of us can can land a hit.

      Without warning, Walms launches into the air. I'm quick to follow, purposefully dropping my blade as I do. Before he can reach altitude, I start charging a Kamehameha, chanting the telltale phrase that goes along with it. Walms immediately stops, turns, and Teleports directly below me, but that's just what I wanted. Using a Time Skip, so he doesn't have a chance to react, I change it up and deliver a huge downward arcing punch that instantly makes contact (thanks to the Time Skip). He looks visibly surprised as he plummets down to earth.

      "I don't have to follow what I say I'm gonna do." I taunt, playfully, before TPing below Walms and Time Skipping a huge uppercut into his gut. This time he's ready, though, and makes a grab for my arm, so I TP away from him and follow him as he shoots back up into the air from the force of my blow. He rights himself quickly enough and speedily starts closing the relatively small gap between us. I start charging a real energy blast this time, but I screw it up as Walms tries for another grab. He rebukes me, commenting on my attempts at an actual energy attack, as I avoid his assault and Flash Step away, closer to the ground.

      Still moving, I start charging another energy attack, but he's on top of me without warning, and now I don't have a prayer of getting away. So, I do the next best thing and direct a blast of energy at the ground, causing a massive explosion that envelops me and blasts him away.

      Unfortunately, as the light of the explosion overtakes me, I lose my hold on the dream, and enter into a FA. I quickly get up, go to my laptop, and record the events. After publishing it, Walms responds almost instantly, saying he remembers the fight, and very much enjoyed it, pointing out how good the pacing and flow was.

      Updated 06-19-2010 at 08:44 AM by 25167

      lucid , memorable
    12. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-10-2010 at 02:53 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Two And One Third Dimensional (Non-lucid)

      Entering the new area, I take a look at my surroundings. I'm in the middle of a retro 2D side-scrolling dungeon-themed platforming game, and the end was in sight. The only thing standing between me and level completion is a dozen or so hard shelled enemies and some breakable blocks. A few spinning jump moves knocks the enemies across the the screen, breaking the blocks out of sight. I make short work of all of them, breaking each block as I do. Unfortunately, I screw up a jump and end up falling to my death.

      The game resumes at the previous checkpoint which was luckily right at the start of the area I had died in, but I'm not the one playing anymore. To my surprise, a young version of MoSh has taken my place. Since all the blocks are already broken, MoSh avoids the first enemy and takes the uppermost platform.

      Almost immediately, a black drake appears over head. It fires out a spiny missile that locks onto MoSh, but MoSh jumps out of the way as the projectile drops and explodes. The drake fires another one, but this time MoSh grabs it out of the air and hurls it back at the drake. The resulting explosion causes the boss to flash in traditional video game style. Wounded, but not defeated, it fires yet another missile. MoSh grabs it and does the same thing from before, but the drake flies out the way before he can throw it, taunting him.

      "You didn't think it'd be that easy, did you?"

      "Yeah, actually, I did."

      As soon as MoSh said this, the scene turned three dimensional. Time slowed just enough for me to appreciate MoSh jumping up, grasping the drake's tail, and flinging himself up onto the back if it's neck. Landing skillfully on his feet, he rammed the pointed missile into the drake's head and leaped away as the missile and drake exploded in a shower of black fire.

      Updated 06-10-2010 at 03:06 AM by 25167

    13. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:15 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      June Adv. ToTM Completion (DILD)

      My body lifts into the air as the elevator plunges into a free-fall. Alright, don't panic. I can control the speed of my decent via Flight.

      Oh, right, that means I'm dreaming. So, enacting my plan, I Fly down in tandem with the elevator. Unfortunately, the pull of gravity turns out to be a little too strong, and now I have less than a second to right myself before the inevitable impact. Luckily, I pull it off, and my feet and legs take the full brunt of of the blow.

      Prying open the elevator door, I walk out into the lobby. High profile contractors are still streaming in through the sliding-glass doors. What was my goal for tonight again? Pyrokinesis, wasn't it? Yeah, that sounds about right.

      My plans set, I raise my hands to either side of me. Then, pulling from my Heroes archetypes, I create a good sized orange flame in each one and begin to light the room ablaze. Jettisons of fire expelled from my palms and caught on the walls and ceiling. The DCs didn't really seem to notice.

