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    1. March 24th 2015 "If I Were Dreaming" Lucid - End of 11 Day Dry Spell

      by , 03-26-2015 at 05:39 AM
      Not too impressive, but just coming back from 11 day dry spell…Got a nice Girl Friday dream the next night.
      (Morning of) Tue, 24 Mar 2015:

      Apple juice again 2nd night, earlier than last night, this time at 830pm; 11p 3a wbtb(4h) facility with swimming pool? ; I am meeting someone and the previous person, a sweet lady or girl is helping me get ready suggests I wear a nicer shirt than my T-shirt and lays out my green shirt for me and delays the other person I'm meeting. I put it on and there is something bulging from the neckline a bit like I'm wearing a necklace and I flatten it out a bit. As I enter I am hearing that he is or was connected to a Native American and did something to protect his people or his family status or something that sounded noble. At some point going through this building a fire truck is superimposed by an image I took of the fire truck some time before when there were notices posted on its windshield...now neatly cleaned off as if they were never there.

      Playing in a game this coming day so planning quicker btb and visualize only. Btb 320
      In a really big house with huge great rooms with a large family. Beautiful and vivid.

      *After my wife left I only had an hour to get back into a dream and did a little visualization that I'm realizing it was a dream. I'm in a big two story restaurant and I need to go to the bathroom <snip> I leave the first bathroom and get lost and subsequently find that I'm in a big gymnasium like I was thinking about during wake back to bed . I go out to check out the gymnasium and it is the second story seats or balcony but the kids are using it still as part of their basketball practice making long passes among the balcony and then from the balcony and down to the gymnasium floor where practicing basketball. All the kids are black and I figure I'll work my way down the stairs back to the original bathroom <snip>. heading down the stairs in this balcony area I'm dropping my jackets that I'm carrying and I'm trying to gather them and a couple of black kids walk up and it looks one of them like one of them is a special needs kid but has violent tendencies and the other kid calls him "Rabid." Hey Rabid this guy is something something. They leaned me back over the seat and although it doesn't seem too dangerous I told him "look if I fall backwards I'm gonna land on my head way down there and I will die. You don't want that." after about a minute of calm talking to them they let me go about my way and I realize that I could have just squeezed out an energy burst and knock them away as if I knew it was a dream.As I continue down the hall it really sinks in that I AM dreaming. I see a black lady and the dream starts to fade so I say "come here for a moment, let me hold your hand" and I grabbed her hand and feel all the details of her hand, it is warm and feels just like a hand should and the dream visuals starts coming back. I reach up under her shirt holding her back and stomach and I start to reach up for her breasts and she says no no, tonight she is very tired from a long day. I say okay, no worries I don't need to force myself on a DC, even if it is just a dream and I wasn't feeling strongly inclined to anyway. I keep rubbing her back and she seems to like that. And I see a bathroom with a bathtub across the way and I say how about a nice warm bath? I could give you a nice warm bath or I could join you and I keep rubbing her back as we walk that way before I finally fade back to bed. I lay still going over the details in my head and then when I finally allow myself to move, I release a big smile. No.296

      I do wonder if it was only because of apple juice that I broke the dry streak (no apple juice next night but still had an LD (next entry with Girl Friday!). I did set an intention before sleeping and at my short back to bed and again a bit after my wife left. I did hardly anything during the day though, so busy with two different business deals. But I also came to the realization that I put lucid dreaming on the back burner and maybe just maybe I can do both!..allowing my brain to accept lucid dreaming back as at least a partial priority. who knows!?
    2. A Werewolf's Teddy Bear?

      by , 12-04-2013 at 06:20 AM
      Hello again. This is a dream I had while in middle school I believe.

      I was at my grandparents house (which is a dreamscape I return to often). Their backyard is a good size and has really tall pine trees in the back. This translated into the dream. There are two tiers to their backyard. At the time the back porch led to the top tier where there is a lawn and my grandfather's workshop at the back. Steps lead down to the bottom tier where there is more patio and lawn. There is a hill at the back that has the trees planted on it.

