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    1. 2016-03-27 factory, (waterfall?), crowds/girl/pastry, kissing, outhouse, burger/busses/speech, taxi

      by , 03-27-2016 at 06:29 PM
      + (fairly long) we're coming up on a building. It was an owner-built house. It is long and narrow and zig-zags a bit. I comment on its length, "easily 100 yards". Walking by on the left side, I look in through the windows and see people working in offices, that must be the administration for the factory. Inside, there are huge racks of supplies: paper towels and other paper products, bottles of cleaning/chemicals. I can't figure out if these are the products of the factory, or just supplies used in production

      + (f, vague) outdoors, enter a small cave-like building near a waterfall?

      + I'm moving through a crowd of people. There's a young girl walking by my side. We're chatting? I pick her up and carry her in my left arm like a small child, she's basically sitting on my arm. We walk a ways in this fashion. We come upon a plate of some red-berry pastries, I say we can't eat them because they've been covered with plastic wrap, but there's a plate with the plastic wrap already opened, so she (I?) eat one.

      I'm trying to move through a hole in a wall to the other side, but the other side is packed with people and there's no way I can squeeze through.

      + I'm lying in bed with a family friend (OA, blonde), we're intimate, I lean over and kiss her, cupping her head with my hand. She says "call me your beloved darling" and so I do. There is another girl, a brunette now, whom I saw earlier in the dream?, kiss her also. My wife walks by holding a bead and says not to use the bead?

      + I'm standing in an outhouse (at our cabin?), it is painted in pinks and blue on the internal walls. The underlying pink was painted over with the blue, which is flaking off?, I'm inspecting the colors closely. The walls are moving around and I try to center them back over the platform. I'm careful not to fall into the hole. The seat is missing, I look around and see it to the side, and push it back into position with my foot.

      + I'm supposed to give a speech/talk to some people seated in chairs, I'm trying to rapidly finishing a burger, my wife is there, the burger/onions are almost falling out of the buns so I"m trying to stuff it all in my moth

      There is an evacuation going on. Long tour busses are packed with people, I see them through the windows. In one bus the people are wearing uniforms like in a sports team. I'm not planning to get on the busses.

      + I'm negotiating the price of a taxi ride standing in an office. I'm confused if I can make it all the way to my destination, I ask for the price several times, "500" is the answer one of the times. The driver's going to McDonald's? Should I get out earlier (for a lower fare?), I'm generally confused about what's going on.
    2. My mind has plans for me

      by , 03-27-2016 at 03:55 PM (dolphin's dreams)
      During a routine awakening, I went to the restroom and back to bed. I laid on my back and started thinking about what I wanted in my next lucid dream. Before I was even finished thinking, I noticed a neon green blob of color had appeared in the middle of my closed eyelids. Not even relaxed yet, I settled into a bit of a more comfortable position on my back. I focused on the blob of color again, now ready. The blob vanished as stars filled the blackness. An evil sounding voice boomed, "WELCOME". A strong force took hold of me, flying me quickly through space to an earthlike planet. Speeding towards the ocean, the force slowed me down as I approached a small island with a city on it. "THIS IS THE ISLAND OF JOY," the voice continued. I was now in the city by a street where there was a big truck with a sign on top with a dollar amount on it. "IF YOU COMPLETE THE QUEST, YOU CAN WIN 1 MILLION DOLLARS." Yay! Dream money! I decided to play along. The voice then laid out my quest. He was now talking at a pace faster than I could comprehend, but from what I got from it, my quest was to retrieve some sort of object, go down a sewer and come up at an ice cream shop. Before I was sure what to do, I woke up.
    3. 27/3/2016

      by , 03-27-2016 at 09:31 AM
      No recall, zero, for the last 2 nights.
      Had a strange one last night not sure how to classify it!

