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    1. blue collar

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:11 PM
      D1 - Working for a company. We are joined by another and new company that seem reputable unfortunately they have been duped by others so that they can use our facilities, therefore gaining a back door entrance as we are not allowed to check their premises.
      Inside the office of the new firm they have received an assignment of boxes. In my minds eye I see them as containing some kind of weird green plant.
      In actuality when an employee opens the first box to find a very small insect like creature in some brown viscous gloop on his desk. He looks closer only to find the insect produces a mini-screen with red border, on the screen is written a statement saying they have nothing to fear. I can hear the thoughts of the insect as it laughs having fooled the humans.
      He then feeds the insect some food, it immediately starts to grow dramatically in size. It is now almost human size and gaining. It is a blue and yellow giant ant (help!). It tries to put it back in a box in a filing cabinet but it has its pincers around his head and he is now trapped instead of the insect.

      D2 - At my parents house they have made a much bigger plot of compost heaps, which they're are steps up and down to.
      Tags: blue, insect, work, yellow
    2. Spellbee Comp Night 15

      by , 10-29-2016 at 03:45 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was in bed when I was hearing a weird noise, sort of like an electronic out-of-control owl. I opened my eyes and saw I was not in my room. I got up and phased through to floor to a spacious room. I put my hand behind my back to summon a bottlenose dolphin and felt it. When I looked at it didn't seem any bigger than me. I put my hand behind my back to summon an orca and felt a dolphin but when I looked it was another bottlenose. This one was full sized though, about 10 feet long. I went up to its face an kissed it on the beak to try to absorb dolphin energy in order to transform into a dolphin. It didn't work and I woke up.

      DILD #2-I was in bed when I felt something was off. I knew I was close to transitioning into a dream. I tried to float out of bed and I did. I was gradually able to see. I stretched out my jaw to create a dolphin beak. I felt the rest of my body transforming. When I looked, I saw I still had my hands and my body was too heavy for me to see my tail. I started flying dolphin style to the window and phased through it. It didn't lead outside. I phased through several random images which lead to was looked like a large art room with various sculptures. I found a dog and decided to pet it. I woke up.

      Updated 10-29-2016 at 03:49 PM by 57896

      lucid , false awakening
    3. Water Bending in a Water Planet

      by , 10-29-2016 at 03:10 PM (AndresLD's (somewhat) Crazy Dream Adventures)


      I had a "Fake WILD", a WILD within a dream. This has happened to me before, but I forget if I usually consider it a DILD or a WILD. I think I'll consider it a DILD this time.

      I was in a hotel with my girlfriend. We went to bed and for some reason I knew I would have a lucid dream. I closed my eyes and right away felt SP set in. Vibrations were not as strong as they usually are, but they were there. I waited a few seconds and then sat up in my bed. I was not in my dream bedroom, but rather in the hotel bed. I stood up and did a reality check by plugging my nose and breathing. Air didn't get in as easily as it usually does, but I figured it was just a bit stuffed. I rubbed my hands to stabilize and read something on the wall. I remembered the Task of the Month. I put both my hands in my pockets and pulled out a slingy from my left pocket, and a pair of dice from the right pocket. I laughed and then jumped through the window, I phased through it. I started flying towards space.
      For a second I thought I was in the void, but then I saw stars everywhere. I started flying as fast as I could and they became distorted. I stopped and saw a blue planet, I knew it wasn't Earth. I flew towards it and entered its stratosphere and then decided to take away my flying, see if I could make myself invincible. I was falling fast but could sorta glide using my body position. There were several beautiful green islands before me, scattered in a deep blue ocean. I aimed towards one of them and at this point I was falling so fast that it became bigger and bigger exponentially. I landed on my feet, and there was an empty *POP* sound as I landed. I left a crater at the landing site of about 10 meters in diameter, I was unharmed.
      I walked to the shore, and looked towards the endless ocean, into the horizon. The sky was a mix of blue, and purpleish vanilla. I put my hands stretched out in front of me, and started waterbending. I made swirls in the air, made the shape of a dragon and had it dance in the air. Then I shot a big stream of water straight up in the air and made it explode, it was beautiful. I thought of what I should do next, and had a FA.
      The dream continued non-lucidly.
    4. Life of a Monk, Virtual Wandering, Backpack Cat, and Duelyst

      by , 10-29-2016 at 01:37 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      I felt like these were separate dreams, but since I didn't wake up I'll record them in a single entry.

