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    1. the death dream

      by , 04-06-2018 at 08:54 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      Hey friends, this didn't happen last night but I wanted to record a dream I had in the past that's important to my dream history.

      The background is I was very sick when I was about 13 or 14. I had gone to summer camp and came back with swine flu. Not sure if anyone remembers but swine flu had its course of importance a little while back. So, I had this sickness and was in bed or on the couch for a week. I had gone to bed one night at a normal time around midnight and had this interesting experience which tops any nightmare or bad dream I think I've ever had.

      Like most dreams it starts with being in another dream before. I was in this giant landscape that had a valley. The valley was inhabited by ropes for old wooden ships. It was a little bit of a game where my vision was changing between these wide spiral structures made from this rope but wasn't more than 30 or so yards off of the ground. I think I was trying to get through the rope in the structures.

      It's hard to explain the death dream but I was outside of someone's house and simultaneously in a cave. I know we die in dreams often and it's not really a big deal, sure we are dying and we believe it but it doesn't resonate far into waking reality and it doesn't have much to say about our lives, but this is the only time it was different for me.

      I was in a cave with several other people near me, but this dream seemed really important, like me and the people around me were taking part in something important and the feeling was that each of us was nervous and hoping the other would take more responsibility and control of the situation. I haven't been able to feel what other DCs were feeling in dreams, especially not one that was unpleasant, but this time I did. We were all nervous looking around at each other.

      The idea of this dream is that there's a boulder falling down onto one single person. That person is experiencing this boulder falling onto them. It's not like a job to hold it up, there's no purpose between the boulder and the person. The first part that made this dream intimidating is that the boulder is somehow simultaneously getting larger and smaller at the exact same time. The boulder is rumbling extremely loudly and shaking the entire cave. The boulder is more of an idea than a physical object getting bigger and smaller in my mind.

      Outside of the house, there is an RV camper to the left of me. There's two people in front of me, but the idea is that there's eight people there with us. The main idea is that we have to nominate someone to die out of the eight of us. This is where the death comes in. I can actually feel the chance that I will be chosen and executed. The two people in front of me are busy doing something, but I can feel eight people looking at me like it's my choice who gets killed.

      After this, my vision is of this spiral inwards. In the middle is this powerful white laser beam of light. I don't mean a white light I mean this thing could cause anything that touched it to disappear. This was death in the dream. I was at some point in the white laser beam getting blasted. In the dream, I was dying, but I was fighting against it with everything in me. I was not okay with dying. I've been shot in a western shoot-out, I've fallen off a cliff, but I somehow knew I was dying here.

      I was at the same time in the cave, the boulder had rolled down a ramp and now above me. I was supposed to carry this boulder that was gaining mass but at the same time getting smaller, but the mass was too heavy and I was struggling. At the same time, I was in this white laser beam at the center of this maelstrom fighting for my life. At the same time I was outside of a house next to an RV getting volunteered to be the one who dies in this one of eight game.

      I eventually woke up absolutely drenched in sweat early in the morning. It was still dark. When I woke up, I felt in a way that I had cheated death or somehow saw what it was but avoided it. I got some water and went back to my bed but was absolutely terrified of going back to bed. When I used to pray, I would pray for the normal things. But if I was ever lying in bed and thinking about dreams I've had and that particular death dream came up, I would send a prayer up that would guarantee I wouldn't have that dream ever again.
    2. The Moon Gun

      by , 02-02-2018 at 08:02 AM
      Morning of February 2, 2018. Friday.

      I find myself in an unknown and unfamiliar location, though as my dream self, I do not think of it as such. Zsuzsanna is present in the majority of scenes, which involve my usage of a raygun in an unusual activity.

      At first, only sparks come out. I find myself in an unfamiliar room where an unknown female (of about thirty) sits near a desk. As I aim it upwards at nothing in particular, sparks fly out and one lands on the female’s knee, which apparently hurts. I apologize for this, but when the sparks land on me, they create a pleasant sensation.

      In most other scenes, I am outside, though under some sort of shelter with industrial implications of which include a convergence of many different horizontal and vertical pipes. There is a square opening through the ceiling and roof of no more than one foot by one foot. I have an unusual false memory that the moon powers the gun, but I only use it to fire upward. I stand in one area, aiming it through the opening in the ceiling. Over time, the miniature radar dish at the front of the gun starts shining when I hold it upward in a certain position that apparently reflects the moon’s light. I do not actually see the moon at any point.

