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    1. 07/14/10 Had an Epic Dream, Remembered Trash

      by , 07-16-2010 at 10:30 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I didn't sleep very well this night, I actually only got around 4 hours of sleep for the entire night. I remember several fragments of dreams, but others have told me that I showed up in other dreams which I completely don't remember including an epic fight with Xildron, a shared dream with Walms, possibly a shared Voyager dream with MoSh… Here are the non-epic fragments I remember…

      *Pirates of the Caribbean*
      I was in a bar working there as a waitress. Somehow this didn't seem strange enough to trigger a reality check even though I have never worked in a bar for a single day in my life… Well, I thought it was completely normal as I fetched drinks and passed them out to a wide array of drunk people amidst a lot of loud talking, boisterous laughter, cat calls, and obnoxious comments… I noticed that the bar was not like a modern day bar with rock music and flashy lights, instead it looked like an old time pub off of an RPG. I had just finished passing out a round of beers and I was heading back for another round when the bar tender, also my boss, signaled me to come over. The bar tender was an older man with a friendly face, although his face was showing clear displeasure now. My first thought that he was upset with me was put to rest when he said the problem was pirates. He said there were two particularly drunk pirates who were arguing with each other and being especially loud and obnoxious, they'd had a bit too much rum, and they were bothering the other customers. I glanced at a group of men in one corner who had insisted on calling me a lot of nasty things and thought the pirates couldn't be worse than them… the bar tender told me to throw the pirates out.

      It didn't seem strange to me that he was asking a woman to throw out two drunk pirates… I knew I could handle them just fine. I went to the pirates he had indicated and pulled the first one to the exit door, physically lifted him up and threw him out where he face planted in the dirt in front of the pub. I threw the second pirate out shortly later, and he face planted right near the first one. It was then that I recognized the pirates… the first one I had thrown out was Jack Sparrow, the second was Barbosa, both from Pirates of the Caribbean.

      I went out and deliberately threw Barbosa into several more face plants, thinking he deserved it. I then went and helped Jack Sparrow up. I knew the authorities were coming and would arrest both pirates… I helped Jack Sparrow away from the pub so the authorities would not find him, they would find only Barbosa. Jack Sparrow was coherent enough to ask why I had come back to help him, and the only response I could come up with was to say I had wanted to help him because he is hot…

      *Pirates of the Caribbean II*
      At the beginning of this dream I was watching a television show that had a small town on an isolated island. They believed if any of them were to leave the island they would be killed by the savages in the outside world. The main character was a young woman who dreamed of leaving the island. It seemed like a much overused plot. As I was watching, however, I found myself in the movie in the role of the young woman. I was outside of my house on a seldom used dock during the night watching a full moon reflecting off of the calm ocean water. I was dreaming of other places when I saw something out there, it was a ship. The ship sailed close to the shore and a man swung from a rope attached to one of the masts and landed on the dock like an acrobat of some kind. I was staring in amazement at that as I saw the man was Captain Jack Sparrow. I couldn't help but think he was hot and fantasize about sailing away with him on that ship to far off places and adventures. But why was he really here? My father came out of the house and yelled at me to get inside the house. He didn't seem to have noticed Jack Sparrow or the ship, I figured he hadn't even looked outside to be sure I was actually there. I quickly went inside the house. Later that night when I was lying in bed trying to sleep there was a tap at my bedroom window. I went over to the window to investigate and, much to my surprise, Jack Sparrow was outside trying to get my attention. I opened the window to see what he wanted, I was just happy to be able to see him again before he left. He said he could tell from the moment he saw me gazing out over the sea that my heart yearned for adventure, his ship was short one crew member… he wanted me to come away with him. And I wanted to go, I really wanted to go, but what would my family think? The door to my bedroom slammed open and my father was there with a furious look on his face, he said I should know better than to associate with out world pirates, and if I was to be seeing a man he would choose that man for me… and that made my decision for me. I told my father it was too late, I had already chosen, and he would not control my life… I climbed out of the window and headed for the ship with Jack Sparrow as my father behind me cursed loud enough for the entire island to hear.

      *Going On a Holiday*
      I was with my friend Alicia and her mother. We had a fun trip to a nearby lake all planned out. We were packing some things up, the trip we had planned included a couple nights of camping and a lot of hiking and playing in the water. It was going to be so fun. While Alicia and I were packing our stuff I wondered if Tigress and Silver might want to come. I thought about asking Alicia if that was ok, but I didn't want to feel like I was imposing by inviting two more people along. Should I ask if Tigress and Silver were even interested? No, I wanted to know if they could come before I presented the idea to them. Alicia's mother was driving the car full of stuff, Alicia was navigating, I was in the back seat. Alicia's mom couldn't drive, Alicia couldn't navigate. Instead of pulling into the car port for the night, we almost ran into my car, turned around somehow, and then somehow ended up three blocks from the house and pointed in the wrong direction. Alicia was mad at her mother, her mother was mad at her, and it ended up with Alicia's mother telling Alicia if she could do better then she should drive. Alicia took the wheel, Alicia's mom got in the back seat with me. We were heading back to the house, taking the long route since Alicia still couldn't navigate, and Alicia's mother placed her hand on my bare leg, I was wearing shorts. Much to my surprise, Alicia's mother started creeping me out when she started massaging my thigh in a sexual manner… uh… I moved her hand off, but she just put her hand back on my thigh and resumed the massaging… This was more than just a little disturbing, lesbian sexual advances from my best friend's mother?! Wtf?!

      *Don't Try to Fix Me; I'm Not Broken*
      I was in a typical RPG style town that can be seen in pretty much any RPG on the market. A lot of the people there were under mind control, they had been corrupted by dark energy. The enemy responsible for doing that to them was already dealt with, but the people were wandering around like zombies now. So I was going through the town and using healing spells on the people I found who had been infected with dark energy. I was just one of a team of healers doing this, it was a large town and a large number of the people were infected. It took a lot of repetitions of my healing spell songs, but finally it seemed I had found and healed the last infected person in the area of town I had to cover. Once the healing was done all of the healers were to meet back in the town square to confirm the healing process was complete. So now I returned to the town square where I found I was the first one back. It was still early, though, so I wasn't going to get concerned for the others until they were quite a bit later. Soon enough they started filtering back in.

      All of us were now talking to each other about how the healing process had gone and how many people we had healed. In spite of being the quickest back to the town square, it also turned out that I had healed the most people. This had been decided on purpose since apparently they all thought quite highly of my healing abilities. We were all talking when one of the healers, a young woman, took a closer look at me. She looked both shocked and worried at the same time, she said I should have mentioned I had been infected. I asked what she was talking about, I wasn't infected with anything. She said she could see dark energy inside me which I had surely gotten from being around so many infected people. She said they shouldn't have put such a large amount of the load on me, it was apparently too much since I was now infected with dark energy. I told her I wasn't infected, I was fine. The dark energy inside me was stable and completely under control, it wasn't a threat to anyone. The other healers didn't seem to understand that or maybe they thought it was impossible to control dark energy, I used to think controlling dark energy was impossible, because now they started doing healing spells on me. Their healing energy was deliberately trying to purge the dark energy out of me, which I didn't really want, but I figured I could get more. Then their healing spells were making my dark energy go unstable, which was not good, so I couldn't let that continue. I told them to stop it, they weren't listening to me and only intensified their healing attempts. I focused on creating a force field to block their healing spells, and they all looked at me as if I was crazy. I told them to stop trying to fix me; I'm not broken! I told them I control my dark energy, not the other way around!

      Updated 07-16-2010 at 10:33 AM by 27700

    2. 07/09/10 Eye of the Dragon

      by , 07-12-2010 at 03:07 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      After tossing and turning for what seemed like forever I finally sat up in bed, rubbing my tired eyes. Why was I unable to fall asleep? Normally I don't have any difficulty falling asleep, but this was clearly going to be one of those nights where I wasn't going to heading back into my dreams. Considering that I'd made plans to go back to find Dragor and finish the task of healing him. Well, that obviously wasn't going to happen tonight unless I managed to find a way to get back to sleep soon. Feeling kind of hungry, I left my room and went to the kitchen without turning on any lights. What I found in the refrigerator made me start drooling…

      it was a chocolate cake! It looked like one of the most delicious chocolate cakes I have ever seen, dark chocolate cake with chocolate icing and slivers of dark chocolate on top of the cake, a ring of strawberries around the edge of the cake. Being hungry, I figured no one would notice if there was an extra sliver of the cake missing… I cut myself a thick slice of cake and happily ate it. Only then did I realize the slice of cake I had taken was extremely obvious to anyone who took even a fleeting look at it. I was trying to figure out some way to cover my tracks when it occurred to me that I could possibly be dreaming. I did a RC and discovered that this was definitely the case. Since I was in a dream anyway, I went back to the refrigerator and ate the rest of the cake.

      Feeling like a pig now, I thought about my other goals for the night. Oh, yeah! I wanted to find Dragor and try again to heal him. With the intent to locate him, I focused on opening a portal and went through it. I stepped from the portal to find myself beside a very familiar looking cave; it was the same cave where I had found Dragor the first time! I hadn't thought there was a chance Dragor would be in the same place as I had found him before… Well, since I had been there before I knew exactly where I needed to go. When I reached the large chamber in at the end of the entry passage I found the same three people there. This time, however, Dragor was walking in front of the other two who were sitting in some big chairs. It was obvious that Dragor was angry at his two companions, he was pacing back and forth and telling them they had better get off their asses and do what he told them before he got really angry. The other two seemed a bit nervous over the threat, but not enough to actually do much… that is they didn't seem to want to do much until they looked behind Dragor and saw me. When he saw the other two staring over at me, Dragor also turned to see I was there.