      I was a monk, or something of sort. We were at war with another monastery. Me and another person infiltrated the rival monastery. There were nobody present, and we snooped around, and we found a cellar which had some broken things in there. As we looked around I doubled over in pain and thought that somebody teleported a tack into my stomach. Yikes.

      I don't quite remember how that situation was resolved, or it might have just transitioned, but I found myself going to sleep in the temple.

      My dream transitioned to me going on Mapcrunch and messing around on a random street in Germany. I find myself bodily transported there at night. It was cold, but I was undaunted and I explored.

      I found a coffee shop and drank coffee with somebody I thought I knew. My parent's orange shorthair exotic cat was with me all along and was following me. He was as shy and skittish as he was in waking life, though, even if he kept within the general vicinity of me. He kept wandering around the coffee shop and I was worried he'd get lost, so I put him inside my backpack. He did not seem to mind this, although he did tense and hiss if I tried to pet him.

      My dream transitioned to me playing a round of Duelyst, but instead of playing with my own deck and faction, I got backfilled for someone else. They were in a terrible position, my general was a young man in a lab coat, and my enemy's general was an armored woman (or she might just be Faie) and we both seemed pretty Vanar-themed. THe map is also pretty icy, and there was a blizzard filter. I had only one health left, but my enemy only got one minion that can reach me, and it can deal 2 damage, so I played a card that healed me for two damage. Then I replaced my useless spellcards for any minions to tip the balance. The next turn, some kind of event happened that gave us both 20 health on top. The game went on, I start summoning a bunch of minions and trying not to die. It must've been infuriating for my enemy.
    5. 10/29/16-New Lesson-Feel the Energy

      by , 10-29-2016 at 12:21 PM
      I had several short dreams last night but this one is the most memorable for me as it seemed to last all night even though it won't seem like it when I write it down.
      I was confidently walking down a city street that appeared to be like a China town. I would never be doing this in my RL. I never go anywhere alone and that is probably why I always know I am dreaming because I am usually alone. I see dead animals hanging right there in front of the shops, yet I am still hungry and I smell something good coming from down the street so I keep walking and taking in the sights. Noone is looking at me, yet I smile and wave at people to try to cheer them up. I follow the smell to this little restaurant and I walk in. As I get inside there was a man in a black karate looking outfit with a yin yang type symbol inside a suns flames. I thought he was the waiter so I followed him inside. He took me through the kitchen which was odd, and then into a back room where he asked me if I had anything in my pockets. I checked my pants and nothing, but my hoodie had a crumpled up used tissue in my left pocket and my right had a baggie with about 10 cough drops. (Ummmmm I already did this challenge haha) he pointed to the trash, in they went, I then followed him to another room which looked like a closet where he placed a blindfold on me (this felt strange yet for some reason I was going along with it because curious me is always wondering what the message is, am I about to get a cold? I had cough drops) I am now in darkness and he pushes my back forward as I hear the creek of another door open, I am now standing inside a room with nothing but silence. Now I am expecting the VOICE to appear. It felt like at least 10 minutes I waited and the Voice said he has been waiting for me and we need to get started on the lesson (almost like I was late which kinda hurt my feelings being I never know when the lessons will happen). I feel pretty comfortable even though I cannot see, I feel very safe with the Voice nearby. He tells me to visualize the ball he gave me the last lesson. Asked me to describe it to him. It was larger than a softball and appeared to be earth or a similar looking planet floating inside some kind of liquid with what appeared to be a fragile glass outer layer, it was cool and lightweight and glowed a greenish glow. He told me to see it and feel it in my hands right now as if it is there. I hold my hands up and really feel as though he placed it in my hands so I felt I had to be very careful with it again. I started to feel the energy coming from it and it was working its way down my arms, I started to swirl it above my head in a circular motion and could feel it traveling down my body. I then brought it down to my torso circling my hands with the ball to keep the energy flowing then down to my knees. It felt like I was standing inside a ball of energy. The Voice said there is a maze in front of me and there is only one way out. Blindfolded I am to find my way using the energy to guide me. I was a little hesitant but the energy felt awesome. I started to walk and could feel the energy from the wall in front of me as if it also had an energy field around it and as I bumped into it I could hear the vibration as I bounced off of it, I now feel safe and protected. I make my way through this humongous maze that never seemed to end and there were many obstacles in my way, like chairs, balls, etc, it got to the point where I could not only feel the energy but I was actually able to see through the blindfold several different colors surrounding objects. I also saw my useless grayed out eye holes as I have done once fairly recently like I was seeing from behind my eyes a few inches back. Hard to describe that one. I came out the other end and walked out of my bathroom and my husband asked me if I was going to cut his hair. He handed me the scissors and they floated above my hand. I woke up.

