• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

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    1. Superpowers, aw yiss

      by , 12-26-2020 at 06:33 AM (Awake to take in the view...)
      Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it. I'm on Pacific Time right now so it's still Christmas here. Anyway, last night I had a dream involving some excellent superpowers.

      1) I had the power to fly.
      2) I had the power to shrink.
      3) I had the power to move objects telekinetically.
      4) Oh and also I could see my tulpa, Tess. She was fully imposed, as real as everyone else in my dream. She wore maroon and light blue. Btw when this happens, it is so surreal and awesome. It shows that she's truly permeating into my subconscious mind.

      My brother was there, and he had a superpower too. However, his only superpower was being able to turn into a small orange frog.

      He, for whatever reason, elected to disappear into an aquarium with a frog habitat. This frog habitat had some beautiful water with aquatic plants, as well as a land section with even more plants. It was humid like a rainforest. Well, I shrunk, as well as Tess and the others who were with me (not sure who they were, just random people that my dream self knew I guess). We went to go find my brother. I don't recall if we found him or not, but we were swimming and exploring the habitat before the noises of my family on Christmas morning woke me up!

      And it was a great holiday. The real-life version of my brother seemed mildly annoyed when I tried to tell him about this dream, ha.

      I think that the less stressed I am, the cooler my dreams are. And I am definitely super relaxed around this time of year! Even though I'm much more of a summer guy at heart, it's fantastic not having too many deadlines and such.
    2. LD 104 - City in the Sky and a Fight

      by , 01-26-2018 at 01:51 AM (Letaali's Dream Journal)
      I'm on a train with my family. We approach a city with massive buildings that pierce through the clouds. We are above the clouds and see the tops of some buildings. The train is on rails that go through these buildings like some sick rollercoaster. I feel the G-forces as the train makes hard turns inside the dark tunnels going through the buildings. I tell my dad "Can't help but think how many little parts of the system could fail and kill us all. This is why I hate cities." He doesn't answer. The hard turns and tunnels continue. I fear death, but another voice in the back of my mind whispers "Thousands of engineers spent countless hours to make everything safe. Trust them." This logical side can't silence my fears.

      We arrive at the station, which is on top of a building. We are amazingly high up. The place looks like an airport. My dad has too much to carry, while I have nothing. I take some of his burden to help; I carry his laptop briefcase. We don't follow the path we are supposed to take and the asian staff panics a bit about it.

      Out of nowhere, my dad pulls out a silenced pistol, grins and shoots a man. My dad would not do that, is my first thought. My second thought is "Take cover!" since he aims at me next, still grinning. I run behind some metal pillars, like something you would use on a bridge. My dad stands still and shoots at the pillars. I'm confused and afraid.

      "No." I tell myself. "This is enough." Lucidity brings some confidence, and I decide to face my father. I come out from my cover and meet my father, who has transformed into a monster like the ones in Gears of War games. He's about twice as big as before. One of his arms is a rocket launcher. He takes aim. I keep walking towards him and hold my hand out block the rocket. "I'm indestructible." I tell the dream, and it is so. The rocket hits me and explodes, but I am truly immortal in my current form. I touch the monster that was my dad and force him to transform back. The being fights my will for a while, but eventually turns back into my dad. He doesn't say anything and looks confused. I hold him and help him off the airport.
    3. 11/12/14: 2 DILDs, 2 DEILDs

      by , 11-15-2014 at 06:00 PM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      Wake up around 2-ish, decide to induce. I practice MILD, then follow it up with SSILD. I suddenly "come back to myself," as though I had been in deep thought. Am I dreaming? I nose pinch and can breathe easily. Lucid. I get up off of the floor and fly up to the ceiling. I pass right through and into darkness. I fly through darkness for a bit, before imagining that things are brightening up around me--things do begin to brighten up. I realize I am flying over snow. I see the snow and think it would be fun to transform into an arctic fox (in dream remember sivason talking about this in his DJ). I touch down on the snow and begin running on all fours. I then attempt my transformation. I do feel some sensation in my body, and think it might be working, so I life a hand up out of the snow to check. Nope, still a hand! I wake up.

      I sit like this for some time, and finally settle for lying supine. I notice the clock reads 3:00, which isn't as early as I thought. I feel some relief. I notice, however, that this guy wants to come into the upstairs bedroom with me:

      No thanks. I manage to shut the door on him, though he does try to open the knob. I lock it, then examine the wooden door. It is flimsy wood, but I feel confident he can not get through. It then occurs to me that I might be dreaming. I nose pinch. Lucid. I open the same door (the xenomorph is gone) and I try flying down into the kitchen; however, I just fall. Some DCs are here but I ignore them, and head towards the front door. The house has become my house growing up. I think about phasing through a window, but then decide not to. I think decide to phase through the front door. I am having difficulties so I just open it and go out. I continue to try to fly, with minimal to no success. A dog runs up to me and I befriend him. I try to remember the TotMs but cannot. I wake up, and DEILD, but can't remember the dream later.

