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    1. Drive

      by , 07-27-2014 at 03:41 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #342 - WILD - 5:52AM

      After another long SP session, I finally mange to break free. I notice a lot of moon light coming from the window and I take a look outside. A full moon has really got the area lit up so I go ahead and phase out the window. I get a little stuck at the waist and feel my body stretch and morph to get through the tight space in small panes of glass. When I get loose, I fall to to the ground in a heap. I get up and I start walking down a dirt road of white chat. The moonlight makes the road seem to glow. As I begin running, I hear the crunch of rock under my shoes. I clap once to make sure I'm stable and the sound echoes into the night causing a dog to start barking. Ignore this and continue running giving a few more claps.

      I come to a house in my neighborhood and a young woman gets out of a car. She leaves the door open and engine running. I take the opportunity to hop in and go for a joy ride. Feeling guilty, I pause and turn to the woman. She's standing next to a garage or outbuilding. I ask if it's ok to take the car and she smiles and nods. I study her face wondering why she looks so familiar but I can't place it.

      The car is a sporty coupe with a manual transmission. It's super fast and drives like a dream. I am amazed at how realistic the shifting is as I go through the motions. I decide to skip from 3rd to 5th gear and the engine revs loudly, but the car responds with really amazing acceleration. I pass a few slow moving cars and take curves with ease. A random song is playing on the radio, but when I try to really listen to what it is, it changes to some commercial. I can't make sense of the words so I ignore it. The road stays visually in clear under the light from the headlamps, but the rest of the dream environment turns a deep black. I start wishing for the sun to come up and soon it begins to look like early morning as the sky lightens a bit. I wonder where I am going and what goal I had in mind, but I can't think. Suddenly, movement from my wife wakes me up.
      Tags: driving
    2. Going Green

      by , 07-27-2014 at 02:42 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #341 - WILD - 5:20AM

      I have a decent WBTB and difficulty getting back to sleep. Perfect for WILD. I really wasn't that into this dream but I gave it my best shot.

      Quote Originally Posted by ~ Dreamer ~ View Post
      I DARE:

      Xanous: Take your relationship with the ground to the next level. You can dare a bonus person if you take this to completion!

      I have a super long transition with vibration spinning and all that boring stuff I always go on about... Fast forward Name:  control_fastforward.png
Views: 81
Size:  1.7 KB

      Once I feel that I am in the dream enough, I decide to get down to business. I never know how much time I get and I really just want to get this over with. I get out of bed and dash for the front door. I have a little trouble opening it since it's locked. I decide that it's not really locked at all, and the door opens. The night air feels nice and cool on my skin as I take a dive off the front porch, landing face first on the sidewalk and grass. I hear ambient sounds coming from the night. A dog barks. Someone is lighting firecrackers in the distance. Pop. Pop. Pop. A car passes by. I am always amazed by the little details but there's no time for that.

      I start grouping the ground and licking and kissing the edge of the sidewalk. I moan, "Oh yeah baby. Give it to me." The ground under my hands swell into a strange resemblance of breasts. I feel my physical hands twitch and have to concentrate to shift my focus back to the dream. I am honestly not aroused at all but want to complete this to the end so I start making humping motions. The ground responses by making the appropriate shape. Still, I'm not that into it but I am finding all of this amusing. Suddenly, it feels like I am moving too much in the bed and I worry what my wife will think.

      This thought begins to wake me up so I go for more dream sensation. I bite a chunk of the sidewalk off and start to chew. It's like eating chalk but I munch away paying attention to the details. It's not use though, I eventually wake up smacking my lips.
      Tags: lucid dare
    3. 27/07/14 - Moshpit, P.E At School

      by , 07-27-2014 at 02:21 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)
      Dream 1

      I am preparing Aubergine Parmagano at work

      Dream 2

      I'm at a concert, loads of people from my old school are here. Hip Hop is being played and there are huge moshpits, I was getting right in them and it felt pretty realistic. At one point a song was building up and everyone made the circle massive. It was getting ready for the drop and they played some weird slow song, the moshpit died out and everyone was confused.