      This time it was immediately apparent that none of them wanted to waste time on idle chat. The three of them attacked me on sight, firing large blasts of energy at me. Witchblade formed immediately and protected me from the power of the blast, the force of it propelled me back through the passage and out the mouth of the cave. I landed there and looked back into the cave where I saw the three of them coming, Dragor in the lead. I waited for them to approach me as I considered my options for getting Dragor on his own. There was a blur of motion as the two guys with Dragor split to my right and left and attacked me from those directions. Now was the chance… I opened a portal directly behind Dragor and charged directly at him, right into his lightning attack and tackled him right through the portal…

      The portal I had opened led to an isolated location; a dead world not far from the planet I had been on when I found Dragor. I hadn't specified where the portal should go, I had just directed the type of location I had needed the portal to lead, and I had wanted it to lead somewhere that a big fight between Dragor and me would not hurt anyone else. I surveyed the surrounding area. The landscape that surrounded us was completely devoid of life. Dragor stood glaring at me, the only thing I could see in his eyes was pure hate. And yet I knew that somewhere inside of him there was a spark, a chance for his heart to be healed, a chance for him to be set free of this hate and to live his life how he chose. But he was not going to make healing him easy, it was obvious that he was going to fight it every step of the way, holding onto is hatred in the same manner a drug addict will hold onto their drugs even though those drugs are killing them. He said if I wanted to play, this would be the last game of my life.

      All I saw was a blur of motion as Dragor came directly at me in a full on attack. My training with Vegeta must be doing some good, as I reflexively jumped into the air and avoided Dragor's attack, coming down on his back with a hard kick that sent him head first into the dirt where he dug a trench with his face. That didn't even phase him, though, as he did a flip back onto his feet, turning to face me at the same time. He had a smirk on his face. He said he was glad this wasn't going to be as easy as he had thought it would be with me being a mere human. He moved his hands as if he was doing a Final Flash like Vegeta on Dragonball Z, instead of an energy blast, however, a blast of lightning came out of his hands. I used Whiplash to deflect the bolts back at their source. After reflecting back in the opposite direction, however, the bolt of lightning split into two separate bolts, circled around, and hit me from behind, the result was I was knocked over and was sparking all over. Dragor, apparently thinking the attack had done more than it actually had, was laughing at me and asked if I wanted to change my mind about fighting him since he really saw no advantage to destroying an opponent as weak as me.

      Ok… it was time to stop being on the defensive and go on the offensive. I had the idea that since I had attempted to heal him he would expect light energy attacks and know how to block them. I thought maybe he wouldn't expect the dark energy techniques I have modeled after Alex Mercer on Prototype…

      I had the song Phantom Lord by Metallica playing, but more because it helps me get more energy than because I was using it to focus a spell. I selected Alex Mercer's spike attack, sending dark energy into the ground to have it erupt right under Dracor in the form of razor spikes. Dragor responded instantly, jumping into the air, clear of the spikes while laughing. A bit more dark energy… and a blast of dark energy lightning came from the tip of each of the spikes, centered in on Dragor. Apparently he wasn't ready for that one, as he failed to get out of the way as the dark energy lightning wrapped around him and pulled him into the ground hard as the spikes retracted. So now Dragor was even more pissed off and on his back in the middle of a small crater.

      But I also saw that the dark energy inside Dragor was beginning to become more unstable as he had tried to absorb some of the energy in the lightning attack I had just hit him with. With it being unstable, there would be a better chance to draw some of it out. So I switched from Phantom Lord to Silver and Cold by AFI (Your sins in to me, my beautiful one…). The effect of this healing song was to pull quantities of dark energy directly out of Dragor and into me. Even that wasn't as easy as it sounds… he was more than willing to relinquish some of his energy, in the form of flame attacks, sending waves of black flames in my direction. I had to redirect my healing spell, place it in conjunction with Fuel by Metallica (Gimme fuel, gimme fire, gimme that which I desire!", to absorb all of the dark energy as it came in my direction. I was focusing on The Curse by Disturbed to try to stabilize all of that dark energy as it came it, but it was looking like it might be too much energy to stabilize all at once.

      No matter how unstable my energy might be getting, Dragor's was much more unstable because he was pissed off. He erupted into a massive blast of fire powered by dark energy. The entire area around him burst into flames, flames reaching high into the sky and scorching the ground around them, burning into the surface of the planet itself to make a large crater there. I could hear Dragor inside the flames laughing maniacally, saying that there was no way he could be defeated by one as pathetic as a mere human, his full power would crush me like a gnat… he continued yelling and laughing, sounding like nothing short of a complete lunatic. The flames around him blasted into an even brighter blast which was nearly blinding to look into. Witchblade was protecting me from the force of the flames as I focused on absorbing some more of the energy…

      This wasn't getting anywhere… but it did appear he was expending a large amount of his energy into all of those flames. So maybe I might have some success in using a healing spell at this point. So I focused on using the song Touch My Heart off of the Devil Hunter Yohko soundtrack. The song started playing, and the first thing I noticed was something I'm not used to seeing… it was forming a sphere of light energy around me that was blocking out the dark energy flames. I was able to approach Dragor much more easily than I had expected with the dark energy being blocked out by the sphere of light. When I got close enough to Dragor I was able to move on to the next part of the spell; a pillar of blue and white energy erupted around Dragor,

      which clearly got him even more pissed off or maybe it was actually hurting him, because I could hear loud roars from within the energy pillar that I couldn't tell if they were of rage, pain, or both. The pillar of light burned bright until it had burned off all of the dark energy flames and left nothing but a huge charred crater with an unconscious Dragor in the middle of it.

      I went over to Dragor, he was alive, though he looked quite disoriented from the entire ordeal. I had some unstable dark energy inside of me… so I was focusing on The Curse by Disturbed (Defying the curse that has taken hold, never surrender, I'll never be overcome!) to stabilize the dark energy inside of me. I had gotten it mostly stabilized when Dragor got up and looked at me strangely, still looking very disoriented. The song spell to use now was Of Wolf and Man (I feel I change, back to a better day… Hair stands on the back of my neck… In wildness is the preservation of the world, so seek the wolf in thyself! Shape shift nose to the wind, shape shift feeling I've been, move swift all senses clean, earth's gift, back to the meaning of wolf and man!) to change Dragor back to his true form, which is that of a blue dragon.

      Dragor now had the form of a huge dragon, three heads, shining scales that looked like they were made out of brushed steel, breathing bolts of lighting, roaring so loud that the surrounding mountains were shaking with the sound. The entire dragon was sparking, an electric dragon, it was an awesome sight to see. The dragon finally calmed down and looked directly at me with its middle head, now the dragon had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen…

      Dragor made a snorting sound in my direction before flapping his massive wings and taking flight into the sky and disappearing through a portal that appeared there. He had just disappeared from sight when everything around me faded and I woke.
      lucid , memorable
    3. #106. A Spark

      by , 07-11-2010 at 08:08 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I just remembered this as I was walking home.


      May it be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out.

      The first time I woke up last night, I had such a feeling of contentment and happiness that it was unreal. I couldn't remember the dream that I had, but the feeling followed me throughout the day.

      In another dream, I was cradling a piece of wood in my hands. A little piece of the wood was on fire, but the rest wasn't catching. I had to keep the flame going.

      I order a DC to find me some kindling, so we can get the fire going properly. I maintain my focus on the spark, keeping the flame alive. The DC comes back with some bark and twigs, and I carefully set down my prize, and feed fuel into the fire.

      At one point, the spark goes out, but I will it back into existence.

      A Spark. Scare Factor: 1.

      I had such a great night, guys. Still, this only slightly counts as a drunk post.

      Happy feels like warm red dancing through the darkness.
    4. 07/06/10 Close Shut the Book of Abyss

      by , 07-09-2010 at 02:02 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I rolled over and got out of bed. The darkness in the room made it impossible to even see my own hand in front of my face. How could it be that dark? I got out of bed and groped my way through the darkness. The room seemed to go on forever. Far beyond where my bedroom door should have been I was still going. This was clearly not normal. I decided to do a RC, and found out that I was dreaming.

      I summoned a light so I could see the room I was in. Surprisingly enough, the room turned out to be my bedroom. I wondered how I had been walking forever and still not have left my room. That didn't really matter any longer. I looked around the room, trying to remember my goals. The book from the Akashic Records was sitting on my dresser. I remembered my encounter with the evil sorcerer that seemed to live inside the book. He had said he was bound to the book, and had shown clear hatred for all living things and a definite desire to get out of the book. He had said in no uncertain terms that if he had not been bound to the book he would have wanted to kill me on sight just for having light energy in me. I had not seen a single thing about him that I liked. Anything he could possibly have to teach wasn't something I wanted to learn. So instead of returning to the book I wanted to lock it back up and send it back where it came from, or even better, to a place it would never be found.

      I picked the book up off of the dresser and lied it down on my bed. It seemed completely harmless now. There was no sign of the evil contained within. Nothing on the book that could betray that it was anything other than an ordinary antique book. I had a thought in the back of my mind that maybe finding the evil sorcerer had nothing to do with the book… maybe an evil entity had seen me trying to use the book and had teleported me elsewhere to try to use me. Maybe if I was to open the book now there wouldn't be any problem with getting the information out of it. Maybe… maybe… maybe… No… that was way too many maybes. Something about that book intended to get me to go into it again, no doubt the power of that damned sorcerer. No way could he be trusted.

      The locks on the book hung open. They looked simple enough to seal again. I tried to lock the book closed. It wouldn't stay. I would fasten the lock just to have it come open again on its own. Why was that happening? That seemed like a bad sign, like the thing inside had already started the process of getting itself out. I wasn't sure how powerful that sorcerer was, but there was no way that having him get out could be considered a good thing. I tried a few more times to make the book stay sealed closed. Those ideas included different energy flows, including the one that had caused it to open and the inverse of the one that had caused it to open. Nothing worked. Maybe I would have to ask someone about this. I thought it seemed really retarded that I had opened the book and now I couldn't lock it again. I knew it would be a stupid move to go back into the book and end up releasing the sorcerer, but had I already done something incredibly stupid? If I had, then I would have to set it right. No two ways about it. That meant finding out a spell that would seal the sorcerer back into the book or into something similar or destroy the sorcerer or heal him on the off chance he had a spark somewhere in there… But maybe it wasn't down to that yet.