      There was a party going on. I walked around listening to people talk and socialize. My eyes were drawn to this older Native American lady. She stood out in the crowd. No one paid her any attention but my eyes met hers and we stared. I knew she was a Shaman. All of a sudden all the people disappeared except for her. Movement made the tops of the trees shake and I heard a growling noise. I looked up seeing a large dark shape dart around in the trees and then disappear. I knew it was a werewolf. I ran to the woman who was completely calm while I freaked out. I warned her about the werewolf and asked her what we should do. I had a feeling the werewolf was hunting me, not her. She told me to show it respect and it would not hurt me. Once she finished speaking the Were dropped to the ground. It was bear size, had dark gray/black fur and amber eyes. It charged towards us and I did as she said and bowed my head, tensing but not fleeing. It stopped in front of me. I could feel its breath on me, the heat coming from its body. Then all of a sudden it swept me up into its arms and snuggled me. I closed my eyes as I was surrounded by warmth and soft downy fur. I woke up after that.
    3. The Art of “Ugh”

      by , 06-16-2013 at 12:16 PM
      Morning of June 16, 2013. Sunday.

      I had a shorter intimate dream with the setting once again being in Cubitis, the one area near the hallway being fairly close as to how it really was. Zsuzsanna and I are wrapped in blankets on the otherwise hard tiled floor but we are still enjoying ourselves.

      In my last dream of this date, I am back on King Street in the L-shaped smaller apartment in the back. I have several paintings up on the main length of the west wall. They are sort of like water-color images and slightly abstract, one of an eagle’s head. My wife Zsuzsanna is talking to someone else about his art, but he seems to be a younger version of me though with ongoing tribal ties and more art skills, perhaps. His work is detailed but more contemporary, almost like panels from a professional-looking comic book. One image shows a happy couple. One seems to be on plain A4 typing paper but that one may be a print. They are making fun of all the racist cartoons and such that stereotype Native Americans as saying “Ugh!”. They each say “Ugh!” about six times, laughing. Apparently, my “younger self” is even going to paint a large picture expressing the “ughness” of “Ugh!” in abstract. Some of it seems to be a response to modern television shows. There is a vague idea that the public would sit and watch a still image “Ugh!” on their television screen for an hour or more without moving.

      Another (unknown male) person also speaks, and there are two other unknowns in the room, at least at one point. This other person is talking about how “great” my paintings on the wall are and I feel a bit silly about the attention as his praise seems sincere, yet as he points out each individual line making up the larger image when talking about the eagle head picture, which is composed of mostly blue and lighter purple water-color paint-like lines, but with also a somewhat of a pen-drawing look.

      Updated 05-20-2016 at 08:22 AM by 1390

    4. Jogging to Yosemite

      by , 04-11-2012 at 04:54 PM (The Dreams of a Trapped Mind)
      So, there was a few dreams, but I remember this one the most.

      My brother and I had already been jogging throughout my dream for some reason. We'd jog here, jog there, awkward right? So we had a weekend to kill and somehow got it in our heads to jog to Yosemite (a three hour car drive) and back home. I -being the smart one- grabbed a backpack full of some supplies in case anything happened. We start jogging. We don't make it all the way because I think it took us a while to realize that it wouldn't be three hours jogging cuz we're not jogging at 60+ mph XD

      We somehow managed to get to this store we always pass along the way but I've never been inside. It's this old, Native American type deal; privately owned, looks like a house converted into a store. We go inside and you know, I expect to see a bunch of Native American things, right? No. Wood and rope to make sleds, and magnets. Oh, and there was a room full of ice sculptures in the back. Not exactly what I expected.

      I then woke up due to sunlight shining through my window.. gotta fix that.
    5. Roman Officer, Dutch Army Snatchers, 3rd attempt at confidence issues

      by , 08-04-2011 at 07:57 AM
      non-lucid - Notes - lucid

      04-08-11 I am in Holland staying at Ruth's place, though the place is quite different to how it actually looks.

      The house reminds me most of all of a country side small farm. There is a main house and a converted garage, which is white, connected by a yard filled with small stones and some light foliage.

      We are staying at the converted garage. A lot of the dream is oriented around being outside moving and returning to the garage. When I say we I include Kaiser and Duki.

      One night Kaiser and I are in the garage alone and he is talking about this Japanese artist and as he mentions the name I recognise it. He plays a track and tells me something about this particular track is one of the two possibilities you get when downloading his stuff for free. It is randomly selected between this and another. I think he likes the other better.