      Updated 10-29-2016 at 12:26 PM by 91609

    6. Doomsday

      , 10-29-2016 at 11:49 AM (Turquoise Dreams)
      Last night, bed 9pm - 3:20am

      I surfed the TV just before bed and stopped on a show called Doomsday. I had a bunch of "end of the world" dreams before and wanted another intense dreams like that. This is what I thought about while watching ICBMs streaking through the skies.

      I just got to some beach. I'm walking to the sand and at the edge of it there is a pile of white socks. I laugh, knowing that all those people took their socks off to go on a sand and never got them later. I take mine off too, but I put them in my bag. I get to a building and walk inside. I walk around up and down the stairs and pick up two magazines to read later.

      People start running around and I hear from someone, that Cesar (forgot the name) was assasinated. I think of the same reason that began WW1 and I know the war is about to start. I pull out my phone, throw the magazines to the floor and I need to call my mom to kinda say goodbye.
    7. Spooky Comp. Day 14 - low awareness lucids, advanced TOTM

      by , 10-29-2016 at 11:12 AM
      only two low level lucids where i, for some reason, remembered the advanced totm: walk with your head

      i riding my bike thru a forest. i turn left and ride up a hill. there is more and more snow until its high as my hip. it dont feel cold tho. now i ride down the hill on the other side and i try to ride slowly and controlled so i wont trip. there is a turn and i try to come around slowly but i slide and go straigt ot of the turn and find myself behind a building holding something to not fall down. i notice that i am levitating a little and i get lucid relaxing myself. i do a nosepinch and float around the house and land on a stair and move down. for some reason first thing that come up in my mind is the totm. i do a headstand but in suddenly feel gravity shifting and kind of falling into the ground and i wake up.

      there was a party? i have taken some drugs? i see a friend taking some and i enter a bus. i dont manage to get out at the right station and have to walk one. while walking i see some plants in a garden and they are beautiful. its more a bush and has some blue flat flowers. while moving calmly i get lucid again and do a nosepinch to confirm. for some reason there are some fries on the ground (i drop them?) and i pick them up with TK and thinking about to eat it but they are dirty so i tk them away. and again i thinking about the totm and so i slowly and controlled start do do a handstand, it feels very realistic and is a little shaky but then i manage to remove my hands and only stand on my head. i look on the ground and will myself to move. i dont feel anything so i imagine to see the ground moving as an indicator that i am moving. fair enough i start to see some movement and i feel the ground. but i dont feel like my head actually is "moving" but i stand on my hand and i seem to move so fair enough. i get woken by the alarm.
    8. [29-10-2016: The prom, In darkness]

      by , 10-29-2016 at 11:05 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      The Prom

      With class we made a prom. For some reason girls haven't arrived so we made a men party out of it. At first it was in school, but then we moved to my house.

      Failed WBTB attempt.

      In darkness

      I was in some old block of flats, in basement. It was completely dark, I was wandering the basements with two glock pistols with mounted flashlights ready. There was some sort of cataclysm that forced people to hide underground and escape from walking dead. I heard someone moving behind me. I turned back and lit that way with flashlights. There was a dark haired woman in white t-shirt and blue short trousers. She said "It's you. I just... wanted to find someone who I can trust..."
    9. Dream street signs

      by , 10-29-2016 at 06:54 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      I woke up after another dream and quickly drifted into this dream, I assume it was a DEILD but I can't quite explain how I got into this dream, I suddenly just was in it.

