I'm in a group, a ragtag bunch of misfits; All of them can shapeshift into various animals. We're squatting a old cinema, but a shadowing, bad organisation attack. We flee on the roof, a wonderful creation of braided green glass, very instable but lovely. We climb down and jump in a car, driving away at top speed. We go through a snowy, very picturesque lanscape. I can't really enjoy it, as I'm the one driving. We reach a industrial dictrict and try to hide in a warehouse, but we're tracked down by a snake woman, tall and covered in golden, shimering scales. Only part of the group manage to flee, and we hole up in the back of a warehouse. A man enters, small in stature, wearing glasses, balding with a small, neat beard. He carries wih him a incredebly heavy atmosphere of dread and evil, and we cower, unable to stand up against him, until one of us, a shy bird shifter, suddnetly snaps and grab a piece of lumber, clubbing the man to get him to flee. He tells him, "do you think you can conquer us, bitch?!" while wailing on him. The evil man flees, vowing to return.
FAILED REALITY CHECK 1) My wife is driving a car, we have to get across a wide gap. 2) I in the garden of my old house. I'm running around doing laps and timing myself. It's midnight so I decide it's time to go in and start picking up my things. I see my father looking down from his bedroom window. I unplug everything (there are mains sockets at the end of the lawn) and have difficulty holding everything. Then I'm in the house, for some reason I'm in the front bedroom and I'm trying to clean some marks off an old cupboard. Then I'm at the back and I'm cleaning a toilet using a high pressure hose. A man walks in behind me and he is angry that I woke him and his family up, so I explain that I didn't realise there was anyone else in the house. He seems quite happy with my explanation and we end up chatting like friends. The scene shifts and I'm outside a pub in Hampstead and I have just bought a pint of beer. The landlady comes over to me and says I have to have my pint inspected by a pub inspector, there's a sticker on the window telling me that this could happen so I accept it and walk inside. The inspector looks at my beer and puts it on the table whislt I sit and wait. He starts eating some cake but doesn't offer me any, then some of his colleagues behind him talk about getting some lunch and order sandwiches, the inspector asks me if I know where the ladies toilets are as his colleague needs to go. I notice that he has drunk most of my beer so I give up and walk outside feelign a bit disappointed. I think how late it is and I need to get home but home is miles away so I need to get to my old house in Hampstead to get some sleep, but then start worrying that there won't be any sheets for the bed. I walk up a hill and it's very grassy with a lovely path through the trees. Then I get into an old house and I find myself in a back room - it's slightly odd becasue it's dug straight into the soil with a door higher up and the door is locked. I THINK THIS IS EXACTLY THE SORT OF THING THAT WOULD HAPPEN IN A DREAM AND DECIDE TO LOOK AT MY HANDS, I SEE I HAVE 2 THUMBS BUT CAN'T BELIEVE THAT I COULD REALLY BE DREAMING AS IT ALL SEEMS TOO REAL, I DO A MEMORY CHECK BUT REMEMBER THAT I WAS IN A PUB A WHILE AGO, LOOK BACK AT MY HANDS AND I HAVE 2 OF ALL MY FINGERS. I THINK THAT I AM REALLY TIRED AND CONCLUDE THAT I MUST BE SEEING DOUBLE AND CARRY ON, I'M CONVINCED THAT IT CAN'T BE A DREAM AND IS REAL. As I walk outside through another door I look at a sign and my vision is back to normal so I'm happy. I walk into a shop looking for a comic, and now I'm carrying my dog with me, I have to push past a security guard dressed in red to get out of the shop.
