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    1. Lucid Lesson: Managing Emotions

      by , 06-16-2015 at 11:59 PM
      It's sunset and I'm with some generated DCs in a white, mid-90s model van. We're all happy and hanging out. One of us, a guy, is driving us into the parking lot of a strip mall. Somewhere in here I become lucid and get outside of the van. Not sure what my intentions are, but I run and get in a car that looks like my car from waking life. I just get in, not intending on driving. I'm planning on getting back out, but I know the van is driving around this way and will park next to me and I worry that they'll park too close so I won't be able to open my door. But, the van pulls around and parks a couple spaces off to my left, facing the other way. The people spill out of the vehicle, gabbing cheerily, and I observe them.

      I start to notice that two of them, a guy and girl with light brown hair, are pretty attractive. I mull this over in my mind, trying to decide whether to initiate anything or not. It would be fun but would damage my lucidity. So, I slowly get out of the car and start walking over to them, still not completely decided. Suddenly, another girl from the group walks in front of me, in between me and the others around the van. She says something in a very loud, whiny voice and this grates on my nerves. I begin to get really angry, then I suddenly realize something. These DCs have been using my emotions to toy with me! I stop and calm myself, then look the DCs right in the eyes. They give me very powerful eye contact and their somewhat amused/excited faces seem to say, "Oohhh she gets it!" I smile back at them.

      I stand there in my awareness, feeling it and thinking, "What should I do?" I go to one of the group members, the brown-haired female, and ask her. She says, "You see that store over there? I want you to imagine what it feels like on a Sunday at Easter, like it is right now. Then I want you to imagine somebody in that store, then go in and talk to them." I say, "Okay," then sit there on the hood of the van, thinking, "Who should I put in the store?" As I think, a few seconds go by and people bustle in and out of the store front. Even a big, bay horse comes out, all on its own with no saddle or anything, though I don't pay much attention to this. Suddenly, LI is standing next to me and I ask him, "Who should I put in that store?" He says excitedly, "Maya Punjar!" and it seems like he really looks up to her. We're now standing very near the entrance to the store, off to the right of it. I stand there thinking, trying to remember who Maya Punjar even is, then some Indian actress pops up in my head and I say, "Ohh! I know who that is." Of course, I don't know of any Maya Punjar in waking life. I consider summoning her, then say, "Well that's not personal enough, what else you thinkin'?" LI replies as he turns and walks inside, but I don't catch what he says.

      I follow him into what now looks like a large house. There is no one else inside and it's kind of dim. He goes into a laundry room and floats up to the top right where the machines for some reason are. I float up next to him and ask him nicely to repeat what he said. He ignores me entirely, going about his business of switching laundry from washer to dryer. I get a little upset and ask him again, even nicer. Still no reply, but I'm determined to keep talking to him.
      Things get a little less lucid here and one of us (can't remember now) starts a conversation about some movie I watched or something. We talk for a minute or two, sitting on some green pleather bench in the laundry room, then I suddenly hear a car horn from outside. This shocks me into "remembering" that C, LU and LN are all waiting for me in a van (maroon this time) outside. I feel instantly bad for "forgetting" and I leap up to go. I tell LI bye as I'm leaving and give him a cock-eyed "eek"/"ohcrap" face.

      I run into the other room, grab my purse and head towards the door. A brown-haired lady cuts me off and it seems like she was coming back in to get me. I preempt her by saying, "I had to take a shit." I don't want everyone to know I was just sitting there talking to LI and forgetting about them. The lady says, "Okay, come on," and gets behind me as I walk towards the front door. I pass through another room, LU and LN's living room, and see them sleeping on the couches on there, close to the door. As I open it to go out, it wakes them and I turn and say bye. They blearily return my farewell and we exchange waves as I go out the door.

      I go to the van which is pulled up at the edge of the yard. There are trees all around and we seem to be in a semi-rural area or an underdeveloped part of town. LU is in the driver's seat, C is in the passenger seat and LN is asleep in the back behind him. I go the passenger door and just try to open it like normal, but my intention is to get into the back seat. C notices this and says, "What're you doin' tryin' to get in one side?" I realize my folly and get in the back seat where Sestma was and is no longer, then I wake up.