      I wake up and DEILD again, into a blackness. I wait for the dream to appear. Suddenly, a cartoon bobble-head pops into existence, along with an interactive computer screen. I click a button with my finger, and make a "click-click" sound with my mouth before realizing that sounds stupid. The screen adjusts to show characters talking with each other. I try to focus on the action. Some bobble-headed kids hanging out by a trash can (?) or maybe in a kitchen, discussing something. I realize, however, that I would like to be in the cartoon, so begin stretching the screen with my finger. I manage to make the screen surround me almost entirely, but am still not able to merge with the cartoon. I then notice there are viewing options. An interactive porno would be just the thing, I think, and begin searching through the selections. I find a good one but then I wake up. Try to DEILD again, and seem to have transitioned, but when I check, I am fully awake. I get up and start the day (yuck).

      Updated 11-15-2014 at 06:06 PM by 69552

    4. A strange walk in the rain.

      by , 03-06-2014 at 04:26 PM
      One dream I remember, I was hiding in a shady motel while being chased by criminals. I realized I was dreaming, and decided it would be fun to change gender to fool my foes. My form changed from the male I am into a very sly woman with long black beautiful hair, and a subtle complex darkness to her, like she had a mysterious history. It was very interesting, I put a hoody on and went out into the rainy afternoon. I felt the world looking at me as a female, and I looked back as one too. It felt completely different and alien to how feeling male feels, like I not only changed in appearance but also mind state, kind of like I felt completely female as I walked down the street. I got some complements on my long black hair, and felt like I was blushing from the males giving me the complements, thing is in real life I have no desires to be female or would blush from guys giving my hair complements I wonder how my mind nailed so perfectly the identity of a "mysterious" woman it was uncanny and completely natural during that dream.
    5. [Turtle Chase]

      by , 08-31-2012 at 06:25 PM (Searching For The Center of Everything)
      [Wednesday, August 16th, 2012]

      My dream recall is horrible... But I remember being in the middle of a small indoor lake. There was someone chasing after me, so I tried getting into a convenient turtle-driven boat. My companions and I were instantly turned into turtles ourselves. We hid behind the boat, and swam away slowly, so we weren't noticed. We gained quite a bit of distance before the pursuer (who now appeared as a turtle/humanoid entity) spotted us and began chase again. The room began to fill with white light the closer he got, until the dream ended.
    6. The Yellow Car

      by , 05-26-2011 at 06:17 AM (I Have a Problem)
      Date: 09-24-10
      Length: 20 minutes
      Vividness: 6/10

      I was on a bike, with my girlfriend Dakota sitting on it facing sideways.
      At one point, the bike completely flipped forward, and i fell on my face.
      I thought it would hurt really badly, but I didn't feel a thing.
      I realized that I must be dreaming!

      I was still on the ground, and this yellow car drove half on inch from crushing my skull.
      I got up and Dakota and I started walking around.
      I wanted to make things explode so I tried making all the people around me blow up.
      It didn't work
      Dakota told me she wanted Starbucks, so we walked a couple feet to a Del-Taco.
      I closed my eyes and pictured it changing to a Starbucks.
      At first, only the sign changed.
      I tried again, and the name changed, but the sign changed back to Del-Taco.
      Then finally, the whole building transformed into a Starbucks.

      I remember something to do with a kidnapping, or bad people doing stuff to us.
      I forget everything that happened afterwards as well.

    7. Sharks

      by , 02-01-2011 at 05:54 PM
      I am on a bus heading down a street. Everyone on the bus has the magical power to turn into sharks. We do this by diving into the street and become shark shaped shadows that can swim along the pavement. We are heading to face off against the evil sharks. We see a bunch of them heading towards us. We jump out the windows to go battle the enemy sharks. I didnt jump out the window because I was afraid to. After the fighting ended I jumped out and joined my comrades. We start walking down the street and we see some more enemies walking towards us. We dive into shark mode and battle. I go along with them and fight some sharks. Our side wins and we keep waking. We come to a Culdesac of sorts with parks on both sides. There is a swarm of enemies hanging around the Culdesac so we dive into shark mode and go to battle. I am about to jump up and attack one of them when I realize it is my sister. I swim around horrified as I realized they are all girls I know. I cannot kill them! I swim into their camp and I see one running towards our camp. I bite her neck and kill her. I feel absolutly horrified with myself. The dream fades out.
      Tags: sharks, transform
    8. November Transformation: 20 Riddles To Solve

      by , 11-23-2010 at 06:49 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 14, 2010

      Synopsis: Two very interesting dreams. In the first I am told I have 20 riddles to solve. In the next, I transform, play around, and find a nightmare deep in the lowest levels of the staircase.

