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    1. Remembered a boring fragment

      by , 10-30-2016 at 08:45 PM
      Saw someone I know in my dream. He was holding something.

      Been using an app called awoken. I think it's helping. I started doing reality checks more. I also followed advice from a YouTube video which was to write in my journal I want to recall my dreams...
      side notes
    2. First lucid dream...and second lucid dream in the same night

      by , 10-30-2016 at 08:41 PM
      Hey everyone. This is my first share. I have been reading some posts for a couple months now and after having 2 lucid dreams I thought I would join this forum and share. Enjoy.

      I had 2 lucid dreams last night. Both of them, I was lucid and realized I was dreaming right when the dreams started. I also never did any reality checks, but I guess I didn’t need them.

      The first dream I was walking somewhere and the wall next to me just seemed so vibrant and a bell rang in my head.(I had a previous dream where a wall appeared to be vibrant so this was a small dream sign) I thought to myself “I’m dreaming!” Except I said out loud...I’m awake. And I kept saying it. I rubbed my hands together and then up and down my body to make sure I really grounded myself. I saw a guy walking in the same direction as me and at first I was going to just ignore him. Then I decided that since I was dreaming why not just spark up a conversation. So I turned to him and told him that I was awake…(not dreaming) He looked confused. I actually reached my hands out and touched his face to and it felt real. Like a human face. He was tall, had to be at least 7 feet tall. I said it a few more times and told him I wanted to yell it. Part of me thought that I would wake up my wife, but I knew I was dreaming so she wouldn’t hear me. So I yelled...I’M AWAKE!!! He looked like he wanted to laugh at me (I know why now) Then he said to me, well ok then why don’t you follow me, but I didn’t want to. I was excited and I just wanted to explore this strange world that I was is. It was bright and there was a sandy feel to it and there were steps made out of sandstone color. I told him no thanks I think I want to go this way (left up the stairs) and he went right...no stairs. So I jogged up the stairs and they turned to the left and what do you know...this guys was right there. Both ways went to the same place. I was a little annoyed and I said again...I’m awake. And this woke me up

      2nd dream. I was sitting in a room with my legs crossed and eyes closed. I could hear some noises. I believe this happened shortly after my first dream and I knew again that I was dreaming. This time I said, “I’m dreaming” I tried to open my eyes, but couldn’t see anything. I was patient as I wanted to make sure I didn’t open up my real eyes. I said it again, “I’m dreaming” and I put my hands over my eyes and told them to open. Slowing they started to open. I saw flashes of random images at first and then everything started to become clear. I was sitting in front of a large TV that wasn’t on. I started to look around and to my left there were two ladies sitting and talking. As my vision became clear, I recognized the one on the left. It was Snooki from Jersey Shore. I was so disappointed that I just turn away and demanded I wake up. I woke up shortly after.
    3. 10-30 Wandering around and brief lucidity

      by , 10-30-2016 at 05:37 PM
      I was walking around in a neighborhood looking for something. Someone said something about a defense system, but I knew they meant a security system. It was a nice neighborhood, nice cars and lawns. I ended up in a house on couch sleeping. I remember a short snippet of a guy trying to sleep in a bookcase with the wall kinda crumbling.

      Then the scene changed and I was seeing an a guy in an orange suit, a coverall like a prisoner would wear. He was just running, he wasn't a prisoner, he just had the gear on. I knew it was a dream, so I decided that I wanted be in that scene, and I was there. I kind of dropped into it like I jumped down and landed. I didn't really see much of myself. I looked up at a ledge that led to a parking lot or some other flat area. I was on asphalt only a little ways below it. I was still thinking about this being a dream. I thought about doing an RC, but I just pulled myself up. Then I felt like I was tangled up with my physical body, so I tried to get free by rolling or something. At that point I lost that scene. I had some blurry vision of trying to roll away from my body. I could hear what sounded like me moving in my bed and that woke me up. It really reminded me of my first almost WILD when I woke myself up trying to get into the scene that had formed. At least got to be in this one and do a couple of things.

