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    1. Feb 19th and 23rd Awesome: Taking My Time With Sex

      by , 02-24-2015 at 08:56 PM
      2/23/15 Cool amusement park attraction where everyone is standing in the room and the room starts falling apart and there's a big elephant like creature that comes crashing down from the ceiling. I'm not afraid but it seems to be more because I feel I'm in an amusement park attraction although I do remember thinking in a dream like way that it would be cool to explore this place. As we exit there's confusing directions about which way to go and we almost get back into the same line but then get the corrected directions exiting properly and we end up at a school where a bunch of kids are getting ready to leave loading into school buses, like elementary age 2nd or 3rd grade probably and almost all of them are wearing white sheet ghost costumes old-fashioned pretty cool but didn't seem to wake me up within the dream.

      * after wake back to bed and drifting off, at some point I notice vibrations and I notice they are fairly strong and I'm confident about heading straight into a dream. They fade but I stay calm and patient and find myself sitting up on a big square bed and my son in a younger version just sitting on the bed also but I have no confusion over whether or not this is dream. I jump out of bed and start looking for Girl Friday. During wake back to bed I was thinking about her and how I last saw her provocatively giving a clear view up her skirt. I go around the corner expecting her to be there but nothing. I'm now all alone. I keep saying: well she will be around the next corner or the next corner. It is not working so I decided to just explore. I find this huge set of figurines - small, smaller than Star Wars figures for example and they're all plastic not unlike little green non-articulating army men but each one colored differently with different colored clothes etc and I picked the one that would look most like Girl Friday and try to convert it into her. I think about CanisLucidus or was it NyxCC's focus of keeping the eyes moving and not fixed and I intentionally move them around while I observe the figurines. Perhaps just thinking of a stabilization technique may have done me in or I may have been at the end of an REM cycle. I woke up maybe around 4-something?. #284

      * after my wife left I'm tossing and turning a little bit in bed trying to get comfortable and I decide to try the reverse eye blink that someone mentioned using successfully. Basically just opening your eyes for an instant and closing them super quick. It may have helped here, I'm not sure. The thought is that it could work to help to go back in to sleep more quickly with awareness somewhat intact and get back to dreaming more quickly as well. The next thing I remember I am in a non lucid dream and this guy is sitting across from me in a classroom and he says the word "lucid." At first my excitement is just in the idea that maybe I found someone to talk about lucid dreams with. I asked him if he has "heard of lucid dreams? You can do An-y-thing you want!" He starts to look at me like a lot of people do when you talk about dreams but my awareness is rising and I start to notice the fluid nature of the visuals at first saying to myself this could be a dream...but quickly realizing this is a dream! I decide to explore outside of the room into the hall. I seem to be in a school with 20-something year old DC's , it is a college.

      There are so many DC's and I am passing so many beautiful women! There are redheads, blondes and brunettes. As they pass I notice the wispy nature of the visuals like a stream of colors behind the ones I focus on at least. I see a beautiful brunette that looks quite a bit like this:

      with less makeup but similar complexion. I reach out to embrace her and at first she looks at me like "do I know you?" I look at her passionately and she starts to look back in kind! We start kissing there in the busy hallway up against the wall with DC's passing left and right. Like my last sexual exploration I decide to take it slow and enjoy every moment. She is wearing a creamy pink long sleeve cardigan which I slowly unbutton, one button at a time. I slowly sweep my hands over her shoulders and down her arms removing the cardigan and caressing her back and her beautiful soft skin. I unclasp her bra which has the clasp in the front and sweep it back over her shoulders and down her arms caressing her skin on the way down. This is so incredibly sensual. I softly
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      The visuals fade a little in and out at this point but I can still feel the experience especially and I reach down into her pants and I feel her underwear which is silky. It reminds me of my wife's underwear she's wearing this very night and I look up for some visuals of the face and now she looks a little more like my wife. I reach around the front of the underwear to inspect them further and I find that instead of the embroidery on the front it is silky smooth front and back , so it is definitely different and I'm not somehow interacting with my wife in bed right now. The visuals are now fully back but somehow we have ended up outside the school in the parking lot going at it against one of the parked cars. I unbutton her pants and
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      a little more quickly now. We are now getting the attention of two security guards or police officers. I don't want them to mess up this steamy moment and I think perhaps they'll just walk on past but I keep my eyes on them just in case I need to keep them from interfering. I think that I can use my time stopwatch that will be in my hand when needed, to freeze them if I need to. They both lock eyes on me and are heading towards me and getting closer. I try my time freezing stopwatch twice in quick sucession (freeze then unfreeze perhaps?) but it does not stop them and I instead shoot them both with my finger guns and they both collapse to the ground. I turn my attention back towards the beauty and we are
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      up against the car on a beautiful day...the visuals are holding up. Suddenly the larger stocky officer, the black officer, pushes himself up on one knee and calls for help and I look over towards the school and there are a line of officers walking towards the front door of the school, probably about 6 or 8 of them. When he calls out to them I decide it's time to take my damsel and fly up into the sky away from all this potential interference. I hold her in my left arm extend my right arm Superman style and float up about 20 yards into the air looking back down towards the officers and taking a few shots for fun since this is all a dream anyway. It doesn't seem like I hit any of them and we swoop past a few trees and higher up into the air and the visuals start fading again. Not long after
      , I feel myself back in bed exhilarated to have the experience I just had and I start going over the details from beginning to end in my mind while thinking about whether or not I should try to go back in and I decide I'm probably too much awake to go back in quickly at this point and I want to remember as many details as possible. After laying still recalling for a little while, I get up a little earlier than normal for the day just about 15 minutes...but I went to bed early and I feel very rested and smiling broadly at the experience I just had and I decide to start recording my dreams from the latter half of the night. #285

      Yesterday I had a stronger than normal sense of "Dang was I asleep just then! (IWL)..and now I am really awake (aware)!" at a random moment when I was just sitting on the couch. Between that and the reverse eye blink and the apple juice, they may have assisted with two lucids tonight including that second wonderful one!