      20 Riddles To Solve
      I am in a dark misty place. It kind of reminds me of a movie scene from England. A DC tells me that I have 20 riddles and puzzles to solve, all regarding names. He tells me uncovering these riddles will span over several dreams. So I should take notes and repeat as often as possible what I discover so I remember my progress.

      I take out a flip book "Good idea!" and I start taking notes. This dream felt very long. I seemed to travel a lot in this misty place. And I talked a lot to, to so many DCs but I barely remember any of our conversations.

      All I remember was I solved the first riddle in that dream. And the name, a dream views member. But I don't remember who the name was! But I had a sense that this was a dream views member that I haven't really spoken with, but I should.

      Later on we are all watching TV. Wasting our time, I suddenly realize....was my time wasted? Here I am reviewing and going over these notes again and again. And for what? Lucid, I finally realize I can't take any of these notes with me! I'm gonna forget everything!

      I yell at the DC "Why did you make me spend an entire dream writing so many notes. Are you intentionally trying to waste my time?"

      He doesn't answer me. And I don't like his aura now, its obscured. Not dark as in evil. But dark as in, he isn't who I thought he was. The whole dream becomes obscured and fades away.

      The Dark Drumming
      I'm having a light adventure dream in a strange abstract city. But my friend disappears when I become lucid, represented by an inanimate toy in my hand. Oh well. Lucid, I transform into a lizard. And then even tinier, and tinier and tinier.

      I wasn't easy at first. I had to find a small bush, and imagine the twig was as wide as a tree. It worked! And my point of view flies up the twig, now the size of a tree. And I crawl over the fence.

      This simple stupid thing is something I've wanted to do for a year now. It's been a long time since I've been able to alter my size perception.

      I crawl away and under a door. It leads to an industrial staircase. I become my human self again and wonder what's down below. I vaguely remember my friend from earlier fearing this place. It's all dusty and gritty looking. And I can hear what sounds like construction down below, a constant banging. Bang. Bang. Bang.

      I thought that maybe watching the construction men do their thing would be fun. So I climb two flights down.

      But as I get closer, I realize the sound I'm hearing resembles nothing like construction. No. Bang. Bang. BANG. BANG. The sound gets closer. Larger! Overwhelming! They're footsteps!

      As the footsteps climb up the stairs, the staircase gets darker and darker. Fear takes over me. The sound is like drumming.

      I race back up. But its so dark I can't see the door I came in from. So I have to run several more floors, with that noise approaching me, coming closer. Finally there's enough light coming from the door that I can see it. I rush out the door into the building.

      I don't understand. The sound. That sound is still coming closer to me. I can hear it down the hall now. Bang. Bang. Bang.

      I find a group of emos who were probably up to no good. But I'll take vandalizing emos over this demon. They take a corner and almost leave my field of vision. Bang. Bang. Bang.

      Wait! Don't leave me!

      I beg them "Something is after me. I'm scared. Can I go with you?"

      They look at me making a funny expression . Probably because I'm way to colorful for their taste. "Ok, you can join us." Disdainfully.

      I'm so happy to be in their company. They head to the basement. Which does worry me that were going down instead of UP. We relax in a room with a lot of chairs.

      Suddenly the leader of the emo gang levitates a chair with telekinesis, and flings it at the wall. No one looks surprised, except me.

      "You have powers like the character Tetsuo!" I say

      "I hate Tetsuo! He's such a. . fucking. . emo!" Lol. Okay. I'm not even going to bother starting an argument with the poor confused man.

      I stand up and feel inspired to show off my dream skills. Suddenly were wall showing off our powers to each other, trying to prove were more awesome than the next person!

      Bang. Bang. Bang.

      We were so busy being silly I didn't even notice this whole time that we were next to a staircase. "It's him! The demon! We have to go!"

      "No" Says the leader "We'll beat the shit out of him together."

      We stand in front of the staircase. Bang. Bang. Bang. The staircase progressively gets darker. Darker. As if all the light is being swallowed. I'm scared! I'm terrified!


      The leader uses his telekinesis to hurl random objects at it. I gave it my best!

      I couldn't tell you if we defeated the monster. I always wake up during the battle. It felt like it was working though. If anything, just because I was in their company.