      Not wanting to leave the book alone for some reason, I telepathically contacted Q. I told Q what the current problem was. Q responded by saying that since Sephiroth is part dark energy, I should contact Sephiroth. Q said Sephiroth would have a better understanding of the dark energy at work inside the book. So I telepathically contacted Sephiroth. I repeated to Sephiroth what the problem with the book was. Sephiroth said he would be right there. And sure enough, only a second or so had passed before Sephiroth appeared in my room. Sephiroth came over beside me on my bed and sat down, picking the book up and taking a look at it. Sephiroth turned the book over in his hands a few times, seeming a bit puzzled. He examined the lock closely, latching it closed only to have it come open again. I asked him if he knew what was wrong. He indicated to me to be quiet, looked at the book some more, then finally said that this lock would need a specific flow of energy to seal it, just as it had needed a specific flow of energy to open it. Sephiroth examined the book a bit more and then latched the lock closed. This time it stayed locked.

      Sephiroth got up from my bed, looked at the book a bit longer, then he set the book down on my dresser. I asked him if he wasn't going to take it with him. He said not yet. He said he wasn't sure that book was supposed to be in the Akashic Records to begin with. I said I thought every book ever written was in there. Sephiroth shook his head. He said every piece of knowledge is kept there, but not every book ever written or created. Information on dark energy could surely be found there, including information on how to use it and control it. But if this book was created to house and imprison an evil entity, it surely was not intended to be in the Akashic Records. He said he was going to find out more about the book before deciding what to do with it. He added that since the book had not been bothered in my room so far, it seemed best not to move it. There would be a lot of evil forces that would love to get their hands on that book, either to claim its knowledge or even to release the sorcerer. And that would not be a good thing. I waited there a few more minutes, spent some time with Sephiroth. After spending some time with Sephiroth, I felt the dream slipping. I didn't even try to stop it. I had gotten to be very relaxed while I was with Sephiroth. So now everything in the dream faded to black and I woke.

      Updated 07-09-2010 at 02:06 AM by 27700

    5. 07/06/10 The Healing of S

      by , 07-08-2010 at 03:22 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: Several plans for this evening. First I did more training with Vegeta. Did a quick run through of the previously completed challenges, and then moved on to the maze. My reaction time is improving greatly just from the nightly training. Vegeta says if I keep this up, I will be moving and reacting so quickly that my enemy will have trouble keeping track of me. Who needs to teleport when you move as fast as that? Vegeta's time dilation allowed me to get a few hours training into less than an hour of waking life time. I am finding my memories of the training aren't as clear as they were in the beginning… Vegeta says that's fine, don't worry about it. The training needs to become instinctive, so remembering it is not important. Next I wanted to heal MoSh after he had been having some pains last night, followed by one more healing on S to make sure she is ok. And I still want to have a shared DDO dream with Tigress where we both remember it well. Still working on that one. I have decided not to go back into the Book of the Abyss again. I didn't like that sorcerer I found in there. I didn't like his attitude, I didn't like the feeling I got from him, I didn't like the fact he slipped disturbing images in with the images showing different fighting techniques, I didn't like the fact he had put down the fact that Walms restores nature by using dark energy… I didn't like anything about him. My first WILD went to training with Vegeta, this starts with my second dream.

      I got out of bed and looked at the clock. The clock said it was 1:30 in the afternoon! Oh, shit! I'd intended to be up by about 10:30! I threw on my clothes and ran out of my bedroom… and into a dark room. Wtf? My bedroom door closed behind me, leaving me in total darkness. I groped around in the darkness until I felt a wall. The wall felt like panels of cold steel. This made absolutely no sense. I followed the wall to the side until I found a corner, then I followed that wall. I could hear my footsteps echoing off of the steel floor. Why couldn't I see anything? I needed light. So far this felt like being in a strange dream where nothing was right… a dream? Maybe I was dreaming… I did a RC and confirmed that fact. I became lucid.

      I formed a ball of light in my hand so I would be able to see. The light reflected off of the metal surfaces of the room. The sound of my footsteps echoed. I thought about my dream goals. I wanted to go meet MoSh to take care of a couple of things. So I opened a portal to MoSh's inner world and went through it.

      I found MoSh waiting on the other side of the portal. MoSh asked if I was ready to go. I said I would be ready as soon as I did a healing on MoSh for the pains he had experienced the previous night. MoSh agreed to that, so we went into his house and into one of the bedrooms. MoSh lied down on the bed and I focused on the song Voices from the Macross Plus soundtrack. Golden energy formed and flowed through MoSh as the song played through. After that was done I opened a portal to go find S. The portal opened easily and I went through, followed by MoSh.

      The portal exited into a familiar scene of a church with a small graveyard beside it. Things didn't look as dark or dreary as I remembered it. It looked like a pleasant little church. Like in the photo, except it was night out. In the graveyard I saw a woman. She was beside one of the graves with some flowers. She set the flowers beside the grave and then looked over at MoSh and me. It was S. She looked over at us, she had a strange look on her face. She was the reason why I was there. I headed over to S. When I got closer to S I saw she was looking past me at MoSh. She said something about the bitch bringing her mutt mate. So apparently she was not happy to see us…

      I approached S, completely ignoring her comments. I did an energy scan of her. She was contaminated by dark energy. I could take that out… I briefly remembered things going bad the last time I tried that with her… should I try it again? Yes… I knew how to be more careful. I used Silver and Cold to draw dark energy out of S. MoSh used a healing spell, putting light energy into S. This time I watched the energy I was drawing out to make sure I wasn't trying to absorb any sentient entities. I drew the dark energy out, MoSh replaced it, and I didn't see any sign of a sentient entity. The process went smoothly. When the process was over, the area looked even brighter. It actually looked quite nice. I opened a portal back to MoSh's inner world.

      When we got back to MoSh's inner world, I noticed the dream seemed to be ending. Time to dilate time. I told MoSh I wanted to do something more with him if he didn't mind. He said that was cool. I figured that might not even matter… if he wasn't going to remember me. Either way, I decided to dilate time. I focused on Allura's method of time dilation, dilating time to the point where one hour in waking life equaled four hours of dream time.

      Note: The dream state completely changed plots here, so I will separate the next part into a separate dream.
    6. 07/05/10 The Book of the Abyss

      by , 07-07-2010 at 08:19 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I woke up and sat up in my bed. I couldn't see anything in my dark room. I got out of bed and headed for the door. I tripped over something furry… with a loud hiss, the cat ran out the door. Crap… I hadn't intended to step on a kitty… I followed the running cat and found her in the living room. I turned on the light so I could see the kitty better. A cute little tortoiseshell kitty jumped into one of the chairs and curled up to go to sleep. I did a double take at seeing that. The tortoiseshell cat could be no other than my beloved Amber…

      but Amber got too old and sick, we had to have her put to sleep over 3 years ago. Yet there she was, curled up on the chair and sleeping. I approached the kitty, a bit afraid she would disappear and prove to have been just an illusion. I stroked her soft fur. She no longer appeared angry from being kicked, she started purring loudly. Amber always had such a loud purr. I scooped the kitty into my arms and hugged her close to me. Nothing could make me let go of that kitty… never again. I hugged my purring kitty close to me. It was a dream come true to have her back. Wait… no… what if all of this really was just a dream… a dream that would disappear before I knew it was gone… then Amber would disappear with the dream… no, I didn't want to lose her again, my beautiful Amber... I did an RC… Definitely a dream. I held Amber close to me, I felt like I would cry…

      Amber started to wiggle. She wanted to go. I set her on the floor and she rubbed around my legs a few times before going into the other room where the cat food is. I could hear her eating in there. It seemed so unfair that I had to lose her again… Now to get my mind off of that and onto one of my dream goals. Open and read some of the contents of that locked book I found in the Akashic Records. I went into my bedroom and found the book on my dresser. I took the book and lied it on the bed. I undid the lock, the lock opened easily. I had already figured out the lock earlier, though I no longer remembered how the lock had opened. I opened the book to the beginning and looked inside. The pages felt like parchment under my hands. There was such detail on the book for a dream… such beautiful detail. I admired the leather cover and the pages inside right down to the fact they were completely blank. I flipped through some more pages in the book. Blank, blank, blank… I couldn't find a single line of text or a single picture in the entire book! So how could that help me with anything? Completely annoyed, I slammed the book closed. This sucked. All that trouble to get into the book for absolutely nothing. So I would do something else during this dream. There was still time left… and I hadn't yet dilated time, so I could make it even longer. So what would I do next?

      When I reached the door I got a strong feeling that I should turn around and go back to the book. Something about the book pulled at my mind, insisted that I return. I walked back over to the bed and sat down. I had a very strong feeling guiding me to pick up the book and open it again. But how could a blank book help me any? It couldn't help. The insistent feeling continued. The urging, the pull. This feeling could not be denied. I had to open the book. I lied the book on my bed again and opened it up to some random point in the middle. The blank pages stared back at me as if taunting me with their mystery. I reached out and touched the page of the book, felt the parchment. The parchment felt like liquid now… like it wasn't quite solid. My hand sank into the liquid, and then I felt myself falling… falling… and everything faded to black before a whole new location came into view…

      I surveyed my new surroundings. I floated down to what looked like a stone platform floating in the middle of an endless abyss… weird place. Purple clouds or something filled the abyss, but that only made it look emptier. The large stone platform floated in the abyss without any obvious means of support. I floated down and landed gently on the large stone platform. I looked across the platform, which looked to be about the size of a few football fields… not a small place. A figure stood at the far side of the platform. I could not tell who he was. I moved closer to the figure, the figure did not respond to my presence at all. The figure could have been a statue if it wasn't for the subtle movements I noticed as he shifted his position. I approached slowly.