      Dream 3

      I'm back at school in a class, it was in my old maths classroom. We all had laptops and we were meant to be doing work but everyone was playing games on Miniclip. Then I started eating cooked lizards, i ate loads and then I went to eat one and it was still alive. So I decided to keep it and throw it down someones back at break time. But then I drop it and lose it somewhere. As break came, I was walking down the stairs to go outside and one of the lights was smashed. The light was pulsing out like a mist. The mist made me feel very hazy and I almost passed out. Everyone was talking about how it made them feel after, someone said the headteacher done it on purpose. I walked over to the gym as my next lesson was P.E. I rang my brother because I forgot my kit and he had his. He said he'd lend it to me. I went and collected it and had a look. Shorts, t shirt and some big white pants. 'Yo, why you got these whitey tighties? Haha' I said as I lifted them out. I went back to the gym and went to the changing rooms. Then some woman came in saying the lesson would be on the powerleague which I was happy about.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    4. 25/07/14 - 26/07/14 Met Yung Lean and Seen Death Grips

      by , 07-27-2014 at 02:13 PM (Covlad96's Road to Lucid Dreaming)

      Dream 1

      I am going to a Yung Lean concert and there is a huge queue outdoors. I go to get in the queue and opposite me was Yung Lean. So I asked if I could have a picture with him and he said yes. I took a selfie. I looked back at the photo and I had a Nike baseball cap on which I don't own in real life.


      Dream 1

      I am playing football at an ice hockey rink in my local town, on my team is Issa Gold from the Underachievers, our team were the underdogs and we were putting in a good match. By halftime it was 0 -0. The 2nd half began and halfway through loads of ice hockey players ran on the pitch with their sticks. Issa picks a stick up and everyone starts booing him, he's getting annoyed and so am I. So Issa go's and picks his bag up and leaves. Our team end up losing 4-0 then.

      Dream 2

      I was at a huge Sony concert. The stage was massive and I was round like backstage sort of. Death Grips were preforming - I've Seen Footage. Then JStuStudios off YouTube show a guy about Death Grips. Then the scene changes and I am watching Russel Brand get interviewed about lucid dreaming, he says it saved his life.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    5. Violin With An Ex, and FINALLY a Long Lucid!

      by , 07-27-2014 at 02:12 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was at Nick C's place, an ex of mine that IWL, I really hurt when I left him. I don't remember why I was there, but it had something to do with me playing the violin. Another person was there too. I could sense how upset Nick C was. He was frustrated and hurt. I was frustrated from the bad vibe in the room; him feeling bad was causing me to feel bad, too.

      I was sitting at a cluttered kitchen table. I had brought the violin with me; I think it was Nick C's anyway. It needed to be re-strung; there were these new greenish strings sitting on it, just needing to be tightened into place. I think Nick C was going to do it, because I didn't know how.

      I then "remembered" playing the violin in a rock band. At the time of the memory, I was still with Nick C. We were playing an indoor show. There was a crowd there listening. It had been my first time ever performing on the violin. Someone had come up to me and asked me to play louder because they couldn't hear me. Eventually, I gained more confidence and started to play more loudly. For my first time ever playing, I was actually doing a really good job.

      Then, I came back to the present. I was too overwhelmed by the bad feelings, and had to leave. I said
      "I'm leaving. I just can't be here anymore."
      I considered taking the violin. I wasn't sure whether or not I should. I think Nick C said it was fine (despite the circumstances). I started to put it in its case. I threw something else in there as well, but I'm not sure. I'm also not sure how it all fit in the case, but it did. I couldn't play the violin, though, because of the strings not being attached.
      I was close to the door, and was looking for my flip-flops. There were lots of shoes on the floor by the door. I finally found mine, a pair with a straw-like material on the foot with a black fabric outline around the edges (they actually resemble a pair I had when I was a teenager IWL). I slipped them on and went out the door.

      I then was walking towards my car, which, in the dream, wasn't my car; it was an old, red car kind of like my husband's. I was walking through the yard to get to my car. Nick C was behind me. He said
      "You know you're going to have to pay for putting me through all this, right?"
      "Yes," I responded. I knew karma would balance things out eventually.

      I then realized I wasn't holding my keys. No big deal, I thought, I'll just make them appear in my hand. I did just that, simply by thinking about my keys being in my hand.
      The power of thought, I thought to myself.
      I then sat in the driver's side, and Nick C got in and sat in the passenger's side. I then realized I also didn't have my purse. I did the same thing I did with my keys, and thought about it to make it appear.


      I woke up around 5am to pee. I noticed a sound coming from the kitchen, and thought it was my coffee pot going off too early. I went to look, but it wasn't. I then went back to bed, and knew that this was a perfect opportunity for lucidity. I fell asleep after laying awake for a bit.