      2/21/15 awesome trip to Sweden and returned two more times intentionally in the next two dreams. Non lucid I'd say...but awesome!

      2/19/15 No.283 Mustard or intention for vividness!? Image+rc many times at wbtb. 1015? 340(~5hrs25) wbtb then toss and turn. Wake from LD ~605.

      Awesome escape from lab dream before wbtb.

      *2 women escort me to 12th floor. Why? Even when i worked here i didn't know anyone on 12th. Where are my department remnants now? 1st floor! Pass locked fridge wondering if free sodas there and then come to an open cool box shaped like a square freezer box but no lid and full of bottled drinks but large like wine and champagne. Definitely dreaming! I float a little and think about phasing through the big window out to the beautiful city night scene but the scene fades and I instead shortly after find myself standing in a classroom full of college aged people looking like they're all getting up to leave the classroom or just got there standing not sitting. I am near a cute one and I turn her around to face me still fully aware I'm dreaming and I start to kiss her. She looks vaguely familiar...like a thin sexy version of D from my favorite job so far. She seems reluctant at first but I convince her this is what she wants and she is now going along with it. I physically pull off her clothes one item at a time, no need to rush.
      Spoiler for sexual content:
      As I am caressing her body I remember one of my priority goals to ask a specific question of my subconscious and I asked the question just using my mind and then think about saying it out loud but while I'm paused doing this and focusing on this
      I seem to cause the dream to end or possibly I was just at the end of my REM cycle. Wake from ~605 #283
    2. Dream Bits: Scouting with Tom, Melody's Married, Bonnie's Relatives Turn to Dead Pat Q.

      by , 02-24-2015 at 08:27 PM
      06-25-2014 -- Tom D. has given me a call on my cell phone or something, which has somehow transported me to him over in Tarpon Springs, where he is explaining that they have some sort of big Boy Scout event going on in a couple of weeks, and he thinks I ought to find my old uniform and attend, and that I ought to speak to Carl about more information. Which leads to me being in the car with Carl, who is driving me back to a cross between the Hickory House and Rosemary's place. Everybody seems to expect me to attend, and Cheryl has even gone through my room and found my old Cadet uniform and washed and ironed it for me. But the Cadets are not the Boy Scouts, even if they are similar, and I do not know if I would be welcome to attend even if I wanted to, and am not sure I want to. I am trying to explain this to everybody as I find myself on a freeway interchange right outside of Downtown Orlando, perhaps the same one that I will find myself on in another dream, tomorrow.


      06-26-2014 -- I am in the Hickory House, and Melody is in the kitchen, cooking a meal. The Christmas decorations are up, and she seems to have friends over. Meanwhile, I am trying to wash some dishes, but have somehow managed to minorly flood the floor. I am trying to sweep up some of the dirt and clean things up, and am just about to start doing some mopping. Meanwhile, some of Melody's guests are heading to the garage and out into the side yard, and as they are passing through the kitchen I am warning them to be careful and watch their steps. Meanwhile, mom is saying something about Melody's second husband, and I start sputtering about "Melody's married? Why wasn't I ever told? Why don't I know about this?" I find I have no idea what is going on, or why I am here, or anything, really. My mind is quite foggy and I can't seem to figure out anything ... not even why I am standing on this corner (or where it is) with Kevin and Irene. I am just hoping we are about to go to the Old Spaghetti Factory.


      06-26-2014 -- I am at an airport and I find that I am helping Bonnie and the kids to get on an airplane, but as I reach out to give Celina a hand, somebody else grabs at my shoulder to try and keep me from touching the kid. It turns out to be a relative of theirs that doesn't know that I am a friend of the family. Bonnie is about to get upset with them, but I point out to her that they don't know me from Adam, and just saw a (to them) stranger grabbing one of the kids. Grabbing me in return seems kind of reasonable in the circumstances. Meanwhile, Bonnie is turning into Pat Q, and seems to be trying to set me up with the relative. I seem to be helping Pat settle into a hotel room, while she keeps pushing me about getting together with the other (attractive) woman, while I am really trying to read a magazine. This leads to me kind of waking up and starting to explain (to what is still Pat) about this dream that I am having, and how my friend Pat (who died a couple of months ago) is trying to set me up with people, and it is all just very strange. In the meanwhile, I am trying to dust off a cross between my laptop and my DVD recorder, which is really filthy, but I have to manage to avoid all the spiders that are jumping off the thing and on to me. [By the way, my friend Pat is still alive.]
    3. Harry Potter and the Shifting Realities

      by , 02-24-2015 at 08:18 PM
      06-25-2014 -- Am in a weird Harry Potter world that I think is based on a fan-fic I rather disagreed with right before I went to bed. Sort of fan-fic by message board, with multiple people posting the story, and each chapter not only advancing the story, but changing things from earlier in the story, rewriting it on the fly. Friends are now enemies, are now friends again. Then Dumbledore sets in motion a ritual which is supposed to cause Harry to be married in x years and y hours, but he messes something up. Harry is immediately plunged underwater, and is now scheduled to be married in x hours and y minutes. Harry will be married tonight at something like 11:20. And instead of a bond between two people, it is a sort of odd loyalty bond between up to 20 people, depending on how many of the 20 are able to reach the location on time, as they are compelled to. Nice job, Dumbles!