      "Get on with it, will you?" the man said, "Do I look like I have all night? Come over here and tell me what you are doing with a book about dark energy. You don't look like a dark energy being… I see way too much of that disgusting light stuff in you. So tell me what you're after and make it quick, I have little patience for those of your kind."

      "Those of my kind?" I asked.

      "Light entities," the man responded in an irritated manner, "If I had not been bound to this book you would already be dead, fool. Now either tell me what you want here or go away!"

      So he didn't like light energy. I wondered what he would think of Walms. I saw the man looking at me with an intense star that made it look like he could peer right into my mind.

      "I have seen this person you are referring to as Walms…" the man said with obvious disdain, "I can see much of what goes on in the worlds, I just can't participate. I saw your Walms using dark energy to restore a forest." He scoffed, "There are those who don't realize dark energy is not meant to create life, it is meant to destroy life. Using dark energy to plant flowers… such a waste. Now, for the last time, why are you here?!"

      I pushed thoughts of Walms out of my mind, and focused on creating a mental shield to keep this guy out of my thoughts. I saw the annoyance on his face when I did that. I told the man that I wanted to control the dark energy. When I said that, he seemed to be a bit more interested. He said most of my kind only seek to destroy dark energy, and all who use it. I told him I was no longer that blind, dark energy can't be destroyed, if it did that would destroy the balance of the reality. He snorted at that. He said if I want to use dark energy I would have to get rid of that light crap I have right now. I said no, I would have both. He looked a bit surprised, but got an interesting smirk.

      "So you seek to live in both the dark and the light at the same time? You would dwell in the world of twilight?" the man was asking me, "Not just anyone can control both the dark and the light simultaneously. Mostly one has to select between the two, at least for their primary energy. Choose either dark or light." He looked at me as if evaluating something about me. His gaze was so intense I could feel him probing over me… I reinforced my mental shield to be sure he could not see my thoughts again. "But yes, it looks like you might just be able to do it… as long as the process doesn't drive you mad."

      "I will control both," I said, trying to sound confident. I had the feeling it would be an error to display any form of weakness to this man. I asked him who he was.

      "I am the darkness," he said, "I am the destroyer of worlds, I am the bringer of night. My name would mean nothing to you, though, human. If I was free right now I would rend your soul from your worthless carcass and devour it whole… you would be forever imprisoned within me, where you would experience an eternity in hell." He chuckled as if thinking of a pleasant thing. "But alas, it is not to be. I have been bound to this book and am now forced into servitude to fools like you. Teaching you how to use dark energy. There's still some fun to be had when fools who think they can control it are instead consumed by it, but not nearly enough. So if you seek my knowledge, come over here. I find some things about you amusing, but my patience for you is running thin."

      I wondered if I should trust this person. Who knows what he might try if I got too close. I eyed him from my current position, wondering what the best action would be.

      "Oh, for the hate of…" he said in a very impatient voice, "This cursed book won't allow me to directly harm anyone. And if I had wanted to kill you, you would have been dead long before you got even that close. Now get over here or go away. I'm not going to say that again. I might not be able to harm you, but I can refuse you my services."

      I went over to the dark sorcerer. He violently and suddenly took hold of my right wrist with his left hand, and my left wrist with his right hand. It felt like his grip could break my bones. But any pain I might have felt was instantly numbed by a surge of icy cold energy. Like dry ice. The cold flowed through my body in a massive rush. I felt instantly both drained and energized. Images filled my mind, images of various moves that looked like Alex Mercer from Prototype… the form changing, the consuming, the tendrils, the spikes coming from the ground, the sword, the claws… and some things I didn't remember seeing at all… becoming a dark vapor, fusing with an enemy to take control of them, creating raging black flames, calling forth darklings that would do my bidding, absorbing dark energy from any source, including the darklings I had just summoned… The flurry of images passed through my mind so fast I didn't even catch all of them. The images of using dark energy powers were interspersed with disturbing images of violence, torture, and death. I didn't see all of those, either, but I saw images of a child impaled on a spike, crying and writhing in pain, darklings coming out and eating the child alive, seeming to feed more on the cries of pain than on the flesh… I knew I had missed quite a few images, both of the torture and of the powers, but then the images stopped. The dark sorcerer pushed me away from him, my legs buckled and I fell to the ground.

      "Maybe I was wrong," the sorcerer laughed, "If you can't even handle that, you haven't got a chance of handling dark energy. Don't expect to be able to use those powers on your own yet… that's assuming you saw any of them… and return here in 24 hours time… if you have the backbone to take another step into darkness." I stood up, facing the dark sorcerer. I didn't want to show any sign of weakness. "Now be gone, human. We have no further business to discuss here tonight." With a flick of his hand, an invisible force sent me flying up into the air. I passed through the surface of the book and crashed into the wall of my own bedroom. Ok… that was weird… I wondered if it was wise to return there again… or if this was all a trick.
    7. 06/30/10 Revenge Served Cold

      by , 07-02-2010 at 05:44 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: I fell asleep this night with my energy in a very unstable state due to some problems I had during the evening. When I say unstable, I mean unstable to the point where I was not able to finish my evening class in school… I had to tell the instructor I wasn't feeling well and then leave early. While I had managed to calm down some by the time I went to bed, I was still very unstable. A large portion of my negative energy was directed at the Templars who have given me nightmares on the previous two nights… so my main plan was to kick Templar ass. I had this plan in mind when I fell asleep, but I was not successful in entering my WILD. Fortunately, my intentions were strong enough that I still ended up where I wanted to be…

      I was in my room. I was in bed. I rolled over and thought about the events of the previous evening. I was a nice mixture of pissed off and depressed, basically quite unstable. I was thinking that was why I was being unable to sleep. I sat up in bed and stroked the kitty beside me. She purred. I got out of bed to use the bathroom. I thought I should try to stay in the habit of doing an RC when I wake up or get up in the night… even if I don't think I've been asleep… I did a nose-pinch RC and found that I was dreaming. I became fully lucid.

      I thought about what I wanted to do… I was feeling pissed off… and I wanted someone to take that out on. Templars! They were the origin of my current problems, so I would take it all out on Templars! I had told them that continuing to disturb my dreams and turn them into them nightmares would result in serious consequences. Now it was time to deliver on those consequences. I focused on opening a portal to find a Templar base, I would go straight to them and have a kill fest right there in their base. The portal opened and I went through it.

      I was now in a Templar base. There were Templars wandering around. They all were going about their own business. At first no one noticed me. Those were the bastards who had turned my past two nights' dreams into nightmares… they were the cause of the instability and the situation that had led to an argument between a friend and mine who had told me that he no longer wants to be my friend… I walked over to the Templar closest to me as the others moved out of sight. I could feel unstable dark energy inside of me… my energy had been unstable all evening, and now I could finally do something about it! I grabbed the Templar by the throat and slammed him against the wall. He let out a surprised 'glurk' but could not speak to alert the others. I squeezed his throat until I felt something get crushed, then I let him down. He grabbed his neck and was choking… he couldn't breathe… he coughed up blood, collapsed, and died.

      One dead Templar was not nearly enough. Time to start killing them in larger numbers. I went into a room with two Templars there. A big guard and another who looked more like a scientist. I used Master of Puppets on the guard, and made him beat the other Templar to death. I then made him grab a scissors from a desk and imbed it into his own throat, followed by using the scissors to cut the wound larger. He pierced his own jugular vein and bled out . I continued through the base. I met several Templars in the halls. I stabbed each of them with my hidden blade before they realized I didn't belong there. I looked into a large control room. There were 15 Templars in there at control stations. I let a tendril of Witchblade out, it went through the room and pierced the throats of each Templar. The instant I retracted the tendril, the blood flowed freely and they all died.

      As I continued on my way, I tried to think of a creative way to kill the next Templar… I found a lone Templar in the hall. He stopped and looked at me. I used Damage, Inc. to set him on fire. The Templar was quickly engulfed in flames. In a blind panic, he ran into another room with a number of Templars in it. He wanted someone to help him, but all he ended up accomplishing was to set several more of the Templars on fire… now there were five Templars panicking in the room, engulfed in flames and screaming in pain. That didn't last long; they all collapsed, dead. I killed the next few Templars I met with my Witchblade sword. Electrocuted a few with lightning. Crushed several more with gravity. And each Templar I killed was immensely satisfying. My unstable energy was simmering down to an icy rage.

      It was around here that I thought I was waking up… but I wasn't finished getting my payback against these Templar assholes! I focused on Allura's method of time dilation and the dream stabilized.

      I made my way down into a dungeon. That looked like the kind of place where they would carry out their tortures. There were hooks on the walls from which lanterns were hanging. I used telekinesis and lifted a Templar up, impaling him on a hook through his abdomen. He was still alive when I left him, coughing up blood as he tried to call for help. The next several Templars I came across met the same fate as the first one, hung from those iron lantern hooks. I found three more Templars near an open dungeon cell door. A couple of big guards and a smaller one. I could hear them talking, I could hear them clearly.

      "Ok… when she gets here," the one said to the others, "You grab her like last time. All you have to do is chain her up in this room, and we'll let the rats do the rest." He laughed.

      I was standing right beside the three Templars now, between the two larger guards while the smaller man was facing away from me, looking at a door. "So…" I said, "What's the plan here?"

      "Weren't you listening at all?" the Templar said with some frustration, "You two grab Raven, chain her up in the dungeon, and then we watch the rats eat her alive! Now get it…" the Templar had been turning around, and was now facing me. There was a big guy on either side of me. "There she is right now! Grab her, you idiots!"

      Each of the big Templars grabbed one of my arms and held on tight. I didn't even try to pull free. Time to activate Witchblade. Nothing happened. The smaller Templar held up a remote and laughed. He said the dampening field was up, so I could forget my little tricks. I told him it was their loss. Using Witchblade would have brought them to a much quicker death than the alternative… The smaller Templar told the other two to put me in the cell; the rats are hungry. He laughed again. I focused on controlling dark energy into tendrils. The tendrils wove from each of my arms and wrapped around the arms of the big guys beside me. At first they didn't seem to notice. Then both of them started screaming and let go of me… or they tried to let go. Each of them had a black tendril boring its way into their arm. Each attempt to pull free resulted in more pain.

