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    1. Me and My Aura.

      by , 06-14-2015 at 08:56 PM

      Hi Lucy, I had the most beautiful dream yet last night! I have been trying to see my aura for some time now and somehow this desire made its way into my dream. I was rubbing my hands together (probably trying to stabilize) and then I started rubbing my two pointer fingers together trying to see any color/shadow. Then between my two pointer fingers a small ball of light formed. The small ball of light was so bright it had no specific color at first because the light was blinding and I couldn't look directly at it. Then the ball of light dimmed a little and changed from a bright yellow to a fluorescent green. Then I began to see patterns circling and swirling in front of me with words forming almost like a crossword puzzle. In crossword puzzle format, I saw the words (She) Serve GOD with Enthusiasm (in this color).

      Then the patterns began to swirl again changing from one color to another. As they changed from one color to another words zoomed in and out like a crossword puzzle and shapes continued to form like geometry patterns. My eyes didn't know what to focus on first . Then the geometry patterns turned red and started to pulsate like a heartbeat (thump thump, thump thump, thump thump). Words started to form again but I can't remember what they said. As the patterns pulsated like a heartbeat the patterns and words turned red the heart beat got stronger and stronger. I felt the heart palpations in my physical body and woke up. I have a feeling that I was about to find out what type of heart I had but I got too excited and wrapped up in the moment. I couldn't help it...it was such a beautiful moment.

      Wow. Best. Dream. Ever.
    2. Dream Battle / Rainbow Tasting / What's Up My Sleeve? (DILD)

      by , 06-14-2015 at 08:18 PM
      A woman and I are running from a pursuer, another woman. "Faster, faster!" the first woman urges me. "Don't look back, it will slow you down." I don't see why I have to run away, but fine, I'll play along... I do look back, however, and I'm surprised how close the pursuer is. This motivates me to try to put some distance between me and her, so I run harder... and yet I can't seem to make much gain on her. I'm perplexed: I know I should be able to do this, I'm dreaming, it's not like I have to rely on my physical stamina. I wonder if the answer is in running with more short strides rather than trying to cover more distance with each step, much as one is advised to run in WL, so I try out variations. I'm making progress, but concentrating so hard on my running form is becoming tedious. "Imagining running is almost as hard as the real thing!" I comment to the woman fleeing with me. Getting bored with this situation I decide to put an end to it, and succeed in sprinting ahead to the point where I can turn a corner and leave the pursuer's field of vision, at which point I figure I've made a fair escape.

      However, it turns out that my pursuer had an accomplice: I now find myself in a struggle with a huge brawny man with a shaggy brown beard. I perceive him as a Viking, and I'm aware that his name is Torvald. He is connected somehow with the woman who was chasing me earlier, and is likewise an antagonist. Our struggle manifests partially as a kind of combat, but it feels as much like a battle of dream control as a physical battle.

      I easily resist Torvald's initial attempts to subdue me, but his immense confidence makes me wonder if I should doubt my own. I go on the offensive and try to put him out of action more permanently, trying various tactics to destroy his body. For instance, at one point I imagine his body being crushed by a great weight from above, and although this has him stretched out supine on the ground for as long as I'm actively thinking it, he is soon back on his feet. I try crushing his heart and throat from inside his body, but he is only briefly inconvenienced.

      I wonder if fire would do the trick, and visualize Torvald's body burning to ash. Though I've said nothing aloud, he appears to understand my intentions, and rather than actively resisting like he did with my other attacks, he simply denies the efficacy of this approach. "Fire won't work," he tells me flatly. I refuse to acknowledge this and continue contentrating on the image of fire consuming him. "Fire won't work," Torvald tells me again. I'm thinking: how could this be? It's my dream, isn't it? Fire should work if I say it should work. So I redouble my focus on the fire. With patient indifference, Torvald insists: "Fire won't work." I find this disconcerting, because apparently my confidence is unable to overcome his. Aren't I the dreamer? But there is no time for philosophical questions; we are still in combat. I switch tactics: if he is resistant to fire, how about ice? I start to try to freeze him—even if it doesn't destroy him it might at least slow him down temporarily—but Torvald has found the opening he needed and pins me to the ground.

      Torvald's inexplicable ability to ignore my attempts to burn him makes me wonder if I should worry that he could actually harm me. But I have a superpower too: as the dreamer, I am invulnerable... aren't I? I decide to play it safe, and secretly project my "real" identity to the roof of a nearby building. It is a large square brick structure about 8–10 stories high, and I crouch behind the low brick railing that surrounds the flat roof, tempted to peek out at the combat occurring down below but not wanting to let Torvald see me and discover the trick. So I transfer my perceptions back to my body on the ground, which I now regard as a mere DC, and thus disposable. If my attacker succeeds in destroying this body, it won't matter: I've secured my identity elsewhere. Torvald actually glances up toward the roof when I think this, and I quickly realize that I need to guard my thoughts as well.