      So far the gold and red counter floating in the upper corner stands at four, for the four Weasley children that were already here with their parents, but more will likely be arriving shortly. Then suddenly a new writer takes over, and I am Harry Potter, in a different universe, while the author is paraphrasing Jo's text, but subtly (or not so subtly) changing it so that the Dursleys move from being quite mean and slightly physically abusive, to horribly mean and horribly abusive, physically. I have run away from the Dursleys and am hiding in the muggle world. Soon I am a 20-year-old Harry Potter pulling a security shift at a weird cross between a British Heritage site and an Orlando Paving plant. It is the middle of the night on a holiday along the lines of Memorial day, and I am somehow asleep on the floor of the control tower.

      I am clad in only a pair of tighty whities, as I wake suddenly and am trying to scramble into clothes as I discover there are people wandering around the grounds. I am soon dressed and interacting with them, explain how there is only security here on holiday weekends, and how we help to preserve and protect the heritage of the Boy-Who-Lived, without ever letting it slip that I AM the Boy-Who-Lived. Strange, fun stuff.
    4. The Angels of Theater

      by , 02-24-2015 at 08:12 PM
      07-18-2014 -- Again, earlier parts are missing, but I drifted off thinking about the first dream (here) of the night, and leads into thinking about and still trying to remember the details of the first dream in the new dream. I find myself sitting in on a kind of a college level class meeting taking place in the Marshall cafeteria / stage area. I am sitting here, trying to write down bits about the odd Buffy dream, my feet propped up on a chair or something, while somebody is lecturing and showing slides on one of the old style overhead projectors.

      Problem is, people keep complaining about only seeing parts of the slides, and seem kind of grumpy about it, and once I start really paying attention I realize that I was leaning with either my arm or my propped up legs blocking the light that shines through the acetate sheet to shoot it onto the screen. I didn't even realize. I'm hastily moving out of the way, as people complain about me and wonder why (and how) I'm here. Anyway, there is a discussion of some sort of war going on or something, and these people seem to be involved. And yet, it halfway seems to be not so much a war, as a theatrical performance.

      Many of them are wearing large, strong golden or silver armor, mighty warriors, yet as they get into the parts they are playing and the acting they are doing, they can't seem to be able to help but change out the armor for themed dancing outfits. As I look, I notice that a few of them have large white wings on their backs, and I realize that they are all angels, though whether good angels or fallen angels, or some other kind, I can't really tell. Eventually I kind of come to the conclusion that they are a third kind of angel, probably somewhat neutral, and really, really into theater!

      These are impressive beings. The men are huge and handsome, the women are of varying sizes and shapes, but they are utterly gorgeous. They are all immensely powerful, and their wings are only present if they wish them to be, so most keep them hidden away unless they need them. The thing is, while singing and dancing and performing in what seems to be the musical they are putting on, the ladies are dressed up in fairly revealing and remarkably sexy costumes, and it is hard to keep my eyes off of them. Especially when one is in a very short and flaring skirt, twirling around on the stage, and I am standing on the ground, right below, looking up a mouthwatering pair of legs to an incredible backside and a pair of sexy panties. I keep having to wrench my eyes away. Especially as the dancing seems to stoke the libido of the angels, and here and there, one of them will pull another just off-stage, and start having sex, out of sight of where the audience will be, but in plain view of the other actors, and the guy who doesn't belong.

      Soon somebody walks up to me with a gold pocket watch, and tries to hypnotize me, and is shocked when he fails. The leader starts to explain that is why I have been brought here ... I am a powerful being, with a very strong mind. I am about to contradict him, thinking that I am nothing special, and they may not have had much contact with humans, as only a few people can hypnotize well, and only a small portion of the population are susceptible to it. But then I realize ... these aren't humans, these are angels. They may be able to hypnotize much better, and humans might be much weaker against them. I cannot say with any certainty that my mind is not much stronger than usual against them.

      It is about this time that I also realize I am not in my version of the Marshall cafeteria, but I have been moved to a parallel reality version that the angels inhabit. The leader has brought me here because my powerful mind and resistance may be of much benefit to them, and he plans to train me up in some of their numbers, and have me fighting with them and dancing with them, and realizing my mind's strength, all of the female angels are clambering to dance with me. Then I start realizing that means I am going to be having sex with all these absolutely stunning creatures, which just blows my mind. They are all different heights, weights, builds, yet they are all absolutely magnificent!
    5. Buffy and the Time-Shifted Life Debts

      by , 02-24-2015 at 08:03 PM
      07-18-2014 -- Am in a sort of high school or college setting, there is an attractive teacher around, one of the students is rather weird, and strange things happen around him. Things fall apart, stuff doesn't work, windows collapse shut (or open) when they shouldn't. I have a pole that is a cross between the old poles to open the real windows at grade school, and the poles with the two prongs used to hang up the banners that block off the stained glass windows at church for productions. I am trying to close the windows, but the strange things that keep happening include something weakening part of the pole, and the teacher thinks things won't work. But I kind of manually fix the loose ends into the places they need to be, and they strengthen up again.