      The third Templar just stood there and stared at us for a bit, muttering something about the dampening field he had mentioned before. He pulled out a sword and was apparently intent on just killing me so I would wake up and be away from them. A third dark energy tendril snaked out of where my 3rd eye would be and wrapped around the sword. The Templar dropped the sword and turned to run down the hall. The tendril was faster, and it bored its way into the Templar's back. Armor was nothing to the dark energy tendril. All three of the Templars were now screaming in pain. Their screams brought more Templars to see what was happening. The tendrils that attached me to the three separated, and I was able to direct those tendrils and more at the arriving Templars. Most of them didn't have a chance to react… a couple tried to cut the tendrils with swords, but that was completely ineffective. So soon all of the Templars in the room, the three I had found there plus 12 who had come to check it out, were writhing on the ground in pain.

      I went over to the Templar who had been telling the big stupid ones the plan. He was grimacing in pain and clutching his abdomen. I kicked him there and lifted him up. I told him I knew he would wake up soon, but for his sake he had better have learned a valuable lesson… don't fuck with me. And don't go back to fucking with any of my friends, either. Harm one of them and the results will be the same, maybe worse. Get the picture? He cursed at me. I slammed him against the wall and said if he was still failing to get it, there's a lot more trouble where this came from. So stay away from me, stay away from my friends, or there would be consequences. I dropped him on the ground where he continued to writhe in pain. I wasn't sure what the dark energy tendrils were doing… or maybe I was… they were eating the Templars alive from the inside out. Well, they had intended for me to be eaten alive, so their plan backfired.

      I went into the dungeon cell and looked around. Chains and shackles on the floor clearly meant to chain a prisoner so they couldn't move… cages with horribly underfed rats inside them; add animal cruelty to the list of Templar offenses… I felt my dark energy. It still felt like an icy rage… I was glad the Templars were in pain. But not the animals… they had done nothing. I opened the cages. The rats weren't in such bad condition that they couldn't make a run for it when given the chance. They ran for the cell door and out it. I heard more screams from the Templars. I glanced out and saw some of the rats were on various Templars. The Templars seemed nearly immobilized with pain from the dark energy tendrils… and now there were rats on them. A rat chewing on a Templar's ear, a rat chewing on a Templar's cheek, a rat chewing on a Templar's nose… The rats would be fed… but it was fresh Templar on the menu… I shut the cell door and was waiting to wake up. Now I was alone in the dark room with nothing but the background sounds of Templar pain.

      I was waiting in the dark room to wake up. The icy rage inside me made the Templars' dying gasps of pain sound like wonderful music… then there was silence. Ok… now to wake up? Maybe that dampening field was still there and I would have to leave here by normal means and then wake up… I formed a fireball in my hand… my abilities seemed to be working fine.

      "Raven!" came a voice from behind me. Wtf? Who had found me here? I turned and looked behind me, I saw MoSh was in the room with me. The icy rage I had felt inside had been starting to subside… but suddenly it surged back again, almost as strong as it had ever been. Now it was MoSh's turn… I would see him writhing on the ground in pain… I would… wait… no… I turned my gaze back to the blank dark stone wall. Watching Templars suffer… ok. But not MoSh… no. I focused on that blank stone wall and on The Curse by Disturbed, must stabilize the dark energy. It'd had its fun with the Templars… and that's all it was going to get. MoSh was saying something about dark energy and an attack. I said that telling me to stay out of his dreams doesn't make a whole lot of sense if he is just going to come into mine. He said he needed my help to stop the dark energy something… I said if there was a dark energy threat, get Walms or Tigress… and if it was simply an extremely powerful threat of any kind, get Vegeta… but don't stay here. My energy is currently about as stable as nitroglycerin… well shaken nitroglycerin, and could blow at any moment. And it was getting very unstable… it hadn't been very unstable earlier because I had been working with it to eliminate Templars, but now I was actively fighting it… and that was creating instability.

      That was it… I wouldn't be able to keep it inside any longer. I turned back towards MoSh… who took a step back when he saw how crazed I probably looked… I opened a vortex portal right next to MoSh that led back to his inner world, used telekinesis to push him through, closed it behind him and then BOOM! There was an explosion… and then I was no longer standing in a Templar base… now I was standing in a crater… um… ok… I hadn't realized the explosion would be quite that bad… although the icy rage was completely gone now. Completely vented off against the Templars. I looked around the crater… I didn't think a single Templar could have survived… which brought me to a chuckle. But I felt stable. Finally it felt completely under control. Now that control was restored everything faded and I woke.

    8. 06/15/10 Astral Dream Demons

      by , 06-29-2010 at 03:34 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: This is a dream that happened back on the 15th of the month, and I would swear I had journaled and posted this dream, but I couldn't find any trace of it. No copy on Dreamviews, no copy on Mortal Mist, no copy on my personal laptop… somehow it disappeared completely. There were quite a few similarities with Nomad's version of the dream, as well as some differences, so here is my version of the dream where Nomad, me, and several other dreamers went to help a friend of his with a dream demon.

      I was in the biodome on the moon, and I was lucid. I was sitting there watching the koi. The pretty fish were swimming around in the pool. The sunlight was reflecting off of their shiny scales and off of the surface of the water. It was really very pretty. I was sitting there watching the fish when someone approached behind me. I turned to look and saw it was Nomad. I remembered that he had a friend with a dream demon giving her nightmares, an older woman. I asked if he was there so we could go help his friend… he said yes. I thought for a bit… I was thinking someone else had said they wanted to come help with this… but who? I was lucid, and yet my mind wasn't fully clear. But of course my mind isn't completely clear IWL, so why would I expect 100% clarity in my dreams? Nomad opened a portal and both of us went through…

      On the other side we were in someone's bedroom. There was a woman sleeping in the bed with a… um… an ugly thing sitting on top of her, looked like it was holding her down to the bed. But she wasn't reacting to the thing's presence… the thing was the size of a large human, looked demonic, and appeared to be absorbing some kind of energy from the woman. I didn't know what the thing was doing to her, but I could easily tell it wasn't good… Nomad transformed into a big cat… a solid black jaguar…

      In that form he attacked the dream demon on top of the woman, hitting it across the face with one enormous paw, claws fully extended. The force of the blow knocked the demon off of the woman and onto the ground, practically turning the thing's head around on its neck… The thing got back up and used its hands to forcibly turned its head back toward the front with a rather sickening cracking noise. It started laughing at Nomad. It didn't seem to be paying any attention to me at all… I wasn't going to have that. I transformed into a big cat, a black panther… which looked mostly like Nomad except the spots were vaguely visible on his coat where as mine was a black as midnight…

      I pounced on the back of the demon, drawing the demon's dark energy out of it and into me. Nomad had changed into an Assassin dressed in solid black robes, he drove his hidden blade right into the demon's head. The demon collapsed, seemed to be calling out to someone, but then it was completely out of energy and faded to nothing.

      I was about to ask Nomad what the demon had been calling to when there was a portal opening… and a bunch of Templars coming through? On brooms like a Halloween witch would use? I was briefly doing a double take at that… A group of Templars coming to aid a demon and pretending to be Halloween witches at the same time… um… One of them was talking to Nomad, seemed to be annoying him. I went to another one and asked what the fuck he was doing. He said he was working for witches or something. I then asked the first question I had thought upon seeing them riding in like that…

      "So tell me…" I said, "Did you really learn everything you know about witches from Halloween ghost stories and the Harry Potter series? Do you really think witches ride brooms in the night? If so, where's your black cat? Or was your goal just to come here and look completely retarded? Which you've accomplished very well… And why the fuck are you working with…"

      "FUCK YOU!!!" I was interrupted by one of the loudest expletives I have ever heard… I looked over and saw Nomad chuckling next to a Templar who was poking at his ear as if he could not hear a thing, which after that expletive, he probably couldn't… Nomad yelled something completely incomprehensible at the other Templars… no doubt completing the process of making the one right next to him totally deaf… Nomad turned back into a black cat and attacked some of the Templars near him…

      "Oh… There's your black cat!" I said, "And he's pissed…" Nomad tore a few Templars apart with his claws and teeth, I opened a vortex portal that pulled them all in and deposited them… I wasn't sure what was a good place… somewhere far away… on the moon Titan.

      I don't know why I thought of Titan, but that was where I sent them… After the Templars were gone, Nomad and I did healing spells on Alexis. She seemed to wake up a bit, and Nomad was talking to her. I'm not sure what he was saying to her, but she seemed to be getting agitated by it, but soon calmed back down and went back to sleep. It looked like she would be ok. Nomad started talking about getting pulled into a dream… I told him he was already in a dream. He said he meant into another dream. I wasn't really sure what he was talking about… was he about to wake up or just switch dreamscapes? I told him to focus on something and stabilize the dream… but it was no good… Nomad disappeared… and then I woke.


      Note: This was actually two separate dreams for me, but I am putting them together since they are both back dated dreams and belong together as one.

      I was on the moon in the biodome again. I was lucid. I remembered Nomad disappearing from the last dream… I wondered if he was ok. I focused on finding him. A portal opened. I looked through into a black void… wtf? Nomad was floating in the blackness all by himself, yelling expletives at absolutely no one… I wondered if he was on dream drugs again… I called out to him, then threw him a tendril of Witchblade to pull him through my portal and into the biodome. He looked around. I asked if he was ok. He said Alexis was still in danger, we had to go back. I asked what was bothering her now… he said more dark things… he had seen them. I wondered if he had or if that was dream drugs… better check on her. Better look and find nothing than not look and have her attacked.

