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    1. Returning to lucidity : Strange little rock friend

      by , 05-23-2018 at 01:49 AM
      There I found myself, outside of my mom's house, whom I no longer live with. Guided by irrational thought, I went ahead with it and broke into my mom's house through the window aside the front door.

      Then I seemed to skip forward in time and was sitting inside a version of the living room, watching TV all lazily on the couch. I remember feeling like someone was there with me, but then my eye was caught by a small moving object on the floor, it was what looked like a small rock that had a leaf on top and I justified to myself that the leaf was it's hair, and that it was living. But after seeing it move more.. I decided to use my reality check that I'd been incorporating into my daily life(phone time check / text check) and upon glancing at my phone's screen, the numbers were all jumbled with no proper formatting and in that moment I knew I was dreaming

      I immediately got up from my seat, walked up to the TV, then everything got extremely blurry and I got overwhelmed, I then woke up.


      Looks like I need to work on my stabilization, I got quickly overwhelmed and it seemed to just spiral me out of the dream..

      Updated 05-23-2018 at 01:54 AM by 62863

    2. Where dreams are born DILD

      by , 05-22-2018 at 07:31 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in walmart and had a recent altercation with another customer there. As I am about to walk out of the store a employee stop me and said I needed to come inside for a talk. I thought to myself, maybe I should just leave and not waste my time. But instead upon seeing I had no car park outside in the middle of the night. I thought it was best to give time to the situation.

      He leads me to the room to where I can see the customer that I assaulted. He ask me questions with the idea that he thought I'd be going for the path of lies. But instead I disrupt his speech and explained the truth. He understands and we begin to speak about other things that I possess no memory of now. After the confrontation, I leave the store and now return outside. I still have no car in my environment and the desire to move became stronger.

      The dream scene went in to a state of constant change, to where there would be a one way road among a large field, then a one way road to a rocky mountain, many new things continue to change in till I could no longer drive to the end of the road and the scene would change to another. It was in till the dream scene had change to a place I was familiar with. It was an island named Dominica. I got off the vehicle that I could not see which had the power to change environments.

      Once I got off and took my bags I felt lucidity hit me. I was aware and amaze with the environment and how it look. I went towards the pink house that seemed to float perfectly balance on the ocean of no where. I could see the island not far from where I was. I then see another me hanged up on top of the roof. When I look closer it was like a toy version of me. The toy me was shirtless and attach to the roof. I examined it further and then woke up.
    3. Dream - The Bell Curve & Humans Versus Hippo

      by , 05-22-2018 at 01:19 PM
      Date of Dream: TUE 22 MAY - 2018

      Dream No. 339 - Separated Sections

      Dream 339 A - The Bell Curve
      I don't remember much about this dream. From where I do remember, I was in my brother's bedroom of the old house. I was making a big card out of this yellow coloured cardboard. It was decorated with all these random bits of paper with all different kinds of textures; I clearly remember corrugated cardboard and glittered paper. Then I picked up a pencil and drew a normal distribution bell curve on it.

      My statistics teacher came up behind me and asked me what I was going to do with that normal distribution curve. Although he was constantly going “reject”, I stopped him in his tracks and said that I was going to accept it. He became really impressed and told me that he was amazed and that my answer was right. That's all I can remember about this dream.

      Dream 339 B - Humans Versus Hippo
      I don't remember how the dream started. From where I do remember, I was at a distorted version of my current house but I forgot what I was specifically doing at the time. I had walked into my bedroom and put this lining material in my pants. I then walked around the house for a while but I wasn't particularly doing anything.

      The dream then moved to me being in this unknown outdoor area and as I was walking around the streets, my deceased grandfather appeared and started verbally bullying me. I walked with my head held low in shame as he continued to ridicule me. Eventually, I came across this building in the distance, across from a large oval, that resembled the outdoor area of the sports complex at Monash University in real life.

      I walked along the outdoor railed walkway and all along the path, middle-aged strangers were standing there; a parade of them, all verbally bullying me as I walked past them. The verbal bullying was starting to get to me now. I felt like I wanted to say something to these people but I felt so belittled and so I couldn't. I decided that I would call for Murray. After my first attempt, I continue walking but nothing changes, they're still all calling out at me and there is no sign of Murray. For the first time ever in a dream, rather than using a distressed tone, I use a frustrated tone, even though not lucid, conscientiously knowing that the dream will not give me easy access to a dream guide.

      In annoyed and frustrated tone, I say, “Murray... Please come...”. For a moment, nothing happens and the ridiculing starts again. As I look out onto the oval though, there is this pink/magenta visible energy starting to condense on the hill at the top of the oval. Murray ends up appearing as a giant holograph, his features are from Sly 2/3. Slowly, he starts floating towards me. As he is doing so, I have this idea that he is going to take his anger out on all these people but I am surprised when Murray ends up hovering right in front of me, on the other side of the low rail. He spreads his arms out, putting his giant hands around my back; I lean on his large tummy, attempting to hug him in return. As we're hugging each other, I wake up.

      Dream Tasks
      - Re-stabilize in-dream performance from Dreamy WB; she hasn't been appearing lately (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
      - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
      - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
      - Get the bottom of the cause of dream guide hindrance (Achieved? No)
      - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)

      Dream 339: Results (Competition #3)

      339 A
      Competition Night: 21
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      339 B
      Competition Night: 21
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: Murray
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 9.5
      Calculation Details:
      - 7-Day Recall Chain (7.0)
      - Non-Lucid Fragment (0.5)
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Summon Dream Guide (1.0)

      + Previous Total: 116.5
      Total Accumulated Points: 126.0
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. 2,614 words

      by , 05-22-2018 at 12:39 PM
      It's 6:46pm. I'm already kinda tired. I'm gonna get off the computer early and get to bed.


      Now it's 12:54 AM and I couldn't get back to sleep. I probably slept 7:30 to 12 which is 4-5 hours, with one time waking up, in between. Then I woke up with some dreams to recall around 12. I felt tired so tried to just use a tag book method but ended up being unable to sleep. Kinda fidgety and something on my mind.