1) I'm sitting in a canteen I can see through a wall in front of me and I think that must be because I threw invisibility dust on it. I'm talking to someone next to me. To my right it becomes a fairground and I walk into it. I'm on duty with St John Ambulance (something I did regularly in my youth). I'm walking around through fairground stalls, it's dark. I'm at a briefing there's an advert showing on a TV screen about lorries joking with each other I laugh and realise I'm the only one laughing. Then I'm in a queue for doughnuts there aren't many left and the queue is long so I give up. I walk around and talk to some people on an ambulance then walk around more. I'm wearing uniform and I hear the radio going off in my pocket. Next I'm in a car with my wife and we are driving somewhere with an important officer in the back. Suddenly we realise he has gone and we discuss that we haven't stopped so he must have got out to go to the loo whilst we were driving and we should go back for him. We drive a bit further and turn around, I recognise a house and think that's the person who looked after our rats whilst we went on holiday (seemed reasonable at the time), we then walked a while I discuss with my wife how I really want a backpack that makes me fly and promise I'm going to buy one. We start driving back to look for the officer. Then we are back with a crowd of people and get onto a bus to go back home after the St John Duty. We suddenly remember that we never got the officer back and ask the bus to turn around. The driver says she can't because she will run out of petrol and drops us off so we can walk back. We go to the nearest village. My wife goes off whilst I search on my phone for where we are going to I specifically remember typing in 'Wanting' as the name of the place. The I'm surrounded by 3 men who steal my phone - I beg them to give it back to me becasue without it I will be totally lost. they throw it on the ground and leave. I pick it up and realise it's not my phone and it's smashed anyway. My wife comes back, we are totally lost. 2) Driving into London following my wife's car that is radio controlled by me. I lose control as we get into the London Streets and I'm trying to concnetrate on drivng my own car and controlling my wife's car. I run over a roundabout that is immaculately planted with flowers and then I'm drunk, a bottle of beer is held in front of me in the car by wire and foam is spilling out. I panic and get out of the car. I'm on a moped I turn right then left and I go through a doorway and into a student's flat, through more doors, turn around and back out onto the street. I look back at the car abandoned on the roundabout, someone has already come to fix the roundabout. Next I go back through the door and it's a pub. The landlady is there and it's her birthday. I recall taking stitches out of her big toe and thinking that it's going to be painful after, she is under anaesthetic. I talk to her husband I have bought her a new car for her birthday and parked it at the back I ask him if he's going to give her the keys. I'm walking up some steps holding onto the railing, her husband tells me that he thought I was going to be really boring but he likes me now becasue we went out and I got drunk. His wife is awake from the anaesthetic and walking to the back to see her new car. There is a puppy in the kitchen and it's wet the floor. The new car becomes a hoover, I have a conversation with the husband and offer to clean up the mess he tells me that I can't. Next I'm hovering up the main bar around the fire, it's a cobbled floor but as I hoover I notice it's just cobbles printed on a sheet that gets sucked up as I clean. There's sawdust everywhere. 3) There's a box with 2 rats in it. They are very unwell. I take them out and think about how I can resuscitate them and notice there are alos 4 baby rats there.
Updated 02-28-2016 at 08:53 AM by 88643
1) In a tent. An old work colleague was in charge and insisted that the layout had to be a particular way to comply with CCG guidelines. I was holding a baby. 2) I parked my car. Then in a hotel looking out of the window. It felt as if I was much younger. I could see a factory miles away and there was an explosion and smoke filling the sky. Then the whole building was shaking and something like lava was flowing it filled up the area around the hotel. I went downstairs to the kitchen and there was panic, then went back upstairs and into another room. I could hear someone hacing sex on the other side of the wall. 3) In a forest I had to go and find some short spikey twigs for some reason. In the distance I heard a large tree crack and saw a large branch fall to the ground. The scene shifted and I was at a table with some women. I was given an instruction manual on feeding babies and told to fill it in every day, I commented that my children were 9 and 11 and that I didn't need it and screwed it up. - All these dreams represented something in real life from about 4 days ago (watched a program about Pompeii, and had been reading about baby feeds at work)
I recall only a really short fragment. I was driving a car, everything looked somewhat blurry.