      1) I was talking to my wife in bed, she said something about throwing a pillow (or cushion?) off to the side and it would be strange if it moved on its own. I thought, no, that would be fun because it would be supernatural. Then I was WILDing (in the dream) and it was working I heard really loud noises, quite deafening, and I felt myself vibrating all over. I thought at last! it's working, it's frightnening but it's working, I remembered everything I have been told and tried to think of a dream scene, that didn't work. I went with it for a while and tried to move my dream body to get an OBE, but that didn't work. Then I tried force my eyes open remembering that I should enter a dream that way. I couldn't so I started to panic. I tried to move but realised I was paralysed and the noises and vibrations were getting more intense. I could sense my wife next to me and I could here her talking, and someone else talking the other side of me, I thought my wife must be dreaming as well. Then I force my eyes open and I could see my wife but I still couldn't move and I still had really loud noises happening and I thought this isn't right I'm stuck in some sort of weird state and might never get out of it - it was either a nightmare false awakening or a sleep paralysis that seemed to go on forever. Then I think I woke up properly, it was midnight, and was able to move, it all went silent at last.

      2) Finding a seat in a canteen, I moved to another room in the canteen and sat next to an old lady she looked all alone and she was quite angry. Next I was sta at a table for some reason I was handed a sample in a sealed glass jar, I put it down and it smashed. A nurse told me to fix the bottle with sticky tape and it would be fine, so I did.

      3) I was moving towards a big gate in a Star Wars type scene. There were storm troopers moving toward me and I was shooting them and I hit a few and they fell.

      4) Racing a car around a dirt track

      5) In a bank, someone else arrived and was annoyed becasue they wanted to rob the bank and I already had, so they went away.

      6) An old childrens playhouse that I was trying to burn. It had a load of other old wood on top of it. It wasn't burning well, so I was trying to put dry tinder under the roof to get it going better. There was someone inside and I just managed to get them out as the fire took. I looked back and the firewood on top still wasn't burning very well. The detail in this dream was very good.

      7) In a football stadium, can't remember too much, but I was more concerend about what was happening in the terrace and never looked down becasue I'm not interested in football. In the same dream I was thinking about which girl I fancied as if I was about 18 again, and I was writing down on 2 pages in a book something about myslef, and something about the girl I fancied to compare us, for her I wrote a phrase 'Don't be such a dipstick Charlie Brown', not sure why.

      Updated 03-27-2016 at 09:55 AM by 88643

      non-lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    4. DJ#125: Learning Languages

      by , 03-27-2016 at 07:20 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was learning a new language using a new and experimental technique for it. I was waiting around in public trying to find someone to talk to and practice my language skills but no one was stopping for me.

      Dream 2: I was creating a new cartoon to help kids learn French. The show was similar in style to Archer but obviously for educational purposes. Following it they would learn a new word every day.

      Updated 04-03-2016 at 10:29 PM by 63366

      Tags: non - lucid
    5. #117: Firegrass

      by , 03-27-2016 at 06:18 AM
      I'm at what's supposed to be the airport in Jakarta. I've just arrived here, standing somewhere outside. Since I'll be moving next month, this is a great opportunity to scout ahead a bit. Which bus to take, stuff like that. I've got two fairly sized bags with me. After a few seconds I notice they both have wheels. Sweet, that's gonna save me a lot of trouble. I see my regular size backpack on the ground. I can just put that one on my back then. Somewhere in this dream I think of what a waste of money this actually is. I'm here right now to do what exactly? Then I'll fly back to the Netherlands, only to return again a month later. I guess I can at least leave some stuff here, make it easy on myself.

      I walk around a bit. At one end there seems to be some type of fair. I have a very short conversation with someone about what lies further on. Apparently just old junk, old airplanes and potentially old bombs. Guess I won't be checking out old airplanes then. At some point this turns into the funeral for I think the father of a guy I know, Erwin. There are quite some people. People raise their hand and suddenly there's fireworks. One of the arrows doesn't make it and falls back to the ground, setting the grass ablaze. People start scrambling around. I run towards one of the many large grey (trash) bins made out of steel, with a fair amount of sand in it. I grab it and then run towards one of the many fire patches on the grass. My classmate is here, telling me that the sand won't be enough to extinguish the fire. I put the bin on top of the fire anyway, up side down. I tell her the lack of oxygen will extinguish the fire. It works. Then on to the next one.