      "Do you have someone watching me?" Torvald asks. I am relieved, because although he suspects that there is an observer on the roof, he hasn't seen through my whole trick—he doesn't seem to recognize that the person up there is actually me. I project a new thought toward him, gleefully: I recall how undercover police have been tracking him, and that I've been using our encounter to distract and delay him until they were in position. Maybe none of this was true earlier, but it doesn't matter: this is a dream battle, so it is true now! When Torvald looks back down at me, I grin mockingly and deliberately call him by the wrong name, "Harald," just to annoy him further. The game is up, and my undercover officers move in and force Torvald to release me. I'm not sure what happens to him after that... pleased with having solved the dilemma, I simply walk away.

      What's next? The last incident was not one that I had intended, but now I'm free to work on tasks. I enter a wide clearing and wonder if I should try the Dragon Age task again. I've always liked the idea of aligning dream space with fictional environments from books, films, or games, but I'm still trying to figure out how to do it. I suppose the first step would be to remember a concrete environment from the game and try to insert aspects of it here. I played DA:I just last night, so I should be able to access those memories... but as I seek them out I feel a tremor of dream instability, and decide not to push it. If there's a risk of waking, I should put that task off until later. For now, there are still a few TOTMs I haven't tried this month, and I decide to work on those.

      "Taste a rainbow." That one is easy to remember. I imagine a rainbow in the sky, and produce something very faint and not at all rainbow-colored. The colors are largely ochres and earthtones, and not even in proper lines but arranged in a more tesselated pattern over the arch. I'm not being a perfectionist at this point, so I accept this as a "rainbow" and shrink it into a stick of candy in my hand. The colors have changed in the process, and for some reason the candy stick is white with swirls of red and blue. Still not rainbow-colored! But I take a bite. The texture is interesting, lots of little pieces that crunch between my teeth, but the flavor is a real disappointment: vague, muted, and blandly sweet. Apart from "sweet," no other descriptors really present themselves. This won't do. A rainbow should taste more unusual than this! I decide to start over.

      This time I put more work into the rainbow itself. I first visualize it, then focus on the faint transparent arch until it becomes more clearly visible, but this also has the consequence of making it more material. Now it appears like a physical object, a two-dimensional vertical banner in an arch about ten feet high and twenty feet long, right in front of me. I work on correcting the pattern so that it has rainbow colors in properly aligned stripes... I see some improvement, although it is a C+ effort at best. It looks better than my last attempt, anyway, so I approach the "rainbow" and try to take a bite directly out of it. The experience is like... chewing on a shower curtain. It really feels like I've put a sheet of plastic in my mouth, although the material is soft enough to crush between my teeth. Again the texture is more prominent than the taste. I put all my attention on the flavor, trying to detect anything describable, and think maybe I get some underlying fruity notes, but again it remains vague and uninteresting. Taste and smell are the least developed of my dream senses... I wonder if I could improve them if I worked at it?

      I feel like I have adequately completed the task, anyway, and wonder what to try next. In all my efforts with the rainbows I had hardly paused to note all the people sitting at various tables around this clearing, like picnickers, but observing them now, I figure it might be fun to try the magic show. What would a stage magician do? I guess the most basic tricks involve having something up one's hat or one's sleeve? I notice that I am completely naked, which has long since ceased to embarrass me in dreams, but gives me a mischievous idea.

      "What's up my sleeve?" I start circling among the various tables, challenging the audience members to come up with a response. One of the first responses is: "Following a guy from Eton to [...]?" (I forgot the second place name.) This answer reminds me of the earlier scene, and how I resolved the conflict with Torvald. This DC must have been one of my officers! "Are you an undercover cop?" I ask him in reply. He grudgingly nods. "Not anymore!" I'm joking about how he has just blown his cover, but it also feels like an appropriate analogy to my own lack of sleeves... I'm not "undercover" either.