I dream a comment I made on Reddit get close to 10,000 upvotes. How is that possible?!?!? Going Back in Time I'm in a hotel room, like a motel in the US. I look down at my cellphone. In some weird twist, I go back in time. Now it is a day before. My friend enters the room, stands by the door and tells me to get my stuff together. I look down back at my phone, confused. It is now an old version of a cellphone, like from the 90's and the screen is so small it's hard to read messages. I try to fight my lethargy and get going. Back in the military, Inception crew?!?!? I'm in my childhood neighborhood. The sun is up, feels like an autumn morning. I am walking around, looks nice. I'm back in the military? I have to match. At some point I have to run, it's like a orienteering exercise. I really don't want to run, haven't ran in some time. To my surprise it is very easy and I actually enjoy it. I make it to a bridge going over a highway, there are trees on either side. Were am I supposed to go? I'm in a tight alley in the city, the walls on either side are tall and obscure the sky. I'm driving a car haphazardly, my mom is in it as well. It suddenly turns into something like a bike, the pedals are confusing. My old friend from childhood and his wife (who I by pure coincidence bumped into today) pass on their own motorized bike. I make it to the center of the city by the sea. I meet the crew from Inception (!?!). They have stolen a nuclear reactor and have hidden it under some paving rocks by the sidewalk, through the cracks I can see it glow with white light. The Yale Admission Tent I enter a large white tent like something you'd find in a wedding. There is a a massive amount of people in the benches behind me as I face two tables. They are the Yale admission board (?!?!) and this is the interview portion of the admissions process. It has the feel of a game show or a talent show, the audience behind me. I'm pretty sure I have no chance of getting in but since I've been thrust in this position, I'll just do my best as least not to embarrass myself. I put on my best outgoing persona and get ready for anything. On the table to the left there is a bunch of people who look like administrators. They shuffle my papers and prepare to ask questions. A person walks up from the table next to it, on my right. It is reserved for students in the student union who also are a part of the admission interview. A fairly plump and young student walks up to me and asks what books I've read recently. A sting of panic hits me, I haven't really read anything notable in the last few months, at least no fiction. I try to stir up anything I've read. I mention a friend of mine gave me the Lord of the Rings book that I've been re-reading as an emergency lie. I also mention reading the Song of Ice and Fire books, waiting for The Winds Of Winter as a namedrop. This is not going well. I approach the student union table. I see my report card from school on it, it looks dirty and tattered, as if it's been stepped on with muddy boots.Behind it there is a circle of young students sitting on the grassy ground. They begin asking me weird, pretentious riddles (like something I saw in a Gilmore girls episode) and I do my best to answer but think it's BS. Back in my childhood home, I'm hungry for tortilla chips. I eat tortilla chips.
Updated 01-05-2016 at 04:34 AM by 80544
I swerve up to the side of the client's apartment building. There's an eavestrough there that's just too high off the ground to reach without a boost. There's a garbage truck behind me. I ignore it and back up, hitting the truck with a screech of metal. The car's just under the eavestrough now, and I open the driver's side door, turn to the client, and tell her: "Go." She slides out of the car and scrambles onto the hood while I smile pleasantly at the driver of the truck. He's still looking somewhat shocked by the fact that I just backed into him. As my client grabs onto the eavestrough and starts climbing into the apartment, I shut the door of the car. I pick up the car, crunch it into a ball, and throw it into the back of the garbage truck. "Don't worry," I assure the driver, "It's registered under a false name." He... smiles back, and I know that he isn't going to cause me any trouble.
