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    1. The sewage ship

      by , 09-22-2021 at 12:58 AM
      I had this dream about a month ago, but never wrote it down. I just remembered it today. It's 90% genuine, but some parts I had to fill in.

      I appear on a large boat (ship). I am a new worker on this boat. We are in a different time period. It seems a decade or two in the future. Society has collapsed and people are trying to survive. There is a lack of food in the world. The boat I'm on is going on a long journey. We are likely traveling across the ocean. It will be several months before we make contact with any land.

      The ship is industrial. This is far from some luxury cruise; it's a working ship. One of the managers leads me down to the barracks underneath the deck. Upon walking down there, I notice a profound smell of sewage. It's not a normal sewage smell, it's more of a sweet swampy sewage smell. There's also a chemical smell on top of it that somewhat covers it up and makes it smell plasticy. To be more blunt, it's a really rotten smell. As I continue down the stairs, this wafting humidity keeps blasting me in the face. It's more humid than a sauna down there.

      I get to the bottom of the stairs and enter the room. The room has bunk beds in one section (but a few additional beds added as an afterthought). In between some of the bunk beds are these large vent tubes. You know the kind of industrial PVC tube that comes out of the ground in industrial areas. The tubes are about 1 foot in diameter and bend down at the top to form a partial U shape. Jetting out of these tubes is fog that smells like I described - bad. The crazy thing is that these other workers have to sleep down there, right next to the sewage vents.

      I meet some of the other workers. They are shirtless and dirty. They don't bother wearing any shirts because they get wet and dirty immediately. When I talk to them, they seem friendly and somewhat accustomed to the environment (although not completely). The metal floor is slimy and slippery. In some places there is sludge and sewage on the floor. They tell me to take off my shoes cause I won't be needing those. We all glide across the floor as we walk. They've gotten used to sliding to move apparently. I think to myself how much of a health hazard this place is, but it seems like we were all desperate and just had to make do with the situation.

      The men teach me the purpose of this place and what my job was. This boat is a fully sustainable boat. Our waste goes into the container below this floor and it gets processed chemically. The sludge is then atomized and sprayed out the tubes. Underneath some of the tubes, you can see some small gardens growing out of the sludge. There is no sunlight or windows down there, but it just grows on it's own. It's mostly mushrooms and root vegetables that are growing, but there's also eggs growing on the ground.

      They told me to go fetch a basket from the rack. There is a rack of baskets hanging that look like metal kitchen colanders. I was meant to go hunting for eggs and mushrooms in the sludge. I was then meant to clean them off and put them in the colander. I began doing my duties. Whenever I got close to the vent, I had to hold my breath and then run away to catch a breath.

      Nobody really wanted to be there, but this is how we survived. We grew stuff, pooped and grew again. We could survive forever this way. I sensed we were going to be out at sea for a very long time.
    2. Another language; Scavenging and alien attack; First real gun

      , 11-18-2016 at 04:53 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Day before yesterday.

      Very detailed and aware dream.

      I'm in another country. But then I realize it's not another country, just a place I used to go to visit my gramma, and they speak another language there more than the official lang. of the state.

      I followed my boss from my WL client company to his house for some paperwork or discussion. Something about a missing paragraph. We walk through his house and I see everything in such a clear detail. This whole dream is very clear, detailed, logical. Not foggy at all.

      I left my bicycle in his yard and when I remember that, I return. Looking at the house I can't remember which door leads to his place. I look at several doors then I knock on one and they let me in, it was the right one.

      But I don't take the bike afterall. I remember now that I only know half of the way home from this small town to my town. I can't remember the names of some other cities I need to go through. (This happens fairly frequently. Me trying to get back home from this place on a bicycle, only realizing that I don't remember the exact way. When IWL I do and I made that trip many times.)

      I walk out and start looking for a cab to take me to the bus station. I ask 2 people where the bus to my town goes from (and I tell them the correct WL name). They don't know. Then I help a young mom with something she carries so she can take her stroller down the stairs and she tells me where my bus #16 goes from and at what time. I get to the station, #16 just pulls up, I jump on and driver confirms he is going to my town. I pull out a $500 bill, then $100 and I realize it was still too much.