      I guess that was my first lucid, such as it was. It was a MILD after yet another failed WILD. I'll take it.

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 05:50 PM by 91957

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable , dream fragment
    4. Spellbee Comp Night 16

      by , 10-30-2016 at 04:53 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      DILD #1-I was in the drivers seat of a car waiting at a red light when I realized the car wasn't mine. I drove though the intersection and tried to make the car fly but it wouldn't. I parked and got out. My body felt heavy. I slowly put my hands in my pockets but nothing was there. I took my hands out and they were all wrinkly. I looked for a cute girl to make out with but there weren't any. I woke up.

      DILD #2-I was sleeping when I saw my window appear in front of my closed eyelids. I phased through it to fly outside and landed. I put my hands into my pockets but there weren't anything in there. I tried to summon a lamp with a genie in it but nothing showed up. I woke up.

      DILD #3-I was sleeping when I felt my surroundings rotating in the dark. I saw I was now floating near the roof. I got down on the ground. My body was heavy. I put my hands in my pockets and found they were stuffed. They were so stuffed I couldn't pull anything out. I tried to pull something out, but woke up.

      DILD #4-I was sitting down someplace with a few other people, not sure where. I was staring at a person until they saw at me, then I would stare at somebody else. I saw my late grandma walking by. I gave her a nice hug and asked her where she was going. She said "Lands End". I decided to try the pocket TOTM again and felt something like a coupon book. As I was pulling it out, I woke up.

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 06:13 PM by 57896

      lucid , false awakening , task of the month
    5. Demigod Birthed From Laundry

      by , 10-30-2016 at 04:30 PM
      Morning of October 30, 2016. Sunday.

      The first part of my dream is somewhat uneventful and relates to sorting laundry for different members of my family. The setting shifts into different layouts that are reminiscent of several different locations. Firstly, we seem to be at the Barolin Street house in Australia but the bedroom extends somewhat into where the kitchen would be. Later, the unfamiliar room otherwise around a closet area is reminiscent of the northeast room of the King Street boarding house.

      A small pile of clothes in the closet slowly transforms into an unknown demigod. It is birthed from one of Zsuzsanna’s dresses as well as a pair of my pants, but includes other clothes of different family members. I am somewhat wary of this but there is never a threat. In fact, the situation shifts to where members of my family and I, as well as a few unknown people, are playing a game within a very large playing field. The demigod also plays the game without expressing any emotion.

      The game involves building miniature towns. At first, it seems to be meant to be medieval times. However, the game’s contents inexplicably change to modern architecture, which annoys me somewhat. I say how the game is not working correctly and is rendering the “wrong era”. There are even miniature sections of sidewalks to place on the floor. I watch an unknown chubby boy off to my right building a greenhouse on the floor (Zsuzsanna being between us and working on a miniature modern house). He is putting green screen or downsized shade cloth over the top of it, though by tearing holes in it to fit over miniature wooden posts, yet which is not really problematic. I am not sure if the game even has a purpose or supposed winner. It is more like just playing around constructing model buildings.

      Later, I go into an unusual unfamiliar kitchen with an unknown male of about forty. He seems to think that the refrigerator has changed, mostly regarding the odd constructs around it. On my left is a feature somewhat like a cross between a horizontally sparsely grilled gate and a turnstile. It is made of metal and swings over to fit into another section which has curved recesses. The path to the refrigerator is almost like a grocery store checkout area but with very odd metallic features, one part which looks like a 1950s car bumper. The whole area is very unusual. The refrigerator itself seems to have problems. I open the freezer door at the top. It is an unrealistically small compartment. There are a couple vegetables in it as well as a dented can of soda (Sunkist I think) which I take out and consider drinking. Bubbly liquid is sizzling at the bottom (some of it apparently from the vegetables), so apparently the refrigerator is malfunctioning and heating up certain sections instead of freezing them. As we walk back, I look back and notice a section of the floor is also bubbling and sizzling even though it is not an area inside the refrigerator - yet I still “know” it is caused by the refrigerator malfunction and is supposedly still part of the refrigerator.