Updated 12-16-2015 at 04:38 PM by 31096
Before going to sleep I was worried about having made a mistake with a patient's care..... 1) I was stood in front of a consultant discussing a patient's care. I said about checking her blood glucose and was told in no uncertain terms I had it wrong and it had to be checked at the weekend. Then I was in a second hand shop looking at where a pile of books should be and they weren't there and I thought that perhaps someone had taken them already and knew I had got it wrong. I went to my car and the door was bent and forced inwards as if someone had tried to break in. I got in the car and started driving, I remembered I had a radio in the car and turned it on thinking I might hear who was after me. Then I was in a medical shop wheeling a patient trolley back in that I had borrowed, I told them I would be back later with everything else. I went upstairs in the same building to a room full of slot machines, and thought maybe if I have a big win my problems would be over, but decided that I never gamble and it wouldn't happen. The room was full of middle aged women playing the machines. I wandered around a bit looking at all the fruit machines. Someone threw some coins at me. I went downstairs again to the medical shop but it had turned into a pub, I went to the bar to ask when they would open as a medical shop agin , there were some old colleagues stood at the bar ordering drinks and one asked me in quite a callous way 'so you only come here on the half hour now do you?' so I left again. 2) I was watching a taxi driving over the top of a bridge and thinking how dangerous it was. It was pink and the bridge was pink. The taxi was sliding all over the place but didn't fall off. All slightly strange dreams.
Updated 12-06-2015 at 09:23 AM by 88643
Set an intention to remember my dreams last night as my recall has been dreadful, and remembered loads this morning, already forgotten quite a bit though. I woke in the early hours after a dream, all I remember was 'The Beatles' so obviously dreamt about the Beatles. plenty more dreams after that: 1) Driving down a country lane and saw a farm, saw writing on the walls and realised it was actually a farm converted into a shop, saw inside as I drove past and it was selling electronic goods. Went on further and entered a strange old town, parked the car and walked up the street. Met an old man who showed me some pictures he had taken, I zoomed in on one of them and saw some old friends from medical school stood on a bridge waving at me. I then saw some other friends stood on a roof waving at me, the picture was fuzzy because I was zoomed in so much. 2) I was on a school trip talking to the teacher a lot about all sorts. We were eating in a canteen, then I remember being stood out on some grass and there were holes in the ground and I could see paving slabs through them and thinking that that area needed to be filled in. 3) Stood in a clearing surrounded by trees. A large prehistoric bird landed nearby, I was talking about it with a friend I was with and we decided it wasn't going to eat us so we watched for a while. Then it laid some eggs. We noticed some other birds there aswell and they had all laid eggs. 4) In the last dream I was with a tractor in an old barn with a very sturdy wooden door. I got out of the tractor and saw lots of notices about being carful climbing up and over the door, there was a large concrete ledge I had to climb onto it was painted yellow I remember a lot of detail. I walked along and got to the door I was going to climb over. It was very heavy and I thought that this was an old industrial complex in the North of England somewhere, I jumped over the door and then found I had forgotten my car keys - I spoke to some people about it, and realised I had left the key in the tractor. Someone came with me to help me over the door of the barn but I leapt over it in one go. I found the key in the tractor.
Dream - Driving about (woke up at 3:00am) I'm in my parents house, I think I somehow made the alarm go off and it's wailing loudly... I punch in the code to turn it off but nothing happens. Argh, I must have put the wrong code in. Everyone is waiting outside. Why is the alarm going off anyways? I remember there being a Tuatara at some point... Later on I'm in the car with my mom, she's driving and we turn into a house to pick some people up. The house looks simultaneously like my neighbours and our house combined. We're waiting for my dad and some other person to hurry up, they should already be ready by now. They must have forgotten we were heading out, there's no lights on in the house at all. It's already 9pm.. Geeze :/. We beep the horn loudly and my mum is impatient now, she's driving in circles in the driveway of the property. I look up at the window of my dads room (it's not his room anymore) and see that the light suddenly turns on. Finally, I think to myself that they now know we're here at least. I tell my mum that they've noticed us. We start talking and discuss her going back to university. She wants to study some ecology papers as she's found that she's interested in that field of study. I tell her that I can help her review her essays if she needs me to. Dream experience: 5 (pretty vivid and the dream felt long. I remembered it pretty clearly and I didn't wake up feeling foggy, which usually leads to me forgetting my dreams). Dream awareness: 1 (not enough to be aware that I was dreaming, but there was some definite conscious thinking involved) I think my cat woke me up from this dream... She jumped on top of my face. After I woke up I decided to get up for a while, so I spent 40 minutes researching random stuff and then reading a comic before heading back to sleep. I also remember a really strange WILD last night where I seemed to naturally just slip into a dream consciously. But the whole thing felt delirious and uncontrollable, I had visuals at first but they disappeared. The interesting thing was that I was more involved with other sensations like touch and sound (the sound was more like a humming noise).