      I spoke through the whole dream my other language they speak at my grammas place. Mixed with some of my first language and some english I think.

      Dream last night:
      We are in some old, industial type building with lots of glass and metal. Looking or more scavenging for usefull items. Screwdrivers, paintbrushes, all kinds of tools and stuff. I think we are post war or something like that.

      Somebody tries to attack us and I sling my machine gun from my shoulder, aim at him but it doesn't fire. I'm thinking it's out of ammo so I look closer and squeeze the trigger while I'm aiming at the ceiling. It fires a powerful, fast, metal round. It makes a hole in it.
      (This is first time that my rifle actually shoots real ammo that's metal and heavy and it does damage.)

      Outside in a huge, hangar type room, aliens are coming. A small blob of alien lifeform that I feel is dangerous and sinister shows up near by. I try to shoot it and stomp on it.

      We have to get away from there. Someone wants to go to top floor and escape from there. I say that is the bank floor, heavily armed, shatter proof windows and such. To prove my point, a missile is heading our way, hits the window but nothing happens. Window holds. So we decide to leave another way.
    3. #255 - Sky beam / Force field

      by , 07-08-2016 at 09:04 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Dream - Sky Beam
      It's a post apocalyptic dream set in a scifi futuristic setting. I remember a part where I have a vision, a scene where I can see Earth from space and a huge beam of energy erupts from the Earth. It's a premonition about the end of the world which will occur in a few days. There was some kind of war against aliens which is why it's post-apocalyptic.
      I'm in a place that resembles my parents house, there's a bunch of survivors here and they're grouped together having some kind of discussion about how to live from now on. I walk up on top of a huge boulder and address the crowd, knowing that they won't believe me if I tell them we have to leave Earth. "I know you won't understand now, but in a few days time it will all be cleared' (I said something like that in a very heavy tone, it felt super intense). I also spotted in the distance a large beam of a different colour shooting into the sky, I knew it wasn't the same as the one in my premonition.
      There's a crashed old spaceship from the war with the aliens that we can escape on, but we need to work together to rebuild it.

      Dream - Force field
      I only remember a little about this dream.. It was a similar setting except by an arid cliff wall with the sun beating down on me and a group of people. There was a force field protecting our locale, I had to throw some kind of force field grenade outside it or something, can't really remember this part.
    4. Strange Animals and John Cena

      by , 10-04-2015 at 11:02 AM (Dimension X)
      I thought young children were more likely to dream about animals?

      I heard that somewhere on the internet, so it must be true.

      Anyway, this dream was oddly full of animals in at least one part, and the other part was full of people, because it took place in my old elementary school... More on that after the one about the animals.

      Now, I'm not sure about the order of the dreams, it kinda felt like I randomly jumped between them, so I'm just going to put the one about the animals here first, and then the one about my school after.


      I was in a basement that looked like nobody had been in it in years. ...It looked like a room in The Last of Us, to give you an idea. Post apocalyptic, basically. There was one window without glass, that lead outside. The window sill was at ground level outside too. I was going to climb out, but I had a tablet and I was in a chat room with a specific person who I won't mention. I kept telling them "Hang on" because I was going to climb through the window space. Not sure what this meant, but there was this caterpillar-type thing that had apparently helped me in some way. It was on the inner window sill and I thanked it before trying to put it through the window so I could climb out with it. There was snow at one point here too for some reason, but it disappeared. The creature could fit in the palm of my hand and it seemed intelligent somehow, although it did not speak. I'm still not sure how, but I know it helped me in some way.

      I gradually climbed out while carefully carrying the creature at set intervals before finally setting it down on a rock... But this is where it got a little unsettling.

      On the rock right next to where I set it was some sort of naked lizard creature, but it was dead, with a splatter of blood around it. I remember looking at my finger and seeing blood on the end as though I touched the little splatter by accident. This is also the only time I've ever seen blood in a dream... I think.

