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    1. Mad Dog

      by , 07-28-2013 at 02:19 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #126: Mad Dog

      I'm sitting in my childhood bedroom on my old bed. I look out the window and some thug-looking guy in a tank top is standing outside by a parked car, loafing around with a somewhat overweight girlfriend. As I'm trying to figure out what's going on, I unintentionally make eye contact with the guy and he starts mad dogging me. I quickly look away but out of my peripheral vision, I see him walking aggressively toward my room. Great, what's he want?

      The guy reaches behind his back and draws a revolver from the waistband of his pants. I dive out of the room into the hallway as a gunshot blows through my window. I'm surprised by how soft the sound is. I think that it's so quiet that nobody might hear it. Will anyone even hear it and call the police? I duck into the bathroom, waiting there for a bit before baaaarely peeking my head around the corner to look out through the office window down the hall. But the guy is there, too, and fires immediately.

      I scramble to the back of the house into my parents' bedroom, but I see the guy circling around to the back yard. I can't believe how hard he is to shake, and
      I realize that this is all a dream.

      Relaxed now, I head back to the front of the house, walking through the hallways, through the den to the front door. I phase through the front door out into the street to find the car (and my assailant) gone. I'm trying to remember my goals but absolutely nothing is coming to me. I don't remember the Colosseum, I don't remember my intention to summon NewArtemis, nothing. I think that I'm supposed to be working on Advanced Task of the Month and that it has something to do with California. (Totally wrong.)

      I decide to explore, hoping it'll come to me. I fly up into the air for a while, soaring over my old neighborhood. I fly over a creek at one point, but I don't get to explore very long before
      the dream ends.
    2. The Vampire Apocalypse

      by , 07-06-2013 at 10:54 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #114: The Vampire Apocalypse

      Wife has opened a restaurant and somehow all of the recipes have been lost. She and I are in some place that looks like a choir room, desperately searching through a pile of hundreds of envelopes for the one that contains them. Suddenly I become lucid, but it's a very low level of lucidity. I grasp that I'm dreaming and I understand that this gives me awesome powers, but I have no idea that I could just ignore this whole recipe thing.

      I point at the pile of envelopes, willing the recipes to emerge. One of the envelopes floats a couple of feet in the air and opens, freeing a few sheets of paper that I know have the recipes on them. I grab them out of the air and hand them to Wife. She starts talking excitedly and waving her hands in these grand gestures, but
      I soon wake up.

      I hold still for DEILD, but after a brief wait emerge non-lucid sitting in a small, boxy room that's shaped vaguely like a confessional booth. My friend "Dragon" and I are laughing and swapping stories of all the stupid stuff we did when we were kids. From outside my friend "RF" knocks on the booth and then sort of phases or melts through the wall. I realize that this has to be a dream but immediately wake up.

      Back down for DEILD, again winding up in a non-lucid, this time in the hallway of my childhood home. Our neighbor "Mr. G" from when I was a kid is wandering around in our backyard, holding a bag of lawn clippings. I know that he's helping me try to find a 4-leaf clover in this bag of clippings. He becomes angry that I'm not helping and starts throwing the lawn clippings everywhere. I suddenly remember trying to DEILD and become lucid again. There's a door at the back of the house that's not usually there and I walk toward it, preparing to phase. The door swings open just as I approach, though, and again, the dream ends.

      I look for another DEILD and again come up non-lucid. I'm at home with Wife now and she's telling me a story of how someone was attacked by a vampire downtown today. We worry about what this means and whether she's safe going to work.

      Time advances, and now it's early morning. The sun's just coming up and I'm at the back door, looking out over our back yard toward the horizon. I see a swarm of bats approaching and I know that overnight vampirism has become a plague that's spread throughout the world. I tell Wife that we have to hide, and we run upstairs to the bedroom to bunker ourselves in.

      Once upstairs I peer out of a tiny window to the street below. About a dozen vampires are congregating on the street with a handful of human prisoners. The leader of the vampires, blonde and dressed completely in black, shouts bizarre warnings and threats to those of us holed up in our homes. He kicks one of the prisoners, a middle-aged man, to the ground, sprays him with liquid from some kind of squeeze bottle, and lights him on fire.

      I duck down from the window, shaken and frightened. "They're killing everyone," I say to Wife. "Is this like what happens in The Passage? I haven't read that far yet."
      (The Passage is a book that I'm slowly reading.)

      Wife nods. "It's exactly the same."

      "Okay," I say. "What did they do? How do we fight these things?"

      She shakes her head gravely. "I can't give spoilers."

      I think this makes complete sense. "You're right. Maybe if we shoot them in the head...?" I now have the AR-15 in my hands.

      "That won't work," she says. Then from out of nowhere, she very graphically and directly demands that we have sex. This is so completely out of character (particularly in a vampire apocalypse)
      that I realize it's all a dream.