      I was still working at Kohl's, though I don't know why, since I had quit and stopped showing up to work. I "remembered" my name still being on the schedule.

      I wasn't at work though, I was with my husband, Dallas. We were at I guess what was supposed to be our place. We had ordered a game online, and it had come in the mail. I think it was a SNES game. I was opening the package, and the game had come with some skimpy hot pink and black Playboy pajamas, complete with bunny ears. It was like a bonus for buying the game. We were both excited. Free stuff rocks.

      Then, I was waking up on a porch. It was very sunny; a beautiful morning. I wasn't quite sure where I was, though. I examined the view I had from the porch, and somewhere off to the east was a beach.

      The beach triggered lucidity. I didn't even RC; I just knew. I then stood there for a second trying to remember my lucid goals. God dammit, I couldn't remember; it was like there was a block there. Not the first time that's happened, but I didn't want to waste the lucidity. I decided to go inside and get my husband. I hesitated before I opened the door, though; I did not want to lose this dream. I put my hand on the gold doorknob and went inside. I walked down the hallway, and felt the vividness fading a little. I rubbed my hands together, but it didn't really do much. I examined my hands instead, and it helped. I noticed one of my fingernails on my left hand looked as if it was sloppily painted with white nail polish.

      I then saw my husband; his back was to me. I started to talk with him, and he faced me.
      "This is a dream!" I said, as usual.
      He didn't seem to believe me, and kept turning around and avoiding eye contact with me. I kept trying to convince him, but he just wouldn't hear it. Oh well, whatever. I decided to just go explore on my own.

      I was then outside, walking through a lightly forested area with many pine trees. I noticed that Dallas had come along after all; he was behind me. I then decided to test my power of thought, and held my hands out to either side of me to fell the trees. I thought my intention to make them fall, and, behind me, as I passed them, I heard them creaking as they fell. Neat.

      Then, we were on a paved road. I was barefoot; I could feel the hot pavement underneath my feet. There were children about, playing in the street. A car started to come. One little girl in a red dress with black polka dots was lagging behind the rest of the children, who were running to the side of the road for safety. I thought she was going to get hit, but she got sideswiped, and her clothing got caught on the side of the car. The car kept driving with this girl attached to the side of it.

      We kept walking. I then decided to try to find my dream guide, which has, over the years, proved to be a futile search. I yelled
      "Dream guide, if I have a dream guide, please appear!"
      Nothing. Of course. As usual. I started to climb over this small grassy hill on the edge of the road to see if my guide was on the other side.
      Dallas then said
      "Krista, it's not working."
      I knew he was right; I have suspected for awhile now that I do not have a dream guide. I am, in fact, my own dream guide. It makes sense when I think about it. Not everyone has separate dream guides, after all.

      We were then standing by some stairs. I was trying to think of something else I could do. All these children started to play around us, and I couldn't concentrate. One of them was the girl who got sideswiped by the car; I remember the dress.
      "Go away!" I said. I needed to think. They all started to go down the stairs.
      I then looked up at the sky, and noticed dark clouds coming in quickly. It was very vivid and beautiful, but I knew a storm was coming soon.

      I then had an idea of what I wanted to do.
      "Spirit guide, please appear!" I said more than this, but I can't remember specifically; this is the gist of what I said.
      Dallas then immediately stepped in front of me.
      "I am your spirit guide," he said. I was a little surprised. I then noticed that there were two Dallases there: The one standing in front of me who had spoken, who looked just like my husband, even down to his clothes, which were his IWL work clothes, and one standing off to the side, whose face looked slightly different from my husband's.
      "What? Are you really my spirit guide?" I inquired.
      Then, I noticed a huge, white cloud was coming down from the sky. It morphed into the shape of a hose vacuum cleaner. It sucked up a car. The car quickly went into it. I knew we were next, and that this was the end of the dream. The cloud laughed an evil laugh, and turned to us, and started to suck us up into its depths. We flew up into it, and I heard a weird noise as I was waking up.


      I was up and about to type out my dreams on DV. I went to the computer. The desk was way smaller than IWL, but I didn't notice in the dream. It was in the corner, and I wanted to move it in front of the window. It had something to do with the seat and where it was positioned; I didn't want to hurt my back.

      I got on DV, and noticed I had already typed my dreams up. I even had 4 comments. I looked at the comments, and one just said "coupon protected". Ugh, a bot. I checked my email, and there was something about it in my email.