      He does some exercise that is supposed to be strength exercise, but amounts only to him flexing his muscles without weight. At first I find it strange, but then I consider that when you are lacking the stuff why not at least make the best of it.

      I am getting trained to be a gunner in some sort of APV. We are talking about what positions in the vehicle would be best, and we sort of agree that my position as the front gunner would be preferable.

      I ask how may people it carries and he says “30 I believe”

      The following morning we are awoken by some general noise and we can all tell that something is up. The yard outside is crawling with people in camouflage suits and somehow I know they are with The National Guard/Local Defence Volunteers. They are headed for the garage.

      Duki starts getting into his camouflage gear, and I loose track of Kaiser. Duki gets caught and I manage to get out of another door towards the front of the garage away from the yard. I get into my mili suit and walk back in. They aren't chasing me which means the disguise worked and I discover that these are the Dutch version and they are scared because apparently we have made a defence or military agreement with the queen of Denmark.

      I am a Roman officer walking around in a castle. I am ordering units around by drawing squares on the ground with my finger as you would expect from any RTS game.

      The only problem I am finding is that when I try and select units I keep knocking them over inevitably because the motion is making my hand run through the squad.

      When this happens the soldiers turn to tin soldiers and become useless.

      I walk down a bridge, well more a combination of a corridor and a bridge made of what looks like limestone. On my right there is a boy who is collecting tin soldiers that he can use for something or sell.

      I become mad at him and tell him that he should give them back. He doesn't and so instead I start taking the small petty coins, black in colour from him.

      He immediately starts crying, he will be in trouble and the small amount of currency I have taken from him really means a lot. I feel majorly bad, like sledgehammer-to-the-chest bad (actually still feel it thinking about this part ^^). So I stop the activity and instead I start giving him some change I have lying in my pocket.

      The change starts out with 20-50 Euro cents, really worth nothing to me, but almost a fortune to the boy and in the end I give him a Euro.

      This next bit is cryptic to explain with my logical brain system switched on, but I will try.

      I explain to him that it is rather funny that I am giving him these Euroes, when they haven't even developed a currency system in Denmark. (whatever, made sense in the dream ^^).

      I ask Jørgen Kirke Dude, who is sat close to me (now we are in a garden of sorts) wearing a toga when they will introduce a system of currency in Denmark. He say that in 67-68 or so, which will amount to about five days (Actual time is around the 9th century)

      I am standing in a garden looking out over a field. Something isn't quite right, I don't recognise the place and I turn lucid. I bother not with reality checks or anything of the like, I just know.

      I look around to engage my senses for a while. It is slightly windy and the clouds are dominantly grey. I marvel at the details of the plants around. They are all green plants with some greyish white and pale pink/purple flowers.

      The clouds seem somewhat off, they are too jagged if anything. Though them being there still leaves a greyish tint to the light of the dream. I look out over the field, which is beige in colour though the wheat also sports some green elements, which I believe is unnatural to the real world sort.

      I take off in flight out over the field. I ask the dream for help again with the confidence problems. I let my hand run through the wheat as I fly above the field.

      I am stopped by a barking dog. It looks like a sheep dog, one of those black and white ones and it is aggressive. It barks at me and snaps it jaws. I give it a quick slap and realise it is actually scaring me a bit, but I remember to remain calm and try to avoid violent confrontation. As soon as my mindset towards the dog change, so does the dog. It transforms into the cutest boxer pup and I sense all aggression depart from it. It jumps up my leg and look over my shoulder towards a farmhouse in the middle of the field.

      I (think I might thank the dog first, not sure though) take off into flight and fly over the house. There are a couple of men down working the garden and I sense something like father and sun. I ask them if they can help me and I get a somewhat hostile response, but am asked to fly around the back of the house.

      I do so and I ask another man, think he is younger than the first I saw. The mood is hostile and I don't know if he actually say anything before a woman shouts out of the house.

      “Why do all these lunatics have to show up when the weather is bad”
      I look around and notice that snow is either already fallen or coming around shortly.
      I tell her that I was guided in her direction for help with my confidence problems. I am standing over her jumping lightly on her fence making it look easy.
      she tells me something like “Ah, well forgive my potential rudeness, I have no time to be politically correct, but my ancestor was an Indian (rather than using the term native American) and I might be of assistance..”