      But the sound still gives me shivers

      Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:56 AM by 6004

      lucid , nightmare
    9. November Transformation: Eat It!

      by , 11-23-2010 at 06:07 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 12, 2010

      Synopsis: I eat my transformation, yep

      Eat It!
      I put my brand new shiny rain boots on and go for a walk, even though it aint raining. It's a beautiful day outside and for the first time ever, the neighborhood is actually alive. Kids are playing and the folks are bbq-ing.

      I meant to go home, but I was having so much fun walking I totally lost track of time, and next thing you know the sun is going down.

      In the back of my mind I can hear my mom lecturing me how dangerous it is for a female to be walking all by herself in the dark. What could I do? I know! I'll transform!

      I become a gargoyle like being and run around suburbia with no aim or cause. My family are walking around in a public garden lit by way too many lights. I hide in the bushes from them because I don't want to go home yet. I'm having way too much fun!

      At some point I get this crazy idea that I should eat my transformation. So I grab my lion like tail, and eat it. Next I grab my wings, and eat them. Next I grab my clawed hand and eat that. Everything was very tasty and sweet. I had this idea if I consumed my transformation, transforming again would be easier.

      Once I was done eating my transformation I was back to my regular me. I rejoined my family and woke up.

      Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:56 AM by 6004

      Tags: transform
    10. November Transformation: The Wild Cat Within

      by , 11-23-2010 at 05:54 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      November 8, 2010

      November has been heavy with the theme of transformation, something I look forward to

      Synopsis: A race of cat people hold back their true nature. But a wild and amazing women teaches me how to unleash my inner cat.

      The Wild Cat Within
      I'm with my family (not my real family) in a high raise apartment. They're worried about this Witch that the news has been talking about. She has willfully transformed into her wild cat-self.

      It's against the law for the people to willfully transform into their wild cat-selves. One who has transformed is treated like a werewolf, a monster that needs to be stopped. Though truthfully, every citizen has the potential to transform at any moment.

      One day I was playing around with my natural ability to transform, growing a cat tail. My family scolded me, reminding me that its illegal, and dangerous because I could lose my sanity if I transform.

      A flash outside my window catches my attention. I run to my high raise window, and standing proudly in the full sun is the Witch. She's like a cat-were. Humanoid, with cat ears, fangs, claws, fur and tail. At first I'm scared "It's her! The Witch!". Besides the news warns she's probably insane and will kill you.

      Gracefully she leaps and climbs the building until she reaches my window. I'm surprised to hear her say -


      She can talk! The transformed lose their human mind and language. No wonder they call her Witch!

      "How can you speak while transformed?"

      She grabs my hand and leads me out the window. From then on I was her pupil. Though she didn't say much, her actions were enough to show me that she was completely conscious. More than conscious, she was lucid!

      She taught me that society was wrong for telling me to hide my wild cat side. That this is who we really are. She also explained to me, that when you willfully choose to transform, not only do you retain consciousness, but you become more conscious. More brave. More able. More stable.

      Oh crap, I'm falling! I'm hanging onto the ledge of the window with just my bare hands.

      "Use you're claws to lift yourself up!" She explains

      "That's impossible! I'm just a girl! I don't have that kind of upper body strength!"

      She shows me. She hangs from the window ledge to mimic me falling. Then using all her upper body strength and the traction of her claws, she lifts herself up, leaping into the air, and landing on the roof.

      At first I thought lifting myself out of the falling position was impossible. But after watching her I realized, she's a petite female just like me. If she can do it, why can't I?

      I lift myself up and like magic, I was flying into the air and landing on the roof.

      From then on, I was the Witch - fully transformed- teaching my pupil. Though the dream just becomes a chase-dream. The cops are after us for willfully transforming. Though to be honest, we found the chase amusing. Could they catch us? NEVER!

      They chase us into a tunnel. Where we find an abandoned car, whose keys were conveniently in the ignition for us.

      Once in the car, I switch positions again. I'm the pupil again. My Witch-Master races the car out of the tunnel and down the bridge. The cops are right behind us. My master is racing towards the ledge of the bridge, were gonna fall! But she's not stopping! Instead she floors the gas pedal.

      Some how I know she's teaching me to have no fear, as she was ever fearless.

      The car is flying off the bridge! I keep waiting for us to crash, but instead the velocity gently carries us over the prairie grass. No way the cops were crazy enough to follow us! We land softly. Having lost the cops, we take refuge under the shade of a tree. And I wake up.

      In the next brief dream I was lucid, and drooling over the comic books of the artist Anta M. Alabama. Not sure what that means.