      "Don't worry," I say. "It's just a dream." I kiss her for a moment. In spite of her earlier insistences, the mood is completely non-sexual. I stand up, thinking about phasing outside.

      "What are you doing?" she says. "Stay down!"

      "This is a dream. There's nothing to worry about." But I can see that she doesn't believe me. I know that she's just a DC, but at this point I'm really attached. I decide that I'll just carry her out of this scene, change locations, and hopefully this nasty dream plot will die off. I kneel down to scoop her up
      as the dream fades...

      Updated 07-07-2013 at 01:52 AM by 57387

    3. Water Pressure

      by , 06-21-2013 at 08:11 PM
      This is probably the first time that I've done high speed flight since I flew into space so long ago. Very exciting to experience!

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #112: Water Pressure

      It's the middle of the night and I'm walking around the front yard of my childhood home. The sprinklers are all on and it's my job to somehow turn each sprinkler head off by touching it. As I do this, I'm narrating out loud to one of my waking life friends what I'm doing. (Can't remember which friend this was, since they were "off camera".)

      "These big sprayers at the front of the yard are the worst ones!" I explain to my friend. As I approach the sprinkler head, it hits me with a powerful jet of water that starts pushing me away from the yard and out into the street. "See what I mean!" I shout as the jet continues to shove me.

      Pretty soon I'm tumbling and sliding all the way down the street, trying to fight my way back to the yard.
      Okay, this has got to be a dream... The spray continues to hit me, pushing me along faster and faster as I slide down the street. Somehow it's not getting me soaked but it is pushing me at an incredible rate of speed. I'm sliding past houses like I'm on a bobsled attached to a rocket.

      I leap into the air and start flying, still going really, really fast. The speed is absolutely dizzying, easily ten or more times faster than any lucid flying I've ever done. I soon leave civilization behind and I'm flying at super speed over grassland and hills. The sun is now up and early morning light is illuminating the landscape. My flight control isn't perfect and I do a couple of unintentional barrel rolls, fly higher than I mean to, then lower than I'd like.

      Just as I'm flying over the top of another set of hills, I find myself in the void, suddenly moving much more slowly. Except it's not a complete void. I see a distant dream scene in front of me, almost like something I'm watching on television through a long, dark tunnel. I'm moving toward this new scene, rubbing my hands together and preparing to enter it.

      It's a scene from some sort of grand luxury hotel, bright and really classic-looking. The men look sharp but indistinguishable from one another and the women are dressed in crazy feather- and sequin-clad dresses like something from the Roaring 20s. I'm now a part of the scene, standing in this hotel lobby, looking up as these amazing DCs pass by on the balconies above. I try to remember what I'd intended to do next, but
      the dream ends.
    4. The Souvenir

      by , 06-15-2013 at 06:29 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #105: The Souvenir

      I'm walking along the sidewalk of a street near the neighborhood where I grew up, contemplating a job opportunity. I've been offered a job as muscle in a mobster casino. The pay is less than what I'm making now but it's all "tax free", if you know what I mean. I feel like this is a strange thing to be thinking about, and when I also notice that gravity feels a bit different, I become lucid.

      It's early morning and the sky hasn't hit full daylight yet. I decide to head for my childhood home, making my way quickly along the street by jumping along in 30-foot segments. I take a right, proceed for a bit, then a left, all along familiar roads. I know that my old home is just the next block over, so I fly over a couple of houses and land on the next street over.

      My childhood home is here but it's different. It looks almost dilapidated and the windows are all dark. The parts of the house that were brick are all siding now. I prepare to go inside but then I stop myself. What am I looking for in there? I can't think of any reason to go inside.

      I try to remember what I wanted out of this dream. I remember that I'm trying to meet Art at the Alamo. Then I remember how NyxCC teleported by turning a model of a scene into a true, immersive dream scene. I decide that I'll try conjuring a model of the Alamo and then attempt to teleport into it.

      Reaching my hand behind my back, I imagine that there's a model of the Alamo sitting in it. But my mental image of what a "model of the Alamo" would look like is very vague and keeps changing. First it's a small ceramic, then it's a larger, hollow tin thing with no bottom and sharp edges, then it's tiny and solid stone. I check my hand but see nothing but an insubstantial outline that evaporates the moment that I look at it.

      Okay, no good. Hand behind the back again, and this time I envision a ceramic souvenir, rough and unfinished on the bottom. I feel it taking shape but as I'm trying to focus, a strong wind picks up and tickles my hands and forearm. The souvenir disappears from my hand before I can look at it.

      Frustrated, I gaze up at the sky. It's growing darker, like a storm's approaching. I think that this could be a fun time to try flying, but
      the dream ends before I get up into the air again.