      I continue asking, "What's up my sleeve?" and collect various other responses from the audience, all of which were non-sequiturs... but I reasoned that the illogic of the question itself (since there was no sleeve) invited such creative responses. After hearing from seven different people, I realized that I might have trouble remembering all this when I woke up, so I stopped and went over their answers again, one by one, to help fix them in memory. Already I had trouble recalling two of the answers, but one of the DCs helpfully reminded me, additionally pointing out that the answers varied between the metaphorical (things that never could go up a sleeve) and the literal ("Three shekels" was one of these answers, I think). Meanwhile I was getting ready for the grand finale to my show, when I would reveal my own answer to the question. I had been planning on the groaningly obvious "Nothing!" and was ready for the big reveal when I noticed that something had changed... now I was wearing clothes, including a short-sleeved shirt. I realized that if I was going to go for the groaningly obvious at this point, I would have to answer "My arm!"

      I felt myself start waking up, and I already had a lot to remember and report so I didn't resist the process. I woke up slowly enough that I was able to concentrate on those seven answers from the DCs and hold them in mind, with what felt like excellent clarity and accuracy. And then something happened... as I crossed the threshold, despite all my care and preparation, the memories abruptly tattered, the details dissolving. The only one of the seven answers I could still remember, and that incompletely, was the first—and that I suspect only because it was anchored by its reference to the earlier scene.

      Updated 06-14-2015 at 10:11 PM by 34973

      lucid , memorable , task of the month
    3. Bill Hicks

      by , 06-14-2015 at 05:16 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #444 - DILD - 6:19AM

      Meant to WBTB but somehow missed my alarm. Been doing daytime affirmations.

      Quote Originally Posted by tl;dr
      I watched Bill Hicks do a WILD, but realized it was my dream when I found a post-it note that read, "JOKE". The letters then morphed into "This is a dream Mike" I got lucid and thanked Bill as he left me. I asked him to do this all the time and he said he would. I then found a bar in the department store I was in and ordered an appletini and woke up after I drank it.
      This dream was longer at the begging, but recall is tough there. Some stuff happened at some gathering. The men left the women to go gamble. Something about the women feeling neglected and alone. They are all sitting in bleachers. Some guy lost all his money. One guy shows up and opened a duffel bag full of money. He gives hand fulls of cash to his wife while on one knee as a sort of peace offering. I am watching all of this like it's a movie. The camera floats past the big winner and and pans out to a birds eye view of the gym. Bill Hicks walks up and addresses the large group of women, "You know... I can here to gamble and eat meatball subs, but when I noticed the subs were only 55 cents, I knew there was a reason for it [I was going to lose all of my money]. Now what I am going to do is lay here and use the dream state to sleep with all of you." He pulls out a sleeping bad out of nowhere and lays on his back. I have a close up view of him closing his eyes and concentrating. I think how awesome it would be to just LD a will like this. The scene darkens for a moment.

      I now have a first person view of some office. I think I am seeing Bill's dream through his eyes. I think wow he just went straight into the dream. I look around and see the word "Private" on a frosted glass door. The letters morph off at the end and read, "This is a dream." I think, "Wow he just set that scene up so he would get lucid right away." I exit out of the door and see a post-it note on the wall. It reads, "JOKE" then the letters all split and morph and I slowly read them out as they do. I find myself saying, "This is a dream Mike." I think, "Mike!?" The letters are solid and don't morph. "MIKE" This personal message makes me realize I am in my own dream and become fully lucid.

      I look around and see that I am a clothing store similar to JC Penny's. I see Bill Hick's looking at me as he exits a nearby door. I shout out, "Thanks for the note!"
      He smiles and waves.
      Hopeful, I add, "Will you do this for me every time?"
      He's outside now, but I see and hear him yell back through the glass, "Yep I will." (I'm holding you to your promise Bill!)
      I fist pump and let out a long whispered, "Yessssssss!" I am so happy he said he would do that. I now look around the store just excited to be in a stable lucid dream. I shout out some random things about being in a dream. The feeling of using my voice is so vivid and I marvel how I'm really quietly laying in bed. Just being here is a true miracle.

      I start thinking about goals, but nothing comes to mind. There is a bar in the store and I decide to have a lucid drink of alcohol. As I take a seat at stool I see a bartender dressed in white wiping down a glass. I think maybe I want to try a pickletini, but I know that I've never had one in waking life so it's sort of pointless to see if I like it here. I remember that I have really been wanting an appletini lately so I say, "Just give me an appletini." The bartender summons a drink from his hand and slides a martini glass full of clear liquid and a green apple slice sitting in the bottom. I catch it and down it in one gulp forgetting about the apple chunk. At first there is no flavor or sensation so I decide to conjure up the taste. I immediately get the after taste of green apple candy. Not bad. I turn and walk away and the dream started to go dark. I focus on relaxing my body and holding still for DEILD, but my physical eyes uncontrollably flutter open and I fully wake up.
    4. Graffiti Spree

      by , 06-14-2015 at 05:15 PM
      I'm riding in the passenger seat of a vehicle. I never look anywhere except out the window so I have no idea who is driving or what type of vehicle I'm even in. It felt like a car for the most part but at times it felt like I was on a bus too.