      Updated 07-01-2015 at 08:33 PM by 72182

      Tags: lesson
    2. The Glider (17.6.15)

      by , 06-16-2015 at 11:28 PM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      The Glider
      I'm in a backyard and I see a glider in the sky. It looks advanced. For a few moments it looks like a plane. I think that it might crash land due to the angle it's flying at. It lands in the backyard and I realize that it's my brother and Ron that has been flying it. If they ask me to have a fly, I'm going to tell them that I'm afraid of heights, which I am. Also due to cyst. They walk into a house which is just off the backyard. My brother decides to go for a fly, solo. I quickly run around the corner so I can get a good view of the take off. The glider now looks like a mini car. As the glider teachers speeds, I'm expecting it to launch into the air, but it doesn't, and is about to run straight into a front door of a house. It smashes into it, massive impact. He reverses the car out of the door, straight into a giant plastic toy car. I find the whole thing hilarious. I begin to think that he should flee. As my brother flees the scene, Ron follows the car to see if bro is OK.
      Bro is now back with us and he explains that he took a different approach to taking off, which is why he crashed. Ron let him know that it was a bad idea.

      I'm with Germain and others. Im sitting near encore pizza. As we leave, Germain fancy's one of the girls that was with us.

      I'm in a house and there are people in the lounge room. I walk in there and feel uncomfortable, as I don't know some people too well. They're throwing balls around. Balls are thrown at me and it hits my stomach and lands right in my hand. Myself and others are impressed at how it just fell straight into my hand. I think Daz is near a TV, over the back of a couch.

      I'm back at the backyard and I'm seeing a scene of a man that had been on trail for something serious. He has just been found not guilty. I get the sense that there's a lot of press here following the story. In celebration, the man jumps into the water which is off to the side of the backyard. He begins to swim.
    3. Notes on dream memory

      by , 06-16-2015 at 09:20 PM
      I just woke from a night that was thick, rich, dense with dreaming, but the recall was scattered and sparse, which makes me ponder the nature of dream memory. After this last waking, I lay there for some minutes without being able to remember a single thing, not one detail, yet I knew for certain that I had been dreaming. This is a peculiar state of mind, the ultimate experience of ambiguity. I lay back down on the bed sideways across the covers so that I would not accidentally fall asleep again, and then let my mind drift, looking for the particulars. At first it seemed hopeless, like groping through mud, until through some mysterious process a tiny detail took shape...

      ...near my new house, a stream full of fish, all sizes and varieties...

      That detail links to more images and events, and then there all are, as vivid as life, all those memories that had seemed to be lost, and might have never been recovered had I not taken the time to seek them...

      ...I look forward to fishing, catching my own dinner... is the water clean enough? I need a fishing pole, I can buy one right now on Amazon, I'm sure they sell them, it will be here in two days... or is this the sort of thing I should buy in person? find a sporting goods store, feel the weight and balance in my hands first, try out the cast...

      ...and finally I'll have somewhere to shoot my bow! so nice to have space again.... but my bow and target are still in my old house, I won't have them until we complete the move... guess I'll have to be patient...

      ...a bit concerned about the neighbors, though, that father yelling at his children, hitting them with tires, and so openly, right in the yard! should I call and report? but surely someone has tried before, and nothing has changed. I walk back that way and he's still at it, now they're all carrying tires, all four or five children, and he's still hitting them, yelling "we don't put wood in the house!" what does that mean? all houses have wood in them, it's a basic building material... I should inquire with the other neighbors, something has to be done... at least my house is across the stream, away from here, secluded in the woods...

      And this reminds me of yet another dream...

      ...the two boys were living in such a house, alone in an open field, only woods on all sides. the old man must have been living off the grid, so no one knew when he died, and they quietly took over the house... his guests become his heirs... what did they do with the body, bury it in the yard? and then the seclusion let them build their operations, what was it, computers? what were they trying to accomplish... still can't remember...

      And another...

      ...but before that we were looking for someone, an uncle?...can't just "lose" someone these days, not unless they don't want to be found... it takes a lot of care not to show up on the internet, to avoid social media entirely. the only clue we had was a partial bag of english muffins, not sure what that can prove, but then I wonder if the city where it was purchased is printed on the bottom... sure enough it is... but it is the name of my own city! is he here, or is this not even the right bag?