      Updated 06-15-2013 at 07:35 PM by 57387

    5. Choke

      by , 06-06-2013 at 02:40 PM
      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Lucid #101: Choke

      I'm sitting in a car with Dad at a place that's a cross between Sonic and a Chinese take-out restaurant. We're pulled up next to one of those mic/speaker combos where you place your order and I'm debating whether to order sweet & sour chicken or just get a giant bucket of tater tots. (I don't actually eat like this. )

      A guy who looks like Mako Iwamatsu sticks his head out of the main restaurant building and shouts something about "three orders of sweet & sour chicken". I get out of the car and approach to hear him better. Then Mako makes some remark about our order and something about dreaming. It's semi-amusing, so I chuckle politely and look up at the night sky. The stars look artificially bright and the moon has been replaced by a flying saucer! "This is a dream," I say, and immediately start walking.

      I leave the restaurant parking lot, moving through an alley that dead-ends at an open door into a house. I go inside, exploring the house for a bit. It's nicely decorated and very realistic. I'm pleased with how vivid it looks -- classy carpeting, great lighting, really tasteful decor. I wonder why I suck so bad at decorating IWL if I can imagine scenes like this. It occurs to me that no matter how many LDs I have, part of me always thinks They can't really look that good, right? But they can and they do.

      I'm a bit lost in the house and as I turn down one hallway, I suddenly find myself in a noisy European street scene. It feels like Germany. The fast transition surprises me and before I can think to speak gibberish to these DCs for Task of the Month, I round another corner and wind up back in the house again. Well that was weird.

      For some reason this reminds me of my intent to get to the Alamo and meet up with Art. I decide getting outside will be the best way open up the map and get where I want. The closest internal wall of the house is brick (oddly enough), and without hesitating, I phase through it. There's nothing on the other side of the wall, though, and I wind up in the void.

      Rubbing my hands together, I continue walking through the void. I imagine that I'm walking along a street outside. I can feel the roadway underneath my feet (which feel like they're in nothing but socks.) I keep walking forward, waiting for the new scene to form. After a while, I see a pattern of squareish lights that coalesces into the window of my darkened childhood bedroom. I leave immediately, phasing through the window into the street.

      It's late at night and I'm outside on the street where I grew up. I try to figure out which way San Antonio (and the Alamo) would be from here... and totally get it wrong. When I look out at the horizon, I see a huge observation tower surrounded by some scaffolding, like it's under construction. Was there some kind of tower in San Antonio?
      (Yes, it turns out -- the Tower of the Americas.)

      I start to zoom-teleport to the tower but the moment I begin to move, I swallow my gum. Swallow my what?? Did I go to bed chewing gum? I try to remember, worrying that it's now lodged in my throat IWL and that I'm about to be in big trouble. I freak out and the scene goes black. I manage to calm myself at the last minute but the dream is too far gone and quickly ends.
    6. Feels like my soul fell down from the sky and into my body and now im awake....wth??

      by , 02-12-2013 at 08:07 PM
      This dream really made me question my own reality. i was getting ready to freak out but i was able to calm myself down. ...Okay so i was intending to only take a 2hr nap but then i fell dead asleep and i keep having these dreams of my childhood house. It was my favorite place where i grew up and then moved away but i keep having these dreams as if im still living there and its making me frustrated its like im not over it. & well...

      in this dream i kept trying to wake up because i need to get ready for work and every single time i tried to wake up ...i woke up to a different life...almost like another dimension of what i wished my life would be or the things i miss. the first time i tried to wake up i woke up in my old room and then went back to sleep and then i woke up again and again it was the same thing back into the old house near my family and then i realized that i was late for work and then i slept again and i was getting ready to wake up and i felt this feeling as im falling and thought okay this is good this means im gonna wake up in a second and same thing happened ..

      .i was getting ready to freak out and cry because i know that wasnt real and then i calmed myself down and just breathed and concentrated and then i felt the falling sensation and pop! i woke up ! and feel like im more alive better than ever but at the same time it felt weird because it made me wonder, is it possible that there are other life dimensions out there? are those real??

      dreams like that freak me out, it felt like i was in a different place and time a different age i was much younger its almost as if i wished i was younger again and then it happend but in my dream...when i woke up i felt happy to be alive in this life time and more appreative to have accomplished so much but there is still something im not over...Help! idk whats going on? im so confused :/
    7. Mon. Sep. 10

      by , 09-10-2012 at 04:40 PM (Glieuaeiel's DJ)
      Snap (LUCID)

      [Finally! Woop woop! Only, I'm pretty uncertain on the chronology for some parts. You'll see.]