      It was pretty short and I don't remember very much either. I was walking on a street, outside, it was nice weather. The most notable thing was me looking at some street signs. I have a very rough image of them left but... I could hit my past self for not immediately noting down what was on them. There was some kind of explanation for something.

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 10:44 AM by 48127

    10. 10-25 Commercials, Aliens and Horse Avoidance

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:21 AM

      There was like a Chevrolet commercial. Old timey looking, like a bunch of different cars. I was driving some kind of boxy weird truck thing that wasn't like anything I'd ever seen. There was a time portal thing and you could see stuff going away from you. Before that there was trip on a weird planet and the water wasn't okay to drink. And there was some kind of controversy about what we were going to eat and trying to get water samples. Then some alien took my fork and I couldn't get anything to eat. Then it switched to a cafeteria thing and we were trying to catch a bus and we needed a map. I didn't need one because I knew the way home, but they did for some reason.

      I was out in the country coming up to a house, and saw a horse about 40 yards away as I walked down a kinda grown up gravel road. I climbed up on a thing like a pole barn without the metal sheeting, just the frame it was metal. I didn't want to have trouble with the thing. I didn't really do anything, but then it seemed like it was a moose for a while. Somebody was trying to say something, like I had something wrong with my feet, like an open sore and there was some kind of larva or worm crawling in my foot and someone got rid of it for me.

      Updated 10-29-2016 at 05:32 AM by 91957

    11. 10-20 to 10-23 Fragments mostly

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:20 AM
      10:30 – 6:30ish

      Something woke me up and I tried to WILD. Saw amazing HI for a while. It worked up to the point of seeing a scene form, but then I woke up.

      Some random dream happened, but I don't remember it now. Kinda overshadowed by the other thing

      horrible sleep
      1:00 – 3:00
      7:00 – 8:00
      9:00 – 12:40 or so

      Explained something that I thought was real to some DC, a fight of some kind, but then realized that it didn't
      really happen. Pretty realistic conversation, but that's about all I remember.


      Kind of the tail end of something else. Some person from a dream something. They were trying to get interested in some gear they had. Without getting sick. They kept getting interrupted or something

      Kinda like a D&D thing, really meta-gaming. During the game people inside the game were arguing about one version versus another version, and how it would be different if they were playing a different version. Like it wouldn't be like this. They were arguing about this in character though and still arguing about that. It's funny now, but it was serious at the time. It was really snowy, with different types of characters. Very lifelike. There were different types of people not just humans. I think there were halflings.
      dream fragment , non-lucid
    12. 10-18 Driving on a tree

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:19 AM
      10:30 – 3:30
      4:00 – 6:30

      I was trying to find these academic papers. They were in these buildings, like a barn type thing
      with academic papers. There were a lot of Russian people. I remember trying to climb down a ladder
      trying to get this stuff. There was quite a bit that happened, but that's all I remember.
      We were riding in a truck, no top on it I'm pretty sure, there was a lot of wind. There were a few of us in it, going so fast I slid in front of the seat on the floor and had trouble getting back up. Then later me and some guy were driving along this big tree that was way above the ground, I didn't see how far up. It was really windy tree and curved back on itself in a lot of places. We were driving across to other trees, or other parts of the same tree. We pulled off to sleep. There was power, electricity and we recharged something. One of the people with us was a girl, but I don't remember anything else about her.

      There were these kind of cowboy type people they had been doing something bad. We actually didn't run into them, but killed somebody apparently. There was an classroom setting part of it was people making beer, and a DC was getting mad at them going up the stairs. No sure what was going on in the class room. Where we were reading a book. Some was in Japanese and a guy was reading it super fast, so I tried to read it, but I don't remember what it said.