      Updated 12-14-2010 at 06:55 AM by 6004

    11. Faithful Friends of a Dragon

      by , 07-20-2010 at 04:01 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      July 17, 2010

      Synopsis: I'm roleplaying as a male dragon. Bad guys have locked up my friends! But the same bad guys are treating me as a king. Are they trying to pit my friends against me?

      Night Time Note: I'm excited about seeing Inception the next day. So I fall asleep really wanting a fun dream. I also try to keep my thoughts as light and airy as possible as I fall asleep.

      Faithful Friends of a Dragon
      Bad guys are after us, I transform into dragon - though I probably looked more like a gargoyle. I try to fly away (I'm not the violent type, what can I say? ) But my friends can't fly at all!

      Instead we find some pillars. We climb on top the pillars and to our happy surprise the bad guys are dumb. One, they don't know how to climb the pillars, two, even though they could still attack us with their spears they don't! So I dangle my clawed toes over their head mockingly.

      But then my dream completely morphs around me. I'm a much larger dragon now.
      My friends are locked in a prison that faces my pillar. And everyone is referring to me as a guy. The bad guys treat me as some sort of god, but really I'm just as much their prisoner as my friends.

      They try to please me by bringing me an innocent women and forcing her to become my wife. She bows down before me with fear, arms and legs bounded. She asks with a meek voice how she can please me, but I want nothing from her. I don't dismiss her though because I'm worried if I do the bad guys will abuse her. So I keep her near me and try to treat her as a friend.

      I don't know if these people are just confused with reptilian bodies, because I don't remember turning into a guy or wanting a woman

      They keep trying to please me with gifts, food, or whatever. All the while my friends get nothing. With their prisons facing me, watching me get the royal treatment. They're trying to make my friends envy me! Pit them against me!

      I don't do what the bad guys ask of me. Instead I stubbornly perch myself on the pillar and do nothing. Frustrated with me, the bad guys leave me alone for some fresh air. Now was the right time for our escape!

      My 'wife' quickly unlocks my friends from their prison. And to my happy surprise no one is angry at me. Instead they help my dragon butt escape out of the castle. I'm back down to a regular gargoyle size, and I feel myself again. The fastest way out is to fly. I carry my 'wife' and tell the rest of my friends that I'll be back for them.

      We fly away without any of the guards noticing us. Now I just need to find some place to hide my 'wife'. I find a hobbit sized hole in the valley. When I place her down I apologize and hope she doesn't hate me. I also tell her that technically were not married anyways since neither one of us said 'yes' . Now that my 'wife' is just my friend I fly back to the castle.

      But the rest of my friends were way ahead of me and meet me half away! Bad guys chasing them down the valley!

      We've captured the king of the bad guys. He was represented by a mechanical toy. I rip him apart! And spread and bury his pieces all throughout this medieval land, making it near impossible to put him back together again.

      His devoted minions find me and attack me. They too were mechanical, but android sized monsters. I rip them apart easily! But their magnetized spine would 'gather' the other pieces to reconstruct themselves. I rip their metal spine into even smaller pieces, scatter them miles away, and bury them deep.

      Satisfied that the mechanical bad guys could never reconstruct themselves, I wake up!

    12. Sweet Flowers

      by , 06-29-2010 at 06:06 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      June 28, 2010

      Synopsis: After becoming lucid, I transform, fly around and sniff some flowers.

      Sweet Flowers
      For the past few days most of my dreams have been mundane. Except nothing is exactly normal - everything is a little off. But I forget to RC every time.

      I don't remember the beginning of this dream. At some point I'm in the air, a girl has a book, and I want to make copies of it. Realizing I'm flying down to reach for her book, I become lucid. I try to transform into a half gargoyle like creature and I fly off into the country side, trying to focus on my wings. But I don't know if I really had any.

      I'm lucid! And I want to remember this, live in the moment! I try to take in all the details. The dirt road below me. The trees, the mountains, the sky, the little creek nearby. I see some bright beautiful flowers, bright bright pink. We have a lot growing right now in my home town. At first I just keep flying, but then I think, this is a good opportunity to play with how real my dream is.

      So I fly back to the flowers, they were growing on a tree. I grab them and sniff them. Their perfume was so strong I could taste it! "Wow that smells so real!" When I spoke it felt like I was speaking from my real physical mouth.

      Ooops, I imagined it sounded like sleep talking. (when I wake up, no one remembers me making any noise). I whisper for the rest of the dream. But not being able to speak out loud actually made my dream lose some of its vividness

      I wake up. I'm thinking about my dream, and my transformation, and how I could have played with it some more. I look at my human hands and feet. It goes over my head that I'm having a FA. Then I wake up for real.
    13. We Dreamers Begin Recreating The World

      by , 06-19-2010 at 05:19 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      May 6, 2010

      Synopsis: Second dream. After becoming lucid I remember why I'm here, to create a dream world with other members of DreamViews. But in the dry desert, I lose my lucidity all too soon.