      I was about to focus on a portal to get back to Alexis when another portal opened. Tigress came in. She looked at me, and changed into a paladin. She asked if I was up for a DDO dream. I told her I was going to help Nomad with his friend first. She asked what was going on there. I said Nomad had said his friend was being attacked. She pulled out a sword and said killing stuff there was fine, just another DDO quest. Um… ok… I went to open the portal again, but this time MoSh appeared. He asked why no one had come to get him. MoSh! That was who I was supposed to go get before Nomad and I went to help Alexis! I apologized to MoSh, saying my mind hadn't been clear enough to think of it… Now Nomad opened a portal, and we all went through it.

      On the other side Nomad and I were on the edge of a forest looking at a rather creepy castle. I wondered why Alexis would have this creepy place in her inner world… maybe there was still a dream demon or other dark entity harassing her… We went inside the castle and looked around. Alexis looked kind of creepy, too. She was dressed all in black and had horns… she looked like a demon! She was smiling, however, and didn't look hostile. She was still smiling at us when something weird came through a portal and tackled her, and before I could even identify what it was, the two of them fell through another portal… with Nomad right behind them. The portal closed before the rest of us could get there… I had to focus on a portal to follow Nomad…

      I went through the portal, MoSh and Tigress with me. On the other side we were on a desolate plane. There was an outcropping of rock over a deep canyon. There was a woman… Alexis… huddled beside a big ugly thing there. The ugly thing was growling and snarling down at her, looming over her.

      I must have been in a feline mood, because I now changed back into the big panther I had been in the previous dream and tackled the demon thing off of her. We were now plunging through the air into the canyon, the thing was biting at me as we fell, I was sucking its energy out… I saw a bunch more dark creatures, those looked like shadow demons of some kind, coming from somewhere and attacking Alexis. Nomad was protecting her with a shield, Tigress was consuming the dark things, MoSh was blasting them with green flames from his naga form… Some of them were still getting through to Nomad… why wasn't he getting Alexis out of there? There was no need to be here in this dark world except to protect Alexis… and once she was safe, we could all make our exit. That was the last I noticed before hitting the ground of the canyon, I landed on top of the creature I was fighting…

      The creature was stunned a bit, but then it attacked me again. The shadow creatures were coming after me now, but they never got to me… Tigress and MoSh intercepted the entire hoard of them, so I still just had the one big ugly thing to deal with. I pounced on the thing one more time and tore at its neck with my razor claws, drawing some more dark energy out… wow… this was a lot of dark energy… the thing was no longer moving. I changed back to my normal form and flew back out of the canyon. Alexis and Nomad were gone. Tigress and MoSh were still there, though most of the smaller shadow creatures had either fled or been destroyed. I opened a portal so the three of us could get back to the biodome. MoSh and Tigress went through. The big ugly thing grabbed at me from behind. I threw a blast of lightning made from light energy right in its face, then went through the portal and closed it behind me.

      Tigress asked me what took me so long. I said I had found an old friend to play with a bit more. This was the first chance I had gotten, so I focused on The Curse by Disturbed to stabilize all the dark energy I had just absorbed… Tigress, still a paladin, sheathed her sword. She said she had told me this would do fine for a DDO quest… I told her I wished they had quests like that in DDO! That would be awesome. She said it would be hard. Yeah, but hard and AWESOME! Everything faded around me and I woke.

      Updated 06-29-2010 at 03:37 AM by 27700

      lucid , nightmare , memorable
    9. 06/25/10 Look for Castaneda, Find Graboids?!

      by , 06-28-2010 at 06:13 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I felt my dream slipping, too, so I did the time dilation trick I learned from Allura, causing the dream to stabilize. Good… at least that seemed somewhat consistent… So my next goal was to go see MoSh… I focused on opening a portal… I opened a portal and went through it into MoSh's inner world…

      I stepped out into MoSh's inner world and looked around for MoSh. I looked at his house which was where I have come to expect to see it. I instinctively knew it was his, but it didn't seem to look the same. It was hard to describe the differences… and it wasn't negative in any way, everything was still very nice, it was just a bit different. I didn't have to go over to the door, MoSh came out to me. He asked if I was ready to go view the scene with Castaneda. I said sure, but I did need to be sure of where we were going. MoSh said that was no problem, he would get us there. I could open the portal, and he would guide it. I said that was fine with me, and then I opened a portal, focusing on letting MoSh guide it. When it opened, both MoSh and I went through…

      On the other side we were in a desert. I looked around the desert. The sun was bright and hot. I was a bit surprised at the surroundings. I told MoSh I thought there was supposed to be a waterfall or something… MoSh said there was. I said I didn't see any water anywhere near us… He looked perplexed. He said we must have ended up in the wrong place. I told him we could just try again. I was going to focus on another portal when the ground started to shake. Some big things erupted out of the ground. They looked like the graboid creatures from the movie Tremors… and there were two of them.

      What the fuck? MoSh looked up at them, and they completely distracted me from opening a portal. One of them tried to grab me in its enormous mouth, apparently thinking I would make a good snack. I formed Witchblade into a sword and attacked it back, getting up on top of its back by flying. MoSh had changed into his naga form and was attacking the other one. This thing didn't have a head to cut off… but it also didn't appreciate being stabbed with a sword that increased in length to be long enough to go all of the way through it. The thing took off at full speed across the desert with me on its back, holding on to the sword to keep from being thrown off. I pulled the sword out and jumped off of the graboid, hitting the ground and rolling before returning to MoSh.

      I didn't see the other graboid, but I didn't know where it had gone. MoSh was in his human form again. I asked if he was ready to stop playing with giant underground worms and go do our viewing. He said yes. I was about to open a portal when I saw something around MoSh's feet… a smaller graboid?!

      It wrapped around MoSh's foot, but I just cut it off . A couple more of them reached out of the ground for us, but MoSh and I quickly took care of them. Now MoSh was looking at something behind me. I wondered what. He wasn't saying anything, he was just pointing. I turned around to look behind me and I saw the granddaddy of all graboids was rearing up and towering over us… that thing was about twice the size of the other ones, and it was pissed off.

      It was towering over us about as big as the tower at the biodome… which is quite tall… I was considering what action would be best to deal with this… most likely to just open a portal and leave it be, after all, this was the graboids' home, not ours… when someone appeared… and he created some kind of spinning disc blades from the air, cutting the graboid down… He asked if we were ok, MoSh was staring at him like he thought it was an alien from space. I looked closer and thought I recognized him… but I couldn't place it… I thanked him for helping, then he disappeared.

      MoSh wanted to know what the fuck that was. I said I wasn't sure, but I thought I had recognized that guy… I said let's go before we draw the attention of every single graboid on the planet. I opened a portal and we went through it… we ended up back in MoSh's inner world. Ok… let's try that again. I focused on opening a portal, trying to remember what MoSh had told me the location was like. I remembered a waterfall… but that was all I remembered! Dammit! A portal opened, MoSh and I went through it.

      MoSh and I were back on the desert planet. Ok… I hadn't been completely sure of where I was going, but I had absolutely not focused on coming here again… I looked around, wondering if I could find any reason why we were here again! There were more graboids. I didn't really want to fight more graboids… I had drawn the conclusion this was their world, and we were the intruders, so I thought avoiding them would be best. I got MoSh's attention as the graboid attacked us, also apparently thinking we looked like a tasty morsel. I pulled MoSh out of the way. The graboid turned and was coming at us again… then it got nailed with a bunch of ice spears, and it disappeared. Wtf? I looked around and saw the same guy I had seen before, giving us a dirty look. I focused on recognizing him… Walms! I did know him! I was about to say something to him when he asked why we had been attacked. I was going to say we looked too much like graboid snack food when the scene around us shifted…

      MoSh was getting quite frustrated. He was upset that we hadn't ended up viewing the Castaneda scene we had been aiming for. I wondered what kept getting in the way. I wondered where Walms had gone… or rather where we had gone. I wondered if whoever had teleported us had also teleported Walms… I looked around, wondering if there were any graboids here… then Walms was there with us. Ok, well at least he was in the same place. He came over closer to us and proceeded to give me some dark energy… um… I didn't really need any dark energy, but ok… He put dark energy in MoSh…

      "Hey!" I said to him, "What did you do that…" and then he was gone, "for… um… Never mind." I went over to MoSh and focused on taking the dark energy out of MoSh, replacing it with light. Why had Walms attacked MoSh? That didn't make any sense… I thought MoSh and Walms had been friends since quite a while before I started talking to / sharing dreams with Walms… MoSh looked a bit disoriented. He asked what that had been. I told him he'd gotten dark energy, I had taken it out. It felt like the dream was slipping again. I remembered that last time I had been unable to do a second time dilation, so this time I didn't even try. I told MoSh I was waking up. I opened a portal back to his inner world. We went through it. MoSh said maybe he could dilate time… I told him I had already done that in this dream, and last time it hadn't worked twice… He said he was going to try anyway. I don't know if it worked for him or not because I woke.
    10. 06/25/10 Streets of Rome

      by , 06-28-2010 at 04:46 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: My goals to begin with my WILD were to go check on Tigress… she thought there might be something strange around her somewhere, then go see MoSh, he wanted to go view a section of a Castaneda book having something to do with Castaneda and a waterfall and manipulating one's energy body IWL. We tried doing this before, but it didn't seem to work, and after hearing the part about manipulating one's energy body IWL, I was even more interested in trying it again. I had these goals in mind as I fell asleep and slipped into a WILD…

      I was in a different place. I looked around and decided it looked like ancient Rome. I didn't recognize the exact location, but I figured this was where I would find Tigress. I started exploring the area. It wasn't too long before I found Tigress. She looked like she had been waiting for me. I went over to her and asked how she was doing. She pointed down the street to a narrow space between two buildings. She said they had gone over there. I asked what had gone over there. She said it was bugs. Bugs? I said there was a shit load of bugs around there. She said they were dark energy bugs, and they had been spinning fucking dark energy webs. Spiders? No, not spiders, but they were spinning webs… She said it was about time I had gotten there… she had thought she would have to clean the entire place up all by herself.