      So I got up to write the dreams! I think the earliest was something about how I went all the way to the far reaches of the Earth to find safety. When I got there, we were a few feet deep in the ocean, at the shore. There were a few African people saying this was the furthest that any civilization reached. I thought about going further out into that Ocean but they told me that no civilizations existed until making a nearly full circle around the Earth, to the other side of the continent we were on. I forgot everything they said but it felt safe, like I would be okay. It was day time. The water was blue.

      I remember a thing with my sister. But it's kind of vague. Something with a piece of paper. Not sure.

      I remember a thing in my Nana's living room.

      I remember backing up my car in the drive way at my current house. But not being able to line it up in the spot. I was thinking of the "atman self" which I don't know what that is. But something about how the self is okay. I was also thinking how MGM is wrong as I drove. Then I backed up past my drive way and into the road. This made my car go near a pack of 3 cars in the street.

      I guess there was some kind of stand off and none of us could go around each other. This ended up resulting in M R being hand cuffed and taken to jail. I remember the dream showing M R hand cuffed, but noticing that it wasn't at the wrist. Actually only his pointer finger tips were put through the hand cuffs. He adjusted his hands to find a comfortable fit but I guess he could take them out any time.

      There was another part with these brown desert rocks. Two explorers walked through them. T, the manager from the second restaurant I worked at, was there. I remember walking accross this rock thing and then into a vat of something as part of the exploration. Not quite sure but I was delighted when even a small detail of this came to mind.

      There was another part which I will call Winnie the Pooh and DBZ too. Because it was a mix of characters. Goku was getting ready for battle and there were other characters, too. But then I think Winnie the Pooh was coloring Super Saiyan Goku's hair yellow. And it was done by hand.

      There was someone else on Goku's team. As well as Buu. Buu was wearing the costume he had when he absorbed Piccolo and a few other DBZ characters, with the black and gold shoulder pad things. I remember drawing those or seeing them drawn in the dream.

      Then there was a drawing of Winnie the Pooh with some darker markers over yellow. And then doing the eyes by not coloring over where they would go, and putting dots there.

      I will double check the tag-book for anything else but I think that was it. Now I'm gonna do a few things until I get sleepy.


      Okay, I just did some reading and posting on WOLD forum. Then got sleepy. Its only 1:46 AM so if I start sleeping now, I'll be able to get enough hours by morning.


      Finally got back to sleep. Had to lay there a while. I found myself listening to a phone meeting of WA. One woman was saying how she doesn't do a lot of outreach. She just reaches within herself. She does a lot of healthy habits and doesn't take a lot of phone calls. Kind of just takes care of herself.

      Then there was a thing with 3 black dogs, and petting them. One woman said something about how severe the cannibalism is. Then she pet the dogs a lot. I went to pet the dogs too because it seemed to be the only relief from the pain of knowing about the cannibalism. It seemed as I pet the dogs, I felt okay again.

      Then I was on my computer, in my room.

      I started to feel sleepy, and got up to go to bed. I figured I had not been able to get to sleep the second time I tried, and got back up again, which was what I almost thought would happen after laying there so long. When I tried to close my computer, the screen was really zoomed in. I couldn't find anything.

      I got up, I think still hearing someone talking. Something about the lap top screen made me think to do a finger palm test, so I did. Sure enough, my finger went through. I was really surprised and wondered if it was possible it could still be waking life. But then I did a finger palm test and there was a big "DZZZT" and the room flashed red. Scary!

      One more finger palm test and this time my finger went through with no DZZZT thing. The air conditioner was on. I wondered if this was in my physical window. I couldn't use my eye sight, but I could find the buttons by feel and turn it off. The button on the left lowered it a few settings, but the button on the right turned it off. I wonder if that was before I did the finger palm test, and part of the dream sign that prompted me to check. Not sure.

      Anyway I felt fear, like I needed to escape the house. I heard some kind of bang. I put my hands together in a gun position with my fingers poking out, and went around the corners of the walls like a detective. Then I pointed down the stairs and pretended to fire, but nothing happened. I just made my own little "pop" sound.

      I flew and got to the ceiling above the stairs. Tried to phase through it by becoming totally ghost-like but it was solid. I really tried to believe it, but it was solid. There was pencil hand writing up there in some spots.

      I bravely finished my flight down and landed with a gentle sound, careful not to alert anyone. My original plan was to get out through the front door, but when I got there, I saw that there was a crazy indoor lock on it. Some white oval thing. Went to the living room.

      Passed by the little space between the living room and where the hall sees through to the kitchen. Mom and Dad were there. I forgot what they were doing. Maybe making food. Nothing scary.

      That was really it. I woke up, and recalled it, surprised and relieved I had gotten to sleep.

      Now it's 2:59 AM so I must have like 5-6 hours of sleep by now. Still time to get more by morning.


      Okay. I had some more dreams. One was of being on a computer. I was in my current house a lot in the beginnings of these.

      I might have got lucid at some point in those earlier dreams. I woke up from them very, very groggy, with little recall. I remember also dreaming of a leak coming from my back pack. It was a water or milk gallon. I had to take it out and clean up. There was a lot of recycle to take out. I didn't know what to do with it. I thought I'd missed the weekly recycle pick-up and now I'd be stuck with all this recycle. I thought of putting it in the closet but that seemed full in my mind.

      Somewhere in there was a Pokemon battle part. There were different levels like 29, 39, 6, etc. I had a two headed dragon Pokemon on the right side of my screen, showing only one head. But when I clicked it, both heads came into the game and did a big lightning attack. It had a name which I forgot.

      Then R came to my house and other people had been coming. And he said it was his house. I forgot who the other people who arrived were. But he was beginning to play the kind of music they play at college drinking parties. I was wondering how I'd sleep through this. Maybe find a subreddit to vent.

      There was something with various people there I knew. Then this part where police officers came. They had guns. I was supposed to take a gun. 'Where am I gonna put this, my pocket?' I thought. But when I looked, I had a hip holster thing on my right side of my pants.