      And so on... from no memories at all, to more than are worth writing down.

      What would have happened to those memories if I hadn't taken the trouble to consciously retrieve them? What happens to all the memories of the dreams we don't remember, or have forgotten? Is there a kind of deep storage? I think there must be, because from time to time they come swimming up in flashes, like fish catching the light near the surface...

      ....a gleam of light against the wall of the building across from us, like a tile of glass catching the sun... Arya isn't paying attention, I catch her eye and direct her toward it with my own... she looks the wrong way and I have to pantomime the gaze even more cartoonishly before she sees it... we are under observation and can't speak aloud... but at last she sees the gleam and we go over to find out what it is... I think it is magic itself, these signals... this isn't the first... but is it directed by a person or inherent in the world, plot, fate? we climb the stairs inside the building and open the door at the very top... with satisfaction I perceive it is a magical goods store, and actually tell the lady proprietor what brought us there... perhaps she or something she sells here can assist us in our predicament...

      That was yet another from last night, where my own turn of phrase, "catching the light," caught the memory. But often I'll be sitting around doing things in waking life and apparently random glimpses will surface of dreams I know I had years ago, probably ones I never even wrote down, yet in some obscure way they still shadow me. Where and what are memories when we're not remembering them? Dream memory feels like it is stored separately from waking life memory, which would make sense if we need to distinguish the two to maintain sanity. But maybe that sense of separateness only comes because dream memories do not fit into the established contexts of ordinary life... at least for me, where dreams and waking life have so few qualities in common.

      There are people who hardly remember their dreams at all... are those dream memories buried inside them as if in some secret vault? Could some odd balance of brain chemicals unlock it, bring them all flooding back, the dreams of a lifetime?
    4. What happened? Post Your WILD Attempts, Good or Bad, Here

      by , 06-16-2015 at 08:59 PM
      I technique, I think Michael Raduga's Phase technique addresses this question to some extent. You might want to look it up (there's a thread on DV about it here). Also, since his Phase is basically a DEILD technique, and DEILD is a form of WILD, reviewing Raduga's technique will not take you away from your overall WILD pursuit.

      Other than that, can i get an example run of the WILD technique? Showing all the steps in a basic matter (Awakening, Waiting, etc..) because i'm going for it all next time..

      1. Set a specific day and time for the attempt, based on experimentation/experience (mine is on Wednesday mornings, with WBTB beginning at about 8am).

      2. Stay up a bit late the night before (usually until 2-3am for me) to be sure my personal maximum hours of pre-WBTB sleep pass before WBTB-time (5 hours).

      3. Go to sleep normally, with thoughts of my upcoming WILD prominent in my mind.

      4. Waken around 8am -- I don't use an alarm for this, so sometimes its a bit earlier, sometimes later; I am careful to not get concerned about waking off-schedule.

      5. Do a WBTB for a minimum of 30 minutes, sometimes as long as an hour. During WBTB, I keep my thoughts "dreamy," I review what I'll be doing in my upcoming LD, and I do not watch TV, use the computer or phone, engage in conversation, or do anything that might wake me up too much.

      6. I lay back down and begin my WILD by lying on my back, breathing deeply a few times, and settling into a steady repetition of my day's chosen mantra. I will continue repeating the mantra throughout steps 7 and 8, and sometimes right into step 9.

      Special note: be sure when you lay down to begin your WILD you do it in a quiet dark place in which you can be sure that there will be no waking-life intrusions for at least a couple of hours. This seems obvious, but it's often overlooked.

      7. I go to sleep. Because I am a light sleeper, this can take a while (sometimes more than an hour), so I have learned to be very patient. On the path to sleep, I generally hold still, but I do move if I must: I scratch itches, swallow, shift uncomfortable limbs, and even occasionally succumb to the rollover impulse (though I don't recommend that, because it can be very difficult to hang onto your self-awareness during this natural process meant to get you to go to sleep faster). Also on the path to sleep, I quietly ignore the assorted noise that can accompany my journey, because it really does not matter (it doesn't even deserve it's own step number).