      I'm going down a intersection with lots of businesses in my field of vision. The buildings are very vivid. I start to notice graffiti on all the buildings as they passed by. Every single building had at least one thing spray painted on it with black paint. Most of them had the letters DRE or DREO in bubble letters.*

      One building was a car wash with it's own businesses sign blacked out by the paint and under it someone wrote "Shitty car wash."*

      My assumption was a gang member had went on a wild graffiti spree the night before and I was amazed at how many buildings he was able to hit before or likely without getting caught especially in the span of one night. All the writing matched so it all had to come from the same person.

      Many many buildings in a row all had been sprayed with the exception of just one that had a huge fence surrounding it but sure enough the next one was sprayed.

      What I found most amazing of all was the places the graffiti was found on all the buildings. It was all placed way high up on the buildings to where the person would of had to of gotten access to the roof and not just that but would of had to hang in some fashion while "tagging" all these buildings.*

      The thought of being at those heights dangling in what had to of been a homemade strap device of some sort made me squirm in my seat.
    5. 2015-06-14: beautiful open southwest vistas, cleaning a public bathroom (vivid)

      by , 06-14-2015 at 01:06 PM
      ~Dreamer~ would be proud, the "main event" of last night was a 15+ minute vivid dream about cleaning toilets and scrubbing the filthy tile walls of a public bathroom

      Recall of dreams #2 and #5 only came in after about 45 minutes of recall and dream review.

      + in a house, party, big house, it's my house, large well-decorated rooms, I'm walking around and get mixed up where I'm going, I think people will be impressed with my house; best friend MR arrives knocking a long time on the door

      + with people choosing a location: we're now in the American south west, like Arizona: wide open vistas, a long line of distant rocky bluffs fill the horizon (visually really stunning), I say I really like it but it's too dry/desolate, then I fly up in the air to get a better perspective and the plot changes to some chasing theme.

      + at a gas station [DS], chewing out my team they're not cooperating, all of a sudden my former boss arrives I instantly recognize her (looks completely accurate), I'm quite surprised, I say "no no I'm not talking about you", then we hang out eating a picnic off the roof of my car (large chunks of thick steak), I'm concerned people will get upset with us for hogging the position by the pumps

      + (vivid, long) we (wife and I?) locked ourselves inside a public bathroom (at the gas station?), I'm scrubbing the toilet, the filthy tile walls with scotch pad, I see each tile as I clean it, some of them have pictures of famous people's faces, I'm trying to choose a scrubbing pattern to get the entire wall clean, we'll have to rinse off the soap foam, the toilet has been repaired with deep red caulking that makes it look like it's covered in blood I think this is really strange, there's a toilet mounted vertically on the wall (so that the bowl points down towards the floor!) that I open up and a huge cloud of ass-gas fills my nostrils it smells like someone who had been eating nothing but chorizo burritos for a week took a massive dump there, the vertical toilet is covered in dark red heavy oil, the floor toilet is clogged by a massive turd I keep trying to flush it down, trying to find something to force it down, it eventually goes and I flush once more wondering if it will go down or overflow; they're knocking on the door, we'll have to let them in?, they point to the structure across the street (through the walls?), the floor toilet bowl is now is filled with a little model version of a classical (Roman?) building with marble columns, I point out how I've cleaned the walls and how you can see the pattern of bright/dark tiles where I've cleaned.

      + talking with a guy who's wearing a company badge with his manager's name (ShCl), the same one I worked for at a former company, I see ShCl sitting at the end of the table, I keep asking him when he worked there (dates) but he doesn't answer, it turns out we worked on the same project for the same manager, and potentially even at the same time, I sort of see/remember his name.
    6. Edge of Tomorrow / Missing credit card / Hidden beard / Congested on-ramp

      by , 06-14-2015 at 12:41 PM
      Edge of Tomorrow
      Something Edge of Tomorrow related, involving my two eldest daughters, something about a large warehouse, and being outside on a driveway.

      Later [after waking up and going back to sleep], I have another Edge of Tomorrow dream. I'm standing by a hole in a wall, looking into a burning building. Two men are with me, both of whom know of my power. I need / we need to get to the other side of this burning room and do something with what look like a couple of VGA cables. Both of the other guys get cold feet and go off to work on some other part of the plan, leaving me to face the fire by myself.