      I went over towards the place Tigress had indicated. I looked down the passage between the buildings. There were indeed bugs down there. They were large bugs. Each bug was about the size of a house cat! They were spinning a sort of thing that maybe could be called a web, they were creating thick ropes of a strange and disgusting sticky black substance. They were hanging those rope type webs all over the place. And the stuff stank. It smelled like a decaying corpse that had been tossed into the filthiest sewer ever and left there to marinate for a while… the smell alone almost made me ill. I ignored the stench and focused on the bugs. The walls of the alley were covered with the black goop. When covered with goop the walls seemed to come to life and move… not normal… I focused on the song Fuel by Metallica, which is a song I normally use to absorb energy… and now I used it to absorb the dark energy. Using that song I was able to pull all of the dark energy from the alley and from the bugs.

      So for the rest of this dream, Tigress and I searched the rest of the area and got rid of more of the intruding bug things. During the times while I was searching I could not help but notice that the dream was very vivid. If I hadn't been lucid, it would have been really easy for me to think I had somehow traveled back in time to be in Rome… it all looked so vivid and detailed… not like a dream at all. After searching the place for a while, I came back and met Tigress near one particular house that seemed to be lost in a mist. Tigress said that was ok, it was supposed to be like that. I said fine, and I thought I had found all of the strange bugs and black goop on my end of the search area. I definitely had enough dark energy for a while. Tigress said I wasn't the only one. She laughed a bit. I told Tigress I had other plans, but if she wanted to do a DDO dream now, those other plans could wait. She said yay, we could finally do a DDO dream! And this time she was going to remember… she disappeared. Crap. That always seems to happen when things get good.

      I felt my dream slipping, too, so I did the time dilation trick I learned from Allura, causing the dream to stabilize. Good… at least that seemed somewhat consistent… So my next goal was to go see MoSh… I focused on opening a portal… I opened a portal and went through it into MoSh's inner world…

      Note: Since the main topic of the dream changes here, I am going to post the next part in a separate post even though it is technically a continuation of the same dream. So this dream ends with a (to be continued…)
    11. 06/23/10 Too High on Light

      by , 06-26-2010 at 01:54 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: Tonight I was successful in my WILD for the second night in a row! I send a big out to Mzzkc from the Dreamviews lucid dreaming site! One more in a row, and I think I can officially call my dry spell over! So my goals today started out with stopping into MoSh's inner world and seeing how Asuka is doing, MoSh has said she was still sick. The level of light energy may be too high and could be negatively affecting Asuka. So the goal there was to restore balance… I meditated with my light / sound machine and slipped into a WILD…

      I was inside MoSh's inner world. It was very bright and sunny there. It seemed a bit too bright… I went over to the house and knocked, MoSh let me in. I went inside and looked around. It was almost as bright inside as it had been outside. I wondered where Asuka was. I asked MoSh how she was doing. MoSh said she was not feeling well, so she was in bed… resting. He said she didn't seem to be able to sleep, but she was resting. I followed MoSh to find Asuka in a bedroom on the second floor.

      Asuka was lying in bed, looking a bit ill. She was quite pale, and she also looked like she wanted to get up. She said she had to get up and do something. MoSh asked how she was feeling. She seemed to get angry suddenly and said she was fine, it was positive energy and thus you can never have too much of it, so MoSh should stop giving her a hard time about it. She picked up a light energy shard off of the table beside her bed. She said there was no way anyone who used dark energy was going to get anywhere near her now, or anywhere near MoSh's inner world for that matter. She looked over and saw me. She told me to get out of there before that shit I've been trying to use gets out and contaminates MoSh's inner world. She said if I am going to play with shit, I should do it somewhere that is not in MoSh's inner world. I wanted to get her to be rational… but that wasn't looking likely…

      Ok… the entire place was over-saturated with light energy. I wondered what to do about that… most of my spells are focused on eliminating excess dark energy, not to eliminate excess light energy… since that's not an issue I have come across as far as I remember… Well, the first thing seemed to be to remove some of the sources of light energy. And there were lots of those. I went around MoSh's house and gathered up a lot of the sources of light energy. I was thinking I had taken a lot of them out previously, and now there were so many more… I wondered if Asuka was still collecting them or if she'd had a stash hidden away somewhere in MoSh's inner world… I wasn't sure. I collected most of the sources of light energy and telepathically contacted Q to take them back to where they were needed. Not only did Asuka gathering so many light energy sources cause there to be too much light energy in MoSh's inner world, it could be setting the locations she took the energy sources from out of balance. Q appeared, and he took the sources of light energy and disappeared.

      Now I looked around and there was still an excessive amount of light energy in there. It would take quite a while for all of that to disperse… I thought one of the quickest ways to lower the level of light energy would be to neutralize some of it… and that could be done with a bit of dark energy? Letting the two mix in a controlled manner, the two should neutralize each other… I didn't want to let a bunch of dark energy out into MoSh's inner world, though… I ran a small test. I created a small ball of dark energy in my hand and held it out. It disappeared as quickly as an ice cube melting in the July sun in southern Arizona… it just melted away. So the neutralizing could work… and as long as I was careful about it… so I created some more of the energy balls and let them melt away in the brightness of the excessive light energy… slowly it started to have an effect, making the overly brightness of the area fade back towards normal. I kept doing that until the lighting in the area both outside and inside the house was just slightly brighter than I am used to seeing it. A little extra light energy wouldn't hurt anything.

      I went back to where Asuka was. She seemed to be glowing with light energy. I did a scan of her energy. Her energy aura was practically blinding… It looked like an energy level more appropriate for Q, who is a being made entirely of light energy. This was not natural for Asuka. Asuka had calmed down and was sitting on the couch in the living room now. I asked how she was feeling. She said not too great… she said she kind of felt like she was on fire. I said it might help if she was to expend some of her light energy… use it on something. Anything. She said she couldn't. She said she couldn't focus it, none of it wanted to cooperate. There had to be some way to get rid of it… The same way as I had neutralized the excess light energy in the surrounding environment? Maybe… but I didn't want to hurt Asuka by accident… But how else? I told Asuka I was going to try to help her. She said ok. I took hold of her hand and let a small amount of dark energy go into her… She immediately got upset at that, trying to pull away and throwing out a few choice words at me… MoSh was looking at me, seeming unsure of what to do… Asuka was still fighting me, struggling to get away, yelling at MoSh to help her, I had clearly gone mad… I kept a close watch on her energy, constantly scanning… the dark energy wasn't getting very far… it was being neutralized almost instantly as it went in… Asuka slowly began to resist less, she seemed tired. I kept scanning and adding tiny amounts of dark energy until her aura was about the brightness it was supposed to be, perhaps a bit brighter.

      In spite of having plenty of energy, Asuka looked really tired. I figured it was basically a crash after having been wired on light energy. I scanned her very closely and saw no sign of dark energy inside her… she was clean. MoSh asked if Asuka was ok… he asked what I had done to her… I said I had just neutralized the excess light energy in her, and she would probably rest for a while since there had been a sudden decrease in her energy level. I told him she would need a bit of time to re-adjust to having her normal energy level, sort of like when a person feels neutral, gets high, then comes back down to neutral, after coming back down to neutral that can feel kind of crappy until they get re-adjusted. I said to say Asuka had been high was an understatement… she had been so high she would have been floating in some other galaxy… but she looked like she would be ok now.

      MoSh helped Asuka back upstairs to the bedroom and into bed. He came back down shortly. He seemed a bit annoyed. He said Asuka had told him I had been infecting her with dark energy. He asked if I might have been doing that by accident while trying to stabilize her energy, because he had been under the impression I was in control of that. I hesitated, then just told the truth about how I had neutralized the excess light energy in her… He did not seem too thrilled about that… he asked if there was any chance she would be infected with the stuff… I said no, she had been so high on light energy that any dark energy had been immediately neutralized. I said I had scanned her when I was done, and there had not been any trace of dark energy left in her, only light, and her light energy was just slightly above what it normally was because I didn't want to take a chance on leaving it too low. MoSh stood there looking at me for a couple more minutes. He didn't seem to know what to think of that method of healing… Apparently he finally decided to accept it, because he changed the subject.

      MoSh now said that we could go view a section of a Carlos Castaneda book where Carlos was talking to don Juan… we had agreed to that as a goal on the night before… but I felt the dream was going to end soon. I told MoSh that. MoSh said it was a good chance to use time dilation. I wondered what type to use… I wondered what would happen if both of us used it… what if we dilated time in different ways… like he set it to 4 dream hours for each hour IWL and I did it for 2 dream hours.. that seemed like it could cause a problem… but what if one of use used it and the other didn't… would it work for both of us? Or would he be going at 4 dream hours for each hour IWL while I was still on a one to one relation… I was confusing myself… MoSh was already using time dilation… He had his hand on the ground and was focusing on that at the same time as he was counting, he was apparently using Walms' method. I would just have to see what happened…

      Note: I am sure the dream continued after here, but it continued with a high degree of disorientation on my part, maybe partly due to the difference in time dilation… so I'm sure the dream continued, but all of my memories from that point on were too vague to post.
    12. 06/19/10 Cold Fire

      by , 06-20-2010 at 11:31 PM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      Note: My first goal for the night was to go to MoSh's inner world and heal both MoSh and Asuka. I wasn't entirely clear on what had happened to them, but MoSh said that Asuka has been behaving strangely since we rescued her the most recent time and fought the reptilian alien. Other goals I had included opening the locked book (still on my list) and having a DDO dream with Tigress (also still on my list). Tigress and MoSh also volunteered to help me try to open the book, so they would be with me during that task as well.

      I was in a green field. I looked around to see where I was. I didn't recognize the place. I wondered how I had gotten there. I stopped to think back about what events had led up to my being here. I had no memory. That seemed really strange. I started walking across the field towards a forest. I could see strange things over near the forest, small flying things. As I got closer I saw they seemed to be glowing. I went over there, and I saw that there were small creatures flying… they looked partly like insects of some kind, partly like fairies… They were also glowing. Closest to a cross between a fairy and a ladybug… And there were many of them. Animals were fleeing the forest, apparently under the guidance of those fairies. I wondered what was going on in there. I headed for the forest to see.