      Slowly things are changing, and the class setting somehow leads to staying with Buffy (BtVS) and her friends in her two story home in Snohomish, WA, on the hill on 62nd Place, along with the creepy guy who things always go weird around him. He is allowed to be here because somehow Buffy's car had driven into the garage-like pond a couple of years ago, and she couldn't get out because she was drowning. He drove in with another car and half pushed, half pulled her car out, saving her life. He wants to be here because he is creepy, and has an improper interest in all the female Scoobies. All of us males dislike him, but what can we say ... he saved Buffy's life.

      But then there is a scene, and some screaming and noise, and it turns out this creepy dude got drunk and drove his truck into the same pond along the side/under the house, and this time it was Buffy who took another vehicle and half pushed/half pulled him out, saving his life and balancing the books. And I point out that things still stay very weird around this guy, because somehow there is some weird sort of time dilation in effect, and even though both events took place two or three years apart, within the pool, itself, they both took place at the same exact time. It is really weird, and the creep may actually be responsible for Buffy needing rescuing in the first place.

      The creepy guy is embarrassed about needing to be saved, and leaves, hopefully never to be seen again, and we all head inside to find our rooms and go to sleep, meanwhile, Buffy's mother, Joyce, is standing there in a skimpy robe wanting to know what has happened, and we're all explaining it to her, while I can't help but enjoy the view.
    6. Elevator to the Moon and Driving Jimmy to Pageant

      by , 02-24-2015 at 07:49 PM
      07-18-2014 -- Three tonight of varying detail. The third is the hardest to remember, though there are a couple of interesting images in it. As one point I am in some sort of magical elevator or something. It is not in a building, but it is carrying us to a point about as high as the tallest building on Earth. When we get there, somebody is commenting, amazed on how high it is, and I am explaining that's nothing, yet, as we suddenly shoot up even faster, until we are hovering just a few thousand meters above the moon.

      I feel like I am missing a lot, because the next thing I know, I seem to be driving Jimmy home, but his house is the Pageant house (or right next to it) and I have never taken him home there, before. Marilyn is along for the ride, and we are having some kind of discussion about repairing a bike, and how much I want to fix it, and as Marilyn is commenting on how they ought to let me fix it, I seem to be half-riding it, half walking it, as the two kids walk along side of me.

      Meanwhile, they are discussing how their cleaning lady comes up from just down the street, and I am riding on the wrong side of the street to leave space in case she comes riding along, and Jimmy is laughing at me and trying to explain to me that he doesn't think little old ladies ride bikes, while I know from watching English stuff on TV that at least some little old ladies most certainly do! But he claims she is on a walker, and walks to the house.

      Meanwhile, we reach the last couple of houses on the block, and the second from the end is the Lane house. They have a large sign (probably about four by five feet) made out of that plastic stuff woven with yarn, praising something that Marilyn has accomplished. It seems that the neighbor in the final house is into building things, inventing things, construction, and as a part of that, crafts. He has a huge American flag in his yard, made from the same kind of materials.

      As we approach the house, Marilyn spots a dog in the neighbor's yard, who looks like a slightly more white version of Zorro, and is going nuts about it, while the neighbor comes over to talk about some stuff he plans to do, working on the two houses. He also makes mention of expecting to have slight problems from the neighbor in what used to by the house I lived in on Pageant, because Rosemary (who in the dream owns the place) is going to want to be included, but won't want to pay the very low costs for materials. Interesting.
    7. Knott's Animal Park

      by , 02-24-2015 at 07:38 PM
      07-20-2014 -- So I am walking down La Palma, right along side Knott's Berry Farm, when I somehow find myself climbing a fence or something to get inside. I am in something that is rather like a children's playground, inside what seems to be the beginning of a forest. Oddly, I find Steve G. here, and he seems to be in charge of the area, but he isn't satisfied with the playground, so he is the one who has been having trees moved in to try and grow a forest.

      I stop to chat with him, and he is starting to talk about what he is trying to do, but I can already see the shape of things to come, and since I love the times when I get to go swinging through the trees, I'm all for his plans ... though he seems kind of surprised that I can figure it all out at a glance. I just jump up and grab a vine, and start swinging, though they haven't grown strong enough to support me for long, yet. Meanwhile, as I lose my grip or the vine collapses and I drop to the ground, I find myself in what seems to be a bit of a wild animal park.

      I find I am facing Steve, who has got a tiger with him, and he expects to find me panicking, but instead I just kind of nuzzle with the huge cat, who is lightly chewing on my fingers, but not doing any harm. Steve seems to be almost considering me as an assistant or something, which I might like (love cats of all kinds, though I had not previously gotten to interact with tigers) but unfortunately he already has somebody who seems to be working with him, and is really ticked off by the possibility. If I had to guess, I would say there was a good chance it would be Scott.