      YAY FINALLY SOME LUCIDITY!! So stoked, even though I again did not remember my goals. I didn't meditate yesterday, but I did get to sleep in a little today; I don't have to work until 9am as opposed to the 7am shifts I've been working. I do think that meditating the other day did help, though. It helps me to clear my mind and any debris that's collected.

      I was quite intrigued by what happened when I asked to meet my spirit guide. This is going to need some further investigation for sure. God, this was the longest lucid I've had in ages. It was very vivid and clear. I am super giddy this morning!

      Updated 07-27-2014 at 02:33 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    6. Deadly Water Worms

      by , 07-27-2014 at 01:17 PM


      I remember being near a stream. There was a crab that could talk. It told me about a deadly worm that can kill you that lived in the stream. While we were walking through the stream, I saw a worm that probably was the worm the crab was talking about. I was afraid of it.


      I don't remember much about this second dream, but I remember having sex with a beautiful woman. I remember Amy from Futurama, too.
    7. Pet Boy Owl with Jack's eyes; Train ride

      , 07-27-2014 at 01:09 PM (Turquoise Dreams)

      Last night bed 11-4:40am


      I'm outside of my childhood house. Someone has a bird in a cage, and he is carrying it with him out of my view. When he comes back to the other cage, the door is opened and bird - parrot flew out. I did see that happen, but I thought it's suppose to be that way.

      He is looking for the parrot, stretching his arm out, so the bird comes to him. Someone else is trying to help, but I'm affraid he is just gonna scare him away. (re-reading this, I realize it's the same feeling I have right now about a WL friend. Within reach, yet so far away.)

      Bird flew up to the sky and we look up. There is a huge hawk after him and we are worried. Then we see that 2-3 other birds are there too and the hawk is after them now.

      The hawk tries to grab one of the other birds with his wings, but as he puts his wings together as you would hands, the other bird slipps through the long "finger feathers". This happens one more time. This bird is so beautiful. Creamy white, with some redish/brownish color on shoulders.

      After he escapes, he lands just feet from me and walks into a crack between some items on the sidewalk. I go there and look inside the wide crack. He looks back at me and I tell him not to be scared. He looks like a 45 cm tall owl, but I know it's also a boy. I think he has Jack's eyes.

      We take him inside. He understands what I'm telling him. We walk around and everytime we come to more bright place, he squints, because it hurts his eyes. I think I carry him in my arms to comfort him.

      It's weird, because it's a bird and I don't want to scare him away, but he is also a human in bird form.

      This was the last dream of the night, but I don't remember as many details as the owl one.

      I'm on a train with my mom and some other people. At some point I'm looking out the window and see a surfer on a humongous wave. Then I see either a shark or a black whale jump out in a wave. I yell at everybody else to look out. Now we see all kinds of seals and sharks and whales jumping out of water, as if also surfing the waves. (Looks just like the Shark week commercial I saw yesterday).

      I ran to the other wagon where we left 2 bags for some reason, to my surprise. I have a bad feeling and when I reach to moms bag for a camera, bag is opened and camera is stolen.

      Back in the other wagon, someone is saying not to be sorry for that crappy camera, but I tell them it's brand new Olympus.

      Updated 07-27-2014 at 01:35 PM by 50242

      Tags: ocean, travel, water
    8. Vicious ducks

      by , 07-27-2014 at 12:15 PM
      I believe this dream started with both me and my husband walking in a neighborhood, and we got attacked by ducks, yellow ones. Later in the dream my husband left and it was just me though with the ducks. I got three of them which attached to me and would not let go. I tried running as fast as I could with ducks attached - two were attached to my legs and one on my back. Then I came to a place where there was a trampoline, and I tried getting rid of them by jumping up and down, and then lying down on top of a duck and smothering it, and getting back up. I managed to get rid of two of them, but the one on my back kept holding on. I came to a group of men who were sitting outdoors, and I asked them, "Any idea of how I get rid of the duck?" One of the men said "Predetor" That's when I noticed that there were big dogs circling me. One big black one came close. I said "Go ahead take a bite." He took my hand in his teeth. I said "Not me, the duck!" He seemed to understand because he let go of me, and grabbed the duck and got it off my back. I figured he deserved to have a duck dinner.