      While at a traveling carnival, I run into my sister with a group of her friends. They're discussing what they should go do next, since recently a bunch of extra people joined their group and now there are maybe too many people for them to travel together. As a joke, I walk up and join, pretending I don't know that I'm exacerbating the problem. Suddenly, I notice that there's a younger girl in the group who keeps shouting for everyone to shut up. She must think that if everyone quiets down, then the discussion will go more smoothly. From the perspective of the wisdom of years, I realize that she's not going about this the right way. I walk up to her and encourage her to quiet down and be more mature. She stares at me as if suddenly realizing how annoying her behavior was, and then she sincerely thanks me for my intervention. To the group, I point out that we can just split into two groups and meet up again later.

      Later, I ride a roller coaster. All you do to get on board is to grab a horizontal bar that's connected to the track above you. It's a very scary ride, because the only things preventing you from falling to great injury or death are your grip strength and your arm strength. As the coaster starts moving, I start to fear for my life. I try to secure my grip by looping an elbow over the bar, but it's difficult to adjust your grip safely while the ride is in motion. The coaster rounds a corner and heads down a downward slope, gathering speed. I see that at the bottom, the track turns sharply to the left. "Oh no," I moan, praying that I can withstand the G forces. Somehow I do, and shortly afterward, the ground rises beneath me and the coaster slows so that I can get off.

      Of course, doing so is almost as hard as getting off of a ski lift, so in the process, I drop my notebook and pencil. I try to go back to grab them, but I almost get hit by the next car. I'm forced to dive to the side and seize another car going up the hill. Then I realize that I've switched tracks, and I'm about to go all the way around the ride again. First, I'm confused as to why they would design the ride to make this possible. Second, I'm worried that they'll be mad at me for going around the ride again without paying a second time. Third, I realize that the much more pressing concern is that now the ride has a second chance to kill me.

      At some point later, I'm discussing lucid dreaming with someone, and I decide to do a reality check by plugging my nose and breathing in. To my delight, it works! Next thing I know, I'm standing in my childhood bedroom. [Maybe I had a false awakening?] I do the same RC again, and it works again. But I'm not totally convinced, so I do it one more time, making sure that I've totally plugged my nose and there's no way that air should be able to get through. It still works.

      Awesome! Time to get to work. I remember that I have dream goals, but, nevertheless, the first thing that occurs to me is that I should look for a naked woman. I'm alone in my room, but maybe I can conjure one into my closet (which is currently closed). I decide that the first thing to do is to turn on the lights in there. I'll be able to see if I've succeeded by looking at the gap beneath the door. There's a faint light coming from it right now, so I snap my fingers to try and turn it on all the way. It flickers a bit, then goes out completely. Lol. Maybe I should try to work on some dream control, first.

      I'm glad that this dream seems to be easy to maintain. I figure that's probably because it takes place in a very familiar location; namely, my own house.

      At some point, I decide to dive through a big glass window on the second story. As I'm banging it with my arm, testing its strength, it occurs to me that this would be very dangerous in the case that I actually am awake. I do another RC, just to be safe.

      At another point, I open my closet door to discover that my parents have been storing a lot of creepy presents in there. I mean, all I can see are boxes and bags, but it still creeps me out.

      At another point, I decide that I might as well actually do one of my dream goals: "feel my heartbeat." I press two fingers of my right hand against the artery in the side of my neck. Surprisingly, my pulse is very strong and rather rapid. It even seems to be accelerating slightly. I guess that fits, since I feel like I'm high on adrenaline.

      At another point, I'm in the downstairs hallway when my mom calls everyone to dinner. Obviously, I'd rather keep working on dream control than go sit down with them. I know my dad's probably going to try to find me and insist that I come. But I also hope that since I'm dreaming, I can just sort of will him not to pay attention to me. I see him come out of a door at the end of the hallway and start walking towards me--and I'm very relieved when he walks by without even looking in my direction.

      At another point, I'm practicing dream control in living room. The idea is this: every time I snap, I want it to be followed a moment later by a sharp crack and a small flare of light located wherever it is that I've directed my attention. It's like using those little firecrackers that you're supposed to throw against the ground. Anyway, the first time I try, I fail. I'm disappointed and worried that I'll never be able to do it. But I remind myself that all of this is imaginary: it's happening in my own mind, so I should have complete control over it. I try again. It works! I repeat it a few times, and then I notice that sometimes the little flash of light can affect its nearby surroundings, a little bit. I try to do this on purpose by directing my attention at a button which is hanging loose from the side of a cushion. When I snap, the flash of light breaks the thread, and the button rolls across the floor. Neat!

      While I'm practicing, I notice that our dog is behaving strangely. She jumps up on a couch, then climbs some other furniture in order to jump onto a light that hangs by a chain from the ceiling. She climbs up the chain and touches her nose to the ceiling. A dog's paws should never have been able to achieve that, but I figure that since this is a dream, she may as well be able to do anything she wants to do.

      Later, I consider stopping to review what I've done so far, to solidify it in my memory for easier dream recall. But, nah. Much more fun to keep trying to do new stuff.