      I looked at the other police officer's guns to make sure the safety was set properly. It was, with the little switch in the "up" position.

      I was supposed to get out of the house without getting shot by someone in the house. So I was ready to use a metal shield and try to get past the line of fire and out the front door.

      I got outside after a little while. Someone who looked like the guy who player Boromir (I'll call him B) jumped 6 feet or so and landed in a somersault in some squishy mud. "Does that count as a jump around here?" He asked. He had been unable to quit smoking.

      We drove somewhere. I had a smoking problem too in this dream I guess because there was this pipe in front of me. I guess I was remembering how I got addicted. (I haven't smoked anything in 4.5+ years) There was also a gallon of water in front of me.

      The pipe fell and my Dad, who was driving, reached to the seat in front of me and caught it. I guess so it didn't start a fire. We pulled in to the driveway of a house we were going to another party at. I smelled smoke, but it was theirs. I think I was back to my non-smoking self.

      3 kids were smoking on the front steps of that house. "Let 'em have it," said my Dad. He rolled down the passenger side window and I yelled a mean word, then, "Please stop smoking!" Or something like that. I felt the mean word would make them not receptive to the other part and thought maybe I won't say that part next time.

      The 3 of them approached the car, looking ready to fight. I had a giant toilet paper roll and a 1.5 foot steak knife with a 6-8 inch wide blade.

      JDF had his left hand in his pocket. I wondered what he had, a gun? I knew I didn't have that, but I decided not to even bring the knife. I went out of the car with my hands clearly showing. The 3 guys from the steps had all come over, angry, but with no smokes.

      I apologized about the mean word. JDF and I ended up fighting. He grabbed my hands and squeezed. There was a damage chart that went from 0 to 150. Somehow I got my hands to the outside, and squeezed his hands. They cracked a little and the damage chart (white background, black text) went to 150. I let go of his hands and the 3 of them dissappeared.

      I think that's when I woke up. M R might have been in this dream. Alot went unremembered what with my groggy brain. So from 2:59 AM, I had got up around 5:30 AM, meaning I slept about 1.5-2 more hours. Putting me from 5-6 to 7-8 hours of sleep. Its already a little light out, but I'll still try for more more sleep cycle. Now it's 6:06 AM and I'm in the 7-8 hours of sleep range. Gonna go for one more sleep cycle.


      Didn't get to sleep but remembered one more detail when meditating. With the air conditioner, I was considering pulling the plug, but I was afraid that it would cause a spark, to do it with the unit still running. But that was because the button wouldn't work yet. Also I felt the cool air coming from the vents. If a dream detail like that can come out of seemingly no-where, doesn't that mean the rest are all somewhere, too?
    5. Log 1118 - Clogged Toilet and Imperfect Brutal Transition Scraps

      by , 05-22-2018 at 03:03 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Monday 21 May 2018

      There was a lot to note, if mostly non-LD stuff. But, restlessness caused me to lose grasp of most of them.

      Scrap Group 1
      Got up to use the bathroom. The toilet was foolishly crammed with random junk, including magazine pages and torn pieces of plastic packaging. Even so, I still tried flushing this mess down, with predictable results. Still, I noticed an odd vacuuming noise along with the currents, almost tipping me off to the dream, had I not woken up.

      Dreamlet. I was imagining a walkthrough of Brutal Doom, watching Doomguy rip apart a Cacodemon with his bare hands. But, I eventually noticed some sensation of my actually doing such. Started rubbing hands to fully anchor myself. Pity the dream collapsed about 15 seconds later.
    6. Log 1117 - Leaked Awareness and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:58 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Sunday 20 May 2018

      Various things to note, including a DILD. The rest are mostly just scraps. Pretty sure there's a dream or two I've since forgotten.

      Scrap Group 1
      Law and Order dream. The ADAs (Rubirosa and Cutter) are for some reason investigating alongside the detectives (Lupo and Bernard). They were searching for this redneck guy for questioning. Said guy flees in a pick-up truck before either of them noticed. I was involved somehow later on.

      Watching an Avengers trailer. Halfway, an older Austin Powers appears, who complains about not having his own movie for quite a while. He later cavorts with his curvy (if hefty) African descended lady. There's something about a "manchair" (literally a guy being used as a chair) that I'd rather forget.

      At home. My nephew, Deon, and his cousin, Chester, were there. I mess around with one of Deon's Nerf guns, firing it at the kids, though I soon got it jammed by loading it with a wrong sized dart.

      Entering a public bathroom, a messy place, as usual. Transition when I entered a stall.

      Dream 1 - Leaked Awareness

      The visuals were very dim. I falsely awaken in the middle of the night, interrupted by some event. I soon realized why: there was a leak running just beside my bed. This stream became much stronger when I heard someone flushing one of the toilets. Yech.

      I got up to find a bucket, hoping this would contain the problem at least until the morning (as unlikely as that was). It was while passing through the living room that I starting thinking this might not have been real. Thus, upon phasing my hand through the wall, I realized the dream.

      I floated up through the ceiling, spinning and rubbing my hands as I did. This took me through the void, then back to where I started, and repeated from there. Between this, I tried conjuring a piece of chocolate cake, but, to much disappointment, this had no results.

      Things looped for about a minute longer before I woke up.

      Scrap Group 2
      Law and Order dream again. I was at the stand as a witness for the prosecution. During cross-examination, McCoy objects to various questions from the defense on the basis of relevance. Most of these get sustained.

      Dream 2 - Ruined Hospital Raids

      The visuals were a bit blurred. I was wandering through a semirural highway during daytime, travelling by the foot. This was a post-apocalyptic scene, the nearby structures abandoned or in ruins. I was part of a group of other survivors, including dad, one or two other family members, and various strangers. Of the latter, I identified a dark skinned woman, and tall old light skinned man.