      So anyway, Scott goes stalking off in anger, and a few minutes later there is an explosion, and security is running around everywhere, and Steve is being called to help make sure the animals are all contained, and help security stop anyone from coming in or anything from getting out at the now blown up gate where they had the stagecoach crossing. Meanwhile, since I am not supposed to be here, and have no right to be, I am trying to get out of the way of security and almost anybody else, but am having problems with some of the animals. They don't mean any harm, but they are curious, and I have various critters climbing on me and hanging on me, while others who help care for them and trying to help me get them off me.

      Soon Steve has come back, and is trying to help me get away without being seen, and we're trying to sneak out of an employee gate probably near Beach and La Palma. We have climbed up a big structure of pipes and things, and are just about to drop to the ground right by the gate when security walks into the area, and unfortunately he hears us land on this pipe thing, and looks up and spots us. Steve says to run, and goes sprinting along the pipes, but I doubt that is going to work for me, and I drop to the ground and try to hide, hoping the security guard heads after Steve, and away from me. (After all, he belongs. Away from me, he isn't likely to be in trouble.)
    8. ToTM and a bunch of non lucids

      by , 02-24-2015 at 04:52 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      [DILD] ToTM

      Warm evening. Sun gave ererything a bright orange glow. I was in Warsaw. I was waiting on a bus stop. The bus appeared and I went inside. I took off my sweater, as it was really hot. I grabbed the handrails as there were no free sitting places, and the bus drove. Suddenly I realise that it's a dream. As an RC I pressed my fingers on the handrails, and they went through the cold, yellow coloured metal. I saw a small boy walking in the bus. He was making a nose plug RC and smiling to me. I also mad a nose plug RC. Next with slight hesitation, as I was still afraid that this could be reality, I jumped, and phased through the bus's window. I landed on me stomach, on the road. Everything weas darker, but it was still warm. I looked around and saw a mother walking with her son on the sidewalk. Suddenly I saw a car driving straight into me, but it avoided me in the last moment. I somehow couldn't stand up, so I tried to scramble to the sidewalk. Then a blonde woman parked the car right in front of me. She told me that she was looking for me. Then I told her "It's not me! It was that boy! He walked over there!" She then entered the car quickly and drove after that boy. I could stand up finally, so I decided to make another task. I jumped to the rooftops, looking at the sky. It was dark, grim and overcast. I started to fly. When I was halfway to the height of clouds I focused on summoning storm clouds. They quickly covered the whole sky. I summoned the storm cloud in the air, but losing focus on flying made me unable to fly to them. I tried to land somewhere and made it. I have flewn from Warsaw to my home, in the other edge of Poland in few seconds! I landed on the rooftop of my garage. I looked down. There was my father pushing the lift. He said "Come here, and help me push the lift!" I then pointed at it with my index finger, and moved my hand to the entrance of barn. The lift moved as it was in drag-n-drop game. Father immediately went for the lift. He haven't told me where to move it, so I assumed it was right position. I looked at the sky again. The storm clouds disappeared, and the ovarcast, grim sky came back. I tried to summon the clouds again and fly to them. When I was halfway to the clouds I woke up.

      My friend is a bus driver

      With my friend we took a bus to the other village. We came to the front of the bus, and I saw that my another friend was a driver. We drove to my home village. I got out of the bus, but the bus stop was in the edge of a stadium, with river just behind it's edge. I went out of bus, and grabbed handrails. My friend walked through the river, as it was only ankle deep. I saw other people I saw in school, and even some classmates there. It was some kind of a party. Everyone was standing on a small hill. The slope was so high that I couldn't release the handrails, yet no other person gathered there was holding them.

      Sleeping in the bathroom

      I was lying on the floor in the bathroom, and trying to fall asleep. When I couldn't I saw that some clothes appeared there. I listened to a story a weird voice told about a man whose those clothes were. I stood up, and got out of the bathroom.

      Some fragments

      I recall some fragments, but nothing special.
    9. Nonlucid Bits&Bobs

      by , 02-24-2015 at 04:52 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I had a full beard/mustache. I was trying to shave it off with my electric razor. (Strange cause IWL, despite being 19, I hardly have more than a few stray hairs on my face.)

      Something to do with the boardwalk behind my subdivision. I was exploring it. Everything was overgrown, however. There were huge fern/palm trees growing. The creek (normally polluted and full of garbage) was running crystal clear. It was very foggy and somewhat dark. I also remember being very hot and being partially lucid. I think I was flying around.

      I was at college. I had wanted to take this girl out to lunch after she told me about how here scholarship stopped paying her and now all of her money was going into paying for her classes and she couldn't afford her meal plan anymore.

      I got distracted though. There was some kind of drawing competition where you would trace around a person and then texture their body. You were rated on the creativity of how you textured the body. I remember that my group was upset because I hadn't been there for the competition.

      They had traced around the girl that I was supposed to be taking out to lunch, but the legs were very out of proportion and very small. The texture they had chosen for her body was fish scales. She then got very angry with all of us for drawing her with fish scales.

      The RA came and told her that it was just an art project and was supposed to be fun, but she lost it.

      There was something to do with the bottom floor of our dorm being converted to an art supply store.

      There was also a complex plot about the girl that I was supposed to take to lunch. I think that her scholarship was made void by her controlling boyfriend, who was able to pull strings in order to keep this girl with him out of need, even though she would have broken up with him long ago...