      • The demigod (who symbolizes conscious self identity as being above the extremely limited dream self) being birthed from the pile of laundry seems to be a dream sign of the whole conscious self and the physical body getting out of bed, which is an event that my dreams continuously metaphorically render.
      • The supposed game seems to be a feature that implies non-lucid dream control, something I have experienced continuously all my life (but oddly have never read about anywhere); that is, I somehow know I am “creating my world” yet have no memory of what a dream is or even where I am in time or space. The changes from previous eras to later ones relating to the game relates to both circadian rhythms and an association with “The Age of Empires”, one of the only computer games I have ever played to any extent.
      • The bubbling, which sometimes has nuances of sizzling (“electrical” activity of emergent awareness), represents emergence from sleep as analogous to a scuba diver returning to the surface. It has occurred as a waking precursor in a number of previous dreams back to early childhood.

      Updated 09-09-2019 at 06:46 AM by 1390

    6. Spells Fall Comp Nights 15 16

      by , 10-30-2016 at 01:40 PM (Lucid Time!)
      Night 15

      I was attending Hogwarts. (These HP dreams are gonna keep cropping up as I read through the series.) However we are in my dorm building, just its full of wizard classrooms instead of dorms and everyone is wearing wizard robes. The thing I remember was seeing and briefly talking with Harry, Ron and Hermoine before going to a magical class.

      Fred and George Wesley had enchanted the toilets in people's dorms and classrooms to have teeth and literally bite you in the butt. The teeth look like those fake joke dentures that you wind up. Neville Longbottom got bit by one. There was some sort of bad pun here in that his last name was longbottom and he had been bit in the butt by a magical toilet.

      NLD x2=2
      WBTB x1=2

      I did a WBTB.

      I was helping my dad drop of stuff he'd sold on craigslist at a house in a neighborhood near my own IWL. I see a cat by the side of the road. While I am sitting with the van stopped in the passenger seat with the door open, the cat climbs in and sits on my lap and falls asleep purring. At first it is a big brown spotty tabby but changes to a small white cat with orange spots on its back and tail.

      Night 16

      I'm going to save most of this dream for my private journal, seeing as it was very erotic. The basic premise was a large, waist deep swimming pool inside a spa/resort complex. There is an equal number of male and female dream characters (8-10 of each). They are all about college age. (Unlike the dream from two nights ago that I didn't post that used an unwilling high school student.) Some are naked and those that aren't are wearing very tight and revealing swimsuits.

      This is some kind of sex game, where the people walk in different directions around the pool for a set period of time while music plays. I guess then it's like musical chairs where you stop and get out of the pool to have sex with the person closest to you. I wasn't playing but I happened to walk into the game by accident without understanding what was going on and disrupted the male/female balance.

      I then meet with this other woman who isn't playing the game, but hosting it. She has long wavy blonde hair and planet-sized boobs, sitting on the edge of a hot tub with men on either side of her. She is wearing a light green swimsuit, though the boys to either side are naked and rather 'excited' looking. I remember she didn't have the most pleasant of personalities, she seemed very angry that I had disrupted her game and did not up to her standards of physical attractiveness.

      This big policeman guy wearing an opaque gray visor over his eyes came in. All of the dream characters started running and hiding.

      "Okay, it's time to get lucid now..." I said.

      While everyone else started running on the pool deck trying to get away, I walked toward the officer. He tried to pull his gun out, but with a swipe of my hand, telekinesis sent it flying from his grip and across the room. He then pulled out his tazer and shot it at me. I caught the prongs with my right hand. I saw the electrical shock coming down the wires (though it's not visible on tazers IWL it was in the dream.) When it hit my hand, I flicked the wire up and down and sent the electricity back, zapping the police guy's hand and making him drop the tazer.

      I went up to fight him hand-to-hand. I went to punch him but he caught my punch and slammed me into the pool deck with enough force to smash the tiles. At this point I recognized that he was some kind of terminator/cyborg policeman. He then proceeded to sit on top of me and try to strangle me (this dream is just so wrong when you consider I was still naked.) I kicked him off with my fire jets and it sent him flying.