      During our travels, we raided a small hospital not too far off the road. It was an unnerving locale to navigate, what with its lack of lighting and piles of toppled furniture and rubble concealing the hallways inside. No telling whether something would jump out at us. Fortunately, nothing of the sort occurred. What's more, food and medical goods were in large supply. We collected everything we could find, and decided to take this place as our own. Despite my not doing any more than the rest, the others, against my will, elected me as the leader.

      Several days later, we were contacted by another group of survivors. A video-game-like interface revealed this new faction was larger and more productive than ours. Timeskip after a trek through the highway. We arrived at this other group's base, a truck stop, of which a small motel/diner was used as their meeting area. Inside, I became acquainted with the leader, a frail, pale old man, who was in the middle of serving breakfast to his people. Perhaps he was leader in name only, for he left the details/decisions of this assembly to his daughter, a vigorous, athletically built blonde woman in her late thirties. She cut to the chase, and asked for our help in looting a much larger hospital further down the highway. Said place was rumored to house an even bigger stockpile of goods, and was otherwise optimally built for defending a wide swath of land. I was skeptical, 'knowing' that location was likely too dangerous for the effort. Besides which, my group already had plenty of supplies to trade and share. As much as I tried to reason with the woman, she refused anything short of joining her in the raid.

      Don't recall anything else until the dream ended.

      Updated 05-22-2018 at 03:36 AM by 89930

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    7. Log 1116 - Justifiable Hagicide and Other Assorted Stories

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:55 AM (Dream Logs DWN-12)
      Created Saturday 19 May 2018

      Better not to run a backlog like this again... Anyway, I got two LDs to note, and a dreamlet. Everything else was lost during a bout of insomnia.

      Dream 1 - Justifiable Hagicide
      The visuals were blurred. I was laying down in the back of a moving cube van. Started this semi-lucid (sure the experience wasn't real, just not certain if it was a dream).

      I immediately tried summoning my guide, E. It didn't take long to get results. Unfortunately, it wasn't her; the aura of this presence felt ice cold, not the distinct warmth I've come to know. Instead, I'd unwittingly conjured a terrible hag, her leathery skin pale, stringy dark hair unkempt, hands clawed, and gaping mouth filled with shark-like teeth. Instinctive fear drove me to shove it away, but I overextended. In return, the monstrous woman caught one of my hands in her teeth, mutilating it, while simultaneously rending the rest of me apart with her claws.

      Rewind. Although spooked by what happened, I stubbornly tried bringing E once more. But, yet again, I found myself getting assaulted by that hag. However, I soon noticed I was invulnerable. Cue lucidity. I merely looked on nonchalantly, if a bit disgusted, as she failed to maul my arm.

      Another rewind. This time, I purposefully drew the hag to me, seeking to deal with this intruder for good. I struggled with the creature or about a minute, deftly avoiding her strikes and fangs, until I pinned her to the ground. With the monster so restrained, I rammed my right fist down her throat, breaking her front teeth, dislocating her jaw, and tearing apart the throat muscles. This one strike seemed to be fatal. But, just to be thorough, I followed up with a left elbow on the top of the she-monster's head, caving in the skull and splattering her brains into paste. I then took a moment to wipe away as much of the filthy gore as I could.

      Things get unclear. Lost lucidity. There's some escapades in an urban environment. Don't recall much else until the dream ended.

      Dream 2 - Unsightly Detour

      WILD transition in bed. I'm soon sucked into a winding wormhole, its walls flowing with green and purple radiation. I then float more forcefully through this tunnel. After that, I concentrate on summoning E yet again. But, no matter how much I focused, felt around, and chanted her name, nothing seemed to happen.

      Eventually, I could see the other side of the tunnel. There I spotted gigantic feminine eyes staring at me, though not of anyone I could recognize. I altered their appearance to the likeness of my guide. Upon being ejected from the portal, I landed below the eye. But, it turned out this was simply a vast black-and-white cloth portrait of E. Quite a disappointment.

      Just then, numerous grotesque psychedelic imagery formed before me. These were recursive scenes of people getting casually eaten by a giant person, who would in turn get eaten by an even more enormous person, and so on, until finally ending with an engorged pregnant woman blasely chowing down on her victim. In each case, I was unwillingly flung right past the hungry mouths of each giants.

      The dream collapsed soon afterwards.

      Updated 05-22-2018 at 03:01 AM by 89930

    8. May Competition 5/17/18

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:17 AM
      I am in a huge orange room which I know is underground. I am with two other people sitting at a table, about to have a meal. Both of them realize they need to do something and they say that they will return soon. I sit alone at the table for a second, before it occurs to me to do an RC. I plug my nose and breath in, but it doesn't work. I try a couple more times with a little more success. However, I am confident this is a dream and ignore the false readings. I leave the building through a grate near the ceiling and climb out into my bedroom. I jump out of the window before seeing the men that were going to serve us at the table I was at earlier. I lose lucidity and begin to run from them, although I do not think they follow.
    9. Basic TOTMs Completed: DC Songs and Chocolate Cake

      by , 05-22-2018 at 02:00 AM

      I am lucid in the foyer of a house. I enter into the next room over where a DC is sitting at the computer. I ask them to sing me a song. They do and it sounds very familiar, although I don’t think it exists in real life. The lyrics are sort of complicated and I can’t remember any of them. I walk into the kitchen to ask another DC in the hopes that they’d sing something I could remember when I woke up. I ask two more DCs. The first sings in Spanish and the second in English, but I can’t remember any lyrics now that I’m awake. Then I remember the other basic ToTM, to eat chocolate cake. I don’t remember how I get it (I either summon it or it was immediately handed to me), but I soon have a plate of chocolate cake in my hands and begin to eat it. It is very moist, more so than waking life cake.
      lucid , task of the month
    10. Advanced TOTM Completed: Flower Ice Cream

      by , 05-22-2018 at 01:55 AM

      I become lucid in a house. I walk through the closed front door into the front yard. It is winter and frost is covering everything (it is almost summer here). I remember the task to make a flower into ice cream. I walk around looking for flowers before finding dandelions, in both the yellow and fluffy white varieties. I pick one of the fluffy ones and begin walking back to the house with the idea of using something in the kitchen. Then I decide I don’t want to walk that far (not to mention it would be pointless) so I instead begin to spin the flower while it’s still in an upright position so the blurred bit looks like a cone shape. It soon becomes a real ice cream cone with ice cream in it. I taste this “dandelion ice cream” and find it tastes very similar to mint, but has a slightly chalky aspect to it.