      I decide that the next thing to try would be snapping my fingers and having a little flame appear above them. I go into the family room, where I find a convenient bunch of lit candles. I sit in the couch. My hand has become wrapped in protective oily cloth, and I light a couple of fingers by sticking them into a candle flame. I contemplate this for a bit, then blow them out. Except I don't quite succeed, and the fire flares up again. I blow harder, and this time it goes out completely. I feel silly for working that hard to accomplish something so simple. For instance, there is a friendly dog in the room who would gladly put out the fire for me if I were to stick my hand in its mouth. I guess the saliva just put me off.

      A few moments later, I realize that I haven't thought about anything for a few moments, and everything's gone black. I try to shout "Clarity!" but there's nothing to clarify. I open my eyes upon my new bedroom, then do an RC to make sure I'm awake. When I check the time, I'm surprised to find I've only been asleep for a couple of hours.

      Evil Statue

      The ceremony to release a powerful evil spirit on the world is scheduled to begin in a few hours. It'll take place at a museum. Unfortunately, the statue of the evil spirit has long been missing from the building, so we have no idea what exactly we'll be facing. Now, usually I would procrastinate, which is to say I would start setting up to face the spirit only a couple of minutes before its scheduled release. But this time, I call together the team and try to get us started with a few hours to spare. We hide out in the parking lot under an overturned rowboat. Every so often, an evil black dog comes along to snap at us through the gaps in the side, and we have to stab it to death. Those jaws look very dangerous, and I'm not really confident in my abilities. Especially when half the team is out scouting and I have to face the dogs with only about one other person.

      Scare Game

      Evil creatures are loose on the world. I'm headed to the basement, but I'm worried they might be waiting for me down there. There are rules about when and where they can attack you, but I don't remember them exactly. Mom happens to be in the living room with me, so I ask her. She says yes, they're allowed to attack at this time. I also check a rules handbook, and it says there are actually no limitations on when you can be attacked. Huh. It must have been that they don't like sunlight, so you're usually safe during the day. Anyway, I decide to go to the basement. I'll just be very careful.

      When I'm about two steps into the room down there, a hand comes flying around a corner to try and grab me. I intercept it with my own arm and wrestle with it for a bit until my dad gives up and comes around the corner, laughing. He'd been trying to scare me, because in this game you get points for that.
    8. Very Productive night

      by , 08-11-2012 at 06:03 AM
      It was a fitful night of sleep but a very productive one.

      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      D1 First Job
      There was a lot of chaotic dream imagery going on in my childhood home. By the end of it, I remember a replay of the day I went off to my first real job. It didn’t really happen like the dream, this was as if it was being reacted again. From what little I remember of the day, this dream’s reenactment had a lot more upbeat-ness to it than the real event. There were other people there as well that were not there in real life but the real participants didn’t interact with them almost as if they were extras just there to fill in the background. The overall feeling was that my mom and I were so glad that I was finally going off to a real job; we were almost giddy with happiness. I’ve been working since I was 16 and was never giddy to start any job.

      Notes: I see this as my subconscious putting on a play on this subject. My subconscious’ retelling of the event is an interesting take and one that makes me focus on my own possibly dower mindset and questioning the amount I worry. I guess that time should have been a giddy one being as big as it was but why it wasn’t is now something to think about.

      Awake, I tossed off the covers I was way too hot.

      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      D2 Necromancing
      Again, a lot of chaotic dream happenstances going on in dry outside “scrub” areas.
      I am flying around a lot in a California area. I see a nice California suburb and a nice house on a hilly street and fly in only to see the family right there behind the door and they are up to something. They are all (father/mother/20+son/16+daughter) going to rollerblade out the front door, down the street and down a very very steep street to the bottom of the hilly area where a train track was; it looked deadly but they were very happy and getting ready to go.

      As I looked down where they would go my attention followed and I was now looking at another typical California house but not in a comfortable suburb and more on its own and with large succulents growing in the front yard made of rocks and sand. This house had a retention pond next to it filled with green water. There was a road in front of the house and in the road was a dead cat with dried blood and body fluids staining the road.
      Thinking about the cat gave me a higher level of lucidity and I commanded, “back to life and all [internal] parts back the way they were” and I made a gesture with my hand to push life energy out toward and into it. Nothing happened. Still I sat waiting. Then it moved, the mound of fur got up off the blood stained area and I could see the cat’s face and its legs clearly. It staggered slightly as if it had woken from anesthesia or something, down toward the retention pond where it took a good drink. Afterward the reanimated cat walked off to my left toward the house still groggy but seemingly perfectly fine. I was happy that I had found a new dream power.

      While awake I pulled up the covers being way too cold. I tried to remember the alive cat.