      Before this dream I remember remembering a dream and I remember making the effort to recall it, but I did not write it down! Grr!
    9. Lego lucidity help machines.

      by , 07-27-2014 at 10:33 AM
      Began fully lucid in my own room. Left the house and encountered an ice cream truck, with people lining up at it. A police officer tried to stop some imaginary disturbance, but was shooed away by everyone. Somehow made it to college where the police officer was back, but had devolved into a black comedy relief style character. After a few misadventure, which I can't recall, I left him and woke up.

      Brief awakening followed by a return to lucidity where I returned to my house to find my mother talking about college grades. After a while, I left her and went back outside. Tried in vain to fly, but was successful in phasing through the ice cream van. Tried to go to the zombiu world, but instead transitioned to a vaguely digital style platform floating above a stormy sea. To the left were other platforms, which I effortlessly flew to this time. I discovered that the architecture, which consisted of two flower beds and a series of purple cubicles I identified as lucidity help machine, were all made of lego. After destroying the flower beds and collecting studs, I woke up.
    10. 00:00 Saturday 2014-07-27 Another Gift from the Subconscious (missed!): aurora, iwinks, remee

      by , 07-27-2014 at 09:51 AM
      00:45 bedtime


      + the judge on the train car is distracted by the girl walking outside, people are paying for things at their places at the cafe

      + getting into a helicopter, thinking about altitude


      + (major face palm, swore out loud at this recall) spend time with a guy working on the aurora iwinks talking about ld count, remee settings, see his circuit boards. I'm lying in a bed in a room, I'm watching the progress of a woman outside I'm watching her through curtains, maybe she'll get into the tent. I pull the curtains aside and look outside and I see a ring of people wearing white crowns in a circle it's some religious ceremony. I'm standing in a circle of people normally dressed we're doing some sort of routine/dance, going left, going right, then "bumping" together in the center.

      Sitting down in a row of chairs I notice another guy sitting close by in another row perpendicular to mine -- his clothing is highly bright and patterned, and I see the words "Aurora" and "iWinks" on his clothing, like an advertisement. I'm excited to see this and talk to him, telling him "I've just had my 46th!" (meaning lucid dream, I'm sure he'll understand he must be into lucid dreaming, too). I take my remee off my head? My wife comes by and kisses me on the cheek, I give the guy the "ssssshhh!" signal so he won't tell my secret. My wife leaves playing / dancing with a young man.

      I'm sitting in a dark corner talking to the Aurora guy, I'm saying I'm waiting for the iWinks because it has (and we say in unison) "REM detection." I start talking about my remee settingg. We're now lying in bed (mattress on the floor) in his apartment side by side still talking about remee, I think this is a bit strange and gay, I wonder what he thinks of it. He's now with a friend on the side of the room hunched over something working on it, I "recognize" the other guy (false memory) and think I know both these two guys. I'm talking about my remee settings and he interrupts me and says that some famous guy ("Steve"?) says that 3 hours is the best interval. He offers to program my remee there's an unknown setting he has a circuit board he designed to do it. I see the circuit board it's about 3 inches by 3 inches, I wonder if he built just one or if he bought a bunch of them in bulk. I see his remee (a portion of it) strapped to his board, I see another one and pick it up to look at the label to see if it's mine.

      + kids are sliding down a snowy hill decorated with colorful lights

      + college housemate reunion I don't know anyone think about posting my years there a former housemate disagrees with me about when I was there he's only half right I calculate the years. There are young men and young women, they don't recognize me, I look at them and seem to recognize one name. I ask if they knew NI, the physics student, a good friend of mine. I think I should post the years of my attendance on the doorway to help people place when I was in the house, I think the full 4 years of college, CL (who was a housemate) says no, I realize right only the 2nd 2 years since 1st year I was in the dorms and 2 year we all lived somewhere else, he says no and gives another date range but I know I"m right this time.
    11. Lucid #5: First Summons

      by , 07-27-2014 at 08:50 AM
      I find myself semi-conscious and decide to attempt a FILD. Almost immediately I hear the crackling noise from my last SP experience. The crackling intensifies as I move my fingers faster, and I decide to attempt an OBE. This fails and I decide to try to visualize a new dream instead. However, this too fails and I find myself awake. In my childhood bedroom. My friend T is trapped in a glass box on the floor and is screaming and beating on the side.

      I realize the FILD worked after all, but I'm still scared. I leap out of the bed, screaming "I'm having a lucid dream!" I trip over something and find myself in the void.