      I perform this act a number of times. It seems to make my dream more vivid each time. I go to a different area that has a smaller opening, hold my gun upward, and move it about until I see the moon shine on the miniature radar dish in a circular fullness and then I pull the trigger. The beam of light that emerges is about an inch in diameter.

      There eventually seems to be a vague backstory, based on an emergent false memory, relating to a recent alien invasion, though there is no hint of any impending threat. I aim the gun at another part of the ceiling in the realization that it will destroy the structure. I wake with the perception that I had accomplished the defeat of a supposed alien threat.

      Explanatory supplement (Saturday, 3 February 2018): This dream occurs by way of liminal dream control, which means that my dream self is habitually acting out the dynamics of oneironautics (which represents the nature of the dream state, not waking life) without being actively aware that the environment and situation is of the dream state as with conscious-self-based lucidity. This is based on autosymbolic cues from subliminal threads of the conscious self identity. This should be obvious from how my dream self’s actions vivified the dream state even though my dream self’s motive from the outset was not clear. My dream self eventually focused on destroying the alien building. This was the liminal space barrier between my dream self identity and my conscious self identity, the opening in the ceiling being autosymbolism for my dream’s potential exit point back into viable consciousness. (It was somewhat small, which is moot, as the entire building was apparently gone at the waking point.) The miniature radar dish, glowing more over time and producing more energy and a wider beam of light, signified the increase in neural activity as the emergent consciousness implementation.

      This invalidates the asinine belief that the conscious self experiences something that must be “interpreted” solely in conscious self terms, incorrectly assumed as “from the subconscious” (rather than correctly understood as RAS mediation between the transient dream self identity and the conscious self identity). It is the dream self that is the subconscious, which is coalesced by way of RAS (Reticular Activating System) into consciousness through the waking transition, which is what a dream is (which most people have no understanding of).

      Additionally, Zsuzsanna’s dream showed threads of associations with my dream in the very common but inexplicable (by society’s beliefs) patterns. This is evidence that RAS mediation is transpersonal, and distance does not seem to matter (as this was occurring before I even met Zsuzsanna, and we had grown up on opposite sides of the world).

      Tags: beam, gun, moon, moonlight
    3. Cell Phone Flashlight

      by , 10-01-2017 at 01:50 PM
      Night of September 30, 2017. Saturday.

      I am sitting on our couch in the darkness in our lounge room in our present home. I am on the right side of our couch facing the north end of our lounge room.

      I feel very peaceful and in a state of well-being and bliss. I soon become aware that our oldest son has come out of his room (from our lounge room’s access door on the west of his room). He has a pale yellow cell phone with a flashlight beam coming out of the top edge of it (not an item he has in real life). He moves it around, mainly in a horizontal semicircle from his right to his left, as if searching for something or someone, apparently me. He seems very cheerful though about five years younger than he presently is (though my dream self does not consider this distortion as such). I quickly wake as a result of RAS (reticular activating system, which is what biologically controls the dream state dynamics and inherent waking symbolism), still feeling very peaceful, calm, and happy.

      I had this longer microdream while actually sitting on our couch (same position and orientation as my dream) after the power had been out this evening for over an hour (the result of a regional blackout). I was so relaxed sitting in the darkness that I slipped into a microdream within a few minutes upon sitting down on our couch (which usually only happens as I am watching television). Our son carrying the flashlight “looking for me” was simply the biological RAS activation (otherwise typified as “searchlight waking symbolism” of the passive and positive kind). The emergent consciousness factor was quite brief and the preconscious dynamic was non-aggressive as this was not a dream of a longer sleeping period. (In actuality, our youngest son had used a flashlight but not on me during the period of my dream.) The cell phone feature is present due to RAS mediating consciousness (as a type of communication with the transient fictional dream self).

      The strictly biological RAS “searchlight effect” has occurred in hundreds of dreams since early childhood, including in documented dreams online such as “Steering Clear of a Laser Tracking Weapon” from 2013, “Spacecraft in the Alley” from 1997, “Not Exactly the Three Musketeers” from 1988, “Laser-Eyed Alligator” from 1979, “The Beam” from 1977, and a number of other dreams.

      For the majority of people who have no understanding of dreams, it may be important to address why this biological RAS activation is different in this case from other dreams that utilize the same basic waking symbolism (the dawning consciousness metaphor), for example, how does this dream differ from “Laser-Eyed Alligator” or other dreams of the same type?

      The most obvious difference here is, I expected and wanted the power to come back on. In “Laser-Eyed Alligator” and “Steering Clear of a Laser Tracking Weapon”, my dream self, at a subliminal level, did not want to wake yet. This is what RAS and the transpersonal preconscious are for. It is not rocket science unless one is superstitious and clueless.