      I flew up into the air, hovering above the swimming pool. I decided to try and see if I could conjure firebombs like Marcus said I could. I held out my hands and saw what looked like two or three mini fire tornadoes form and start expanding in size on either side. I figured I was just charging them and I had to release them to attack. I then started pulling backwards, seeing the backside of my body as I released the fire missiles and they shot on arching trajectories bombarding the robot policeman from all sides. I lost the dream and woke up.

      NLD x1=1
      DILD x1=10
      Telekenisis x1=5
      Misc dream control x1=5 (If redirecting a tazer back at the user counts as element manipulation, let me know.)
      Fly x1=5
      Gain Invunerablity x1=5 (If being smashed into a tile/concrete floor hard enough to crack it and feeling nearly nothing counts.)
      Element Manipulation x1=10

      Updated 10-30-2016 at 01:51 PM by 53527

      non-lucid , lucid
    7. Amusement Park

      by , 10-30-2016 at 12:38 PM (Cinder's Dreams Gallery)
      Slept in today, can't really recall previous dreams.

      I was in an amusement park with friends from my boarding school. It was in Thailand. We're going to be here until 9PM which seemed a bit boring, even for amusement parks.
    8. 29/10/2016 Group Captain

      by , 10-30-2016 at 10:43 AM
      I'm running in a long distance race with a few others. It is very vivid but not lucid. We go round a corner and then have to climb a steep incline. At the top we get bogged down in mud, and have to jump across a small gap, but there's a weird sort of matting under foot. I stop and opposite me is a guy who is obviously the instructor on the course. He stares at me and after quite a long while says, "don't I know you?", although I'm not sure I actually hear the words. He is in his thirties with a neatly trimmed but full beard and moustache, with neat hair and a young looking face. I move on and slide down a steep slope to the ground the other side, realising that he is a group captain, and I have a strong wish that I was a group captain as well.
      On the ground I start walking along a path with a concrete wall on my left, and I suddenly become aware that I'm dreaming. I put my hand up to the wall and look closely at it, trying to stabilise by inspecting it. The wall has a coarse granular appearance with sparkling particles in it, but I can't seem to focus properly on it. I move on a bit and try again, but the same thing happens. There seems to be a weird fuzziness to the surface.
      I get frustrated with that and decided that I need to change the scene, so the wall disappears and I move over to where there is a small tree and I put my arms out around it. Then I get the urge to fly up and I levitate straight up and above the tree. I move up quite slowly at first, but then as I glance around I can see some houses, but it's a bit vague.
      Then almost as suddenly I'm back on the ground, but at the edge of a cliff, way above a bay with the sea below. Without any fear I decide to dive into the bay below and I jump up and dive down. At first I accelerate quite fast but then as I go down my speed slows a bit to a steady pace. Down below I can see a sort of long cloud that at first looked to be on the water, but the water is way below and this cloud is above. As I approach it the cloud comes up to me, and then it becomes a woman in a long white flowing dress. She flies up to meet me, and I pull up into the air with her as we come close together.
      (All this was lucid).
    9. The moons of Tibaro and some planetary devastation

      by , 10-30-2016 at 10:39 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      This certainly wasn't the standard type of lucid dream for me, and I'm happy it lasted longer than a couple of seconds as well, here goes.

      I was in a big city, and I had my bike and my smartphone with me (I don't own a bike in real life). And then... a talking monkey stole my bike, I was uncertain what to do at first and considered calling the police. Instead however I decided to run after the monkey and got my bike back by kicking against the back wheel and knocking it off. I went back to where I was first, all the while that monkey insulted and threatened me.