      I looked back at what I thought was the caterpillar, but it had somehow mutated into another one of the naked lizard creatures. I wasn't sure if it was alive, and at this point, I didn't try to touch it. I remember thinking: "There's... blood everywhere."

      I got up and away from the rock only to realize where I was. I was beside a really tiny stream, in between two sort of high naturally-formed walls. The land dropped down a few times like huge stairs, and I remember seeing weird frogs, a diseased cat that had somehow made its disease its power, and some sort of heavily armored talking turtle that was defending itself from some other creature who I also think was a giant frog or toad.

      Something happened, and I was in a room again, trying to squish a small bug that kept running around. I found a kitten somewhere in the room after I squashed the bug, and then the dream ended. That was one of the weirder ones I've had, I'll admit.


      This one involved being in my old elementary school gym and being in an assembly.
      I remember talking to a few people but not really saying anything odd. We were finally sitting in rows and guess who I was sitting behind...? Fucking John Cena. The first internet meme that has ever appeared in a dream. Once I realized it was him, my brain automatically played his theme music.

      Good lord.

      What the fuck, brain?

      I didn't go lucid, but I had a vague thought like "...Are you fucking serious?"

      God dammit.

      Updated 10-23-2015 at 06:29 PM by 56449

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Have a Badass Day

      by , 12-22-2014 at 02:45 AM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #261: Have a Badass Day

      I’m standing in a store that looks like a cross between a barber shop and a clothing store. There’s a mirror on every wall and as I catch sight of my own reflection, I see that Dreamer is standing just behind me and to the right. She acknowledges me with a casual nod, like it’s totally normal that we’re both here.

      Dreamer goes back to shopping and as I think about how she might have gotten here, I realize that
      this has to be a dream.

      “[Dreamer], I’m having a lucid dream!” I say.

      She gives me a skeptical look and says something like, “Right now? You’re sure?” Dreamer looks about ten years older than in waking life, and I notice that her hair is short, very light blonde but shot through with streaks of purple.

      At first I think about working to convince her, but decide that no, once things get rolling, she’ll believe it too. I grab her hand and we run toward the store’s exit. There’s no door, just an open air exit that leads out to a street made of interlocking stones.

      There’s a high stone wall ahead, and we have to turn left to make it around. There’s a shaft of yellow sunlight covering the road where we need to go, and for a moment I wonder whether it’ll block us. As I think this it shimmers like a glass barrier. We have some quick discussion about this as we approach it, and I say something about this “will be easy to phase through.” There’s a moment of pressure as we cross this threshold and then we’ve phased through.

      We emerge on a dusty street that has a Mad Max vibe to it, like we’re in a post-apocalyptic desert. It looks a bit like something out of screenshots I’ve seen from Rage.

      There’s an enclosed tunnel of metal and glass that stretches across the dusty road, and I become curious what’s inside. Still gripping Dreamer’s hand, I try to fly up there. There’s a little sticking point, though, and as I narrate my intent, for some reason I get the urge to sing. I start belting out whatever comes to mind, and an electric guitar immediately starts playing along in the background. (Yes, these are the actual lyrics... I "performed" them into my phone upon waking. )

      I want you to know that I’m happy to be here,
      Let’s fly up in the sky,
      And have a badass day!

      I really belt out the last part. I try to keep going, but I’m too busy laughing about the very silly lyrics that I’ve already sung. We manage to fly up just a bit above the tunnel, and as I’m trying to get a view of the rest of the town,
      the dream ends.
    6. Alien Invasion and a Limp Machete

      by , 03-17-2014 at 04:08 AM
      I actually had this dream last week, so it's a fairly recent one. My nightmares have been less and less as the years have gone by but this one is a bit morbid so yeah...you're forewarned.

      I was with my immediate family vacationing. Somehow my stepdad and sister had gotten injured. I didn't know how, all I knew was that we were in a doctor's office trying to get them patched up. My stepdad had a toe amputated and my sister had a gash on her side that was bleeding heavily. The dream started out with this and actually didn't focus much on this part.