      I think I need to hit the autosuggestion notebook and set some proper dream goals before tonight. I think that the reason for my sludgy recall and lack of lucidity might be lack of organization and clarity. It's basically a put-good-in, get-good-out kind of thing. If I organize my thoughts in my autosuggestion notebook, then becoming lucid, recalling dreams and accomplishing goals should be much easier.

      While I'm writing side notes, last week, I started a daily journal on my computer. I've heard quite a few dreamers recommend this for dream recall and clarity. So far, I have only noticed a slight improvement.

      I like to use the daily journal to also track things that I would normally not track in my dream journal, but can still pertain to lucid dreaming, such as my bedtime and daily activities.
    10. Morning - Non-lucid - War Games

      by , 02-24-2015 at 02:26 PM (Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream Dream)
      whoops I thought it'd been like two days since I updated this thing

      Dream: War is Hella
      aren't you proud of me for coming up with that awful title

      So the dream started off with some Dragon Ball Z shenanigans (I'm more of a Dragon Ball Z Abridged nerd myself). Sort of an apocalypse setting like History of Trunks (the only official DBZ thing I've seen), except Goku didn't die and it wasn't androids and Gohan was still a little kid.

      Goku flew off to get something done and when he got back Gohan was sitting on the ground glowering intensely and looking like he was about to cry. I completely misread the mood and pointed at him to someone else and went "Look at Gohan! " and they were like uhhhh... it might've been my sister.

      Next it turned out they were working on engineering something that would make them stronger. Goku had got what they needed so now it was up to Gohan to donate blood and he went ham on that. There were like, these odd needles with glowing blue orbs, and he had like 10 or 20 of them sticking out of him. The impression given was that he was stepping up to donate out of some kind of eagerness and sense of duty but also it seemed like everyone else was dead ?? and couldn't donate ?? so whatever ??

      Goku took the medicine or whatever and the two of them sparred and they just frickin vanished into speed lines. I was like :000 because it was the fastest (dream-canonically) they'd ever been.

      So that was cool. At that point I think they ceased to be relevant.

      Then it was time for some war shenanigans. Same apocalypse setting, we were in the city and buildings everywhere were empty and decrepit and enemy soldiers were flying in on these massive airships. I was my rad lucidnerd self, not totally consciously aware it was a dream but flying around exactly as if I were. Like it was second nature.

      So then I had a laser which I could point at explosives to make 'em blow up. I tried to use these as anti-air vs the airships but it didn't particularly work and they dropped loads of army men on me. Like the toys. Various sizes, all weak as kittens. I swept 'em off the ... bed I was on. I mean, I was on the roof of a building, but when they air-dropped it was suddenly a game of "get off my bed," so whatever.

      After sweeping those nerds I went back to playing with the laser, pointing it at some TNT that was strapped to a rundown building. It was just one corner of the building, 20 floors up, so when it blew up the building didn't collapse. Oh well.

      Next I started flying around and ended up on the roof of some building where a flag was supposed to be. It was like, get the flag and you get lots of points. Two other guys showed up, not related to each other but both seeking the flag. I got in a little pointless gunfight with one and the other nabbed it. Oh WELL.

      Then I was sneaking into the building we were on. It turned out to be a hideout for both soldiers and schoolchildren (!?!) as well as their teachers. I had fun wandering around, all psyched by the thought that if someone recognized me as an American they would all totally go after me. So that made just walking around there exciting.

      Then I ran into Ben, of all things, starring in the dream as an exhausted dirty soldier. I was like "Ben! " and then I was like wait maybe I shouldn't approach him. But it was sort of too late and I was like oh well.

      We hung out for a bit and then I wooooke uuuuuuuuuuuup.

      Y'know, I would almost call this "automatic lucidity" 'cause it's a cool name but too late, I already named it "low-level lucidity" last year.

      Updated 12-09-2015 at 11:04 PM by 39676

    11. Driving to a New Home

      by , 02-24-2015 at 02:16 PM
      Afternoon of February 24, 2015. Tuesday.

      In my dream, I am firstly at our present house on W Street. Though I am not lucid, the theme of moving into a large new expensive house unfolds. At one point near the beginning, my wife buys an unusual rare breed of cat (while in town to otherwise collect a parcel at the post office) and had brought it home. It cost over three hundred dollars and I am concerned about the price at first. However, there are several scenes where I pet it in the house and it seems very majestic and tame even though it is about one and a half times bigger than a normal house cat and apparently has a wild breed as at least one grandparent (I mention something in-dream about how it resembles the bobcat hybrid my family had in Florida when I was a teenager even though the one in-dream is mostly gray). Cats sometimes act strangely in dreams, but this one acts very calm and is very realistically catlike in appearance and movement. The sense of touch is enhanced during this part, as I clearly feel the texture of its face and fur several times.

      Later, my oldest son and oldest daughter decide to go with me to see the new house for the first time. A new car automatically drives itself to our present house (recurring dream event since young adulthood). From there, I just drive mostly west, feeling very happy and relaxed, but not really with the knowledge of where our supposed new home is. I drive across the grounds of what looks like a large (unknown) college, driving very close to the outer walls at times. At one point later on, I notice, to my left, three females who look very similar and are standing around together. They are skinny and sickly looking and are possibly prostitutes, alcoholics, or drug users or all of the above. I keep driving to the unknown location, not wanting to even stop in this part of the city now or at any time in the future. I seem to be going northwest at this point.