      That's when I got angry, and lucid. As it often happens in my dreams, even lucid, I tapped into a certain power as if it was the most natural thing ever. I called upon the moons of Tibaro.
      ("Moons of Tibaro" is the clear sentence I remember I said or thought in the dream. A really interesting side note is that I thought about the dream while being awake and still had a piece of information imprinted on me when I thought about the moons, one of them was called "Shadow of Pria". I might be wrong about the Pria part but I know for sure it was a short word starting with P. But yeah, I didn't remember that from the dream, the information just popped up in my mind as if I was still dreaming.)
      What I essentially did was some sort of telekinesis/summoning to call in an outrageously devastating storm of meteors from the moons of Tibaro (I think there were 3 moons and I brought debris from all of them). The impacting objects were all mostly black, maybe a bit gray, and had a structure and sheen like obsidian. With time the talking monkey transfigured into something entirely different, something that I almost killed a couple of times but every time I almost had it finished it regenerated before the final blow. It didn't even have a defined shape anymore.
      At some point during the fight I also got to see things from a system view. I could see the moons of Tibaro, a large but uninvolved object which I presume was the planet Tibaro, and another... planet or moon that I was on. I really wonder what that place was I was on, considering it seemed to have the size of a moon, was very close to Tibaro, yet was not considered a moon of Tibaro. And here I also got the impression that the moons of Tibaro had some consciousness of their own, and they disliked the object that I was on. This is also why I said telekinesis/summoning earlier, because I feel that I've both called upon their power as well as using my own in the form of telekinesis to direct the meteors towards me.
      The fight was so huge the city was turned into fine dust in which we continued to fight, and soon the planetary object I was on got a large part of its surface blown off by the fight, up to the point that the once almost perfect sphere was now VERY unshapely.
    10. [30-10-2016: False awakening, blurry fragment]

      by , 10-30-2016 at 09:43 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      False awakening

      I woke up in my bed. TV was turned on, my younger sister was lying on a bed in my room. I took a controller in my hand and turned off the tv. Sister said that she'll sleep there. I went out of bed and moved to toilet - it looked like before renovation, but it was all dirty. There were puddles of water all around and almost everything was covered with mud. I felt that it was really strange and that there is something wrong, I looked at the ceiling and saw a crack with water dripping out of it. I though "Must've been the rain."

      Failed WBTB

      Blurry fragment

      Can't recall much, all I remember is a blurry fragment.
    11. 29/10/2016 - why are they always so meta?

      by , 10-30-2016 at 05:28 AM
      here's something odd. in a small part of my dream last night, i was browsing /r/luciddreaming and found that somebody had made a post about never being bothered to climb past a ring of mountains that constantly surrounded their dreamworld. this is an incredibly vague description, but the person who made the post showed me what he was talking about by making his mountains surround my own dream. he was a shambly, lost looking guy with scruffy dark clothes and intense bags underneath his eyes. very heroin-chic.

      according to him, the mountains were supposed to be present in every lucid dream regardless of who the dream belongs to. so we went to the top, while i simultaneously read his post. i wrote down what i remembered as soon as i woke up

      "what's the big deal with the mountains? i'm never bothered to go over them but i finally did, after months. I expected something new but instead all i saw was an endless black lake and the sky where stars grew until they were ripe for picking."

      the view was absolutely breathtaking. below the mountains were the sunlit-but-gross winding roads of my little semi-suburb in hong kong. the air was always dry and grassy but as soon as we reached the top, everything was completely dark black and indigo. the sky was filled with stars that moved with our hands like dust. they really did grow larger if you waited long enough, actually.

      as for the lake, it was flickering and neither of us had the guts to look down for fear of what we might see.
      but now we had discovered what lay beyond the perimeter of his dreams- nothing but the sky that grew above us and the water that plunged beneath us, neither of them ever ending.
    12. Spellbee's Spooky comp night 14

      by , 10-30-2016 at 02:07 AM
      Had to get up really early to go to a company fall fest. It was a really good birthday for me. I'm exhausted!
      Tags: birthday
      side notes
    13. The Seaside Bar

      by , 10-30-2016 at 12:45 AM (Oneirin's Dreamworld)
      I continue through a few corridors and finally reach the top of a staircase at the end. I approach the doors and realize I'm dreaming as I make my way through. There's a few tables to the left of people sitting down to eat at taller tables. I look forward through the glass lining the entire length of the room and stare out to a beach scene with light colored sand and water set back about ten yards from the building. In front of the glass walls, a long bar stands with a few people working behind it preparing drinks. I reflect that I'm in a dream again and remember I can grab anything to eat without worrying about it. I don't get anything, but turn and look to my left and phase through a set of double doors. I enter the next area, and the dream becomes unstable. I continue asking for focus and clairty repeatedly, but the dream fades and I wake.
    14. 10/29/16 - Spooky Comp Night 15

      by , 10-29-2016 at 08:58 PM
      Let’s play a fun little game. Try to count how many things seem weird or bizarre before dream-me finds one (there’s at least 25 in total).