      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 over most of dream
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      D3 Father in the lot
      There was more chaotic activity and I flew around but I came to a vacant lot that seemed to be somewhere in a central North Carolina area with that red soil. For some reason I was looking for a link to the real physical world from here in the dream world and I thought I could find it here. I looked over the lot, there were a lot of people here milling around and I asked them but they had no idea what I was talking about. I circled the lot from the road front to the back and then back up to the road front finding nothing.
      I was pretty lucid at this point and noticed dreamers popping into this area either from other dreams or from just falling asleep, it was an interesting area, especially for a weeded empty lot.
      Then someone popped in that looked like my father when he was in his 20’s. I was a bit shocked thinking if that was really him. He stood there looking off into the distance smoking a cigarette with a lot of attitude like they used to in those old movies. I fully realized he could look however he felt, this is the dream world. I walked past him looking. Then he turned to me, I saw it really was him and we both hugged. Then I said “So, Welcome to North Carolina” and as I put my hands out encompassing the dry dirty red soiled vacant lot and street, a boy popped in right to my right with a look of complete surprise. I was annoyed with this dreamer getting in my way and pushed him out of my way with my arm. In hindsight I remember this boy back from a dream I had of looking in a mirror and I was he, a towheaded 10-year-old chubby white boy with a crew cut. I ignored the boy and walked back to the back of the lot with my father following, he was more concerned with how he felt than anything anyone else was doing. I asked a dreamer that looked like he knew something where this was but he just looked at me for a second then looked back at the rusted stove he was wresting with, with some other guys.

      I wandered around and found my way inside a department store inside an open-air mall. I was still trying to find a connection between here in the dream world and the physical world and was very aware of the dreaming world’s rules. While wandering around this place I rhetorically asked a three foot tall impressionistic statue of a T-Rex “where is this place” and it started to come to life, which shocked me! This small yellow metal impression of a T-Rex had been given some of my life by me asking it something, by my giving it my attention and this I felt sorry for since it was barely a T-Rex or anything, it was bad art that would have a life like that so I foolishly as a reflex said to it “oh sorry” which only served to give it more life! It then jumped off the shelf it was on and down to the floor very alive and becoming more so. It looked up at me like it was speaking but I heard nothing. This was uncomfortable and felt sorry for it so I walked past it to take my attention from it so it could go wherever such unintended creations went.

      I saw a sales girl behind the makeup counter and asked her my now constant question but more pointedly so that she knew what I was talking about, “where is a point of reference between the physical world and this one?” She looked at me with a sarcastic look of “are you nuts?”
      Then I see one of those cash register laser guns red lights and think that maybe the point of a common link between the two worlds is not a thing but an energy, maybe the photons can be that link.

      I woke up and was still too cold and now ached too, I felt like I had been on my back for hours.
    9. October 2, 2011

      by , 11-22-2011 at 07:47 AM (A Tangled Thread Inside my Head)
      It was snowing outside and I was still living in my childhood home in Seattle. My dog had to go outside. So, I put on a coat and went to go out with her.

      But right before I reached the back garden, I fell into a ditch that had been covered by the snow and therefore invisible.

      I was completely buried but was eventually able to crawl out to the surface. I went inside completely covered in mud.

      When I was in, I took off my gloves and looked at my hands which appeared abnormally small. This seemed peculiar so I ran to the nearest bathroom to check myself out in the mirror.

      I found out that I was 10 years old again (just physically).

      I shouted:
      "Fuck! I am not doing this shit again!" I was beyond angry and annoyed. I did not by any means want to relive my pre pubescent and the majority of my teen years.

      I went downstairs to the calendar to check and see if I was in some sort of a time paradox but it was present day. This gave me a slight relief.

      I then changed scenes into a doctor's office where he was holding a Popsicle stick in my mouth and concluded that the only thing that was wrong with me was all in my head and sent me to a mental hospital.

      I was angry as hell. I was so close to being an adult, when it all got taken away from me.
    10. weekend re-cap 2/3/2011

      by , 03-03-2011 at 08:44 AM
      We walk towards the door, which appears level with the path I slow down mid-sentence when I notice that the front door is ajar. A sense of dread. (perhaps linked to the story I was telling Frida last Saturday morning 26/2 about experiences of my childhood house being robbed consecutively and how I used to have recurring dreams about coming home to an empty house)

      Perhaps we approach the door quietly, listening if anyone is still inside, and we hear men’s voices speaking in Russian deep inside, because I panic and run as fast as I can, to the other side of the street, before we are noticed and devoured by danger. I run straight to the Coates’ house, knocking on the clear glass door, the mother approaches with a drink in her hand, smirking with her mouth full as if she’s having a party in the next room and they’re telling dark jokes. She answers the door mischievously at arm’s length. I smile and ask her if I can use her phone quickly. I call the real estate agent, and anxiety builds, anticipating (like when I called Stuart on Saturday night with only 88cents of credit) the credit running out, listening to repetitive automated messages, before finally I get an answer.