      Missing credit card
      I'm in a large store, checking out. The counter is piled high with stuff, and I've already paid for some of it with my corporate card. After talking with the cashier, I've decided that it's OK for me to pay for the rest with my corporate card as well, so I pull out my wallet to get it - but I can't find it. I look in all the pockets, under all the other cards, in the money pouch, on the floor, on the counter, but I don't see it anywhere. I'm getting more and more embarrassed, and he's starting to get impatient. Thankfully, for most of this time there wasn't anyone in line behind me, but a guy finally comes up holding one or two things. I think that the cashier is going to check him out quickly while I'm still hunting for the card.

      Hidden beard
      I'm using a hand mirror to look under my jawline, to see a place I usually can't see in the wall mirror, to make sure I haven't been missing any spots while shaving. It turns out that I've got a short, narrow beard running all the way around that I'd never noticed before.

      Congested on-ramp
      I'm driving on a two-lane on-ramp at a huge interchange, on a bridge that's rising higher as I go. The left lane of the ramp is really backed up. I'm concerned that the interstate itself may be backed up and think I should probably check Waze; but I convince myself that it'll be fine once we merge and don't bother.
    7. Water and Ice

      by , 06-14-2015 at 12:34 PM
      Morning of June 14, 2015. Sunday.

      My dream seems impersonal and somewhat “distant” in ongoing associations for the most part, though it does not seem vague or distorted. It seems that the small population of a rural area, likely a farming community, needs help from the government in getting rid of excess water from their land, especially after some sort of winter flooding, but apparently, no help is ever given (and I get the impression this has been happening for a few years). I seem to be on the scene at one point, though it still seems relative to a news broadcast being filmed (though I am just a bystander). A chubby older woman comes out and squeezes water from her apron and skirt, apparently on the perimeter of their settlement near an embankment, and makes an assertive claim of how they are doing what they need with no help (that is, by the soaking up of the icy flood waters in their clothes and then squeezing it out elsewhere), though with a trace of sarcasm against her local government (which is not in the immediate rural area but an adjacent town where I can make out some buildings). I am not sure of the location or even the country that is implied, though it may be in Australia.

      At another point, there is a seemingly unrelated scene (and shift in level of perception to clearer detail and brightness) of a dark-haired baby sliding down the side of a snowy hill in a more urban area in someone’s front yard where other people are also gathered (the snowy hill implied to lead down to the sidewalk and street). It seems to be a boy and he is wearing a thickly padded blue snowsuit and hood and is just rolling and sliding around (with no sled or anything). At first, I am concerned about the baby sliding around like that on his own, as he flips over at one point, going sideways, but he is uninjured and seems mostly emotionless but very alert. I also get the impression that the scene is being filmed by a family member. I feel fairly close to his face at one point but am not aware of my body and am seeing him from his eye-level in the last scene as his hood is slightly pulled back from twisting around during the last sideways slide. He seems very healthy and strong.

      Updated 06-24-2015 at 12:37 PM by 1390

    8. Cars, Dragons and Abandoned factories

      by , 06-14-2015 at 12:25 PM
      The first dream of the night involved the Top Gear cast, they where filming a 'special' episode. Clarkson said it was a remake of the very first episode but with an upgraded car, he kept on trying to say the name of the car but kept on getting it wrong. Finally he got it right "this is an Austin Martin nwmp", which is actually an abbreviation for 'north west mounted police'. The car looked beautiful, it was a nice dark shade of green. The show was being filmed in America, in a big open stretch of open land (I don't know what they're called but you see them all the time in big cities). They started driving down, to find out the time it took to get to certain speeds they moved the sliders on the vents to certain positions and pressed the accelerator and the time would appear. Afterwards they got out of the car and opened the boot, Clarkson said "it's a swimmers trunk" and that "you don't want to get in there it'll cause all sorts of problems".

      Me and my Girlfriend was stopping at an abandoned factory, we was sitting on a ledge high up in the dark. We could see everything on the floor, I recall seeing an abandoned bus/train. After awhile five teens where down there walking through the bus, gina shouted them because she knew them. I turned my head and they where up there with us, doing regular introductions, a small blonde lass stuck out to me because she looked like the blueberry girl from Charlie and the chocolate factory. We went into a living room and all sat around on some sofas, I remember seeing a glass bottle on a table with a cork in it. One of the teens handed gina some cannabis and she started to roll a spliff, she dropped weed on the floor so I went and picked it up.