      Sometime after this event my classmate accuses me of having scrambled for my own life, instead of doing something. Are you kidding me? I went to grab a bin to extinguish fires. I ask my other classmate to please back me up on this.

      Had some more dreams with classmates and also a lecturer, but that's quite a bit to write down.
    6. A Eureka Moment

      by , 03-27-2016 at 12:32 AM
      I've been reading a lot about mnemonic memory techniques & came to the conclusion that for me I don't want a scripted list. Instead all throughout my day I look at things, especially ones with motion & say what color they are, what material it is made of & what motion it creates. Exp: Black fan, spins, has metal on it & then I visual the motion & possible other motions it stimulates in my brain.... WBTS method this morning & did not have a LD but I was thinking about my dream house & instead of dreaming about that I did dream of another house with many stairs & all of the ppl including myself had abilities & the colors & details of my dream were much sharper due to using my own technique.
    7. Why traditional dream journals are counter productive

      by , 03-26-2016 at 03:44 PM
      Hello everybody^^

      While I have not had that many lucid dreams I have years of experience trying to achieve them. I made this account solely for this post. All I seem to see over the internet is people recommending writing dreams down. Most of the time I couldn't read my hand writing, I had so switch on the lights thus becoming more awake than I wanted to be during the nights and it took ages. Now I use a pre-installed app on my phone to record my voice and deactivate the screen lock for faster access before going to bed. I also turn down the brightness and additionally use a screen filter.

      This works wonders give it a try and don't hesitate to comment!!!
    8. Day 1

      by , 03-26-2016 at 03:26 PM (The Nightly Dreamer)
      Today is 3/26/2015

      No dreams recalled


      • Apparently, adjusting your sleep schedule messes with dream recall.
      • Started adjustment phase to reach 11:00 P.M. - 6:30/8:00 A.M. Sleep schedule.
      • Ok, I need practice with SSILD. I fell asleep on warmup cycle #1.
      • Possibly need to adjust the length of WBTB.
      • The volume on my alarm does a great job of gradually waking me up.
      • It's going to take a week to adjust, isn't it?
      side notes
    9. Flying Upside Down, Fire and Ice (TOTM) (LD #265)

      by , 03-26-2016 at 01:43 PM (Lucid Time!)

      I remember my dad had taken me to subway, and I was wishing he hadn't because he spent the entire drive home (20+ minutes) complaining about this mushroom flavored bread and was saying that it was good in a six inch but bad on a footlong because you would grow tired of the taste. I think my mom was in the car too and she tired to get him to stop complaining. The dream went on for a long while but was pants-poopingly boring.


      I was in the woods. (It felt like the woods behind my subdivision and it felt like it was.) I remember I kept picking up twigs and snapping them into little bits. I remember meeting this girl who wore a hijab. I was telling her about how me snapping sticks was a bad thing because it meant that I was too stressed to become properly lucid in my dream.


      NVM. I looked around and saw woods in every direction. I covered my eyes with my hands and told myself that when I re-opened them I would be on the beach. (I don't know why I tried this, my old-fashioned teleportation techniques almost never work.) But when I took my hands off of my head I was surprised to see that, although the woods in the immediate area was the same, I was now not far from the shore of a large lake, and across from the lake was my subdivision.

      I ran towards the lake, and jumped when I reached the shore and kicked on my flying jets. I remember I sort of hovered there for a couple of seconds looking down at the water. I was hovering above it but my jets were causing the water to boil and creating a cloud of steam. Dream Logic told me that this was why so many of my dreams had fog in them. (Granted, this dream did meet the dream sign of it being overcast.) In fact, I think it was snowing. But the lake wasn't frozen.

      I flew forwards towards my neighborhood. I remember I was flying very low over the water, and that was a problem because there was a large cinderblock wall. (Not there IWL, obviously. The lake isn't there IWL). I came within half a second of smacking face first into that thing before I managed to get flying to pull up higher than a few feet off the water. (Though it probably wouldn't have hurt me.) Internal logic told me that sometimes I can only fly below certain altitudes because my fire jets are pushing against the ground or water.