      On a side note, I talked with my lovely wife Zsuzsanna tonight about a possibility of perhaps editing and resupplementing all 4,000 or so of my dream journal entries presently on the Internet to make them more “idiot-proof”. Alas, this seems next to impossible. No matter how much clarity and accuracy I include in some of my entries, based on over fifty years of experience, there are people who do not get dreams at all (or of whom are of the unfortunate mentality to believe in “dream interpretation” in the various superstitious or pseudo-psychological ways the term is misused). There always seems to be one person (usually a male with obvious personal issues) who somehow feels the need to contradict the obvious or add to my post in various ways. I am stating that here just in case such a comment appears on an entry.

    4. #255 - Sky beam / Force field

      by , 07-08-2016 at 09:04 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Sky Beam
      It's a post apocalyptic dream set in a scifi futuristic setting. I remember a part where I have a vision, a scene where I can see Earth from space and a huge beam of energy erupts from the Earth. It's a premonition about the end of the world which will occur in a few days. There was some kind of war against aliens which is why it's post-apocalyptic.
      I'm in a place that resembles my parents house, there's a bunch of survivors here and they're grouped together having some kind of discussion about how to live from now on. I walk up on top of a huge boulder and address the crowd, knowing that they won't believe me if I tell them we have to leave Earth. "I know you won't understand now, but in a few days time it will all be cleared' (I said something like that in a very heavy tone, it felt super intense). I also spotted in the distance a large beam of a different colour shooting into the sky, I knew it wasn't the same as the one in my premonition.
      There's a crashed old spaceship from the war with the aliens that we can escape on, but we need to work together to rebuild it.

      Dream - Force field
      I only remember a little about this dream.. It was a similar setting except by an arid cliff wall with the sun beating down on me and a group of people. There was a force field protecting our locale, I had to throw some kind of force field grenade outside it or something, can't really remember this part.
    5. 2013, September 1 (Sunday); Zombies, Facial Paint "That makes me not me", Ponies

      by , 09-02-2013 at 12:23 AM
      Prior to falling asleep my throat was swollen.

      Dreams I had included:

      >A Train that a few people were on. I think it crashed later and then it was as if I saw someone playing a side-scroller video game featuring weird Zombie music and a guy who was shooting lightning bolts or a green beam at the character I may have played as.

      > Something zapped Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle who was on the right of my perspective while the other thing/being was on the left. Then, Something had to do with people wearing facial paint that was all the same for everyone who wore it; It had no emotion and did not care.

      (Edit/Update, 5 September 2016: I recall this "Uncaring Facial Paint" featuring people in places such as a Burger King, McDonald's and Dairy Queen. Watch out.)

      > Scootaloo was in a building and Rainbow Dash was commenting as she (Scootaloo) left as if RD was a narrator or was talking to Scootaloo over a headset and I saw a drawing of Scoots.

      Updated 09-05-2016 at 10:42 AM by 61868

    6. Steering Clear of a Laser Tracking Weapon

      by , 06-18-2013 at 12:18 PM
      Morning of June 18, 2013. Tuesday.

      This was my long dream of walking and sometimes running over a seemingly long distance while being apparently pursued by someone we never see though possibly more like a remotely controlled mobile weapon, though not directly being chased. (I get the impression at times that the weapon or person remains mostly in one place in the distance.) There is a part near the beginning where a friend and I duck down just in time to have a small missile barely miss us. I can feel the wind and the movement as it hits and explodes dramatically a short distance from us. It is so close, there is a feeling that it may have even brushed across my back as I was kneeling down, as there is a sensation of weight having pushed upon me, but there is no pain or injury.

      I soon discover that I have some sort of device that is somewhat like a flashlight in design. It shines a bright even light at a fair distance and somehow causes whatever weapon is targeting me to target and fire elsewhere. A lot of the action, near the end, takes place at a maze of boathouses, or a lot of boathouses in a large unlikely cluster of some kind. I think that my flashlight-like device scrambles the weapon’s targeting system by somehow making it seem that I am on the opposite end of the beam from where I am holding the device. I perform the routine many times as we move on to various areas. I am not sure who our enemy is. The weapon mostly fires smaller missiles seemingly from a longer distance. I am not even sure if a person is operating it. It is possibly some sort of programmed and automatic setup, but I am also not sure at this point what it was targeting in the first place. Our body heat maybe? But how would it tell us from others? Some sort of unique detailed thermal signature perhaps, or even DNA.