      Finally, we seem to reach our destination. It is an extremely large house that is possibly the size of half a city block or bigger, although I think it is all on one floor. We go into a very large room where everything has a deep chocolate color including the carpeting and furniture. The walls have a waffle-like texture, seemingly covered by a cloth-like surface. There are four rooms with large plasma televisions. Even the kitchen has one on the counter (which is strange as my family does not watch much television). I feel very happy and healthy in my dream’s environment.

      Another male, seemingly a businessman and wearing glasses, is there in an extraordinarily large kitchen (as big as a restaurant), looking as if he is ready to leave and putting some documents in a suitcase that sits on the counter. I am not sure if he is the one that sold (or gave) me the house or if he had been here only to bring out the televisions or to check something. I ask him if he wants (or needs to borrow) one of my cars (apparently I have several new sports cars). He says no but he asks me if he can borrow six dollars. I give him ten dollars, telling him to keep it. He leaves without incident right after this.

      From here, I look around more, exploring the western sections of this huge house. I walk through what seems like a large empty garage. A smaller garage stems off to the north from the main one that continues somewhat hall-like and westerly. There seem to be a few more garages within garages in different areas. I focus on the concrete block wall at the very west end and am glad the house is heavily blocked off from the rest of the neighborhood, likely soundproof as well as impenetrable. I am then contemplating going back and getting the other members of my family.
      Tags: new home
    12. remembered, then forgot

      by , 02-24-2015 at 11:48 AM
      I woke for a wild and remembered a long dream. after trying the wild and not suceeding I went back to sleep. When I woke up all of the dream was gone.
    13. #66 - Working at the gardens, Reading in class, Library and changing room

      by , 02-24-2015 at 07:30 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      Dream 1 - Working at the gardens
      I'm going to start my new job at the gardens, which is basically like a public sanctuary for plants, quite similar to the one that I live near. My girlfriends little brother works there too apparently, he drives a scooter to get there. I commute with my dad since it's my first day, and I think I have a smoothie prepared for lunch. I also think that it may have been called the 'Tower Garden' or something... There were a few names for the place floating around in my head but that's the only one I can recall.
      A time lapse seems to happen because there's a complete scenery and situation change, I'm now in my parents house and my mum is hustling around in a hurry trying to get ready for work. I feel that it is nearly noon, and I have an itchy elbow... I look at my elbow and it has these specks of little white worms under the skin...
      I try and pop them out of my skin, and with very little success I go and show my mum since she's a nurse. She goes off to find me an anti worm cream or something, and before she comes back I've switched to looking at my ankle... For some reason I feel like there is something there and I try and pop it, and OMFG ! A 1cm diameter hole oozes out this thick yellow creamy goo. Holy ****ing disgusting... I show my mum (while feeling slightly discomforted) and she gets a bit frustrated because she doesn't want to be late for work, she sighs and says "For gods sake, is it bubbly?" moving straight to a diagnostic question as she turns towards the kitchen to find more medicine.

      Dream 2 - Reading in class
      I'm sitting in a school classroom near the back of the room on the wall side on a simple chair and personal desk (kind of similar to an anime classroom where they have a windowed side with those single person desk + chair setups). I'm lucid from the start, and for a moment I question if I'll need to stabilize and I feel my heart thump at the thought of losing stability. All stays calm, everything is stable, and the world is completely quiet... I have a simple book in front of me, I don't believe I had a great deal of control since my objective just became to pick this book up and try to read it without even thinking about all the things I've been dying to try out , but anyways... I open it up and try to read it, everything is just jumbled letters in the sentences, like this "werwer joji ger kloj jwegfweg ohqndfei", so I try again by looking away and looking back at the pages. This time the words have change "Out building house trailer love, the is at hello..." etc just random words that were non-nonsensically placed. I think I perform this one more time with the same result of nonsense, I don't recall doing much else and seem to just wake up naturally.

      Notes on lucid - I think it was a new thing to just have a straight calm and stable lucid, although it was remarkably underwhelming and boring relative to my other experiences.

      Dream 3 - Library and Changing Room
      So I'm in a hallway which is simultaneously a library... There's one book shelf that's hip height and has about 3 rows on it, it's situated on the window side of the hallway (of which it is pretty much a looking glass window 2 metres wide space a few centimetres apart. I think there's like a garden enclosure that you can see, and it reminds me of the view from the teachers hallway at my old high school when I was younger. I seem to be browsing the collection of futurama episodes (book versions) which goes on for a few minutes until a person next to me stops and browses for some disk called 'H'. I've apparently listened to the disk before and advise him about it. Things move on and I notice my friend Zac walking into the girls area of changing rooms, which I'm like "Oh damn what a lucky bastard" for some reason. I wonder why he's even allowed in there, and then for some reason like a minute later it's also the changing rooms for people who are homo sexual. I also walk past and see a window and as I look at it I realize it's the changing room window and see a chick take her shirt off at the far end of the changing room, she had brown hair, pale skin and was quite skinny. I completely forgot about this dream for like an hour after having it, glad I remembered it
    14. An Open Field