      We Dreamers Begin Recreating The World
      I'm in a small room, and the atmosphere is comfortable. I'm with friends, but friends to be honest, I barely know. Still I like everyone so far. Some of my new friends are explaining something to me, but I really don't understand it. They're talking about things that seem far-fetched and impossible. Others were turning their crazy ideas into art projects. One slightly plump blonde shows me her artsy project.

      I think the reason why I don't understand the conversation is because it has to do something with lucidity, a conversation I can only understand if I am lucid.

      We go outside to do what were supposed to be doing, but since I didn't understand the conversation, I have no idea what that is. So really, I just walk around confused. I waste some time wondering around this
      dry city thinking about this and that, trying to buy my time. Did I mention that this place looks dry? Because it looks like someone just plumped a city right in the middle of a desert and it's kind of depressing looking.

      I run into Dannon. He tells me how he's accomplishing the goal we all set out to do on the other side of the highway! He shows off his fancy new dream car. Other cars have to drive on the highway, but his super fancy car seems to just fly over them! His car is super fast and in the blink of an eye he's already past the horizon. I become lucid!!

      I decide to fly the old fashioned way and grow some gargoyle wings. I start flying over this desert highway, but it's a long flight and it's boring. Luckily, I finally remembered what 'our' goal was - to create a world that we of DreamViews could all dream in
      together! And we chose this ugly desert city because, well, how much worse could we possibly do? This boring place was a blank slate to practice our dream magic on.

      And I need a lot of practice. How about crossing this highway effortlessly for one? Why not get a nice dream ride? I run into Aquanina, she wants a nice dream ride too, but for different reasons I think. I remember seeing a car place just down the street so I suggest that maybe we should see what this dream has to offer. We just need some money. Money isn't a problem, we both laugh because for us dreamers,
      money is easy. I just imagine lots and lots of money pouring into my pockets. Suddenly my pockets become heavy, too heavy. I look and my pockets are filled with solid gold coins!

      "That's a bit dramatic don't you think?" That's me complaining to my subconscious "How about converting those coins into dollar bills instead? Thanks?"

      My pockets become lighter and double check to make sure there's still money in there. All good to go! (my lucidity is slipping) We walk on over to the only place in town selling cars. It's a neat place. Colorful and artsy graffiti, curvy walls. I think this car place used to be a skateboaring hangout. We even had to slide down to the next level.

      There was only one car!! That's it ONE car? I guess I should have known, this is a craptactular town. There's nothing special about the car either. I was kind of hoping the perfect dream vehicle would just be right here waiting for me to drive it/fly it/traverse space with it! I guess I was whining out loud, because the car dealer shakes her head (btw, its not often I see a FEMALE car dealer)

      "You're going about this the wrong way!" She explains "So the car is simple. So is this bouncy ball." This bouncy ball magically appears is. She bangs it up against the wall and it goes on a bouncing spring all over the place, we had to duck! "It's what you do with it that really matters"

      She's right! I'm forgetting my dream magic!
      We could use the car as an easy base to mold and redesign to our licking. But I woke up before I got to try.

      I'm not sure if I could call this one a shared dream. It didn't really feel like one. But it sure gives me a lot of ideas
      Dannon and Aquanina weren't the only people in my dream. I remember running into at least five other people who I just didn't recognize.
    14. Auric Reading and Vampires

      by , 06-19-2010 at 06:42 AM (A World In My Head!!)
      April 7, 2010

      Two vampires, former best friends, fight over my sister. People die. I don't trust my sisters' vampire boyfriend, so he gives me a gift. An
      auric reader. Later I relive the dream as a mutant! Semi-lucid.

      Night Time Note:
      Last night was my moon night

      Auric Reading and Vampires
      (Note: In waking life my older sister once upon a time had a boyfriend. Long story short, she married his best friend instead. But everything is okay, because he still showed up to the wedding as the best man. Now the vampires in my dream are nothing like them, except for the relationships between each other)

      I'm in a stuffy room with a bunch of older middle aged people. A lady asks me "How old are you sweetie?" I tell her "Oh, I'm 25." She responds "Why you don't look a day older 15!" Then my dad from halfway across the room blurts out "That's my daughter!". Uh, well this is weird. So I leave the room.