      I’m at church for our Wednesday night youth service. We just had a guest speaker - my old RA from freshman year of college - who gave out a free plunger to every kid in the youth group. The band and I come up to play music, so I get set up on the keyboard. The youth pastor comes up after us and explains to the crowd that we didn’t have time to practice, so we’re basically going to be sight-reading these songs, and he’ll be leading us. Our first song is apparently from the year 1920 and has a ton of key and rhythm changes. At one point, the song even changes into the key of K. Still, it has a hard rock drum part in the style of the Foo Fighters that sounds pretty amazing, so I kind of like it. After finishing our first song, I have to switch to bass guitar for the second song, but my bass is on the other side of the stage. I manage to maneuver my way through a maze of junk on the stage - from palm trees to banjos to a sleeping cat - grab my guitar case and make my way back. The second song is more in the style of the Beastie Boys, and I’m kind of surprised when our youth pastor drops the F-bomb in the middle of the song (we are in a church, after all). I look around, but no one seems to notice or care.

      For the third song, I get back on the keyboard, but somehow it got unplugged during the last song. I go to plug it back in, but there’s so many ports in the back of all different shapes and sizes - it almost looks like a telephone switchboard. Tony, a guy from the youth group like 5 years ago, comes up on stage and yells at me for not figuring it out. He grabs the wire out of my hand and plugs it in for me. Luckily, our third song is interrupted by a literal parade of people coming from the adult class marching up through the center aisle and exiting through the side door. After the interruption, we’ve apparently decided not to do a third song, so I go back to sit down with Mismagius and his little brother, who are both wearing pullover hoodies with “IRC” in big letters across them*. The youth pastor starts his sermon with a video on the projector screen, which strangely has clips of topless women and people cussing. I look around again, but still no one is phased by this. In fact, most of the audience isn’t paying attention, and some of the kids are going up to the stage to get some free oranges from these tall cardboard boxes. Suddenly, it hits me that it’s Friday night, not Wednesday night - why are we having service? I plug my nose to make sure I’m not dreaming, but I can breathe through it. Weird, everything seems so realistic though, there’s no way I’m dreaming. I plug my nose again to make sure, and I can still breathe through it.
      “Huh, I guess I am dreaming.”

      Upon me saying this revelation, the entire crowd erupts into a loud cheer, like their favorite football team just scored the game-winning touchdown. There’s an explosion of confetti and streamers as more people start rushing into the room cheering. Apparently this was some kind of lucid hidden camera show, where they were trying to see how much weird crap they could do before I finally got lucid. The crowd makes a row out the door, and I proceed to give them all high-fives down the line. All my friends and family are there, some hugging me as I pass by, and others joking with me on how long it took me to realize.

      I finally make my way to the end of the line and find myself in my old high school gymnasium. Mismagius and his little brother are there again, and the kid starts making fun of me for not realizing sooner, claiming that I should’ve known as soon as I saw the huge American flag on the side of the orange boxes. I exit the gym and walk up to my friend Aaron. He’s apparently only heard stories of people becoming lucid, and he wants to see for himself just how incredible it is. The first thing he wants to see is how fast I can run. He takes off in a sprint, and after giving him about a 5 second head start, I take off and quickly catch up with him in about 2 seconds and tackle him to the ground. He seems incredibly stunned, and I quickly realize that hitting him at that speed may have hurt him. “Are you okay? Because if you’re not, I can fix that.” Luckily, he gets up and claims he’s fine. I wake up shortly after.