      Not sure what happens next, most likely I lose lucidity or the dream ends.
      lucid , task of the month
    11. Freddy’s Nightmare

      by , 05-22-2018 at 12:04 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      2018, 05-21

      Freddy’s Nightmare

      I am in a bedroom I think of as my own, but it is clearly not my house because it is a second floor room and my home has only one level. I am in there with two friends, one woman and one man. I don’t recognize them. On my computer desk I have pushed the computer equipment to the side and there is a black cauldron sitting on the desk, on a stand over a pie tin filled with burning charcoal briquettes. A strange potion is bubbling inside the cauldron. There is also a lot of smoke rising from the burning charcoal. There is a smoke detector just outside my bedroom door and I am afraid it will go off due to the smoke, so I close the bedroom door and open the window. There is a cool breeze outside and all of the smoke is sucked out the window as if by a vacuum. But there is still too much smoke! The potion is done so I dump some water on the burning coals. I miss with some and it splashes on my power strip which gives out a bright spark so I quickly move it out of the way.

      We have to wait for the potion to cool now. I glance back at the open window and something catches my eye. I look outside and see it is getting dark, but in the dim light I see a man approaching our house along the sidewalk. There’s nothing much that sets him apart from any other pedestrian in this average neighborhood, but he catches my eye. I watch him for a bit more and see he turns and walks up to the house. I tell the others that someone is here. The woman with me says it is too soon! The man asks where he is. I tell them he was walking up to the house but I can’t see him now. I look back outside and now I see a couple little girls drawing on the sidewalk using the light from a streetlamp. I am thinking it’s quite late for such little ones to be outside alone… but then my attention is brought back by a pounding on my bedroom door.

      No one has to open the door, it flies open. In the doorway stands Freddy Krueger from the Nightmare on Elm Street movies. He has a smirk on his face. The woman whispers to me that the potion isn’t ready yet! Freddy is mocking us but then he says he has grown bored and has found new playmates. He holds up a stick of pink sidewalk chalk. He’s going after those little girls? No way! He steps into the room and I grab for his sweater but he steps back and laughs. He is still mocking us but I am ignoring that… I make a second grab when he comes in again but I miss again. He seems to be enjoying the game and gets a bit closer the next time so I grab him. I pull him over directly in front of me and glare at him right in the eye, and I start threatening him. I call him a pathetic piece of shit and I tell him that if he so much as looks at those little girls I will track him down and tear him apart piece by piece!

      Maybe it’s the threat or maybe it’s the look on my face, but he looks a bit worried about that… but my friends in the bedroom with me think I’ve gone mad. The woman asks what I think I’m doing. I am annoyed to be interrupted in my threats to Freddy, so I look over at her with some exasperation and ask what is it? I’m busy threatening this guy! She says that’s a monster who could invade my dreams. I tell her that he would never have the balls to invade my dreams, but if he tries to put his cowardly ass in those girls’ dreams I will be there to make sure it becomes his worst nightmare! Maybe I should just kick his ass so he knows I’m serious… but then I wake up.
    12. 3,384 Words ... I was a woman giving birth

      by , 05-21-2018 at 01:49 PM
      I went to bed around 9. Did good Waking Life Recall.


      At parents old house, my dad and sister outside with the car and a light. Maybe moons in the sky.

      I remember dreaming of a special type of support group meeting along with (M).

      The meeting seemed to have a heirarchy. (M) was going to work for them. I think (M) and I tried to escape using one of their go-carts, and then got down to the water, and jumped in. Something about a phone in the water.

      Something about some jail thing. People had different demonstrations.

      In the next part, C and O were there. It was some kind of party thing. I remember chat room text with glow in the dark parts. I tried to switch to a bright white font so it would all be equally easy to read. They said something about drugs and/or alcohol. I said I hadn't been doing that.

      J tried to show me this square icon of a book labeled "D". I was like, "Is that the gnostic Gospel thing?" He said, yeah. I wanted to say, "That's a really important part. It's where they say if boys were supposed to be circumcized, they'd have been born that way." But didn't get the words out.

      He said how the book costed like $5,000. But to order it, he just bought dolls (American Girl Dolls?) for 1 dollar each and sold them for 2,500 dollars each. I was wondering why he only sold 2 and didn't just keep buying and selling, beyond the cost of the book.

      A girl wanted to show us something from another book. She had jeans on but they were soft felt on the inside. She called them a special name. They reminded me of horse back riding jeans. The part near the hamstrings could show just tan felt or be adjusted to show denim. She had a denim shirt thing where the long sleeves had a flap on the triceps part.

      I tried on some of the pants with the felt on the inside. They were really comfortable.

      I might have dreamed about smokers. I'm not sure. If I did, it was earlier.

      I remember being in a kitchen. I got mad at DW or BC for eating my food or something like that.

      They were all wet, either sweaty, or from water. Standing in the door of the kitchen. Or working over a metal sink.

      In this last part I had made someone angry. An oriental doctor guy. So he was going to make me give birth. Or I would have to give birth to make him not angry. So there was a whole thing where I was being made ready to give birth.

      It showed some X-Ray diagram things. My insides definitely didn't look like standard anatomy diagrams. There were lots of tunnels and weird places the baby would have to squeeze through.

      I remember as a break from the birth thing, I was seeing Super Mario 64. Mario was going around this platform that went in circles vertically. He did a wall jump but missed the platform, landed and fell. That represented some play time or an escape from the operation.

      The operation scene resumed. I was really scared. I figured it would all be over soon and that was the only way. One diagram showed the baby's head getting out of one tunnel and about to pass through another.

      When it was getting intense, I woke up. I hadn't felt physical pain, just fear and psychological discomfort. I switched to dream-recall mode pretty soon and made sure to recall them before falling back to sleep.