      I'm in a University/Apartment Complex/I'm not sure. I grab my art project and tell my sisters that I'm heading home. To leave, you have to climb up a staircase before you can exit the front door. The staircase makes a few sharp turns, so even though it's rectangular, it makes a spiral pattern. And when I say climb, I mean you literally have to climb the first few steps. I'm standing on top of the staircase looking at all the confused college guys below me. They can't figure out how to get their foot on the first step. So I yell at them "You have to climb it!". They look at me bewildered and shake their heads in frustration that they still can't figure it out. Are they drunk? Oh well.

      I'm walking outside and even though it's dark, I can still make out my car from the back of the parking lot. Wait a minute, my cars trunk is open? A small female runs from the back of my car carrying a large bag! "A thief? Someone is stealing from my car!" My sister who was right behind me, tries to stop me, but I run after the thief. She's wicked fast! She runs into the shadows and I lose her. My sister tells me that thief is the Urban Pirate. No one can catch her! That only made me even more upset, she stole my things!

      We go back inside, I don't remember why. A huge drama plays out but I don't remember all of the details. My sister dumped her boyfriend. It turned out, he was a vampire! He killed, ate and turned students into mindless zombies. When my sister decided that his best friend would make a better boyfriend, out of spite, he transforms his best friend into a vampire too. A kind of, well if I can't have her, no one can!

      I didn't like her first boyfriend, for obvious reasons. He was psychotic! The only times you saw him was when he was laughing and screeching flying down the hallway chasing his next victim. He was a loud, blood-sucking, obnoxious ginger head vampire. But my sisters new vampiric boyfriend, was a whole different story. Dark hair, dark eyes. The quiet type. Didn't smile. Didn't laugh. I didn't trust him.

      He knew I didn't trust him. He knew I didn't like him around my sister, he's a vampire after all! To win my trust, he gives me a present. It's an auric reader. The strange device floats above my palm and spins like a compass trying to find north. Then it glows! It shows me the colors of people's auras. And it reveals any hidden energy.

      auric reader was showing me something strange. A green toxic energy, an almost putrid green was floating just in front of me. I look around to see who this toxic energy belonged to, but there was nobody there. It's some sort of demon! The green energy swells and then enters the dark haired vampire. Well if he wasn't bad before, he is now!

      I grab my sister's arm and we quickly run away. Now there are two insane vampires on the loose. We hide in the restroom. It wasn't a smart idea, it was just the first thing that popped in my head. My sister gets sick and nearly throws up on me. I'm vomit-phobic so I'm prettying much screaming "OH MY GOD!" She apologizes but she's looking sicker by the second, like she could die from this. Wait, don't you have to die before you can become a vampire? Oh no! Did he bite my sister?

      My sister tells me we can hide in this bathroom cabinet. 1) I'm thinking, you'll throw up on me for sure 2) He's a vampire, he'll sniff us out. "No! We can't hide here!". I get a sense my sisters new boyfriend is already at the door. He's wriggling the door handle telling me to let him in! He tells me an elaborate story how he fought the demon, and a dozen zombies too. He also tells me what a good vampire he is, he hasn't killed anyone, unlike his insane best friend. But I don't believe him, what should I do? Then I remember my
      auric reader.

      I let it float above my palm again. It reads through the door and shows me his aura, it's the deepest indigo I've ever seen. Well no human is this dark, but it's not toxic, or putrid - just really really deep. So I decided this was an okay color. I open the door and he helps my sick sister out.

      The ginger vampire turned the entire school into mindless zombies! Together we gather the remaining members of my family trapped in this huge place. I use my
      auric reader to watch out for any unwanted energy. That firey red must be the ginger vampire, let's go another way.

      Now that my whole family is gathered, I find a way out for us. We just need to help my sister down these steps, and the fresh air will heal her. She only needs to leave the building to stay human! But her boyfriend started to distract my sister from leaving the building. I get angry and yell at him "I'm not going to let my sister be like you!". He looks hurt! But then he lowers his head and lets me take my sister out the building.

      The cool night air heals my sister. I become slightly lucid and think "I want a happy dream ending so I don't wake stressed!" And then, we found the ginger vampire and the urban pirate had fallen deeply in love. Now the two of them were laughing mad together. A dangerous a couple, but at least their happy! The urban pirate starts to dance like a drunken wench, my mom starts to cheer and clap her on!

      I think I'm waking up. I want to remember the dream so I start to recall it. But in reality I'm still dreaming, so I just replay the dream again.

      This time as I replay the dream I'm a half mutated freak, complete with a tail. I met a boy. He was a born with a tail. Everyone made fun of him and his whole life he hid his tail in shame. Until he met me. We held hands as we safely herded my family out of the toxic building, tails wagging and all

      And then I woke up
    15. Panther Demona vs Insane Man

      by , 06-18-2010 at 11:56 PM (A World In My Head!!)
      No Foolin Day 2010

      Synopsis: After asking a guru some questions, my dream transforms into an adventure. I am panther-gargoyle being helping to track down a murderer, who calls into question my sense of justice.