      by , 02-24-2015 at 04:47 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was all by myself walking across an open field. The sky was rather dark and complete overcast. It seemed as though it was about to storm. I looked far off in the distance and contrary to where I was, I could see the sun somewhat shining. I suddenly have the urge to pee, so being that there was no one around, I walk over to a ditch area of this field, unzip my pants, and start to take a piss. About 10 seconds into relieving myself I hear a noise far behind me and to my right. I look back and see and I see an entire group of people coming towards me. With these people are a few tanks and anti-tank vehicles.
      These military vehicles were dark green in color and had a symbol on them. I felt a small sense of fear as they approached me but then I realize that if they really wanted to kill me, they could've easily done it already. Soon the entire group of people where right in front of me. I looked into the group of people and recognized a friend I know from school, Skylar. I walk up to him and he has an AK-47 in his hand. I realize how weird everything is an I remember to do a reality check but as I am about to do one, Skylar tells me that we need to hurry and get to shelter before the zombies get us.
      We continue walking forward across the field and eventually we come to a small building at the edge of this field. Everyone that was on foot goes into the building as well as me and Skylar. As we walk in, everybody just chills. About a minute later a group of zombies break in and start killing everyone. Suddenly I find myself in a video game point of view watching Sklyar from third person as if I was playing 3rd person zombies. Skylar shoots all of the zombies with his AK-47 and doesn't stop firing until they are all dead. More zombies come and it starts to get really crowded. Blood and dead flesh are flying everywhere and eventually Skylar gets cornered.

      2. I was walking through a fancy marketplace who knows where. The ground was covered in a very nice tan stone tile and had a certain pattern to it. My sister was next to me. As we walked around we saw many odd sights. I saw a dance crew of about 8 to 10 people just dancing in the middle of the market place. I walk over to this group of people and there is a man in a suit watching them. As the dancers finish their whole routine the man tells them, "You're all hired". I turn around to tell this amazing news to my sister.
      When I go back to where she is I see that she is eating some freshly baked cookies off of a platter that is also in the middle of the marketplace. I go over and taste one of these cookies myself. As I taste them, I immediately recognize the cookies to be a special recipe that I had read on instagram once. I look to my left and I see two indian girls walking towards us. They each take a cookie off of the platter and taste it. As they taste it, they start dancing in an odd way. It made me wonder what was in the cookies I just ate. I realize that this is all quite odd in general so I remember to do a reality check. Just as I am about to do it something happens again.

      note: I am definitely going to do a reality check the next time something odd happens, no matter what. Nothing will distract me.
    15. On The Verge (Non-lucid)

      by , 02-24-2015 at 12:54 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)


      Long dream about there being an army outside a house. I see them point guns at me while crawling over a pile of spent ammo. I think how more come every time I attack and destroy a base. The back side is clear and I quest the logic of this. I comment to someone with me. I look out the front and everyone has cleared out. This makes no sense. I go outside. Someone is building a large bridge super fast. I move out of the way. I need them to hurry with the upgrade.

      This dream is from playing too much Star Wars Commander

      3:43Am (long dream abbreviated)

      Long epic dream about massive earthquakes and an apocalypse.
      At some point I am at a fast food restaurant. I take my son to the bathroom and there is something like dried blood or ketchup all over the floors. I feel it on my bare feet. Behind the counter and food prep area everything is really clean. I suppose that they are just now getting things bad to normal since everything fell apart. I dismiss the mess.

      There is a girl with a group of survivors. A half machine half human thing has been talking to her online. It coaxes her to the edge of the colony in the darkness. Father catches on and come to save her just in time. Cyborg needs to steal a mind to be complete. It almost has father but can't see the gun in his hand. Father shoots the cyborg thing last second.

      Son is posting to a community post warning everyone about the cyborg and not to trust any online interactions. He tells everyone to keep an eye on their children.

      Later the family is in a super market. A robot throws a cartons of eggs at the mother. She doesn't trust the machines anymore. I in the scene now and walk away. The intercom says something about the "Psychedelic isle". I repeat this phrase in shock and feel excited. I also think this can't happen but I suppose the in the future people are more open to such things. Dad and son are at check out and I walk up to them. The dream ends.

      WBTB Coffee (2Tbsp grounds) Sugar and milk.

      I wake and just know it has been an hour. I try DEILD and focus on body but lose concentration

      Strange toilet dream at work. Basil is in the next stall. Issue with messy wiping and trying to clean toilet. The stall door has slots that I can see through. I question reality but don't follow through.

      Try DIELD body focus even though I made DJ notes. SSILD feels like too much stimulation as caffeine has me feeling more wakeful.

      520AM (Super Vivid)

      My 2yo son goes out the back door allow. My wife and I chase after him. Its dark and he's pointing to the sky. He says, "Pretty." I look and see the Milkyway bright and clear. There is a large section that is a scarlet red nebula. I say, "You're right, son. That is pretty!" I look and point at the other parts of the Milkyway and wonder how there is so little light pollution in town. I remark about this to my wife. I go inside with wife and son and realize that I have my Galaxy Player in my hand. I should take a picture. I hold it up to the sky out the window and wonder how the low light image is showing on my screen. I step outside to get a better shot and now the sun is up on the wrong side. The amazing star display has vanished and I wonder how it got light so fast. I feel like I am missing something important but I wake up at this point.

      Caffeine has me too wakeful so I meditate a bit before getting up to start my day.
      Tags: caffeine
      non-lucid , memorable
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