I'm driving a down a road, there is forest on either side, a grey day. I see a man on the right with his dog. He's stopped but I'm afraid that the dog might just jump in front of the car. It doesn't and I drive by. A see another man stopped by the shoulder of the road with his motorcycle, I see a lake he's looking towards. He's smoking a cigarette and the smoke get in the cabin of the truck as a drive, smells irritating. Suddenly I see that the asphalt is new, there is road construction. Cars are coming right at me, another truck comes right at me on my side of the lane. I narrowly miss it, but with all the traffic coming at me, I'm afraid that this is a one-way road. I drive all the way to the side of the road in a panic. I go down a small side track, it leads to a downhill path. The truck dives down into the ground, burrowing into the earth. As I go down I see I'm in a fallout shelter, but looking back I see the light of the outside world getting dimmer and dimmer. I try to turn back but can't, the walls of the tunnel will cave in. I'm safe now in the shelter but trapped, like being buried alive.
I'm with my sister, trying to escape an underground facility. It's all metal panels and bad lighting, with robot sentinels at some intersections. I lure on of the robot into taking me to a vent and manage to lock it open, allowing my sister and me to escape to the surface. We're in a desert, mostly ocher stones and sand, with wind whipping it a round us. The light is harsh and bright, boncing og the metallic vent we escaped from. We walk a little and spot a little hover vehicle, bright orange with a transparent bubble cockpit. It's color make it blend with its surronding, but the glare on the cockpit is a dead giveaway. We hop in and I start it. It handle weirdly, there isn't any weight behind the wheel. I kick it into high gear and we zip into the blue sky, getting out of the fissure we were trapped in. under us is a long stretch of ocher desert, broken up from time to time by big block of rock and large rift. In front of us is a incredibly tall man-made structure, that looks lika mesh with brighly colored box in. As we get closer, I realise that those box are containers, converted into flats; I can see people sitting on the small porch. I don't know how the managed to get up here, and I don't have time to wonder about it. My hover vehicle can't get any higher, so I have to go through the giant mesh, slaloming between the container to reach the over side. I barely manage it, and we're back to flying over the desert, with nothing in view but the cloudless sky.