      A couple of the fairies flew over to me and got in front of me. They were about the size of a hummingbird, so I couldn't miss the fact they were trying to warn me off. One of them flew right over in front of me. She was talking in a strange language at first, sounded like squeaks and whistles, but then she changed to English… or there was a translation being done. She said I didn't want to venture into the forest, there was a fire. A fire not of this world. I asked what she was talking about. She said that a strange dark fire had come from somewhere in the middle of the forest. She said some kind of demon had attacked a long abandoned shrine and set it ablaze. She said if the flames had stayed in the shrine it wouldn't have been a problem, but they had spread. She said she and others of her kind were supposed to be the guardians of the forest, but they could not stop this flame… they had failed and were trying to save as many lives as possible. Somewhere in all this I became at least partially lucid, and I told her I would see what I could do to help. She looked at me strangely. I assured her I could help, then I took flight. She was clearly surprised to see that… I flew up to where I could look out over the forest, and I could see the black flames consuming the forest.

      I flew towards the dark flames. I could tell right away what it must be… someone had started a fire of dark energy. I wondered why someone had wanted to destroy this forest. Well, it wasn't going to happen. I reached the flames and flew right into them. The flames around me felt cold instead of hot, they were not actual burning flames, but a cold fire that was draining the life out of the forest. I focused on the song Full Moonlight from the Devil Hunter Yohko soundtrack, and used the song to gather up all of the dark energy into one place. I flew through the forest as I did that, collecting it from every place I could find any. The collection ended up with me in the shrine the fairy had spoken of. The shrine was abandoned as she had said, and it was completely destroyed. I looked at part of it, and it looked like whoever had used the shrine had been worshipping some kind of… um… piecing this together from a few shattered statues… worshipping a something that had angel wings, some parts of a snake, and a human face?! Wait a minute… I wondered if they had been a race of nagas… winged snakes… but I didn't know, and it didn't really matter. This place hadn't been used for many years. I collected the last of the dark energy and absorbed it into myself. I felt the cold energy inside, used The Curse to stabilize it. It was surprisingly stable already considering it had been a raging flame… or maybe it is just getting easier to stabilize it.

      I looked at the forest around the shrine. It was already dead… I used the song Full Moonlight again to spread golden healing energy through the dead forest, and into the areas around it that just looked a bit sickly. The golden energy flowed into the dead trees and plants, flowed into the disgusting looking water, flowed through the polluted looking air… and it was visibly restoring things as it went. I wasn't sure how long it would take to restore things, but it was getting off to a good start. I flew back to the edge of the forest and told the fairies that the dark flames were gone. They seemed very surprised at that. They were also very grateful for helping their forest. They started leading animals back into the healthy areas of the forest. The female I had spoken to earlier said they would be able to get to restoring the forest to full health now. It was here that I let myself wake up.
    13. #78. Exorcisms

      by , 06-16-2010 at 08:23 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      I try to banish a spirit in the name of God. It works about as well as you'd expect.

      I'm at a train station, even though I'm sure that just a second ago, I was actually on my train. I shrug it off and try to get on the next one, but the conductor informs me that they don't allow dogs. I crouch down and hug my golden retriever, and we both stare up at him with sad puppy-eyes.

      The man rolls his eyes and tells me that I'll be able to get on the next train. I thank him and walk back to the platform, where the people I'm travelling with are waiting. Fortunately, they have to wait for the next train as well.

      We're on the train, but something's wrong. After a bit of investigation, we conclude that the entire train is haunted. Our team of Scooby-Doo-like investigators tracks it to its source - a bathroom in one of the sleeper cars.

      I'm chanting nonsense Latin, "Omnipitus spiritus, omnipitus draco lux."* I repeat the chant, but it doesn't seem to be working. In fact, the haunting seems to be getting worse, black smoke sneaking in through cracks in the bathroom mirror.

      The black smoke manifests over the vanity, and I catch a glimpse of a little boy in the mirror. The smoke lashes out at my companions, and distantly, I can sense the utter terror that they're beginning to feel. The girls are frozen, unable to move, and I...

      I just feel hungry.

      I've forgotten about the chant, and I fall silent and step toward the smoke. It shies away from me, tendrils retreating where I try to touch.

      No, that won't do at all.

      My hands lay at my side, but I'm latching onto the energy with my mind, pulling it toward me, devouring it. The black energy fades into my cloudy black and red aura, but I feel just a tiny wisp escape.

      The girls are catatonic, and I ignore them, stepping silently through the train cars, looking for my quarry.

      I see a white rabbit, my childhood pet, hopping through one of the train cars. I pick him up, but he starts squealing and twisting in my arms, trying to get away. He's scratching up my forearms and I wonder, dimly, if he's afraid of the dark presence that's been haunting the train.

      No, I realize. The last wisp of the ghost has possessed my rabbit. I pull the last bit of dark energy out of the animal, and consume it. The rabbit goes still. I try to resurrect him, but organs start to leak out of his belly, and the stitching is coming apart.


      "Can you help me?" says the boy.

      I'm possessing a ten-year old. Go me. Apparently, the White Council is after us, probably for something I did. Apparently you're not supposed to kill people in this world?

      Dresden comes back wearing some sort of ceremonial mask. I'm not paying attention, so the boy freaks out and runs away. He tries to hide in a storage closet, but Dresden catches the door and takes off his mask. "It's just me, kid." I take over and tell him that "I knew that".

      I'm Dresden, now. I'm inside my office, talking to Murphy. I say something about the White Council. I'm about to do something really stupid, and it'll probably involve explosions.

      Exorcisms. Scare Factor: 4.

      *Apparently, this is really close to the actual exorcism I was going for: ""Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica..."

      Updated 06-17-2010 at 07:45 PM by 31096

    14. 06/07/10 Hologram Dream Views

      by , 06-10-2010 at 04:49 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      I was in bed. I was thinking about my dreaming goals. I wanted to find out where I had left the dark energy entity I had pulled out of S, it had escaped me and taken over MoSh, I took it out of MoSh and someone took it from me when I was being unable to control it again. My being in bed and thinking about dreams is getting to be a common occurrence. I rolled over and wondered if I might be dreaming. I sat up in bed and pinched my nose, doing a nose pinch RC. I could breathe just fine. I was definitely dreaming. I got out of bed, fully lucid.

      I wondered how I could find out about what had happened. Well, I have gone to dream view some of MoSh's dreams, so I could do the same thing here. I could go to view my own dream. I left the room and went into the next room. I thought I could travel through time or I could use the idea of watching the dream on a computer. My laptop. I went to it, it was sitting on my couch, and I opened it up. The computer came to life. There was software already running. It looked like a usual browser, but there was a menu up on the screen. A very interesting looking web site. There were titles on the screen, that looked like the titles of dreams I have had. One of them was labeled "06/05/10 Demons Within." I clicked on that one. Instead of opening up a text window, however, it opened up a video screen. I clicked on the play button and suddenly I was in the middle of a 3D holographic representation of the dream. It looked like I was there, but this time viewing it from 3rd person instead of my usual first person position.

      I was in the dream and I watched it as it progressed. I watched MoSh and myself go into S's inner world where we did healing spells on her. I watched myself drawing dark energy out of S, and this time I saw when the actual entity came out of S and went into me. I saw myself visibly having problems controlling the dark energy and entity I had just absorbed, and then I saw the thing pull out of me. I saw the thing go over to MoSh, and I saw myself turn towards MoSh and then realize I had not contained the dark energy, instead it had escaped. Ok… that was the first part… MoSh disappeared, then the dream changed. The hologram flickered off and then back on. Large words on the screen. It said that "06/05/10 MoSh's Demon" was the next dream to play back.

      The hologram surrounded me again. I was now in the abandoned city where I found MoSh. MoSh was there, and he was beating up a Templar. He broke that Templar's neck. He went down a side alley. Another Templar approached MoSh. He tried to say something, but MoSh didn't give him a chance to. MoSh immediately started beating the shit out of the Templar. He grabbed a pipe and continued beating the Templar. I saw myself show up. MoSh ran the pipe through the Templar's back and was glaring at the me in the dream. MoSh looked like he was resisting something, he told the other me to get away, then I saw myself tell MoSh I was sorry I had let that thing into him and I would help him. I saw myself draw the dark energy out of MoSh. I again saw as the other me drew the dark entity into myself. I was once again having problems controlling that, but I immediately opened a portal and left.

      I saw myself appear in a forest. I didn't know any more about where I was. The forest itself was non-descript. There was a man there with me. I looked at him closely. It was definitely not Walms. The man came over near me and waited a bit, watching me struggle with the entity inside me. I recognized him. It was L. He changed form into Walms, and then started talking to me. He was telling me to let go of the entity, to let it go and he would take care of it. He was saying I had just tried to absorb too much too fast, but it was safe to let it go now. I saw myself let go of the entity… it came out of me. Now L was not paying much attention to me. He was talking to the spectral entity. He asked what the fuck had just happened. I saw myself disappear, but the holo-movie continued.

      L was mad at the entity. He said he had given her a simple task of getting into MoSh, hitching a ride back to MoSh's inner world, and bring Asuka back to him where she belongs. The entity was not pleased, either. She was getting mad at L , saying no one had said anything about a stupid bitch trying to actually absorb her… and after having too much energy drained, MoSh had resisted taking her back to her inner world… so it was L's fault. If he wanted to fuck around with dark energy, she would give him something to fuck around with. The entity attacked L, was apparently that pissed, blasted right through L before exiting the other side of him and disappearing through a black portal. L looked pretty drained by that encounter… and he disappeared, apparently waking up. So now the dream was over, and the holo-recording ended.

      I was in front of my laptop again. I looked at the screen where it was back to the menu. Apparently I had given the entity back to L, but she wasn't in the mood to cooperate with L any longer. At least L hadn't gotten her back to try his dirty plan again… I was looking at the computer to see what other dreams I could examine when everything faded and I woke.
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