      8. I transition to the dream. Still repeating my mantra, I either sense the dream beginning or have already begun forming one of my own (usually the former, because I've found it easier to reform an existing dream than to start from scratch). I then calmly feel myself becoming part of a new world, and remember that it is my dreamworld. (This actually ought to be part of step 7, but, given that the WILD transition is what this entire endeavor is about, I figured it should get its own number.)

      9. I dream. I settle into the dream, taking a moment to remember my sleeping body, remember my goals, and maybe (but not always) do a RRC, all of which help assert my self-awareness, my presence in the dream, and strengthen my access to memory. I usually let the dream play for a very short time before doing anything, just to be sure that my dreaming mind/unconscious is in full dream mode and ready to work with me. Then, with as little thought as possible, I leave the dream I am in and set about assembling a new dream based upon the day's goals (sometimes, though more and more rarely these days, I will stay in that first given dream for a time, if its schema seems interesting or potentially fun).

      On a side note, this is the place a lot of people seem to lose their way: they get all the way to the dream, and then either get exited and wake up, fall prey to the grandeur of their dream and lose lucidity, or simply forget that they are supposed to continue being self-aware and lapse into a NLD (often about being lucid, which can be confusing). This is a very good reason for continuing your mantra right into the dream, because it serves as an excellent reminder that you are dreaming.

      10. I notice that I am about to wake up, and prepare to do a DEILD. In order to prolong my dream, and in deference to the fact that we are physically bound to REM periods that max out at about 90 minutes, I take care to notice when I start hearing things like my waking-life breath or white noise machine in the distance, and remind myself that I'll be waking soon. I gather up as much of the fading dream as I can (usually intellectually, by remembering plot lines, major characters, and the last complete state of the scene that is rapidly fading) to prepare for step 11.

      I DEILD. As wakefulness sets in, I gently keep my eyes closed, and, holding onto all the dream details I brought with me, I wait patiently for sleep to resume, and head right back into the dream I just left. I also will return to my last dream even if I am planning on starting a new one once I return to sleep, because for some reason the presence of the last dream makes it easier to form the new dream.

      12. I wake up. On good days wake-up will take a while because I will repeatedly return to the dream through DEILDs, but eventually the party will be over. Then I lay quietly for as long as an hour, reviewing where I've been. Eventually I will get up and set about recording it all in my DJ. The whole process, from first laying down to sleep to closing the DJ's cover, usually lasts 10-12 hours.

      That's it in as small a nutshell as I can manage; keep in mind that these steps are the ones I personally take (though I do recommend them), and your specific steps will almost certainly vary.

      I hope all this helps, and above all I wish you the best of luck with your WILD dive!

    5. The Room

      by , 06-16-2015 at 05:40 PM
      I was inside my older brother's room but felt like it was my room. My younger brother was with me and took two small clear packets that were empty. I was giving him two ear rings of mine so that he could give it to his girl friend. Found it kind of annoying but i was trying to do him a favor. I than got up and went through a door. The house was sort of different too so that door is not present in WL. Anyways i went into it and was looking for something with my brother when suddenly i felt a strong presence. It felt evil so i told my brother that we had to get out of here quickly.

      When he got out a really short dc figure came in smiling and tried scaring me.
      I pushed him away with both my hands telling him to go away. When we got out the door i ran upstairs. Forgot what happened after that.

      I was walking around in an unfamiliar dark city when suddenly i ended up in my room. I found money and showed it to my mom/dad but was surprised when i saw how it said fake money on it.

      Than something happened where i was at a house party with family members from my mom's side. The ladies were preparing dinner. I felt hungry too so i took a plantain but than a little boy tapped me from behind and told me to make him something. I said okay but in my head i was thinking how i really was hungry and just wanted to make food for myself. I started looking in the fridge and noticed jolly rancher brand of fruit in a bag. I asked if i could have one and was told yes by a lady. There were other kids reaching for stuff in the fridge too.

      I than got up and looked around. There were less people than before and i felt thankful that the little boy wasn't there anymore so i could have the food all to myself.But after walking around a bit the dream shifted.

      I was now viewing a scene of a lady in a desert like city covered in a white/pink/yellow dress and head wrap. Something that looked traditional and maybe Indian attire. She was tan and had hoop ear rings too. Anyways a man narrator mentioned how she was trying to escape the city and was doing her best to camouflage with the background so no one would see her. As he mentioned this that is exactly what she was doing.