I dreamed that my old pet rabbit was alive. I was in a room that was sort of a cross between an old apartment I lived in when I was 12, and my current apartment. The floors were the old ragged brown carpet from the old apartment... the layout was like the bedroom of my current one, except instead of a regular closet, there was a walk-in closet. I was keeping my bunny in there. I didn't want to keep her in her cage. IRL, her "cage" was really just her potty, and she was able to come and go as she pleased... it was basically just the crate I used to transport her to and from her vet, combined with being a litter pan. She didn't spend much time in there. She actually liked to just lie there in it with the door open, for some weird reason. I guess because it was "hers". Anyway, in the dream, though, somebody wanted me to keep her in there. It was way too small and dirty, so instead I kept her in the closet. In the dream, I remember sitting down in the closet and petting her, and playing with the fuzz on top of her head. I miss her. Then, I started wandering around the apartment naked. I recall lying on the carpet on my stomach (still naked) using a laptop. The carpet was the same sort of dull brown that the old apartment had, but sometimes it was also a wooden floor like my current apartment. It was late morning or early afternoon and there was a lot of sunlight... it may have been summer. The bed I was next to was a mess, unmade and covered in clothes. The mattress may have been lying directly on the floor. Then realized maybe i should wear some clothing, and put my fleece leopard-print onesie on. I woke up and I was cold, so that explains at least some of that dream. It was about 4 a.m. Tried to do visualizations, but too tired and needed all the sleep I could get, so I let it go. Then I dreamed I had a roommate who was a huge asshole and then suddenly stopped being one and I was suspicious of it. Tall dude with long blond hair who fancied himself a "metal head". Them I dreamed mom and I were driving around the city I currently live in with my brother, and she kept stopping and giving me painkiller injections to numb my mouth. Except they didn't numb my whole mouth. Specifically the left bottom side of my front teeth. My gums were all torn up and bloody there. So eventually she just gave me a syringe full of clear fluid and told me to use it. i asked what the dosage was, and she just shrugged. Then... We were on the upstairs part of a store... it had a similar layout and looked a lot like the grocery store down the street from us but also sold clothing etc... I wanted cupcakes. The ones on the upstairs clearance rack near the checkout lanes were gross looking and overpriced. Like $3.99 for 2 cupcakes with the frosting all messed up. The rest of the baked goods weren't what I wanted. I really wanted cupcakes. At some point, mom handed me 3 candy bar things. They were really thin fragile sheets of milk and white chocolate split diagonally along the length of the bar. They were in packaging that was simultaneously gold and shiny but also completely transparent. Unfortunately, they were so fragile that I accidentally broke 2 of them, one quite badly. I was worried they were ruined, that nobody would enjoy them that way, and apologized profusely to my mother. She didn't seem to care very much. After picking through the shelves of baked goods upstairs (it was really just one display), I went downstairs (the layout of the store was the same as IRL in a lot of ways, but had escalators instead of stairs) to the bakery section, where they weren't much better. I picked through what was there... A helpful employee tried to help me find something, but all of my options sucked, and the store wanted like $18 for a pack of 4 cupcakes. The cupcakes were all in terrible shape - chocolate cupcakes with the blue and green frosting sliding off or mostly stuck to the plastic package. Then at some point in between, we were driving around my old hometown, around one of the more run down areas... Brown figured heavily in the color palette... Lots of crumbling parking lots and dried out grass... it was midday, warm and very sunny, maybe it was late summer or early autumn. Mom was driving, I was in the front passenger seat, and my brother was in the back seat. I don't remember much about the car. It may have been my car, but I don't think it was. It wasn't a nice new car, in any case. Anyway, I had decided not to use the mystery syringe because I didn't know the dosing. So I had put the syringe in the glove box and was worried the cops would pull us over, find it, and think it was illegal drugs. But I didn't want to just throw it in the trash because I didn't want anybody to get a needle-stick. For some reason I had a cap, like a pen cap, that could go over the needle... I put it on and put the needle back in the glove box. I decided I'd find a sharps container in a bathroom somewhere and throw it out there. Then, I was back in the bakery section of the store, still trying to find cupcakes. There were big security monitors above the cashiers lanes, and writing would randomly appear transposed over the images and then disappear. At first it looked like it was that the monitor was scuffed up. I reasoned it was actually Security doing it from their office. Like they were "writing" on the images in real-time, although I couldn't figure out why. Woke up and thought about the fact that my dream recall hasn't been great and I hoped I wouldn't forget everything in the morning again. Fell asleep and dreamed about writing in my dream journal... In the dream, I had a notebook and pen on the nightstand. And my boyfriend wasn't there for me to wake up, I was alone in the bedroom. I had the light on and wrote in the notebook while sitting in bed. The walls were a sort of warm creamy yellow color, which they are not IRL. Then my alarm clock rang. The false-awakening dream journaling did actually help my dream recall. I really did basically write down everything from the past two dreams I'd had, which helped me remember them when I woke up for real!