      I decide to try a trick I picked up from CanisLucidus's dream journals and imagine swinging a sword around in one arm. I begin to hear shouts and clashing steel and wonder if I'm going to end up in the Coliseum. I'm not sure if I'm ready for something like that, and soon I end up right back in the hallway outside my childhood bedroom.

      I realize I'd better stabilize and start looking at my hands. I feel stability slipping away, and since my last three stabilization attempts lead to early awakenings, I decide to just skip it and go for my lucid goal: eating a Krispy Kreme burger and drinking an IPA.

      I fly (perhaps literally) down the stairs, briefly marveling at their similarity to the real ones. I decide the burger won't be in the fridge, since I don't want to microwave it. Rather, I think to myself, "that's right, my parents said they'd leave it for me on the piano bench." I go into the living room, and sure enough, there's a greasy white bag with "Krispy Kreme" written on it. I pick it up and it feels pleasantly warm.

      I consider taking a bite right there, but I want that beer to wash it down. I go into the kitchen, expecting it to be in the fridge. But there's no beer there. I try to make my expectation more specific: "OK, there's a Flying Dog IPA right in the ice tray in the freezer..." I open the freezer door, and the beer is right where I thought it would be. I take it out
      and wake up.

      Not trying to stabilize seemed to help prolong the dream here, although I got the impression that the dream wasn't particularly vivid. I wonder if I'm doing my stabilizations wrong: perhaps focusing too intently? Anybody have any ideas about what to do differently?

      Color legend: Non-dream Dream Lucid

      Updated 07-29-2014 at 07:06 PM by 70064

    12. 3 Short Lucid Dreams - First in a long time (27.7.14)

      by , 07-27-2014 at 06:54 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream 1

      I'm inside a abandoned house which looks old but classical to an extent. I feel a little creeped out by look of the house and the fact that it's empty and abandoned. I reach a room which has metal panels which I thought, may have had computer technology attached to it.

      I'm now sitting on a couch with Kayley in the lounge room of the house and her dirt bikes riding outside. Kayley mentions something about them.

      People start to come inside the house as if it's a party. I see Tilly from the reality TV show Big Brother, and others that myself and Kayley recognize. We both look at each other as if we know and secret which no one else in the room knows. I get up and greet Tilly, by shaking her hand i think. The other guy we knew is sitting at the table with us. Kayley greets him and says his name by accident. He's name was Matt. Matt is surprised that she knows his name and is a little suspicious.

      I begin to become aware inside the dream at some point. I don't think I did a reality check.

      I'm looking through a beautiful stained draws. I open up some compartments with another DC. I compliment the look of the piece. She doesn't mention anything back to me, and is just standing near by. At this point I'm pretty much lucid and my animal instinct kicks in [i really gotta kick this out of my mind when lucid lol] I begin to seduce her by touch her feet and stroking them very lightly. She is now caught in my intentions and begins to take her clothes off. She's down to her underwear and I feel it's time for me to lay down and bring her into me. Dream ends.

      Dream Fragment:

      1. I'm outside doing something. Think it was linked to previous dream.

      2. I'm laying on the ground and Jade is laying over the top of me with her breasts in my face. They have a bad odor smell to them. I tell her that they smell.

      Dream 2

      I'm walking towards the train station via Daryl's street and seem to be off to the shopping center. I realize i forgot my bike and seem a little unsure if I should turn back or continue walking. After if-ing and are-ing I eventually decide to head back to get my bike. As I'm walking back I see a girl from my school Jess. She has very blonde hair, you could almost call if white. We smile as we pass and I decide to do a reality check by looking at my hands. I notice I have extra fingers but it doesn't click with me straight away and decide to do it again and count. I have 7 fingers. I try not to get overly excited as it's my first time being lucid in 5 or so months. I see Jess walk passed again with someone else but I ignore them and decide to stabilize the dream. I rub my hands together, spin and even shake my head, but the head shaking my head feel off. I'm in a room with about 4 of so DC's. I'm a bit overwhelmed of what to do in my lucid dream. I walk up to a DC and annoy him a little. I try to talk but my voice is slurring as if I've had a stroke. Dream ends.

      Dream 3
      Recorded at 7:40am

      I'm back inside the abandoned house in the kitchen. I'm already lucid and don't think I needed to reality check. I see a man which seems to be a teacher of lucid dreaming or maybe just giving his 2 cents on what was happening. He tells another DC the reason he became lucid is probably due to the fact he was excited.