      I than appeared inside a mall like place with stores to the side. A lady was walking to a store and i was following her. But when she went in another lady behind me shouted for her to run out. That's when a shadow consumed the lady. I ran with the lady who was behind me and we ended up inside a house where she ended up tripping. I than though about how lame it was that i was running from it.

      I took a different direction than ended up inside a school where it was supposedly being taken over by zombie like creatures. I flew through the halls looking for Kiro/Eye. I flew into a room where they were barricading it so the creatures wouldn't come in. A boy who reminded me of Kiro but looked nothing like him was trying to weave leaves together. I told him i would help and started sticking the leaves together and pouring water on it so it would stick. I was only doing this to blend into the dream world since i was a bit paranoid at that time.

      The guy mentioned how i was doing a good job. After that he told me that we had to leave and than the dream shifted.
      I was now on a bed with my younger brother in the room. I locked the door and made sure it was shut since i hate open doors in dreams. My younger brother was watching t.v. as i stared at the wall looking at three symbols on it before i woke up.

      Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion-kon.jpgNote to self: Stop being such a punk.

      Updated 06-16-2015 at 05:51 PM by 67570

      lucid , non-lucid
    6. Used colouring books, joining the CSI team, and Piccolo failing at life

      by , 06-16-2015 at 03:26 PM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      Cory and I went to some thrift stores to buy a gift for my brother. I think there was someone else there with us, but I can't make out who it was. We were browsing the books, and I'd found an old full length mirror I liked and was carrying it around with me. It was huge so when we got to the books I had to set it down so I could help browse. The friggin mirror wouldn't stay upright and kept falling over on me, so I got pissed at the thing and leaned it up against a bookcase that was filled with nothing but Dean Koontz novels. I laughed thinking that his books sucked so much people were falling over themselves to give them away to a thrift store. After I put the mirror down, I went over to a shelf that was filled with colouring books, and it seemed weird that you could buy used colouring books. I opened a few, but they were surprisingly uncoloured. There was a sudoku puzzle in one of them that had one number somebody had filled in. I guess they gave up pretty quickly? After that, I picked up a super old colouring book, that was so old the pages were browned. It had lots of pages of animals that looked like the cartoon animals in movies like An American Tail and such, and Cory walked over and saw it. He commented that it reminded him of the TV show Dallas, which made no sense whatsoever but in the dream it made perfect sense. In the end, I grabbed a big handful of them and said that would be one of my brother's gifts. A handful of colouring books... awesome gift, I guess? We got in the car, me in the passenger seat, and I put all the books in the dashboard slot where I usually kept my phone and iPod. The book on top caught my attention and weirded me out. It was a Lisa Frank book, all colourful and girlish like Lisa Frank books are apt to be, but... it was overly Christian. The title of it was something like "Christian children become one with God at the end!" and I was just like... WTF? I remember thinking that it was wrong, and that since God was loving, He'd let everyone in no matter their religion. Then I had this weird feeling of fear and realized I was kind of an asshole so maybe I'd never get to do that when I died. Then we drove off to the next thrift store to look for more gifts.

      Mom was hanging out with me at the grocery store while I went shopping for food. The store was kind of neat looking, like the walls and floors were made of old wood, and the display cases were made of logs and sticks and stuff. It was very quaint Southern style. Mom was super excited to see me, and she just kept talking the whole time even though I was trying to concentrate on getting food... which required a boatload of concentration apparently. The whole time I was there, wheeling my cart through the aisles, I was incredibly stressed out over a situation involving a lack of money. I think I was afraid I couldn't afford the groceries? Weird. I was hoping mom would feel sorry for me and pay for them. We passed through the bakery aisle, which is where the bulk of the dream took place. There were so many delicious looking things there! I eventually picked out these red velvet whoopie pies and placed them in the cart. But they were so good looking that I just popped open the box and started eating them there in the store. And oh my gosh, THEY WERE THE BEST WHOOPIE PIES EVER. They were so soft that I just could not even. I just couldn't even, bro! But yeah, they were so soft that it was hard to pick them up, I'd grab one and it would break into four pieces and so I'd just eat that one piece. Somewhere along the way, I grabbed a food that I can't remember now, but it looked weird so I thought it had gone bad. There was a string hanging out of it, so I pulled on the string and it slowly came out. But it was super long! It kept coming and coming and we were both so amazed and grossed out by how long this string was. After it was out, it was all slimy and gross so I threw it on the ground.