      I report to him urgently that someone has broken into our house and that they are violent (dangerous) and need to be removed. The man on the other end says that they will be prepared to proceed with the matter once I supply them with the arrest report and that he can’t do anything now, that I should’ve called the police first, and as I realise the mistake I’ve made, the stress returns, he questions why I was never taught that I had to do that.

      There are few scenes of us standing across the road from the house, indecisive on the Ash’s council strip watching for any movement.

      While I sit outside the Coates’ house, I see Mum come home, pulling up in the station wagon. She gets out, with Margaret, walking towards the house. I call out to her but she doesn’t hear me. I shout out in a hushed tone, so not to raise the alarm of the men inside, but she’s getting closer to the house still. In desperation I begin shouting for her to get away from the house, but only Margaret hears me, stopping on the lawn, shocked by the intensity of my voice, but my Mum has already entered the house stupidly, and I have to grab her by the arm and march her out, insulting her for not hearing my warning and ignorantly putting herself in extreme danger, and she apologises a little embarrassedly, thanking me cheerfully, still not realising the seriousness of the situation.

      There is another memory of sitting on the grass in the backyard of the Coates’ house, where I find 3 identical kitten, white with dark spots, and my friend tells me that they are dangerous. I ignore him, talking to them, so as not to frighten them, staring at me and shifting their formation slowly. I pick one up and it starts thrashing about, clawing at my wrist, trying to get free and lunge at my head, as I lean back and to the side defensively, as the others gang up on me at the same time.

      At one stage, sitting on the concrete, like a loading bay combined with an outdoor cafe seating area, next to the convenience store, there are two young men standing above us, arms crossed and necks crooked towards each other, talking in German, and I point over to my Mum, who is mid-sentence with Margaret, pursing my eyebrows to indicate the two men, and without further explanation she quietly translates their conversation in real-time, which is about us, judging us contemptuously.

      Sitting out the front of the Coates’ house, night-time, which is now a brightly-lit convenience store, and I go inside, filled with young people dressed up like a Friday night on King Street, perhaps because I spot Laura
      (who I saw at the Friki Tiki on Saturday night before the film screening) because I approach her specifically so I can borrow her phone to call the police. She doesn’t want to lend it to me, and not because she is broke, making up an excuse, awkwardly, saying thanks instead of sorry.

      I then ask Cordy in the other aisle to use his phone quickly, which he hands me without hesitation, but I realise that the criminals have sabotaged the emergency line, a strange mix of different voices digitally contorted, which I interpret as muffled laughter.

      I thank him and tell him that it was no use because “they’ve fucked with the [police] line”, at which point he suggests casually that I go up to the police station. I say it’s a good idea but I don’t know where the nearest one is, and he says that it’s just up the street.

      Enthusiastically with pace, I walk up Peacock Parade which is a dark, semi-industrial area, with lots of old brick warehouse fronts, and junk out the front on the sidewalk, broken wooden crates piled up against a telegraph pole, obscuring my field of vision, an illuminated sign on the other side, but standing discarded against the wall, when I hear one of the criminals screaming indignantly, running at full speed from the house, passed the bend in the road where I started at the convenience store, and I start running as fast as I can.

      The short guy catches up to me, around my age, and he runs straight to the bottle shop, open like a fruit market, and picks up a bottle of red wine from the rack, and threatens me, saying that he’ll bend my arm back the wrong way with the bottle against a chopping board, or something, a hard surface but unfixed.

      The police station is right next door and I suddenly make a bolt for the open doorway before he has a chance to block me off, and beat him to it, feeling invincible by passing the threshold, slowing down like a sprinter, down a narrow hall towards the shoulder-high wooden bench with a large authoritarian insignia printed on the front of it, even though there is no one manning it at that moment.
    11. Lucid at Childhood Home & Portal to Svetlana

      by , 01-27-2011 at 03:50 AM
      Very productive night and a full LD.
      As I have been doing lately, I went to bed reading my old DJs. While reading I discovered a bunch of people in a dream from 1995 that are the same as the group of dream friends I have now! I do not know these people outside the dream world and in fact the last siting was at the enclosure with the short haired girl. I had forgotten this old dream and will be looking for more through the thousands of pages of DJ scribblings.