      After the room was burning sufficiently, I felt the need for higher levels of destruction. Waving my arms around as if I were Fire Bending, I manage to increase the size and strength of the fire on one wall. Heading over to it, I bask in the heat of my creation. I say something along the lines of, "It is not the fire that warms me, it is I who warms the fire." Then, I take a bite out of a nearby sandal. It was delicious.
    14. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:13 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Haven't had one of these kinda updates in awhile.

      Love and War (DEILD)


      Dream: Never Gonna Give You Up
      My Girlfriend breaks up with me after seeing a girl I was teaching something to grab my hands. I try to explain the situation, but she storms off. I spend the rest of the dream trying to 'get her back', all the while slowly uncovering bits and pieces of a conspiracy that was designed to split us up.

      Fragment: Is Everything Okay?
      Raven Knight makes an appearance and seems concerned over my well being. I assure her everything is great and invite her to join whatever it was that was going on at the time.

      Fragment: Check This Out!
      I'm showing random people the room I was staying in wherein Raven was sleeping on the bed.

      DILD: Flood Waters
      I'm trying to navigate through my flooded dormitory via Hover.

      Realizing it's a dream, I exit the building through my neighbor's window and fly around a bit before waking into an FA.



      DEILD: DG Entrance Exam

      Searching for a DG, I am hailed over by a DC who refused to be ignored. Going by the name of Burnes or Burmes (he pretended to play dumb when I re-asked him) he claimed to be a DG. Trusting him for the moment, I asked him if he could train me. "What do you mean?" he asked.

      "Can you fight?" He responded with a wide, toothy, inhuman grin, boasting about his skill, using terminology I didn't quite catch. From there we begin to spar. Neither of us can get a decent hit in with our swords, and he absorbed or ignored my fairly wimpy energy blasts. Things started to get serious when I went Bankai and subsequently pulled down my Vizard mask.

      As my desire to kill and destroy grew stronger, he and the environment transformed. Him into a large muscular man with a smooth, black, oval, almost demonic, silver accented head. The environment into an apocalyptic and hellish version of my neighborhood. Immediately, he unleashed a ridiculous volley of elemental attacks into me, which just as quickly took their toll.

      Falling back to earth, I feel myself dying. But I wasn't giving in that easily. As he passed by to my right, I quickly righted myself and unleashed a powerful bolt of lightening through his heart. Shocked, he returned to normal, and before he could anything else I trapped his head in an orange tornado immobilizing him. Then I woke up.
    15. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 06-09-2010 at 03:09 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      Green Grass, High Tides, and Tall Drops (DILD)

      Looking down at her finished painting, I smiled at the stick figures it had taken her five Fast Forwards to complete. It was a rough depiction of a hilled cliff-side, and each person in the piece was crudely labeled. Well, let's see what I can do. I grab her hand.

      "Hold on tight."

      I Teleport.

      The world around us spins as it fades almost instantaneous into blackness. Remembering the painting of the supposed future, I reach my other hand down into the void and feel the cool dew-covered grass that was going to be beneath us momentarily. Sure enough, we reach our destination.

      Vivid blue skies with their whiter than white clouds lined the green-hilled cliff-side. In the distance, deep-blue shining oceans met the lighter colored skyline. The beauty of this place was both surprising and awe-inspiring. A little ways below us were a few of the characters from the painting, lounging on the edge of the cliff. I let go of the painter's hand, and she immediately took off.

      Wanting to really bring the picture to life, I started rolling down the hill. Spinning, spinning, ever faster, alternating blue skyline and green grass--oh the wonder of it all. And then I ran out of ground.


      As it was, my current trajectory would land me face first into some rocks protruding from the cliff-face about a hundred feet down. Not fun. Turning mid-fall, I powerfully kick off from the side of the cliff, netting me just enough distance to have nothing but air between me and the water 300 feet below. Tumbling downward, I couldn't help but think, Hitting the water at this height will be like hitting concrete.

      Thanks rationality, you're a real life-saver.

      Not wanting to take the easy route out and fly away, I let myself drop, picking up speed every second. Almost at the water, I brought my feet below me, pointed my toes downward, and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Below, several groups of people were already in the ocean, enjoying the relatively calm waters. Almost there. . .


      The sensation as my feet broke the surface and my body shot down into the refreshingly brisk water was beyond words. A blue universe surrounded me, and I didn't have a care in the world. Floating there, weightless, pumping cold liquid though my lungs, I relished the experience. I didn't want to wake up.

      So, I didn't. . .

      Not for awhile anyways. >.>
      lucid , memorable
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