      After journaling the previous dream (chuckling the entire time at the ridiculousness), I go back to sleep. I’m now on some game show with a couple friends and a few strangers. The point of the show is that we have to fight each other in incredibly weird environments, like a water park or a maze of air ducts. The winner of each fight advances, until the final two compete in a fight to the death. However, from the start of the show, none of us want to fight (friendship for the win). However, the host, a teenage girl with straight black hair, threatens us with a water bazooka if we don’t do it. I conspire with one of my friends to fake a fight so the host doesn’t kill us. I hold his head under the water for a couple seconds until he taps out. My next competitor is a kid who looks like he’s maybe 8 years old. Since the start of the show, he was hiding in a pocket of air in the bottom corner of the swimming pool. As I dive down to get him, he quickly surrenders before I reach him. I manage to advance to the final fight, where my competitor is apparently the crazy jungle kid from The Wild Thornberrys, but I wake up before I can find him.

      DILD - 10
      RC - 1
      Interact with DC - 2
      Super speed - 5
      NLD - 1
      WBTB - 2

      Night 15 Total - 21 pts

      *Okay, to be fair, there is a school near my church that a couple kids in the youth group go to called Indian Rocks Christian. So even though it seems obvious in retrospect (“I’m Mismagius, you know, the one you always talk to on DreamViews IRC chat.”), of the entire dream this is probably the one thing I have a slight excuse for.
      Tags: competition
    15. [LUCID] Naval infiltration / Sick friend

      by , 10-29-2016 at 05:13 PM
      I was camping tonight, so my records are incomplete. I'm frankly amazed I remembered anything ...

      Naval infiltration
      I'm in a huge elevator, going up. On one wall, there's a giant glowing "6," but I don't know if it's showing what floor it's going to, or which elevator is it, or what. Off to the side, I see a door that leads into the bathrooms, and I'm amused - I've never seen an elevator with onboard bathrooms before, but this one is certainly big enough for it.

      Now I've done something, gone back down, and gotten back on with a friend. I look for the bathroom and am surprised that I don't see it any more - I'd really been hoping it would be there ... I also note that the 6 isn't glowing any more. We reach our destination floor. Now we're in a dimly lit room. It's long and narrow, and we're near what seems to be a bathtub. Somehow, the bathtub is related to our reason for being here.

      Now we're in a speedboat headed away from some kind of small floating "base." My companion indicates that "they" managed to get tracking devices onto us. He takes my bluetooth headset and a pair of wire snips and snips them right down the middle of the boom mic, then hands it back to me saying that it's safe now.

      Now we're going along at full speed. A large bouy is in right in front of us and we end up crashing straight over it. It's where we were headed for, so we turn around as quickly as we can. As we turn, I can see that another speedboat is almost on top of us - they were following us the whole time! Without waiting, I dive into the water knowing that I must get to <the thing> before they do! I'm concerned that I didn't have a chance to get any breathing gear, and I think how nice it would be to be able to breathe underwater.

      With that thought, I'm reminded of my personal goal and realize I'm dreaming. I completely forget about my pursuers and look around. The water is a light blue and is beautifully clear. Many swimmers are in the water around me, though most are higher up towards the surface - I'm already pretty far down. * I open my mouth and breathe in the water. I'm actually a little disappointed - I'd hoped it would feel really weird, but I just feel my real body breathing. In fact, even though I'm breathing through my dream mouth, I can feel the breath in my physical nostrils. I get a huge feeling of dissonance and wake up before I can do anything else.

      Sick friend
      I'm on a nice grass lawn outside a large house. I see a man come onto a small balcony with his wife, and I'm pleased: he's been sick for a long time, and it's good to see him up and about.

      Now I'm sharing a bed with him, and his wife is in the bed next to us. I know I was glad to see him, but I can't figure out why we'd share a bed. I'm grateful to his wife for her kindness to us, and I feel bad for taking the spot which should have been hers.

      On waking, the dream was explained: I'd been sleeping with my toddler who was having trouble sleeping in the tent.
      non-lucid , lucid
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