      I wake up
    6. Black Ops

      by , 04-23-2011 at 05:35 AM (Way of the Lizard)
      Well, that was a weird, dark dream. I was part of an intelligence unit raiding a Native American trailer park that housed a dope-growing operation. We went in there in suits, chucked bottles of accelerant at all the trailers except for two, the guy who tipped us off and the HQ, then lit it up and either rounded people up or gunned them down as they ran around in confusion. My boss in the operation was this 'spooky calm' kind of Tommy Lee Jones-ish guy, who gave a very rational defense of the whole operation when I declared it monstrous. He wandered around the trailer collecting tree branch specimens that were hanging around, and since we were doing it, I called dibs on an industrial juicer we found
    7. Saved by a starving wolf.

      by , 12-25-2010 at 03:18 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      I am lost in a coniferous forest somewhere in snowy northern Canada. I have been lost for a long time, wandering in the endless frozen forest, and the cold is starting to effect my body in seriously adverse ways. My left hand, from the wrist, has turned completely black from frostbite and my legs have been numb for hours, thoughI still force myself to stumble through the snow because for I have a false believe that if I keep moving that things will get better or I will be found or something.

      Another night comes and the moon is the biggest and the fullest I have ever seen before. It is so bright in fact that I can find my way through the forst as if it were day time. I cannot see what it is but I hear foot falls in the snow behind me and know that I am being followed by a wild animal. Many days and nights pass and my body is sucumbing more to the cold. The animal that has been following me is still around but I have no yet seen what it is, though I suspect that it is waiting for me to die. One day I collapse in the snow exhausted finally reigned to my inevitable fate and wait for the wild animal to come and eat me.

      I lift my tired head and see a light grey wolf slowing making its way to me. The wolf is very think and weak looking and I can see the outline of its ribs and the creature seems to be starving terribly, though it is not threatening me and seems more curious than anything. I figure I am going to die anyway so I pull a pocket knife out and cut off my frostbitten hand and toss it towards the wolf then immediately pass out. I wake up at night and find myself alone. I don't know where the wolf went and cannot see if it ate my hand because it is too dark. I find the strength to stand up and begin wandering again, more out of boredom than anything because I don't think I am going to be saved and I am essentially just passing the time until I do. I am so cold and so tired that I no longer actually feel the cold that much anymore, let alone think about it.

      Something happens one day though the dream becomes fuzzy and I cannot remember exactly what. I think a bear or a group of evil hunter men came upon me and attack me but I am saved my the light grey wolf that had been following me before. The wolf chases away my attacks and then has to drag me away from there, by the collar of my coat, through the forest because my body is so tired and damaged by the cold that I can no longer walk. I don't know how long the wolf dragged me but it felt like a long time. I pass in and out of consciousness for days and in one moment of clarity I talk to the wolf and believe it can understand me (partly loneliness, partly delerium) and tell him that when I die that he has my permission to eat my body because I know that it is still starving. I pass out again right after.

      I wake up in a hospital bed. I know I am still in the north because I can see a snowstorm raging outside of my hospital window. It is night and everything is quiet and I am trying to wrap my mind around how I survived in the frozen north for so long. I also wonder about the starving wolf and feel bad that I did not die so that he would have something to eat. I lay awake for a long time because my mind is ruminating about so many things and the thoughts of my experience begin to overwhelm me when a nurse with sort curly hair in pink scrubs comes in and says that the doctor will be in shortly. After some time passes an elderly Native American aboriginal chief dressed in a leather vest and a coyboy hat comes in and tells me that I am lucky to be alive and he asks me about the details of my ordeal.

      I tell him everything I remember happening including being saved by the starving wolf and the doctor tells me that I am mistaken. He says that I was found by the side of the road in one peice and that they had to amputate my hand because of the frostbite damage after I was brought to the hospital. I argue with the doctor and tell him that I am so sure that it all really happened. The doctor tells me that I was suffering from delerium from the cold and that I probably hallucinated the whole thing. I feel kind of at a loss because I am not sure how to feel but the doctor tells me that I probably did meet a wolf in the frozen north and that it guided me out of the forest because in Native American aboriginal legend, the wolf is a protector and a guide for lost soles.