      Me and my mate swain were hiking up the side of the mountain, it was really sunny. The landscape was dry and endless, a dragon came from around the mountain and searched for us. We had to take cover in a cave the dragon tried getting to us but his flames could not reach. I decided from there on we had to plan our hike so that there was caves not far from us at any time so we could take cover.

      I can only remember a fragment of this dream, but I was mimicking someone's voice. They kept on saying words and I perfectly imitated him.
    9. Going to a play with Cory, and weird morphing bugs

      by , 06-14-2015 at 11:04 AM (Mouka's Mind Palace)
      (Ugh, I had such a crappy night last night, the storms kept waking me up and now I can't remember most of my dreams...)

      There was some kind of black jelly-like substance in the grass in small patches. I was there with some other people looking at it, and someone picked up a bit of it and it started moving. We were all kind of freaking out since it was alive, and then it morphed into a crane fly and into a few other bugs, so I guess it was like... a black-coloured Ditto that only copied bugs. I think at one point one of the "Dittos" stuck itself on someone's face and we were all afraid to touch them after that.

      I had tickets to a play, I think it was at the Von Braun Center? But I'm pretty sure it was in Alabama since the weather was very... Alabama-like rather than Wisconsin-like. We never actually went into the auditorium, but the lobby was really sunny and there were lots of windows, I remember being in the doorway looking in, and the door was made of glass. At some point I accidentally upset Cory and he wouldn't listen to my apologizes and ran off. I took off all my jewelry and my sunglasses and put them in the front zipper pocket of my Stefani bag and went after him, and saw him standing there looking at me with the sad puppy eyes and crying. He was talking to me and I remember thinking "Whoa, I never see this guy cry." Seru was there, but I don't remember anything about that, I just remember him standing and I thought that his wings were rather pointy-er than usual. I may or may not have went after him? Because I remember there being a lot in the plot of the dream about him (but it might have been a completely separate dream, haha) But knowing me, I probably did go after him. That might've been why Cory was upset.

      There was a dream I had right before I woke up, it was something happy. When I woke up I wasn't sure if it had been a dream, our just a very vivid thought I had while waking up, so I sort of dismissed it and now I can't remember it.
      Tags: bugs, cory, seru
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Gathering storm, [DILD] Resurrection

      by , 06-14-2015 at 10:22 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      First dream

      I was in school, sitting on a chair in a classroom. There were other students sitting there too. Teacher was talking about something I cannot recall, as I haven't focused on the lesson. I looked through the window at grim, gray sky. Suddenly I said aloud "It's going to be fun." And then sky became dark, and storm luds gathered. It started to rain.

      [DILD] Resurrection - recurring dream, this time ending with LD

      It was many years after portals were invented, and people had access to other dimensions. Many fantastical creatures came to earth. Some of them were hostile and started war, and some of them were just trying to survive. To stop banditry and fight against invaders, humans made a Confederation of Dimensions. Their mission was to capture criminalists, and fight off invaders.

      I was walking with two business partners in a river, swamp valley between high mountains. We were taking remains from a battle that went on there, and cleaning tracks of bandits. I looked atop one of the mountains, and saw an orc encampent. We took some more stuff and went along the river side.

      Suddenly I appeared in entrance hall of prison, chained with my two business partners. We were probably captured for helping bandits somewhere in the past, and now we were guided to portal, leading to a prison. The security officer told us to keep our hands in the air as we walked through crowded corridors of confederations outpost.

      There were many people, and other weird creatures, whispering about us. I felt that my whole left hand is sweaty, I tried to put it down, but an invisible force tried to keep it in the air. Finally I managed to put it down, and the chain slept off my hand.

      Security officer looked at me, and I looked at my hand. He ran for help, while I used this situation to run away. I took a path through old sports hall of the outpost, and ran away towards swamps. I jumped into lake, then went out of the water and hidden in bushes. Guards couldn't find me, so I went out of my hideout and swam to nearest buildings.

      There was an industrial area supported by orcs. They built war machines there, to win wat with humans. I jumped out of the water and climbed up a fence. I looked at the square, and saw a woman with a child. She was a blonde woman in her fifties. Shea had blood soaked eyes and was wearing casual clothes - pale brown t-shirt and jeans trousers. She held a hatchet in her hand.

      The child was a boy. He had dark hair and blood soaked eyes, and he was wearing casual clothes - a brown jacket and jeans trousers. There was a man walking on the square. Suddenly the woman charged towards him and hit him with the hatchet, killing him.