      I either woke up in this room or walked into it, but there were CSI guys wandering around everywhere and two bodies surrounded by police tape. When I walked in/woke up, friggin Sara Sidle from CSI came over to me and was annoyed that I hadn't gotten there earlier. Apparently I was part of the CSI team and didn't realize it, but then it hit me and I remembered that I was. We went to look at the bodies and she told me they'd just gotten married. Poor couple. So I was helping out, taking photos, dusting for prints, and such. At one point, Sara came up to me with what looked like a handheld mat cutter, minus the razor, and told me that they'd failed to get the prints off it, but it was the most important piece of evidence so she wanted me to take it to get retested. So I took it, but then I freaked out because I'd touched it without wearing gloves. I took it to the prints lab, which was Wendy who was the prints girl from the show. I was stuttering and embarrassed that I'd touched the evidence without gloves, and she was slightly annoyed but okay with it. She said she'd just rule out my prints.

      I was hanging out at the Kame House (I think it was anyway, since some of the Z Fighters were there) and we were all anxious because something bad was going to happen. Like a bad guy was going to show up or something. I remember definitely Krillin, Master Roshi, and Piccolo were there. When night came, we all came to the consensus that Piccolo would stand watch, since he's always standing around staring off at nothing anyway. He was pretty disgruntled about it and wouldn't even speak, but he was okay with it. So we all went to sleep while he stood there. I think I was sleeping on either the floor or a futon, but we were all sleeping in the same room, and I had a super-comfy blanket and a calming skylight over me, and Piccolo would totally never steer us wrong so I felt pretty at ease. The next morning we woke up and whatever bad thing we thought would happen wound up happening (Ugh, I wish I could remember what the thing was...) and we were shocked as hell that Piccolo hadn't been able to stop it, or at least woken us up. What a dick.
    7. Fragments after watching the movie NightCrawler

      by , 06-16-2015 at 02:44 PM
      one am wake up...
      job interviw on the street corner. night crawler dream. day time. is there a murder?

      3am wake up
      Sitting with Jake Gyllanhal in a caffe. He's my boss. He is saying very repugnant things. I have the feeling like I want to leave.

      6:30 wake up
      J am sitting in my kitchen filing waffles with syrup. I want to get a little syrup in each little divot without getting any on the plate. My friend and I are trying to decide if it's better to fill slowly from the same place or to try to hit each one separately. We aren't eating the waffles, just filling them with syrup.

      In another dream I am dreaming about dreaming. I'm on a street corner having a conversation with a homeless person in a gray trench coat.
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    8. Vacation and Ants (#216)

      by , 06-16-2015 at 01:55 PM (Lucid Time!)
      I was attending my astronomy class. It was being held in the basement of my house for some reason, and we were taking a test. (I feel like I dream quite a lot of having a class from school being held in the basement of my house.) We actually do have a test today as well.

      I was going through the test and it was really hard. I remember at some point I had to get another pencil out of my backpack but the professor thought I was looking at a cheat sheet that I had hidden and took my test away and gave me a 0.

      I sat there for a few minutes but didn't become lucid. Then everyone left but the prof was still mad at me. He told me to stop eating in class because I had gotten popcorn all over the floor and that I had to clean it up. I told him that there was no popcorn on the floor and that I hadn't eaten anything. I looked back at where I had been sitting and there was popcorn all over the floor. Not just like the crumbs that got away, though. It was like somebody had spilled five packs of popcorn under my seat. (Oh come on, subc, that's just being a dick.)

      I got yelled at for a few more minutes about how I was going to fail the class and get in trouble for my conduct or whatever.


      I was at a very upscale hotel. I recall it being one of those indoor courtyard hotels. Very contemporary design, a lot of white. I am there for some kind of convention for lucid dreamers or something similar to that.