      They got their wounds treated and we left, driving along the freeway to our next destination. There were many cars around us and the environment was city-like, slowly turning into a suburban area. The landscape was fairly flat so we could see the sky pretty clearly. It started off as a normal blue sky with a few dusting of clouds and then all of a sudden it changed. If you've ever seen the picture someone photoshopped of what it would look like if Earth had rings like Saturn, this was it. Large rings appeared over the sky and stretched over the horizon. At first they reflected beautiful sunset colors, oranges, reds, pinks, and yellows (Red and yellow appear in my dreams a lot). It was quite magnificent to see and a little overwhelming. It steadily became brighter and then the lights went out of the rings and the sky began to darken. That was when large ships flew overhead and people started to panic.

      For a bit it was like watching a series of trailer clips. It was just me and my mom now in the car stuck on the freeway of cars. At first we were driving, then we were stopped with the rest of traffic while tall square-like cyborgs walked around the cars, leaning to peer in at the terrified people within. I didn't get a really good look at them so I couldn't give you a detailed description of what the aliens looked like. They were tall though. I remember that.

      The scene changed again and my mom and I were driving on a highway, nearing a more rural area of forests and mountains. I personally didn't think she was driving fast enough and was about to tell her to let me drive. A bunch of motel like cabins came into view and halted my actions. We stopped by the road and a group of people were at the entrance. A woman told us that the direction we were headed in had been taken over by the aliens. We were trapped. She told us we could bunk in her cabin and we agreed.

      The cabins were a mix of different people, but most were kind enough and doing their best to help the other survivors. However, a couple of them looked like escaped convicts. One of them was a large burly man with long dark unkempt hair and a beard. He had taken to attacking some of the younger women in residence. I don't know if he did it discreetly or if people were too afraid of him to do anything about it. Unfortunately, my subconscious decided I needed to be a fly on the wall for one of his attacks. Obviously, I was disgusted and pissed because I couldn't do anything to help her.

      When he tried to attack me one of my favorite video game characters (Fenris from Dragon Age 2) appeared and scared him off. Fenris was worried for my safety and wanted to stay with me to protect me. I thanked him for his help but told him I'd be okay on my own. He told me to at least carry a knife with me wherever I went. I agreed and strapped a Bowie to my thigh. Right after that the man came for me again, but this time I was completely alone. Enraged I pulled out my knife, only to have it turn into a saw-like machete that was as limp as a whip. As frustrated as I was that didn't stop me from beating the ever lovin' shit out of him. Finally he lay bloody and broken in a heap at my feet. He looked properly ashamed and guilty of his actions. He did ask me if the terror from the alien invasion could have caused his mind to break and make him attack those women. Icily, I told him that the invasion probably released what was already there to begin with (If he hadn't been in jail for that reason in the first place.) However, his words did make me stop and think, and I lowered my hand.

      Even as he lay there baring his neck to me, accepting his death, I couldn't kill him. 1) Because my machete was limp, and 2) Because he was a broken and beaten man. Mainly he lived because my weapon wouldn't cooperate.

      The scene changed to me standing in the double doorway of my cabin, looking out into the darkness towards the other cabins that were lit from within. We were on the second floor. My mom and the woman we were staying with, were in the living room behind me. Then out of the darkness a large shape came lumbering up to me. When the light hit it I saw a large wolf/hyena hybrid creature. He was big, his head almost level with mine. I panicked and tried slamming the wooden doors. He shoved against them and it was a battle of me trying to keep him out. At one point I actually grabbed him by the scruff and threw him back a ways. But he was persistent. Eventually I realized he wasn't trying to hurt me, just get inside. The doors nearly came off their hinges so I gave up and let him in. He sat and gazed at me while I ran my hands through his soft fur. At least I got a furry companion out of it, and a large one at that.