      I think sometimes when I "fight" my sleep too much to recall a dream it makes me wake up too much. I'll see what happens when I lay back down. I wish I could have described these dreams better. I felt there was more to them. Like in the scene with the denim pants we were on a stair thing outside the girl's door. Well, now it is 11:15 PM so I must have only slept 2 hours. Back to bed!

      Oh, in the scene near the water, while M and I escaped, a phone fell in the water. I think it was one of the guards'. Something about saving it to get us some mercy.

      There was the doctor there and then a few other doctors at the table. My head was facing left on the "dream screen" and we were on the left side.


      Okay, cool! Not much trouble getting to sleep and I had good recall this time. Something with my Dad, a bed, and encouraging my sister to get what she needed for school. Maybe a hug and then something about my Dad smelling like a girl from hugging my sister, but not minding, because he's a Dad.

      Something with a Mario game. I remember Mario running around the various wall paintings, looking for one to go into. The painting rippled when he got up to it. However there were other dream-original elements mixed in to it. Those, I'm not too sure about, even though I know they were cool. It was about choosing the right level to go to. I remember thinking of what level each painting was, one up and to the left, etc. Wish I could remember that.

      Something about G A, a previous employer, driving on the highway. Maybe this was when I got the traffic violation. I got a traffic violation thing at one point in this drema. This was so far back I'm not sure.

      R M and others in Nana's back yard. R M saying how he now drinks his full gallon of water a day. Previously he wasn't quite getting there. But now he drinks the whole gallon, something about how he spaced it out. Near the pool pump. There was more to this, maybe with R S.

      Something with boldly asking Nana and Uncle G if I could go on their plane with them. My sister or someone was taken aback by me doing this. This might have been where I got the pin on my chest. I got a red pin on my chest indicating I would have to go to court that came into play later. My family was around a bunch of circular tables.

      Then I was on a forum. Along the top were thumb nails for videos. By various people. One was this droopy green face with a long nose and it looked like an artistic rendition of The Hulk. Another thumbnail was blue and talked about "How to Sleep on Your Side Comfortably". This got my attention so I book marked it for later, or tried to.

      There were so many green thumbnails that I clicked one. They all had various titles indicating a sequence but were not listed in the same order it seemed. Well, the droopy nose turned out to be the teacher's belly button or belly. He had a different kind of distribution of adipose tissue. A lot of it was on his lower body but then he was thinner up top. And his belly was very droopy, drooping down far.

      He went on to say some things, while illuminated green, then change the light, so he became shown as skin color. Then he started to demonstrate a workout. He was sitting on the edge of a bed, facing the camera, until this point. Then the camera showed him from a diagonal angle from behind his right shoulder.

      It showed him doing lots of arm movements. He said to do them for 20 seconds then rest, and swung his arms in a freestyle fashion. This went on for a while. I wondered if it was past 20 seconds. Also I thought it would be bad for his shoulders.

      He began to be shaped more like a body builder and his arm movements became more controlled. He was saying to make sure to focus on just front delts, then just side delts, then just rear delts, in sequence, throughout the thing. I wanted to say you can't really isolate one head of the deltoids although you can emphasize one.

      He also said that it was important to do some heavy compound movement like deadlift or overhead presses before or after this. I think it was before it. It showed him overhead pressing 135 with ease. There was 185 on the deadlift bar. I tried to help him remove the plates. I did this by crawling around and lifting the bar like a lever. I was thinking of how crawling was a good workout. And how I could military press 135 but maybe only 4 reps, and not easily. (At one point in my PL career, not now though)

      So then the police came along and asked me if I'd been to my court thing. I said yeah, yesterday, someone talked to me, and everything was okay. (This was true in the dream context) The police officers kind of laughed. I laughed too because I didn't realize the pin would attract so much attention. If it did, I wouldn't have worn it. The police had actually come there for a different reason but I forgot what.

      The next parts involved being at my high school. Outside the window, there was a burning bag of kale. I was outside the big glass windows near the hall but also thinking I was directly beneath my bedroom. The bag of kale was ripped open and the top flap of plastic was set to flame, burning brightly. I got worried because the smoke could get into my room. But remembered my windows were closed. Still, I wanted the bag to stop burning. I felt it was a retaliation by smokers who got mad at me for saying "Stop smoking."

      There was also a sense of danger, like the whole school was under some kind of robbery or lock down. And I was just out there. I thought of getting a fire extinguisher and putting it out myself, but it seemed dangerous. I was by the hallway between the middle school cafeteria, middle school bathrooms on one side, and the gymnasium and way out to buses on other side, near the outer entrance to the girls locker room, and vending machine.

      I decided the best course of action would be to go down the hall and find the gym teachers. Then they could protect me and help put out the fire. When I turned that corner, I saw two shady criminal men in masks. 'Oh, no!' I thought. 'They saw me!'

      "Let's get him," I think I heard them say. They had some weapon or thing in their hands. I ran down the hall toward the middle school cafeteria, in "flight mode". I got to where I could have branched off and hid in the tech lab, but realized that I could hide in the girls bathroom in a stall, and crouch on a toilet. They would never think I would hide in there.

      Sure enough I ran in there before they turned the corner. And they passed by without looking in. the door was open the whole time. But when I got inside, there were lots of people, as if this had been chosen as a refuge room. Some people showed me to a spot at a row of computers, next to a guy I thought I had seen earlier. I was glad he escaped too.

      They told me about a game system where there were two people who would play a game. The outcomes were bored/bored, um... Oops, I forgot the rest. Took it for granted I'd remember them from remembering bored/bored. Well, either way, I think the winner got to stay in the refuge room but maybe the loser had to leave? But there were two ways of having a tie which seemed like both players could agree on. Someone else was sat to my right, and this was the seating order for each next person who arrived.

      I felt safe. But the burning bag of Kale was still on my mind heavily. Miss Y passed by. I remember she was tall and had blonde hair and thought it must be Miss Y. I got up and everyone was saying, "Charles! No!"