      So I got over the wall and was now able to easily maneuver in every direction. I flew up, past my house and around. I made my way down the street. There was a school bus getting loaded up with kids. I remember thinking that I was probably dreaming of it because on Thursday, I was driving to college and got stuck behind a school bus. All the little kids were pretty impressed with my idea to shoot by on a column of fire.

      It was then that it crossed me that I should do something other than just flying. I looked in the sky and saw the moon in the sky through a gap in the clouds. (The sky was weird, brighter than day, but darker than night, a sort of deep Indigo with a crescent moon directly above). I decided I should fly to the moon and try and land there without making a crater this time. I started flying towards it. I tried to get more power and only focus on the moon so that it would start getting bigger. But the moon didn't seem to be getting any closer. I then thought of the Task of the Month. I figured if I wasn't going to the moon, I could at least try that. I remembered that the goal was to create fire/ice in your hands. I looked down and saw that my feet were generating jets of flame, but my hands were not.

      I did a 180 in the air and flipped around, creating flames in my hands and using those to propel me, essentially doing a handstand in the air. Just like with my feet, where my right side projects blue flame and my left projects orange, my hands apparently did the same thing. I then focused in on capturing the details. The flames didn't look all that spectacular, the colors seemed kind of washed out. (The whole dream had a color palate of blues and grays though.) But really projecting fire is nothing new to me. It has the sensation of sort of pushing your energy or chi down your arm and manifesting it as the flame, and you maybe feel a little heat on your hands or feet. I wondered why I was even bothering since march was almost over and there would be a new TOTM soon, but I could at least have wings for a couple days. Wings... Maybe that's a good TOTM for next time I thought to myself. Grow or Manifest wings in a dream.

      Okay, but I want to do fire AND ice. I then focused on the right hand switching to projecting ice. The dream went third person as the blue flame changed into a puff of snowflakes, and with a jet of fire on only one hand I lost control and fell from the sky. Back to first person. I fell into the street head first. Thankfully the street cracked rather than my skull.

      "Ass tits, not again!" (In retrospect that was a pretty stupid time to try and make ice.) Also why am I cursing 'not again'? This is the first time I've tried this. Something then fell off of the moon and would have landed on top of me if I hadn't rolled out of the way. It was a four-sided dice, with a circle, a five pointed star, a six-pointed star and a 12 pointed star on it. Marcus came over and was really excited because it was made of moon rocks and he wanted to study it.

      Come to think of it, why do I always curse with 'Ass Tits' in Lucids? I should make it a dream goal to figure that one out...
    10. [25/26-03-2016]

      by , 03-26-2016 at 11:28 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      25-03 Dream

      I was in my house, it was an evening. Sister was watching tv. I was sitting near a table with a laptop. I turned around and saw an old man in black jacket and a young, blonde woman with glasses - probably an assistant of the old man. I asked him "Are you Sapkowski?" (writer of The Witcher) - he confirmed, looked at the laptop and said "You've gotten quite far!" I looked on the screen and saw that there was a witcher game turned on. Then he said "We'll see how you'll do this!" and turned on a strange mini-game. I had to click as quick as I can, and the witcher was dancing and singing about monsters. I did quite good job. The old man asked about one of his books, I replied "I've never readen any of these, but my pal did. He's quite big fan of your writings". He said that he must leave now and went away. I caught up with him and asked if I can make a photo with him, to which he replied - "No."


      First dream

      I escaped from the prison with others. We took over an important restaurant, where only important people ate. We waited for a judge that sentenced all of us to prison to appear. We took many guests, cooking like true masters and getting more and more cash. Other prisoners wanted to keep the restaurant and forget about the judge - I tried to persuade them to keep our current goal, but they didn't listened. With their leader I went to a freezer to fight with him.

      Second dream

      I was in some school, in the toilet. I was standing close to a mirror. I heard a voice "First they humiliated me, and then they killed me. I turn you into a monster, so you could fight these monsters back!". I looked into the mirror and saw that I have changed - my skin was gray and rotten, my teeth were rectangular and irregularly placed, my eyes were plain white and bulging out of eyesockets, I had a mushroom cap on top of my head. I knew where to look for them - a school trip that just went out.