      A guy was getting kinda interviewed. They'd asked him about these guys beings sad that they'd killed that guy. But the guy interviewing them saw through it, it seemed like he was lying.
    13. 10-17 Adventure/game thing

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:17 AM
      10:30 – 3:30 ( I think)
      4:30 - 6:30

      people getting sick, but little kid like 2 got through it and was immune, and somehow
      spread it. A bread delivery thing. Like a little white cat or rabbit, with a dog following it
      around, very cute, very bright.
      Adventure kinda thing, outside in a grassy area with trees. Bunch of people scattered
      hiding around, war time, there were lots of arrows no guns. It lasted a long time, I
      forgot a lot of it. I was trying make stuff, it was kind of like a game. I remember pressing
      'm' on a keyboard and then seeing where the thing would be made, an outline kinda like
      ARK. There was a blue outline under some brush where I would be hidden if I went there.
      A bunch of people came back, like they were skirmishing, but came back. I was part of their
      group. I was in a wagon, and guy could hide me somehow in some fog he was saying.
      Then it cut to like a part where I was reading and seeing a video like you tube on a website
      where you could hide under a tree, by glitching under the ground and you shoot out through
      the tree like a it was bug in a game. Then some of the people with the wagon and saying
      some Japanese stuff. The guy that was going to hide asked me if we should hide. He called
      me 殿下(でんか) so maybe I was a noble or something, and asked if we were going
      to hide. Either me or someone said 当たり前.
    14. 10-16 Game dreams

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:16 AM
      10:30 – 4:30ish
      5:30 – 9:30

      Similar to a game, waves of different armies that would come and you'd have to fight
      them. There were people in it, but the combat was a kind isometric view. There was some
      way to had to convince the people who were there. I was doing a lot but wasn't in charge
      of it. There were tanks that were a kind of Tron-like.

      Game kind of setting. 3D, like VR, flying a ship around trying to complete as much
      as you could, when your ship got destroyed you'd need to start over. There was a
      thing that I couldn't see, it appeared when I hit it, kinda like a pine cone shaped
      thing that teleported me to a different place on the level. I felt like I could see the
      exit maybe. There was a kind of work situation outside the came, that was pretty
      tense, but I don't remember what it was.
    15. 10-15 Supplements for the... uhh... Insomnia

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:14 AM
      10:30 – 3:30
      7:00 – 9:00
      3:30 – 5:30 (nap)
      <this was before the break>
      I was working out kind of a cloud formation setup for a job I was doing. It looked
      very cartoon-like and like the it needed materials for some reason. Then there was
      a town, fantasy setting. With nice looking fields, and roads. Cheerful maybe, like a
      carnival. I had a nondescript dog, but I like him I think. There were a lot of costumes
      I could buy for him. Full suits of stuff, but it was going to be crazy to try to get him
      into them, and I didn't want to deal with it. A guy I was doing the job for wanted me
      to build an internal version of cloud formation thing. I needed stone and wood, which
      I'd forgotten about. I asked him about it, and he said that I should take apart some of
      the stuff in the town for it. Then I saw a simple, but nice looking bridge that was built
      of stone that I could take part of. I didn't want to ruin the town, so I was trying to figure
      out how to only strip parts that were okay. There was a sad older lady in the tent are I think.
      <(300 mg GPC, 4mg Galantamine, 1/3mg Melatonin) Didn't get back to sleep in time>
      Saw myself in the mirror, I looked pretty funny. Did maybe some kind of body hop thing
      into another body, like non-lucid dream about lucid dreaming. (very short)
      I was driving along the road at night, pretty empty almost country road, with a sidewalk
      and big hill on the one side that I was seeing. I saw a treasury/bank bag on the side, and
      tried to stop beside, but went past it. Another person showed up and I hurriedly turned
      around up on the hill and got up to it as he was getting to it in his car. Me an this other
      guy looked in the bag and were going to split it up. There was cash in foil packages, about
      half dollars, but also half German marks, which I thought would be suspicious to cash in.
      Some other people showed up and we had to hide it.

      Was somewhere in Kansas, but it really hilly, which seemed strange to me. I said that to
      some of the DC, but I don't remember much about what they said. I was looking over an
      area, that was a jump down of like 20 feet. I got down there somehow There was a nice
      stone street that transitioned right in to little castle-like buildings with rich-looking gold
      emblems on it. I feel like I lived there for a short period and was doing something in the
      town. As part of the dream, some animals were killing pets and putting them in the
      duffel bags as a kind a threat to their owners. It was unnerving.
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