Non-dream Non-lucid Lucid My flatmate had a random burst of energy and offered if I wanted to go to the gym with him at 9:30pm. I ended up managing to get into bed around 11:30pm so my sleep wasn't that great. Interestingly though I decided to meditate before going to bed, and for the first time that I can remember, I actually felt myself falling asleep.. I think meditating in bed before I go to sleep might be good for me so I'll trial it again. I also had a whole bunch of WILD visions, where I could see the dream forming. It was pretty cool, it happened several times and each time it would dissipate (probably because of inexperience and because it was too early in the night). I woke up at 3am for a WBTB and decided I'd try meditating again. I did a mindfulness practice on my body, starting from the feet and working my way to the head until I held my whole body in awareness. Unfortunately I became too aware and lay in bed in a sort of borderline-sleep state from 3:30-6:00, bored as f*ck... I managed to recall two dreams (one from earlier in the night and another from 6:30-7:30). Dream 1 - Compliment More of a dream fragment, I was sitting in the lounge in my flat playing guitar and watching TV. No one was supposed to be home so I just decided to start singing. I love to sing but I REALLY suck lol, so I was just enjoying it . Then my flatmate Olly walks past and looks at me a bit surprised. I look up at him from the relaxed position I'm in as I sit on the couch. I don't seem to stop singing, I kind of keep going, trying to finish the verse I'm singing. It takes a few seconds and then he's like "Hey maybe your singing voice isn't as bad as you thought". Damn that felt nice hearing him say that ^_^ Dream 2 - Awesome dad I remember being with my dad and he was driving us away from my university. We were heading to the university that he worked at (he doesn't in RL). It's not as prestigious as my own university, its reputation is that some of the people are a bit dumb . We arrive and enter through a white archway front entrance and rolled into a small courtyard with parking all over the place. There's a narrow road with diagonal parking spaces but they're all filled up, we drive down there anyways hoping to find a space at the end. It feels so vivid it's unbelievable. Like I can remember lots of random details... The sky was bright blue, I remember the clothing that some people wore (kind of artsy looking students, upon looking at them I thought they had some kind of school uniform too). I can remember the main building and how the windows looked (far too hard to explain), and I remember peering outside of the window to my left and spotting some cute looking girls looking my way . I thought to myself that this university would have been cool to go to, the whole place felt alive. I was still in the car with my dad driving down that narrow road looking for a park, but we reached the end and nothing. He then starts backing up the car and just goes so fast, he's looking behind us as he drives and looks so comfortable driving. I think to myself how good at driving he must be, especially since the road was so narrow. It really blew my mind. I notice also how damn long the road seems to be, was it always this long? We've been reversing for ages. I know that the road wasn't this long when we first went down it (low level awareness but I didn't get lucid). We're finally out and he turns the car around. "How come you didn't send me to this university?" I ask "Because I worked too damn hard" he replies (or something along those lines). He wanted me to go to a good university, though in RL he had no influence on my choice ^_^. I have to go back to my university now, so we both step out of the car. The place around us is quite active, there's a lot of people walking around since it's the middle of the day at a university. I run around the car and give my dad a big hug, "Love you dad!" I say with a profound sense of affection. I felt like my dad was just awesome . I wasn't even the slightest bit embarrassed about all the people that were looking at us. I head to the front entrance of the university by myself so I can catch a taxi home. The end.
My recall is still rubbish. When I wake I can remember everything but it fades so fast. Driving onto a large multi-lane road. Two buses coming fast towards me, I narrowly avoid one then I find myself stuck in a queue of traffic and having to do a hill start on a VERY steep hill. I'm sort of hanging backwards out of the drivers seat, desperately trying to control the car but I just about do it. I find myself in a competition with someone to see who can do the most sit-ups in a minute. I do mine really fast so I get a sinking feeling in my stomach as I sit up. That sensation together with sitting up reminds me of going out of body and I wake up immediately to try to control it. Didn't come to anything.