      I poked my head out the door and whispered, "Psst! Miss Y!" (her full last name) She turned around, like, "Charles... No..." but with this tone like I had seriously ruined everything. I figured she must have been making a run to get to another room and they didn't notice but now they would hear my voice and notice her. I felt pretty bad. Also maybe I drew attention to the refuge room by doing that and gave up our location.

      I forgot if the danger became any more imminent but then I woke up. I woke up very alert from the REM cycle and immediately able to go to recalling these dreams. Which is probably why I got to recall so far back. Then recorded. I think the Mario level had some kind of teddy bear character or ice thing. Maybe dragon things. It would be the #1 part I'd like to remember if that was possible.

      Now it's 3:14 AM so from about 12 to 2:30 I must have slept. So now I'm at 4-5 hours of sleep. I feel pretty good now.


      Aw, shucks. 4:15 AM and I can't sleep.


      Okay, 5:13 AM. I just did some work and now feeling sleepy so back to bed.


      Cool! So now its 7:25. I must have slept like 1.5 more hours so I'm at 6-7. Not really the most in the world but I feel pretty rested.

      I had more dreams. This was one of those times I'd wake a little, think of it, let myself sleep, drift, and accumulate dreams. I tend to be able to "get away with" this in the last sleep cycle when I have lots of micro awakenings and my brain works again.

      In the first dream I was one of 5 people on a bed. There was something about how there were holes in the bed 2 of us were poking through. KP was on the far right side and it wasn't symmetrical because there was already someone on that side with only 1 person on the far left. So he had to get up but the bed was angled so that he couldn't get up by rolling out. One of us in the middle poking through the holes would have to roll in, then he could roll in.

      He must not have wanted to wait, because he tried to roll out anyway, and got his neck stuck in some of the bed rails. I remember the red marks on his neck and how he continued straining against it, making it worse.

      I had an false awakening which I almost detected as lucid, in my room at my parents previous house. I remember trying to test it by opening my eyes and seeing if I saw through my eye mask. I was sleeping on my right, like in physical world. But in this case a wall was in front of me, illuminated with yellow squares of light.

      The second time I opened my eyes, I saw black. I figured this meant I was looking at the inside of my eye mask. However, I still tried to roll out of body. It just didn't work, or I was too hesitant to roll my physical body.

      I felt some cold shower water falling on me, and couldn't move. I am not sure if anything else happened in that room.

      This guy was doing a self improvement thing. He was feeling kind of down about himself and listing his previous qualities which he no longer liked about himself.

      Then the dream showed his wall thing which showed various qualities he wanted to have, or had "accomplished". He also listed some sub-reddits he went to for support. r/90km was a support group to run 90 kilometers. r/stinkinthinkin was a support group for "positive self talk". (BTW I'm not sure if these are actual sub-reddits and what they really correspond to! Just what they were in the dream.)

      There was also some stuff other people added. One was a paper plate with a cute kid's drawing of a person and it said "married".

      In another part I was in my Nana's room, but it was my room, and it was around 4:02 PM. I was eating sugar because I had taken a supplement which it would help the absorption of. Pure table sugar. Then I got worried because I don't eat table sugar in waking life, and thought I had relapsed. I ate some brown rice afterward. It was 4:02 PM and I thought I should do some exercise until dinner at 5, but decided to just have dinner early, because I was hungry.

      Next I was in a class room. The teacher was teaching in front. However instead of just desks, the class room had some library shelving. Kids from class were hiding on the far side of the library shelving, out of the teacher's sight, to eat things or do whatever they were doing.

      I was sitting near J and a red haired girl who I will call L but might have been M. J did a joke of throwing something at L. A few moments after he had done the joke, I pretended to try to block it in slow motion. Knowing I was too late anyway. "You saved me!" Joked L. I felt happy she got my joke and was playing along. I think I said something else.

      Then J became R. L was dating R. They had been together a while. I remember some white circles becoming blue.

      Then I was walking down the hall with L. She was like, "I'm glad R is finally gone. I was getting so sick of him." I felt for a moment that she wanted to be with me now but I knew they were a long term couple. So I joked that she would be wishing R was there within a few hours and would be to where she couldn't wait to see him. She laughed and went up the hall. Even though I was not lucid, I still feel good about my dream-state-self's response to that. Like it was the "right" thing to do.

      I think there was also a thing of putting on my grey sock. And there was a big brown bug or something. I can't tell what that's from.

      So, that was good. I had a thing at 7:30 so I had to make short hand notes and finish writing at 8:30. However it worked out fine.
    13. Dream - Somewhat Of A Palace

      by , 05-21-2018 at 11:33 AM
      Date: MON 21 MAY - 2018

      Dream No. 338 - Somewhat Of A Palace

      I don't remember what happened at the start of this dream. From where I do remember, tax class was taking place in some unknown outdoor area, on rolling green hills. In the distance, I noticed that one of my classmates C. had put her children into childcare, which was nearby. I approached the childcare area, picked up all her children, and took her out of there. By the way, these children weren't human, they were all these little strands of saucy spaghetti which I was claiming to be her children.

      I was then indoors, back in primary school but at my current age. The teacher had told us all that we were doing a group assignment, each in groups of three. Originally, I was working with this girl whom I didn't know the name of, as well as this boy called Bacon. My group members had left me and so I didn't know what to do but eventually the teacher came up to me and she was rushing me to do my work. I said I couldn't do anything until the girl and Bacon come back.

      While I was waiting for them to return. I walk around the classroom and come across this girl that was claiming to be NC but looked half way between NC and WB. NC was expecting me to dislike her but I actually came to like her in the dream. She had the same voice and speech patterns of NC but her mouth tended to move in the exact same way as WB's as well as when she smiled. Her skin, hair and eye shape were an exact half-way hybrid of NC and WB.

      Eventually, the teacher came up to me and paired me with two other students; two girls. They didn't look very nice at all and looked like the ultimately didn't want to include me. The teacher elected our group to be the experiment. We had to sit at a table in the middle of the classroom and the teacher would come to us and constantly distract us. Eventually, these group members got up and left me as well. Even though I was by myself again, the teacher came up to me and still hassled me to get the assignment done.