      Also, dream guides and other characters were 'real' in this world and were attending the convention as well. I recall waiting in a line to get wristbands, and dreamers and dream characters got different colored wristbands. Every dreamer got a number that matched with his dream characters that was also on the wristband. My number was 104 I think.

      Quite a bit actually happened that I can only vaguely recall. I know my parents were there, though they really didn't seem to want to be there, however. My dad was acting really grumpy because he thought that lucid dreaming was stupid and that there shouldn't be a convention for it. My mom told him they should go to the restaurant and eat something. (Very grounded in reality, both in the fact that my dad doesn't like lucid dreaming, and that he gets grumpy when he is hungry...)

      I didn't go to the restaurant with them, though. I wasn't hungry and I had to wait around for my persistent dream characters to arrive at the convention. I didn't see them waiting in the line, so I decided to wait for them by the front door of the hotel. I went to go looking for them.

      As I explored, the hotel morphed from the modern upscale design where everything was white to a log cabin/skiing lodge kind of appearance.
      I then became lucid randomly and did a nose pinch RC just to confirm. I was very happy that I was lucid and wanted to find something interesting to explore in the dream world.

      I eventually found this library room. Everything seemed to be super huge though. I remember when I walked in I noticed that my head only went up to the top of the first bookshelf. Also, the library looked very old. The shelves were made of a dark wood and the books were all older looking. I remember trying to look at some of the books because I wanted to see if they were like the books in Harry Potter where the words and characters on the page can move. But whenever I tried to look at a book it would fly off the shelf and flap its pages like wings and position itself somewhere else.

      I came into what felt like the center of the library. There was this big indoor garden built up on what I guess was a desk or table. It seemed like a really low and wide desk/table. The garden at first just looked like a bunch of unusual plants in pots. I remember thinking that it was just the same three or four plants repeated over and over. I remember one of them having leaves that were partially colored purple, and another being a very vivid green colored bamboo.

      I decided to see if I could talk to the plants and ask them about where I was. I tried to channel my energy into and ask them what was up. I just heard a bunch of small, childlike voices say 'Okay!'.

      This dream character who looked kind of like Marcus appeared. Though he gave me a vibe of my grandfather. He looked like sort of a mix between the two, though his voice was that of my grandfather. He told me something about this garden in the library housed the only specimen in the world of some kind of toxic plant that could kill you if you ate just 10 milligrams of it.

      The garden had become much more impressive. It was now a small indoor mountain made of a light grayish rock. There was a small waterfall going down the side and the same plants that had been repeated in the pots were now much larger and growing all over the mountain. At the bottom was a pond with koi fish in it.

      He told me we had to climb the stone mountain to see the rare poisonous plant. I threw up for no reason. I got worried that I had thrown up in my bed in waking life.

      We climbed to the top to see the plant. When we got to the top I saw what looked like some kind of fungus growth coming out of the highest rock on the mountain. It was a big round dark purple blob with roots stretching out all around. When I looked more closely at the roots I realized that they were all rows of ants.

      Then the fungus opened up like a clam or a walnut splitting open. The inside was an eyeball but black with a purple iris and it looked at me and started emitting some cloud of dark yellow gas.

      We went back down the moutntian. Me and the DC were both kind of shaken by what had happened. It's around here that I lose recall of what happened, but know that there was more content to the dream.
      non-lucid , lucid
    9. Sci-fi rewatch / At my parents'

      by , 06-16-2015 at 01:00 PM
      Sci-fi rewatch
      I'm reading a rewatch on tor.com by "krad" of some scifi show that seems kind of familiar. It has some characters I recognize, including Stargate's Jack O'Neil and Carter and Galaxy Quest's Fred Kwan. krad likes the early seasons, but says it kind of goes off the rails in later seasons.

      At my parents'
      I'm with my family at my parents' house. It's a raised ranch [like we had when I was a kid], and we're all downstairs. My older son is sitting at a table playing a game about pterodactyls while the rest of us are mingling.