      The End.
    7. More randomness on the verge of lucidity

      , 04-22-2011 at 03:38 PM (Hyu's Adventures)
      non dream - lucid - non lucid

      I wake up after ~8 hours of sleep, but I still feel very tired.
      I decide to go back to sleep.

      I'm in what appears to be an hotel room, but instead of a bed there is a long desk with 4 PC monitors on it, and some audio equipment including 2 microphones.
      It seems that I am casting a SC2 tournament game from here. I wonder who my co-caster is.
      Day9? o_O That's kind of a surprise. But then I feel like we've known each other for a long time, and it's all normal.
      We cast a game between some well known player and a mouse. (Yes, an actual mouse... the animal >_>)
      After we're done casting (the mouse won) we discuss that this mouse is rather intelligent, and day9 compliments the high APM.
      I'm tired and I want to go to bed... I know we're at an hotel and I can sleep in the next room.

      I'm now in a bed in the next room, but I can't sleep.
      There's about 10 people sleeping in the room, which I find a bit weird and uncomfortable.
      I get up and decide to go for a walk.
      Another guy stands up at the same time, he's a friend from high school.
      We leave the hotel room, which leads straight into my old high school building.
      We walk through the main corridor and he lights a cigarette.
      He hands it to me and I start smoking, but then I realize I'm not a smoker, and the cigarette tastes horribly.
      I put out the cigarette on my hand, because I know it's not going to hurt and throw it into a trash can.

      Some official person from the high school sees this and gets insanely mad at me because smoking is forbidden inside the building.
      I tell him to relax, I'm not even in high school anymore.

      Then he gets even more angry saying I have no reason to be here.
      "But I sleep here!"
      He freaks out, "DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FUCKING HOTEL?"

      I'm now in front of the Hotel/School outside a small restaurant.
      Me and a few friends from high school are having dinner.
      I notice an odd yellowish liquid in my glass, what on earth did I order to drink?
      I take a sip and notice that the liquid has now attached itself to my lip, forming a string between my lower lip and the glass.
      What the fuck is this.
      I try to remove it by pulling on the string with my hand.
      The string just gets longer and longer.
      One of my friends starts laughing at me and explains it's a chemic reaction and some sort of prank. (he's studying chemistry and likes to do pranks in waking life)
      After I get it off I notice that I've just eaten a lot of stuff I don't usually eat.
      I wonder why I did that and stare up into the sky.
      It's night already, I can see the stars.
      Wait a second... I never ate this food, the dream skipped over it, I'm dreaming!
      I look back down to investigate the current scene.

      But when I look back down I notice I'm no longer at the restaurant.
      I'm alone, hiding in between some debris.
      I look around, the scenery feels post-apocalyptic, and reminds me of fallout.
      The streets are cracked, all buildings around appear to have been destroyed by explosions many years ago.
      Everything appears gray and sad.
      Above me is some sort of huge construct, only supported by a few thin pillars.
      Whatever it is, it is falling apart, debris is falling down, which is presumably why I hid in this corner in the first place.
      I hear voices screaming that the things is coming down and will explode, that everyone should make a run for it.

      I decide to make a run for it myself and start running uphill, not getting hit by any debris fortunately.
      Suddenly I notice an hotel to my left, of course, I was at that hotel.
      There are a few cars in front of it, and lots of people running away.
      Why does nobody use the cars?
      I spot a Continental GT and decide it's the fastest and most robust out of them and get inside. (I've driven one in waking life a few times)
      The keys are inside, lucky me.
      The passenger door opens and my dad gets inside "gogogo!"
      I start the engine and drive in reverse doing a 180 to point the car into the correct direction.

      I'm now in front of the street. All people are running to the left, uphill, but I can see the passage is blocked.
      To the right, downhill, is the construct which is falling apart.
      There's no way we'll make it going uphill, I decide to try to drive under the collapsing construct.
      I put the gearbox in manual because I don't like automatics and use the paddle shifters.
      I accelerate hard towards the construct.
      The pillars break, and the whole thing starts coming down.
      I press the accelerator pedal harder, knowing it won't make a difference, and hope to somehow make it.
      And we do, by a meter at most. The construct crashes into the ground right behind us.
      My dad tells me to keep going, the thing is going to explode.