      This is similar in theme to a number of other dreams (since childhood) where it seems as if my dream self is trying to avoid the sunbeams of the light of day (though consequently, whole consciousness as well). In this case it is as if the light of my dawning awareness is trying to escape the real light of day.
      Tags: beam, escape, laser, weapon
    7. Lucy, What's Wrong With You?!

      by , 07-17-2012 at 10:18 AM (Zoe's weird things)
      [Dream happened at around 8:20AM, almost 30 ]
      [Oh well, i took 3 Negro candies yet again... which made me have a painful stomachache, but i could get rid of it after a while and get back to sleep]
      [After waking up from this lucid, i didn't get up immediately and slept back for 2 or so more hours... interestingly, i only forgot one single part from this dream during the extra nap ]
      [The dream also collapsed multiple times, but i can't really recall the places where it happened]

      I was at a place i knew well in my town, near the house of my old school's ex-principal's house. Some guy was just trying to park in that garage with luxury cars. I became semi-lucid here and grabbed one of his cars and smashed it exactly in front of the garage door, so he couldn't move his cars in our out. I laughed and moved on.
      I started with walking towards the middle part of the city, when suddenly i noticed my cat Kormi. Since i was just semi-lucid, i had an idea that i should ride my cat. I became smaller than my cat and jumped on his back. [That was weird ].

      He started jumping insane distances as we were moving towards the inner part of the city. He even jumped above a lake which should've not been there. Soon we reached a random house where he sit down on the window ledge and let me down from his back. At this moment i became fully lucid.

      I just realized what i've done and laughed at that. I looked around for a while from the ledge, then flew up into the air to check around from there instead. We weren't exactly in the middle of the city, but it's okay. I turned back to my original height now.
      [I've done something here which i totally forgot during my nap, so time skip].

      I was flying towards the old train station and admiring how nicely the Sun was shining, while i was wondering what i planned to do today... I just couldn't recall my goals for some reason. It bothered me a bit, but i continued flying around just for fun.
      Soon the world around me shifted and i was in front of our house. Oh well, i decided to check inside, after all it was daytime now, so someone must be in there.

      I flew through the closed door and started floating in the living room. I noticed my mom and dad in the kitchen. They were talking about some carnival or something like that, but i didn't pay much attention.
      I decided to go on, so i flew through the window towards the garden. [Ugh the garden... why do i get back here again o.o?].

      I was just slowly passing by the fig tree, when i suddenly remembered that i wanted to meet up with Lucy again. I got a little nervous, but then i told myself that i can't skip this now. I gotta befriend her finally.
      I started flying towards the end of the garden, when suddenly i noticed a bird flock coming towards me really fast. I wasn't worried at all, so i just let them come close.
      When they got close finally, i realized that these were SHARK BIRDS

      This image makes me sick o.o

      I started flapping my arms around and knocked most of them away, but one of them was just somehow stuck on my face, it wanted to eat my left eye.. ugh.
      I didn't hestitate and just grabbed it and thrown it away as far as i could. [Weird shark birds, you deserve this... ].

      I started flying faster now to avoid stuff like this. Soon i reached the end of the garden and while fighting the almost collapsing dream, i called out for Lucy.
      I shouted "Lucy!" "Lucy!" "LUCYYY!" for a while, but nothing happened. I got somewhat mad at her for hiding again, but then something unexpected happened.
      There was a hole in the wall at the corner of the garden and some power started lighting it up and beams started shooting out of it. [When i was young i always feared that monsters come from that corner part of the garden...]

      Soon a bigger beam appeared and it pointed to the ground. Suddenly, a monster appeared from the beam.
      But i just knew that it was Lucy in a different form, to scare me away. This monster was made up of a bottom half of a human with legs and everything up to the waist, but it had no upper body at all! It had a torn skirt on and it had two hands coming out of the legs. It also had some tentacles on top of it.
      I was staring at this weird thing and all i could think of was "What's wrong with you Lucy?!"

      I didn't have much time to think, because she attacked me almost instantly. This monstrosity ran towards me with those huge legs and wanted to hit me with the tentacles. I jumped out of the way. Suddenly i've seen myself from above and i had a sword and shield in my hands. I couldn't control myself anymore and she was just beating me without any problem. I could only stare and do nothing against it.

      Soon my body dropped to the ground and she let out a monstrous laugh, while a word appeared in front of me: Love.

      I woke up.