      She dropped the hatchet down, and was preparing to eat the man, but I jummped down the fence, grabbed the hatchet with my left hand, and striked her in the back of her head. The boy escaped to the swamps. The strike was enough to knock her to the ground, and she couldn't stand up.

      She tried to kick me, and I said "Try again, and I'll chop your legs off!" Then I turned around and ran away. Suddenly I realised this is a dream. I made a nose RC, and ran. But then I stopped, dropped down the hatchet and turned back. I walked back to the woman, and gestured with my left hand saying "Resurrect!"

      My voice was changed a little, and echoed all around. I looked at my hand, and then looked at the woman. She changed, her hair turned white, eyes were green and no more blood soaked, and she was much younger, like she was 20 again. The resurrection must've had a rejuvenating effect. She told me to come closer, and gave me a kiss.

      After we stopped kissing, I thought about going on an adventure, but suddenly everythin turned black and I woke up.
    11. Riding our bike me and my friend. ND

      by , 06-14-2015 at 08:43 AM (Come on, let's go for great nightlife adventures)
      I was on the road speeding then I stopped near a stop, for waiting my friend who was far behind me. Then he reached me. We turn left and accelerate and we stop at a red light. I decided to do some stunts that I saw on YouTube until the light turn green. (By the way, my motobike was black and red whereas my friend was white). Then we accelerate and reach a nice neighborhood, we stopped and met some friends(one of my friends showed me a magic trick).
      ........CutOff Of The Dream..........
      Now I was in another place. I was sitting on mattress. There was a woman who was selling orange juice, she told me if I wanted, I said no, and then she said I will give you for free, and I reply no thanks. Then a beautiful blonde girl lay down close to me, I think she was trying to make contact with me, but I try to make as if I was ignoring her.
    12. Saving my injured friend

      by , 06-14-2015 at 07:50 AM
      So the first scene took place around my college campus. My friend Tyler was helping to sneak out a stereo? or speaker or something out of my dorm room. He carried it out of the window and then fell and hurt himself pretty badly. He was on the ground in pain. For some reason, me and my other friend Nick urgently went to search for him. I ran through some buildings on campus. I remember running down a staircase and this girl I know made a comment saying "you're nice to look at" or something. I later wind up in a room and see a bunch of kids I know from my high school. They all are yelling "what up!!" and stuff like that and one other kid I know says "Have I ever stolen any girls from you?" . Later, me and my friend Nick end up getting the police to come and help us find Tyler. We drive the police car and find Tyler later. lol

      Next scene, I'm in the bathroom of my house looking in the mirror. I'm looking at the shirt that I'm wearing. It looks like this dark blue tank top that I tend to wear around the house, but I notice that is a little different about it. Later I realize that it's a short sleeve shirt, and not a tank top. The shirt also has a pretty cool designs on it, like a bunch of wires that look like snakes. lol I'm pretty entranced by the cool design.

      Another brief scene I don't remember too clearly... I recieve a facetime call from a bunch of kids who are planning to rob a liquor store?? The kids look kind of geeky.
    13. LUCID at Last!

      by , 06-14-2015 at 07:09 AM
      Finally! My first lucid dream of the year (and only my fourth ever - barring tiny wee dreamlets) I had a lot before it and sadly it was a poor lucid dream but here goes!!

      NON LUCID - In the car with my sister in law. We are discussing dreams (which must have helped) She mentioned having a very vivid dream the other night so I told her that lucid ones are even better. She asked what one needed to do, I said 'Start a journal, That's 3 years I've been keeping mine now' (which is right enough IRL.
      In a flat with my son. In the bathroom there is a mannequin of my wife. I smack it in the face a couple of times. (I think I'm concerened that it is coming to life) It moves slightly - in a way that suggests that it IS indeed alive but is trying not to look like it is..
      Anyway, we end up outside. My son has a plate with rolls on it which he drops under some metal structure. I go on my hands and knees trying to retrieve them. I notice the concrete is pretty wet and I'm worried about getting wet. My neighbours appear but they keep out of the way beacsue my son has Chickenpox (IRL as well!) A group of wee lads appear, they are getting in my way so I push one over.

      NOW I'M LUCID! I hear someone say 'M' (possibly me. ) I have a fuzzy feeling in my head and I realise I'm dreaming. However try as I might I cant open my eyes. I keep doing my reality checks and hoping that I can get my bloody eyes open otherwise the dream will be a bit of a waste of time. I can feel something on my face like a sheet. This goes on for a good minute and then I sadly lose lucidty and have a false awakening

      NON LUCID - My wife is saying over and over 'Shut. The. F***. Up.' very calmly. I open my eyes, I'm in my bed. We blether on for a minute or so then I wake up properly.