      Night Time Note: I roll over in bed and remember some random dream scene, and I tell myself 'just another uneventful dream night'. Wait a minute, not it wasn't? I remember something. I close my eyes and wait for the images to come back!

      Panther Demona vs Insane Man
      I'm in a stuffy little room, talking to some old guru. He has a long white beard and I think he smells funny, because I don't think he's showered in days. I don't remember our conversations, but I did ask him a few questions. . . .

      I'm on the road, traveling with a group of people. We pass by a murder site by the university. She was just a young teenage girl, poor thing. You see, there's an insane man on the loose and he's murdering teenagers and college kids left and right for no other reason except that he can!

      We hear a gun shot by one of the main university buildings! Yet I still see two students walk undisturbed to class. "What's wrong with them?" I said "Didn't they hear the gun shot?" My friend says "They did. Can't you see how scared they are?". I guess they did look scared. They kept to themselves and stared at the floor as they walked silently to their classrooms. The university was very very lonely. It looks like a good 90% of the students decided it was too dangerous to come now that some psychopath is here.

      It turns out me and my friends are a secret police force, each with unique abilities! I transform into a black panther anthro. We chase down the murderer through the long corridors. I don't remember much of this chase scene, but it was nice for once to not be the person on the run! We lose him in large auditorium like building. We quickly separate to cover all the exits and windows. "There he is!" He was trying to sneak out! He's on a ledge too far for my pantherness to jump. So I grow wings instead and take on a gargoyle form (like Demona).

      I fly towards him and land on the ledge he's on. He's a black shadowy like figure, with no face, except for a wide white smile. He's dancing to the rhythm of his own music and he screams "I AM A GOD!". I bite him and rip a chunk off of his arm, and spit the chunk over the ledge. He's like car tire rubber, there was no blood. "A god? Well I just bit you!". He doesn't even seem upset that I bit him. He doesn't even try to hurt me. He just continues laughing. My friends quickly come to my side and since they were big guys, they restrain him and carry him outside. He's still laughing as they drag him away.

      I took a while longer to meet my friends outside. When I do go outside, I see the psychopath is being hung upside down with two strange men laughing up a storm. I didn't see my friends anywhere! I didn't know who these two guys were, but I didn't trust them. Either they were tormenting the psychopath, which in the name of justice, I couldn't standby. Or, they are only pretending to keep the psychopath captive and are laughing because they intend to release him and watch him murder again.

      Whatever, I POUNCE THEM! They scream! They're just puny humans compared to me. I grab the psychopath and find my friends around the corner. They ask me "What happened? We left him with with two police men from the office." "Oh, is that who they were?" Hmm...now that I thought about it I did recognize them from the police office. They don't seem like good cops anyways!

      What should we do with him? As we hold him down, terrified students nearby scream and run away. We put him in a giant water tank. The water is freezing. After a while I noticed he went completely limp! I touch his face, he's ice! Our job wasn't to torture him slowly to death. "He's going to die! We have to take him out."

      "Shit. Okay fine. I'll call the general." My friend gets on a cell phone and calls the general and tells him to bring an ambulance and something to warm him up. The general seems confused but then obliges. We take him out of the freezing water. His legs are limp, so we have to help him stand. The ambulance is waiting for us in parking lot, and if you know your MEGA UNIVERSITIES, that's like MILES away. "LET'S GO!" We start to run towards the ambulance. But our running only excited the psychopath, he was warming up. He's got the metabolism of a cold blooded lizard.

      "STOP!" I yelled "At this rate he'll gain back his full powers again."

      Annoyed my friend calls the general again and ask him to bring fire extinguishers. The general is even more confused! Are we trying to warm him up or keep him cold? "BOTH!"

      He was too warm for us to control. He breaks free from my friends grip. We chase him again, but this time he's found an axe! He holds the axe high and threatens to smash my friends skull open if we come any closer. I didn't want to see anyone get hurt so I yell "Stop! Please stop!". He looks at me..........and he drops the axe.

      The general and the rest of the police department come onto the scene, and they take him away, handcuffs and all. The general decided it was best to keep him in a large cool water tank to keep his metabolism slow. I wasn't happy though. I felt this man was really insane, suffering mentally, and that our justice system just didn't know what to do with these kinds of people except lock them away. Only fueling their insanity. I didn't warn the general, but I was certain that one day he'd break free from his watery cage.

      I woke up after that.
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