      I ran through school, nobody minded a mushroom-zombie man running around. I went out - it was a rainy, cold afternoon. I saw them walking on the sidewalk, but there was a priest with them. I decided to go another way and catch them later, but I only met the priest who lost his way. It was close to sewer canals. There was a way to the rest of the group through a flat, but priest didn't wanted to enter it. We tried to go through canals, but there were rumors of horrible, terrifying monster living in there. I tore planks of the platform over a maintenance tunnel of sewers and entered it.

      Third dream.

      I was on a strange island. With other leaders we were sitting close to a round table, dividing our loot between us. I wanted to take my share in diamonds, but one of the leaders told that he's not going to share his loot. We started arguing, I looked at the island and saw that it's mostly devoid of resources, except for one cliff where I could see mineral veins. I said "Either we divide and plunder or start a war, and we both know that this island is devoid of hematite!"

      After we ended arguing, we started building our fortresses. I wanted to build my base in the mineral cliff, but just as I started, orcs build their base close to mine, claiming that we need to cooperate. All they did was disturb me in building my base.
    11. Ceremony of the Dead

      by , 03-26-2016 at 09:27 AM
      I remember I was in some sort of tower and I was lucid. I went tried going downstairs but the I saw that everything was turning redish. One of my friends told me, "We shouldn't go down there, that's hell." I got frightened and turned and ran up the stairway and then I reached somewhere that was full of people, it seemed normal and ordinary, people were having fun.
      Then a man came and shouted, "Dear people, I invite you all to my farewell ceremony." Since I was curious to see what this ceremony was, I accepted his invitation and so did alot of other people as well.

      Then we went up some more stairs, then suddenly I entered some place that was bright and seemed familiar. Then the man spoke to us about how he died. in the end he told us that because we came to bid him farewell, he will grant one wish to each of us. Then the people went to him one by one asking him for things like god's blessing. Then I went up to him, and said, "If it's alright...I want to see my grand father again. Just one more time. Please?" (My grand father passed away long before I was born but I have seen him once in a dream when I was young. I knew what he looked like and sounded like through video tapes of him)

      Then the man told me, "I can't bring people back to life...But I will bring him to you right now." "
      I was so happy that I hugged the man and he hugged back. Then slowly I felt the man's body change, I looked at his face and instead I saw my grandfather. I started crying and hugging him even more tightly and then I woke up.
    12. Stove on Fire in Bathroom

      by , 03-26-2016 at 09:26 AM
      Night of March 26, 2016. Saturday.

      Sometimes I think that if a dream ever rendered a setting correctly, without a feeling of bilocation, or indoor and outdoor ambiguity, or of a unique composite or changes in directional orientation or colors or other details, I would not to know what to think at all. In this dream, I am technically looking at my old family home in Cubitis yet with the idea it is our present home even though my dream occurs directly after falling asleep for a short time during a nap this night and I had not been inside that house since mid-1978.

      Not only that, the Cubitis bathroom is an altered setting as it is. It is larger to where the west wall (where the doorway also is) is long enough for both a large squarish porcelain sink and a stove (with large oven) with four heating elements, both features on the door’s right (and the right of the stove being directly near the northwest corner, it seems). The setting remains in semidarkness (with no implied light source other than apparently the hallway light). I do not focus on the east side of the room at all - I am only ever aware of the basin and stove that are next to each other. (In reality, the sink, which was much smaller than the one in this dream, was on the north wall, near the northwest corner.)

      Fire is one of my most common dream features second only to water. There have been other dreams of attempting to put out a stove fire with water. In this case, curiously enough, the fire starts from behind one of the stove’s dials (rather than a heating element or pan being on fire). The dial itself is extended horizontally outwards a bit more from the top of the stove than would be logical (or perhaps it pulled out a bit farther than intended) and the four dials are located beyond and behind the heating elements rather than above the oven.

      Concerned about this event, I flip up both switches on the wall (which are next to me, immediately to the right of the door and above the sink) even though I am not certain about which direction (up or down) is on or off (as up was always “on” in places I lived in America, but in Australia, it sometimes varies even within the same house, though up is often “off”). I “know” that the switch on the right is for the stove and the left one is apparently for the hot water availability for the left faucet/tap (which of course is not realistic at all). Still, this is illogical enough to cause my dream self to become puzzled for a short time (though not lucid). Does the switch turn off the water completely or only the hot water?