      The next scene took place inside a high-rise hotel in Singapore. There was a sign on the ground floor stating where all these workplace functions/meetings would be held. There would be four of them in total on floors 2, 3, 4, and 5. I was relieved I didn't have to attend any of them, especially if I would have to take a lift up to the 5th floor. I then walked away from this sign and exited the hotel.

      I found myself to be in the supposed town square of Singapore where I met up with my mum. I saw this long, blue building in the distance that looked somewhat like a big church or a cathedral. I pointed across the road and told my mum that it was the palace that I was looking for. I said something like “yes, that's the actual palace right there” (the dream was making me falsely identify this as the Gyeongbokgung Palace).

      We went inside and it was actually a mall. From a balcony we could see the shops on the bottom floor which was dug underground, so we had entered from the top floor. The first shop had all these neatly decorated box and bag bouquets but I couldn't see what was in them. We then actually went downstairs and into a shop which had lots of pieces of really interesting clothing in it. I remember trying a few of the t-shirts and then the dream had ended there.

      Dream Tasks
      - Re-stabilize in-dream performance from Dreamy WB; she hasn't been appearing lately (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Logan receive harsh penalties from Dreamy WB due to reckless social behaviours (Achieved? No)
      - Investigate where my SML postage has gone (Achieved? No)
      - Reach the Gyeongbokgung Palace (Achieved? Partially)
      - Have Dreamy WB or Murray go to console an upset dream character (Achieved? No)
      - Get the bottom of the cause of dream guide hindrance (Achieved? No)
      - In accordance to the "shared dreaming experiment" proceed on locating the moon (Achieved? No)

      Dream 338: Results (Competition #3)
      Competition Night: 20
      Lucid or Non-Lucid?: Non-Lucid
      Dream Guide: None
      Emergency Team: None
      Eligible For Competition Points: Yes

      Points For This Entry: 3.0
      Calculation Details:
      - Full Non-Lucid Dream (1.0)
      - Buy/Purchase Something (1.0)
      - Help Someone In Need: The Spaghetti Children (1.0)

      + Previous Total: 113.5
      Total Accumulated Points: 116.5

      As a real fact; NC was a bully towards me in primary school.

      Updated 05-21-2018 at 11:37 AM by 93119

    14. Melachim

      by , 05-21-2018 at 11:19 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      I was in some sort of a surreal game with a group of people
      We were placed into a place and we didn't know what to do
      There was several levels
      The first one was called moama and everyone died, it was some sort of island but then men and women dressed in red and black came, they had an empty look or smile on their faces and just stood here I heard weird noises and suddenly everyone started to die Like of they're being scrapped into bloody pieces
      Then we got respawned at another place, it was a forest and in the middle of it, a hill, we took shelter there
      We didn't understand wtf is going on, in the end we agreed to avoid those ppl called the melachim, we named them that cuz we thought they're the ones organising this game
      The next time they came, we saw them emerging from the hill we hid with haste I think some of us died but most of us survived and we actually won this game
      So we came to the conclusion that in order to win we must avoid contact with the melachim at all cost
      That's how we can survive
      The thing is that when they came they usually came from a great distance and they walked really fast, also a weird drum or music or noise could be heard when they were near and electronics Got Jammed
      In anther instance I was traveling in a subway when they turned up, I was standing in front of a little corridor between two wagons
      That's where they appeared as those persons who check the tickets at a train

      Me and a few ppl hid by the window shitting bricks, the door to the corridor saved my ass cuz it hid me from the melachim
      But as they came I knew I will have to go to anotger room and so I did just when the humanoid was about to enter through the corridor I stepped through anther door and sat down among ppl and pretended to be npc
      It worked but when the melachim was just behind me cuz they also entered this place looking for us I got super dizzy but I survived
      And won the match
      Next time I was watching other ppl doing this game on YouTube and somehow i got into one of the games
      There was an empty city
      Youth were having fun it was teenager kids walking around, the lights were on and it was sunset
      Then they found a
      Shopping cart
      And there was a kids face in it
      A fat kids face in a cube like shape in it
      I told the kids that is possibly not a good idea to play with this since it's a surreal object probably placed there by the melachim, but they didn't mind it, they started to roll down the street by riding it
      Then it happened
      I heard an electric noise, then the majority of the citys lights got turned off
      We was like holy shit
      We then knew they're there
      We went on to hide, a young guy said it's OK cuz he still got his phones light, I argued its use saying the complete darkness is better cuz we have to hide
      And then I think I woke up

      Updated 04-03-2023 at 08:04 PM by 92016

      non-lucid , memorable
    15. May 19, 2018 Non-lucid

      by , 05-21-2018 at 09:01 AM (Deep Inside The Lucid Dreamer's Subconscious)
      I'm in this building. The idea is that it's some sort of dorm building for students. I go down to the bottom floor and realize that ODESZA is playing there soon. I grab a spot in the crowd and make friends with a girl. It seems like maybe people are on drugs. I realize that I'm naked and the crowd is hidden under some blankets. I go to the back where there is a closed off section for food and snacks. I grab some cookies when I hear someone yelling at me to come back. I walk back when they start to play so I hop off of a ledge and start to fly, smiling as I hear their song. I fly upwards and past the stage. I realize I can't hear them anymore so I fly back to the spot. The scene is now trees in the background and a slope with rocks near the front. I fly back down to three girls. The one who I met earlier is there but she's now a different girl who's tan with black hair. She's mad that I took so long so she storms off but I'm not upset. I turn back to the stage and they announce Kid Cudi is coming on. I look around in disbelief. The dream zooms in on Cudi but he looks like he has hair like Childish Gambino. I take out my phone to snapchat my friends.
      The dream is now the snapchat on my phone with a zoomed in view but there's strands of grass in the way like I'm too low to the ground or there's shrubbery in the way.
      Tags: cudi, kidcudi, odesza
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