      After the docotr leaves I stare out of the window for a long time, trying to come to terms with what I though was real and what I was told really happen. Through the blowing snow outside I can see something move and when it comes close to the window I can see that it is the starving wolf that saved me, though it no longer looks like it is starving. The wolf looks at me for a moment than runs off into the snowstorm and the dream ends there.

      Updated 12-27-2010 at 08:41 AM by 6048

      non-lucid , memorable
    8. Soapstone and sushi store

      by , 05-25-2010 at 07:13 PM (Visions in the Dark)
      Dream starts off with some friends of mine from highschool and I wandering into a craft store. There are many crafts that are made by or influenced by Native American art and mythology, but I find some sculptures carved out og soapstone that are inspired by ancient Egyptian and Greek mythos.

      My friend Becky wants to go to a sushi resturant that is attached to the craft store and we all get a seat that overlooks a ski hill through a larg window. For some reason the resturant will only let six people sit per table and our group gets split up.

      When are first order arrives some of the dishes are mixed up or are completely wrong and instead of rectifying the situation the waiters get angry and threaten to kick us out of the store. My friend Becky somehow manages to talk to the waiters and straighten things out, but when our second round of food comes, many of them are also the wrong order.

      Many in our group get up and try to leave out of anger, not wanting to pay the bill, but the owner comes out and tries to convince us to stay. Menawhile, Becky notices that their order sheets and reciepts are outdated and from 2008 but I say that it doesn't matter or something like that.

      I cannot remember any more of this dream.
    9. Mystical dream house

      by , 04-10-2009 at 05:00 AM (Visions in the Dark)
      The dream starts off in a well organized, modern looking house that has an open concept kitchen/dinig room/living room combo. There are two old ladies having tea and an a man who looks like Tommy Chong who has the front of his shirt rolled inwardly half way up his abdomen. They are sitting in the living room part and I watch them with amusement because their behaviour is silly and spacey as if they were high on drugs or something. The old man gets up and leaves and the two old ladies go into the kitchen area which is elevated from the living room and dining areas.

      I follow them and notice that the kitchen counters are covered with weather worn peices of driftwood, many of which are flat like serving trays. Upon the driftwood trays are an assortment of natual objects: bleached animal skulls and bones, pine cones, sea shells, dried flowers and feathers, and other such things. At the far end of the counter is a picture frame that has been decorated with leis an flower petals. The image in the picture is a smiling man who looks like a East Indian guru.

      One of the old ladies take a white, ashy substance and smears three verticle lines on her forehead and then starts chanting in what sounds like Hindu and begins dancing wildly around the kitchen. I retreat down into the dining area to give her space but continue watching. The chanting old lady goes over to the other old lady (who is keeping pace with the chanting my clapping her hands) and blesses or shares energy with her with a sweeping motion from the front of her face to the top of her head and then down over the shoulders.

      I turn my attention away from the old ladies for a moment and notice a coffee table upon which are many hand-blown glass ornaments. I turn my attention to back to the dancing and chanting old lady and try to make sense of what she is saying. She is repeating "Nahm Devali, Om Devali" over and over again. As she is chanting she takes the white ashy substance and smears a vertical line on the other old lady's forehead.

      Suddenly the living room and dining room area is full of people, dancing and socalizing casually. Since the wild dancing has stopped I go back up into the kitchen to the first old lady who has been chanting, but I have to squeeze by many of the people who have appeared. The old lady is waiting for me with a big smile on her face. Before I can say anything she introduced herself as a Jody with a "y." I tell her that my name is also Jodie, but it is spelled with an "ie." She laughs and says "Isn't that cool!?"

      More people come into the house and I turn around to leave the kitchen, because it is becoming quite crowded, and see my mother at the bottom of the stairs, smiling at me. She looks very peaceful and content, but doesn't say anything. I wander around the crowded living area observing all the people and eventually notice an elderly North American indian man dressed as a Plains Indian Chief. I ask him if he can teach me how to bleach animal bones and he kindly and amusingly replies "Why don't you teach yourself?"

      I understand that he means that I should not be afraid to try things out for myself and I thank him to which he responds with a big smile.

      The dream ends there.