      Dream 1 : Childhood Home
      Lucid 100%

      I was in my old childhood home's sun-room on a sunny day and the sun was pouring in all golden and radiant. I was amazed at how lucid and clear minded I was. I stepped up to one of the many windows and drew back the yellow lace curtains and was amazed to see this place was my old childhood home! I realized what was happening right away and nudged with my elbow into the person besides me that I thought was my mother (I never looked) "This is a dream! This is not now ours, the Zennusies own it." remarking on the ownership of the house. Then I see the old metal shed in the corner of the yard is gone and there are drag marks across the lawn like someone dragged it out to the garbage in the front yard. To my mom I say "so the shed is gone?" I thought she had moved it. She said nothing and I felt she was confused. I had no time to lose vainly trying to convince dreamers that this is a dream, I had to enjoy! I looked out at the yard and it looked more crappy than I had recalled but yes now I remember it really was this bad. Imagine a grass lawn that had never seen weedkiller or fertilizer in 30 years. "I can see individual blades of grass!" The blade stuck out from its background of dirt, one of many dirt patches. The vividness was every bit on pare with physical reality! I ran to the back door to this sun-room. It was always made fun of for having this crappy door with too many locks but this time I imagined many locks and there they were and I chuckled as I unlocked them all to get out, "click, click, click, click".
      I ran out into the yard and remembered someone saying on DV that they ate grass to increase lucidity, this thought discussed me for a slight millisecond till I realized this is not physical grass it's harmless. I found the blade I was looking at from the window, or close enough, and pulled at it but it was tough to pull up! I gave it the thought to pull out and "pop" it pulled out. I chewed on it and it had some grit like dirt on it and oddly didn't taste like grass but something like weak black licorice! I was in heaven (figuratively!)! Walked to where the shed would have been in the corner of the yard with my eyes closed to feel the dream's senses. I recalled Hyu doing this on Terraluna and gaining lucidity. I concentrated on my breathing in and the taste of the licorice grass and even a slight breeze on my face, I could feel everything; hands, feet in shoes, everything! I was near the shed now, seeing with my mind not my vision, but thought I should not see the shed there or else it may interfere with the particular version of the dream I was in and that may lead to loss of stability. So I turned away from the shed's place and walked out of the yard around the garage. "This is crappier than I remember too" I thought. In the road I looked back at all the houses just as they used to be in my youth. The house right next-door was a perpetual dump and here it was right in front of me in all its pathetic glory, I was excited and yelled in my amazement "That's the crap house! Ha!" I looked at the other houses they were all the same, what a great copy of everything!
      Time was a wasting, I needed to think of something to do, in a LD, fast! I couldn't think of anything, the physical world seemed too strange and too far off, like an imaginary place you are sure exists but can only barely picture. Then something came to me and although I knew it wasn't what I really wanted, I didn't want to waste time being bored lest I lose dream control. "Give me a portal to another dimension." Nothing happened. I had to direct it. I looked down at the road and flicked my hand down at it saying the same thing and a tiny portal appeared. It looked like a black and blue portal about the size of the palm of a hand! Kind of small but this is a dream, it'll do. I continued what I was saying for clarification about the dimension "one that I'll understand." I didn't want to see weird stuff I couldn't even benefit from or stuff so strange I lose dream control.
      I walked over to the little portal and it sucked me in and around in circles. I saw a lot of black and blue swirls. Then I saw a motorcycle just floating in the mix of it all! I was thinking "WTH? Why's that here?"

      Then all of a sudden I am in a doorway to a girls room (the walls are pinkish and the white dresser with mirror is in front of the girls) and the girls in there are hurriedly putting on makeup in the mirror like its a race. I notice one of them but I can't imagine how this scene can have her in it and ever be! The girls then all run out of the room in their race but don't seem to notice me to any degree, I'm sure I am invisible, I remember the feeling from other LDs. I get a good look and yes it is Svetlana! She is Russian, born and raised, how is she in this crazy American home with all these kids? In shock I just call her name "Svetlana??" as if to say "is THAT you?" She stopped in her tacks and turned around! but she didn't look at me at all and instead picked up one of 2 hair clips on the floor. (The ugly green carpet btw was pretty dirty.) She then ran off to catch up to her friends. I figured she had heard me but couldn't recognize me. On one level people can hear you but still ignore you in this state, they are having their dreams too and I am not supposed to be in it. I followed her into the living room. She ran left but I stood to the right at the doorway hiding behind the wall so no one that can't see me bumps into me. There are about 4 other people watching TV (1 adult, 3 kids in sweat pants and shirts and white socks) There is a kitchen to my left with warm moist air coming out like there is a big dinner being made in there and I could feel people in there. So there were maybe 9 people in the house. A chubby little boy about 9 years old ran by and I got a good look but never seen him before.
      The dream quickly collapsed and I was comfortably thrust back into my sleeping body and darkness. I instinctively knew what time it was and it was earlier than I needed to be up but I could write this out now.

      This was a valuable dream so I wrote it down (4 pages) in the dark for 3 pages.

      Post script: If this really was a parallel world I was in, then all I could think was that maybe Svetlana was adopted by an American family and this was her life. I'm not sure why I latched onto her, she was a marginal character in my life and only know her a bit and then only for a month.
      The length of this recounting refers to the LDs detail not the actual length which was at most 5 minutes!
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