      [Ok... what the hell... that was weird when it happened, but it still sounds weird when i think back to it...]
      [That "Love." in the end felt like she meant it in a way like... you know... like she delivered what she wanted and is satisfied... but maybe it has more meaning than that... o.o]

      Updated 07-17-2012 at 10:43 AM by 54420

      lucid , memorable
    8. 27 May: Light boat and octopus aliens

      by , 05-28-2012 at 07:53 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      (...) I am looking through the window of my bedroom to the starry sky when I see what appears to be a luminescent sailing boat flying by. I call my mother and she also sees it. We think it can be some sort of alien vessel, but then a real alien ship comes from above and approaches the boat, engulfing it in a beam of light for some time before going away.
      I need to figure this out, so magically I am now in the boat, scaring the guy in it, who wasn't expecting me. I think he asks me if I am another alien and I say no but want to know more about himself and the other alien vessel. He doesn't seem to find his own luminescent flying boat like something intriguing so he just says "Can you imagine I was just here going about my life and some aliens came by? I didn't understand what they wanted, they just scanned me and left."
      Then for our surprise, the beam of light appeared again and some guy materialized on the boat. He looked human but he had vibes of an angel. When he started to speak, he was so soothing and irresistible. I felt endless love for him and couldn't resist to hug him with all my heart.
      He said they were observing humans and were rather curious about this flying boat which was unlike everything they had seen on this planet. The boat guy was still like "well, it's a boat", like it was no big deal. The alien invited us inside their ship in exchange for their intrusion in our lives, but he explained that we would not contact with other aliens because it would be dangerous. That was not their real form, he was just wearing some kind of outer shell that was designed for interaction with humans and had this angelic quality so it would bring up a good feeling on humans and reduce our fear. Well, it worked, because I didn't question about the dangers of going inside their ship. I just thought "beam me up, Scotty". He explained that when they are in their original form, they look pretty disgusting to humans and on the other hand, humans trigger on them a bloody thirst for our flesh. What??? Too late for second thoughts. We're already inside the ship.
      Anyway, he keeps on saying that we will be safe, as long as he is wearing that avatar-like body and we don't meet other aliens. I learn they are some type of merchants who go around the universe looking for new business and trade opportunities and partners and they find humanity fascinating and inspirational. Then some door opens and I see an alien in its original form: a kind of giant purple octopus that looks very threatening. Our guide says "uh-oh, time to go".

      Updated 05-29-2012 at 08:17 PM by 34880

    9. The Beam

      by , 07-15-1977 at 01:15 PM
      Morning of July 15, 1977. Friday.

      This dream was on the morning after drinking a small amount of beer from my brother-in-law Mel who was visiting from Wisconsin. It was titled “The Beam” in my original dream journal as well.

      I am walking out to the highway (Highway Seventeen - the original route before the name was changed to NE Cubitis Avenue) with my father very late at night (or very early in the morning before dawn). I notice a partly melted bicycle just off the highway (about half on the wayside) that a very thin beam (like a laser beam) was shining onto, going into the handlebars. I also notice that a small part of the highway itself is like liquid as it is beginning to melt, sizzle, and bubble. I am aware that this beam is eventually going to melt everything in its path and is potentially very dangerous for some of the world and will likely continue to be problematic for a long time. There is no real sense of danger regarding my own safety though, or that of our home, at least for the time being. Its path at this point seems to be mostly down the highway to the north. I am not certain of its origin and not exactly sure if the bicycle is implied to be mine or my father’s.

      The meaning of this dream is basically the same as thousands of others I have documented, studied, and decoded and is anticipatory autosymbolism for waking into the light of day, more specifically via the emergent consciousness, seeking out the dream self for coalescence and to “save” the experience and perspective of the dream state. The same template and components, with the same meaning, are easily seen and recognized in dreams like “The Tadpole’s Ghost”, “Laser-Eyed Alligator”, and many others, though are more passive in dreams like “The Day There Was No Sun” where the role and active threads of the dream self and conscious self are slightly different, which probably depends on circadian rhythms and the time (and the date) of the dream.

      Curiously, the highway begins to take on properties of another typical dream conduit, the river, though I have no perception of bilocation in this dream. The highway in this case seems to be “melting”. It is almost as if the “light of day” beam of the emergent consciousness is changing the dream setting for a “smoother” flow into the waking state by transforming it into the river conduit but this potential does not complete. The melted bicycle has been validated as a symbol for alcohol intake. As little alcohol as I have had in my life (even at my present age) it always triggered the appearance of a bicycle in a dream, almost always partly melted as here. This can be understood to mean that alcohol alters both balance and direction of thoughts and also alters the linear and more stable nature of decision-making.

      Updated 11-19-2019 at 11:02 AM by 1390

      memorable , dream fragment