      Encouraging - but I'm really not sure what happened there!!!
    14. Strange days at Call Center, why?

      by , 06-14-2015 at 07:03 AM (Exterminate)
      The title is an allusion to the dream being a lot like strange days at Blake Holsey High and warehouse 13's artifacts.

      In this dream I had just started working at a new call center. There was nothing strange about this building, the people in it, or its surroundings. My first day I was told to be wary of anything out of the ordinary but I just brushed this information off because what could they possibly be referring to? Everything seemed fine until my lunch break came around. I took a walk outside and found everyone cheering about something. I walked up to the crowd nearby and asked what was going on, and they gave me a response. The response given was inaudible and over my head anyway, but all I could see was a blocky snowman outside in the summertime. I decided this was none of my business, so I headed back inside but not before seeing the snowman seemingly move from its location. Skip forward a few months, and it turns out this building experiences a phenomena where strange things are attracted to it, Every day you will experience a new danger caused by someone or something. Normally the cause is an artifact, but sometimes people just go crazy and devise a plan to harm others. On this day, I was speaking to a coworker named Steve. We were talking about all the weird things that had happened to us up until this point. Steve was talking about his favorite artifact- A pair of reading glasses. Seemingly harmless, these glasses made you smarter and more agile than any drug could do, but they had a harsh side effect which caused you to forget anything that you said or did while wearing them. After nearly the whole office had worn these glasses at one point or another due to curiosity and desire for knowledge, the glasses were finally taken away and thrown into a vault storage. The glasses had been a cause for a major scuffle between the employees, as they all thirsted for the knowledge the glasses had to provide. I made a snide comment back to Steve about how petty that all seemed, and he asked me what the most noteworthy thing for me had been.

      To be honest, I don't remember what had happened to me, but he made a joke about my story in return. After lunch break I heard some people talking about these weird bites on their bodies from what must have been a large bug. I thought it was a little strange, but I just went back to work. Some time passed, and everyone was receiving these weird bug bites. We even tracked down what kind of bug was doing it. It seemed to be a kind of flying cockroach. Panic started to spread as some of the people bitten earlier were starting to get headaches and blurred vision. We had a medic on scene at this point. She was studying the different bugs and as she was studying, more and more just piled in on her research desk. MY coworkers and I kept killing more and more of these bugs and handing them over to the medic for research. Enough time passed for it to be my final break for the day, so I go outside for a bit and the first thing I notice is the large number of these bugs flying around outside. I swat a few away, but quickly go back inside. It was not a swarm outside per se, but it was certainly a visibly large number of them. I warn the others inside, but not before noticing a bug bite on my lower calf. The panic in the building rose as we had no idea what these bugs were capable of. We just knew the number of them present was rising at an alarming rate, there were rumors they had intelligence and could shapeshift, and there could very well be an epidemic because of them. We had to find what artifact was causing these things before the infestation spread further away from just our building.

      The dream ended here sadly, so I'll never know what these things were capably of, how we got rid of them, or what was causing them. Still a pretty detailed and fun dream though!
    15. Jolted Awake

      by , 06-14-2015 at 12:44 AM (Exploring My Mind)
      Hey guys! Been a little while, but I'm kicking myself back into it to make sure I don't get out of practice like usual. I've remembered quite a few dreams in the past month, but none written down, sadly, or I would document them here. So, this dream was from two nights ago. It was very short, mind you, but also very vivid, and it led to a weird sensation.
      I was in my room, except with my co-worker for some odd reason. He pointed out to me two dudes who were lying under my girlfriend's bed, writhing about on the floor and dancing. All I could see of them were their limbs, and I could hear upbeat techno music playing in a muffled sort of way, as if I was hearing it from a distance.
      My co-worker and I started dancing to the music, and everything felt happy. However, things took a very eerie turn when we looked up from our dance and noticed that the two dudes who were under the bed were now standing beside it, looking at us like we were crazy. If the two dudes weren't under the bed anymore...then why whose limbs were still writhing around under the bed...?
      As soon as we came to this creepy realization, I heard a loud cracking noise, and a bright light engulfed all of us. It felt almost as if a bomb was going off. I fell on top of my bed, my ears ringing, and my body tingling. And as soon as I hit the bed...

      I woke up, slowly rising from my real life bed, while still feeling the ringing in my ears and the tingling sensation in my body. It went away in a few seconds, and everything was back to normal, but wow was that a weird and unsettling end to a dream.