      I have a water bottle in my hand and decide to pour it over my face to see if it helps stabilizing which didn't really have much effect except a slight feeling of cold when pouring it. I see Sabrina from a talent show "The Voice" Australia. I find her attractive and pull my non hard dick and slowly put it in her mouth (face palm). Before I get any pleasurable sensations, I awaken.

      Side Notes:
      Woke up a few times and had a headache, which kept me up a little, which may have played a factor in being more aware in dreams.
      I try to DEILD my way back into each dream but I seem a little impatient and cut it short. I did see light flashes at one point. By me trying this, it may have played a part in my awareness in the upcoming dreams which gave me lucidity.
    13. Strange Walk July 22, 2014

      by , 07-27-2014 at 06:47 AM
      I'm on my sunset walk with AJ, Cali, Izzy, and Charlie. We're at the last portion of the nature trail when I look where the woods should be, and there isn't a forest! Instead there was a hill.
      I crawl up it, and look down. At the bottom of the hill is a huge blue house with white trim. There's a big burly man around the side of it, clearing out brush. He faces towards me. I quickly duck down and scamper away.
      AJ was playing with the cats on the ridge opposite. "Hey AJ," I say, tablet appearing in my hand, "come watch this video." It's entitled "Stoppibility" and it's about a young girl who dresses up a witch and does bad things.
      There are nicely trimmed bushes lining the gully in two rows. A weed whacker appears in my hand. I try to cut the hedges but the weed whacker phases right through the bushes! I realize I have to destroy them, because there's a demon in Cali.
      AJ finishes the video, and we run to the playground with Charlie and Izzy in hand. I climb to the top of the playground to see the sunset, and see a woman with blonde hair stumbling down the hill after us. But on the horizon are gray fluffy clouds with an orange light pouring onto them from the setting sun. "I will make you patriots!" the clumsy woman yells.
      Then, I wake up.

      Updated 07-27-2014 at 09:16 PM by 69683

    14. I Rescued the People of DV

      by , 07-27-2014 at 05:53 AM (Tales of a Dream Traveler)
      (I had this dream 2 months ago but it was never published although I thought it had been.)

      Everyone on DV decided to meet. We all were at an organized event in a type of multistory motel. I remember seeing all of our names on a list. The leader of the event was my Spanish professor from last semester. I was in a room with four others cleaning or helping with something when there was an earthquake. It shook the building and we were very afraid something might happen, but the four of us stayed there to accomplish what we were there to do. Honestly, I don't think we could have moved if we had wanted to. The leader was calling everyone to assemble somewhere but we disobeyed the orders. One person in our group died. They might have been murdered by another person in the group who had fled out through the window. After the shaking stopped, we hurried to where the rest of the DV people were and were put in order in different rooms based on the list of our names.

      Then another earthquake struck. This one was much worse. All of us were stuck in our rooms and couldn't see what was happening outside, but eventually, the shaking turned into a shift in gravity. We were pulled sideways and it seemed that the building had fallen over on its side. I ran over to an open window and saw that outside, as far as I could see, was the ocean. How did we get to be floating on the ocean? For a brief moment, I assumed that the earthquake had opened a deep fissure in the earth which had caused water to gush out and fill the land. I jumped out of the window and saw that land was just a short swim away, a few meters, actually. On land I noticed that it looked like a vacant lot, but it was very rough with ditches and piles of dirt. There was even junk laying around in it. It was almost as if the building had been torn straight from this lot. Around the square dirt lot were other buildings and houses. I looked back at the floating building and noticed that when I had jumped out of it, my momentum pushed it backwards and it was now floating quickly away from land. It wasn't too far out yet, so I jumped back into the water and swam to it. I then grabbed onto it and swam back to land pulling it with me, which was surprisingly easy to do. When the building was safely grounded, the people all came out and were like, "Yay! Noell saved us."

      Hahaha, I think I've been spending too much time on DV lately.
    15. (July 26, 2014)outlast

      by , 07-27-2014 at 05:48 AM
      July 26, 2014

      7:32am wake

      It took me forever to remember this fragment so obviously my recall today is not good.

      Multiple times in this dream, i would have to run into a basement to do something. It was so dark that usually i used night vision. It was a brick walled room with medical beds everywhere, patients from outlast, and every time i went there these three ghosts would appear and i would have to avoid them. I would have to run across the whole room to a white light and get it, then run back through the same room.
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