      I am able to fill a glass of water and throw it at the fire. It takes about three attempts before the fire is under control (even though it is only around the dial).

      Fire usually relates directly to growing conscious awareness within the dream state (and some fire dreams trigger lucidity), which seems validated by the concept of growing awareness of the light of day (including sunrise or dawn even though this dream was at night) as well as being “brighter” in clarity and perception. Awareness of fire seems to make a dream more vivid. As I put the fire out, my dream loses its vividness and I soon wake.

      Updated 04-20-2017 at 08:27 AM by 1390

    13. #116: Studying hard

      by , 03-26-2016 at 07:28 AM
      I'm sitting at a long table, I think in a study area. Sitting to my left are two of my colleagues, Jermaine and Kyra. In this dream they are brothers and Kyra's hair is different from reality. It's more similar to Jermaine's hair. Jermaine has his phone or a similar device lying on the table, playing some soul music. I'm looking in their direction because in front of them on the table is a map, a bit like this. Something is telling me that it's a map of the city Hilversum, but I don't know why. It's only a partial map and (nearly) all the roads are oneway streets, all going to the bottom right of the map. Kyra is telling Jermaine a story related to food, about something that makes him hungry and that makes him eat well. Jermaine sees me looking at the map and thinks I'm looking at his phone. He asks me if I'm bothered by the music and tells me I can put something else on if I want. I tell him I'm ok with it.

      At some point I'm seated in between two girls instead... I think. Perhaps it was one girl and one guy, but I think it was 2 girls. One of them is from a Spanish speaking South-American country, but I can't remember which one. I think it was either Colombia or Venezuela. We're talking a lot about random stuff. It turns out that something quite important (something similar to a phone) was actually invented in the girl's homecountry. There is something that the girl on my right doesn't know. Something which is quite common knowledge. I make fun of her for it. Near the end of the dream I'm thinking about how totally non-productive we're being, as we're supposed to be studying.
    14. DJ#124: Pageant & Plane

      by , 03-26-2016 at 03:31 AM (BlairBros' Adventures)
      Dream 1: I was flying Ohdaviing around in Skyrim, I somehow managed to summon him near Markath and then flew him around on the way to Skuldafn, with a huge cutscene; it was pretty cool.

      Dream 2: I was at a conference/pageant thingy, sitting in a big row of folding chairs talking with a few people. I have forgotten a fair bit of detail about this as I rolled around when I woke up.

      Dream 3: I was dodging around these red and blue people in slow mo, bouncing around like in a video game.

      Fragment: I was on a plane.
      Tags: non - lucid
    15. Hey Taurus/Chocolate Mess

      by , 03-26-2016 at 02:10 AM
      I was driving around with weed and I felt like Eddie was there. Maybe I was driving him around or something. Anyways, I was trying to get home so I could smoke. Somehow I ended up parked outside of someone's house. Could have been my house from child hood. I was in the car with Grace trying to get her to smoke with me. Instead of calling her by her name I said "Hey Taurus!" because her sun sign is a Taurus. Think she got pissed at that. She gets pissed a lot.

      Later on I ended up in the attic of the house I was parked outside of. I was concocting some kind of chocolate milk drink. I was pouring milk from one carton to another but I was transporting it using the cap and I had somehow transformed the cap into a cylinder... milk transporting device. All I managed to do was make a mess... a chocolate mess O.o hohoHOo.

      Later I had to fall asleep in a blanket of eggs... Like the eggs were arranged in little slots on the blanket as if they were in an actual egg carton. I assumed I was supposed to incubate these eggs, as no other reality in which I fell asleep in a blanket of eggs made sense.

      I had a false awakening and my dad left me a voice message that was radio transmitted. He was telling me how stressed he was and it was really eerie. His voice was stacked on top of itself many times... call it doppleganger voice. The number of voices stacked was related to the amount of stress he had. This was all associated somehow with quantities of rags.
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