      Now I'm heading upstairs. Near the top of the first flight, the stairs become incredibly narrow - maybe six inches - and I remember moving the wall to make space for whatever's on the other side, but I don't remember it being THIS tight. I can see my sloppy drywall work near the corner. I'm almost through, but I'm stuck, with both walls pressing on my upper chest. I should be able to use my arms to pull me past the sticking point - I'm not *that* stuck - but for reasons I don't understand, I can't seem to get my arms out. The only reason I can think of is that bending them is flexing my muscles, making them too big. I try to straighten them out and finally manage to get them out. I feel so weak, like I've already exerted myself a great deal. My stepfather is coming up behind me and asks if I need help, but since I've got my arms free I tell him I think I'm OK, I'm just really tired from doing <something> earlier in the day, and manage to pull myself free. I don't understand how my parents can use those stairs, since I have a fairly small frame and my stepfather is a lot taller and a bit wider than I am.

      Now we're all upstairs. I'm helping Mom dish up. My son is asking us if we want to play his game, and I decline since it's almost dinner time. I do a quick headcount and realize my third daughter isn't here, then I catch sight of her out a window. I'm going to call to her, but then I realize she's already coming inside. I wonder where we're all going to sit, but Mom says to sit anywhere we like. I hate open-ended stuff like that, but before I say anything else she tells us that she and her husband are going to be sitting in the recliners in the family room, so I feel better.
    10. Family reunion

      by , 06-16-2015 at 08:31 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I took my uniform and went to work. As I was wandering a forest, suddenly I got teleported back to my home, to a family reunion. I was confused, and watched as family was talking about something I can't recall.
    11. solar eclipse and guns

      by , 06-16-2015 at 05:52 AM
      So I think this scene takes place when I'm back at college. I'm in some sort of relationship with an older woman who is around 40 years old. She isn't very attractive at all and has very short hair lol. I think she has a decent body though and has guaranteed that I'll be able to bang her later lol, so I'm just in it for that. So apart from that, I have some type of class that is taking place on a boat out onto the water, I think a lake maybe. It's a really nice day, very sunny outside. I'm not sure what the class was about, maybe some type of class about nature or something like that. A solar eclipse occurred while we were in the boat lol. The moon came out of nowhere and completely went over the sun, and it created quite a beautiful scene actually. Nobody else in the boat noticed what had happened, and I was the one who pointed it out to everyone. The same solar eclipse later happened again.

      I noticed some interesting sites while I was in the boat. I saw my fraternity house on the edge, overlooking the lake. The house was a full blown mansion, with an amazing overhanging deck on the back (in real life, the house is big, but not like a mansion or anything). I also notice two of my fraternity brothers out by the house. The look strange though, very skinny and with dirty looking skin. They looked kind of animal like, but I greeted them none the less and they said hi back to me.

      As we were walking back from the class, I chatted up several of the girls in the class. I don't remember what I was saying to them, but I do remember later walking to the front of the line and talking to this one black girl. I asked if she lived in the dorm I lived in my freshman year. She answered back saying no, and that she lived in the new dorm that was built recently on campus.

      Next scene I remember riding in a car with my brother. I was shirtless and had dark bruises on my body. My brother told me that I shouldn't be bruised up, but I told him that it's not a big deal and it's too be expected to be bruised before a baseball game?? I remember being dropped off at the local park and riding my bike in the park? Then I saw one of my friends and told him to give me a ride to our high school so I could go pick up my car that was parked there.

      This last scene I didn't remember initially. This just came back to me as I was reading something on Facebook about someone wanting to join the Navy... So I was a part of some type of military. I was with a bunch of people around my age I think, and we were all in a grocery store. We were given guns and ammunition and told to prepare for battle. I was pretty terrified and was planning to just hide the whole time. I don't remember much else, but I'm pretty sure that things got heated.
    12. My neighborhood and Abduction

      by , 06-16-2015 at 02:06 AM
      There was people from my high school, theres an exit by my side like a station, when in the sky very far away, it begin to appears several UFO,with rare sounds and strobe lightings, many students went away with them. i run in the subway station and wake.

      This was from 2 days ago.

      I was in my neighorhood with my cousin and my mom, i was in my brothers bedroom with my grandma and i dont know why i start to pump my chest , i walk to the lobby and my brother leaves us with a girl, he comes at 3:30 drunk with a bottle and a middle aged man. There was a stretcher that went to my room and i said, yes put him right there. Drink juice and spit seed, and my brother cellphone was in the fridge