      I drive as fast as I can, luckily the road is straight.
      Then suddenly there is snow on the road, and a corner up ahead... fuck!
      I hit the brakes hard, but the car is barely slowing down.
      I have to swing the steering wheel left and right wildly to prevent the car from spinning out.
      Still doing 220km/h, there is no way I'll be able to slow down enough for the corner.

      But then suddenly my sense of presence turns on, and I can feel what lies behind the corner.
      There is a canyon right behind it, meaning if I can't make the corner we'll fall into the canyon.
      On the other side of the canyon seems to be a salt desert.

      I get off the brakes and back on the accelerator.
      My dad freaks out. "What are you doing?"
      "Trust me..."

      I don't take the corner, I just drive straight into the canyon.
      I close my eyes, and concentrate on the other side of it, and try to lower it with dream control, so that we can make the jump.
      As I open my eyes again, I see that the other side stays perfectly leveled with he falling car, and we make it to the other side just fine.
      I see a massive explosion in the mirrors of the car...
    8. #180. The Road

      by , 01-28-2011 at 05:48 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)

      Samael Presents:

      (your daily)


      (the contents of which you should still)


      (with all due haste.)

      On a deserted stretch of Saskatchewan highway, after I wake up in the back of an empty car surrounded by empty cars, I watch a figure approach from the distance (I don't expect him to attack me until the door is opening and I can't wrench it shut and I barely remember to break the dream into a thousand million jagged pieces of glass).

      The Road. Scare Factor: 7.

      Samael's SOLO SENTENCE ESPRESSO is not at all similar to Mzzkc's ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!® and disclaims all semblance of copyright infringement thereof. That would be stealing.
    9. Post apocalyptic FPS

      by , 09-06-2010 at 12:04 AM
      I intended to write this dream down earlier but I didn't for various reasons. Now I have forgotten some parts of it.

      There was some part involving me ordering fast food at some place where their card reader were broken so I couldn't pay. Therefor they wrote down the IP addresses of all people who ordered and I was like "uhmm, what is the purpose of that? People can just give you some random number and even if they give the real IP there isn't much they can to with it to demand money".

      Then I was in some computer room or something, talking about the CSN web page that had something to do with paying for the fast food. You needed some kind of application similar to windows media player to pay for it and I was annoyed by this.


      Somehow I was now in some post apocalyptic looking city with abandoned withered buildings and empty streets. I walked near a house that was some kind of storage house with many rooms. I knew that there was a death metal concert in it. I entered and met a vampire looking guy who just stood there. It had to do with the death metal image and I wasn't sure if he was a vampire or not. In any case I showed my hands and made sure to convince him that I didn't want to fight.

      The people in this house was like a battlefront for those who still lived in the city and I joined them or something. We knew that some army of shadows or shady creatures was about to attack and I was on the roof of the warehouse. From there I could see a river passing through the town. It had two bridges leading to the evil side where the shadows lived. One of the bridges was already filled with shadowy things marching in lines towards our place. The mood became rather tense and hurried.

      After this followed a battle episode where I fought the evil stuff along with the other people. They weren't shadows anymore though. The first wave of attackers consisted of people with baseball bats lol. I had one too.

      I fought with a big one that also had a gun in one hand. I managed to disarm him and take the gun. This is followed by a part that I don't really remember. There was something about me acquiring a powerful gun that I used to destroy much (it looked kinda like an FPS game at this point so it didn't feel like I was actually fighting something for real). Then when I was low on ammo I saw some care-taker looking guy and I asked him to cheatingly refill my ammo which he did. Then the "god" of the world appeared and he looked like morgan freeman (lol bruce allmighty?) and he scolded me for trying to cheat by refilling my ammo and he turned my gun into something that could only pour out a small stream of water or something like that. My memory fades at this point.